,\" .. _, ... '.$;,( I';"��-� ... :\ -.J:..... '. /i . "/'The Dai·I'Y�7..1YtaroonPubllahed Aftemoou by the Studenta of the uDi.era1t:�f.'�·�_) �,p'... t.[ ,!J�.� Qaartera of the UDlftra1ty YearVOL. 1. No. 199 PRICE TuBEB COTSCHICAGO, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1903MEN CHURCH MEMBERS HORRORS OF WARReUgious Statistics Show lIetho­dists and Presbyterians Pre­dominate at NorthwesternChadwick Is to Coach the Yale Foot­ball Team-News from theUniveraitleaThe' religious statistics of the men stu­dents at Northwestern University havebeen published. by the Students' ChristianAssociation and the figures show that al�rge majority of the men are members ofchurches. The figures also show that the .women are in a majority in the college ofliberal arts. Of 769 students in this de­partment 428 were women and 341 weremen. Of the men all but forty-six arechurch members. The majority of themembers, 222, signified a preference forthe Methodist church. The Presbyterians,with twenty-four, are second and the Con-1!regationalists third with eighteen. Theassociation reported that its employmentbureau had been the means of placing twohundred positions of various kinds amongthe students for which $9,000 in wageswas received.George BeChadwick, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,who was captain of last year's varsity foot­Lall eleven, according to an announcementmade yesterday, has been selected head{Ield coach of the Yale football squad forthe coming season. The appointment ofChadwick was made within the last fewdays by Captain Rafferty, of Pittsburg, Pa.,who will come to this city early in Sep­tember to prepare for the reception of .thefootball candidates and for a conferencewith the head coach. Oladwick will haye.. fuD charge of the work of the men just thesame as Head Coach Swan had last fall.He is one of the most effective of footballplayers and one of the most thorough thatYale has had in a good many years.• ••William Smith, a millionaire nursery­man, it is announced, will found and endowa college for women to be lmown as theWilliam Smith College for Women. Theinstitution will be on a site of thirty acresin one of the most beautiful sections inthe outskirts of Geneva, New York. Theplans call for one building to cost $150,000.:\1 r, Smith has made large donations topublic institutions and also maintains theSmith observatory.The American Microscopical Society yes­terday began a three days' session at Win­ona. At the forenoon session routine busi­ness was transacted. The members of th�society then adjourned to visit thelaboratories of the Warsaw biological sta­tion of the University of Indiana as the-guests of the director, Prof. Carl Eigen�mann. At the afternoon session, Dr. V. �Latham, of Northwestern University Medi­cal College, Chicago, read a paper describ­ing' certain details in the structure ofteeth.Alfred Mosely, who last fall led a dele­gation of workingmen from many Englishtrades to study and compare Americanindustrial methods, is now preparing toconduct a similar investigation of the edu­cational system of the United States. Thecommission will sail for New York Octo­her 3. It will consist of about thirty recog­nized authorities on elementary, secondary,and university education. It is expectedthat the investigation will extend over twomontbs.Pettit Brothers in Golf TourneyHoward Pettit. golf champion of Wis­consin. and a former University student.was defeated yesterday in the third an­nual tournament of the \Visconsin StateGolf Association by Hamilton Vose, a�I ilwaukee player, The first round matchplay was close and exciting. Pettit leadV ose till nearing the last holes, but Vosefinally won 6 up. In the afternoon playkertholf Pettit defeated T. W. Spence.7 up: F. Hinds defeated Fi-ed Pettit 1 up;H. Vose defeated H. Pettit 6 up. �LAY CONSOLATION DOUBLESBingham. and Procter and Moorhead andFarrell Succesaful in First Round­Helmholz .in Long Unfinished JlatchYesterday at the Kenwood courts Helm-hob: and Morley played a four-hour match10 doubles wit4 Snow and Carter and thematch was not finished on account ofdarkness, They began play at three o'clockand finished. but four sets at a quarter:After seven. All the sets were deu�e.Sn4.' aDd . Carter took tlae int· tWo '.