.,-• The Daily MaroonPub1iahecl Aftenaoou by the Stucleata of tile UDinnity of Claica&o Darba& tu Foar Qaartera of tile UDiftntty YearVOL. I. No. 61 PRICE THREE (''''ENTSTEN REPORTERS CHOSENBoard of Editor. Elects Ken toServe on Staff of The DallyJlarOOI1Two Woman Members Appointed­Competition for Places on theSpring Quarter StaffThe result .of.; the - -first quarter'scompetition among news hustlers­for membership on the staff of re­porters for IRE DAILY MAROON wasdetermined -')'esterday afternoon.The board of editors met as a meritboard, and passed on the strings andmemoranda of work done by thecandidates. The ten men, whowere elected to the staff strictly onthe merit basis, are:Ernest .j: Stevens.Ralph P. Mulvane.Eugene Kline.Thaddeus J Merrill.Albert W. Sherer.Edwin M. Kerwin.Leroy A. Van Patten.Edgar Ewing.Charles L. Darst.'E. D. F. Butterfieldv,Two woman student reporters wereappointed:Miss Ella R. Metsker.Miss Lena Harris.No strings showing' work donewere handed in by women students,there having been practically no'competition among them for placeson the staff, although a f�w itemswere submitted. Fearing this, theboard early in the quarter adopted aP�OVisiQlbthat� ..safL-oL-I'e�rsshould consist of twelve, at least twoof whom' should be women. Thiswas a provision for appointment incase of such an emergency.At the opening of the present. quarter Miss Metsker and MissHarris entered into the regular com­petition for the next quarter andhave done a large amount of workfor three days, Miss Metsker hashad experience on county papersand Miss Harris at Emerson Col­lege. The, board was unanimous innaming them for appointment.The competition among the menwas, much more satisfactory. Alto­gether, about twenty men have donework during the quarter, but the tenelected were the only ones to stick itout to the end. The board membersbelieve that the strings show that tbepaper will have an able staff.The competition for the springquarter staff is now open, other hus­tlers baving just as good an opportu­nityas the ten reporters on the staff.For use during the winter quarter,the reporters named have won ,theirMAROON stars. To win the star forpermanent possession, a reporter �srequired to make the board of edi­tors for the next year.Five of' the men who made the 'staff are freshmen, which gives prom­ise for the future of THE DAILYMAROON. All are active in collegelife. A partial list of their activitiesand experience in newspaper workfollows:Stevens - Junior year; Psi Upsilon Ira­ternity, member of Sophomore baseball teamlast year; contributor to llu W��Hy.Mulvane-Sophomore, member of ChessClub, worked for the W"iI� and BI,,, atHyde Park..Kline-Sophomore, Sophomore DebatingClub. former W�dly reporter; publi,shed anindependent "josh" paper when m prepschool.Mcrrill- Came here from Dartmouth andgraduated With class of 1902; now in LawSchool; member Beta Theta Pi fraternity;member Woolsack.Sherer- JUnior Class; Secretary of the Y.M. C. A.; member Delta Kappa Epsilon Ira-ternity. .Kerwin - 190(); entered from ChicagoLatin School, member Cross Country Club.(Continued on page 3-2d column) CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1903ENGLISH FOURS STUDY AFIELD DR. LYMAN ABBOTT TO GRADS LIGHTS IN WOMEN'S GYMllemben of Kr. JIenick'. Clau SpendAftemoon in Jacbon Park, Defyingthe Blizzard and Taking lfotes forDescriptionYesterday afternoon some twentymembers of Mr. Herrick's English4 class-mostly girls-stood at theextreme southern boundary of Jack­son Park and shiveringly took downnotes for a 'description of the" land­scape." The registratio� for t�eEnglish 4 cour5e··i� 'C(jn'slderably Inexcess of what Mr. Herrick consid­ers an ideal number; therefore, hehas announced that he" hopes that'the dreariness of the first six weeks':work will induce several members ofthe class .to change their registra-tion." It is thought by those takingthe course that the professional man­date which almost resulted in trans­forming them to life-size statues inice may result in hastening the re­'tirement of some literary aspirantswho are not blessed with iron. con-stitutions.The landscape (or snowscape) tobe viewed from the southern limit ofthe park-a continuation of Sixty­seventh st.