) •_---)) •• . 7 ·The Daily Maro()O�'Pab1lahecl Aftemoou by the Studenu of the UDlYeralty of Ch1caco DadIlC the Pour Qaartera of the UDlYeraity YearVOL. I. No. 88 PRICE THREE CENTSCHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1903TO HOLD TRACK MEET WISCONSIN'S VETERAN STARS '03 Will HAVE CLASS BOOK AUTOMATIC POWER-HOUSEEvery man who scored in the in- The Executive Cabinet of thetercollegiate last year will be here Senior class, consisting of the classBasketball Season Opened-Gymna- Saturday evening to try to defeat the officers and the executive committeesium a Scene of Great Activity-- Maroons. They are Keachie, Breit- are compiling a class book. Its pur-kreutz, Daniells, McEachron, and pose is to get the members in closerContestants Hard at Work Long, who won seventeen points for contact with one another and tothe Badgers on May 31 last. keep them in touch with the class as--The women's gymnasium, presents Nearly all the men who defeated much as possible after they leave. .. .a scene of varied and interesting ac- us in the dual indoor meetstast year college. .The book will contain .the.. ,. t:�� E�lverslty'_?�.����g� power-tivities these days owing to the annual will be on hand. They defeated Chi- class constitution, its' officers, the h <? use contams many wonderfulwinter-class meet, which will take cago in the first, which was held in names of the members of the several thl�gS, but none of them is quite soplace in the Gym the last of the Chicago, 47 to 33, and in the second committees, the class roll and the umque as the new iron coal distrib-quarter. All women are expected to at Madison, 46� to 25�· The men permanent address of each member. uter, which has proved a great sue-be entered in at least one event, and missing are Bredsteen (he is running The Senior class songs and other cess after a trial of two weeks. Thislike that of last year the affair prom- for the First Regiment), who won the songs popular about the campus will app.aratus consists of an endlessises to be a most interesting and ex- mile in the first, time 4:47 1-5; Car- also figurq in the book, and for this cham of 372 buckets, which runs onciting contest. The events will penter, who made the track record reason it will probably be used to a tracks the full length of the engine-be: ladder-traveling, rope-climbing, in the two mile in 10:143-5; Ripley, large extent in the class sings. The room and down into the coal-bln.horse-vaults, and the running high' who was second in, the pole-vault; book, which will be a volume four by The machine is kept in motion by aand broad jumps. In the first event and Lindsay, who won the shot-put six inches in size, will have the class �otor, the power for which is fur-time and form will count; in the with the indoor shot at 38 ft. 3 in. colors, white and old blue, on its DIshed by .the d�namos, and may besecond, time alone; in the horse, Heuffner, who was second in the high covers. This book is the first publi- stopped at any time.form only. The running high and jump, is not entered in that event; cation of the kind ever published by The coal wagons. are driven intobroad jumps last year called out a he will compete only in the pole- any class in the University, and the an arche� passage In the north endd 1 f . . d 1 vault. Senior class deserves great praise for of the power-house and there dumpgreatdb th competition an riva -. Brummel, who won the mile at its spirit. the coal through a man-hole into therby, :. b� eve�s were fi�ally won Madison, is not entered; Smith's bin from which it is automaticallyy ISS ena ooper, w 0 is at name, who won the two-mile, does ELABORATE DECORATIONS IN COMMONS taken by the new machine at the ratepresent at Stetson, Fla. Miss Hooper f fifcovered a distance of 13 ft. 8 in. in not appear. It is known, however, 0 ty tons per hour. The coal isthat he is in college and he may New Dining-Roo, m for !len to BeVery At- then carried along in front of andthe running broad, and 4 ft. I in. in 'compete later. He has a record of tractiTe-Thirteenth Century Style over the boilers, and by the arrange-the running high jump. 10.'13. Schule, the star hurdler, Th fi . hi f h ment of a lever 0 ' k hMiss Dudley, the director, expects eD-IS mg 0 t e interior of the ' ne man s wor , t ewith such an abundance of new ma- who was tied for first in the high new commons will be the most elab- buckets can be tipped up so as to letterial this year and such an increased jump at 5 ft. 7 in., is competing for orate and expensive work ever put it run out into a large iron, funnel-d husi the Milwaukee Athletic club. Shoe- on a University building. When shaped reservoir. At the bottom ofinterest an ent usiasm, that the old hb phoester and Moffet sprinters who the work is completed there will be t is reservoir is a slide which, whenrecords will be easily roken. The did valuable work in 'the winning re- 11 donly one room in the world similar pu e out, allows the coal to runwomen are all practicing with energy, I lay teams, are also missing. to it, and that in the dining hall of down into another smaller reservoira�.d if pe:everance c:�unbts forI any- Cochems, who won the shot-put at Christ Church, College, Oxford, direc�y in front of the furnace. Thet mg, t e meet WI e c osely Madison, has graduated. which is the most notable of the coal IS. then transferred to the firecontested.The'basketball season-among the-women --K-TJthe·sc.oxers...wHh ho.wi.lt.c;QJ;Ilpete....,_�· ..... ·--l'o-u<ilUbUD.tba&,..lrorJd.med �Cge,_ __ . _!..he� desired by �n.automatic stQkcr __ ._--...