-. .Helmholz and Morley the second two. Thescores were 8-6, 9-7, 8-10, 8-10.Many consolation matches were playedbesides the regular singles and doubles.In the men's doubles, first round, Binghamand Procter defeated Ryerson and 'Mundy,2·6-4-6, 6-0, 6-4, 6-3. In the consolationmen's doubles, first round, Moorhead andFarrell defeated Gardner and Gregory.In the consolation women's singles MissThorndike defeated Miss Hillman, 6-4, 7-5 ;Miss Lee defe .. sted Miss Kingsbury, 6-0, 6-3.This afternoon at 3 :30 o'clock HitchcockHall will meet Graduate Hall in a tourna­ment for the doubles tennis championship.Locke and Steiness will uphold the honorof Hitchcock, while Lind and Jayne willrepresent Graduate Hall.Mr. Moorhead will have charge of thetennis tournament.EXPLAINS LIGHT AND SHADE EFFECTDirector French, of the Art IDstitute, runs­trates Graphically the Importance.of These Elements·Mr. French, in his lecture on "Light andShade," yesterday afternoon, explained thepictorial elements as being the consider­ation of line, disposition of light andshade, and quality of color. There is anintrinsic beauty in light and shade.. Be­fore '�ng" the �ct objects in' a picttare-'we can discern whether it is good· or badby its disposition of light and shade.Director French then sketched two picturesto show that the same disposition of lightand shade may occur in widely differentsubjects. Other sketches showed the effecto.f light and shade on a cylinder andbunch of grapes. "A broad lighted and abroad dark space put side by side in apicture .give impressiveness but it not in­teresting," said Mr. French.Mr. French described the Turneresquemethod as being a gray sketch runninginto a white background with strong blackand white accents. As an illustration ofthis 'plan Mr. French sketched a repre­sentation of Turner's "Moaning of theTide," the picture of a howling dogchained on the sea 'Shore. By stereopticonviews Mr. French then described the useof light and shade by the old masters.Correggio's "Mystic Marriage of St. cath­arine," he explained as baving a distribu­tion of sparkling light and shade, and Ru­bens's "Descent From the Cross," as hav­mg dramatic light and shade.French Club Perfects RhymesM. David reports the twenty-five mem­hers of the French Club, who have beendevoting themselves to the study of nur­sery rhymes for' the last two" �eeks,' ashaving made considerable progress. Themeeting in Spelman yesterday afternoonwas attended by many students not inresidence this quarter. After a drill insome new songs M. David read a shortaccount of thc habits of Pope Leo, givinga few anecdotes of the late Catholic head.A special feature of the afternoon was theservice which v.:as exceedingly well madeI,y French .... alct de chambrc; Miss Howard.1Od Mr. Secard were guests of honor. M.David is preparing a booklet containing avery interesting and varied collection ofthe French rhymes to be printed and ready;.°or the use of the club next Fall.Mathematics Club meets in the As­sembly Hall, Haskell Museum, Friday,July J' , at i :30 p. m. Programme:"Some Misconceptions of the Notions ofa Galois Field," by Assistant ProfessorI .. E. Dickson: "Extension of the Use ofthe Complex Variable in Hydrodynamics,"by 1\1 r, A. C. Lunn. The new building for the Chicago Man­ual Training School that is being erectedon Kimbark avenue, north of the newSchool of Education, is rising with greatrapidity, the walls are high enough abovethe first floor to givl! one an excellent ideaof the intenor plan of this new home oft� tecImical 'a� The �irg "is' to' bea three-story structure, of Bedford stoneto correspond with the campus group, andwill be, fitted out with the most modemappliances for high grade technical work.On the first floor are the business offices,clerks' ro.oms, and office of the dean. Apattern storage room, locker room, toiletand wash rooms, and tool rooms also areplaced here. The large room at the westend of the building will be used for amachine room; here will be erected a largetraveling-crane. A traveling-crane willalso be in the forge-room, where also willbe a deep sand-pit for foundry work.There will be a room where the lumberused daily will be stored and kept. Thecabinet and pattern room is, nearly at theeast end. Between it and the end room isa large corridor which is entitled "Apassage play ground." Having a cementfloor it is likely to prove a hard recreationplace. The room �t· the east end is alecture hall that will seat 180 persons. Aplatform and high screen are placed atone end. All these rooms open from awide corridor that runs east and westthe length of the building. The sides ofthis hall are bricked with the pepper-and­salt cubes so familiar to University