VOL. I. No. 94 P�ICE THREE CENTSThe Dai�:' y MaroonPub11ahecl Aftemoona by the Students of the UDlyeraity of Chicago During the Four QUArtera of the UDlYoraity YearCHICAGO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1903LIVING LEPER IN KENT DECIDE ON THE MINISTRY CONTEST AT MEET TONIGHT RIVAL FACTIONS BUSYProfessor Hyde Delivers Lectureon Gruesome Subject inKent TheaterAstonishes Audience by Declaring thatDreaded Disease Is Curable­Places Hands on Leper Twelve .en, Including President Hair ofthe Senior Class, Accept PresidentHarper's Invitation to .eet with HimTwelve men from the SeniorColleges, who have chosen the min­istry as their life work responded toPresident Harper's invitation tomeet him in his office yesterday. Dr.Harper gave them a short talk, em­phasizing the broadening influenceof the study of the Bible and theol­ogyas they are being taught today,after which the meeting resolveditself into a conference for askingand discussing any questions orproblems that presented difficultiesto the men who are looking forwardto the work of the ministry.A loose organization was perfectedwith Eugene Neubauer as chairman.A room will probablybe secured forclub purposes. and an effort will bemade to bring the members intoclose touch with the Universitypreachers. Those present were:A. R. Vail, C. B. Elliott. H. C. Brubaker.John Smale, E. B. Killnps, R. W. Merrifield.T. J. Hair, W. N. Garlick, E. J. Bentall,George Cleaver. S. V. Williams. EugeneNeubauer.The men, who in many instancesare the most prominent in the Sen­ior Colleges, represent six denomi­nations.Dr. Hyde's lectve yesterday af­ternoon in Kent Theater caused ageneral commotion throughout thestudent body, especially when hebrought before them a living leperstripped to the waist. The horroraud surprise of the students wasmanifested by the whispering andcreeping among the audience.The theater was crowded with Uni­versity students as well as with Med­ical men. The dreaded disease wasillustrated by life-size pictures takenin the Sandwich and Philippine Isl­ands, which showed in detail the so­called incurable disease.The surprise of the students wasbrought to a climax when ProfessorHyde put his hands on the Austral­ian subject in demonstrating hispoint, the general belief being thatcontact meant sure death.From this time on the audiencewas held spellbound by the most in- A PARENTS' ASSOCIATION AIDS WORKteresting lecture. Among some ofthe places mentioned were the hos- School of Education Has Organization topitals of Norway and those of the Secure Co-Operation of ParentsSandwich Islands.Professor Hyde wished to have. Org.anized in the ,School .of .Educa-the students know that the patient tlO� IS a parents association, ofexhibited could be relieved and he w�lch. FranCIS W. Parker, a lawyer C?fwould see that the patient received this .clty. and <1: Trustee of t�e UDl­special attention under '-��S'-=" ._verslty, IS president, a�d Wllbur S.tions. The subject is an Austra la� Jack�an� Dean of the Sch�ol of E.d-and it is very rarely that such an ex- �catlOn, IS secretary.. This asSOCIa-cellent case is presented. non meets on the thl�d T�esday ofIt has been the belief of the gen- each. month �or the dlscussI�n of ed-eral public that the disease is incur- ucational tOpICS. The meetl�gs areable. But this was disproved when held at the School of Education.Dr. Hyde told how the disease has In accordance with the policy ofbeen cured, not by science alone. the school to secure the full sympathybut by the common sense method. and co-operation of the parents, thisHe also seemed to be opposed to organization includes a visitationthe plan of transporting all of the committee composed of. the follow-lepers to one place and that objec- ing ladies: Mrs.James Breasted, Mrs.tions have been raised by such places F. H. Kilbourne, Mrs. William Shir-as the Sandwich islands. He said ley, Mrs. A. L. Mason, Mrs. S. L.there was too much pure water and Eisendrath, Mrs. G. E. Hale, Mrs.fresh air in the United States to have F. J. Llewellyn, and Mrs. H. H. Don-a spread of the disease. This was all aldson. These ladies are assigned toverified by his lecture. the various grades, and are expectedThe education of the general pub- to report and discuss conditions andlic along medical lines is a matter of questions relating to them.vital importance. It is hoped the The meeting for this month hasadmirable lecture of Professor Hyde been postponed to Tuesday evening,will be followed by another similar Feb. 24, 8 o'clock, when the topic ofaddress and that all members of the discussion will be "Home Econom-University, whether or not in the ies," the discussion being led byMedical College, will avail them- Mrs. Alice P. Norton, Head of the de-selves of the excellent opportunity partment of Home Economics in theafforded. The system the Medical School of Education. Under theBoard has arranged at the University signature of John Dewey, Director, ais proving to be most successful, and cordial invitation is extended to alla cordial invitation