-could hardly be termedinspiring; on the south an unculti­vated stretch of swamp; on, the eastthe tightly- frozen lake; on the eastSton y Island ave. with its classic (?)architecture; and on the north abouta mile and a quartet: of barren golflinks, over which a healthy youngnorthwestern blizzard blew whirls offinely-powdered snow.FIRST AFTERNOON AT WOMEN'S UNIONDr. LJ1IWl Abbott Speab on c'TIie Op­portu.Iiitiea forsoc:ia1''"SeNJte IBUniversity Life"The first of the Wednesday meet­ings to be given by the members of theWomens Union was held yesterdayafternoon in the Union, corner Fifty­seventh st. and Lexington ave. MissTalbot introduced the speaker, Dr.Lyman Abbott. Dr. Abbott's textwas, "The opportunity for socialservice in University life." He spokeof the Dlany advantages of a socialtraining, and said that the social endwas more important than stndies,, By social training," he said, "we areenabled to meet people of all stationsand associate with them with littleor no friction."He afterward spoke of the late Mrs.Alice Freeman Palmer. He said thatalthough she might have been a greatscholar, she was a good one; but herrare gift was her power to get ODwith people with whom she came incontact, the power to surrender indetails and to withstand in importantthings.DAVID J. BILL'S LECTURE OFFGreat disappointment was felt yes­terday by the failure of Mr. David J.Hill, assistant secretary of state, toappear at the university yesterday togive his lecture on " Diplomatic Ser­vice" before the College of Com­merce and Administration. DeanHatfield received word from Mr. Hillto the effect that he could not comebecause of private business, and be­cause of his having been appointedas minister to Switzerland.WASHINGTON BOUSE ELECTIONAt a meeting of Washington Houseat 10:30 this morning the followingofficers were elected: Vice-head,John J. Vollertson; secretary, TildenJ. Wakely; treasurer, Charles H.Swift. President Harper has not yetappointed the new head. Eight newmembers will be initiated into thehouse a week from tomorrow night.The old gym is undergoing a rejuvenation.The old board floor is belllg relaid in placesand the walls are being whitewashed. After much delay the electric lightshave been placed in' ,the Women'sGymnasium. With their advent be­gins the first regular work of thecollege year in that department.Without them it was impossible forthe work to be carried on with anydegree of regularity or satisfaction.Owing to the fact that darkness madeit necessary to disband the 4 and 5o'clock classes, some of the women.from these classes were transferred toothers already overcrowded, and themajority were obliged to drop outand wait. Much discontent wascaused among the basket-balkteamsfor the same reason. One class inbasket-ball had to be given up, thusdelaying practice and putting it farbehind the other teams.Now, however, all is in workingorder and soon will be runningsmoothly. At present there arethree regular instructors-Miss Dud­ley, who has been at the head of thedepartment for _ four years and towhom is due much credit; MissComstock, who entered the depart­ment in the fall of 1901, and MissLivermore, who took up the workthis fall. 