__has opened with a vengeance. The main eac ie, a n, Breitkreutz, Poage, One piece of work for the interior ruiiDy steam, which, two men lookstruggle at present is between the Hall and Hayden, McEachron, Daniells, Ab- decoration - the moldings for the after by m�rely pulling a lever.thenon-campusgirls. IntheGymtomorrowat bott, Heuffner, and Saridakis. main and intermediate rafters of the The .bOllers of the power-house,4:20 P. M .. anothtr picked team from among center arch -has 'been occupying twe�ty ID �lUmber, eighteen of which. 'the Hall girls will meet another picked team QUADRANGLE CLU B TO ENTERTAI N the contractors for the last SI'X are an continual use.consume betweenfrom the non-campus girls. All women areinvited to come and support their respective months. The first trouble was the sixty al_ld eighty tons of coal per day tteams. Admission free, Program for February Contains lIIany absence of any factory in this coun- according to the severity of theThe line-up will be as follows: ETents of Interest to Club .embers try capable of turning out the work, weather. Even with this vast amountHall Team-forwards: Spencer, Mont- Th Q d le club 1 b and special machinery had to be of fuel, the new machine need onlygomery, McCloud, B.; guards: Dodge, M. ; e ua rang e c u wil e the be t hEgbert. L., Bock, S.; centers: Vaughn, scene of a number of pleasant enter- constructed and special workmen se- run w? ours to carry to the boil-Arnold, A. tainments during the ensuing month. cured. To place the molding in ers sufficient coal for twenty-fourNon·Campus Team-forwards: Wayman, On last Friday evening, at 8: 15, position was as difficult as the con- hours' use. .A.; Conlon, M.; Jaynes; guards: Gold· Mr. W. H. Sherwood, the well- struction, as the utmost care had to The coal conveyor was invented bvstein. A.; Murphy, M.; Ortmeyer, M.; cen- M E SDk f h S Jters: Showers. L.; Tschirgi, M. known Chicago pianist, gave a re- be used to prevent splitting and r. .' '. ec er, 0 t e teel Cablecital, followed by dancing at 9=30. cracking and to secure uniformity. Engiueering Co. of Boston, Mass.,'On February 20,.at 8:15, Mr. A. G. For three months the carpenters have and the on� now in use at the power-Beaunisne, of the Chicago Daily been putting on the molding, and house was ms��lIled by that firm, un-Nnos, will describe his recent trip the work is not yet completed. The der the supenntendency of Mr. Jas.through seldom·visited regions in carving of the molding is Gothic and Salter, al� of �ton. It is.a greatMexico, and will show a number of of the style of the thirteenth cen- la�or-saV1?g deV1c�, and one of alantern-slides made from photo- tury, that being the time when the �hgh.. tly.dIfferent kind that was usedgraphs taken by himself. At this Oxford hall was completed. I� C:0vlDgton, Va., paid for itselflecture, gentlemen may be invited. In the hall are to be four stone within a year. .Monday, February 23, is ladies' fireplaces, and these are all handevening. A table d' hOte dinner carved, the work having taken about OFFER II POST - GRADUATE" COURSEwill be served at 6 :00 P. )I., and at two months' time and being fashioned8:15 Miss Corinne Cohn 'will read after that in old Oxford. Equitable Life Aanruce Society to Start"Monsieur Beaucaire." There will In respect to lighting at night, Free S1DDIII.eI'School for Collepbe dancing at 9:30. modern times have triumphed over GraduatesThe fifth and last of tile Subscrip- medireval, and light for the U. of C. Dean H. R. Hatfield has receivedtion Concerts will be given on Fri- students to stowaway hash, coffee, a communication from the Equitableday evening, March 6, 1903, by Miss and pork will be furnished by 521 Life Assurance Society, New Yor�Allport, piano; Mr. Weidig, violin; incandescent lights in a room 44 by regarding their summer school. AnMr. Steindel, violoncello. 1 14. offer has been made to enroll. free a. At Oxford in one end of the din- few men from the graduating class ofing hall is a large platform some the Spring Quaner--men whom Mr_twenty feet square and during meal Hatfield shall recommend-to edu-hours the dons sit there and keep cate them in the life assurance busi-watch over the students. The plat- ness. These men will be given posi-form is being put in. our commons, tions at the close of the school withbut for what purpose could not be a guaranteed starting income of SISdetermined. per week.Gage E. Tarbell, second vice-presi­dent of the Equitable, planned this"Post - Graduate" course. In theearly part of 1902 he sent letters tothe chief college presidents similarto the one received by Mr. Hatfield.Twenty-five colleges at once took upwith enthusiasm the idea of thesummer school. It was then decidedthat the college was to be an annualinstitution.Women Will Vie in Annual Winter­Class Contest at the Endof Present QuarterFRESIDIAlf