���::" .:-0·'.'The Daily MaroonPabUalaed � by De Studftta of tu VDlyenlt7 of ClalcalO Dar!a& u.. Pour Qautera If De VIlheralty Tea .VOL. I. No. 162 PBIOE TuBEE CENTSCHICAGO, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1903MANY DEGREES CON FERRED ENTRIES FOR TRACK MEET• Columbia Confers De&rees on Am­bassac19r J usserand, GovernorOdell, and 2,200 StudentsA College PteaideDt Critidsel tile Fra­ternity System-Cleveland AttenuPriDcetoa CommencementThe one hundred and forty-ninth. an­nual commencement of Columbia. Univer­sity was held yesterday. Honorary de­grees were conferred on penona con­nected with other institutions of learningand on distinguished lay�en. includingGovernor Odell. Jules Jussetand. theFrench ambassador ; Andrew S. Draper.president of the University of Illinois.and Peter Cooper Hewitt of New YorkCity. President Butler delivered the ad­dress to the graduates. who numberedabout J .200 in all. The candidates of theuniversity for the degree of bachelor ofarts, 100 in all, included Governor Odell'sson. At the alum�i luncheon. PresidentButler announced that a dormitory coating$300,000 was to be erected through thegenerosity of Marcellus Hartley' Dodgeand Mrs. George Hartley, . 'A sensational criticism of the Americancollege. fraternity .,.tem ·was embodied inthe annual report of President Guy PotterBenton, of Miam,.i University. to the trus­tees of that institution today. Dr. Bentonis a member of one of the sttong. fraterni­ties and is the head of a college wherefour- of the largest fraternities were found­ed. In his report he !J:lys: '"I am frankto say that if I had been alive 100 yearsago' and 'had"b�en �t the head of a collegeand could have foreseen exactly what the····influenee-of-such� organiutions' wotiId" beas we have them today. I shOUld . baTe op'­posed very, earnestly -the organization .ofthe American college fraternity system.Those. institu�ions in 'whic� they do not.::exist have better literary life and less ofcaste system and a larget" spirit of democ-­racy."Grover Cleveland marched .at the headof the academic procession with PresidentW oodrow Wilso� at the one hundred andfifty-sixth annual commencement atPrinceton University yesterday. Mr.Cleveland had the seat of )Wnor on' theright of President Wilson 'on .the rostrum.llany honorary degrees were. conferred.The graduating class numbered "240.• •,At Princeton this year sixteen men fromthe graduating class were elected membersof' the Phi Beta Kappa.Professor Richard T. Ely. LL.D., ofthe liniversity of 'Visconsin. made the ad­dress yesterday at the close of the sixty­fourth annual commencement exercises. ofDepauw University, speaking on socialprogress. Seventy-four graduates receiveddiplomas,Yesterday- a large party of millionairesvisited Indianapolis for the Purpose· ofchoosin:t a site for a national technicalinstitute. It is predicted the �dowmentwill reach �4,000,000. It is said the partyvisiting Indianapolis represents in wealth$.zoo.ooo,ooo. A reception was. given theparty last night hy pro�inent citizens ofIndianapolis.V"lc made more noise and played betterhall than' Harvard �;es;erd:iy in the an�nual Harvard- Yale alumni games on Mar;­shaH Field. Each team had a band, ahurdy-gurdy and, a mascot. The Yale co-'horts were led -by' the N�-shoys' Band.while thc Harvard warriors had a. l�ttl�'D\ltch hand of t"'elvc pieces. From startto finish. thc t'VI.·� hands parad�d th�J;ro\lnds and vied to dete��ine whether"noola-Boola" or "Fair Harvard" was themore blatant when' blown through·a brasshorn. Aside from the 'side 'attractions, theJ:'amc itself was ""ell worth: seeing. Onehome run: 'eight three:hagg�rs. scvm two�'haggc�.. and ",'CT1ty-twQ singles sounds"'ell for stick-work. The fielding was�ood_' The Store 'VI.·a5 23 to 14 in favorof Yale. COMPLETE PROGRAM FOR JUNIOR DAY EXERCISESJunior College Day occurs on Friday ofthis week, The program for the day isan unusually attractive one and deservesthe eareful perusal of all Junior Collegestudents.Beginning with 8: 30 in the morning,the Junior Day athletics take place onMarshall Field. There will be, fint, theinter-fraternity meet among the twelvelocal ch;pters: second, the inter-housemeet among representatives of Lincoln,Snell, and Washin«ton Houses.This meet ",ill begin promptly and berun off on time schedule with the sameorder as the conference meet events.At 10: 30 a. m., the Divinity, Schoolexercises wilt be held in Haskell OrientalMuseum, Congregation Hall. Several ad­dresses are scheduled art the program, among which is one by the president of theBoard of Trustees •At 10: 30 the School of Education willhold exercises in their building. An elab­orate program consisting of addresses andmusic has been provided. This will be fol­lowed by 3n informal reception.The Ivy exercises will be held in frontof Foster Hall at 12: 00 m. Miss IsabelleWebster will present the spade on behalfof the Sophomore aass, and J. V. Hicke,of the Freshman Class will receive it.H. Sulcer will deliver the Ivy oration.The University dramatics take place at2: IS p. m. at Powen' Theater.The day's program will be brought to aclose by the Junior Promenade, which isto be. held at the Chicago Beach Hotel,begim1ing at 8 ': 30 p. m.PROM PROGRAMS ARE UNIQUE READY Fraternity and Bouse lien WhoWill Compete OIl MarahallField TomorrowRecorda wm be lIIade in Several:E"t'enu-PI'ogram. StarU at8:30 SharpArrangements have been completed forthe . gym-�zing . ceremony. Ralph' Hamillwill act as chairman, and Victor Sincerewill lead in the singing. The program asplanned by Mayo Fesler, sec:�ry of the­Alumni Association, is as follows:I. "The Gym in '93" ...