'All of these instructors aregraduates of the Anderson Gymna­siam and are womell of great ability!. In- 'addition '�tliere' i� 'Miss--KeIJor,who has coached the basket-ballteams 'for. four years and who alsocoached the indoor baseball feamsand instructs the rowing classes.The varieties of work offered andopportunities afforded for all kindsof physical development, individualpleasure, and athletic' attainmentswere never so great as they are thisyear. And never before has therebeen such enthusiasm and suchhaste to register before the variouslists posted are filled.At present, the different classescomprise ,a total of about 500women, the largest number in thehistory of the University. TI;l�regular classes meet four times �week, there being a different classevery hour in the day (rom 8:30 A.M. until 5 P. M. These classes coverand teach all kinds of work from theM. F. DUNN, NEW ASSISTANT most elementary up to the mostcomplicated, including Indian clubs,dumb-bells, wands, running, march­ing, fancy steps, jumping and appa­ratus work. The latter kind is some­what limited, owing to the smallamount of apparatus.The special features offered as asubstitute for a certain amount ofregular work are basket ball, indoorbaseball, and fencing, in the winterquarter; to which is added, in thespring, hockey, tennis, golf, androwing.The present building occupied bythe women is, of course, by far thebest they have ever had, and containsten good-sized rooms with an ampleamount of floor space. It is wellheated, well lighted, and well venti­lated; but in the matter of lockersand dressing-rooms it could be muchimproved upon, as there are aboutone-half- enough of the former andone-third enough of the latter, allsmall.It is much to be regretted thatsoon another move must be made,and the present building will have tobe given up for another temporaryone, which, while it will be theirown, will be much too small to ac­commodate the present numbers.Speaks in Cobb Chapel This IIoming­Tella Them to EDter the World withCourage and Be Christiana-WilI.eet)len in Hitchcock TomorroW'Dr. Lyman Abbott addressed thegraduate students in Cobb chapelthis morning at 10: 30. Before be­ginning his speech he announcedthat he would consult with all thosewomen who wished to see him atthe Women's Union today from 1 1to u o'clock, and tomorrow at thesame time he would talk with themen in Hitchcock. He urged as manypeople as possible to come, no mat­ter whether it was in regard to theirspiritual . life, professional career, oronly sociatly.Dr .. Abbott �ke in part as fol­lows:"You are all about to set out onyour different careers, better equippedfor fighting your way than the ma­jority of person�. 'You are i�,acountry of great things, enterprises,and newspapers, and what will youdo? I certainly hope. that you willall have homes. People think thatif they are Christians they cannot berich or powerful. This is not true.If you follow Christ your life will belarger, you will have no prohibitions,and everything will be open to you.Why not take truth from 'all reli­gions? There is a motion that thereis a line on one side of which iseverything good and on the other iseverything bad. This, again, is . nottrue; there is one road for all, andthe same laws apply to the good asto the evil." People think it is wrong to weardiamonds, but what did God make·tJ:rem--for'!"- I: "do say' IL Is wrong;­however, to wear paste. Some sayalso that theaters are bad, but youwould be more likely to reform themthan to abolish them.cc You must enter the world withcourageous hearts, for it is all yours,just as much as this University allbelongs to the students, since it wasendowed and built for educationalpurpo�. When I am here I aminformed that the whole Universityis mine. I should like to have timeto enter the class mom� 'as I am sure1 should learn a little, that is I sboul4Jearn more if I could stay longer." I have not time now to qualifydifferent things. It is easy to be ahermit, but the difficult thing to doin the twentieth century is to live soas to consecrate all riches and wealthto God."Boston GJDIIIUl Clloeen bJ Kr. Stagg toTake Charge of mgller Gymnutics,M. F. Dunn of Boston has beenengaged by Mr. Stagg to take chargeof Higher Gymnastics.Mr. Dunn was suggested by Dr.Raycroft, who bas known him for anumber of years, and worked withhim in gymnastics. Mr. Dunn is oneof the best gymnasts in the East,and, although not a college man, hasseen service in some of the best east­ern gymnasiums. He will probablybe ready to enter upon