The U�ily MaroonPublished Aft&. ... """. uy eae :studentS of the University ot Chicago DuriDg the Four Quarters of the University YearV UL. II. No. ij;j PRICE THREE CENTSCHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. PO LlTleS AT INDIANA THE VARSITY DRAMATICSRepublicans and Democrats WageW ar at the State Uni­versityStudent Magazine at Stanford to BeEdited By the Faculty-College NewsThe Democrats and Republicans at theUniversity of Indiana are waging a warto the -finish - in their ... fforts to boomtheir rival clubs. The Jackson Club re­cently held an enthusiastic meeting whiehattracted much attention among the stu­dents. To call attention to the activity ofthe organization it was extensively adver­tised that William Jennings Bryan hadbeen invited to address the students onhis return from abroad. The Republicansyesterday sprung a counter mine by an­nouncing that early next quarter SenatorAlbert J. Beveridge will speak before theLincoln League.Chl1i'l'aral. a student magaine that isissued quarterly by the students of Stan­ford university is to issue a special edi­tion in January that will entirely be thework of the Stanford faculty. PresidentJordon will be editor-in-chief, and is ad­vertised .. to lend a- helping hand with thejoke'} and friendly 'knocks: ': � ':, . -, .'_The fi�st issue' of' th� N'crn:.\1 0'0::; II c , a new monthly to be edited bystudents of Northwestern Umversity, willappear in January.The fortieth student recital of the Uni­. versity of Wisconsin School of Music willbe given this evening.The Yale Glee Club will appear inChicago on December 23.A German Club was formed yesterdayat Cornell University. It is called theDeutscher Verein.Twenty-seven bouts were contested inthe first interclass fencing match of therear beld recec,ly at Comell, - _._The ninth annual convocation of theFederation of Graduate Clubs of Americawill be held at Radcliffe College on De­cember 29 and 30.There will be no game on New Year'sDay between Minnesota and California.It was called off yesterday on account ofa disagreement of contract.The secretary of the board of regentsof the University of California confessedyesterday to President Wheeler that hewas a defaulter to the amount of $20,000and possihly more. The funds gone be­longed to the University.The Sigma Xu fraternity has com­pleted the erection of a new chapter houseat the University of Illinois. There aretwenty rooms in the building. A largeball-r�om is on the tOJ> floor. The costof erection is $20,000.The Stanford students are planninginter-class tennis matches to be playedafter the Christmas holidays.Great enthusiasm over athletics, foot­ball in particular, is being aroused atPurdue University. Despite the fact thatnext year's team will of necessity bepractically a new one and that footballinterests must start over from the begin­ning. Purdue expects to have a good teamin the field. Coach Cutts has been re­engaged as coach and yesterday David �1.Allen of Tarkia, �Io .. left tackle for twoyears. was elected captain for 1904. Anew J.!yt11nasium is to be built and con­tributions for it are coming in from allparts of the state. It is rumored that theBi� Four Railroad is to make a largedonation for this purpose.The University of Indiana is makingpreparat ions for a monster henefit enter­tainment. the proceeds of which will go tothe new Purdue .. gym." A few yearsago. before Coach' Horne came to Indiana.the rivalrv hetween the two institutions... as so intense that such :\ thing wouldhave been thought impossible, hut now therelations between the two schools are mostfriendly.The new woman's dramatic society ofthc T'n ivcrvitv of California is to hccalled the " �I:,sk and Dagzcr." Member­ship in the society is to 'be limited totwcntv-onc. Public try-outs for rncrn­hcr�hi'l'_ Thc club plans to J.!ivc an an­nual play on Woman's Day. This societyis unique of its kind among co-educationalunivcrvirics. 