is extended to friends of the school to be present.the Faculty and students of all theother departmen ts.SEN lOR C LAS S - BOO K S M 0 N DAYDelay in Printing of Songs Causes Post­ponement of Weekly Class-Sing.The books containing songs andthe constitution of the Senior classand' other matters relative to theclass will be ready for distribution onMonday. They could not be printedat an earlier date. The delay neces­sitated the postponement of theweekly sing, the success of whichmore or less depended upon the pos­session by the students of the books.The committee on class-gift will�ot report until next quarter. Mean­time suggestions are being solicited.:\Ir. Clifton Durant Howe, who has beenlecturing on Forestry in Vermont during lastmonth, has returned to the University. Military Company Appoints O1IiceraThe following men were appointedyesterday by Colonel Brinkerhoff asnon-commissioned officers of themilitary company:Frank B. Hutchinson. First Sergeant.Harold C. Brubaker. Second Sergeant.Fred E. Jo'leet, Corporal.Edward Earle Butler. Corporal.Carl E. Leaf, Corporal.The company now numbers fortymen on its roster.On account of a lack of advertis­ing patronage The Daily N�brllskan,the student publication at the Uni­versity of Nebraska, has been sus­pended temporarily. Though theestimated university patronage inLincoln is S765,000, the paper wasunable to receive the necessaryS2,000 worth of support annuallyfrom the business men of that city. Stagg's Six .en Compete at Games inCiDciDDati-"Dopists" Concede Placesbut Bard Fights for ChicagoIf all the men entered in theA. A. U. track meet at Cincinnatitonight are ready to take their markswhen the starter raises the gun, theevents will be closely contested.Besides the athletes from the Uni­versity, with whom Mr. Stagg leftfor Ohio last night, the First Regi­merit, Central Y. M. C. A., and HydePark, numerous entries have alsobeen received from Earlham College,the universities of Cincinnati andPurdue, the Cincinnati Y. M. C. A.,and other of the western athletic as­sociations. Little is known of theability of the contestants outside oflocal stars. The "dopists" about thecampus figure events in which ourown men are entered, somewhat likethis:The 60-yd. dash should go toBlair without much difficulty, a factthat would leave Senn, Friend,Eckersall, and Smith of the Rcgi­ment to fight it out for second andthird. Senn might pull out second,but both Eckersall and Smith arevery strong and may beat him outfor the place.Herbert, running for the FirstRegiment, ought to win the hurdles,but Friend has been showing rareform and speed of late and may fur­nish a surprise by winning. Kirbyfor the Regiment is not a dangerousbidder for first honors.Magee has been having sometrouble with his vaulting during thelast few days and in all probabilitywill not win out. In this case Mar-" tin. qt._the . ...R.egimenL.s}1ould ._wi.Il-.Booth of the Central Y. M. C. A. isalso a good man in this even t.Henry, of Chicago, has a hard fieldto meet in the mile run. The Y. M.C. A. has entered a trio of fine run­ners, Haigh, Buechler, and MarshallBrowne, and it looks as if victoryshould come to one of these. Onlythe other day Browne went the dis­tance in 4:48 on the Y. M. C. A.track, which is twenty-one laps tothe mile.Speik is our only entry in the shot­put. Against him are Kirby andWebster, both of the Regiment team.The contest between these shouldprove very interesting and close.The team will not return till Satur­day, but Mr. Stagg is coming backearlier, and will be on hand in theGymnasium on Friday afternoon andSaturday morning to hold try-outsfor all desiring to make the team tocompete at Milwaukee a week fromSaturday.LOWER JUNIOR SEMI-FINALS HELDJ. L. LewiDsohD and P. A. Walker Suc­cessful Contestants-8cholarahipfor A. V. HopkinsIn the semi-finals of the JuniorCollege declamation contest yester­day afternoon in Kent, Joseph L.Lewinsohn and Paul A. Walker wereselected from the Lower Juniors tocompete in the finals for the Peckprize. Walker has received a scholar­ship in a previous contest; hisscholarship, therefore, passes on tothe alternate, A. V. Hopkins.The semi-finals for the UpperJuniors take place in Kent at 4o'clock this afternoon.President of Rush Medical Alumni DeadDr. V. P. Kennedy, the RushMedical College Alumni Associationpresident, died at Litchfield, Minn.,on the eighth of this month. Dr. Ken­nedy was 79 years of age when hedied. He was one of the best-knownmen in his state-Minnesota-andhis death is widely mourned. Thecause of death was Bright's disease. University Ken Interested in KockNational Convention Enthusias­tically Booming CandidatesBryanites Elect Speakers-·Olney andParker Men to Meet Soon-Con­vention March 10The political pot of the comingDemocratic National Convention, tobe held at the University on March10, is beginning to boil furiously.Great interest is evinced by all themen in the University, and the vari­ous factions for the convention areworking industriously in support oftheir candidates. Evidence for