his new du­ties by the first of next week.PRACTICE DEBATE TONIGHTA practice debate will be held inKent tonight for the purpose of test­ing the strength of the Universityteam. C. A. Huston and L. P. Lewis,of last year's debating team, and Mr.Hatton, head of Snell Hall, composethe picked team that will competewith the regular debaters.A committee at the University ofIllinois, which has in charge the pub­lication of an Illinois song book, isoffering prizes for the three best Illi­nois songs. Regular Work Will. be Taken Upat Once- Kiss Liverm�re NewInstructorMore Than 500 Registered for Dif­ferent ClaaItea-..,.lIany Basket Ball'teams Organized·11CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1903Tbe Daily Maroon IFormerly tbe University of Chicaeo Weekly.POVNDltDThe Univn'Sity of Chicaeo Weekly • October I, 18Q2THIt DAILY MAROOIC - - - October I. 1002Published in tbe Intereats of tbe student-body of theUniversity of Chiaa:oevery afternoon, except Saturdayanc.' Suaday durine tbe 46 weebof tbe University year.Present board of editors aud business man:&&erautbom:ed by student·body In mass meetin2 May I�.1002.Membership on subsequent boards of editors to bedetermined by competitiOD opeD to all stUdeDts iD theUniversity.BOARD OF BDITORS:l=�fco�itor • - ••• HIt��-:REB��yM���Athletic Editor - ROBltllT 1.. HltNaY, JR.ASSOCIATE EDITORSFUMCIS F. TISCHIt FRANIC McNAIRELI P. GALli: ADELBEIIT T. STEW ARTFItANIC R. AUAMS WALTE. 1.. GREGORYAUSTlM A. HAYDENWOMItN EDITORSMISS CoRNltUA SMrnt MISS AGNItS WAYMANBUSnmss STAFFTHII: DAILY MAROON THE MONTHLY MAROONBu.,iness Manaeer - -AuiSIaDt Business ManaeerAdvertlsin� Manaeer - -Rush Medac Manaeer -Secretary· - - - BYRON G. MOONJ UUAN 1.. BaaDE- PLATT M. COJCKADC. H. McKENNA _- FRED'VORTHINGTONAII/ictrtiil,. ",ad, for ".try as suolld·t:lass ",at·ter lit tIll C"iell� Post·o/liu.Dally Subserlptlon, $3 per 4 quarters I $1 (or 3 monthsBy Mallin city $4 per 4 quarters; $1.25 (or 3 monthsSubscrlP.'ions received at "The Maroon" Ofice. first ftoor thePress Butldin�. or left In "The Maroon" no", the FacultyEschan�. Cobb Hall.Printed by tbe Unlyerslty of ChIC&lrO Press.EDITORIALSThe Board of Editors of the DAILYMAROON announce today the staffof reporters, which has been chosen,on the merit basis, for the presentquarter. The selection of this staffin no degree does away with orlimits the opportunity of any aspi­rants to win staff and editorial posi­tion on the paper.Competition is now, and will be,open for the spring quarter staffduring the remainder of the quarter.Candidates will be given the sameopportunity to work and will havean equal chance with the reportersfor the present quarter, to make thestaff in the spring. Competition forstaff offices runs through the preced­ing quarter. Competition for theboard runs through the year. TheBoard of Editors urges all men andwomen students interested in thework to compete.The value of cross-country runningis only beginning to be realized inCongratu- the west, and it is entirelylatiODS to within the last few yearserou-Cou- that any real notice hasUy Club been taken of this formof athletics. But within these fewyears something seems to have stimu­lated a revival of this almost forgot­ten sport, and its return is being en­thusiastically welcomed everywhere.Long-distance running not onlystrengthens the muscles and limbsof the runner. but exercises andstrengthens what is tenfold more im­portant, his lungs and heart.There seems to be a misconceivedidea that the men who run withcross-country clubs are only thosewho have particular ability and aretrying for an athletic team. This isfar from true; the men \'ery seldomrace, and in ordinary runs the paceis set only at a comfortable jog, al­ways more exhilirating than tiring.During the last two years theUniversity has offered a physicalculture course in long distance run­ning and it is coming into great.favor among the men. Mr. Stagg saysthat within two years he expects tosee at least one hundred men in