stu­dents. The room waIls are of dark coloredbrick wainscoting, with lighter COlors m?st destructible and irrational ... ,.,'.above. The upper stories will consist of said the speaker.eastand"W:est wings cODIiect� by' � . i��g" �-:-rriie-' .,atiiOtiS1ills -ioO(I. cltizeDship i�corridor. On the second story will be the all times, war and peace.' Mr. SparkS re-metal-working room. A blue-print room, gretted the law for flying the national flagdark-room, and, in the east wing;- two from the schoolhouse every day in the year.drawing-rooms.' He thought it made the, symbol less im-In the west wing of the third and top pressive, but hastened to add th3t it is afloor is a room devoted to household arts. mistake to mistake enthuSiaSm for' theThere will be lockers placed around the symbol as the real thing.Fides. An apparatus .store room and achemical laboratory are on this floor. Atthe east end is t heroom given over to free­hand drawing. It is lighted from above.The basement contains all kinds of newarrangements and conveniences. Thefoundation is an extra heavy one. Thecontractors say it would hold a ten-storystructure, The heating apparatus andstore-rooms are below the first floor. Anoil-room has been excavated underground.The coke and coal rooms are at the eastend. A lumber room is here, with a trapdoor leading conveniently to the work­shops above. The supply-rooms for thedifferent departments are here; below floors.An odd room is that named "shavings de­pository," To here will be chuted theshavings from the wood-working above.The Chicago Manual Training Schoolwill form the technological division of the:new University High School, which ismade up of it and the South Side Academy�It is now situated at Michigan avenue andTwelfth .t� ,FITTED FOR TECHNICAL WORK]few Building of Chicago IIanu&l Train­ing School to BaTe All JIodem Appli­ances Within Its WallaMARTYN CLAIMS HE HAS THE VICTORYSays Be Bas Defeated Famous in Fightfor the cafeLed by a band of music discoursingsweetest strains, their exuberance of joyhouyed up by the plaudits of the as­sembled student body, the glittering pa­gcant of Martyn, the photographer, woundits way about the Campus after havingreechoed a letter from Superintendent ofGrounds McLean yesterday morning.Famous was undone. The refusal of thewhilom Commons lies with the enemy ofDe Brove, The University authoritieshave turned the tide of battle. It is saidthat; when the bindery which will occupythe Cafe building until December hasbeen moved into the Press, G. M. Martyn,photographer. will transform the premiseswith long skylights and roomy shadessuch as arc found only in the most modemart galleries of the country. THEProfessor Sparks Says StudentsLearn too lIuch of ItsGloriesThe True Patriot Is the .. WIIoPays lIia ,Tuea aDclVotes--:_. -: .. :.����:.'Professor Edwin Eo Sparks in his lectil"';yesterday afternoon on "p� and War,"said that the criticism on historical. �books was a proper one when it sa)'S �too much attention is given to the historyof wars.If he were teaching United States his­tory, he said, he would not mention mere­ly the glorious battles and conquests ofarmies, but would put just as much em­phasis on the facts of the enormous debtwhich our war has made, the amount spentannually for pensions, th� widows and.orphans made ,by war, the great discom­fort of all citizens and the actual wrongsdone to those of the party which o�the war. The aftermath of a war - isworse than the war itself. It tends to a;lawlessness which it takes years te read-just. .All this with the fact that war i� abnor­mal, peace normal, should be taught in his­tory, thus giving no undue emphasis to afew facts."We have made great progress in sciencethe last century, especially in the scienceof biology. We' have even been able tocapture and treat the tiniest microbes ofdisease, but the microbe of the fever ofwar remains �caught and spreads itself inTSCHIRGI ATTEMPTS RESCUE OF LEVILetter to Warner Te1la I'IIrtbr Dewlaof DroWllin, of Vanity. �tu4.n�A letter received yesterday . fro� . Du­buque, Iowa, by Hayward' Warner. of th�Information Office, gives. fmther particu­lars of the drowning of Jesse Levi, a StD�dent in the Junior COUege. .