thisis found in the little knots of mengathered here and there about thecampus, who spend their spare timein "button-holing" University fel­lows for their particular party.The first factional meeting washeld yesterday by the Bryan enthusi­asts. The delegates met to elect aspeaker to make the nominatingspeech at the convention. Aftersome spirited balloting Walter L.Gregory, 'oS, was chosen. EugeneKline was also elected to present theplatform of the Bryan faction at theconvention. Mr. Kline is a promi­nent member of the Sophomore de­bating club and has a reputation asa good speaker. The meeting,which was a spontaneous one, waswell attended. The delegates repre­sented many states and they were allenthusiastic over the outlook fortheir candidate. Speeches werel!l!d�.J?y _�.�- Jd�n..1r'�!.A'�' _$.,�i.!1b....�. - .-.A-_-- .... - � ...and Ralph Merriam, who will havecharge of Mr. Bryan's campaign.The other men who are spoken otas likely nominees for the nomina­tion as presidential candidate of theDemocratic party are Olney, GroverCleveland, William R. Hearst, DavidB. Hill, and several others. Thefactions who are working for themany candidates are in the game towin. Political leaders amonz the. student body are organizing ....theirforces for the final test on March 10.Central committees will be organ­ized. Campaign celebrations will bearranged for, and University studentswill soon find themselves in themidst of a red-hot Democratic cam­paign.The Bryan delegates will hold acau­cus in a few days, at which meetingit is hoped that an expression maybe read from Mr. Bryan. As yet hehas not been apprised of the standhis constituents have taken; but thereis little doubt but that he will acceptthe honor they are trying to thruston him.The Olney faction seems to be in astrong position. Their man willhave a good following from the mid­dle western states and also from theEast. He will not, however, have thesouthern support which the Bryanmen will enlist in their ranks. Cleve­land's chances look a little dark.Although his supporters are enthu­siastic over their choice, it is thoughtby the big men of the party that thethird term sentiment would defeathim.Hearst stands pretty well with theminority. He is probably the onlydark horse now in the race. Thestrength of the Olney party is beingaugmented by a careful canvassamong the state central committeesand the chairmen of the state dele­gations. The Bryan men are alsoactive along this line and the nextweek will bring forth interestingdevelopments in the great politicalfight.One very interesting feature aboutthis convention is the fact that many(Continued on page 4, column 2)CHICAGO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1903APIIn any case I am in a position tomake you a garment of remarkablefinish and quality. Cl Spring days onthe campus are a joyous part of collegelife; but to be at ease entirely oneshould be properly clothed. The warmdays that come, even in MArch, makewinter clothing a burden. Order now,and your new garments wl11 be readywhen you need them.M J COFFEY 110$-110'7 Y .•. C.A.• • , B1d,., CHICAGOTelephone, Cer.tr.al 3439The Daily MaroonFOnDerly the UDiyersity of Chic;aeo Weekly.POmCDI:D. he UniyCftity of Chicaeo Weekly • October I, 18cpHI: DAILY MAROOII - October I. IQCn1IBWS COIITRIBUTIOIIS REQUESTED.Published by the students of the Uniyerslty of Chi·Q20 eYer,. afternooD. except Saturday anc! Sunday dur­ine the 46 _laof the Unlnmty year.Present board of editors and business manaraautborized by student·body In mass meetlne May 15,IQCn.Membership on subsequent boards of Cditors to bedetermined by CIOIIIpetition open to all students in theUniYenity.BOAJU) OP BDITORSr!:!:ts�O�itor ••••• H·O���REB�{:Y-:;�Athletic Editor • ROBIUlT L. HENBY, JR.ASSOCIATE EDnoRSFItANClS F. TISCHE FRANK McNAIR:EI.t'P. G'la:a ."-"���AoIIT,FRANK R. ADA .. S " WALTEIl L. GaltGOl:YAUSTIN A. HAYDENWOMAN EDnoasMISS CoUEUA SMITH MISS AGNES WAYMANSTAJ'JP OF aEPORTltRSTHADDI:US J. M EaRILt. EItNEST J. STEVENSALBERT W. SHEUI. RALPH P. MULVANI:.EoGENE KuNE EDWARD M. KERWINLEROV A. VAN PATntN EDGAR EWINGCHARUS L. DADT Eo D. F. BI11'"BRnZLDMISS ELLA R. METSKER MISS LENA HARalSBUSnmss STAFF'THE DAILY MAROON THE MONTHLY MAROONBusiness Manaeer - -Assistant Business ManaraAdyertisinji:' M�er -Rush MediC MaDa2er BYRON G. MOONJ ULlAN L. BaoDB- PLAn M. CoNRADJ. W.SWIFTAppli'cah." ",411, ttl". '''I'''� as sutJNd·dass ",at·II". allAI CA,·cap Ptlst·tI/fic,.Dally Subscription, $3 per 4 quarters I $1 for 3 monthsBy Mallin city S4 per 4 quarters I $ 1.25 for 3 monthsSobKrllJtioas recelftd at "The MarooD·· OSee. Room 7. ThePress BulldioC. or left iD "The MarooD·· 80". the FacultyEzc:b&Dce. Cobb Hall ., EDITORIALSThe Chicago Chronicle, a down­town publication which is still keep­ing up the pretense of being a greatnewspaper, has been the laughing­stock of the students and Facultymembers _Qf_....!.�� J�.