thesquad.The attention of every man who isconfined closely during his working hours is called to this healthful formof exercise and the excellent oppor­tunities offered to students andyoung professors for an enjoyablemethod of dai I y exercise.There is also an interesting kindof sociability provided. A year agoat-the opening of the autumn quarterthe club was organized with a mem­bership of five, which grew to twentybefore the end of the season. Theygave their first annual banquet ayear ago, and Tuesday evening theyheld their second banquet of a likenature, but with increased interest.The club is to be congratulated uponits success thus far, and upon its ap­pearance as a permanent organiza­tion in the University.NEWS FROM THE UNIVERSITIESThe English H�nley regatta corn­mittee has decided to bar all pro­fessionally coached crews from theirraces.At Princeton a new gymnasium isbeing built by the alumni and under­graduates. The total cost is to be$256,326.45.William Waldorf Astor has given$100,000 for the endowment of fourprofessorships at the University Col­lege, London.Harvard's invested funds amountto $13,000,000. The value of theunproductive property, such as build­ings, equipments, etc., amounts toabout $10,000,000 more.Yale and Harvard recently held acommittee conference in New Havento consider new agreements betweenthe .universities and the question ofeligibility rules.The University of Minnesota boardof athletic control has decided toretain Dr. H. L. Williams as foot­ball coach for another year at asalary of $3,000.The prizes offered by the "Quad,"the Leland Stanford Junior Univer­sity annual, are: Story, $10; poem,$7:50; josh verse, $2; illustratedjosh, $2; five best joshes, $5; fivebest snapshots of college people orscenes, each $ I. Con, petition willclose February I.<iJU�<iOYCEooESVES. PRORABLVProperly steered, a toboe�n wlll elide acrossMarshall Field,. missiDe the east bleachers andtraveline as far as the east fence.-DAILY MAROON,Tuesday.If It should happen that a toboggan shouldstart down the slide that was not properlysteered it would be well for the east bleach­ers to be prepared for the worst.A l'ROSPECTUSSo many requests have been filed at thisoffice for an outline of the attractions whichwill be offered by this department during theensuing year that we have decided to an­nounce the following list of features whichwill be published from day to day:A New Serial.-An innovation for thecoming year, which WIll doubtless be appre­ciated by our thousands of subscribers, isthat of a serial bv the talented Mr. MalcolmGervais de St. Trevor, which will begin inthe immediate future. It will be very thrill­ing, and the author promises to kill off allthe characters in the last chapter. This fore­word is put in to relieve the readers of need­less anxiety.Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Aurelius Dooley willcontinue that charming department of verse,.. Household Adventures," which chroniclesthe doings of a happy family.The author of the "Love Letters of anUndergrad," who, the general public will besurprised to know, is a woman, will continuethat series of up-to-date verses and promisesto make it even sloppier than before,Huy Getmore Barryls, the talented non­sense writer, has been engaged for the com­inR year and will contribute weakly.What looks to be the greatest Italian epicof the Twentieth Century will he publishedfirst in this column. It is entitled •• Segre­�a.�iano," and is hy the famous poet, DanteGabriel Gargoyletti.There will be a series of articles on .. :'010'tor Cycling," hy Otto :'010 Beale. the cele­brated chauffeur, and half brother of DeanBeale of the Law School.Besides the foregoing there will be count­less articles and sketches of timely and cur­rent interest. We have decided to discon­tinue our department entitled" Praise for theProfs." as the author, Geraldine the :'olartyr,mysteriously disappeared last quarter andhas not been heard from since. We are inthe dark as to what befell him, but we fearthat there has been foul play. TO BEST IS CIIBAPBST_celebrated Hats" Styles and-Qualities .Always Progressive"_ PALMIt. HouSItlIBW YORlt - PII1LADBLPIIIA CIIICAGOItSTABUSaltD 1874W. T. Keener & Co.MEDICAL BOOKSELLERSPublisber5 and ImportersMain Store90W ....... Ave.