• 'Levi ,accompanied by Harry Tschiqi. arormer classmate, was swiuuDing in theMiSsi"ippi river with several other ycnmgmen and were diving f�m a raft �cbo�to the shore. Levi dove with the ftSttrom the upper end of the raft, but WaS('.aught by the undertow and carried underit. Tschirgi caught a glimpse of his friendas the latter was struKKling to reach thesurface before the current sucked himbeneath the raft, and sprang into thewater. He swam the whole length of thetaft beneath the water, but laDed to findLevi. Twice he attempted the racue andthen was held back by his companions, whoI efused to allow him to further imperil hislife. A few minutes later the body ofLevi ftoated free of the raft and was re­covered.Levi had jUst completed his sophomoreyear at the University, where he had madea reputation for himself as a hard andconscientious student. Tschirgi enteredthe University in January, 1902, and wasin residence the \Vinter and Spring quar­ters of that year. Dbring the past year hehas been at Armour Institute doing tech­nical work, but lived at the Chi Psi houseof which fraternity he is a member. Nextyear he expects to go to Michigan to takean engineering course. Tschirgi while atthe University attracted considerable at-tcntion as :1 distance runner.Prospective Aldermen! Select the wardyou wish to represent and leave name atI nfnnnation Office. The hour of meetingwill be set at the first preliminary meetingto suit the majority. Women arc eligible...... ''';" .CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1908O .. nc&: S. Eo Comcr Sixty· third It. aad Inelcside :lV.Hours: C)-IO A ..... 2-4 P ..... 7-8 P."·Phone. OaklaDd 252The Daily MaroonFermerly tbe University of Cbi� Weekly.JIOUIIDaDTIM- Univcrlity of Chicazo Weekly • October I. 1192THa DAILY MAIlOOJC • October I. 1905 speaking as they naturally speak intheir daily walk and conversation.One of the speakers is a candidatefor a master's degree, and he isgoing to get that degree at the endof this quarter. His head is full offacts, valuable facts. He can tellyou without a moment's hesitationthe exact date of any important bat-tle you· might mention from Troy toEl Caney. He can name to you thepresidents of the United States, andtell you the chief events of eachadministration. He can recite thenames of all the monarchs of all thenations in order from Rameses ofEgypt to Karageorgevitch of Servia.But in t�.!-ling you all this he willemploy' a 'vehicle 'of expression 'soslovenly and barbarous that yoursensibilities will be shocked. Youwill forget to admire the man'sknowledge in your disgust at his lackof education.This Dlay sound paradoxical, butit is not. A man may know a greatdeal and still be uneducated,ignorant. This is just what manymen, and women also, at the Uni­versity of Chicago need to find out.No matter how many degrees a manmay get or how much knowledge hehas, unless he learns to talk properlyhe will be set down as ignorant, as aboor, and he will justly be denied 1the respect of refined people. ,True Chicago men deplore thefact that the reputation of the Uni­versity in many communities restswith graduates who are uneducated,although learned. The Universityis designed as a place for education.Let us get an education. It is ourown fault if we do not. OR. CHARLES � MURPHYRaSIDuca: 6330 Woodlawu avCDUCHours: 8-q A. .... 6.., P.... ·Phonc. Drexel 50931IBW3 COllTRJBUTIOllS RBQUBSTBD.Publilhed by tbe students of tbe UDiYC1'S1ty of Chi­� every aftcmoon,czc:ept Saturday * Sunday, duroioe the 46 _bof the Unlvcrsity year.First board of editors and bUlincu mauaecrauthorized by ltudent-body ill masa meetioe May IS.IQOS.Membership on subsequent boards of editors to bedetermined by compct.itioD opeD to all Itudents in tbeUaiYCrlity.Summcr board vac:udcs filled by appointmcnt fromItUdeuts in residence.BOARD OF BDITORSManqln, Editor • - ROBaRT L. HaNn. JR .. News Editor • • • OuvaR H. WYMAMAthlctic Editor HaDaRT E. FU"INGASSOCJATa IlDrTORIHAallY W. FoaD AUST1" A. HAYDUlllADDaus J. M IlR R ILl.STAPP 0.. uPOJlT&asEo R. GANNON MISS HaLIlN S .. rmMISI ANNE E, FLOYD R. H. ALLUMISS GRACE RaDDY THOMA,. J. MaEKC. ltI. McKaNNA C. J. CUPl'BUS11IBSS STAFFTH& DAILY MAIlOONBusiness ManaecrAdYerdlin, Man�Rush MediC Manaccr THE MONTHLY MAJtOONI UUAN L. RaoDi)A ... S D. FLOODJ.W.SwlnDally Subscrlptlonl $3 per 4 quarters I S 1 for 3 monthsBy MallIn cltj S4 per .. quarters I S 1.25 for 3 monthsSabKripd_ reech.ed at "1be "anoD" Otkc. R_,. The..._ BallcUaC. or left la "ne ...,_,. Boll. tbe FaaaltJ'Bzdaaqe. Cobb HallI'" EDITORIALS,Credit for compiling, editing, andgetting out the July number of THEMONTHLY MAROON, is due to FrankR. Adams. The editorial board de­cided not to have a special electionfor the summer quarter, and to con­tinue the present board: until