•.• : •..•....A. R. E. Wyant� Captain FootballTeam 1893. '2. Song, "We Came Here in the Au­tumn of 1893."J. "A Decade in the Old Gym" .••...Dr. Goodspeed, Head Cheer-master4. Song, "Bene Vale" ..•.... Class of 1902 \Vyman. the famous pitcher for the Laws,s· "A Fond Adieu" ...•.. "The Old Man" is entered in the mile. It is being' whi�6. "The Knockers" ....•..•••. � . • • . • pered that the bookmakers are offering, , John Webb (football). Harry Abella no bets on this race.(baseball). Fred Moloney (track).. .•William Bond (tennis). It IS se�dom that OIJ�· baa �e pnnJe&e.. 7-.Song.,�'Good Bye. Gymmy_..· .. J .. ,;.-.. -.�; -:-;.,f.,.�·��iD:-�>.��. The. pk-ocession will form at 3: 00 p. m. on a coid day' and witnessing talent �.and march to Man�el. Hall, .wh�e. they that which will' be . show� in' Friday'�·will dedicate the 1902 Class window. and meet. A special bOx has been p(Ovided forfrom there .to the Old Gym where the artists and lovers of -old Grtt� statua�above program. will take place. near the center. of tho iieid. .1COdak fiepds .... Among: other feat�res of the program. professional and otherwise will �nlT. be .Dr •. Goodspeed will tell how the gymna- allowed to photograph the famous m�sium was first used as a dormitory for �nteied in tb� m�t. All pictu� ..riilWorld's Fair chair-pushers, and how it be inspected by Martyn before publica'tiorLwas �pected. to last but three years. An ambulance co'rP� will be stationed some"The Knockers" will be the first to start place in. Hyde ,Park t� care. for all' oUt-the razing pr�cCss, �y knocking the first siders who may WiD an. event. It is hopedfew bricks from place. '. that it may not rain� ,. . .•. . .In the inter-houSe' and inter-fraternityInterspersed, with the regUlar numbersmeet -tomorrow morning the, .cvents willon . the program, .. numerous stunts havebeen arranged for.' among which are the be ran off promptly. on �. time schedule."rat scene," and the "funeral pyre," on Competitors must be p('epared on. time forwhich' all the old football clothes will be their respective .events. o� they witl n�have an opportunity to compete. Ofli�ialsburned. ' .must be on. the. lrrC!unds at 8: IS' sh�.The field events will start a� 8: 30 sharpand be'ra'n off 'as �pidly' � 'possibie .: Thetimc schedule follows: . . ,' . '. •[Note: F stands for fraternity; H •. fOi.house.]No. 1.-l2o-yard hurdles; heats; F andH; 8:30.No. 2.-loo-yard dash;. heats; F aDdH;·8:40. -No. 3.-0ne-mite run;· F. 8: So; H.9: 00.No. 4.�440-yard �a_sh; F. 9: 10; H.9: 15·No. s.-Ioo-yard .dash; finals; F and H-;9:20. ..No. 6.-I;:0-yard hurdleS; finals;'F anaH: 9: 30.No. i.-220-yard dash; finals; F. andH: 9: 40.So. 8.-uo-yard burdles; trials; F andH :.9: So. ,No. 9.-880-yard run; F. 10: 00; H.10 :-05.No. 10.-220-yard dash; finals; F and'H: 10':' 10. .,.No. II.-Two-mile rnn; F and H;10: .20.No. 12.-220-yard hurdles; finals; Fand H; 10: So.Xo. 13.-One-mile relay; F and H;II: 00.The entries for the various events areas follo,,�:110- Yard Dash.-Phi Kappa Psi: Jo��­son, Schnur. Bcta Theta Pi: Shanklin,Pardee. Alpha Delta Phi: Sherman.Merrifield, Stewart. Sigma Chi: Me;yer.Phi Delta Theta: Putnam, H. Ellsworth.'Meek. Psi Upsilon:' Hickey, Hill,' Ken­nedy. Delta Tau Delta: Anthony. Trim­ble, Watkins. Chi Psi: Johnson. yoUlll.Howe. Delta Upsilon: Bruce.' Phi "Gem-(Continued on page 2--colamn 2)GYM RAZING STUNTS When day breaks on Mars�ll Field to­morrow the fint trial heau of the iDter­fraternity track meet will start. When thesun Ioops the loop' somewhere back of S ....Souci it is hoped the score may be counted.Athletes old and athletes young will gatherin groups around the' cinder path on themorrow and try to explain why theydid or did not. That records.. will .besmashed into smithereens i. a foregoneconclusion. There: is no doubt but thatwhen the pistol cracks for the start of thehundred and before the light blue smokehas cleared away. some of the' starters willbe near a finish. In the two-mile ran' onemay expect duels and duel. for everyplace. No one baa had nerve enough tosay who will finish or be finished. but onlyhope that the' race may be won. In thetwo-mile Shorty Ellsworth may do things,as walking on. the last lap is forbidden..In the shot-put are Gate and Parry andothers. In the hammer throw Parry maybe mentioned. The pole-vault will be afight. 