. .. .- .-�. ".',.; . . , '"'�. ':'" � .. �" :-,:::� .. �,':' ...... ':.1'. .:T'he Daily' MaroonPubUahed Aftemoou by the StudeDta of the VDinnlty of Ch1ca,0 DurUa& the PoaI' Qauten of the VDinraity YearVOL. I. ;No. 155 CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1903 PRIOE THREE CENTSUNIVERSITY DROPS GREEKTrinity College of Dublin CastsAside Traditions of ThreeCenturiesUniversity of llichi&an Men AdoptInnovation in Rooting-Newsfrom the UniversitiesTrinity College, of Dublin University,has taken its first step from the traditionsof three centuries by the recommendationof its council made today that the senateshall approve the abolition of the com­pulsory study of Greek and open the doorsof the university to women. Trinity isthe leading educational institution of Ire­land. It was founded by Queen Elizabethin J59J. The tremendous concession Trin­ity has made in even suggesting the sub­ordination of the dead languages maybe ,gathered from Percival Keene's oldlines, in which he speaks of"---'Fellows of Trinity,Famous Forever at Greek and Latinity."Director of Athletics Charles Baird, ofthe University of Michigan,' inaugurated anew idea in college rooting last Saturdayafter the game with Illinois on Ferry Field.After the game all the men present re­mained seated and under the leadership ofthe yell masters the college song,. "TheYellow and the Blue," was sung. TheCornell men carry out the same customwhether the team has won or lost. Mr.Baird says that the effect of this on theteam an'd the maintenance of college spiritcannot be overestimated.• • •crallywork.The University of Wisconsin Dairy COMPLETE PROGRAM FOR THE JUNE CONVOCATION 1903 CAP AN D GOWNSchool is in a very prosperous condition.Professor £'" H:-Farnngton -�Ys . diat thereare ten applicajions for every student,The milk supply at the dairy school is nowJ i ,000 pounds per day.The University of Wisconsin crew hasjust received a new shell. The new var­sity shell is called the "Forward," andwill be used for the races in the East thisyear. The boat was built by Davy of Cam­bridge, at a cost of _$600.Twenty star athletes of the Universityof Pennsylvania threw off their coats yes­terday and donned overalls, and, seizingsaws, hammers, and nails, went to workon three new' grandstands on FranklinField, in the place of the striking carpen­ters. No attempt was made to stop them. Detaila for Five Day. Exercises and for Spring Fmals Announced Today­On Claas Day Seniors Will Give Farce, "University in Year 2000, A.D."-Convocation Addreas by Dr. GilmaD; Sermon by Dr. Rainsford Annual Now Ready for Distribu­tion-An Attractive and Wellmustrated BookTHE SECOND INTER-SCHOLASTICThe :.eet on Karahall Field Nen Satur­elay Will Decide Western Prep Cham­pionship-400 EntriesThe Interscholastic meet on MarshallField next Saturday will dose the trackwork in connection with. the University forthis season.The entries dosed last Friday. Therewere about .four hundred entries for thedifferent events, which indicates that thiswiil be the largest meet of the kind everheld in the West. About two hundredindividual men will take part, and theability oi those entered insures many good0\ nd close races.Eckersall, of Hyde Park, and Hogensen,of Lewis. the two great rivals in thedashes, will come together. The latterwon in both the hundred and two-twentyat the interscholastic mcc:t at Evanstoncarficr in the ycar, and the Hyde Parkeri!' exceedingly anxious to rctrievc himselffor this defeat.Longshore, of Grinnell (Iowa) Class of J896. Room 7, Third Floor,Cobb Hall. (Ralph H. Hobart, chairman.)Class of J897. Room 9, Third Floor,Cobb Hall. (William O. Wilson, chairman.)Class of J898. Chapel, Cobb Hall. (JohnF. Hagey, chairman.)Class of J899. Room 16, Third Floor,Cobb Hall. (John E. Webb, ehairman.)Class of J900. Room 12, Second Floor,Cobb Hall. (Clark S. Reed, chairman.)Class of J90J. Room 17, Third Floor,Cobb Hall. (Curtis R. Manning, chairman.)Class of J90Z. Room 15, Second Floor,Cobb Hall. (Herbert E. Fleming, chair­man.)3:30 p. m.- .Baseball Game, Chicago vs. Northwest­ern. Marsllnll Field.6:po p. m.-Annual Sing. Haskell Steps. (Com-mittee : Cecil Page, chairman; GraceHarding, Laura Runyon.)6: 4S p, m.-Annual . Reception and Banquet, Lex­ington Hall. (Committee: Franklin E..vaughan, chairman; Mary A. Long, Fred­erick C. Hack. Committee on Decoration:Hester Ridlon, '03, chairman; Agnes Kauf­man, '03; Luther Kirtley, '03.)JUNE 14, SUNDAY.Convocation Sunday. (Committee onReligious Exercises: Charles R. Barnes,chairman; Zonia Baber, Francis A. Black­burn, Frederick !!. Blanchard, George S.• Goodspeed, William Gardner Hale, CharlesR. Henderson, PaulO. Kern, Addison W.Moore, Eliakim H. Moore, Theodore 1..N·eff� 'A. Alonzo Stagg, Albert H. Tolman,Elizabeth Wallace, Samuel W. Williston.)9: 00 a. m.-Bible Service. "An Interpretation ofthe Book of Revelations," Richard GreenMoulton, Ph. D. The Con�ocation Tent.10: IS a. m.-'-..:rhe. CoAvocation. PtaJer Service... (!4eak_bers of the Faculties, all Candidates forDegrees, Titles, and Certificates.) HaskellOri ...mtal Museum, Congr�gation Hall.JO: 45 a. m.-The Procession.All of the arrangements for the Uni­versity Convocation in the June "com­mencement time" have been made. Dr.Shepardson gave out the program today.It is as follows:PROGRAM.JUNE 3, WEDNESDAY.JO: 30 a. an.