1t was formed in oppositionto the men's dramatic society ... Skull andKey," which barred women from member­�hip,Har';:-ml secret socicty mcn last niJ;;:htexploder) a kiant firecracKcr in SanncrsThcater while Dr. Edward Evcrctt Halewas awarding thc honors of academicdi�tin�tion, The audience was throv;ninto confusion. hut no serious injury re­sulted, THOMAS ORCHESTRA CONCERTTower Buildings Will Be Formally OpenedIIODday Night By CoDcert, Reception,and DanceThe formal opening of the tower groupof buildings, Mandel Hall, HutchinsonHall, and the Reynolds Club, will takeplace on next Monday and Tuesday even­ings, in connection with the UniversityConvocation.On the preceding Sunday, however,there will be a vesper service in MandelHall. This vesper' service will be amusical program hy the University Choirand the Chicago Lyric Club. ProfessorF. :\1. Blanchard. of the Public Speakingdepartment. will read the scriptures, afterwhich the University' Chaplain, Dr.Charles B. Henderson, will deliver a shortaddress.The dedication o( the tower group willbegin on Monday evening at 8 o'clock witha concert in Mandel Hall. When the con­vocation invitations were given out, itwas announced that the tickets to thisconcert would be complimentary. Laterit was found to be possible to secure theentire Chicago Orchestra, led by TheodoreThomas, at a low figure, and consequentlythe tickets will be on sale at fifty andseventy-five cents. The program of the! Thomas Orchestra' follows : .Symphony, E flat, (Kochel 543) .. MocartAdagia-vAllegro, Andante con moto.Menuetto, Finale.Overture, "Leonore" No, 3 BccthoucnHuldigungsmarsch JVagnn-V orspeil Lohengrin," W agnerDeath and Transfiguration StraussOn the same evening from 9: 30 until10 : JO the Convocation reception will takeplace in the Reynolds Club House. TheUniversity Band will furnish music forthe reception. From 9: 30 until II therewill be dancing in Hutchinson Hall with, music by Goldsmith':; orchestra, - OYer tM,­floor of the hall canvas will be stretchedfor the dancing.On Tuesday evening the Convocationexercises will be held at 8 o'clock in Man­del Hall, after which comes the inspec­tion of new buildings. Tickets to theConvocation may be obtained free of coston application to Dr. Shepardson, secre­tary to the president. WOMAN'S UNION'S BAL POUDREColonial Dance to Be Given In GraDdHall of .lIt. Vernon OD Friday Nightof This WeekPowdered head-dresses; patches; widecalashes and wider hoop-skirts; gauzecaps. with wings and streamers. saucilyperched above black locks; high-heeledslippers with pearl buckles; and primwhite silk mits without fingers; - tbesethings will lend charm next Friday even­ing, December. 18, to the members of theWoman's Union at their 'annual Christmasparty and colonial dance.The library of Lexington Hall will betransformed for the evening into a greathall of Mt. Vernon: and the rooms ofthe Union will offer appropriately decor­ated nooks in which colonial maids cangossip undisturbed of the newest brocades,the latest news from London, or the mostrecent portraits by Peale or Stuart.The dignity of the minuet will be foundonly in the opening grand march; there­after the grace of the waltz and the merryromp of the two-step will delight thecolonial damsels. Tarts and custards andsuch comfits will be served in Christmas­time abundance.Goldsmith is to provide music on theharpischord and fiddle. Everything, ac--·cording .to Miss Elizabeth Robertson, thechairman of the committee in charge, willcontribute to the pleasure of the manywho will attend this - the Woman'sUnion's - Bal Poudre. "The Land of Heart's Desire" and" The Duenna" Will BeGiven Friday NightSeat Sale Has Been Large and GreatSuccess Expected - UniversityOrchestra Will PlayTomorrow night in Mandel HaU theDramatic Club of the University will pre­sent .. The Land of Heart's Desire," byYeats and -•• the- Duenna," by' Sheridan.The final rehearsal will be held tonight.The Dramatic Club hopes to find theculmination of many weeks hard laborin a big success tomorrow night.The stage of Mandel has been fitted withits permanent scenery, besides whichseveral elaborate settings have bee»rented from the Studebaker for this par­ticular performance. All the other re­quisites of a modern theatrical perform­ance have been procured by the manage­ment of the Club,.. The Land of Heart's Desire" will bepresented first. I t is a weird portrayal ofIrish life in which the fairies play aprominent part. Miss Sutton and MissFinch take the leading feminine roles.The costumes for the play while notelaborate are very quaint and pretty. The. �eDe .is set in the kitchen of an 'old Irishfarmhouse... The Duenna" is as great a possible to the other play. It is likeall of Sheridan's comedies, breezy, spark­ling and rapid. The costumes �re Eliza­bethan and consequently elaborate, espe­cially those of Miss Bock and Miss Chen­denning who, as •. Duenna" and" Louisa."take the