thefall. The' only members of theboard in residence were FrankAdams and Edward G. Woods. Mr.Adams is,to;:be'away.ior·�le ,c;>f�weeks, but will be back in time to'get out the August number, In themeantime - 'Mr. Woods will havecharge, and copy should be sent tohim. The, editors are anxious tohave a large number' of stories toselect from, and wish to have thestudents submit articles as soon aspossible. THE DIARY OFA SUMMER STUDENT-"BY-July 30, 1903."There goes a woman who knows howto dress." The remark, made by my '03friend, B. Harrison Smythe, as he satdown beside me on a bench opposite thedoor of Cobb, and carefully drew histrousers. up so as not to break theircreased lines, at the knees, caught my at­tention this morning. I put on my, spec­tacles and observed a ladv who wasdressed most simply. She wore a lightcream-white dress in which there weresmall pale green figures. It was just alittle low at the top, so that the two linescoming to a point marked hy a daintyemerald brooch, formed a triangle inwhich the farther side was the curving lineof her neck. As a nautical man might sayshe looked neat and trim. Using myglasses I had just recognized her as myschool-girl friend, Miss Lillian White,when my critical regular friend said:"1 should think that some of the gentle­manly collections of bags in the classesof that woman woqld s.!.raighten .. thei�lines," ,II " <II � 9>This crystallized a vapor of thoughtwhich has been in my mind since themeeting with myoId Lillian yesterday.Where have I heard such a suggestionabout bags before? Ah, it was in thewords of the noted charaaer, Famous. Iam resolved. Tomorrow being Saturday,J will up betimes and go to his ·shop. It isprobable that this Famous can loan mesome clothes, so that I may sit and wait. tor him to put some creases into my own.At aJJ events I shall try.What else can I do that Lillian and Imay pursue Knowledge together, yet inde­pendently. Let's see! Ah, I have it.Brother Head is now His Honor, and hasissued a call for women aldermen. Ourslate carried and I am the Bathhouse.Lillian shall be Hinky Dink. my fellow­alderman. III see Brother Head at once.He is under political obligations and Ishall insist. Hurrah, Lillian White andNoah Blossom, aldermen of the First. Ah,Noah. what political and social Wisdomwill we individually not gather thereby!. What has happened to the regularsummer golf tournament? Are wen?� )�i�g to have one this year?I� _ j� getting late. There is only amonth more of college before theSeptember vacation. It takes a longtime to playoff the tournament, acouple of weeks usually, and if it isnot begun soon there will not betime enough to complete it.. Thetrouble seems to be that there is noleader, or rather that those whoshould start the affair and takecharge of it are not doing, so. Suchan attractive 'feature of the quartershould not be omitted. There are a, J ,J�rge ����_�e_!'_ QJ.. �t.��"��,�s.. ,!!.l!� ateplaying golf and who would like totake part in a Varsity tournament."Say Sandy, what's all this doin'sin Rome they dub the conclave ?"Degreet "How do I know, youlIay.eu lobster, I ain't never seenBothiDg a conclave."The above is part of a conversa­tion which actually took place be­tween two students on the Campus infront of Cobb Hall a few days ago.The remainder of the talk was' evenmore execrable than the openingquery and reply, and the lamentablething about it is that it was aserious conversation. The partici­pants were not trying to be slangyand ungrammatical for the amuse­ment of an audience. They were , O .... ,cE-Hyde Puk 1788PHONE I RESIDENCE-Hyde Park 787DR. RALPH W. PARKER• DR. FRED W. PARKERDENTISTS6249 Kimbark AvcnucN.Ii. CIr.SUt/�I'It;,tI.sr. Hours' 8:30 to 12.h:ootoSoBORDEN·SCONDENSED IIILK, FLUID IIlLK,CREAK AND BUTTERJrIILKALL BOTTLED IN THE COUNTRYBORDEN'S CONDENSED MILK CO.82T·833 E ... ORTY-SEVENTH aT.GOOD asIt Pays to Advertise in the Maroon.Summer Students NeedSUMMER CLOTHINGWarm weather garments should fitperfectly to be comfortable. A goodtailor is necessary to bring about thishappy condition. M. J. Coffey Isa good tailor.On the I rth floor of the Y. M. C. A.Bldg.-down town-Coffey has largelight parlors in which to show youjust tne pattern you want. and, whatis equally important. can make you agarment. an embodiment of that styleand grace so much desired by well­dressed men.Ask about the special summer suit.suits were made to close out hun-.. dreds pf,yar� ot.