The Daily MaroonPublishetl Afternoons by the Students of the University ,,1 Chicago During the Four Quarters of the University YearVOL. II. No. -10 CHICAGO, W ED� ESOA Y, xov E)IBEH �:;. lU03 PRICE THREE CENTSReady For Their Greatest GameCHICAGO. VARSITY FOOTBALL SQUAD-TEAM Will FIGHT ITS BESTlIassmeeting Last Night Brings Assur­ance That Student-body and AlumniHave HOt'es - Magnificent Display ofUniversity Feeling.. \\"c are proud of a team that does itsbest. Beaten or 1101. we are proud 01 sucha team. :\0 matter what the indifferenceof t lu. Jla�t season may have been, theteam realizes now that it must right. Andif that team plays as it can play, if itfight� as it can fight, we will beat Michi­gan."-L>r. Thatcher in the massmeeting.It \·.-:IS a great massrueeting, It was the.. ;:rt·:,:C,..1 Chicago ever saw." From thetime the procession marched down theai-le t(. the stage with the band playing.. B •. "la Boola" until the strams of .• Alma:\1;\lcr" died away. until the big oonfiretia11ll'd high in the Quadrangle the cheersoi h\" t students shook the hall..vl-ovc the stage in large letters ofelect ric light shone the key-words of theevrni nc ; "\\'ho can. we can. Chicago can,!:-l';il \Iichig:m!"i'�\ cry man and woman present will re-11l(,!111.('r the speeches. They will remember1I(I'::l'r J. Carr. speakinj; for the Chicago:\hill::li Clull. and the Chicago Press C1uh,�II" Lulu L. Just. representing the women,;l1Ioi ; .co F. Wormser, representing the menoi lhe University. Xor will they forgettht- \\, of "Jimmie" Sheldon. or of,,('·1.,:.!·.! Speed. or of .. :\ndy" Wyant,l·.li·I;�:n in '<)5. They will not forget the,(": \'- f r nm Captain \\' alter Kennedy of the'J' : \'01111. in which he said. " I know you're:":" ._: t o will."'. Shepardson. chairman of the even:1' ;';;cke,1 olT at � o'clock, introducingi ': (;ool!spce.). Dr. Goodspeed said:. Ita,l' learned to trus t Xlr, Sta�g andI ... n .. w that he speaks the truth. Valiant,,1" . ;·.I"U�. �kilflll endeavor - which means'11 ._ is all that will gi\'e us on 'll-;'I.!i'lo'in" a chance to sav : • \\'e ranvcr \1 ichigal;. Oh. how w c ran! . ". : \\ ccn speeches the Glee CIIIII. \[an-1'111], arul H�ln.1 rendered sclcc tions.\'in(,(,llt aca i n urge,1 upon the team::'·l'C'� .... it v oi tHo ht inc to the last elitch.... <.id. .: \\-c h(';il"� that we arc goingl' \\ i.1 ii dctermination silall sweep from;1 ...... l·lllhie,1 st\1ch:nts int •• the t(,:1111.i lbeTl we can let nllr to;lst he: . Ollr, iii. 11r ... t in chi\'�lry. first in sportsman­,I '1'. ;;r�t in victory!'"i 11t' ,;ir1< \�Iee CI\lI,. to the ;]('compani­; '·.il "i the checr .. lInl,1 'cm! Hold 'elll!i ! .. i.J 'l'1I:!' iro111 thc .\lllmni ... \men": ,,1 :I('r. san;:: a foothall son�. Then there,-,'ere more ... pe�('hes from .. Shorty" ;l1ldd,_Oo ;,11.. olel fnotl>all cal'tains.(Continued 011 pa�e .'. column 3.' ----- -----THE LINEUP .MICHIGAN- ,188'LONGXAN1;3185HESTON GRAVER,156.NORCROSS1180' '210) .210' (19i\ ,204' ,190,REDDEN CURTIS SHULTE GREGORY GOODING MADDOCKSPEIK PARRY HILL ELLSWORTH TOBIN R. MAXWELL(li9, 11981 121;' 1196· ,194, l23ilAlfred Chester Ells­worth is the man whois to lead the Chicagoteam against Michi­gan tomorrow. Cap­tain Ellsworth, orShorty, as he isknown to fame. washorn in Boston.�Iass.. twenty-twoyears ago. AuburnPark IS now hishome. He stands 6feet 4 inches inheight and his weightis 195 pounds. Shortyhas' two famous rela-tives, his cousins,James Walker of\\·isconsin. and Chas,Herrick of Chicago.Shorty first gavepromise as an athletewhile at the SouthSide Academy wherehe prepared for theUuivcrs'ity. He wasone of the leaders onthe Academy elevenand captained thebaseball team in hislast year. On ma-triculating at theUniversjty in '99Shorty at once wentout for the team. Thefirst season foundhim a fixture on thescrubs and in' '00 asevere illness kepthim out of the game.But after that the•. hig- fellow" de­vclopcd rapidly. Hewas center on theteam in '01. and in·o..!. heine the popularchoice for the center CAPTAIN ELLSWORTH posmon on most ofthe all - westernelevens, As captainof this year's teamShorty has not dis­appointed. the criticswho' predicted a oril­Iiant year for him.He was tried out attackle early in theseason but returnedto his old positionat the center of theline where he hasbeen playing with hisold-time dash.Captain Ellsworth'sathletic prowess isnot limited to foot­hall. He ranks withHerschberger, andKennedy as one ofthe most versatileathletes who has everworn a .