-The Junior Finals in Public Speakingfor the Ferdinand Peck Prize. Declama­tions by Leona Cecile Reiman, LoganAsahel Gridley, Henry Durham Sulcer, indSchuyler Baldwin Terry. The members·of the Junior College Faculty who are pres­ent will act as judges. KNIt Theater.JUNE 6, SATURDAY.The Annual Interscholastic Track andField 'Meet. M arshall Field.JCNE 6 TO 12.Examinations of Contains lIuch lllatter of Intereat­Stories and Vmte Make GoodLocal BitsThe J903 Cap and Gown has left thehands of the publishers and is now readyfor distribution and sale. The book pre­sents an attractive cover of red and black,the design being tastefully executed. Thebook contains 370 pages of illustrationsand reading matter and a quantity ofattractive advertising.The annual is dedicatee to Charles L.Hutchinson, the donor of the Commonsand a trustee of the University. An ex­cellent photograph of Mr. Hutchinson isreproduced on the fly-leaf.From cover to cover, the book is filledwith matter of great interest to UniYersityof Chicago students and alumni. The pic..tures are good and the new features intro­duced in their arrangement add much tothe style of the pUblicilticfn. . The c:alendatof social events is complete and remarka­bly correct, The art work, under thedirection of J obn H. Weddel, is good. Thedoggerel verse, stories, and fables ·under­the head of ';Literary Contributions:' arewell written arid witty. "Marooneo· andGargoylette," an operatic extravaganza,speaks well fo..r its unknown author,'The "Revel" is a grewsome bit ofverse, illustrated by Robertson, with anumber of happy-looking skeletons."The. Great Idea" .was evidently writteri·by<a·Rirl;-forrit·iS_.'w�.rilten�'sparldi.c- -- --­romance concerning a Fosler girl and aninteresting young man •. · . ;The fable, of the "Mathematic Prof'" iiigocS(l, as also is a creepy bit named "Rattle­snakes." "Dormitory Doggerel" rhymeswell, and is really funny. .'. :The book compares favorably with tho�pubfished heretofore. The editorial �o�shows much care and labor. The ma�in the book is compiled carefully and iswell arranged. The publication will be inthe hands of local dealers this week.. , :School. who won thc hundred last year,i!' :l�ain an important factor in the dashes.:\Tl0ther event in which a rccord oughtto he hroken is thc twelvc-pound hammer­throw. Thrce men arc entered for this\\'1�o havc done about 160 feet; these areEn·anl. oi Pontiac High School, \VilIiams,nj :'.iilwaukce. :lnd Thomas. an Indianaman., The C:ltriCS will he announ('ed soon. and,hel a hetter ('omparison can hc m:lde::::l(l�� the men. QuarterlySchool. the LawJUNE 9, TUESDAY.4:00 p. m.-The Annual Business Meeting of theBeta of Illinois Chapter of Phi BetaKappa. Haskell Oriental Museum, Conpe-gation Hall. .JUNE JO, II, WED!(ESDAY AJIID THURSDAY.Quarterly Examinations. (The attentionof members of the Faculties is called tothe following paragraphs in the UniversityRegulations: Sec. 14, No. IS, p, 9, andSec. J7, No.2, p. 52.)JUNE 12, FRIDAY •.Junior College Day.8:30 a. m.-oj unior Day Athletics. Marshall Field.I. . .. J •. The Interfraternity Meet •2. The Interhouse Meet.JO: 30 a. m.-. - �-DrrirritY SchOol- Exercises :- Address tothe Class of 1903, the Dean of the DivinitySchool; Address to the Divinity School,the President of the Board of Trustees;Response on bdmlf of the Class of 1903,Mr. Joseph Emerson Hicks. Haskell Ori-ental Museu,,,, Congregation Hall. •JO: 30 a. m.-School of Education Exercises r" �usic,the School; Theme. of Consideration,"Ideals;" Address, the - Dean;. Ideals ofEducation, Work, Art, the Drama, Music,Democracy as expressed in RoUsseau, Rus­kin, Morris, Browning, Tolstoi, Wagner,Beethoven, Maeterlinck, Whitman,. Emer­son, and the Bible, by the Oass; Music,the Class ; Presentation of picture by theClass of 1903 to the School of Educationfor new building; Response and Address,the Director; Music, Class Song; InformalReception. School of Education.·Committee: Martha Fleming, chair­man; Viola Deratt, Emily Rice, and themembers of the Class of 1903.12: 00 m.-. Ivy Exercises.2: JS p, m.-The University Dramatics, under thedirection of the Department of PublicSpeaking: ( J) "Gringoire," by DeBan­ville; (2) "The Romancers," an Englishversion adapted from Rostand's "Les Ro­manesques;" (3) the Trial Scene from"The Merchant of Venice." Pourers' The- II: 00 a. m.-The Convocation Religious Service :The Convocation Sermon, by the ReverendWilliam Stephen Rainsford, D.D. TheCOfIvocation Tent.4:00 p. m.-The Convocation Vesper Service. TheConuocatiow Tent.7:00 p. m.-The Union Meeting of the Young Men'sChristian Association and the Woman Stu­dents' Christian League. Haskell OrientalMuseum, Congregation Hall.JU:'E IS, MONDAY.Class Day.9: 30 a. m.-·Junior College Class Exercises: TheConoocation TNI'.(Senior Class Committee: President ofthe Class, Thomas Johnston Hair; vice­president, Charles Burton Elliott; secre­tary, Julia Coburn Hobbs; treasurer,Charles Murfit Hogeland. Executive Com­mittee: Martha Esther Landers, AgnesRebecca Wayman, Frank McNair, FrankFrederick John Tische, Roy Wilson 'Mer­rifield. On Class Colors: Emma DoI­finger, 'chairman: Laura Madge Houghton,Donald Kennicott, On Class Yell: CharlesWilliam Collins, chairman; Jane Munroe,Robert Stinson Starbird. On Class Songsand Sings: Carl VanVechten, chairman �Jane Munroe, 'Valter Edward Francis.On Class Pin: Percy Rawls. On ClassEntertainment: Martha Esther Landers,chairman: .Helen Genevieve Hayner, Ed­win Boehmer. On Decoration: HesterRidlon, chairman; Agnes Joslyn Kaufman,Luther Lycurgus Kirtley. On Invitationand Program: Frank De\Volf, chairman;Cornelia Simrall Smith, Carl Henry Grabo.On Class Day: Stephen Reid Capps, Jr .