principal feminine parts of theplay.The scene of the play is laid in Sevilleduring -the sixteenth century.The University Orchestra will furnish'the music during the evening. The fol-·lowing young women of the Universityhave consented to usher: Misses Had­dock, Harris, Wheeler, Munger, Rankin,Howard.The sale of seats so far has been verybrisk. The whole lower central part ofthe house has been reserved by the variousclubs and fraternities and the boxes forthe most part taken by members of thefaculty.BASKETBAll PROSPEClS GOODJlaterial For Teams Plentiful - :MatchGame Friday Night-Athletic NewsIn an interview this morning regardingprospects for the basket-ball season, Dr.Raycroft expressed the belief that Chi­cago would have a good team... There is some good material in theUniversity and plenty of men who aresticking to the game," said Dr. Raycroft." We started active work at the beginningof the Autumn Quarter .with a squad ofabout sixty men. Facilities for work out­doors were very poor. Since the Gym­nasium floor has been finished we have ar­ranged it so that three different gamescan be played at the same time.,.. Xothing has been done in regard to agame-schedule as yet, but there will he nodifficulty in getting plenty of good games,as we have already had many requestsfrom local clubs and other colleges... Friday evening of this weck we are tohave a game between two picked teamsof the University."•When seen this morning concerning thencw assistant in the athletic department.Professor StaJ.rg said:.. The idea of J.retting an assistant forDr. Raycroft is not entirely a new one.Some time a�o I decided to make such amove, As wc have never had any specialtrouhle with the condition of the mcn dur­in� the track and baseball season, thc newassistant will prohahly not he instnlleduntil the Autumn Quarter of next year.". . .The running track in the new Gymna­sium is now completcd, Thc cork surfacewill hc well dried hy the opening of theWinter Quarter and training will be�nat that time. Thc plan of opening theGymnasium with a great intercollegiateindoor athletic meet is at present beingconsidered. hut as yet nothing definite i!'lknown.MARRIED WOMEN MAY CONTRACTJames P. Ball Law Club So Decides AtCourt Last NightThe James P. Hall Law Gub last nightdiscussed the question of the right ofmarried women to enter into contracts.::\lessrs Fell and Baylor maintained thatmarried women had no such rights, while::\Ieek and Jennison defended the positionthat this right holds. Meek and Jennisonwon the decision.This club is composed of eight mem­hers, all from the' freshman class of theLaw School. At each meeting some ques­tion is discussed. two of the Club actingas counsel for each side. The remainingfour members constitute associate judges,a member of the Law School faculty act­ing as chief justice.Tomorrow at 10: JO o'clock there willhe a meeting of thc Law School Councilfor the purpose of electing a president.The election will take place in the facultyroom.Cap and Gown Board MeetingTh 190$ Cal' and GO';('n Board met inEllis Hall yesterday afternoon for thepurpose of organization. Plans were sug­gested with a view toward making thisyear's publication novel and distinct fromall previous ones. The managing editorsarc Albert \Y. Sherer and �fort L. Cahill:the business managers. James S. Riley andWilliam J. Sherman.The following committees have beenappointed:Athletic - Hugo Friend. John S.\\'ri;dlt. �Iarcus A. Lumbard.Art - j ohn E. Weddell. �liss AliceBaldwin.Literary - Stronc V. Xorton, DudleyFrench. Allen \Y. Frakc,Faculty - Henry D. Sulcer. ( icorgcBeach. �fiss Currens.Fraternities -:\.. J. Hopkins. Jr ..George B. Rohinson, �1iss Danaher.Social - Julian 1.. Brode, �fisses �Iooreand �fcEvoy.Student Ol'J.:'anization - Dudley Bard.�fiss Frecman. �Iorton L. Hunt.Honor and Class Societies - OscarJohnson. �fiss �Iaric Thompson.,The third members of the Art andHonor Society committees will be an­nounced latcr. TWO INITIATED INTO PHI BETA KAPPADr. Vincent Entertains Members of -Betaof Illinois ChapterAt the meeting of the Beta "chapter' ofIllinois of the honorary fraternity, PhiBeta Kappa, whicb was held last evening.a_t __ th� !Jomc:... �( xq. �oTJZe E.. Yin��n�Jthe president of the chapter, Miss LilianSteichen and Walter Bruno Zeissler wereinitiated into the fraternity. Both MissSteichen and Mr. Zeissler bave receiveda number of scholastic honors beforewinning membership in Phi Beta Kappa.At present they are both studying in theSenior Colleges.As an introductory feature of the party,the ladies and gentlemen were dividedinto couples by the use of cards on whichwere written various classical subjects,such as .