• C." He hasbeen the most reliablepifcher on the base­hall team for the pasttwo years and madehis debut in trackathletics as a ham­mer thrower lastspring. hurling thehig weight one hun­dred and forty feet.After all. however,it is not altogetherShorty's ability to dothings on the athleticfield which has madehim so prominentwith the student-hOfly. He is a con­genial hero. Hi!'>smile is radiant andthe captain bestowcsit unst int ingly on allw hom he meets. CHICAGO HAS AN EVEN CHANCESCHNUR11611 ECKERSALL,142; <182\ .HAMMOND 'I!,ICATLIN(180lIVISON,liO)WIGHT.ANCHICAGO- ' 1 i2'Total weights-Chicago. 2046: Backfield. 645; Line. 1042; average. 186. Michigan20;5: Backfield. i02; Line. 1011; average. 189. Mal'OOlls Are On Edge For Game WithMichigan Tomorrow- Important Changein Back Field Line-up Indicates a NewDefenseThe line up as given out by Coach Staggtoday came as a surprise to the followersoi the team. It was expected that Bezdekand Nordenholt would start the game inthe backfield. Tne new plan of CoachSta�g is one of the surprises that tne sup­porters of thc team have been expecting.The day heiore the greatest game inyears finds 1I0th Chicago and Michiganprimed and ready. Chicago has trainedlone and hard. In some respects the workoi the team has not been as satisfactory asit might have been, but somehow the Var­!'ity has managed to get along without adefeat. :'.iichigan has been on the Jumpsince early in the season. Every game hasfound them fi�hting hard for as large: ascore as possible. The \Volverines havedemonstrated their speed and abilityagainst the other great teams of the \Vestand arc now ready to meet the Maroons,'1 he men of both teams are in fairlygcod physical condition. Chicago will suf­fer the most in this regard, as it is veryuncertain whether Ahlswede, the big rightguard, will be able to get into the gameat ail. The supporters of both teams arcconnuent that their heroes will be able towin. '1 he coaches and those close to themen on the two elevens are not so con­fident. Stagg says that if our men willfilo:ht, as they arc able to fight, then we willhave an even chance. Yost says over­confidence will heat Michigan if she isbeaten at all. The �fiddle West savs thatChicago will win. because they thi,;k Chi­cago is due to win. Hut saying so haslittle to do with actual foothall results.I i Chrcagn is to play \I ichican to a stand- •still. tnc Maroous must cct right into the�ame from the start. That the men willdo t ni .... is not douhtc(). The supportersof the tr-am have faith in the men andtheir conches. Thc students icel that 'the\ ar�ity I11cn know they must play tfles.::-tmc ni thcir li vcs. The student-body:-ecls t!iat every man on the Cni\'ersHy of\ "ic:!J,:o ele'I.'Cn will do his VERY LEVELh,·.,-, I. I f this fcclin� is corrcct. \iichi­�a'i will nol run :-til o\'er liS.TOclav ends :hc work of thc eoacilcs.It is n';w up to thc l11el1. Throll�h a lon�,h;lIc1 season tl1(\' have' trained. with theidea always I,r('\:alant. To ncat \liehiJ::'an.The coaches :1re mcn who know foothal1:l11d the :1rt of teachin� it. Thc'l.' h:1vetric'). ;111el as is hopcel "lIccessfully: to fill- -� �"'O�S:V �� ... .. -. .."....._- - (C()ntinll�d on pa�c .'