'Who between is not at present fie­ured, but it is hoped that Matthews andErnie Stevens may do better than six f�,Annual Jt...ent Promises to Sarpua Thoseof Prmoua Yean-Brode and :EnWilliams to I.ead MarCh .The annual Junior Prom, to be heldtomorrow night. at . the Chicago. BeachMotel. . promises to far outdo the finalsodety 'event of former years. both inelaborate details add in attendance., The hall has been in the hands of thedecorators for several days and the wallsand pillars are all being luxurioU!lly draped'in maroon bunting and' ChicagO banners.The .programs for this year are uniqueand reflect much credit on the efforts and. good taste of the committee in charge.The covers will be of cream-colored vel­lum, crossed diagonally by a maroon rib­bon which is stamped in the middle witha wax seal having the form of a VarsityC. Inside of this C'�re the words �'Junior'Prom, 1903."The striking ·wa.iters at the hotel haftreturned to work; .and the guests' ;Yill .no�suffer the inconvenience of having to,:wait upon themselves at supper.' as the,'Beta Theta Pi men were forced to do at·-tTieir annual ball Iast Friday mgbt.·Goldsmith's Orchestra, with ten pieces.has been engaged and' its -music has beencarefully selected .. for this occasion.. The Prom will" start promptly at 8: 3.0p, m., in order that the program may befinished. at, a proper hour. The grandmarch will be led by Mr. Julian Brode andMiss Edith' WiJl�ams.RAINSFORD CONVOCATION PREACHERPastor to Deliver Sermon Next Sunday­His Chapel Address AppreciatedThe convocation sermon will be deliv;­ered in the convocation tent. Sundaymorning at eleven ,o"clock, by the Rev.William Stephen Rainsford, the man whohas been speakingat the University chapelexercises lately. All who have heard Rev., Dr. Rainsford have expressed themselves akbeing very favorably impressed and verymuch interested in his talks. He has cre­ated quite II following of men and womenhere who enjoy his pointed speeches.Rev. William Stephen Rainsford is therector of St. George's Church in New·York. wnich office he�has held since 1883.His writings have attracted much {avora-.. ble comment. on the part of his readers.He is the ..author of "Sermons Preached atSt. Geo,ge·s·'· and "The Church's Oppor-t�nity in the City Today." .Dr. Rainsford ""as horn in ·Dublin. ire­land. in 1850. \Vhcn hc was twenty-twoyears of a�·hc gr.tduatcd· from St. John'sColI�e. Camhridg�.·· He: was soon mar­ried • .and a fc�:·)�ciars. iater-ahout 18i6-hc' tra\'cled in' 'the United States andCanad:\ as a missionary. In .I8i8 he be­ca�� a�;i�ta�t ��tto" of St. James· Cathe­oral. which" .j>o!\iti6n . he held until 1882.He 1tt�v_ed�h.!� degree of D.D. at TrinityCollege of Hartford.� in 1886.StudentS w.b will not be in' residenceduringthe.Summer,Quarter should sendin change of acldress to Dally Maroon. aDd iJicidental1y their subscription forSummer Quarte:'. . Variou Appropriate Features Arranged toKDliYeD the Cere� on Alumni DaJby Committee in Charp .� Captaia Today-Others. Soon. Mr. Stagg sent out litis warning. thismoming; "Ali' who have anything be­. longing to them' in the Old Gym. better getit out ;Is quick' as possible.".The necessity of this bit of advice mayeasily be understood if one would take thetrouble to walk around by the old buildingthat is' to be razed on Saturday afternoon.Workmen are busy taking out anythingof value; such as plumbing, gun-racks, andthe like, and about" everything there isan air' of demolition.TE �..e Your Clothes From GymThough the baseball season is not en­tirely �ftt' yet, nevertheless the captain i�rnext year will be elected today. Sloan andHowe, and possibly Ellsworth. are thccandidatn for' the position of leader.The c;.Ptain of th� tennis �m wittprohahly, also be elC<'ted today, and thatof the golf team either today or tomor-row.:\ new four-year course in forestry hasheen ins1itut�l in the La""rence ScimtifieSchool. to begin ne;ltt fall. The greater'p:art of the work to be included in this('t)UI1'C h:as been offered for somc yearsin the form of. separatc courses in theScientific School. It is C;ltpected that thedepartment will ultimately have the privi- .ICJtc of working in many of the vast for­ests in New England and the West. andmuch of the instruction will then be giyenin the field."CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 1908(Continued from Page I)rna Delta: Beebe, Chamberlain, WrighLSigma Alpha Epsilon: Simpso�, Pearson,Wakefield. Delta Kappa EpSIlon: Hu-lette, Jennison, Murra�. .220-Yard Dash-e-Pbi Kappa �SI: J,?hn­son, Schnur. Beta Theta PI: Riley,Pardee. Alpha Delta Phi:. Sherm�n,Putnam, Merrifield. Sigma ChI: Robin-I" ED. TOR. A L 5 "I son. Phi Delta Theta: Putnam, H. Ells­worth Meek. Delta Tau Delta: An-thony: Trimble. Watkins. Chi Psi: WIt I'S a notic eable fact that the Johnson, O. Johnson, Young. Delta Up­silon: . Hitchcock, Kauffman, Pratt, �hiyou�ger classes of the University �o Gamma Delta: Beebe� Cha'!'berbn,Wright. Sigma Alpha Epstlon: - Slmpso'!,1903 Tum not appear at the alumni Pearson, "Wakefield� 'Delta Kappa Epst-91lt banquets in nearly as Ion: Webb, Sills, Sherer..120-Yard High Hnrdle.