•chairman: Edith Ethel Barnard, MildredChadsey, Lorena Content Vernon King,Walkcr Gailey McLaury, Milton GeorgeGu�ta\'us Sill!'. On Oass. Gift: Frank:'\tc�air. chainnan: :,\filton Judson Davies,Fredcrick Arthur Fischcl, Edith Browncll.Gcnrude Lei�h Caswell. Elizahdh Sophia\\·cirick . UNIVERSITY, EXTENSION o IN NE�Succeaafal Social Soiree in BoDor of Rf:T�:.r. Rainaford at Quadrangle ClubThe annual dinner of the Univenity Ex:'tension Department was beld last eveningat the Quadrangle Oub. About sixtymembers of the University Faculty, m�stlymembers directly connected with the Ex;.tension Department, were prcsenL Rev.W. S. Rainsford, D.D., of New York City�who is the university ·preacher for the'spring quarter, was the guest of the eve­ning.Those present at the dinner last eveningsay that it was the most successful socialgathering ever held by the Extension De­partment, Much favorable comment basbeen heard today concerning the excellentafter-dinner speeches, The happy veinwhich characterized all of the speeches wasunusual. Nathaniel Butler acted as toast­master of the evening.President Harper responded to the t�t"Whither?" very properly by hinting asto what might be the future of the Ex­tension Department of the University. Hesuggested thc hope of a grcat and influ­ential Extension Department which mighthave a largc pennanent endowment whichwould insurc its suee�s for all time. Therealization of an ideal Univcrsity Extcn­!'ion Department through cndowments�ccmecl to be the keynote of PresidentHarper's talk.George E. Vinecnt and Edwin E. Sparksspokc in a hrighter vein and secmed tohave no end of wit and humor.Dr. Rainsford, the gucst of the eve­nin�. \\'a� called upon and responded gcn- ."-;ater.8: 30 p. m.-The Junior Promenade.Hotel. Claicago BcacbHigh Jl.'NE J3. SATURDAY.Alumni Day. (Committee on Arrange­ments: John F. Hagey, '98, chairman;Cecil Page, '98; Franklin E. Vaughan, '98;Ralph 1.: Peck, '98.)9: ('0 a. m.-Breakfast given by the Chicago AlumneClub to the \Vomen Graduates of J903.Foster Hall.2: 00 p. m.-Annual Business �lecting of the Alumni.Reception of the Class of lQ03 into theAssociation: Addrcss of \Velcome byPrc�ident Edwin G. Cooley. '95: Responseon hehalf of the Class. Ralph �Icrriam, 'oJ.Col,b LU(lIrc Hall..1: 00 p. 111.-Gass Rcunions. (Committec : RalphL. Peck. chairman; Alice \\,inston, LauraWright.)Alumni of the Old Univcrsity. Ha.fkdlC(l",::rc�(ltio"al Hall. (Committec: Rcv.John L. Jackson. 'i2: F10rencc Holhrook,·i9· )C):1SS of 181).1. Room 10. Second Floor.Col,b IId/l. (William S. Gatto. chainflan.)Class of t8()4' Room 8. Third Floor.Cobb Hall. (Horace G. Lozier. chairman.)Class of 181)5. 'Room S. Seco:tc/ Floor.Cobb /lall. (Charlottc H. Foyc. chairman.) 10: 00 a. m.-1�:tisinJ:! (\f the 190.1 Flag. Address onhehalf oi thc Uni"ersity hy Jnmes Ha:rdcnTufts. Dean of the Senior Collegcs: raisingthe fia� on hehalf of thc Class of 190,)hy Ch:\rlcs Burton Elliott. Tlae Flag Pole.to: .,0 a. m.--Confercn(,e of B:lptist �tinistcrs. Has­l'cll Orj("lllal JIIlUIlI7I. COII�rcgation Hall.10: 30 a. m.-Farcc. "The C'nivcr!'ity in the Ycar 2,000(Continued on rase 3-column 3) conccrning university extension"CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1908Last week the water from the new fil­tration plant given by Andrew Carnegiewas turned into the water-pipes at Cornell.The supply of artesian water will now bediscontinued. Every building on the cam­pus is supplied wit_h water from the filtra­tion plant. Throughout the warm weatherthe water will be cooled in ice tanks. Thewater will be analyzed. every day. Subscriptions to the JloDthly JIaroon onspecial offer receindat the 0fIice, Room 7of the Press Builc1iDg..The Daily MaroonFormerly tbe UDlversity of Chicaco Weekly. Mack's and Mr. Smith's election goto show that the University of Chi­cago's professors and trustees arecoming to prove the quality of theU. of C. men. They are becominginfluential in other responsiblecapacities as well as in educationalcircles.POU1IDIIU)TiM- UDiversity of Chicaco Weekly • October I, IIc)aTHa DAILY MAIlOOlC - October I. IOOS OUT OF FASHION?Out of the World.JlBWS COBTRIBUTIOBS RBQUB8TBD.No one appreciates this princlple more keenl,.than the collere man. Hut iQ c1othin� there IImore to be CODlidered thaD" .'uhIOD.· Evetyrarment-maker, custom or otherwise, can CIOpJ'the seuoD'IIl)'Ics. Remember that oyer anaabove this conformation to the fashion plate,lies the SECRET OF SUCCESS Ira creativetallorinr. I refer to Individuality.Why do mea eo out 01 their way to see me?Why do my cu,tomen alwaYI remaiD cultom­ers? Not because my work is like others.Why is every �arment made by me a desirableadvertisemeDt? Why did my business of thilseason enjoy an increase of 10% oyer that 01last? Not because my work aeb individual­ity. My whole interest, mind, and heart roesinto each �.nnent built at my hauds. Letevery man learn to do one thine well and IUC'cessIs hle,Yours allXious.to serve,Published by the ltudents 01 tbe University 01 Chi­caeo every afternoon, ezc:ept Saturday ant Sunday duroinc the 46 weeks 01 t\e University year.Present buard 01 editors and busi_ manaeerantborizc:d by ItudeDt·body III mass meetinc May 15.IQ02.Membership OD subsequent boards