. ('oiumn z)CHICAGO, WEDNESDA Y. NOVEMBER 2:), UJ03The Daily Maroon"'ormerly the U'linrsity 01 Chicato Weekly.POUJCDKDThe University 01 Chic;aa:o W�eldy • October I. 18Q7T"I! OAILY !'tfAROON • October I. 1002lfBWS COlfTRlBUTIOlfS REQUESTED.Published by the students 01 the Univenity 01 Chi·caa:o �ve'l alternoon.exc�pl Saturday lnl' Sunday. duroint the 4 we�hol the University"int board 01 editor- and business manaterauthom:ed by student-body in mas .. meetint May I!'.1002·M�mber!\hip on subsequent board ... ,1 editors to bedetermined by competition open to all .. tudent .. in theUniv�r .. ity.BOARD OF BDITORS� =�f.o�ilor • •. .• •• 0HI:::yB"�F�:�Athl�tic Editor WALTER L. GREGORVASSOCIATR P.OITORSTIIAOOItt:S J. MKKHILL EOWAJD :\1. KKRWINEIO:NEST J. STE\'E:-;S ALBI::HT \\'. SIIIo:II.:1(RALI'II P. !\1t:LVANIr: LERov A. VANPATTENAt:STIS A. HA\'llKNWOMAN RDJ'TORS!\llss LESA HARHIS Mls,,- ANNA FLOYDSTAFF 01' RKPORTItRSE. R. GANNON I.' S. \VRICIITR. H. ALLltN • V. HICKEYW. J. CUPP'V fllOMAS MEE":MISS HELEM SM.THBUSllfESS STAFF'fHIt DAILY MAROON THIJ.· MOIfTHLV MAllOO,..Bueines .. Manaa:er JULIEN L. RRODKAdv�rlisine �fan;aa:er JAMltS D. FLOODE"/",,,I as Sut",tI'c/ass ",ail at ClticaJ!TI P(lsl·(I//iu.Dally Subscription, $;,:t per yean $1 for 3 months.By Mall In city 14 per year; $1.25 for 3 months.Sul>scnptions received 0.1 • The Maroon" Olllee. EIIi� lIall.or left In The Maroon" DoE. the Faculty t:.l<Chan�. CobbHallrrint�d by the Unlyen"y of Chiraco PreuEDITORIALSIIII�ub�cribcrs who do not receivetheir p;lJ�e.r rc�ubrly arc rcque!"tedto notify III E �I:\ ROOX office at once. Fownes Glovesare a "good thing tohave on hand" andall good dealersha ve them on hand_M_en_�_ea_r - t I Im��?�t re �!!r!.t �ro��}6 Ia big lot of OTTERMAN OPERAHATS, regular value $10, my price $6ARTHUR FEILCHENFELDFisher BUlldin£ 81 and 83 E. VanBuren St. .. ��.IS THE MARK OFTHE BESTLEWIS & McNEVIN180 State St .• Opp, Palme: HouseL. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Madison St .• Tribune Bulldln&,Spectacle. aDd £yecla .. e. ScieDtifically AdjustedEyer. Tested to'reeEverythinr OpttulIMathematical.Metereoloeical.&Jldfor the Lanterni""1toc1aU, camerasaDd Supplie., S H I R TJOE J. LEWIS W. L. McNEVIN413 East Fifty-Fifth St. Chica�oA. Y. CORNELLMercha1ztTailor633 Clrictl![O Siork Erdlanct' Bui/dinelVasltilll:lolt anti LaSallc Sis,Don't Confound OURLaundry WorkWith that of othersOne trial will show you the differenceDiscount to StudentsMETROPOLE HAND LAUNDRYPhone Hvde Park SQ7I 24Q E. ssth St.Chicago greeted her football teamin Mandel Hall last night with asThe.ass- true and vigorous andmeeting and an expression of feelingThe Team as has ever been ac-corded the chosen representativesof a great University. There havebeen massmeetings and rnassmeet­ings, but the shouts of appreciation,hope and encouragement which camefrom the throats of two thousandstudents and alumni during morethan two hours, testify to the un­equalled loyalty evidenced last night.And while the magnificent gatheringwas cheering the team on to do itsbest against Michigan, the timelyopportunity was taken to express toA. A. Stagg the certainty with whichChicago men and women realize theintegrity of the Grand Old Man ofathletics. No one left the meetinglast night without feeling happierthat he was a Chicago man.We had it last night from the lipsof those who have followed the teamall through the season that Chicagocan win on Thanksgiving day if themen will fight. Who can doubt,after the words of the coaches andcaptain but that the team will fight?Chicago teams are not the sort thatquit. The team this year of allyears will fight, fignt, fight, everysecond of the seventy minutes ofplay. Outsiders have in generalpicked Michigan to win. All AnnArbor sleeps peacefully tonight se­cure in the belief that Feilding H.Yost has taught his eleven to playthe kind of ball that will defeat ourteam. This restfulness so prevalentin the Michigan camp is not typicalof our feeling. We are 'not surethat our team will win, but we dobelieve that it will do its best, andwe know that the best the �Iaroonsof 1903 can do will try to the ,"crylimit of skill and endurance theefforts or our worthy opponents.