�!versity sinceSunday. '-Noi··\�ery--m;:ny; i� '·'titeUniversity read the Chrolzide, butthe few who do have told about twocolumns of misrepresentation whichappeared in the Sunday issue. Bytl}is article the Chronicle endeavoredto make out that Hitchcock Hall isa tinsel palace, a millionaire's den,the home of plutocrats only. It gavea long list of "millionaires," severalof whom are working their waythrough college. The sole object ofthe Clzro,ride was to throw mud.Tile editors wish to make the publicbelieve that this University is aschool for the sons of the rich only;wl1ile the facts are that Our studentbody is the most democratic in thecountry, that men of means andthOse without means are welcomedalike, and that each man goes in thecl9SS, room and in the student activi­ties on his own merits.. At the track meet with ·Wisconsin�turday night an incident occurred� Bluer which should be frowned·..,..,.O"Ge1r. on'-by"'�,eij CblUlgo 111an� as the height of unsports­manlike conduct. When the thirty­fi�e yard dash was being run off, oneof the Wisconsin men, being unusedto the backstop of mats which web�ve stretched up across the southwall, accidentally fell. In falling hef�ll against Senn, one of our men.The force of the shock stunned Sennfor the moment and he did not getup at once. When the crowd upontpe track saw this an indiscreet fewstarted to hiss.Upon hearing this, Mr. Stagg tookoccasion to announce to the crowdhis sentiments in regard to such con­duct, saying that anyone who is sorude: as to hiss a visiting team forany act whatsoever is no gentleman.This is the sentime�t of every Var- sity student, of course, but there arealways outsiders who come in to seeour meets who have not been sostrongly impressed with this code ofconduct which we regard so rigidly.I t is true they have our interests atheart, but their mode of expressingthis loyalty is extremely distasteful.It will only be necessary for some ofus in the crowd to discourage suchactions promptly, and we shall soon beable to eliminate the last trace ofthis objectionable feature from ourcampus. Next to having a cham­pionship team this is one of ourmost sensitive points; and Chicago.men al ways pride themselves on-fheir sportsmanlike conduct evenafter the last hope of championshipis gone. No Chicago man shouldbe so narrow-minded as to refuse tosee good in the play of our oppo­nents. Generous applause is alwayswaiting for every man who doeswell.Let everyone of us unite to knockthese knockers who give our rooters'sections such a bad appearance, andwe will be able to boast that ourconduct is always sportsmanlike.nws FROM THE UNIVERSITIESAn interesting inter-fraternitybowling contest is being carried outat Minnesota.An Elizabethan play called "TheKnight of the Burning Pestle" is tobe produced by the English Club atLeland Stanford University.The first annual indoor track meet·between the freshmen of Purdue andIndiana resulted in a victory for thelatter by a score of 42 to 22.The trustees of Cornell Universityhave granted Professor J. W_ Jenksleave of absence for one month, inorder that he might go to Mexico,whither he has been called by thegovernment to consult with theauthorities there regarding the estab­lishment of a new monetary system.G.fH�<iOYCEooESTO TALK OP.& WIGHT(By Huy Getmore Barryls.)A youn� man at the Varsity,Whose dollars are so sparse that heCan easy make them all standOn the small handOf a clock,Once wished on George's birthdayTo attend the Prom the worst way,So he hikes out on his tootsies,And he puts hisWatch in hock.The ticket's four simoleons,So that much in the hole he runs,And ten he has to drop for aSwell operaSilk hat.There's tips and carriage IiveryThe total makes him shiver; heIs wise to where he gets hit,So he lets itGo at that.MORALIn this man's case, 0 try to seeThe moral that's laid bare;You'd better shun societyUnless you live on air.Students desiring to secure a position toteach will find it to their interest to consultJames F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Build­ing, Chicago.Spring Overcoat?Spring Suit?Both? If you need a cough syrup use Tolu Tarand Wild Cherry. University Pharmacy,560 E. Fifty-fifth st. PHOTOGUPBBR 5705 Cottage GronIt Pays to Advertise in the Maroon. It Pays to Advertise in the Maroon.Pfanschrnidt & SiefertBARBERS8s �ANDOLPH ST.VIBRASSAGEMechanical Vibration. ScientificTreatment of Face and Scalp. Ex­cellent Remedy forBLACJCIBAl)SPDlPLBSDARK SPOTS 011 SKIll HEADACHEDAImRUFPPALLIlIG IIAIR�. This -is Not aOooct""Advertlaement if ·YOU Don't Remember the BumberM. M. GIBSON (MRS. J. J. GIBSON), President Open Sundays and Holidays-t-ikm/ro/�J. J. GIBSON, Founder. Official World's Fair PhotQ2raphcr.COLLBGB GROUP WORK A SPECIALTYA N E W F E AT U R E Class Pictures m�e from IDellvldualslttlnKs wltb re.,roduc­lion for e8Cb member. Pbone or write for partlcu ......STRONGEST ELECTRIC LIGHT m CHICAGO. SITTIBGS R.AIB OR SIUlIB.PHONE CENTRAL 6oC) 195 WABASH AVENueCushions for Furniture ••••We make cushions for furniture and cozy comers, anel for the coveringsoffer a choice from our-many specimens of plain and figured fabrics.Customers are thus enabled to secure color combinations