TEAM PROSPECTSThe Freshmen with prep-schoolbaseball records are: Nowels, Lum­bard, McPherson, J. Harper, Startz­man, Wood, Collins, Trammel,Baird, . Pritchard, Gale, Andrews,Buckwalter, Kerwin, Flood, Work­man, Enoch, Hughes, Linton, Parry,Anderson, H. Ellsworth, Wright,Cornell, McAdoo, Kelley, Mefford,Catlin, Ivison, and Wightman.Several of these will probably con­tinue their track work and a few willstay in the regular Varsity squad, butit is doubtful if the team would behindered materially by the loss ofthese.Manager McAdoo of the Fresh­man teams has been working on aschedule for some time and it is verylikely that games will be arrangedwith the freshman teams of Illinois,Michigan, Wisconsin, and Northwest­ern. An effort is also being madefor a trip south during the springvacation.Band Concert ThursdayThe University of Chicago' Mili­tary Band will give the second ofits series of afternoon concerts inKent Theater on Thursday at 5o'clock, to which all are 'invited.The program:March, "The New Colonial" .....•.••• J/allOverture, .. Semiramide" •..•.•.•.•.• Nossi,,;Fantasie, ":\Iy Old Kentucky Home". Dolb�Selection, "King Dodo" •...•••••••• Lud�rsCormque, "Virgmia Skedaddle" •.• NosmfddMarch, "The Invincible Eagle" .•••••• SMua Badger Team to Contain All IntercoUep­ate Point-Winners and Nearly All WhoDefeated Chicago Last YearPROM BEGIBS AT EIGHT-THIRTYAs the University authorities haverefused to grant a closing hour laterthan 1 o'clock, the Prom committeehas thought it best to omit the recep­tion which was originally plannedfor the early part of the evening.The committee wishes 'to announcethrough the columns of THE DAILYMAROON that this vear the dance willbegin on time, and it will necessitatean early start for those who are in­tending to drive from the Midway toBournique's Hall on Twenty-thirdst., to get to the hall by half- pasteight.The advanced chemistry studentsat Wisconsin have organized into aGreek-letter fraternity. Will Be Firat of Ita Kind Publiahed at theUniversity - Executin Committee inCharge-Clasa-Colors on toTer University's Plant Contains ManyWonderful Labor-8aving De­vices for Handling CoalEighteen Great Bollers Are Supp1ie4with Fuel by Stoking Device Man­ipulated by Three lienHarrison Win Addreaa MUDiclpal ClubMayor Harrison will shortly ad­dress the Municipal Club of the Uni­versity. The club was organized forthe purpose of bringing mayoraltycandidates to the University, in orderthat students in Polittcal Science mayhear municipal questions discussed.George Sikes will speak to the clubnext week. Mr. Sikes is a U. of C.alumnus, and was a star tackle on thefirst Chicago football team. Beloit College is to have a new gymnasiumwhich will cost $40,000.The Daily MaroonFormerl, tbe UDlversity 01 Cbic:aco Weekly.POVIIDaDhe University 01 Cbicaeo Weekly • October 1,IIIc)2Ha DAILY MAaOOll - October I. IODSIIBWS COIITRIBUTIOIIS REQUESTED.PubU,bed by the studeDts 01 the University of Chi·caeo every afternoon. except Saturday am' Sunday duroioe the 46 weeks 01 the University year.Present board of editors and busincu manaeer IautborlZed by student·body in man meetine May IS,IQ02.Membership on subsequent boards 01 editors to bedetermined by competition open to all students in theUniversity.BOAJU) OF BDlTORSrf=�Fto�itor • •• -• HaO�V-:REB�{V�-:::�Athletic Editor - ROBlnlT L. HaNltY, JR.ASSOCIATE EDITORSFUNCIS F. TISCHE FRANIC McNAIR 'Eu P. GALE ADltI.BEnT. STEWARTFUNIC R. AUAMS WALTER L. GREGORVAUSTIN A. HAVDENWOMAN EDrroRSMISS eoRNauA SMITH MISS AGNES WAYMANSTA" OF aEPORTBRSTHADDEUS J. MERRILL ERNEST J. STEVENSALBERT W. SHltREIi. RALPH P. MULVANE.EUGENE KUNE EDWARD M. KERWINLEROY A. VAN PATTRN EDGAaEwlNGCHARLES L. DARST E. D. F. BUTTBRYIELDMISS ELLA R. METSKER MISS LENA HAKRISBUSIIfBSS STAFF, THE DAILY MAROON THE MOKTHLY MAROONBusiness Manaeer • - BVRON G. MOONAssistant Busincu Manaeer JUUAN L. BaaDEAdyertlsin� ManaEer • - PLATT M. CONRADRush MediC ManaEer .... J. W. SWIFTAIJ/ii:atiiJl' mad, {Dr ,,,tr7 as sUD"d-c/ass mal­ter at II" CltieaKU PDst·Dllie,.Dally Subscription, $3 per 4 quarters I $1'for 3 monthsBy Mall In city 14 per 4 quarters I $1.25 for 3 monthsSubscriptions reeeh'ed at "The Maroon" otice. Room 7. ThePress Buildlnr. or left In "The Maroon" Box. the FacultyExchanEC. Cobb Hall.I':I!EDITORIALSThe action of the Junior CollegeCouncil yesterday in condemningLibrary the taking of books fromPrivileges the departmental librariesAbused without reporting themto the attendant, and the taking ofreference books which are plainlymarked "Reserved;"- will meet, withthe approval of not only the greaterpart of the student body, but theFaculty as well.This custom of borrowing booksfrom the libraries has been going onfor several years, and has grown­apace until it is almost impossible toconceive of the number of volumesthe University has' lost by it. Thelibrary attendants have no way ofknOwing the whereabouts of a booktMt has been taken without; beingrepo.rted, and the student, knowing_he Will not be notified to call and pay afine, becomes careless of the borrowedbook, and in many cases fails to re­turn it. This works hardship notof'lly on the University in the losssustained, but also upon - the studentswllo ,go to th� library