• Romulus and Remus" and .. TheJudgment of Paris." Every card was cutinto two parts, one of which was givento a lady and the other, to a gentleman;each person then found his partner byfinding the one who held the card with thewords lacking in his subject.The couples were now numhered, andeach was given some classical subject anddrawing materials with which to make arepresentation of it. The finished pictureswere hung ahout the walls to have thetitles guessed.After the guessing. ::\Iiss Elsie Flersheirnwas found to have the largest number ofcorrect titles. She was awarded the prize,an English translation of Cicero's "Offi­ces."Preaident West Talb On TuationPresident Roy O. West, of the ChicagoBoard of Review. this morning addressedProfessor Davenport's class on "Taxa­tion." As a member of the Board of Re­view Mr. West has had an excellent op­portunity of seeing the inside workings ofproperty assessment. and his discus;iondealt mainly with the detailed plans' ofthe Board. In connection with the woricwhich the Board has done. �fr. \Vest ex­plaincd how property is now being assessedat something like its true value. insteadof. as formerly. only a small per cent. ofthe real value, Hc said that state propertyassessment had heen raised from twentyto eighty million dollars.Corrected List of Cross Country MenThrough an error the full list of thcCross Country Cluh memhers was notPl1hlished in Tuesday's issue of Tnt:DAI .. Y �fAROOS. The following is a listof the memhers given in the order of theirfinish in the trials: Lightbody. �fatthews,Allen. Woodworth. Kelley. Hook. French.Parkinson. Roscnkranz. Gannon. Lyon.Henry. \Vcrner. Crocker. Fahr. Kerwin.Kirtley. Post. Flemming. Taylor.CHICAGO, THURSDA Y, DECEMBER 17, 1903The Daily MaroonFormerly the University of Chicqo Weekly.POUMD.DThf' University of Chicqo Weekly • October I, 1892TH. DAILY MAROON • Oeteber 1. 1002l'IBWS COl'lTRmUTIOl'lS RBQUESTBD.Published by the students of the University of Cbi·� every afternoon. except Saturday ant' Sunday, duroine the 46 weeks of the University year.First board of editors and business manaeerauthorized by srudenr-body in mass meetin£ May IS,locn·Membership on subsequent boards of editors .to bedetermined by competition open to all students ID theUniversity.d· i.: �BOARD OF BDITORSOLlV.R B. WYMAN• HARIIY "'. FORD\YALTEK L. GREGORYManaein� EditorNews EditorAthletic !:.ditor� !:;1 ASSOCIATE EDrTORSTIIADDKUS J. MERRILL EDWAIli.D M. KERWINEIINEST 1. STEVENS ALBERT \Y. SHEllERRALPII I'. MULYANE LERoy A. VANPATTENAUSTIN A. HAYIlENWOMAN EDITORSMISS LENA HAIIIUS MISS ANNA FLOYDSTA .... 0,. REPOR'TEIISE. R...G4IQI<»"�. - • � - t· .s.)Vltl�II ....R. H. ALLKN' .• V. HICKEY -.W. J. Cuppy HOMAS MEIU'::MISS HELEM SIt.TH'1: I.t: I· !i:.!:.1· ti i BUSll'fBSS STAFFTH. DAILY MAROON THE MONTHLY MAllooNBusiness Man3eer JULIEN L. BRODEDally Subscription, $3 per yearl 51 for 3 months.By Mallin city 54 per year; s 1 ,2�, for 3 m�n�hs,SUbSCnptions receiYed at • The Maroon Of&ce. ElliS Hall.or left in The Maroon" Box. the Faculty exchanK: CobbHallrrinted by the Uni"erslty of ChiC'IoCO PressI EDITOR"h'LS "Ir.1,';'q, Ii!! f, ,': �"· !L The project of substituting a great P:1n­Hellenic ball for the long series of fra­ternity formals is being care-A Pan- fully considered by the Ira-Hellenic ternities. An unofficial com-Dance mittee, the members of whichrepresent all the fraternitiesin the University, is already at work andthe proposition will receive thorough anddetailed consideration.The advantages offered by the proposedPan-Hellenic �re numerous. The fra­ternities especially welcome the possibilityof cutting down the expense involved ingiving twelve fraternity annuals eachyear - expense which many of them be­lieve to be needlessly large. The experi­ence afforded by the Senior and Juniorpromenades has clearly shown that anotheradvantage, that of greater profusion ofdecoration and di�play, would be obtained.The faculty ruling specifying the clos­ing of all dances at 12 o'clock, which hasbeen agitated by the student-body and theCollege Councils, was discussed in con­nection with the Pan-Hellenic project, bythe fraternity representatives Tuesdaynight. It is