(Fifth Floor) 'Vest Side StoreWood aa4 Coaereu .st..MARTYN MAROON STUDIOPHOTOGRAPHER 5705 Cottage GroveONE MONTH'S FREE TUITIONm PURE TOKE PRODUCTIOKReading, Singing, and Public SpeakingBUed on true scientific principle.Oakwood Institute of Vocal Culture139 Oakland BIYd. (NOT n«:.)BANQUETSThe .5benaaa House is splendidlyequipped for lal'2e or small Ban·quets, Dinner Parties. or-TheaterParties. and will be pleased to fur·nish estimates to Clubs, Fraternities,orSocletie!'.:::: :-:::SHERMAN HOUSEHotel Company" Spalding's Athletic Library Bo. 162Boxing" Furnished House(10 rooms, include kitchen and bath room)To be rented from April I, 1903to January I, 190-13S1 East Fifty-eighth streetStorage:a�::Telephone, 461 u4 462 W ntworthBltCKLElfBERG'S EXPRESS & VAN CO6154 to 6160 Wentworth ATe.BllAIICH: 6301 Cottage GroTe ATe.DR. w.j. CovItYsupenntends all work Pbooe CeDtral .StThe book conlalDs about seventyfull pace ilIu'trations, showine howeach blow is to be made. how to atlackaad how to defend yourself. It showshow the bands must be held aDd thepositions to take, with descriptions thatare 50 accurate that :my boy can lakethem, open them up and with a younefriend become proficient. Besides bemea fully illustrated book on the art ofself- defence, It contains nearly all thephoweraphs of the leadiDe Americanbolfers and the positions they lake,which in itself is instructive. COVEY'SDENTAL PARLORS114-J16 ST A TH STREETOpposite MaiD Entrance Palmer HouseGold Crowus - $5.00Bridee Work \- - 5.00Platinum .·i1hne 1.00Gold Fillines $2.00, up I Set Teeth • $5.00•• .. S. S. W. - 8.00.. .. Rose Pearl 15.00Paiuless Extraction .SOPRice IOcSpaldiD2'!; CatalO£ue of all Athletic Sports MailedFree to any Address.A_ G. SPALDING « BROS.New York Chicaeo Denver Buffalo BaltimoreCOF�EY'S FreeART CALENDAR(Size 1:a�:II: 14� INCHES)To anyone who will cut out and send to me this "ad."bearine four names and addresses of persons whoought to be my patrons. I .ill send, �tpaid, mybaadsome Art Calendar for 1903. which is a reoproduction iD colors of LInch' .. famous paiDtine "In­nocence."'53�e M. J. COFFEY It-':l:!�o105'1107 Association Bld'2 Phone Central 3439HANDSOMEBALL ROOMSPECIAL FACI,lTIES FOR BAN­QUETS, DIN­NERS. ETC. � � Telephone 718 OlilclandA. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CUTCAGOCor. S3d st. lind Kimbark ave. CllFire Losses Adjusted Bulldlnes AppraisedMcKEOWN BROTHERSCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS"9"-"06 East .. 7th Street'Phone Dre1e112961Buildines remodeled and repaired. Fine iuteriorcarpenter work. Store- and oflice-fittiD�. Hardwoodfloors. Only first·c1ass workmen employed. Contractors to the U. of C.t __··_· __A_R_T_HU_R_G_._KIN_G_••_••_ t I2L Look at My Stock; Many go OLRI'" farther and Buffer.183-185 Dearborn StredFIRST-CLASS INEVERY PARTICULAR Comer Twenty-third street and Michigan avenueTHE STUDENT'S FRIENDScheyer, Hoglu.nd Co.TAl LORS89 East Madison St., - Suite 9-12SPBCIAL OFFER FOR JAlfUARYEvery Fancy Suit utthe house $35-00Former prices were $to, $45, ,�, Sss..��� HA�;URr;��DS;i>. ;; ELECTKOL YSIS_ Facial .-ce .• &Dlearlnl, l.adl .. • Hair;:=- Drealnl aDd .&Dlcurlnl, Lad I .. 'T .. rlr.lah aDd R" .. lau BaSh.70 and 72 Slalnl., - - CHICAGOMONROE AVE. ANDSIXTY-SECOND ST.INSPECTION INVITED ,,;1. ,,;1. ,,;1. NEW BOWLINGALLEYS � J1. �� � � � �BILLIARDSPOOL. � ..