-Phl Kap�great numbers as those of earlier Psi: Schnur, PettiL Beta The.ta PI:years. A prominent alumnus � Thomas, Riley. Alpha Delta. PhI: 'Yh d I b .L • Magee Stewart,· Andrews. SIgma ChI:ear to remark today," s it eca,,� McNab, Yaple; B. Gale. Phi Delta Th� Students are requested to settle up 'M ART� JlAROON STUDIOthese later classes, '99, '00, '01, a�� Nowel1s. Psi Upsilon: Sulcer, Wnght. their sUbscriptiOD account with the .&..&.�•• Bo h Delta Tau Delta: Anthony Dan ----- __ ..a �- thl ----- PB�"-'" 5705 Cottacre·Gl'OYe'02 are less loyal ·than we or IS \t e mer. .. . .. p" Ca 11' Y � lUlU. aulD Y .&IUI:'uun v ... �_ •.. �mply:-becaqse �C"�ve-,:r$ :�- .. Burrough,s,_ �atkl���lJ.�'��i'�.:.;i-I: .�JIj!-� .. :-:..-;-";:- '...,r.,-."".-,.: > -.r�, ... '�'7":-'--. ".--_. :. �. ��. ����"'�. � ... ·started that they do not turn· out iii Lawrie. Phi �amma Delta-: Beebe. Kalg. "ma Alpha EpsIlon: Buphoof. Delta p-· a body to these alumni functions?" pa Epsilon: Hora, Fleming.. .And it certainly is .very evident to 220- Yard Low Hurdle.-Phl. Kappa Psi:. • Schnur, PettiL B� Theta PI: Thomas,anyone who has atteqded the alumDl Riley. Alpha Delta. Phi: �tnam. . B.banquets of the last year that these Andrews, StewarL .S1gma Oai: .McNab,Yaple B. Gale. Phi Delta Theta. Now-· younger classes are. not properly ells Miller, H. Ellsworth- Psi Upsilon"':· represented.· It is hoped that the Gr�orr, Kennedy, w.Brigbt. .. DeWlta tJ::· ..: . Delta: Anthony, urrows, �new class of 1903 WIll not pattern Chi Psi: Carroll, Goodri.ch, Parkinson..' after this· precedent of its younger' . Delta Upsilon: Beach, .Lawrie,. HugheS-l_o •• •• Phi Gamma Delta: WrighL Sigma A, fellow alumni, and that each member pha Epsilon: Berta. Delta Kappa Epsi-. will make it a special point to attend Ion: Murray, Sherer.P' J hn-·. . .. 440- Yard Run.-Phi Kappa 51: 0� the functIons on Alumm Day andson, Schnur, PettiL Beta Theta. Pi: Go-,� .afterwards identify himself as an ac- heen, Mulvaney, Riley. Alpha J?elta Phi:I• � • Sherman, Putnam, Andrews. Sigma Chi:; tlve member of the alumm assocla- McKenna. Phi Delta Theta: Speik. Meek.. tion.· Your obligations to the Uni- H. Ellsworth. Psi Upsilon: Lord, Wil-'. . . lett. Quinby. Delta Tau Delta: Hunt.: 'Verslty do not �ease at graduation.. Anthony, Trimble. Chi PS.i: Caz:roll,Young, Parkinson. Delta Upsilon: Hitch­cock, Vogt. Phi Gamma. Delta:. �Phillipps, Wright. Sigma Alpha �Ion:Berta. Pearson, Wakefield.' Delta KappaEpsilon: Murray, Si�ls.. Sh_!!rer •. "_88o-Yard Run.-Phl Kappit. PSI:. P�t.Raymond. Beta"Theta Pi:"�,·��­lin Startzman. Alpha Delta Phi: Dick­�n, Kirtley, Cobb. Sipaa Chi: Mc­Kenna. Phi Delta Theta: Hook, Lan­bard. Psi Upsilon: McLaury, Harsha,WrighL Delta Tau Delta: .Fleet. Kenni-cott. Hunt. Chi Psi: Collins. Par�nson.Delta Upsilon: Pratt. Hughes. Phi Gam-ma Delta: Beebe. VanPaiten� Lind. Sig­ma Alpha Epsilon: Berta. Pearson. DeltaKappa Epsilon: Hora, McDonald, Grid­ley •One-lli1e Run.-Phi Kappa Psi: Hop­kins Wood. Beta Theta Pi: \ Conrad;Hatfield, Sellers. Alpha Delta Phi: But­terfield, .Kirtley, Dickerson. . Sigma Chi: :McKenna. Phi Delta Theta: Hoole, Eg­gemeyer. Psi Upsilon: McLaury, Har­sha, Frake. Delta Tau Delta: R. Butler,E. Butler, Trammell. Chi Psi: E. Brown,Parkinson. Delta Upsilon: Bevan, Pratt.Phi Gamma Delta: Baird, VanPatten,Ford. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: French,Wakefield, Reese. Delta. Kappa Epsilon:Webb, Sloan. Griff.Two-Mile Run.-Phi Kappa Psi: Hib­hard Brode. Beta Theta Pi: H. Fellows,Sell�rs, Patrick. Alpha Delta Phi: But­terfield, Eicher, Dickerson. Sigma ChiLodge of Phi Delta Theta: Hook, Ly­brand. Psi Upsilon: Frake. McLaury,Harsha. Delta Tau Delta: Trammell,R. Butler, E. Butler. Chi Psi: E. Brown,Fleming. Parkinson. Phi Gamma Delta:Bingham, Harvey. Delta Upsilon: Bevan.Sigma Alpha Epsilon: French, Walker,Rees. Delta Kappa Epsilon: Hair,Wright. Jennison.Hammer-Throw.- PhiThe Daily MaroonFOI'IDCfIy tbe Unlyeniay of Chic:aco Weeki,..acll(DaDTbf' Uniyeniay of Chicaco Weeki, - Oc:aober I. IIcpTHa DAILY MAROOJI - October I. IQOaJIBW8 COBTRlBVTIOBS ItBQUBSTED.Pubilihed bJ tbe .tudcats of tbe UDiYCnilJ of Chi·caco � alteraooa, except SaturdaJ uti SuDdaJ dur­iacthe 46weebof tbe UalYcnilJ'cu.PraeDt board of editon aDd busiaeu maaaacrautborUed bJ .tudent·bod, la mau meetiDc Ma, 15,IQ02.Mcmbenhip oa aubsequeat boards of editon to bedetermlaed by competition opeD to all studcuts in theUaiYCniay.BO.f.lU) OF EDITORS:e:,�f�itor • •_ •_ HEO-� \�.::Athletic Editor • RosEIlT 1.. HaNItY, Ja.ASSOC1ATa EDITORSFUNOS F. TISCHa FJWCX MeNAI.Eu P. GALK ADauallTT. STawAJlTFL\rcrc R. ADAMS W ALTaE L GOGOItYAUSTIN A. IlAYDEM'WOllAM aDlTOasMI .••. ACNas WAYMAN MISS .LEMA HISUASTAPF OF UfOllTIIItaSTHADDEUS J. MEDlu.. EDWARD M. KaawncMIS. MARY Eo BARlCa. Eo D. F. BU1T1lRnELoAuaRTW. SHaltaa HAaRY W. FORDLaIlOY A. VAN PATraJI 10HN S.