from day tod�Y In the hope of finding the miss­ing - volume. This is another in­s�nce where the student's honors�ou�d assert itself and prevent thecOntInuance of a practice which isnot only, detrimental to himself, butto his fellow-students and His Uni- -versity. If his honor is not suffi­ciently in evidence to master him,tben the Faculty should take radicalsteps to put an end to the practice.COIlMUBICATIONSCHICAGO, February 17, 1903.7'P Ilu Editor of Tlu Dailv ,iJlaroon:DE�R SIR-Upon the first page ofyour _Issue of today I note that in ameetmg of the Junior College Coun­cil the condition of the sidewalksupon Fifty-eighth st. between theC3mpus and Cottage Grove ave. wasconsidered, and you comment there­{)tl as follows: ';Although this terri­tory is supposedly kept in good-shape by the South Park Improve­ment Association, to which the Uni­versity is a subscriber, etc." The sub­scription of the University to the,. I� I-, ! CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18,1903THEwork of the Association was madewith full knowledge of the fact thatour work did not for the time beingextend west beyond Lexington ave.No attempt has been made by usthus far to improve the condition ofthings in the district between Lex­ington ave. and Cottage Grove ave.,but if you desire to know concerningthe plans of the University as a con­tributor to this association with refer­ence to the extension of our workfrom Lexington ave. to CottageGrove ave., as those plans are justnow being matured, I will refer youto Mr. M. H. McLean, Superintend­ent of Buildings and Grounds.Very truly yours,A. H. NELSON,Superintendent.NEWS FROM THE UNIVERSITIESThere are twenty Japanese students -attending Stanford.A typhoid epidemic is raging atCornell, and many of the studentsare leaving the university tempo­rarily.Basketball enthusiasts at Wiscon­sin are making efforts to have thatgame made official and placed underthe control of the athletic board.The Daily Cardinal of Wisconsindistributes $75 as prizes each semes­ter to members of ' the staff who havedone unusually good work.GJH�GOYCEbbESIN THE GLEE CLUBTHE BASS: Why is it that you sing withsuch a falsetto voice?THE TENOR: Well, I'll teli you; you see,it's because I have a falsetto teeth.BULLETINS ON THE CONDITION OF LORDPRIESE SERVUSTuesdayc y r-, :oI1.-His Grace rests quietly.Tuesday, 6 P. 1\1.- Temperature graduallyrising. Reading of thermometer, 109; windvelocity, 60 miles an hour.Tuesday, 8 P. :oI1.-His Grace manages toeat one small Gargoylette. No apparentchange for the better, or for anybody.Tuesday, 12 midnight-Dr. Raycroft visits, his patient. Prescribes cracked ice. The doc­tor says His Grace has a silver lining in hisstomach. The doctor evidently expects HisGrace to cough up.Wednesdayc S A.l'tl.-Dr. Raycroft makesa morning call. After prescribing crackedice he makes an examination of His Graceand discovers that inflammation has set inabout the wound. Says the Gargoylette onwhich His Grace cut himself must have beenold and rusty, as blood-poisoning has set in.Dr. Raycroft says he will have to amputatethe right arm this afternoon. Thinks he willuse an old saw to do it with.. Wednesday, 2 P. M.-Dr. Raycroft calls.Brings Professor S. H. Clark with him tohelp in the operation. Professor Clark talksto His Grace for one hour. At the 'end ofthat time His Grace's right arm drops off atthe shoulder. Everyone congratulates Pro­fessor Clark on his eloquence. If His Gracerecovers from the operation he can no longerbe the right-hand man of the GargoyletteDepartment. Everything he does will haveto be off-hand.WednesdaY,3 P. M.-HisGrace passes intoa Rip Van Winkle that looks good for aboutsixty years. Temperature normal. Chancesare good for recovery.Students desiring to secure a position toteach will find it to their interest to consultJames F. McCullough, 639 Fine Arts Build­ing, Chicago.Spring Overcoat?Spring Suit?or Both? : ••In any case I am in a position to makeyou a garment of remarkable finish andquality. � Spring days on the Campus area joyous part of college life; but to be atease entirely one should be properly clothed,The warm days that come, even in March,make winter clothing a burden. Order now,and your new garments will be ready whenyou need them.M. J. COFFEY, 1105-1107 Y ••. C.A.BI4,., CHICAGOTelephone, Central 3439Money! Money! Money! Pfanschmldt « SiefertBARBERS85 RANDOLPH ST.VIBRASSAGElIechanical Vibration. ScientificTreatment of Face and Scalp. Ex·cellent Remedy forBLACKJlBADSPIJIPLESDARK SPOTS 011 SKIll IlEADACHBD.AlfDR1JFFFALLIlfG ILURHirtenstein'a Loan Bank3850 Cottage Grove ave.llear Tlltrty·D1DUl .toI a4T&Dce mOlley 011 an ldD4. of perlOw propertyat tile lowest rates. UDre4eemec1 plec1ces for sale.OLD GOLD AIm SILva BOUGHT � This is Not a Good Advertisement if YOU Don't Remember the NumberI' Sectional ••BookcasesOur Sectional Bookcases offer the best means for caring for a growinglibrary. Cl We haTe these Cases in Mahogany, Mahogany Finish, andOak, and can furnish them with plain or leaded glass doors. «L Aninspection of our large assortment is cordially invited. . . . . . .The Tobey Furniture Co.Wabash avenue Washington street. A great favorite.!massacbusttts mutual tift Tnsuranct '£0.Annual dividend policies, with cash and paid-up valuesfixed by the famous non-forfeiture law of Massachusetts.For specimen policy, see or addressWALTER A. RUGG, Special Agent, 3/6 lJf�rckanls Loan and Trusl Building.