consistent withany existing situation.We also furnish wall papers, curtains and portieres inpattems to accord with the best ideas of decorative artThe Tobey Furniture Co.Wabash avenue Washington streetMONHEIMERTailorto the Nobby 'Dresser'Latest Novelties in SUITINGS,OVERCOATINGS, AND TROUSERINGSSpecial facilities for serving the University Students'•A New Hat for College Men"The ADlherst.u. -- .THE STYLE that promises to becomethe most popular in Young Men'sHats for Spring is THE AMHERST. Itsstrongest features are the low crown andwide brim. The variety of proportionsmakes possible a becoming selection forfaces of almost every type."The Amlzerst," $3.00.Marshall Field « CompanySecond Floor, North RoomSay, Boys, Our Spring Opening is on Saturday, 28th. CALL AND GETA SOUVENIR J1.CHICAGO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1903�====================�======Clearing Sale liM. AJOR.S aDd MINOR.S I I R.USB MEDIC NOTES I;;.'-:'..I A LARGE LINE OF SUITINGSFORMER PRICE, $25.00. YOURCHOICE FOR SUIT TO ORDER-$15.00-SUITINGS-FORMER PRICE, $30==Now $20.00==SUITINGS-FORMER PRICE,$35.00 TO $40.00=r Now $25.00==NOBLE D. SOPERTailorCorner 41st st. and Cottage Orove av.FIRST-CLASSOrchestrasFor Fraternity Annuals, Informals,Receptions, etc. : : : : : :Address GEORGE P. JACKSON, JIIgr.'Phone. Hyde Park 1528. 76 MTCBCOCltScheyer, Hoglund CO.TAILORS89 East Madison St., '- Suite 9-11Your Inspection of Our Woolens forSpring and Summer, 1903, is InvitedSpalding's OfficialAthletic Almanac, ... for 1:903·The only Almanac fublished that con­tains a complete list 0 American Best-on­Records and Complete List of Champions.Over 530 Pictures of Prominent Americanand Foreign Athletes.PRiCe IOcA. O. SPALDINO 6: BROS.New York Chica20 Demer Buffalo BaltimoreStor�ge:�Telephone, 461 u4462 W ntworthBECKLENBERG'S EXPRESS &V All CO.6154 to 6160 Wentworth ATe.BRAlICB: 6301 Cottace Grcmt ATe.Boney No ObjectYou caD bay for almost uy pricefor we haTe 4ecieled to place50 SUITS with U. of C. uan ac1TertilementARTHUR O. KINO, TAILORISS D�.BO.1C ST. Tel. ",16 CeDtral.Do You Dance?If so. �u will fiad a fiDe assortmeDtof daDciD2, party, eachre, diDDC1',weddiD2, aad supper f...-on at •••Ounther's Confectionery212 State Street. Clalcllp-�l-I. Z E ISSLADIES' TAILOR9 E. Forty-seventh at.e near Ill. Central, Station)'Phone Oakland 1269, After 7 P. M., orSunday, 'phone Gray 404Unlined Suits from $35 up_SlIk·Uned Suits from S40 up.Skirts from SIS up.Fire Losses AdJasted BulMlnes AppraisedMcKEOWN BROTHERSCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS.94-406 But .7th Street'Phone Drexel 12961Bui1din� remodeled and repaired. Fine interiorcarpenter worle. Store- and offic:e-fini"1l. Hardwoodftoors. Only first·c1ass workmea empl� Contractors to the U. of C.IlLINOIS��E�rlAWSOOStwdpf8. 70 pa • .- 1m_I. Ba,. exa",/lKIIt/Ofl. lat ,_,..$.rtd 10" catalog to HOWARD If. OODEIf, ,.,.. ••• 112 CIa" 8t. At the Woman's Union yesterday after­noon, Mrs. Paul Shorey talked on "TheAmerican School at Athens," and Miss HelenBallou on "The American School at Rome."These addresses, given by women to women,about matters in which women are interested,were charming, witty. and full of grace; yetin intellectual content and vividness of des­cription, contained all that could be put inthem. Mrs. Shorey dwelt particularly on thesocial side of life in the school at Athens.No one who heard her will forget her vividportrayal of the presentation to the queen ofGreece and the grand court ball. Happilyshe remembered before closing that thereare lectures-lectures in many languages onevery phase of antiquities, which all the stu­dents assidiously attend and enjoy. With alittle peroration eloquent with the names ofpersons and places celebrated in Greek his­tory and mythology, she closed.Miss Ballou opened her address with somewitticisms calculated to bring her auditors .down from the blue sky, the sunshine, themountains, and the sea. of Greece, awayfrom the court ball of the queen, to theheart of a great city, where, buried awayunder epochs of civilization, in out-of-the­way places, in great excavations and mustyold libraries, the student must delve for theobjects of his quest. Soon the audience wasfollowing an eager, thoroughgoing studentover the ground of the school at Rome. ThePresident, Miss Talbot, in her closing re­marks announced that this would be the lastmeeting in the little church. By next Sat­urday the Union will be moved to its newquarters in Room 15 in Lexington Hall.One hundred dollars, at least, will be expend­ed, in adding to the furniture and furnish­ings already belonging to the Union. Thelunch room in Lexington Hall will be man­aged by the Union, but will be open to allthe women in the University.TRICKSTER VISITS UNIVERSITYA gentleman whose business isto go from college to college teach­ing tricks of magic and otherwise,principally otherwise, has just visitedthe University and departed. Sev­eral men have separated themselvesfrom ten-dollar bills and are twelve"shell-games" the wiser. The gen­tleman