\\'hatc\'er be thc fortunes of the davwe will remember that thc team isOl'R team. Wi n or fail we mustcheer the men to the end. To cheersuch a team in defeat would be as I, _glorious as to shout for an ordinarv iteam in victory. . i MarquetteBundlngDearborn StreetFashionable TsilorsFor College MenPHONE-HYDE PARK 10VO.o HOW GOODBerry's SweetDleatsRemember the Old and Young Folks at HomeBranch Stores: 222 E. Thirty·first St .• S91 W. Madison St •• 957 W. Madison St.$I.oo-A 2-pound Box of Berry's Pure Sweetmeats-$I.OO. CHICAGOS MOST POPULAR CANDY STOREMeerschaum, Briar, and Amber GoodsClothing for (Jollege Men22 Dearborn Street Suite 201-202Telephone 4523 HarrisonBENHAM BROS.FASHIONABLETAILORSMUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowling A11�YIThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 MADISON STREETBranch : 616 Davis St .. EvanstonLOSER & "'ANSON.·TAILORS·175 DEARBORN ST_CHICAGO.A T ypir,al (Jollege Manis at once recognized by the distinctand faultless cut of his clothesWe are Tailors forCollege Men .....LESTER. BARTLETT JONES--ltenor-­TEACHER .JI OF .JI SINGINGDirector of Music University of OIicagowson��i��e�h:ttl�fv�r�it�1I HallComersIn making high. grade clothes to or­der. Suit or Overcoatat 15.50 aDdap100 stvles of London Striped $5Trousers to order .Ou� �p:cially Full Dress Suit $30silk-lined. to mea!'UfC. , .. . .,SaJhllLt)'" I78 MADISON STREET I'Jc\'ickcr'� Theater BIOi:. ()�nin� evenincs tiJl9IIFR ED J. HAMILL MUSIC CO. IShut Music Cheaperthan you ever bought it before ISteinway Hall Ii-21 Van Buren StreetITake elevator to our ne .... salesroorn BOOKsNew and second-hand for University and Hia:h School. IEducational books .:enerally.HEWITT·S. 415:£. 57th St.Pipe Repairing,BoUing,and Mountinga SpecialtyFRED REINER, 112 E. Randolph St.O'MEARA BROTHERS' HOME BAKERY(Phone 1646 Hyde Park)All 00od5 Strictly Home-MadeOrders taken for Ice Cream and Ices. Goods delivered278 Fifty-fifth street.WILLIAM SAGE & CO.REGISTERED PHARMACISTS391 E. 55th St .. cor. Woodlawn Ave.If you value yourface, don't experimentwith S h a vi 11 g Soap.Use \Vi11iams'ShavingStick.'MarshallThe essentials to perfection receive verycareful attention in all our lines of Men's Ready­to- Wear Clothing.All the styles, fabrics and patterns of merit are repre­sented. The tailoring is of the highest class, assuring gar­ments which will give splendid satisfaction.Second Floor North RoomWe invite comparison of the qualities and the pricesSuils-$16, $18, $20, $22, $25, $30, $32, $35, $38, $-10Ourrcoats - $16, $18, $20, $25, $28, $30, $35', $38, $-10We fit men of almost every proponionField & Co.CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, lUUHHSlHu 16 ATHLETIC NOTES # 1INIi:!..Y C. LYTTON! (Cont;nued (mm l'a�e I'.THE WORLD'SGreatestClothiersAI�o Complete Lines ofHats, Caps,Furnishings,and Shoes ..For MEN AND BOYSfALL AND WINTER STYLESare here, and we areread y to show them-The smartest lineof===FABRICSthat everthrough our camedoors.Tailor for TounC MenA. N. JItRREMS. M2'r. 129-131 LA SALLB ST.Has a GenuineENGLISH GLOVEIt fits too. $ • .50Yau'll buy againIl:l Dearborn. Two Doors North of MadISODBILLYRIETZQuick Service Gea. O. Ilarlatt, II gr.ANHEUSER &: NEILRestaurant391 EAST SIXTY -THIRD ST. CHICAGOCbt tangt ShotFOR FASTIDIOUS FOLKSDESIGNED BY YOUNG MENFOR YOUNG MEN'S WBAR149 Dearborn StreetTRIBUNE BUILDINGOET THE BEST$2 AMES HATS $3Established 1873161-I(,J E. Madison Street near La Selle154 Dearborn StmFT CERTIFICATES, • Useful PresentHATS, CANES, GLOVES 4. UMBRELLASBORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID l!IILK,CREAM AND BUTTERIIILKAU, ROTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.827-&33 E. F'URn-SEVENTH ST.