�he p�e$t"bJue_�n9,", _ .black serges �nd 'cheviots, which re- 'mained at the recent closing of ourmanufacturing division. Selling illthe' regular way,' every suit In thelot would be priced at least a thirdmore-some almost half. All sizes .M. J. COFFEYTailor to Business Men• .� .. � �Ie .s�, � Tdcphonc,Cc�tral3:439�,. ���:�tme!����'iYeal��T��D.fI fAY. G(0IniE PIIIMROSL .. 7 0tIIer BIG AdsNext Week-CEClUA LOFTUS. Winner of tbe$3.000 ContestGOLDc. P: L .COUPONSSAVE YOU5 to 25 p'er cent.--AT--1500 Best StoresISSUED BYPhone 3970 Gentral.'The wnsumers" Purchasing League of America. .� .114 MONROf,sT\,.( cor •. Glark.-) .tHItAGO . ,;Introductor'7 "Prices IBook Containing. $2 in Coupons 2SCBook Containing $5 in Coupons Socc. P. L. Coupon Books are on Sale at Drug Stores, CigarStores, News Stands, Barber Shops, and Restaurants, all overChicago. Also on All Incoming Train� :: .. •. .. .. ..Get Your G. P. L �. at The Maroon Offke. Room 7. Press Bldg.Vacation Suits. $14.00Baaeaa.at Sectloa. Nofth Rooaa 'THE REASONMARKABLE FOR THIS RE�VALUE: TheseOn Sale in the Basement Section at $14.00Marshall Field co. Co.. ._�� .:���."CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1903 " ,r:;:�;;;1Suit" !"�.7 !Wil1iam 'Sachen #!#,�,. TAILOR320 East Fifty-fifth st.Is' the' proper suit- for fmembers of the Uni­versity of Chicago �" ....... """"��.Scheyer,Hoglund CO.TA·llORS89 East Madison St.. - Suite 9-1!OUR· IlIDUCBaB1i 1'8 DB:Guarantee of perfect fit, high' gradeworlnn•D'bJp, and the latest creation.of style and fashion at moderate prices.60wman Dairy (jo.OUR MILKis Bottled in the CountryCbt ntW Drug Stort'; Ddld� Soda Put DngsCHICA60" 'UMlV£flSIT-Y, .pHARMACV·57111 st. i lWIft lYe. Tel. .,.. Pa� '154L!"-�""'"Park 6rocery and Market3M B. Flft7-Piftb StreetOWARA 8IOlIDS' ... BAKERY(Pboae 1646 Hyde Park)All 000cIs StrIctly Home-MIUIeOrders tabD for Ice Cream :aad Ices. Goods deliftftd.278 East Flft�-attb street.lima PARE &lID CBlCAGO D.&CII STOLBa.J •. H. KINTZ(,..,..taTOa) .�!�Jackson Park - Stables." But PUty·8natla 8tnet .TeL.OUJa.d ss- caIC.l.e.H. Z E ISSLADIES' TAILOR9 E. Forty-seveath at.(near IlL Central Station)'Phone Oakland 1269, After 7 P. M., .rSunday, 'phone Gray 404Unllaed Salts from $35 up.SIIk·UaecI Suits from $"0 up.Skirts from $15 up.Telepboae Hyde Park 18A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICor. s3d It. aDd Kimbark ne. CAGOI MAJO"'. ai.d MINO .... IMiss Bertha Wilkes, of the President'soffice, and Miss Louise Wilkes, of the Uni­versity Press Division, are spending theirvacations at Lake Maxinkuckee, Indiana.Mr. Stagg takes pride in showing a fineset of photographs he has now of theprize cups of last year's inter-scholasticmeet. There are four cups besides theiarge one for the winner of the 1902.Newman Miller, director of the Univer­sity Press, together with his wife hasgone to Detroit to attend the nationalconvention of Sigma Chi. Mr. Miller isthe editor of the. official Sigma Chi pub­lication, the "Quarterly."Miss Ella R. Metsger, formerly a re­porter on TilE DAILY MAROON staff leftthis afternoon for her home in Churubusco:ndiana. Miss Metsger will take a positio�in Delta, Colorado, the first of Septem­ber as principal of the high school there.Eugene Wambaugh, professor of law -inHarvard University -law. school ·�was a'visitor at the University this 'morning.Professor Wambaugh has been spendinghis vacation in different parts of the Westand stopped here about two hours on theway to his home in Cambridge, Mass.G. B. Robinson, Ray P. Johnson, ArthurLodge, C. Huntsberger, Claude Dore, andG. Schmidt, of the Sigma Chi fraternityleft Chicago last evening for Detroit,where they will attend the Sigma Chi Na­tional Convention to be held Thursday,Friday, and Saturday.Haskell was so crowded with people tohear Mr. Parks's illustrated lecture on"Paris" yesterday afternoon that it wasnecessary to move to Kent, and -therenearly every chair was 'occupied. Mr.Parks spoke of the principal places in Paris. His description and pictures ofNotre Dame. which took three hundredyears for construction, were the most in­teresting of the places explained; and hisscenes and historical sketches from the• life of Napoleon were perhaps best of allhis illustrations from the lives of dis­tinguished men.THE CoLLEGE WORLDThe Iowa State College Association, ofChicago and vicinity, will cross the lakeon an excursion to Milwaukee. and returnon the steamer Christ�pher ColumbusSaturday. Dr. A. B. Storms, the newlyelected president, and other prominent ;persons will be in the party.Charles B. Hare has accepted the ap­pointment of government bacteriologist inthe Philippines at a salary of $1,500. Heis the young man who got the bubonicplague while working in the laboratorywith Dr. Noog. He graduated from themedical department of the University ofMichigan last June. . .. . .MONROE BUILDING CAFEIs ON tlu Tot Floor. Talu ElnatorMeal Hours: Breakfast, 7-9; exceptSundays, 8-9: 30. Lunches, 12-1 :30Suppers, 6-8s.IIJ o.ers. 35 c;ts. AD GUIer ... 