said his ten-dollar rate was abargain, inasmuch as his regular rateto business men is fifty dollars. Hisscheme is to go to a fraternity houseand.after a few preliminary tricks oflegerdemain, he says: "Boys, I havea proposition for you."He then says that if a class of tenis formed, he will cut his fifty-dollarrate to ten dollars, and give histwelve shell-games at a great sacri­fice. The men who accepted the'proposition are not saying muchabout it. The truth of the matter isthat the men have most of them per­formed their tricks in such a clumsyfashion that they have been immedi­ately understood, and thus even thosewho kept their money know as muchas those who are minus an " X."The sophomores at Illinois haveelected two class presidents. Thedecision as to which shall rule thedestinies of the class has been left toone of the deans.Shorthand• IN ONE HOUR •••I .. 40 to 60 daya Mrs. Lena A. Whitepaaraatees to make you an expert steno­grapher and typewriter or refaa4 yoarmoaey. Hundreds of students haTemastered her system in one bour. Con­tinuous school session. Individual instruc-tion by the author. :: .; � :White's College, FI�'f.�:'TS203 Michigau aye.OUR SPECIALS============FOR==========�SpringOvercoatsARE SUPERBSEE THEM!Scotch Tweeds predominateIn our Spring selectionSuits $� to $40NICOLL, TIle Tailor,CI.ARK AND ADA:\IS STREETSw. N. GARLICK, Uni�ity Representative Dr. Smith. formerly a Presbyterian hospi­tal interne. has recently been made a mem­ber of the Hospital Staff.Twenty-one Seniors took the practical ex­aminations in Urinalysis and the examina­tion of blood this morning. Some excellentgrades were made.The Executive committee of the Seniorclass has placed a sign on the bulletin boardrequestmg all class members to contributesuggestions for the class of '03 motto.The course in Operative Surgery underProfessor Bouffleur will not be given thefirst term of the spring quarter, as was gen­erally supposed. Those desiring the workcommenced this week, and will complete itby the end of the present quarter,Warrell H. Hunter, Rush '96, and presentcounty physician, recently sustained somerather severe bums about the face and handsas the result of an accident. While the. injuries. were, very p�inf ul aad. annoying .at ,the time, no permanent disfigurement willresult.J. D. Scouller, Ir., of the Senior class. com­mences his interneship in the PresbyterianHospital today. Mr. Scouller graduates thisquarter. He has served on the differentwards in the hospital for the past two yearsand hos shown great proficiency in handlingthe X-ray machine.A large percentage of the men registeredfor Professor Bevan's clinic are preparingtheses which will take the place of the quar­terly examinations. All students registeredfor this surgical clinic have their choice be­tween a thesis on some surgical subject or awritten examination on the entire subject­matter of the quarter.A considerable amount of criticism hasbeen current around the college the last fewdays regarding the general lack of interestthat is shown by both Faculty and studentsin securing the services of able lecturers onmedical subjects. Besides being immenselybeneficialin the way of imparting valu­able information to the students, suchmeetings might be so arranged that theFreshman, Sophomore, Junior and Seniorclasses could attend, and they would be ameans of uniting more closely the Seniorand Junior Colleges of Medicine. Such lec­turers could be obtained to a very large de­gree from our own Faculty. Last year, forinstance, one very instructive talk was givenby one of the Faculty on his recent travelsin Japan. Only a few weeks ago two prom­inent professors made an extended tripthrough the West Indies and various partsof South America, undoubtedly collectingduring the. course .of this voyage .much y.alu-,able information regarding the medical con­ditions in those lands. The n.en can readabout these things after. they have Iimlduat­ed, when it will be almost impossible forthem to hear them ably discussed. Hencethese valuable opportunities should be takenadvantage of while the chance is still ours.I ' ATHLETIC NOTES "IErnie Miller cleared I I feet yesterday inthe pole-vault.There is a report that Red Carey, the crackguard of the 1900 team, will return to theUniversity next fall.Tommy Taylor ran a zzo-yard dash yes­terday afternoon in :24 3-5. The' trackrecord for that distance is :242-5, held byBill Moloney.F. G. Smith ran a quarter in :57 1-5. Thisis just one-fifth of a second slower than thetime required to make the team for the Mil­waukee meet a week from Saturday night.Dil. W. J. CoRysupeuutaods all workCOVEY'SDENTAL PARLORS174-176 STATE STREETGold Crowaa • $5.00 I ScI Teeth - $5.00B Work - - s-oo .." S. s. W. - 8.00Pl�aum FilliDe 1.00 .... ROR Pearl IS--Gold Filllap � up PaiaJesa Eztrac:tioa .so'Most TailorsShow you one or two pieces of clothwhen you ask them for "something foran evening dress suit." \Ve have twenty­five to thirty different suitable clothsconstantly in stock. Half a dozen dif­ferent fancy facings - in short, a pro­fusion of everything requisite to themaking of a P�rf�ct �vming suit.PRICES: .. _....."Evening Dress Suit-$35 to $60Dinner Jackets .. -S22 to $40NICOLLTIle TailorCLARK AND ADAMS STREETS � .. "'...,......,...