of editors to bedctenniDed by competition opeD to all students in theUuiYcnity. $19 From Chicago to Boston andReturn $19via Nickel Plate Road, account meeting ofChristian Scientists, June 28th to July 1St.Tickets on sale June 25, 26, and 27, withopen return limit of June 28. By deposit­ing tickets with Joint Agent in Boston onJuly J, 2, 3, or 4. and payment fee offifty cents, extended limit returning untilAugust J st may be obtained. Stopover atNiagara Falls, in either direction, withoutextra charge. No excess fare .charged onany of our trains. Three trains daily.Through vestibuled sleeping-cars. Ameri­can Club Meals served in dining-cars onNickel Plate Road; also meals a Ia carte.Address John Y. Calahan, General Agent,JJ 3 Adams St., Room 298, Chicago, forreservation of sleeping-car space and. otherinformation. 'Phone Central 2057.GJH�GOYCEo�ESOil, FLURRY!"How do I look tonight, Will? asked themaiden."Like a picture--' ,"Oh, you flatterer!"··. ""--of Mamma Katzenjammer, con-tinued the heartless youth. ."Brute!" cried the girl.BOAIlD OF EDITORS:e:s1dfto�itor _ -_ -• HO-�::R\�=Athletic Editor - Roaurr L HluntY, JR.ASIOClATaItDnollSFaAJ(CIS F. TISCHIit FIlAICIC McNAlaEu P. GALa ADlitualtTT. STIitWAIITFIlAICIC R. ADAIIS WALTa. L GRECOKYAUSTIN A. HAYDEN •••A man is known by the pins that be M. J. COFFEY ,Tailor to Business Men153 La Salle St. TelephoDe CentTal3439wears.WOIIAJ( EDnoasMIlS AGNaS WAYMAN MISS LENA HARRtSSTolPI' 0 ... aPOItTBRSTHADDaus J. MIltRRJLL ERNaST J. 5TBvBMSMISS Eu.A R. MltTSlCaR RALPH If. MUl.V�NIItMISS MARY E. BARlCaR EDWARD M. KERWINAulaIlTW. SHE... E. D. F. BtnTKllnlltLDWROY A. VAJ( }JATrK" ••ASTRONOlIUCAL NOTEThe Republican ticket, like the earth,was somewhat flattened at the polls yester­day. DAYLIGHT P.ARLORS FOR P'lTTIBGCOUNCIL URGES SUPPORT OF PLAYSSeats'Should Be ReserYed-Kore ElectiveWork to Be Asked for iDeJunior CollegeAt a meeting this morning of the JuniorCoilege Council action was taken in favorof urging all University members to co­operate heartily in making a success of theJunior Day plays. The Council officiallyasks all students to give their patronageand loyal support to the Junior Day pro­ductions. The plays will be given on theafternoon of June 12. As they must begiven at one of the down-town theaters itis especially desirable te obtain as far aspossible a University atmosphere. In orderto give University members first choiceof seats, reservations can be obtained untilJune 5 by application to Strong VincentNorton, The University Play, Faculty Ex­change.The Council decided to place beforePresident Harper the opinion of the JuniorCollege students concerning the requiredwork of the Junior College. The recentaction of Yale in doing away with requiredwork has increased the' agitation . amongChicago students. for similar action by theUniversity. The Council will ask thatmore elections be allowed, and that Latinas a required study be dropped. Call Hyde Park 511-4BUSIlIESS STAFFTHE DAILY 1tIAIlOOK THE MOJCTHLY MAROONBusiness M�. - - - BYIlOJ( G. MOONAssistant HusiDCSI Mauaeer - JUUAN L. BaoDiAdYertbin, MU8£U - - - PLAn M. CoIeIlADRush Medic MaD22U - J. W. SWIFT BARKERThe Shi.-t CutterShirts Made to Order I :::, �=� F. W .: BakerMen's Furnishings,Hats, Shoes, Pants,Trunks andTraveling BagsDally Subscription, $3 per 4 quarten I $1 for 3 monthsBy Ibilin city S4 per 4 quarten I $ 1.25 for 3 monthss.t.crlpdOllS recelYed at 'The M_" <>Ace. R-7. ThePlea BWldlq ..... left la "The JobnIoD" Boll. the Facu1ty�.CobbHa11 Engraved Invitations• Programs •Fraternity Stationery,WM. FREUND & SONS, •176 State streetOppcalle Palm.r "_ entnllce.Prlated by the lJalYeftlty or Cblcaco Press3.0f2 EAST SIXTY-THIRD ST.• EDIT�RIALS •Aberdeen Golf Qubs $1If you want a strictly high grade club we sug­gest the Aberdeen. It is made in all iron andwooden models-fifteen different styles to selectfrom-e-and the price is only $1.A large assortment of caddie bagsand the latest golf balls - pricesthe lowest anywhere.Lawn tennis, croquet, and baseball goods III acomprehensive assortment.Everyone interested in oratoryshould attend the mass meeting inKent, Thursday, at 10:30 a. m.The proposal of the QuadrangleClub to admit to its membershipalumni of the UniversityThe Quad-r..agl�mllb opens up new and great�m!!i ,: ..z: ,p�bilities, ;in.d;Jp�Em.is�� . to be �o the graduatebody what the Students' Club will beto ·the undergraduate life.. The movement comes at an oppor­tune time. It can be no great whileuntil the Quadrangle Club is com­pelled by the northward. growth ofthe University to seek new quarters,and if the alumni join to any con­siderable extent the club will beableto build a very large and eleganthouse, which will, without doubt, bethe grand rendezvous for al�mni onall occasions when they are wont toreturn ·to their alma mal". It willbe a place, too, where the' AlumniClub can strengthen its organizationin a manner 'not possible when nopermanent meeting-place is provided.If must not be forgotten, of course,that there -is a club-house being builtnow, and an organization effectedfor the students, membership towhich is' open to alumni. The feefor this club is nominal, however,and while everyone should join it itshould prove no bar to the otherproject.The alumni should join in bothmovements, certainly in the Students'C!ub, which offers exceptional privi­leges at an extremely low rate, andno less certainly to the