�.IC'KrEIIMEST J. STzvus JAMU v, HlelClIYRALPH P. MULVAMaBUSIlIBSS STAFF. THa DAILY MAaome THa MOIfnILY MAJIOOIIBissi- Mana2u - -: •. BYRON G. MOOIIAaiataD1Busi_Ma1lqU' - JULIAN L B.,o'� M_� - - - PLAn- M. CoIeaADRush MediC Maaaeer·. - J. W. SWlFrDally Sabscrtptlon,'$3 per 4 quarters I $1 for 3 month.By1lal1in city 14 per 4 quarten I S 1.25 for 3 monthss ' ;!{.I ...... ftdat o'J'be ""_··OIicIC.a-,. n.=... � ii.nleft I •• 'n. ...,_- Boz. dMt Facalt7I ! .i . By the erecti�n' of - the new Law� Building .� :�erY" .handsome: structure� Datt Crowd has been added to our1·ltalldlap already. beautiful caanpus.; But even this· building has been the'; source of considerable regret, espec­j. ially on the part of the women living; in the halls. To them it has seemedan intrusion. Tl�ey feel that theirsanctum ·has "been· invaded,· and saythat the prettiest spot on the campus. has been spoiled. Their summerlounging' place has been cut in tw�and their view obstructed. Thebounds of the horizon visible fromthe windows have been narrowed.Now, of course from a general Uni­versity standp�int, although we cansympathize with the hall women, thepractical advantage, and in fact thezsthetic· as well. is overwhelminglygreater by the presence of the Lawbuilding, than it would be by its ab-• sence.But we may take warning from this.The :esthetic value of pc:rspective anddistance can hardly be overestimated .If we are to crowd the buildings.together, in fact almost touching,they might just as well be of ordinarybrick, without art embellishmentsAccording to some plans which havebeen made the. present campus isprospectively to be jammed full ofmasonry. If we have any regard forthe beautiful let us take care not tocrowd the buildings. Undoubtedlycompared to down-town blocks thecampus plans will admit an abun­dance of light and air. The twenty­first century student will be able tobreathe, and will be able to read bydaylight, for numerous and ampleairshafts are provided. But the viewis in danger of being obstructed.. <iJU�GOYC£ooESEven the rats will have to move outof the Old Gym before Saturday.• • •I f you don't want to lose that piece ofsoap in the debris of the gym, you hadbetter get it out today.• • •Alpha Delt : "�hat· �,�nts are youentered for on Junior Day.Phi Delt : "Let's see; the high jump,the pole-vault, the high hurdles, the half­mile, and the Quadranglers' luncheon, andthe Prom."ENTRIES FOR TRACK MEET'Kappa Schnur, Chapman. Beta Theta Pi: Con­rad, Startzman, Evans. Alpha Delta Phi:Eicher, Backhouse, W. Magee. SigmaChi: B. Gale, Yaple. Phi Delta Theta:A. Ellsworth, Ahlswede, Psi Upsilon:Lord, Cahill, Frake. Delta Tau Delta:Buck, Burroughs, Blair. Chi Psi: Max­well, J. Collins, O. Johnson. Delta Upsi­Ion: Parry, Beach, Linton. Phi GammaDelta: Chamberlin, Beebe. Sigma AlphaEpsilon: \Vorkman, Waterman, Mer­riam. Delta Kappa Epsilon: Fleming,Hora, Moore.Disc:us.-Phi Kappa Psi: Schnur, Ray­mond, Kelley. Beta Theta Pi: Conrad,·Startzman, Baird. Alpha Delta Phi: Back­house, W. Magee, Terry. Sigma Chi: B.Gale, Yaple, Beaton. Phi Delta Theta: A.Ellsworth, Ahlswede. Psi Upsilon: Greg­ory, Lord, Boehmer. Delta Tau Delta:T. Blair, Buck, Burrows. Chi Psi: L.M;lxwell, J. Collins, O. Johnson. DeltaUpsilon: Parry, Webb, Linton. Phi Gam­ma Delta: Chamberlin, Beebe. Sigma Al­pha Epsilon: Merriman, Smith, Work­man. Delta Kappa Epsilon: Hora, Flem­ming, Jennison.Shot-Put.-Phi Kappa Psi: Schnur,Chapman, Garce1on. Beta Theta Pi: Con­rad, Startzman, Omelvena. Alpha DeltaPhi: Andrews, W. Magee, Terry. SigmaChi: B. Gale, Yaple. Phi Delta Theta:W. Ellsworth, Ahlswede. Psi Upsilon:Lord, Cahill, Gregory. Delta Tau Delta:Blair, Burrows. Chi Psi: Maxwell, J.Collins, O. Johnson. Delta Upsilon: Par­ry, Linton. Phi Gamma Delta: Chamber­lin, Harvey, Hasner, Sigma Alpha Epsi­Ion: Merriman,. Simpson, Watennan.Delta Kappa Epsilou: Hora, Moore, Sills.Broad ]ump.-Phi· Kappa Psi: Kelley,Garcelon, Schnur. Beta Tueta Pi: Riley,Shanklin, Omelvena. Alpha Delta Phi:Stewart, W. Magee, McMillan. SigmaChi : Beaton, DorC. Phi Delta Theta:Buckwalter, Hall, H. Ellsworth. Psi Up­silon: Willett, Hickey, Stevens. DeltaTau Delta: . Taylor, Anthony, Blair. ChiPsi: Maxwell, J. Collins, W. Johnson.Delta Upsilon: Beech, Linton, Hughes.Phi Gamma Delta: Chamberlin. VanPat­ten. Sigma - Alpha· Epsilon: Wakefield,Matthews, Smith. Delta Kappa Epsilon:Sells, Wellington, Moore.High Jump.-Phi Kappa Psi: Johnson,Kelley. Beta Theta Pi: Thomas, Hat­field, Rawls. Alpha Delta Phi: Curtley,McHenry, Putnam. Sigma Chi: Beaton,. Oore. Phi Delta Theta: McLeish, Eig­"1lers .. Psi Upsilon: Parsons, Gregory, Ca-. .(Continued on page 41 Students who will not be in residencedurin, the Summer Quarter should eendin change � address to Dally Maroonand incidentally ·their subscription forSummer Quarter.SUMMER. SCHOQLCburcb, Cor. Lemctoa ........ 