----------------------------E. C. MOORE...."Iori�tU2 East Forty-Ninth StreetTelephone Oakland 14Q527' East Fifty-Fifth StreetTelephone Hyde Park ;tSTelephone Hyde Park 18A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTCHICAGO IGREE:,\HOUSES :Cor. 5;cl st, and Kimbark ave. the men 011 the Vars ity with the spirit ofthe �all1e. The weeks of training arenearmg a close. The men are on edge. theopponents an: worthy ones, and the stu­dent-body is confident in their team'sahility.Closed gates have kept the student-bodyfrom iullowing closely the progress of theteam. Even before their farewell appear­ance, the entrances to Marshall Field willhe barred, What is done tonight will beknown only to the coaches and team.But the Chicago student-body believes thatthe finishing touches have been put on andthat the team destined to be the greatestin the West is ready ior the contest.The game -1 hursday with Michiganmakes the tenth contest that has beenplayed between the two teams. In the past:\Iichigan has been more successful thanChicago, wrnninu six of the ten gamesplayed. Xo ties lrave ever resulted. The�ames played fullow:181j.:! .••..•••.•••••••••181)3 _ .•• - ...•••••••• _.181)-l .181)5···· - .. - .IS!)!) ......•.•....•.•••i81)7.· .•... - .181)8 _ .1900 _ . Chicago, Michigan.10 1810 64 66oTHE NICKEL PLATE ROAD\V ill sell tickets within distances of onehundred and fifty miles, November .2S and.26, at rate of a fare and a third for theround trip, account Thanksgiving Day.Return limit November JO, 1903.Three through trains daily to FL Wayne.Cleveland, Erie, Buffalo, New York, Bos­ton and New England points, carryingvestibuled sleeping cars. No excess farecharged on any train on Nickel PlateRoad. Meals served in Nickel Plate din­ing cars on American Club Plan, rangingin price from J5C. to $1; also a la carte.Chicago City Ticket Offices, I I I Adamsstreet, and Auditorium Annex. 'PhoneCentral 2057. Depot, La Salle and VanBuren streets, on the Elevated Loop. 4th Floor12o721II15 12126 ITS BEST IITEAM WILL FIGHT(Continued from page I-column 4)Ur. Shepardson introduced A. C. Bart­lett. donor of the new Gymnasium. �f r.Bartlett said that the �allle was going tobe won .. hy car ly and late and diligentwork." and that he Lelieved Chicago wouldwin. .Dr. l Iarper's speech was the kind collegemen like to hear - strnight from the heart:.. One oi the things we are glad to knowabout uur team is that every man deservesto play from a scholastic point of view.o other university applies such rigidrules, and vet even' man on the team hasmet the requirements. \Ve abo know thatin the great University of Michiua», oneof the greatest. we have a worthy rival.Ami we arc glad to know that our team\\ ill uo its best, I fecI no douot that itwill do all that God and man can ask."And then Coach Stag. The" Old Man "read a West Point letter, a fine tribute tothe men who played against the Cadets.And to a man who did not play againstWest i'oint, Lee Maxwell, Coach Staggpaid an even finer tribute. in these" ords :••& her has never been a finer thing thanthe development of some men's characterin the team this year. It is well worthwhile to have such teams. It is wellworth while when it brings out the sclf­sacrifice and spirit of a man like LeeMaxweu, He has borne without malicehis disappointment at seeing another takefrom him the position where he was mak­ing' a splendid record. All praise to Lee:\laxwcll. It is well worth while to seesuch things as this, and whether we winor lose on Thanksgiving Day the team hasbeen a success. because there has heen oneexample that is nothing less than ideal."THE :\ICKEL 1'LATE ROADwill sell tickets account of Christmas andNew Year Holidays, at rate of a fare and athird for the round trip, within distancesof 150 miles. December 24, 25 and 31,1903, and January I, 190 .. , good returningto and including January 4, 1904. Throughservice to .