�!.�. EVENING DRESS is given a� conspicuous showing here.! Conventional dress suits .and operahats, as well as most acceptable# neckwear, shirts and shoes, are# offered at the lowest practical� pnces.! !� Marshall Field {9.0 Co. �L tEvening Dress for MenM. M. GIBSON (MRS. J.J. GIlISOIC), President Open Suodays and Holidays�-ikm��J. J. GillSON, Founder. Official World's Fair Photoer:apher.COLLEGE GROUP WORK A SPECIALTYA N E W F E AT U R E Class PlctIlftS m8de from Incllvld_1 .IUlnp wltll reorodac­Uoa for elida melDbel'. Phone or write for partlca ......STROIIGBST ELECTRIC LIGHT III CHICAGO. SITTIlfGS RAIIf OR SBIIfB •PHONE CENTRAL 609 195 WABASH AVBNUEMONHEIMERTailor to the N obby DresserLatest Novelties in SUITINGS,OVERCOATINGS, AND TROUSERINGSSpecial facilities for serving the University StudentsSTUDENT'S FRIENDdCHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1903Clearing Sale II MAJOaS aDd MINOaS I aUSH M£DIC NOTES II 1:0A LARGE L SINE OF UITINGSFORMER PRICE, $25.00. YOURCHOICE FOR SUIT TO ORDER Dean Vincent stated this morning that at­tendance lately at Chapel and Division lec­tures has been extremely good.Miss Hope Mason of Chicago, graduateof Wells,'9M,and Senior in the Library Sciencedepartment of the University of Chicago,has been appointed assistant at the loandesk h· the General Library.Professor C. von Klenze will give an ad­dress before the Cercle de ConversationFrancaise at Beecher Hall Thursday eveningat 4 o'clock. There will be refreshmentsand a good time-all in French.A committee on Credentials, consisting ofH. J. Lurie, J. R. Voris, and L. }o". Wormser,has been appointed to prepare the prelimi­nary roll of delegates to the Democratic Na­tional Convention, They are ready to re­ceive applications for seats.The English Club meets Wednesday even­ing, February 18, at 8 o'clock, in the libraryof Hitchcock Hall. Miss Hatcher will reada paper, ·'.Marlowe's Part in the TroublesomeRaigne of King Iohn." An amendment to theconstitution will be considered.The First- Year Class of Library Scienceof the University will make an official visitto the Chicago Public Library, Saturdaymorning at 10 o'clock. The class will beconducted by Miss Josephine Robertson,Head Cataloguer of the General Library.At the city public library the class will befurnished special guides, who will show themthe administrative side of that library, andthings in general behind the scenes. Theywill be shown the initial collection given byThomas Hughes, of London, author of"Tom Brown's School Days." This gift wasmade after the great fire of 1871, and severalof the volumes bear Queen Victoria's auto­graph. West SideThe Medical Student of Rush has a better opportunity to do research work at theUniversity of Chicago than has ever beforebeen afforded. There are at present sixclubs in Hull Court that meet every week.It is officially announced from the Dean'soffice that the men who are up for graduationnext quarter will have first choice of courses;This will enable these students to obtainplaces in all limited number classes.Charles Erwin and W. J. Swift have ac­cepted positions in the Presbyterian Hospi.talon the surgical wards. Mr. Erwin willbe remembered at the" U." as a member ofthe famous '99 football team. Mr. Swift is aJunior :,\1edic and business manager of THEDAILY MAROON at Rush.The first woman to take a practical exam­ination at Rush was Miss Keith, who apepeared in Professor Senn's Surgical ClinicTuesday afternoon for her final oral exam­ination "in that department. Her diagnosisof Spleno-Medullary Leuchremia was highlycomplimented by the examiner and r.eceivedwith loud applause by the large audiencepresent.An important notice has been posted onthe bulletin boards stating the date of thecompetitive examinations for the St. PaulCity and County Hospital. Six internesand a resident pathologist will be placedthere this year. These positions will befilled entirely according to tho result of theseexaminations, which will be held on Satur­day, February 21, at 12 o'clock.The practical oral examinations for theSeniors graduating this quarter are beinggiven as fast as possihle. The written ex­aminations are posted for the following dates:Medicine-Monday, March 2, in the upperamphitheater, from 8-11 A. M. Surgery­Thursday, March 5, in the upper amphithea­ter, . from 2-5 I'. M. Obstetrics--l\londay,March 9, in the upper amphitheater, from8-1 I A. M. Elective, comprising Chest,Throat, and Nose.Skin.Gyncecology, and Eyeand Ear-Wednesday, March II, from 2-5r. M. percent.-$15.00-cDis-SUITINGS-FORMER PRICE, $30==Now $20.00== countSUITINGS-FoR:\IER PRICE,$35.00 TO $40.00 To Faculty andStudentsWilliam SachenTAILOR==Now $25.00==NOBLE D. SOPERTailorCorner 41st st. and Cottage Orove av.=== FIRST-CLASS ====Orchestras (Near Monroe aye.)3�0 Fifty-fifth st.L MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Madison St •• Trlbaae BalldlncSpectacles and ByeE!asaes ScienWlcally A4juateclEyes Tested Free'- Eyerythi� Optical\' Matliemaucalt... � Mete7e0loeical,audfor the Lantemist.Kodaka. C&meru--,_ and Supplies.For Fraternity Annuals, Informals,Receptions, etc. : : : : : :Address GEORGE P. JACKSON, IIgr.'Phone. Hyde Park 1528. 