62a4 St.JUNE �9 TO AUOUST �ITltaMS .I!ASOMABUU.of C. student ... ail themselyesof thuchool nerysummer to make up conditions. Yor c:irculan write toT. F. Leij:hton, Principal. Hyde Park Hleh SchoolOUT OF FASHION?Out of the WorldNo one appreciates thla principle more keen I)'thaa tbe colleee man. But ia clothinlf there ISmore to be considered thaD" Fashloa.· Eyery�eDl.maker, custom or otbawise, can copythe IeaSOD·.styles. Remember that oyer andaboYe this coDformation 10 the fashion plate,lies the SECRET OF SUCCESS in creatiyetailorlac. I refer to indiyiduality.Wh, do men CO out 01 their way to see me?� do m, cu'nomen alwa,. remain custom­en. Not because my work is like othen.Wh, i. CYe7y �armeDt made by me a desirableadyertisement. Why did my business of thisseason enjoy an Increa!le of 10% OYer that oflast? Not because my work acks indiyidual­iay. My whole interest, miDd, and heart £OCSimo ada ,armcat built at my handa. LetC'Yel')' man learn to do ODe thine well am! sac­cess i. hia.Youn anxious to sene,M. J. COFFEYTailor' to Business Men153 La Salle St. Telephoae CentTal3439DAYLIGHT PARLORS FOR PlTTIBG·.Do You Dance?If 10" JOU will &ad a be UIOI'tIDeIltof �. party. euchre, dbUier.weddiac. aM supper fllYOlS at •••Ounther's Confectionery313 state Street. Cbkapdl.iwge��nlg�1337........... iWSt. ........... ' ...·TeL Cic& Z675 . TeL .,. r.t 1m .c.tIIr ..... w ......t»A SOUVENIR Of mE UNMRSITY Of (jHI(jA601. Gives first ten years History.'2. �!d:ures of all Buildings andGrounds. JI.. JI. JI. . JI. J1. .3. Pictures of leading Professors,Donors· Graduating. Classes..Affi1iated Institutions, etc.Contains 120 pages. 200 mus­trations. Price 50 cents •ofs' to see one M the llni'Dersily of Chlago PressTHE tfJECENNIAL SOUVENIRUnWers� of Chicago Weeki,Aberdeen Golf Cubs $1If you want a strictly high grade club we sug-.gest the Aberdeen. It ,IS made· 10 all Iron and'wooden models-fifteen: different styles to selectfrom-and th� price is o�ly $1:A large assortment of caddie bagsand the latest golf balls - pricesthe lowest anywhere.. Lawn tennis, croquet, and baseball goods 10 acomprehensive assortment.SCHLESINGER & MAYERIf You Want Money' c:!l A��I!:�� WatChes. Jewelry, and ADt1q1IeS, lor sale, Old Gold nd Sil.er Boucht .Psi: ,.•. OHICAGO, THVRSDAY, JUNE 11, 1903 , .... y" • ,�..���...,...�� "The- varsity �Suit" !M __ � . !# Wj]]jam Sachen• •# TAILOR�## !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i Is the proper. suit for# members of the uer­� versity of Chicago �����.�•320 East Fifty-fifth at.Scheyer, Hoglund CO.TAILORS89 East Madison St., - Suite 9-1�OUR IlIDUCBaBli IS DB:Guarantee of perfect fit, high gradeworkm.nabJp, and the latest creat:ioDaof style and fashion at moderate piicea.It Pays to Advertise in the 1Iarocm.IllINOIS��E�LAW• " .. "..,.. 70 ___, """,. ... __,_,,_.tat ...,. .... fw..,.... .. 110....., •• 08DEJr.,�. tt� a.rlr.. :6owm-an. D.airy GO.OUR MILK·is Bottled in the Country I MAJO� •• Dei M'INO�S ITo Chautauqua Lake and Returnat one fare for the round-trip, via NickelPlate Road, on June 16, and 11, from Chi­cago and intermediate points, with returnlimit of June 23, account of Conference ofAssociation of General Secretaries ofYoung Men's ChriSltian Association ofNorth America, at Chautauqua Lake, June16-22. For full particulars, address JohnY. Calahan, General Agent, 113 AdamsSt., Room 298, Chicago. 2 Serges,Flannels, andHomespunsFOR HOT WEATHEROur Owa ImportatloaSUITS, $20 to $40NICOLL, The Tailor·CLARK AND ADAMS STR.EETSW:. N. GAaLlCIC, Ualversity RepraeatativeRandom lfoteaArrangements are being made at CornellUniversity to celebrate the semi-centennialnext November. It is the wish of allconcerned to make this the greatest educa­tional event in the history of the stateof New York.From the work of the crew on LakeMendota, the Wisconsin students have be­come enthusiastic, and feel that the menwill make a good showing at Poughkeepsie.Y csterday the crew came in tired, but hada good stroke to the finish. The men areall in good condition, showing no illeffects from their cold baths in the lakeMonday evening. The crew leaves for theEast on Sunday.Mrs. Charles Sidway visited the cam­pus yesterday.�liss Carrie Y. Slater, who has justcompleted. her two years' course in thelibrary science classes of the Universityof Chicago, was yesterday appointed libra­rian of the Arizona Normal. School, at:1' empe, Arizona. .W. H. Head was last night for the sec­ond time elected president of the AlumniAssociation of the Soper School of Ora­tory. from which school he graduated in1895. Mr. Head, the year of his gradua­tion, organized the association and wasits first president. The organization de­siring to broaden out on a more liberalbasis, last night at its annual meetingplaced Mr. Head again in office and madehim chairman of a re-organization com­mittee. to report next year.Students are requested to settle uptheir subscription account with theDaily Maroon and Monthly Maroonthis week.6reat Northern Hotel Bldg. 96 Madison st. 97 