\ ew York city, Boston and .othereastern points. Xo excess fare charged onany train on Nickel Plate Road. ChicagoDepot, La Salle and Van Buren streets­the only passenger station in Chicago onthe Elevated Loop. City ticket offices, 111Adams street, and Auditorium Annex.'Phone, Central 2057-oo Lovely, sunny, steam-heated roorns., Pri­vate. Every comfort. Board if desired,5828 Ingleside. Opposite Cobb Hall. .JI. .JI. COR R E C T JI. JI.1<)01 _. • •••••••••••• 0 --IfJOZ _ _., 0 21TIllS season both teams have heen suc­cessful in evading defeat in the \Vest.Chicago and :\Iichigan have both playedtie games that may cause a contest forthe championship. :\Iichigan has been ableto pile up the largest scores against heropponents. Chicago has made the recordscore of tile year 108 to 0 agninst Mon­mouth. The Maroons had a difficultschedule to play out reaching the hardestgames at the end. The showing of theteam against \Vest Point was a good one.The schedule of the teams follows:CHICAGO.40 Englewood. . . . 034 Lombard. . . . . . 033 N. Division .,. 0ChicagoChicagoChicapoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicagoChicago 2J..•.•. • 10834232240o18IS176 Lawrence .Monmouth .IndianaCornell .Purdue -Rush .Northwestern "Illinois .... - "\VisconsinI ndians I IWst Point .. , .. 10oooo66 For Rent.-Furnished rooms; also use ofpiano. 5829 J ack�on ave., second flat, MacDonald & SpannYou hear it all around,Make the snappiest clothesin town185 Dearborn StreetAdams Expre-ss Bldg.TYPEWRITERSONE-HALF PRICESend for our list of special bargains in allmakes of Standard typewriters. Full line ofsupplies. Machines for rent $2 to $3 per month.C. �. CARPENTER. 103 Jack.son BoulevardKIMBALL BALL243 Wabash Ave.Special /.:�:es; l\oorSru:d.�05.U. of C. Original Ideas andStudents Exclusive Styles inPhotographsE. BURNHAM;,S HAIR. OOODSELECTROL YSISFacial ;\lassa2'e, Manicuring. Ladies' Hair Dressin2'and Manicuring, Ladies' Turkish and Russian Barhs ,70 and 72 State �t. Chica,.:o60wman Dairy (Jo.OUR MILKis Bottled in the CountryTotal ....•.. 413 Total 33MICHIGAN.31 Case.......... 079 Beloit ..... , ., 065 Ohio Normal.. 05 I Indiana - 088 Ferris 047 Drake ........• 076 Albion........ 06 Minnesota .. - _. 636 Ohio.......... 016 ·\Visconsin .. _ . . 06TEXT=BOOKS Incorporated 1902MichiganMichiganMichiganMichigan!\IichiganMichiganMichiganMichiganMichiganMichiganDANCE PR06RAMSfratrmit)' Stationery. Invitations. etc.Lowest Prices DUNWEll .1 fORD. File Statklners171 WABASH AVE.New and Second-HandBought and Sold A. A. DEVORE & SONTAILORSPullman BuildingTotal ....•.. 495 TotalHALL « McCREARY26. Wabash Ave.John B. Stetson UniversityAffiliated qvith The Unc"ersify of ClzicagoStudents may work during the winta quarter at Stetson and receive their creditsat Chicago.The equipment for work is good. At Stetson there is no snow. no frozen groundor mud. For recreation, besides regular college athletics, there are fine opportunitiesfor driving, bicycling, hunting, boating, and fisbing. Expenses, including railroadfare, are not much in excess of those at Chicago. For catalog, and further informa-tion, address the President, , DEAN C. S. F ARRlSS, Del.and, Fla.Lomp!'e��ed Air Sen-icc Anrisepric Face CreamTHE GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOPH. J. GAMET, PROPRIETOR72 Adams Street OppoSite- FairTel. :1083 Harrison Laundrv Office We make a specialty of high gradeDress Suits lor young men.College InnSherman HouseI he ?,ickcl Plate Road will sell ticketsDecember 24. 25 and 3 1. 190.1, and J�nuary1, 1904. at rate of fare and a third for theround trip, within distances of 150 miles,good returning to and including January 4.1904. I ndividual Club Meals, ranging inprice from 35C. to $1.00. served in dining­cars. Xo excess fare charged on any trainon Xickel Plate Road. Chicago City ticketoffices, I I I Adams street, and AuditoriumAnnex. Depot, La Salle and Vall Burenstreets, on the Elevated Loop. 'Phone,Central .2057.Subscribe for THE DAILY MAROOR.FOR THANKSGIVING DAYA rate of one fare and a third for theround trip has been authorized to pointswithin one hundred and fifty miles on theNickel Plate Road, good returning to andincluding November 30th, I90J. La SalleSt. Passenger Station, Chicago, comer VanBuren and La Salle streets, on the ElevatedLoop. City Ticket Offices, I II Adamsstreet, and Auditorium Annex. 