�""'� ..., " Spring, �Gentle !Will_�!���'=�� !creet her with our joyous collection oft Spring Suitings, �, Overcoatings,• T ·'and rousermgs. , !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! William. Sachen'320 Fifty-fifth st. ,�"''''''''''��� ...L. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Madison ss., TribaDe BalldlDeSpectacles aDel Bye&laaaes SciuWlcaDy A4juatec1Eyes Tested FreeEYerythiD2 OpticalMathematicalMetereolOEi�,aDdfor the untemist.ltoc1aka. C&meIaaaDel SUppliea.MUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlkysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 MADISON STREETSHEET MUSICTALKING23c. aod MACHINES '23c.The Musk Shop Stciaway HaDFRED. J. HAMILLO'MEARA BItOTHEItS'HOME BAKERYmakes DDlhi_1IJ 'b!tStrictly Home-Made 0004sBrad. Rolls. Pie, aad Cake. Parties aad W�supplied OD short DOticle. Ices aad Ice Cram to or&:rDOD't forret the DUIIlber-278 East sstII de'Pboae. Drexel JJC)n.We have built up a great many thin stu­dents -oh, no! not by health food, but bypadding their garments •Famous TailoriDl Compuy346 E. Fifty-fifth st. 'Pboae, H,. Park S700LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood ProductsBROOKS &, CO_. _M_e_n'_s_F_in_e_Ha_ts_._T_hr_ee_Chi_'ca_g_o_S_to_r_es_. _I.Oh, the frontless manIs an "also ran,"But the Duck with a front is a live one.-From Tales 0/ tlu Ex-tanh.DON'T BE AN "ALSO RAN,"DRESS RIGHT, LOOA' RIGHT,AND BE A LIVE ONEWe are showing SPRING GOOOSthat are right- right in style, price,and quality. College men are dis­criminating. That's why I have somany of them among my customers.Tailor for y� .enA. �. JEUlEIiS. MEl'. 1:19-131 LA SALLE 8T.For· -Character Delineations SeerSUMBOLAShc SBBS iaherene qualitit'S as coDtributed bythe ruliD2 plaDcts-at timc of binh. AD UD­failing guidc to HEALTH, IlAPPmBSS, AlfI)PROSPBRITY. For full particulars, address4S4S Wabash AvenueSUMBOLA CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.AJ. J. GILL, Ph.G.CHEMIST andPHARMACIST'Pboae OakIaad 175. ::174 B. Flfty-Seveatb st.It Pays to Advertise in the Maroon.TherellbeWhiskersaEITLE.E.WHO DRESS FOR STYLElEATIESS. AID COMFORTWEAR THE .MPROVEDBOSTONGARlIRn. Recoplzed st..dard-...n.I ••• laat •• peeI onhefJ loop-;h� 'g3W�;.'Y��LASP-'u_,..tte·Ui.·��Sl .... T .... r ..... faat.a8aapJe_.8DkIOc..CoaoaJk..IIalW - nceiJ& cI pdee..... ,,....c.. .................. u.s.a. CHICAGO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1903I' , NOTICES" 'IStudents and faculty mcmben are rcqUCtLted to IeDdall DOtices to THE DAILV MAJIOON for publicatioD freeof charge. Notices mUit be Icft at THE MAJIOON officeor Faculty ExChaD2c before II: 00 A. II.The Literary Society will hold an ad­journed meeting to complete adoption ofconstitution and elect officers in Cobb, 8 B,Friday, 3 P. M., Feb. 26.All men and women of the University in­terested in the holding of a NationalDemocratic Convention are requested to telltheir names and the states from which theycome to some member of the Executive Com­mittee. as published in last Friday'sMAROON. At least 150 names should be in.RIVAL FACTIONS BUSY(Continued from first page)of the most ardent Democratic sup­porters are Republicans.Students who favor the candidacy.of Richard Olney of Massachusettsas Democratic candidate for presi­dent of the United States met thismorning in Cobb Lecture Room.The enthusiasm ran so high thatanother rally will be necessary beforeall the business can be transacted.At the meeting this morning Mr.Leo F. Wormser presided andpointed out the necessity of activecampaigning. Plans were laid where­by doubtful delegations may be wonover. Tomorrow, at 10: 30, the Ol­ney enthusiasts will meet again inCobb Lecture Room, and all stu­dents of the University are invited.At this meeting a speaker will beelected, who is to nominate Mr.Olney in the convention.Following upon the Bryan andOlney booms already launched, thecandidacy of Judge Alton B. Parkerof New York for the presidentialnomination before the coming na­tional convention is announced. Ameeting has been called for him, asthe "coming candidate," tomorrowat 10: 30 in Cobb Lecture Room. Heis expected to have a large followingin the South, as well as the East.David B. Hill is said to be engineer­ing the movement.Yale's football captain elected fornext year is left-end Rafferty.Rooms For Rent-Rooms without hoard;all modern improvements; reasonable rates;convenient to University. 