QuadrangleClub, if they' get the opportunity,which offers great advantages of adifferent character. Semi-FiDals Were 'UnfinishedPhi Delta Theta and. Alpha Delta Phiplayed a weird game of baseball on Mar­shall Field yesterday afternoon, and thescore in the middle of the first half of theninth in�ing, in the mud, rain, and dark­ness, stood 28 to 21 in favor of the PhiDelts. The contest will be taken up thisafternoon at the beginning of the eighthinning with the score 24 to 15 in favor.of the Phi Delts and the last two stageswill be gone through again> Those whowatched the exhibition thought that theend of the seventh marked the time whenthe game ceased to be baseball, and it iswith the idea of completing a game thatthe reversion will be made. SCHLESINGER & MAYERIf· You Want Money call A. LIPMANon gg But lIa4UoD at.DiamoDds, Watches. Jewelry, aDel ADtiques, for sale; Old Gold and Silver BouehtA Store for Women'ICa�' �HE unparalleled advantages of OUrestablishment as a store for womenhave long been recogni%cd. This super­iority did not come to us by accident,but is the result of a well planned andcarefully sustained system by which theworld's greatest fashion centers andtheir most noted designers are coflstantlyrcfl�ed in our ever-changing styl� ex­��� position. We are constantly showingthe latest and most striking novelties inArrange for Inter-House MeetAt a house-meeting in Snell last eve­ning Edward M. Kerwin was elected cap­tain of the track team, and Roy Flickingermanager of the tennis tournament.A committee meeting from the housesat the Unive�ity will be held this after­noon at 4: 15 for the purpose of arrangingfor the inter-house meet on June 12. Snellhas not as many athletes this year asformerly, but hopes to make a good show­ing.A tennis tournament for the purpose ofdeciding the championship of the Hall willbe held within the next few days. Abouttwenty men have signified their intentionof cntering the contest and have signedtheir names to the entry sheet. Drawingswill be made this evening and the matcheswill commence at once. Waists GlovesSuits HandkerchiefsSkirts Hosieryand as to prices-the result of comparison is invariablyin our favor.MillineryNeckwearBeltsJulian W. Mack and Frederick A.Smith, candidates for election inyesterday's judicial contest, in whomthe University of Chicago peoplewere very much interested, were bothelected to places on the Circuitbench. Jesse A. Baldwin, who isconnected with the University in thecapacity of trustee, was defeated inthe race by a close vote. Professor At :1 meeting of the board of trustces ofLeland Stanford Jr. University, held yes­terday, Mrs. Leland Stanford resigned andsurrendered all the powers and duties in­vested in her by the terms of the grantfounding the university. Under the termsof the grant 1\1 rs, Stanford had completecontrol of the university. That control isnow possessed by the board. 'Rothschild ®. CODlpanyS�ate and Van Buren Street.� . ,, ... �.'" ... ...CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1903�"""" ........ "" ............� "The Varsity �� Suit" IISachen #A.. producecI by# Wil1iam•� TAILOR, 320 East Fifty-ifth st.•#� Is the proper suit fori members of the Uni-f� versity of ChiCago.......................... ....,....""�Scheyer, Hoglund Co.TAILORS89 East Madison St •• Suite 9-11OUR nmuCBJIBlfTS ARB:Guarantee of perfect fit, high gradeworkmanship, and the latest creationsof style and fashion at moderate prices.Spalding's ·OfficialAthletic Almanacfor 1903The only Almanac published that con­tains a complete list of American Best-on­Records and Complete List of Champions.Over 530 Pictures of Prominent Americanand Foreign Athletes.Pilice IOcA. O. SPALDINO & BIWS.New York ChicaeO-l>drftr" -BWIiJ.' 'BaltimOre·SHORTHANDIN ONE HOURIn 40 to 60· clap M.-s. Lena A. Whiteguarantees to rilake lOU an expert stenog­rapher and tyP.ewnter or -refaJul yourmoney_ Hundreds of students havemastered her system in one hour. Con­tinuous school session. Individual in­struction by the author.WHITE'S COLLEGE103 JIICHIGAN AVE.Do You Dance?If so. �a will fiDeI • fiDe IISIOrtIDeDtof daac:iDe. party. euchre. dbmer.weddiae. aDd sapper fnon at •••Ounther's Confectionery212 Stille Street, Claapi& 1?eOrS��05.243 Wabash Ave.(Kbdllil Hill."')CommencementPhotosSpecial Rat" to U. ore. StudentsslltH"w yt?���1'eknl 9'm/o,vIll7 ... __ .... 6W St. .. lexIItM A"-·Td. c.t. 2675 TeL awe M 1mC4ner .... W .......The Domestic Laundryc. J. GEIGER, .... 0".5485 Lake Avenue ....... r.5925"For positions in High Schools, SecondarySchools. State Normal Schools, Colleges. andState Universities, address or call on TheAlbert Teachers' Agency. Fine Arts Build­ing, Chicago. C.). Albert, manager. I MAJORS 'aDd MINORS IThe vice-president elected in the organi­zation of the Minnehaha Club was MissFannie Long.Miss Fanny Long, instead of Mrs. Fan­nie Gong, as the MAROON stated yesterday.is vice-president of the Minnehaha Club., Misses Charlotte and Cornelia Smithgave a luncheon yesterday in honor ofMiss Lilian Danaher. About twenty· girlswere present.Alfred Shrubb ran two miles on a grasstrack at Illford, England. Saturday. in 9minutes 11 seconds. beating all records forboth grass and cinder tracks.Sigma Alpha Epsilon gave an informalreception last Friday evening to the pa­rents of the Sigma Alpha men who livein the city. and their friends .The wedding of Miss Ebba Amelia An­derson to Dr. Charles Neilson of theUniversity of Chicago will take place onJune 11. Miss Anderson was formerly astudent at the University.On a basis of three games played. thefollowing men have been awarded the "C.L." of the Law School baseball nine: Mc­Millen, Sheldon. Lambertson, Brower,Schmidt, Wyman, McGee, Stiness, Horton.Ewing. Other members of the team wereJayne, Rooney, Bingham. and Harper.Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Gates, of New YorkCity, are the guests of President Harperfor a few days. Mr. Gates was the secre­tary of the American Baptist EducationalSociety when Mr. Rockefeller made hisfirst subscription to the University. andled the campaign during the years 1899 to1891 in securing the funds to fulfil theconditions made by Mr. Rockefeller in hisfirst gift. Since then, Mr. Gates has beenMr. Rockefeller's personal business andbenevolent agent. Mr. Gates, who has notbeen here for two years, is a trustee of theUniversity.MASS MEETING THURSDAY MORNINGPublic-Speaking Department to AnnOUDceAnangements for iI.autilton OrationsThe Public Speaking Department willconduct a mass-meeting in Kent Theater,Thursday morning at 10: 30. The purposeis to render a formal acceptance of theinvitation of the Hamilton Club in regardto the prizes offered by them for annualorations on Hamilton, and also to an­nounce the arrangements made for the firstpreliminaries. •lrveryone iii' Ollie Uiiiversity at all in­terested in oratory is urged to attend themass-meeting.O. W. Stewart to Speu TonightHon. o. \V. Stewart, one of the mostpopular members of the state legislature,and the representative from this district,has consented to speak to the students ofthe University of Chicago tonight in CobbChapel. Those of the students who heardMr. Stewart last fall have the greatest ad­miration for him as a man and an inde­pendent politician, The only Prohibitionrepresentative in the house. Mr. Stewartis one of the great leaders of reform alongthe line of civic morality.Christian Scientists'meeting in Boston. June 28th to July 1St.It will be to your advantage to obtain ratesapplying over the Nickel Plate Road beforepurchasing elsewhere. No excess farecharged on any of our trains. Tickets onsale June 25. 26, and 27. Final returnlimit August 1St. Call on or-address JohnY. Calahan. General Agent, I 13 AdamsSt., Room 298. Chicago, for particulars asto stopovers. train service, etc. 'PhoneCentral 2057. COMPLETE CONVOCATION PROGRAM Serges,Flannels, andHomespuns(Continued irom page I)A. D.," given by Members of the Class of·oJ.12: 00 m.-Luncheon of the Class of ·oJ. The Con­vocation Tent.2: JO p, m.-Divinity Alumni Meeting. Haskell Ori­cnta! Museum, Congregation Hall.2: JO p. m.-Farewell ·to the Quadrangles: Farewellto the Women's Quadrangles, Julia CoburnHobbs: Farewell to the Class Ivy. EdithEthel Barnard: Farewell to Kent Theater,Harry James Lurie: Farewell to the Men'sQuadrangles, Roy Wilson Merrifield; Fare­well to Cobb Hall, Orville Elbridge At­wood.J : 00 p. 111.-Bench Exercises: Presentation ofSenior Bench to Class of '04, MiltonGeorge Sills; Response, Frank RamsayAdams; Presentation of Senior Cap andGoum, Agnes Rebecca Wayman; Response.Bertha Lillian Iles ; Presentation of ClassGift to the University, William AlfredGoodman. Jr.; Response, the President;Class Poem, Donald Kennicott; Class His­tory, Marie Anna Lamb.J: 45 p. m.-Meeting with the President of theAlumni Representatives in the UniversityCongregation. The President's Office.4: 00 p. m.-The Thirty-seventh Meeting of the Uni­versity Congregation. Haskell Oriental.Musc,,,,,, Congregation Hall.(The Congregation Committee: ThePresident. George E. Vincent, Charles R.Henderson, Alonzo K. Parker, Gordon J.Laing, Joseph E. Raycroft.)8: 00 p, m. to 11: 00 p. nt.-The Com�ocation Reception. The Con­vocation Tent.(Committee: Edwin E. Sparks, chair­man; Frank F. Abbott. James H. Breasted,Frederick I. Carpenter, George L. Hen­drickson. J. Franklin Jameson, PaulShorey, James P. Hall, Gerald B. Smith,Harry G. Wells, Albert A. Michelson.Joseph P. Iddings, Edwin O. Jordan,Charles R. Mann, Oskar Bolza.JUNE 16. TUESDAY.Convocation Day.8: 30 a. 10.-The Matutinal for Candidates for HigherDegrees. The President's House.10: 00 a. m.-The Forty-seventh University Convoca­tion : The Procession. The ConvocationAddress, "Prospects of Science in theUnited, States at the Beginning of theTwentieth Century." President Daniel CoitGilman. LL.D., of the Carnegie Institution,with introduction by Henry Herbert Don­aldson. Ph.D., Professor and Head of theDepartment of Neurology in the Univer­sity of Chicago. The Conferring of. De­grees. The President's Quarterly State­ment. The Convocation Tent.(Committee: George H. Mead. chair­man; Henry G. Gale. Frederick M. Blan­chard, Ernst Freund. Edgar J. Goodspeed,George H. Locke. Jerome H_ Raymond,Ernest D. Burton. Wilbur S. .Jackman.Lewellys F. Barker. Frank R. Lillie, Her­bert N. McCoy, Henry C. Cowles, JuliusStieglitz. George C.· Howland.)12: JO p. m.-The University Luncheon. LexingtonHall.(Committee: Robert Francis Harper.chairman; Philip S. Allen. Gordon J­Laing. Edward CaPPS. Starr W. Cutting.J. G. Carter Troop. James W'. Linn,Charles B. Davenport. Robert A. Millikall.Elias P. Lyon. Glenn M. Hobbs, Ralph W.Webster. Camillo von Klenze, Clarke B.Whittier, George B. Foster. FOR HOT WEATHEROur Own ImportationSUITS, $20 to $40NICOLL, The TailorCLARK A�D ADAMS STREETSw. N. GAaUC�, University Representative111 order to obtain a gift of Four HundredDollars the monthly lIIIaroon must secure400 yearly paid subscriptions at $1.00 eachinstead of $1.75, the regular price. Thesesubscriptions must be in by June 20. 