E. Randolph st. - G��-./, .... ,Good Tblngs to Eat. . .1"_Llbb7'.tam_m.s..Jo�.... �Pnwalk. AIl .... aM4i1oLIBBY'S­Natural FlavorFood Products'Brooks Co.Subscriptions to the .onthly JIarooD auspecial ofter receiTed at the OfIice, Itaca 7'of the Preas Building.. "':�1. sell 70U. 2DoreQUA�lT� and "�STYLE£0 r ·s 3 • 0 0 t h· a � 'a n '7other HATTERS in ChicagoTliey Make Them Tlzat's Why .The University of Chicago IS the Greatest Insti­tution of- Learning. - It: is great in many things,notably being located within a few blocks ofAmerica's Greatest Amusement Park:Three Stores.Sans Souci Park60th and, Cottage Grove•" 5 blockswest of the UniversityU TIte Park whick made Chicago k,tOWn as a Summer Resort"Visitors and students of the University: of . Chicago are fortunate -in beingable towitness Chicago'stwo great institutions located so advantageously.At Sans Souci Park the 2 5 high-class attractions, Schoessling's fine bandand the' world's greatest Electric Fountain, in addition. to an excel1ent vaudevillebi11, can be seen and heard every afternoon and evening. Afternoon admission,10 cents, and evening admission 25 cents.A fine Cafe on the wide verandas of the Casino building makes the Park an'ideal spot to those who enjoy eating dinner or supper out-of-doors. . ...Oh. the konttess maoIs an .. also ran,"But the Duck with a front is a live one.-From nus 0/'''; IU-lah.DOh't Be All ".l1� liaD hnreu RIght, took lUgblu.4 Be a UTe ODeWe arc showing StJrlng Goods that arcright-right in sty)e, price, and quality.College men are discriminating. That'swhy 1 have so many:of them among mycuatomers.A. N. JEDIt .... Mer. 1:19-131 LA sALt. ST.H. '-Z E ISS; e. A�--M�"" at-.tn� tn. � SbLlk*)'Mao. tllk\ancl i:� � t P. II .. _!undaf, �� �:r 4t>4lJMi ... · ... �$a_. .sOk-Uneil S\ilts ftOm $;fo up.. sUrts from "$18 __S�cliag). ()fficia1Athletic AlmanaciOl" 1:903The only Almanac publishecj. that con­taina • t��� lis\ 01 Amtricah lJ�-on­Records and Complete List of Champions.om sal) Pic\ates � PnimiBeil\ Americailand Foreign Ath� ..Mlt�'10eA.' 0.. ·,sPAl.oiN(l it BROA.New York Chic:aIO DeuYer 'BUBal.. &.ltimon:�ngra .. ed Invitatio:tts'e- Frate!f::tionery, •.WK. FIlItUICD« SoNS,I 76 State streetOrPUSI\e Palmer H_ eulnDce.tt Pays to Advertise in the lIIaroon., III GOODMAN A.M I LLERDENTIST36g.! 63!' STREET. TELEPtIOIIE Hyde Part 1196" .ner ...... "'�.. 'If. 'Iedy JoID&8. 'If. &rwblo\eln 01' keep deaD. � paru .... _-1m-raed..A.BIE. TODD � BA.R"•• 8&a&e 8&.. ete .... rt. B.I�.I .. , Claleace. .. NOTICES ..StuClalts aDd faculty members arc requeated to.eDdan 8Dtic:Ies -. n.& D&1LY Ib.ooN lor publkatioD free01 dIaIaeo Kotica malt be left at TN. MAJIOOM oBiceor FacUlty Exc:halt2e belore II : 00 A ....Tickets for the University plays are onsaie at the Information Office.DAILY MAROON Reporters: Strings forthe �t quartei' muat be turned in bySaturday, June 13-Alutnni Loan Bobks may be obtained inHaskell basement, Friday, June 1.2, from, :2: 30 to :2: 00 p. m.The School bf Edueati"on exercises willbe held Friday, June 12; 10: 30 a. m.,in the School of Education Building. Ad­drefiS On "Ideals," by DtU Jackman.Meeting of the Uniftt"Sity RulingB-odie. Satul'day, June '3, in Hasketl.Board \)£ Senior Colleges, 8: 30 a. m.;Fa�tty \)f the lAw School, 8: 30 a. m.;Uni� Fac:ttldes of Arts, Literature, and&:i� '10: bO a. Ill.; the Uni...usity Sen­.� It: 30 L 1ft.�e UnivemtY' Dramatidl, uhdeT thetttt"edion of \!Ie �'r'bnent of PublicSpeaking, Friday. June 12, .2: 15 p. m., inp.,�. ��. TIre prow1'&m: <I>"Gringoire," by De Banvi.l1e; (2) "TheRomancers," adapted from Rostand's "UsRornanesques ;" (3) Trial Scene from the·'Merchant of Venice."Alumni Day Ekercises, Saturday, J.unek3: 'Breakfast of Chicago Alumni Oub,Foster Hall, 9: 30 a. m.; Annual BusinessMeeting of Alumni, Cobb Lectuw! Hal1,:2 : 00 p, m.; Class Reunions, 3: 00 p. m.;University Baseball Game, Chicago vs.11: orthwestern. 3: 30 p. m., on MarsIlatlField. Annual Sing, �: 00 p, m., on Bas­kell steps. Annual Reception and Ban­quet, 6: 45 p, m., in Lexington Hall.ENTRIES EOR TRACK MEET(Continued from page 2)hill. Delta Tau Delta: Leland, Fleet,Taylor. _, Oli Psi: SaWyer, P�n.Delta Upsilon : Beech, Parry, Hughes.Phi Gamma Delta: Wright, Baird, John­son. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: . Smith, Mat­thews, Pearson. Delta Kappa Epsilon:Wellington, Murray, Sherer.PoIe-V.ult.-Pbi- -Kappa--P�i.:. Schnur,Kelley. Beta Theta Pi: Startzman, Fel­lows, Rawls. Alpha Delta Phi: W. Ma­gee, Cobb. Sigma Chi: Spencer, B. Gale.Phi Delta Theta: Nowels, Buckwalter.Psi Upsilon: Willett, Hogelan6, Wright;Delta Tau Della: Burrows. Chi Psi: ..J. Collins, H. Henry, Parkinson. DeltaUpsilon: Beech. Phi Gamma Delta ;VanPatten. Sigma Alpha Epsilon: Pot-. ter, Wakefield, MattheWs.. Delta KawaEpsilon: Flemming, Hair, Wellington.Relay Race.-Alpha Delta Phi, SigmaChi, Phi Delta Theta, Chi Psi, Phi Gam­ma Delta, "Psi Upsilon.INTER-HOUSE ENTRIES.100- Yard Dasb.