5514 Ellis ave.Wanted-Student for morning and even­ing; light work; can sleep on premises.Wages $3.50 (Hyde Park). Address DAILYMAROON.Meet me Midway, the U.of C. and the I. C. youcoming right now. Comeon, get m ere, have m de­livered. cost no more.1I0RTOlI'S, :)48 5'1th st.,is midway twixt tlie I. C.and the U. C. See.Pa-persget-mere ...Telephone116 Hyde ParkEngraved Invitations• Programs •Fratemity StationeryWM. FREUND& SONS,176 State streetOpposite Pallller H_ enuaDce.Teachers Wanted ;��Pree-prac:tically. Cans DOW iD for .. hich we lacksuitablc candidates. Manual aDd Rceistry Form byreturn mail. Va ... TeIICIIen' A�,228 Wabash aYe •• Cbicaeo, Ill.Money I Money I Money IHirtenstein's Loan Bank3850 Cottage Grove ave.Bear Thirty·D1DtJa at.. I alvoee IIIOMy 011 alIldD4t·of � pIVpiertyat tIae lowest rates. UDre4eeme4 pleclpa for uJe.OLD GOLD AJO) sn:nat BOUGHTWHY usc poor, UDWbolc.omemilk.w�for the same IIIODCY you caD eet ItPare, .sweet, aad Ednordl­...... ,. RIdI, delivered ia sealed bottlC5, by caDiae upTclepbcme South 811, or droppiDi II postal toSIDNEY WANZER & SONS305 Thirtieth st.-�Maia Office and 'Vorks, 33d st. and Shiclds neePhone South 804BEST WORK IN CHICAGOB. LAME. Established 18,3 H. R. PAUl.OeT THE BESTAmes' HatsAcceptable Present: A Gift Ceretificate for Hat or Glove. • . . •161 4: 16,3 e. MAD� ST., _r LA .5ALLI! I'M . L 0 0 KIN G FORWARDWITH MUCH PLEASURE TO A CALL FROM THE IlEADER, WHEN I WILL. WITH­OUT DOIJBT. CONVINCE YOU OF THE SUPERIORITY OF NOT ONLY MY LINEOF WOOLENS, BUT THE GENERAL HIGII QUALITY OF XY WORK, WIIICII liASPLACE!) ME IN THE LEAD IN THIS BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.NEW SPRING GOODS NOW IN STOCKThe 33 Man 33 Adams 33 Cent, 33 Lettersln 33 Dollar"GoodOriginal at st, 'Phone Name and Business"Address Suit••• MY LEADER •••CARROLL S. McMILLEN \ TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.y OU Want Money c:!l A����DiamoDds, Watches, Jewclry, and ADtiques, for salc; Old Gold and Silvcr Bought ,If •Coal &DOMESTIC Coke Co.COK·EWeaverforSubstz"tute H a r d CoalMarquette Building63d and Wallace streets 40th street and Wentworth avenueNorth avenue and RiverW. T. DELIHANTPr�s"dl"t M. C. O'DONNELLS�crll",." ALBERT TEBOTr�"s"rlrStandard Washed Coal Co.NEW KENTUCKY COALPOCAHONTAS PEN-MARTEL. HARRISON 3131 303 Dearborn streetCHICAGOflNSURANCE�PROTECTION AND INVESTMENTTWENTY YEAR ENDOWMENT BONDS5%EVERY DOLLAR GUARANTEED; NO ESTIMATESIf you will !;CUd mc your full Dame and :address, fO£cthcr with datc of birth, I will submit propositionTelephone Central 3931 G EO. M. LEE 1008 Marquette Bldg, Chicago����������������JBowling Alleys • • • Pool and BilliardsTurkish and Russian Baths. Grill Room,8 Hotel,8lVIetropole Best appointed rooms for Banquets,Dancing Parties, etc., in the City.Special inducements offered to Fra­ternities and Clubs.FIRST-CLASS INEVERY PARTICULAR Comer Twenty-third street and Michigan avenue�����!� SHORTHAND IN 30. DAYS!. GUARANTEED I IBoyd's Syllabic Shorthand �OBLY lOlIB ClIARACTBJlS AJO) TIIREB RULES; KOi SHADED CIlARACTBJlS; KO •• POSITIOK "; .OSTLEGIBLE SYSTEM; GREAT SPEED : : :. : : : :PreaideDt ohD W. Cook, KortllenlllliDois State Kormal School, Dell:alb, says: "Thc resultsthat you are able to secure witb the �yllabic System of ShorthaDd are 'V'ery sarprisiae. UDtil 2 fractic:aJ #ilJusu:ation of your mcthods of iDStnlClioD c::amc UDder my obserr.atioD I �PIIOSCd that severa mouths #� were needed to &in a student � fair facility iD office work. I DOW know ·that a dilieent and capablc �penon. with DO previous lmo .. lcdee of shorthaDd_caD acquire thc ability to takc ordiDary dictatioD withiDa period of thirty days. Yours truly, JOHN 'V. COOK."131 HUMBOLT BovL.. CHICAGO.� .. I found DO difficulty iD writing 100 words a gliDutC .. ithiD 30 I� of 2 hours each at your Dightschool and fccl confidcat that I could ha'V'c done die same in 2 weeks had I attended the cbry school. DIesimplicity of the system aDd the abscace of any pauliII&' naJcs especially commend it. I ha'V'C DOtrouble iD wntill£ or traasc:nbiae my IIOtCSo aDd am DOW bOIdiDi: a position which bas iDc:re:ased mysalary 100 per cent. Respectfully. PAUL TARNOSItI."WE TEACH SHORTBAlfD AlfD TYPEWRITING FOR ONE­HALF THE PRICE CHARGED BY OTHER SCHOOLSDAY, EVENING, MAIL COURSESINDIVIDUAL mSTRUCTIOlf. Studenu c:au start at.any timeHundreds of students have completed our correspondence cours« in lessthan thirty days. Call or write for full informatio« : : : : :SYLLABIC SHORTHAND COLLEGE,Telephone Barriaon 118. � laos, 358 Dearbom Street �........���� ........... �Coaapreued Air Sen-ice Aatisepcic Face CreamThe Grand Central Barber Shop 72 Adams StreetB. J. GoUIBT. Proprietor Oppaeite FairTel. d3 IIantIoII Laandry Office Clc:arsB 0 R. DEN'S DDa PA.H AlID CBlCAGO BUCK STABLB8J. H. KINTZ(noPluaTOIt)Jackson Park Stables173 But Fitty.8nntJa StreetTel •• 0aIda1ld 552 CHICAGOCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CItEAM &ad BUlTERMILK(All bottled in the aJUIItry)Borden's Condensed Milk Co.62'i-Q3 East 47th st.GREENHOUSES: CHI'" A ·GOCor. 53d st. and Kimbar1c a..-e. �BOWMAN DAIRY CO.••• OUR. A. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTMilk is Bottled in the CountryTO BBST IS COAPBSTCelebrated Bats" Styles andQaalltiesAI ... ,. Progreutn"If You Are Sickyou .. ill requirePURE MEDICINESIf you are _n you will wish the best ofGBlI'BRAI. SVPPUBS�� Avery's Pharmacies55th ad Monroe aYe. 57th aDd Cott:are Groft nee