'Phone Decorated with the colors and seals of theprincipal colleges and universities of AmericaTable d'Hote Dinner, with wine, 60 cents;every evening from 6 to 8.Best after-theatre service.The Sherman House is the most popularplace in Chicago for banquetsts and dinnerparties.11m. Pdlt dD CHICAGO BBACH STABLBSJ. H. KINTZ(PJIO,1t IKTO.)Jackson Park Stables273 But Ptfty·8eTeDth StreetTel •• Hyde Park o;s' CHICAG.PRESCRIPTIONSRELIABLE PHARMACYROSAUE PHARMAGYJ. J. GILL, llnIIst .. PtInudstn.e "'. , ... 175 274 (. 57111 St •• DNI' W'" .'"W H Y use poor. unwholesome milk, .he�for the same money you ran �et ItPure, Sweet, and EdraonU·Darlly R:ch, delivered in sealed boule!', by calline upTelephone South 817, or droppin6!' a �tal toSIDNEY WANZER « SONS.105 Thirtieth st .ForKickersPresidentSuspenderstriumphantly reub the goalof comfort. Ii)'le tnia service.Absolutely Guaranteed!\letal trimmings t.'8nnot rust,A!,\\' �TonJ-:. :;0 e and .1.00or marl; Pn!pald.A. 6. SPA�21I�t & 8ROS: IFoot Ball Supplies IAre made in accordance with official rules.Spalding's handsomely illustrated catalogueof Fall and Winter Sports containing all thenew things in foot ball will be sent free to anyaddress.Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide, con­taining the new rules. Per copy, 10 cents.How to Play Foot Ball. By Walter Cam?New edition. Per copy, 10 cents.A. G. SPALDING & BROS.'PHONE-OFFIcE-Hyde Park 1788DR.RALPHW.PARKERDR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTSHOurs) �:: I�O 1�: 62.fQ Kimbark AvenueN. };.C.'r. S,·.rty-tlrir,{ St.Dudley's Pool &. Hilliard Hall429 55TH STREETPool, 2� cts, cue Hilliard. 40 cts, per hourGARRICKFormerly Dearborn Thea.terPhone Central 1608 MESSRS. SHUBERT. Man:l2ersA BRILLIANT SUCCESSHENRY MILLER andMARGARET ANGLINTHE TAMING OF HELENSPECIAL THANKSGIVING :\IATI:-OEESTU DEBAKER Ev'gsat 8:IS: Pop. Mat.Wed. 75C, SOC, and 2SCFour Weeks' Operatic FestivalThanksaivinz :\lalin�lL TRO\' ATORESecond \\'eek-Operalic (o'csti\"al:\lr. Henry W. Sav:l2e offers Grand Opera in Eng lisb ,:\londar and Friday evenings and Wednesday :\lalinee-AIDA. Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Satur­day Matinee-IL TROVATORE. Wednesday andSaturday e\'enines-RO:\IEO AND JULIET.:-Oext week=-Tosca, Lohenerin, "Martha.GREAT NORTH E RNTONIGHTOEORGE SIDNEY inBUSY IZZYA hie company-mostly li!irl�HOLIDAY MATINEE THANKSGIVI:-OGdi·. LaSalle Theater m���[!'s�:�194 TIMES ICHICAGO'S OWNISLE OF SPICEHOLIDAY :\IATl:-.iEE THANKSGl\'ISGILLINOIS THEATER-. Eveninl:5 at 8 ex� SUDday _. ._Wednesday and Saturday .Matinees at 2STEPHEN PHILLIP'S Classic, UlyssesHOI.IDAY :\IATI:-OEE THANKSGIVI:'oOG DAYIRIQUOIS THEATERRandolph Strect, between Dearborn and State Streets-MR. BLUEBEARD--Every C\'enin2 at 8. Wednc-dav and Saturday :\Iati·nee", at 2. Special 'latince'rhank�6!i v inc daynOUD.\\' :\IATI:'oOEE THA:-OKS(;I\'I:-OC; PAYDENTIST369-E! 63!!t STREETTELEPttOftE Hyde Pa� 1196 CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER iu, 1903I' , NOTICES, 'IStudents and faculty members are requested to sendall notices to THIt DAILY MAaooN for publication freeof charl;!e. Notices must be left at 'l"HK MAROON officeor Faculty Exchange before I J : 00 A. M.\\ eunsday, November �6.-Football :Freshmen �:S. Sophomores, on MarshallField.'i nursday, -'\ ovember �;.- ThanksgivingDay - Universjty holiday.Foothall: Lhicago :'S. Michigan, onMurshull Field at 1 p. 111.Xoricc.e=Christmus is coming - Martyn,Ma roou Studio, 5,05 Cottage Grove­wash drawiug , plat inurn portraits, Collodio­Carbon. Special rates tu students, State. Adasns and Dearborn St ••BELTED OVER­COATS FOR MEiVOvercoats bel ted in the back are ex­ceedingly' popular this season, particularlywith young men. Most of them are madeso you can take the belt off very easily ifyou choose. We show some splendidvalues at different prices, but particularlyat $12.75.At that price you may choose fromabout a dozen different patterns. Someare as Scotchy as yO�1 may wish, whileothers are more quiet in pattern. ..