1903.We trust you will be one of the 400.H. Z E ISSLADIES' TAILOR9 E. Forty-seventh st.(near Ill. Central Station)'Phone Oakland 126«), After 7 P. II., orSunday, 'phone Gray 404Unlined Suits from $35 up.Silk-Uned Suits fro� $.co up.Skirts from $15 up.60wman Dairy· Go.OUR MILK ...is Bottled in the CountryIt Pays to Advertise in the lIIarooD�If you havePictures to Frametake them toCHAS. E. ALDER,73.1idsG1 ......A. lap .ad well aeIected .tock ..fl'lllMCl plc:ttlres .... ltabIe .... OUts.alwais GO Tiew.' ...... 1071 ........4:00 p. 10.-The Annual Address before the Beta oi. Illinois Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa, byBliss Perry, Esq., Editor of the AtlanticMonthly. Subject: Indifferentism. TheConvocation Tent.Brooks Co.�1I1 sell 708 SDoreQUALITY and STYLE- Gq;)��'.���,Good Things to EatFrom LlbbJ'. falll_bnl_1o kttcbea.......... pari", pNftl ... An III ... aM lrLIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood Productsfor. $ 3 • 0 0 � h • D '. n '7other HA TTER.S in ChicagoTltey Make ThemThree Stores.6reat Northern Hotel BldQ. 96 Madison st. 97 E. Randolph st.TIt a/' s Wlty ,Ob, the Irontless manIs an .. also ran."But the Duck with a front is a live one.-FromTa/�s oftlu Ez·tallh.Don't Be an "Also Ran"Dress Right, Look Rightand Be a Live OneWeare showing Spring Goods that arerigb1-right in style, price, and quality.College men are discriminating. That'swhy I have so many:of them among mycustomers. .Tailor for TOGC .eoA. N. JEan .. s. Mer. 13g-131 LA SALL. ST.THE MOST DELICIOUSICE CREAM SODACAN .E HAD AT THEAVERY PHARMACIES., Winter bas left us: spring is here :so is Famous: and, as usual, is ready todo your tailoring, cleaning, and pressing.He also has on hand a full line of springfurnishingS and hats.Famous TallorlD& Company346 E. Fifty·fifth st. 'PboDe, Hyde: Park S,_HolmesMEN'SWEAR• II,. Nothinl£·DOinII-r_ woi ba."f'8 ., I'art!Iet .. for the IU«aD4. W tile GlIlItJleIlltll WIler aftaClDdltrjtDc tile.............. Pt.-thieilerftettom�onOi boa. 'W1tb that eniWtIDi' reac:b-hacb­_� to u...u.1reIlleft oQt. n Writes ilsteeD··CCIIdImIoaaboan 'W1tboatalltUUeroral}llllUft­wUboatcaulDc or dli1'lDc. .l1lll thIDk &DdpaabaDd tile 8 __ wUI do tile Ia&. Sold on a par.imtee; ba71t on tItal; 1IIIed OIl eftI')' oeculon.• .&111., '!'ODD II IlAIlD........ 8&neC., ................ , a-...IE.tLE.E.WHO DRESS FOR SnLEIOTIESS. AID CO. FORTWEAR TH� •• PROVED, :BOSTONGARTERn ....... Iz ... sta ......... The ••• elaat •• peeI on: �.....,loop-CUSHION-», BUTTONCLASPu_ n.t te U..l .. - ....s ..... TNra r ... Ullfasteas1IaDpJe_.8IJkaoe..Caallllt.Se.IlaIW ... ftfttJJ& of price.lee. 'roat Co •••• lm.... t u.s.a. CHICAGO, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1903" , NOTICES' "IStudents and faculty memben are requested to seDdall ootices to THE DAl:'Y MAaooM for publication freeof char2e. Notices mUlt be left at TilE MAJIIOOM officeor FacUlty Exchaoce before II : 00 A ....Members of the Senior Class are re­quested to meet the committee on invita­tions and programs to settle bills, I: 00 to2: 00 p. m., Tuesday and Wednesday, June2 and 3, in Cobb lecture hall.Y. M. C. A.-Usual meeting, Wednes­day, i: 30 p. m., in Snell club-room.The Dramatic Club initiation takes placetonight at 7: 30, in Lexington Hall.Baseball.-Chicago vs. Indiana, Wednes­day, June 3, 3: 45 p. m., on Marshall Field.The Undergraduate Divinity Club meetstoday, 4: 15 p. m., in South Divinity Par­lors.The Church History Club meets Tues •.day, June 2, 8 p. m., in South Divinityparlor.Interscholastic Track and Field Meet,Saturday, June 6, I: 45 p. m., on MarshallField.Tickets for the Junior Promenade cannow be obtained from Mr. James SheldonRiley and Mr. Julian L. Brode.The election of the Ivy Orator for JuniorDay will be held Wednesday at 10: 30, inthe Upper Junior division meeting.Professor Hall will, address the LowerSeniors on "The Profession of Law," Wed­nesday, June 3, in Cobb lecture-room.Conference on Teaching of Mathematicsand Physics in Secondary Schools, Ryer­son 32, 7: 45 p. m., Wednesday, June 3·E. Lecroart will address the AllianceFrancaise on "La France Republique," Sat­urday, June 6, 12: 30 p. m., in Fine ArtsBuilding.W. S. C. L., Haskell Assembly Hall,Friday, June s, 10: 30 a. m. Topic: "TheMan Christ Jesus," led by ·Mrs. Coleman'sBible Study Class.Professor Eo Eo Sparks will address theHistorical Club on "The Stereopticon asan Aid in Teaching," Tuesday, June 2,8 : 00 p, m., in Haskell.Mr. Robert Walter Bruere, associate inEnglish, will continue his lectures on"Flcrentine Art," Thursday, June 4, 4: 00p, m., in Haskell Assembly Hall.The Prohibition Association will hold anopen meeting, Tuesday, June 2, 7: 30 p, m.,in Cobb lecture hall. Hon. O. W. Stewart,state representative of Hyde Park district,will speak.LeRoy Hoary Harvey will deliver anillustrated lecture on the "PhysiographicEcology of Mt. Ktaadn," before the Botani­cal Club, Tuesday, June. 2, 5: 00 p. m.,in Bot. 13 •$400 is offered the Monthly Maroon topay for the year's exchange list, provided400 new subscriptions at $1.00 each aresecured before June 20, 1903. No singlecopies are oil sale. Your subscription isrequested.The Semitic Club meets