- �INSURANCE LI FEACCIDENTHEALTHPROTECTION AND INVESTMENT5,% TWENTY YEAR ENDOWMENT BONDSEVERY DOLLAR GUARANTEED; NO ESTIMATESIf you will � me your full name and addl"eQ, together with date of birth, I will submit proposltiO.lTelephone Central 3931 GEO. M. LEE 1008 :'olarquette Bldg, ChicagoBowling Alleys" " " Pool and BilliardsTurkish and Russian Baths" Grill Room.e Hotel.eltIetropole Best appointed rooms for Banquets,Dancing Partie!', etc., in the Caty.Special inducements offered to Fra­ternities and Clubs,I IComer of Jladison ave.and Sixty-third st. ': :EVERYTmNG OF THE BESTUniversity Restaurant474� East Fifty·fifth streetMeal tickets, 21 meals, S4.00.Light breakfast and lunches, .10 and15 cents.TheDryden Club5628 ELLIS AVENUEOpposite Mushall FieldEspecially convenient for thoserooming at Hitchcock ami SnellR�gu/ar Board $3.00 : Af�a/ Tic/uls $3.50Mrs. DeWitt E. AveryWoodlawn Cafe391 E. Sixty-third street (near Monroe)Students Given Special AttentionHIGH CLASS BOARD6107 Madison avenueMRS. B. GRANTBoard and room with modem conveniences,$7 to $8 per week. Two persons occupyingone room, rate will be less.Excellent Private Board6028 Ingleside avenueMRS. A. H. SHINDLEROne-half block south of Midway.Board $3.50 per week. Pleasant roomsfor two. Modern conveniences.Drexel (Jafe and Dining RoomP. ANDERSEN, Proprietor652 E. 57th StreetOurs is, as far as we know, the oDly place in thevicinity which guarantees absolute satisfaction.We will explain bow and why this is done.BREAKFAST-In the momin,: we keep on hand allthe known cereals for YO'Jr selection, such as Oatmw,Grapenuts, Shredded \Vheat, Force, Malta Vita, etc.Fruit � tOeyr:r::v 0�, .. 141¥> 2a_pc:ak� •• U.)'ou.delnot wish a full mea' you can serect to cost you 10 or ISC.D:nnutR-At noon we have always threeorfourdif.Ierent kinds of meat to select from. One full order isusually more than enough for anyone ;' but if you feellike havmg more just send in your second order. You canhave a second order of everythill2' (dessert exeepted.)Therefore we know that everyone cannot help beiD2satisfied.SUPPER-In the evening we serve a meal similarto that of noon. 0" S""day 'lII' ia'l" s"w"t}'''''rsjJuia/ atUI c},arge 25C.. If you own a meal ticket DOextra chal'Ee5 are made on Sunday.Give us a trial. General charge, one full meal. 2OC..Tickets, 21 meals, $3.SO. A ticket holds � as lone:i�h�re �sa��:ed� ind:;e :�i�ara��e !��;:.u:;k :�:self. liours of service: Momin�, 6:30tO 9:00. !loon,12:00 to 2:00. Evenine, 5:00 to 7:300P. ANDERSEN.Filtered water only served to OUI' customers.ToDine-AT--The HygeiaDining' RoomsIS TO GETPure, Wholesome FoodHygienic CookingHome.made BreadsHome-canned Fruits andFruit JuicesSterilized MilkFiltered WaterBest ServiceLowest PricesComer 58th st. and Drexel ave.First building west of University PressManuscripts, letters, circulars. etc., type.written at 5552 Lexington ave., third flat ..If you need a cough syrup use Tolu Tarand Wild Cherry. University Pharmacy,560 E. Filty-filth st.We have built up a great many thin stu­dents==oh, no! not hv health food, but bvpadding their garments, •Famous Tailoring Company346 E. Fifty-filth st. 'Phone, Blue 3223.Subscriptions to The lIIaroon should bepaid in advance. If you are owing on yoursubscription, it is requested that thesame be paid this week. CHICAGO� THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1903The report circulated around the campusthis morning to the effect that a successorto Dr. Loeb han been secured was officiallydenied later by Dr. Shepardson,There are between ten and twelve moremen registered for the law course this quareter than there were last. There are alsofifteen men from the other colleges of theUniversity who attend the law library.An audience of one hundred and fiftygreeted Mrs. Ida Benfey Judd upon her apepearance in Kent Theater yesterday after­noon, and highly appreciated her interpre­tative reading from "The Mill on the Floss."Mr. Herbert Edwin Jordan, Fellow inMathemancs, who comes from Lemonville,Ontario, Canada, has resumed his work inthe University, after an absence of onequarter. He has been teaching in the highschool at Markham, taking charge ofmathematics.Frank Macdonald Lowe, Michigan '03, hasentered the University of Chicago for legalwork. 