-\11are cut full lengths, and all sizes from 34to 4..... Ask for The MaJlsfield belt coat,you can make no mistake if you buy thisstyle.Price only $12.75Standard Washed Coal CompanyM. C. O'DONNELLSecretary ALBERT TEBOTreasurerW. T. DELIHANTPresidentIf303 Dearborn StreetSTANDARD WASHED COAL FOR DOMESTIC USEStandard Egg - - $5.00 per ton Washed Chestnut - 14 50 per tonWashed Range $5.00 per ton Washed Pea - 14.25 per tonYoung America LaundryYou Want Money. C:!l A����!fDiamonds. Watches. Jewelry, and Antiques, for sale; Old Gold and Silver Bou2htDAILY PAPERS AND MAGAZINES:'\ORTO:-; takes subscriptions for both andhas them delivered at your door ....•Tel. Hyde Park n52STUDENTS'LAUNDRRY5416 Lake Ave.PHONE -- 118 HYDE PARK 348 57TH STF. S. YOUNG, Proprietor F. W. NORTONCOLLEGE MENROTHSCHILD (\ COMPANYSTATE AND VAN BUREN STSAre men of brains-­and­above all others­k1l01i.' '«('/zall/lq teant.We were at college ourselves but afew years back, and know \\'h�t you /.; .. -;". ,,'//0n�ed a�d can help you get It at a. :; � .' ,.- �!/ .. _�.,big saving. �� � ", ;, 11/' . '_,/_jLet's lalk it orer. :�.j . . .'. ,. 717' ..11Im's Sliff Bosom Slurts -- nobby I.:-'�" _" -< -i ; .-new and strictly up t�-date pat- ,''.':, Iii:' .: (;terns. A well-made shirt that sets . .:" { . .l'Vwell, looks well and wears 45 c " I·�·.' 1 i! I:. ..'well. Cuffs to match. . . . �;:ll,J./�?;; ,A full stock of other shirts of the ::' �--'T"-�� - -�\day ·at prices that will surprise you. I • '\ \ - . �.AIm's Filu Dogskil1 GIOVCS-lined",'.\.,or unlined, for dress, street ora; . \driving wcar. The looks of these ' "Iare good and they'll wear welltoo. Ot.her gloves at prices 4 Cproportronate ... , . . . . . . . . 9111m's Cold Weather lj,ldc,.7('((1"­either the hcavv or light kinds,fleece lined and derll\' ri'hbed shirtsand drawers that w·ill give satis­faction at double the 4-Cmone\' . ... .. .. . .. . . .. . . .).lIC1/'S (illiol/ Suirs=: that are warmand snug - wind cannot penetrate-. splendid suits at prices on a parwith those quoted.Of Interest to Our ReadersThe University Pharmacy carrres a com­plete line of cold weather remedies. 560Fi ity-fifth street,1 f you want a position to teach, call onor write to James F. McCullough, 639 FineArts Building, Chicago.ror Rcnt - A pleasant front room withalcove; also a cheap single room. 5747vrexcl avenue, second floor.If you desire to earn money selling col­lege specialties, call at 411 E. Fifty­seventh street and find out about it.The correct thing in glove wear -for alloccasions can be! had from Browning, King& Co., Wauash [\: Madison street.Young ladies! I do shampooing, scalptreatment and face massage at your rooms.Price Soc. Mrs, Jennie A. Barnard, 5509Greenwood avenue. Tel. 65 I 7 Hyde Park.5815 Drexel avenue, first flat. Parlorand bed-room nicely furnished, bright,sunny rooms: all modern conveniences;reasonable price.Owing to the constantly growing de­mands for our tailoring, we have disposedof our Gents' Furnishing Department, andnow exhibit a fuller line of woolens. Wealso press, clean, repair and dye ladies'and gents' garments,Famous Tailoring Company346 E. Filtv-fifth st. 'Phone, Hvde Pa rk 570The correct thing in glove wear for alloccasions can be had from Browning,King & Co .. Wabash & Madison street.Get aMossIer"Blanket"Big broad-shoulderroomy OvercoatsHere's a line of "blanketsfor college men unequaledanywhere - fancy or plain­medium and heavy weights­even the tailor that standson his dignity and says $60or $io can't giye you better.Great big r0011l)' "bianlsets" withor without belt- here at$15 to $35They're the "smart kind"­"right" in the neck (close,snug); right in the shoulder(broad, athletic).On" "STC j)1':�T" J:L\CK sr rrWITII I'EG TOI' TROU�ERS­special offer today$15 and $20:\IOSSLER111 'IO�ROE:.'\L\ R CI.A R"