reasonable to expect thatshould one dance be given by fraternitiesin common, the unpopular ruling will berevoked.:\Ianagers of formal dances given toUniversity people in the past are puzzledby the problem of planning a fonnal partywithout breaking the rule. Experience basproven that it is almost impossible to starta formal before 9 or 9: 30. Fraternitieshave many times requested their guests toarrive early but always with the sameresult. The;e is a certain portion ofpeople invited to University functionswhose work in the city makes the earlystarting of a formal dance out of thequestion, The customary supper at sucha party requires an hour and a margin ofan hour and a half is left for dancingunder thc present rule.,.CHRlSTJIAS NU.lIBER.Wait and watch for the Christmasnumber gf Gargoylcttcs, It will containa thrilling detective story, entitled .. TheDancing Master," complete in one issue .Cut this out and present it and ten centsto the University news-dealer or to anymember of the Police Department and geta copy free. A lighted cigar is given witheach number of the magazine.It will also contain a beautiful illustra­tion hy a grcat French artist, which aloneis worth the price of admission. Smokeif you like!Cut this out.. '.,'d.!.,,�.The French ccrclc will meet in BeecherHall instead of in Spelman tomorrowafternoon at 4 o'clock. The principalfeature of the program will be Schumann'sHarmonic Etudes rendered by Miss Antis,the well-known artist. THE NICKEL PLATE ROADwill sell tickets account of Christmas andNew Year Holidays, at rate of a fare and athird for the round trip, within distancesof 150 miles, December 24, 2S and 31,1903. and January J, 1904, good returningto and including January 4, 1904. Througbservice to ,'liew York city, Boston and othereastern points. No excess fare charged onany train on Nickel Plate Road, ChicagoDepot, La Salle and Van Buren streets­the only passenger station in Chicago onthe Elevated Loop. City ticket offices, J 11Adams street, and Auditorium Annex..'Phone, Central 205i.The receipts from the Yale-Harvardgame amounted to i6.4i4. Harvard sold _28,000 tickets to Yale's 10.000..;Phone Yards 1220 Fraternity StationeryGalling GardsInvitations ProgramsImported Opera Hats $6Remember CornellHydroxA Double Distilled Aer­ated Drinking Water putup in sterilized sealed glassbottles. Avoid danger ofImpure water and drinkHydrox.For sale b)' )'OUY druggislTHEtONSUMERSCOMPANYButler St., 35th to 36th Sts.A. Y. CORNELLMerchantTazlor633 Chicago Siock E.:u"ang� BuildingIVash'-"J:!oll and La Sall« Sis. I have just received direct from Parisa big lot of OTTERMAN OPERAHATS, regular value $10, my price $6ARTHUR FEILCHENFELDFisher Buildin£ 81 and 83 E. VanBuren St.Suite 73 to 76, Dexter Bldg,DAILY PAPERS AND MAGAZINESNORTON takes subscriptions for both andhas them delivered at your door ••F. W. NORTONPHONE -- 118 HYDE PARK 348 57TH STBENHAM BROS.FASHIONABLETAILORS225 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 Hamson . Huyler's}" .Lotoney's,Original Allegretti's,Menzer's, Peter's,and Bulk Candies,Arlz'stica/I.)' Packed and Shippedfor the holida)'sJOHN CONRAD & CO.,Kmwood Pharmacy25 East Forty-Seventh StreetFIEDLERMAKES CLOTH ES FORGENTLEMEN WHO" APPRECIATE" ANDKNOW GOOD CLOTHESIrritated faces soothedand healed. Williams'- Shaving Stick.LOSER &: "'ANSON.·TAI LORS·175 DEARBORN ST.CHICAGO-A T ypir,al GoII�e Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesWe are. Tailors (orCollege Men .....are u.s. GoYtmImentIn�. The"bol_,m.r��';.�=:-;:';��:"�f�:e!:. f:::�n��lreroO""nln.r can", A IIol'plr on Joor pAntl'J' "bel..-::���""���__,�"aR:tlrt�r: :!!Ir��a�)IAke Good Thlnlr" to FAt." tell. all About them­MInt ff'fOf't, I.lhhy'" AU ... of tbe World. mAiledfree for)O cmlta J)OIIta«e,UBBY, McNEILL 4: LIBBY. CHICAGO.LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Products Dudley's Pool &: Hilliard Hall429 55TH STREETPool. 