Tuesday, June2, 7: 30 p, m., in the President's library:subject, "Semitic Gnomology." Treatment:Arabic, Professor J ewelt: Talmudic, Pro­fessor Hirsch; Egyptian, Associate Pro­fessor Breasted.The Junior finals in Public Speaking forthe Ferdinand Peck prize will be held inthe Junior College Division meeting, Wed­nesday, 10: 30 a. rn., in Kent Theater.The contestants are H. D. Sulcer, L. A.Gridley, S. B. Terry, Leona Reiman.Fraternities, clubs, and members oihalls and houses desiring seats for theUniversity plays, leave application inFaculty Exchange, addressed to StrongVincent Norton, care of University Play,before Thursday, June 4.The following topics will be discussedby the Physics Club, Friday, June 5, 8: 00p. m., in Ryerson 32: "The Joint Ameri­can and French Determination of theMagnetic Effect of a Moving Electrical.Charge:" "An Optical Pyrometer forMeasuring Temperatures One ThousandDegrees above Temperatures HithertoMeasured ;" "The Source of RadiumRays and Their Spontaneous Dissipationot Energy;" "The Fabry and Perot Inter-ferometer." Weaver Coal &DOMESTICTo Boston and Return at One Farefor the round-trip from Chicago via NickelPlate Road for Christian Scientists' meet­ing in June. Tickets on sale June 25th,26th, and 27th, with extended' return limitof August rst, Stopover at Niagara Falls,in either direction, without extra charge,and at Xew Yorfe returning on payment offcc of $1.00. !\o eXCe5S fare charged onany of our trains. \Vrite John Y. Cala­han, Gcneral Agent, I I J Adams St., Room21)8, Chicago. for detailed information.·Phone Central 2057·Oh I oh! how good I What? ThatSoda. Where? Bowen's, Fifty·fifth andIngleside ave.To Rent.-Wel1 furnished six-room flat,for summer: inquire of Hor:lce SpencerFiske, .144 Fifty-scventh street.Exceptionally f:lvorable contracts madefor printing do.:tcrs' theses. UniversityPrinting Co., 31.'l E. Sixty·third street.ToRent�For summer months; furnishedhouse, with wide .verandahs, on Washing­ton ave.: convenient to University andIllinois Central express trains. ApplyBox 163, FaCJ1lty Exchange, University ofChicago. I'M' LOOKING FORWARDWITH MUCH PLE.ASUR� TO A CALL FILOM THE READER, WHEN I WILL, WITH­OUT DOUBT. CONVINCE YOU OF THE SUPEILIORITY OF NOT ONLY MY LINEOF WOOLENS, BUT THE GENEILAL HIGH QUALITY OF MY WORK, WHICH HASPLACED ME IN THE LEAD IN THIS BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.NEW SPRING GOODS NOW IN STOCKThe 33 Ian 33 Adami 33 Cent. 33 Lettenln 33 Dollar"�OrigInal at It. 'Phone Name and BUIlnesl'Address Suit• • • MY LEADER •••CARROLL S. McMILLAN, TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.Coke Co.COKESubst£tute for CoalMarquette Building63d and Wallace streets H a r d40th street and Wentworth avenueNorth avenue and RiverW. T. DELIHANTP"."id,,,t M. C. O'DONNELLSu".d."., ALBERT TEBOT".,.s.".,,.POCAHONTASTEL. HARRISON 3137 PEN-MAR303 Dearborn streetCHICAGOINSURANCE LI FEACCIDENTHEALTHPROTECTION AND INVESTMENT5% TWENTY YEAR ENDOWMENT BONDSEVERY DOLLAR GUARANTEED; NO ESTIMATESIf you will !ICDd me your full Dame aDd adcbas. toeetber with cbte of' birth. I will submit proposltiOllTelephone Central 3931 GEO. M. LEE 1008 Marquette Bldg. Chicago.,�MaiD Office and Works, 33d It. aDd Shields aye.PboDe South 1104BEST WORK IN CHICAGOTelephoDe Hyde: Park 18A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES :Cor. S3d st. aDd Kimbark aye. ClllCAGOStandard 'Washed Coal Co.NEW KENTUCKY COALD •• W.J. ConysuperiDteDda all wmkCOVEY'SDENTAL PARLORS174-176 STATE STRlrirrOpposite MaiD EDtraoa: Paimer HoaseGold CIOWDS - $5.00 I Set Teeth •• $s.ooBrtdce Work· • 5-00 t... S. S. W •• 8.00PlatiDUID Villioe 1.00 .... ROle Peal 15-00Gold Villines $2.00. up PaiDless Extrac:tioD .soTO BBST 18 CIDtAPBST_celebrated Hats" Styles andQualitieaAlways ProgreaaiTe"--nwYO� PAUla HousacmlaGO PlDUDBLPIIU.L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 MedilOll se., TribaDe B.lldl.�8pec:tacIea aD4 Byecluaes Sdatikally .&4jute4E� Tested FreeEoorerythioe 0pdcaJMatliematical\MdeftoJoeicaJ,aaclfor the L:interDist.Ko4ab. CUDeruaD4 SQpUea.McKEOWN B�OT"E�SCARPENTERS AND Bun..OERS.-810 Cotta)te Grove ave.Phone Drexel 1291Wholesale AS[enh for Patent Al'phalt RoofinS[Material and Allphalt. Damp. course, nld IIhln­srle roob covered with Patent Asphalt RoofinS[.Cheaper than shlnglu.HYDB PARK AND CHICAGO. BBACH STABLESJ. H. KINTZ(PROPRlItTOR)Jackson Park Stables2i3 East Fifty·Seventh StreetTeI.,Oakl:lnd 552 CHI C AGO LOSER &: �ANSON •.-TAILORS·175 DEARBORN ST_CHICAGO.Oood Clothes Moderate Prices •Storage:i:Telepbou. 461 aJut""eDtwoi'tJa'BBCXLBlIBBRG'S EXPRESS &V All co.lilS4 to 61eo 'WeDtworth '&'ft.BRAlICB: 63D1 Cottap GroTe ATe.B. L. All.. Esnbusbcd 1873 H. R. PAULOET THE BESTAmes' Hats$2.00 and $3.00.6. 4: .63 E. MADISON ST •• Dear LA ,sALLEMUSSEY'SBi1liarcJ Hans and Bowling AlkysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World. 100 to 108 MA.DISON STREETJ. J. GILL, Ph.G.CHEMIST andPHARMACIST'Phoae Hyele Park '75.WHY use poor. ODWholesome milk •• beDfor the same mODey you can Ret itPare • .sweet, •• eI Ednonll­aarlly Rlda. deliYered iD sealed bottles. by callinc upTelephone South 817, or dropp1ne a postal toSIDNEY WANZER 6: SONS305 Thirtieth st.Cbt Dtw Drug 5tortDtlldOis Soda Plrt DngsCHJCAGO UNIVERSITY PHARMACY57th st. & Kinbark ave. Tel. II,. P.tL 1854_ Park 6rocery and Market�;,i'�i��!s"()�·�ri�� � r�.�f"f,/u andI'".o,:,isi"ns ..394 E. Fifty-Fifth Street