76 HITCHCOCKWHY BE BALD?BelgianHair A scicntifically prepared lIalr Food. Is apositiyc curc.Results i!uarantecd with one bottle or mOlleyrefunded,Grower ���d!'::{r::' ��� �:*.��:p�.!::�h�Send 6yc' faf{::'::ai� I�:;)�al�our cumbillgS aDd recei .. a=�r��I�1 !,kf!,��u�f ���..::p Absolutely F re eTHE BELGIAN DRUG CO.,82 Adams St., Dexter Bide., -Scheyer,Hoglund CO.·TAILORS I"" ATHLETIC NOTES "" IErnie Miller went 10 feet 7 inches in thepole-vault yesterday.Baseball and track athletics may have tobe abandoned at Iowa University this year,unless the students make good a deficit of$;.coo.Northwestern awarded sweaters to twenty­four Purple athletes yesterday. Thirteen ofthis number were football men, eight base­ball, and three track men.Nearly one hundred men of the Yalesquad of distance runners were lost for near­ly four hours in the East Haven woods, Feb­ruary 16. The squad left the gymnasium be­fore 3:P .M. for � cross-country run, and final­Iyturned up at the gymnasium again at 6:30P.M.E. W. Foster. a 'varsity crew member ofHarvard, scored a total of 230,170 points ina stregnth test in Hemmenway Gymnasium.under Dr. Sargent's new system. Foster wasone of the ten strongest men in the intercol­legiate strength tests under the old systemlast year. The new system does away withapparatus.89 East Madison St., - Suite 9-1� MUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysI"ACADEMY ITEMslYour Inspection of Our Woolens forSpring and Summer, 1903, is Invited The Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 MADISON STREETZell R. Pettit, a member of last year'strack team, has been secured to coach theMorgan Park Academy team. He will beginhis duties tomorrow.The student's council of South Side Aca­demy has elected Saling Kaufman as Clan­ager of the recently organized basketballteam. The members of the team haveselected W. H. Calhoun for captain.The basketball team of South Side Acad­emy is using the School of. Education gym­nasium for practice. From six to ten menhave reported for practice every day. butCaptain Calhoun is in hopes that: more menwill tum out. Manager Kaufman is arrang-ng games with other schools.Spaldtn,'a Athletic Library No. 162Boxing ""The book CODtains about seveutyfull paee illu�ratioas, sbowine boWeach blow i. tC) be made. how to attackand how to defend yourself. It showshow the hands must be held and thepositions to take, with descriptions thatare so accurate that any boy can takethem, open them up and with a JOUDefriend beeeree proficieut. Besides helDe­a fully illustrated book on the an ofself . defence, it contains nearly all thephotO£l1lphs of the leadiDe AmericaDboxers and the positioM they take.whieb in itself is iustnlctive. cii�I!S'HEET MUSIC23 aDd TALKINGc. MACHINESPRice IOcSpaldine'� Cataloeue of all Athletic Sports MailedFree to any Address.A. O. SPALDINO « BROS.New York Cbica20 DeIn'er Buffalo Baltimore MARTYN JlAROON STUDIO23c.'OOBtlld ... ta. 70 paued 1111100/. Btu ua ... lllat/Olt. hut .ear.Bad for cafGIog to HOllAR/) N. OGDEN, hn •• 172 Clark St.B. L. bItS Established 1873 H. R. PAULOET THE BESTAmes' Hats 5705 Cottage GrovePBOTOGRAPBBRThe Musk Shop Stdnway HaDFRED. J. HAMILLStorage:ai: Handsomest AppointedCafe in Hyde Park : :Breakfast. LUDcbeonand DiDDerServia: prompt and faultless. _Cuisine uDell:celled. Splendidview of the CaDl� from thedining-room. UniYeraityStudenta Welcome : : : :MonroeB�dingCafeSSJ9 Monroe aTe.Sixth ElevatorFloor Service O'MEARA BROTHERS'HOME BAKERYTelepbone. ,.&1 and 462 W ntworthBECKLENBERG'S EXPRESS & VAN CO.6154 'to 6160 Wentworth Aye.BRAlICB: 6]01 Cottap Gnrve ATe. Acceptable Present: A Gift· Cer­tificate for Hat or Gloves • • .•16.4: 163 E. MADISON ST., Dear LA SALLE makes DOthi�.J batStrictly Home-made Ooods .Bread, Rolls. Pie. and Cake. Parties a-.d WedcJinessupplied on sbon notice. Ices and Ice Ciam 10 orderDon', fOJEet the numher-278 East Sstll at.'Phone. Drexel 11921.DR. W. J. CovEYsupennteuds an work Phone CeIlt"" IStlShorthand••• IN ONE HOUR •••In 40 to 60 days Mrs. Lena A. Whiteguarantees to make you an expert steno­grapher and typewriter or refund yourmoney. Hundreds of students havema.stered her system in one hour. Con­tinuous school session. Individual instruc­tion by the author.White's College, FI���:'TS203 Michigan ave.Money :No ObjectTou can bay for alJDCMlt any price, for we baTe decided to place50 SUITS with U _ of C. as an &4�ertilementARTHUR O. KINO, TAILOR18S D.AIlBORM ST. Tcl. �16 Ccalrlli. We have built up a great many thin stu­dents -oh. n<A not by health food, but bypadding their garments.Famous Tailoring Company346 E. Filtv-filth st. 