2� ets, cue Billiard, 40 cts, per hour BOOKsNew and second-hand for University and Hieh SchoolEducational books eenerally.HEWITT·S.415 E. 57th 51.Meerschaum. Briar. and Amber GoodsPipe RcpairingtBoilingj and Mountiata SpecialtyFRED REINER, I 12 E. Randolph StSECURE OUR PRICES ONFRATERNITY STATIONERY,PROGRAMMES, MENUS,INVITA·IONS ANDENGRAVED CARDS.BROCH()N34-36 WASHINGTON ST.Gifts of QualityTH ERE is an exclusiueness and a gmerally 1'eCOg-llized merit with every present selected in thisstore. The recipient prizes it more because ofthe perfect assurance of its absolute correctness.It is well known that this store never offers- . me;J,andise which ha� been merei�"';'�;�� -'tosell." Every gift article offered has been se­lected with the idea of. making a lasting friendof the recipient because of the intrinsic excel­lence of the piece-and with it all you k1loW you'will not be charged too much for allyth/llghere-usually you call buy the same qnalttics forless here than elsewhere.Marshall Field & Co.CEHCAGO, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 17, lY03fHEIIlUB I MAJORS and MINORS IHENR..Y C. LY'TTON Pres. Benjamin Stoval, the efficient janitor ofSection NO.2, Hitchcock Hall, was mar-THE WORLD'SGreatestClothiersAI$o Complete Lines ofHats, Caps,Furnishings,and Shoes ..For "EN AND BOYSFALL AND WINTER STYLESare here, and we areready to show them-The smartest line----0£====FABRICSthat ever camethrough our doors.Tailc: for YOUDC KenA. N. JERJUtMS, Mer. 119-131 LA S.&IJ.B ST.C uldn't S SO WE AREo core SELLING OURSTOCK AT ONE-HALF VALUE EVERYTHING IS BEING SOLD RAPIDLY, SOCALL EAR1..Y"IN 'ORDER Te· Ge'P THEBEST SELECTION. A Chance of a LifetimeBILLY RIETZ, HABERDASHER1.13 Dearborn. Two Doors North of Ma41soaQuick Service Geo. O. Marlatt. MEl'.ANHEUSER & NEILResta.aranf391 BAST SIXTY-TIIlRD ST. CHICAGOCbt tangt ShOtFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGN&l:D BY YUUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 DearbornStreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGOET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3Established 187316 ... 63 E. Madison Street near La Selle••• .: 154 Dearbom StGIFT CERTIFICATES. a Useful PresentHATS, CANES, GLOVES & UMBRELLASBORDEN·SCONDENSED lIIILK, FLUID KILK,CREAM AND BUTTERJOLKALL /lOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.827·833 E. ,.O .. TY·aEVENTH aT.------------------------------E. C. MOORE,,1flotist132 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland 14QS27' East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park 38Telephone Hyde Park 18A. McAdam'sTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTCREENHOUSES : CHICAGOCor. S3d st. and Kimbar1c .... e. I ried today. The members of Sections twoand three made up a purse and presentedit to .. Ben" in honof of the event.The meeting of the Women Students'Christian League in Haskell Hall, Thurs­day, December 17, will be a Christmaspraise service in charge of Miss' Hannah.All women students are cordially invited.It is evident that the old roller skatingcraze has again caught the popular fancyof the new �eneration. At the recentopening of the Coliseum roller skatingrink, four thousand people were present.The attindance since then has averagedalmost twelve thousand skaters a week.The new ball-bearing skates and the largefloor space available in the. Coliseummakes the sport very attractive. Manyuniversity students skated at .the . Coli- -scum last Saturday afternoon. A party of professors, among whom areProfessors Small, Warren, Hatfield,Freund. Jameson, and Cummings, will at­tend a joint meeting of the AmericanEconomic Association and the AmericanHistorical Association in New Orleansduring the Christmas holidays. ProfessorWarren, of the History department ismaking the arrangements for the party.Ashley Dixon has left the Universityto study music. He expects to return inthe Spring Quarter.i he Nickel Plate Road will sell ticketsDecember 24, 25 and 31, 1903. and JanuaryI, 1904, at rate of fare and a third for theround trip, within distances of 150 miles,good returning to and including] anuary 4,1904. Individual Club Meals, ranging inprice from 35C. to $1.00, served in dining­cars. No excess fare charged on any trainon Nickel Plate Road. Chicago City ticketoffices, 11 1 Adams street. and AuditoriumAnnex. Depot, La Salle and Van Burenstreets, on the Elevated Loop. 'Phone; -Central 2057.Thomas ConcertThe entire Chicago Orchestra (j6men) will give a Concert in theLeon Mandel Assembly HallMonday Eveni�gDecember 21, 'OJADMISSION:Central Seats (down stairs) 75 centsSide Seats (down stairs) and all the gallery, 50 centsBoxes - S 10.00Tickets for sale at the Information' OfficeBY DEBAUGHRoller ·Skatz·ng•... ' .COLISEUM"'"EVE R Y DAY AND EVE N' I N G(Tllcsda)', Dec. 22" and Thllrsdl1)' Afternoon, Dec, 23, Exuplcd)MUS r cRICHARDSONS BALL-BEARING SKATE.sPROF. CHAS L. FRANKS-SUNDAY, DEC:. 