-Snell: Harrison, Day,Norman, Kerwin. Washington: Kline,'. Wakely, Hallett, Griffen, Swift. Lincoln:Woodworth. ..220- Yard' Dash.-Snell : Harrison. Day,-Kerwin, ;Meek. Washington: Kline; Hal­lett, Griffen, Swift, Barker, Wakely.44<>- Yard Dash.- Snell: . Harrison,Meek, Kerwin. Washington: Stevens,Swift, McNeish, Hallett, Griffin, Kline.SSo-Yard Run.-Snell: Newkirk, Nor­man, KeTWin. Washington: Grabo, Hal­lett, Griffin. - MeN eisb, Lipman, Kline,Stevens. Lincoln: \Voodworth, David­son.Mile Run.-Snell: Newkirk, Wheeler',Kerwin. Washington: Grabo, Griffen,Lipman. Lincoln: Woodworth, David­son.Two-Mile Run.-Sne1l: Newkirk, Karr,Kerwin. Washington:- Griffen, Grabo.Lincoln: Woodworth, Da�dson'-1.20- Yard Hurdle.- Snell: - Kerwin.Washington: Oppenheim, Stephens. .2.20-Vard Hurdle.-Snell: Kerwin.Washington: Kline, Hallett, Lipman. 'High Jump .. -Snell: Kerwin, Karr, Nor-man. \Vashington: Lewinsohn, Quinn.Lincoln: \Varner.Broad Jump: Snell: Day, Karr, Nor­man. Washington: Hallett, Kline, Quinn.Lincoln: Warner, Woodworth.Pole-Vault.-Snell: Kerwin. Washing­ton: McNeish, Klein.Discus.-Snell: Walsworth, Yenerick.Washington: Friend, Seiter. Lincoln:\Varner, \Voodworth.Hammer- Throw.- Snell: \Valsworth,Ycnerick. Washington: Steele, Seiter'.Shot-Put.-Snell: Walsworth, Goettsch.\Vashington: Barker, Vollertson. Lin-,coIn: \Varner. .Students are requested to settle ·uptheir subscriPtion accOunt with theD!illY Maroon and: Monthly Maroonthis week.$400 is offered the Monthly Maroon topay for· the year's exchange list, provided400 new subscriptions at_ $,.00 each aresecured before June .20, '903. No, singlecopies are on sale. Your subscription isrequested.Winter' bas left us; spring is here;10 is Famous; and, as usual, is ready todo your tailoring, cleaning, and pressing.He also bas on hand a fun line of springfurnishings and bats.J'uaou T&iloriaC Compuy3� E. Fiftv·fiflla st. 'PhoDe, Hyde Park 5700 LOOKING FORWARDWITH MUCH PLItASURa TO A CALL FROM THE READER, WHEN I WILL, WITH­OUT DOUBT. COMVINC& YOU OF THE SUPERIORITY OF NOT ONLY MY LINEOF WOOLENS. BUT TilE GENERAL HIGH QUALITY OF MY WORK, WIIICH HASPLACED ME IN "fHE LEAD IN TIlls BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.NEW SPRING GOODS NOW IN STOCKAJ1I· 33 IIu 33 Adami 33 Ceat. 33 Letten III 33 Dollar "�dvnlltlal at It, ',._. N...... I"h ..... Addres.· Suit••• lilY LEADER •••CARROLL S. IIcllILLAN, TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.Weaver Coal &DOMESTIC Coke Co ..COKECOfZ,1Marquette Building63d and W allaee st�ts (Of' Ha rd40th street and Wentworth avenaeNorth avenue and River�Air�The Grand Celltral Barber Shop•• J.�;�eb*Tel. lIC83 Harrison• Anti5Ceptic Face Cream71·Adame StreetOpposite Fair_. T. J)EL1�A�l'- PrlsUl",t 1*. e, O·DONNBLLS«"-n.,,,Standard Washed Coal Co.Nl:W KE�UCKV COALP()CAHONTASTEL. HAltRI80N ll!7, PEN-MAR303 Dearborn streetCHtCAGO'AMI'.�11- _� ... ���� Shields an..BEST WORK IN CHICAGO·.n..W.J.CovaYsupenntCDds all workCOVEY'SDENTAL PARLORS, � ... .. .. '".J14-116 STATE STREETGold CrDWDS '. $5.00 I Set Teeth -- $5-Bridee \Vork· - 5.00 s. S. \Y. - 8_PlatinUID Filliae 1.00 Rose Pearl 15.00Gold Fi11iDes 12.00, up Paiuless ExtractioD .soTBB BBST IS CIlBAPBST_,... -... � .. : �leb�ted-liata." Styles aDdQaalitWAlways ProgreaaiTe"-JlBWyoitlt PALMU Housa .CBlCAGO PlDLAJ)BLPIDA. M�EOWN B�OTHE�SCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS4810 Cottace Grove ave.PhoDe D_l 1291Wlloiesale Apats tor 'Patent A.pbalt RooflaC 'Materlalaad A .... lt. Damp. coarse, old abla­=: covered wltb Patent A_ptaalt RooflaC.than sIIIBCIu.II1"DB PAllIt-Alm' CBJCAGO' BUCK 'STABLES'J. H. KINTZ. .(nt'boIUt'IO)l} -. '--�Jackson Park StableS"S73 But Fifty·SeTntJa StreetTel .. O,k1aad 55' CHICAGO THE MOST DELICIOUSICE CREAM SODA. 55 .......... ' ...CiprsTelephone Hyde � 'I��.A •. · IVlCi\4.�ms_.'tim �. Ft6lUS'r "GREENHOUSES : �,. A. GO.. Car.' 5]4 at. aad ICimbDkllYC. . \.4U�.SHORTHANDIN ONE HOUR·In 40 to 60 days Mrs. Lena A. Whitegnarantees to make lOU an expert stenog­rapher and typewnter or refnnd yourmoney. Hundreds of students baTe1DaateJ'!'Cl her system in __ hour. Con­tinuous school session. Individual in­struction by the author •WHITE'S COLLEGE203 llItHIGAN .AVE. •,". Storage:a�Telephone, 461 and 462 WentworthBECKLENBERG'S EXPRESS &V AN CO�6154 to 6160 Wentworth Aye.BRAlrCB: 6]01 Cottace Grove Aye.B. L. A.... Established '1873 H. R. PA�OET THE BESTAmes' Hats$2.0() and - $3.00 "'16. A 163 E. MADISON ST., Deal' LA .5A�i J. J. GILL, Ph.GlCHEMIST and._� .. ,,;.>P..�ARM�_C_IS.T .'PIIoae Hyde Park 175. 374 e. 57U1tit.WH Y use·poor. uawbolesome milk,.hee. : lor the same money you can Ed it. . Pare, Sweet, .and Ezt�...... b-·RIdI. deliftftd iD snIed botda, by calline,q,. Telq,bone 'SOmb 817. Or droPplne· a Postal to .SIDNEY W"_NZER &: SONS- 30S :T1I!rtleth st.at; Dtw"'Dng: 510rt. �DdldolS SOda . PIn Dngs ..CHIC�O 'UNIVERSITY-: �HARMACY57' sf. I: Dnbri lYe. Tel .,. M 1854L�"".,; .Park 6rocerY and Market:.::t'������n·�� til V'md/,s .,,,1P�"";.;(,,U ..