25 as.sUfIiw£:���lgtUltnv1337 ...,._. ..... 63,. 5t. "laIIIIDI1 ...·'IL c.t. 2615 ,eI.., .. r.t 1229CiItter ..... W ...... SHORTHANDIN ONE HOUR "�.- . ";, tT�, .� .."6.;Straw HatSale. !, 0' .• " ., 1 t� ... .f�" ,,# • �:PRICES CUT IN HALF$2.00$1.00.50Panamas, $5.00, $7·5°, $10_, $3.75and $15.00All $3.00 and $4.00All $2.qO and $2.50All $ 1 .00 and Straws,Straws,$1.50 Straws,We Never Carry Over a Hat-"OUR WAY"96 MADISON ST. co.GREAT NORTHERN HQTEL BLDG.97 E. RANDOLPH ST.w. COHN, Tailor609 East Fift7-ftfth Street(Near cor. Drexel Avenue)A tailor for students who want the best workmanshipand the best line of goods at the lowest prices. Per­feet satisfaction given to U. of C. students for 5 years.("LEANING, DYEING, AND REPAIRINGI Want You�r Bu.ine •• III 40 to 60 daya Mrs. Lena A. Whitecuarutee. to make rou an expert stenoc­rapher and typewnter or refUJlcl yourmoney. Hundreds of students havem.uterecl her system in one hour, Con­tinuous school session. Individual in­stnaction by the author.WHITE'S COLLEGE20J IIlCHJGAN A VB.THE MOST DELICIOUSICE CREAM SODACAN aE HAD AT THEAVERY PHARMACIES55 ........ 1 ...Spalding's OfficialAthletic Almanacfor 1:903The only Almanac published that con­tains a complete list of American Best-on­Records and Complete List of Champions.Over 530 Pictures of Prominent Americanand Foreign Athletes.PRiCe IOcA. O. SPALDINO & BROS.New York CUcaao DesIYa BIIfIa» BaltimaleMUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowlin&" AIkpThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to loS MADISON STREETL. MANASSE, OPTICIANas M;adlsoa se., Trlbaae Balldla�8pecw:lea u4 B)'ep.uea 8cttIluac:an,. ,A4JaatetEyes Tested Fleefr��.• - lIelll!iwlotbl. ...for the I.&DterDiII.1Ito4ab, ca-. u4 8ajp1jea.TO BaT IS CDA.Pa'I'_Celebrated Hats" Styles anc1Qaalil*A1waya�'PAUl" Hoos.ClllCAGO PJIIL.I.I)a..JII.I.""YOH--llaia 0tIice. aad Worb. :net It. aad S1UcIds ne.Pboac soath 1104BB8T WORE IN CHICAGOM' ARTYB JIAROOII ST1JDio. 5705 Cottap QrooqPIIO'l'OGItAPIID 8pedaJ rata to ataIataCLASS PHOTOS OF ·03Storage:.i:'hIepIMnIe, 411 ....... "•• tw.rUlImCKLElIBDG'S DPDSS .VDCO •1154 to lito WatwertIl .I. ....Blt.l.JlCII: I:P Cottqe Grwe .I. ....B. L AlIa E .............. lin IL R. PA"OET THE BESTAmes' Hats$2.00 and $3.00.6. a 163 I!. MAOtSON ST •• _. LA SAU.8J. J. GILL, Ph.G.CHEMIST andPHARMACIST• ........ Hyde Park I, ..WHY ate poor. aawho1ao8c milk. __for the same IDOIICJ JOG MUI I'd itPan. 5weet. ucI �-,.,. R:da, delherecl ia ..ted � by caOi1ac ..Tclepbcme South 817, cw droppiac • postal toSIDNEY WANZER 4 SONS305 Thlrtletb st.\':t,�.·� '.�':\�.;:' .�';:.\�::f.�:, .' < .... ':., � "':' ·:c, ',..' .. ."f.',- .. . -- �.� .-CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JULy 31, 1903I NOTICE& I• ,Summer SpooialA Black or· Blue Sergeor Cheviot Suit withExtra Trousers of theSame or Stripe material$25.00.� � � � .';�,,!!J:�'�:'- • - ���.aapcriDtcada all .. k: '.' '�'. COVEY'S....�DENTAL PARLORS. 114-11' STATE STREETOpposite Mala EDtrallCC PaJmer'Houc. , �d Crowaa • $5.00 I Set Teeth - , $5-B Work - • 5.00 s. S. W. - 8.00PI�am F'alllll2 :1.00 Ra.e Pearl Is-aeGold I'i111Dca $2.00. up Paialesa Eztrac:tJoa .s-The HygeiaDf ntng Rooms5759 DREXEL AVE.First building west of University PressEAT TO LIVE-AND-EAT THE BESTPure. wholesome Hygienic Foods.properly prepared, are our specialties.These, with low rates and the best ofservice, .account for our popularity.III GOODMAN A.MILlERDENTIST369-1! 63!1 STREET'iaEPtaE Bycle Park 1196'-NDtHA "ARBOR, (THE ••• ,C CtT'f)... AU' "'Lc.c tbe SIIore Itoate"25'.� Lea..". Rusb Street Bridge �- .tIOLm.aod3p.m.war. �.I.phOl .. o..tnil "7e.We boyschool-books I"S�:Jdeats aDd faculty members are requested 10 KDdall DOtices to THs DAlLY MA800H for publicatioa freeof cbarze. Notices must be left at THs M.uoo .. 08ice'M F.ailty Ezchaace before II: 00 A. ....Alumnae Loan Books may be returnedin Haskell Basement.Excursion tickets to Williams Bay maybe redeemed at the Information Office.Reception. Y. M. C. A. and W. S. C. L.Lexington Hall. Monday, August 3. 