2�th• Afternoon and EveningAdmission 15 and 25 cents J1. "" CORRECT"" J1.MacDonald & SpannYou hear it all around,Make the snappiest clothesin townISS Dearborn StreetAdam. Expre.a Bldg.TYPEWRITERSONE-H:ALF PRICESend for our 115t of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line 01supplies, Machines for rent $2 to $3 per month..ROCKWELL-BARNES CO.26,-269 Wabash Ave.����--�KDMBALL HALLS . 1 243 Wabash Ave.peers /.:�!e. 1.b<-1\oorS�dios,u. of c. Otiginal Ideas andStudents Exclusive Styles inPhotographsE. BURNHAMHAIR. GOODS-ELECTROL YSISFacial Mass:I2e, Manicurin�. Ladies' Hair DressiD2and Manlcurin;:. Ladies' Turkish and Russian Baths.70 and 72 State st. Chicago60wman Dairy Co.OUR MILKis Bottled in the CountryIncorporated 1902A. A. D(VOR( (\ SONTAILORSPullman BuildingWe make a specialty of high grade:Dress Suits tor young men.College InnSherDlan HouseDecorated with the colors and seals of theprincipal colleges and universities of AmericaTable d' HOle Dinner. with wine, 60 cents;every evening from 6 to 8.Best after-theatre service.The Sberman House is the most popularplace in Chicago for banquets and dinnerparties,BYD. P.A.Rlt dD cmuGO BUCK STABLBSJ. H. KINTZ(noPJUIITO.)Jackson 'Park Stables273 But Pttty·SneDtJa StreetTel •• HY"e P.r1c 5$2 CKIC.Ae.PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSALIE PHARMAGYJ. J. GILL, a..Ist .. �,..."'. M 175 274 L 57111 SL. _W.,.-A ...WHY use poor. unwholesomcmil1c.wh�fOT the ... me money you r.n ret ItPare. Sweet. and Extraorcll­_rlly R:ch. delivered in sealed bonles, by C'allinc upTelephone South 817. or dropplnr a postal toSIDNEY WANZER « SONS305 Thirtieth st.NEWCOLLAR. .- ,BiShop UnrCHal$400EST-IB601.56 STATE ST., f! j.. tI:,l;1• i1tj.i,! 8EIITL-EMEIIWHO DRESS FOR STYlElEATNESS. AND COMFORTWEAR THE .MPROVED 'BOSTONGARTERLies Flat t. t(I. L.I- •••• rSlips. T.ars r Dr Unfast.nsSemplepalr.8ilkSOr •• CoUnn2k.J .. IJed 00 recelp& 01 price.en. 'rrNt Co., •• kara •... t U.S.A.MUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowlinr AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 MADISON STREETBranch: 616 Davis St •• Evan!! tonWILLIAM SAGE .�i.' CO.REGISTERED PHARMACISTS391 E. 55th St .. cor. Woodlawn Ave.AMUSEMENTSGARRICKFormerly Dearborn TheaterPhone Ccatral �608 MES!UItS. SHUBEIlT. Man�eraWILTON LACKAYE,-- 'i;�THE PITSTU DEBAKER Ev'pat 8:15; P,p. Mat.Wed. 7SC, soc, aad 25CHenry'V. Savage OffersRAYMOND HITCHCOCKin the Newel't Comic-Opera SuccessThe Yankee Consulj.\.'"GREAT NORTH E RNTONIGHTYORK STATE FOLKSLaSalle Theater m��7�'��1131 Th .. _1CBlCAGO'S OWNISLE OF SPICEILLINOIS THEATER -E'\Oenlnp at 8 except SundaySaturday Matlnen only. at 2Ada Rehan and Otis SkinnerTheir Firat Toint Appearance in ChicagoTELL THE MAN WHERE YOU SAWHIS •• AD." IT WILL PLEASE HIM. CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903DR. PARKE:a'SCompressed, Air Brushes An Ideal Christmas Store For MenIn all respects thisis an ideal store for men. This factis more in evidence just now than at any other time dur- 'ing the year. With Christmas rapidly approaching, andthe ever puzzliag problem to solve, it offers thousands ofsuggestions - for father, mother, sister and brother,young and old.I' , NOTICES .. , IStudents' and faculty members are requested to sendall notices to 'l'H .. UAILY MAaooN for publicalioD freeof c:haree. Notices mUlt be left at TH .. MAJIOON officeor Faculty EschaD2e before II : 00 A ....Economics Club. Room 3C, Cobb, 7: 30p. m.Y. M. C. A. in Haskell Assembly Room,8 p. rn,Friday, December 18 •. Mathematical Club, Ryerson 35, 4 p. m.Historical Club, 5537 Lexington avenue,8 p. m •Sunday, December 20.University Religious Services, 11 a. Mandel Theater.Xouce to Students.- Why wait for yourcar in the cold at Fifty-eighth street?When you can wait in the warm at Fifty­seventh street, in Martyn's Maroon Studio,� 5iOS _C:�_ttag� Grove a!��." .l)�' _Qt C.Photog-i':ipher. �-, .' � .• .;. .�,- .. -, ,Of Interest to Our ReadersThe University Pharmacy carries a com­plete line of cold weather remedies. S60.Flity-fifth street.If you want a position to teach, call onor write to James F. McCullough. 639 FineArts Building, CbicaKO.Owing to the constantly growing de­mands fOI our tailoring, we have disposedof our Gents' Furnishing Department. andnow exhibit a fuller line of woolens. Wealso press, clean, repair and dye ladies'and gents' garments.Famous Tailoring Company�46 E. Fifty-fifth st. "Pboae, Hvde Park ,0;70 ...,PHONE-OFFlcE-Hyde Park 1788DR. RALPH W. PARKERDR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTSHours I 8 :3010 12.11'00 to 5. 