'Pbone, Hyde Park 5700COVEY'SDENTAL PARLORS114-116 STATE STREETDo You Dance?Opposite Main Entrance Palmer HouseIf so. you will find a fine assortmentof dancine, party, euchre, dinner,weddi�, and supper fnon at •••Ounther's Confectionery21� State St...t, Cbaa.. Gold Crowns - $5.00 I Set Teeth - $5.00B Work - - 5.00 .." S. S. W. - 8.00PJr:!f:um Filllne 1.00 II" Ra.e Pearl 15000Gold Fi11inp $2.00, til) Painless ExtractioP .SOH. Z E ISS OUR SPECIALS Most TailorsLADIES' TAILOR ============FOR============Show you one or two pieces of clothwhen yon ask them for "something foran evening dress suit." \Ve have twenty­five to thirty different suitable clothsconstantly in stock. Half a dozen dif­ferent fancy facings - in short, a pro­fusion of everything requisite to themaking of a .t�rlut �vming suit.PRICES:Evening Dress Suit-$35 to $60Dinner Jackets .. -$22 to $40SpringOvercoatsARE SUPERBSEE THEM!Scotch Tweeds predominateIn our Spring selectionSuits $:JO to $.09 E. Forty-seventh st.(near Ill. Central Station)'Phone Oakland 1269, After 7 P. M., orSunday, 'phone Gray 404LIBBY'SNatural FlavorFood ProductsUnlined Suits from $35 up.Silk-Lined Suits from S40 up.Skirts from SIS up.Fire Losses AdJa.ted Balldln�s AppraisedMcKEOWN BROTHERSCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS494-406 East ",7th Street'Phone Drenll296lBuildinp remodeled and repal� Fine interiorcarpenter work. Store- and office-finillJr. Hardwoodfloors.. Only fim·class workmm employed. Contracton to die U. of C. NICOLLThe TatlorNICOLL, Tlte Tailor,CI.ARK Asn AllA:\tS STREETSCLARK AND ADAMS STREETSW. N. GARLICK, Univenity RepresentativeA BROOKS HAT. Peerless Every Respect, $3.00L- _•in. ', .. -CHICAGO,' 'WEDN�SDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1908·,-I�· LO 0 KI N G FORWARDOh, the frontless manIs an "also ran,"But the Duck with. front is a liYe one.-From TaUs o/tlu EX-lads.DON'T BE AN "ALSO NAN:'DRESS RIGHT, LOOK RIGHT,AND BE A L1YE ONEWe are Ihowing SPRIIfG GOODSthat are right - right in Ityle, price,ad qualU:y. College men are dis­crimiDatiDg. That'l why I have 10many of them among my customers.Tailor for Yoaac lieDA. N.jEaDMS. Mer. �ISI LASALLB ST.A. McAdams.. 1HE 'UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES :Cor. 53d at. aad Kimbark aye. CHICAGOJ. J., GILL, Ph.G., .CHEMIST andPHARMACIST'Pboae OaIdaad 175. 274 E. Flfty-Seveatb at., t·1Iji8E.TLE.E.WHO DRESS FOR SnLEI EAT IUS, AID CO.FORTWEAR THE l.���u tteth Lee-II ....Stl T r ...... tea1IIaIpJe".81JkIOle..CGaua •."',)eeI _ remp& of price..... " tc.. ...hat .. , U.s.a.I.1 It, II 0_ WITH MUCH PLEASURE TO A CALL FROM THE READER. WHEN I WILL, WITH­OUT DOUBT. CONVINCE YOU OF THE SUPERIORITY OF NOT ONLY MY LlNItOF WOOLENS, BUT THE GENERAL HIGH QUALITY OF MY WORK. WHICH HASPLACED ME IN 'CHE LEAD IN THIS BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.NEW SPRING GOODS NOW IN STOCKThe 33 Ibn 33 Adams 33 Cent, 33 Letters In 33 Dollar"GoodOriginal ' at st. 'Phone' Nam. and Business"Address Suit• • • MY LEADER • . •CARROLL S. McMILLEN, TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.If You Want Money C:!l A�!!��DIamoada, Watches. jewelry, aDd ADtiquea, for uJe; Old Gold and SlIYer Boucht" NOTICE5StudeDu aad faculty members are requested 10 leadall DOtic:a to THE I..)AU.Y I4dDOII for publicatioa freeof cbarJc. Notices must be left at THE Mnoo .. ol&ce01' Faailty Exc:baDee bdorc II : 00 A. ... :'. Thursday morning the Literary Societywill meet in Cobb Lecture Hall at 10: 30.The Young Men's Christian Associationwill meet in the club room of Snell Hall at7:15 o'clock Wednesday evening.Der Deutsche Klub kommt um 4 Uhr inHaskell Hall zusammen. Program:' (I) Vat­trag von Herrn Dr. Meyer; (2) Gesellschaf15-spiele,Le Cercle De Conversation Francaise dudepartement des langues romanes se r�unit i4 heures a Beecher Hall. Monsieur le Pro­fessor C. von Klenze prendra la parole.There will be a conference on the Teach­ing of Mathematics and Physics in 'the Sec­ondary School in Room 32 of Ryerson Physi­cal Lahoratory at 7: 45 o'clock Wednesday., evening. .A Medical professorial lecture for stu­dents taking the Medical course will be heldin Kent Theater at 5 o'clock Wednesdayevening. Professor Webster will speak on.. An Introduction to the Study of Obstetricsand Gynrecology."The Physics Club will meet in Room 32,Ryerson Physical Laboratory at 12 o'clockThursday. Mr. Millikan will speak on thetopic: .. The Electron Theorv and thechange in the Resistance of Metals in aTransverse Magnetic Field."Another open lecture to the College of .Com­merce and Administration will be held an theLecture Room of Cobb Hall at 4 o'clockThursday afternoon. Mr. Frederick W.Holls will speak on the topic: "The MagnaCharta of International Law."The English Club meets in the library ofHitchcock Hall at 8 P. M., Wedn�sday,February 18. Miss Hatcher ",ill present apaper: "Marlowe's Part in the TroublesomeRaigne of King John." A proposed. amend­ment to the constitution will be conslded.U. A. ROBERTSON.All men and women of the Un�versity in­terested in the holding of a NationalDemocratic Convention are requested to telltheir names and the states from which theycome to some member of the Executive Com­mittee. as published in last Friday'sMAROON. At least 150 names should be in •ALLEB T. BURNS HONOREDAllen T. Burns was appointed oneof the members of the Cook CountyCivic Council, at its first sessionTuesday afternoon, to serve duringthe current year.This council is designed to serveas a clearing house for all soci�l andeducational interests; to constitute arecognized rallying center for all, civic emergencies not especially caredfor by existing agencies, and to takesuch 'steps as may bring the fullestdegree of helpful co-operatlon inCook County.If you need a cough syrup use Tolu Tarand �ild Cherry. University Pharmacy,560 E. Fifty-fifth st,, For Rent-Four-room steam heated flat,,20, in Manitou, comer Fifty-sixth st. and. Lexington ave. See janitor. m-t-wRooms For Rent-Rooms without hoard;. all modem improvements; reasonable rates;convenient to University. 