8o'clock. All students invited.Entries for the University tennis tour­nament should be left in the Faculty Ex­change before 5 p. m. Friday.Dr. Edmund Buckley will give an illus­trated lecture on "Fine and DecorativeArt in Japan," Kent Theater, July 31,.8, 'p. m.Room I z, Haskell Hall, will be the head­quarter of the Southern Club. Open from6':30 to 7 :30 p. m., daily. and later onSaturdays •. .. Mrs. M. H. Borchers. of Hamburg. Iowa,mother of Miss Anna Rosamond Borchers,iast year an unclassified student at theUniversity has corrected a statement tbatsome time ago appeared in the Record-. Herald. Miss Borchers is attending thesummer school of Harvard Univeraity,and the story said she was mentally un­balanced and had mysteriously disappeared,and was found later in a home for workinggirls. Mrs. Borchers says tbe story isuntrue. Her daughter was overcome bythe heat while riding in a street car. andwas taken to the home by, one of the sis­ters in charge. Miss Borchers has entirelyrecovered and is again at her studies. Shewill return in the fall to the University.Her residence here was 5759 Drexel ave­nue.Students desiring to secure a position toteach ·will find' it to their interest to con­sult James F. McCullough, 639 Fine ArtsBuilding. Chicago.For posinons in High Schools. SecondarySchools. State Normal Schools, Colleges, andState Universities, address or call on TheAlbert Teachers' Agency, Fine Arts Build­ing, Chicago. C. J. Albert. manager.Oh I oh I how good I What? That Soda.Where? Bowen's, Fifty-fifth and Inglesideavenue.' .. The Daily )[aroon IS one of the bestadvertising medi1lDl8 in Chicap. Try it.FOR R.ENTTwelve-room furnished house;5465 Washington ave.; . largelot; fine 'location. InquireL J •. SKDtOIE. AGent. 190 MacIJson st.'IEAGHEIS lJSlIQ. fIE NOT IEQlE» SAUI8W A � lED Hiltb-9chnol Assiswats. Latia, ...... IIIIIW Scieua:. llathclaatb. ese., 1500tD I-f .. ��aDd.s��I�a.r�_tDl_&we NonaaJs,:Co1lqa. UDiftftities $1210 to 1600Th ... toD T •• ch • Ag.D�A-.IL n.n.......... 378 Ay.. CiIIIAID. SPECIAL BULLETUf.!Watch later issues for further develop­ments. For the present we are at ourold place, always ready to do your tailor­ing, cleaning, and pressing. Full line ofsummer' furnishings and hats, toJ'amous TailorlD, Company346 E. Fifty-fifth st. 'PboDe, H)'de Park S,_Robert W. MaxwellsaysPresidentSuspendersencourage every movementof the body� Guaranteed•• All Breaks Made Good."SOC and '1.00. AD shop­keepers in Chicagoor b7 mal �4 fromC. A. KDO"RTOII .. A. 00.., ........ 1,.., ...... I-M LOOKING FOR.WARDWITH MUCH PLltASUIU� TO A CALL PROM THE READER, WHEN I WILL, WITH­OUT DOUBT, CONVINCE YOU OF THE SUPERIORITY OF NOT ONLY MY LINEOP WOOLENS, BUT THE GENEIlAL HIGH QUALITY OF MY WORK, WHICH HASPLACED ME IN THE LEAD IN THIS BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.NEW SPRING GOODS NOW IN STOCKThe 33 Man 33 Adami 33 Cent, 33 Letteflln 33 Dollar"�Original at It. 'Pboae. Name and, BUlln.1I I. . Addresl Suit• • • MY LEADEIL • • •CARROLL S. KcMILLAB, TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.We'aver Coal &DOMESTIC CokeCOKECo.Substitute Ha rd Coat. ,lorMarquette Building. 63d and Wallace streets 40th street and WeDt1torth uenueNorth avenue and ruYer.Compressed Air smice > •,"The ,Grand Central Barber 'Shop :B. J. GAlIIIBT, ProprietorTeL d3 Harrison �..f>e. ,tic -Face Cram72 Adams StreetOpposIte Falrw. T. DELIHANTPrls,illllt M. C. O'DONNELLSI&rIU'7 ALBERT TEBOTrllUtlrlr.Standard Washed Coal CO •,NEW KENTUCKY COALPOCAHONTAS PEN-MARTEL. HARRISON 3137 303 Dearborn streetCHICAGOREADThe Monthly Maroon.JULY NUMBEROUT NOW"The,Monthly Maroon" eontains stories ofinterest' to students."The MonthlyMaroon" contains a summaryof the important events of the month."The Monthly Maroon" contains items ofinterest to the Alumni."The Monthly Maroon" is the only officialorgan of the Alumni, and is the official organ ofthe student's literary effort.Subscrfptlon-v-Sr.oo Per YearADtiscpbC ShllYiae Cream F8Ce MasaceThe U. of C. BARBER SHOPJ.A.QIU!I!NE.� Comprnsed Air SerTice409 E. FlftY-&eventb-st.Two BIocb ..,_ U.'Yen1t7 TobaccoCi2:arsIf You Want Money e:!l A. L�!!A!.�,..,..,.,,� ._t_ -:>et .. r:o; " .,ct .t;.,, � Watcba, Jcwdr)o, aDd Aatiqaa, lor sale; Old Gold aad SiJn:r IJoaehtCOLISEUM GARDENS.. THE POPULAR MUSIC KINO"BROOKE-AND HIS-.CHICAGO MARINE BAND50 PEERLESS PLAYERS•• P�" toncerts evetl � and Slllday afternoons. AI seats 25 cents.�'s Caterers. EcIeIweIss Malaters. fHcaGO's Most Popular Resort.