6249 Kimbark A'\OenueN. I::.C",.. Sixt;,-tlti .. d St.L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Macllson St., Tribune BulldlnlrSpectacle. and Byec1uael ScieDWlc:aUy AdjustedEyes Tested FreeE'\Ocrythine OpticalMathematical!Meten:oJorical,aDdfor the Lantemill.Eo4ab, Camerasand 8Qp1iH.YOU are invited to eive the �nek a trial whenia need of a scientific Hairdress, Shampoo,Facial or Scalp Massaee (vibratory or Electric)Manicure, etc. You will find all of the very latesttoilet reqtrisites' hen:: We have the exclusive use inChi� of Dr. Parker's Compressed Air Brushesand Special Nebuli�..;r, which is a revelation to thehairdressing world. Every brush i, srerilieed beforeusin2 the second time. Our entire equipment ishY2ienic in the true sense of the word! In fact webelieve th,u we ha'\Oe the only genuinely hyeieaichairdressine establishment in Cbicaeo. It Is ouraim to please the most fastidious. ID'\Oitine yourcritical inspection, we are,Yours're!lpectfullyThe Beranek Hygienic Co.1S(i Wabash AveaueSuite' 505"Seq�1 to the FeaclngGirl:·ART CAL�NDARFour �rnccful poses from life; figur� ten incheshigh, reproduced in colors by a procCl's far su­pcrior to last year's calendar. Highest exampleof lithographic an.··TIIE O�LY W'AY"to own one of these beautiful calendars is tosend twenty-five cents with name of publicationin which vou read this advertisement, to Co 1-:0.J. CtlAR1.TOS. Com·1 Passenger Agent,Chicago& Alton Railwav, CmcA(,,o. 1t.1 ••The hcr-t railwav line between CHICAGO. �T.Lours, KASSAS C'tTV and PF:ORIA. Take the·'Alton·· to the St. Louis World's Fair. J�.' Early selections are by all means advisable-principally because tnany exclu­sive novelties, of which we have one, or a limited quantity, will naturally besold first. Then again the store is less crowdedAnd still from another view point this is an ideal storefor men. Knowing that men insist upon prompt service-and rightly so-wish to buy quickly and depart quickly-we have inaugurated a rapid-service system that is sat-isfactory in every way, causing practically no delay.MANDEL BROTHERSntW £Iotbts SboPFORTY-NINE and FIFTY-ONEEAST JACKSON BOULEVARD, .. : ... � ". ::-.". �' ... " '_' ... .:,A STORE FOR YOUNG MENExclusiv� high-grad� clolhu for "Imm�dlai� &rvia." Our produc­tions show th� charact�r, p�rsonality and individuality in your dr�ss.THE fall models for "Immediate Service" clothes areready-to-try-on. Young men's suits cut over specialpatterns. Not men's styles cut down or boy's styles cut up,but patterns for young men. The designs are most exclusive,the fabrics are London shrunk by cold water process; thus in­suring non-bag-able trousers. Our 'responsibility demandstruthful representation. You' have the story of this shop-sthe only one of its kind in the world.WilliaDl Gibbons.Lompressed Ail' Service Antiseptic Face C,ealDTHE GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOPH. J. GAMET, PROPRIETOR72 Adam. Street Opposite FairTel. 2dh HarriSOD Lauadrv Office Cil!'arsWantIt lVloneyYou call A. LIPMANon 99 kat Ma41IOD It.Diamoads. Watches. Jewelry, and ADtiques, for sale; Old Gold aad SiI'\Oer JJouarhtSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg - - 15-00 per ton Washed CheatDat - f4,so per tODWaahed RaDge - $5-00 per toa Washed Pea - .... 25 per tonW. T. DELDIAln' .. C. O'DODBLL ALBERT TBBOPreaideDt Secretary TreanrerStandard Washed Coal Company303 Dearb_om StreetSubscribers to THE DAILY MAROON aDdto The Monthly Maroors are requested tocall at the MAROON office as soon as pot­sible ana settle for their subscriptions.1904 EDITION NOW READYSpalding'sOfficialAthleticAlmanac LESTER. BARTLETT JONES--UenOt-­TEACHER � OF � SINGINGDirector of Music: University of Chicaeo��n�i::�h:ttl��v�:�I':1l HallF.dilw hy J. E. Sullivan,Sec.-Treas., A. A. U.a\l��i�IYa�lj��:��':��. IhThisu�1 ��:���cO\��!2CO p�eo of athletic information, and i� profu!'elyillustrated wilh numerous portraits of l�adlDl: athletesand athletic learn!'. Price, 10 eeats, Young America LaundrySTUDENTS'LAUNDRRYTel. Hyde Park u52 5416 Lake An.A. G. SPALDING & BROS. F. S. YOUNG, ProprietorSend for illustrated catal� 0 f athletic �s.b'ft8RA BROllDS' HOMf BAKERY(Phone 1646 Hyde Parle.)All OoocIs Strictly Home-MadeOrden takm for Ice Cream and len. Goods delinred278 East Fifty" til street.