5514 Ellis ave.A, voice and mandolin teacher, now astudent at the University, will give musiclessons in some home near the U. of c., aspart payment for room and board. Inquireat the Information or MAROON office. IWMeetme Midway, the U.of C. and the I. C. youcoming right now. Comeon, get m ere, baTe m de­linreel. cost no more.1I0RT0lf'S, � grtJa st.,is midway tW1Xt the I. C.and the U. C. See. Coal &'DOMESTICWeaver Coke Co.COKEPa-persget-mere .•.Telephoae116 HJde P..-k for HardSubstitute Coal.JENKINS 'BROTHERSReasonaYe and Reliable Rdai1asof FiDe Dry GoocII, Ma'.F� BoobaadSboa, EtC., Etc. .- .-,T�I5S23 Cor.63d It. aDd Kimbark ave.WHY usc poor, mnrhoJe.omcmilk .... hcafor the same money you can ret itPIn'e, Sweet ..... Ext'_'"aarlly Rldl. deliTcred in sealed bottles. by caDine upTelephone South 817. or droppine a postal 10SIDNEY WANZER & SONS305 Thirtieth st.��Main Office aad Works, 3]d It. and Shields 11ft.PIIoDe South 804BEST WORK IN CHICAGOTeachers Wanted �=Pree-practically. Cans now In for ... hids we lacklIOitablc candida� Manual aDd Registry Form byreturn mail. Ua ... Teec:IIers' A�.228 Wabash 11ft .. Chicaeo.lll. Marqti�tte Building63d and Wallace streets 40th street and Wentworth aTenueNorth avenue and RiverW. T. DELIHANTPrestaelll M. C. O'DONNELLS,cretIJry ALBERTTEBOTrelUllrerStandard Washed Coal' Co.NEW KENTUCKY COALPOCAHONTAS PEN-MARTEL. HARRISON 3137 303 Dearborn streetCHICAGOINSURANCE LI FEACCIDENTHEALTHPROTECTION AND INVESTMENT5% YEAR ENDOWMENT BONDSTWENTYEVERY DOLLAR GUARANTEED; NO ESTIMATES'If you ... ill send me your full nlUDC and addn:sa, IlDeCthcr with date of birth, I ... ilI liubmit propositionTelephone Central 3931 G EO. M. LEE 1008 Marquette Bldg, ChicagoBowling Alleys • • • Pool and BilliardsTurkish and Russian Baths • Grill Room.8 Hotel.8J4etropole Best appointed rooms for Banquets,Dancing Parties, etc., in the City.Special icol!�ements offered to Fra­ternities and Clubs.FIRST-CLASS INEVERY PARTICULAR Corner Twenty-third street and :Michi&an avenue�� ........................................ ...,.. ................ �� SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYSGUARANTEED! !Boyd's Syllabic ShorthandOIlLY lIIlIB CBARACTB28 .AlII) TIIItBB RULES; 11'0SJUDBD CIURAC'l'BR8 ; 11'0 •• POSITI01l' 'f; .08TLEGIBLE SYSTB.; GREAT SPBBD : : : : : : :Preai4eDt Jolm W. Cook.1I'orthenlllliDoil State 1I'ormal School, Deblb, says: "The ranltsthat you are abreto secure witla tbe �yllabic System of Shonhaudare 'ftI'J'_ smpriaiq. Until a PI1ICdca1dlDStratioo of your methDda of iDStnlCtion came under my obserntioa I aupposed that severalmoathswere Deeded to EiYC a studeDt?'DY fair facility in office wOrk. I DOW know -that. dilieent aad c:ap;!Jllepenoa .... ith DO preYioas 'Itnowlqe of sbon1Wld.cao ac:guire the ability 10 take ordinary dictation withina period of thirty days. Yours truly. JOHN W. COOL"131 HUJlBOLT BouL.., CH1CAGO.III foaad 110 diffic:nlty io writin£ 100 words a minute within )0 leDODS of II hours each a!J:i nightsc:hooI and fccl c:nafidcDt that I could hue done tbe same 10 II weeks had I atteaded the day ThesilDplicity of tbe system and the abseDce oi apY pnzzIiDa rules especially commend it. I haft: DOtIOUble in writine or tnlDSCribiq my DOtes, aad am DOW 'boIclinE a position ... hich has iacreuecJ myaalary 100per-calt. Respectfully, PAUL TARNOSKI."WIt TEACH SBORTHAIfD AIfD TYPBWRITIlfG FOR OBE­BALI' TBB PRICE CHARGED BY OTHER SCHOOLSMAIL· COURSESDAY, EVENING,IIfDIVIDUAL IIfSTRUCTIOIf. Student. caD start at any timeHundr�ds oj s/ulknts hav� lompkud our lorrespontknu course in lessthan thir� days. Call or wriu lor /ull in/ormation : .. : : :SYLLABIC SHORTHAND COLLEGE,Telephone Barri80D 118 Room I�, 358 Dearbom Street...................... ���Co� AII' Scnu Antdeptjc: Face CreamThe Grand Central Barber Shop 72 Adama' StreetB. J. GAIIBT, Proprietor Opposite FairTeI.1IICII311arrbo1l J.nndry Oftice ClearsB 0 R DEN'S 11m. PAR dD CBlUGO BUCB 8'l'0I.B8J. H. KINTZ(PIIOPIUftOII)Jackson Park Stables2'73 Bast Pifty·8neDtJa StreetTeJ.,Oaklaad S52 CBICAGIFor Charader Delineations SeckSUMBOLAShe 81tBS inherent qualltin as contribDted bythe rulinlr planc�at time of binh. An an­�!li.!'l'_l'!J1de to IlBALTBt IUPPIlUSS, AIIDPROSPBRJTT. FO!' In I partic:nlars, addressS U MB OLA 4545 Wabaall A�lIeCBlCAGO, ILL., U.8.A J�ICONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,caEAM aad BlTITERMILK(All bottled in the country)Borden's Condensed Milk Co.827-0 East 47th It.T1IB BBST 18 CBBAPBST_celebrated Batscc Stylea uiQulitiesAlwa,.. ProgressiTe"PALMU HooSE1DW TOU PBlLADBLPIIU. CBlCAGOBOWMAN DAIRY CO.� •• OUR.Milk is Bottled in the CountryIf You Are SickPURE you ... ill requireMEDICINESIf you are well you ... ill wish the best ofGBlRRAL 81JPPJ.DS�� Avery's Pharmacies55th ad Moaroe 11ft. 57th aad Coctaee CI'OYC aTe.