1\1�. Lowe was prominent at Michl­gan and \\ as a member of the editorial boardof Tlu IVrink/�, the Michigan humorousweekly, and a member of the cross-countryteam. He is a member of the Delta UpsilonFraternity.Dean Owen gave an earnest talk at theSouth Side Assembly yesterday morning inregard to the lamentable practice of sellingbooks to which one has no lawful title. Heurged that public opinion should be rousedregarding the matter, and that the culpritsshould be shamed into honesty through fearof their comrades' condemnation. SUCCESSFUL•in ATailor"lhy?Because I serve the members olthe Univer­sity with EXCEPTIONAL SKILL, and give myCLOSEST ATTENTION to their work, and carrythe BEST ABD LARGEST COLLECTIOll 01woolens to select from.Convenient to U. of C.William SachenBOARD AND ROOM COLUMN II MAJOaS aDd MINOaS I I' SOCIETY NEWS 'IHIGGINS CAFEIn the class of Public Opinion the questionwas raised as to the most oesthetic nationalflag. The reply was the "American," ex­cept in two cases where the dissenting votershad been born abroad, and in one where thestudent had been impressed by a "UnionJack" at a missionary meeting."You are an American born?" queriedDean Vincent."Yes, sir, I have been in this country overtwo hundred and 6fty years," was the start­ling reply.I aUSH MEDIC NOTES Phi Gamma Delta will give a house partyFriday evening for its pledges.The Women's Halls will give their regularmonthly receptions on Monday afternoon,January 12, from 4 to 6.Invitations are out for the annual Chi PsiAssembly ball, to be held at Bournique's onFriday evening, February 6.A number of University students have reoceived invitations for a reception to be givenby Misses WhIte and Gregory at the homeof the latter, 4121 Drexel boulevard, onWednesday evening, January 21.Mr. Lether and Mr. Stewart visited theSigma Chi house on the South Side yester­day.I' ATHLETIC NOTES", IKalamatiano was out training yesterdayfor the first time. Senn was also out.Robert :\laxwell has been putting the six­teen pound shot over thirty- nine feet inpractice.Schule will not run for Wisconsin thisyear, but will try for laurels under the colorsof the First Regiment.Sherb Wightman was out in a track suityesterday for the first time this season. Heexpects to work in the weight events and thesprints.Geo. MacClymat, member of last year'sball team has gone to John Stetson lor thewinter quarter. He will return at the open­ning of the spring quarter.Jimmie Sheldon is certainly having sue­cess with his gym classes. After fierce tus­sles yesterday ilfternoon at least two of hisproteges were found tied up in knots.Hill Moloney, the ex-captain of theUniversity of Chicago track team, wasseverely injured about the face by a fallrecently. He slipped on the ice one even­ing. However, he is now recovering rapid.ly, and will soon be well.IACADEMY ITEM� 320 5Sth st., near Monroe aveL. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Ma BOa oSL. TrlbJIae BulldlacSpectacles and ByeeIUBes SdenWlcally AdjustedEyes Tested FreeEverythiD2 OpticalMadiemaucaltMetereoIO£ic:aJ,andfol' the I..antemist.Kodab. Cameruand S1lpplies.Dr. Warren H. Hunter, Rush '99, has reocently been selected physician of Cookcounty by the county board, for a third termof two years.Dr. Sippy, of the Department of Medicine,was absent �rom .. the college during the earlypart oE the week, having been called up into'Wisconsin {In consultation.The annual meeting of the Chicago Oph­thalmological and Otological Society willbe held Tuesday evening, January 13, at 7 P.M. at the Chicago Athletic Club, where din­ner will be served.Dr. Rosenow. who has been seriously illwith typhoid fever for several weeks at thePresbyterian Hospital, was able yesterday togo home, where he wdl remain for sometime. He intends returning to his work' inthe Pathological Laboratory at Rush.Mr. D. J. Davis and Mr. C. Speed haverecently been appointed to the assistant'sstaff of Professor Senn's surgical clinic. Mr.Davis goes to the pathology side with Mr.Rheinhardt, while Speed joins the clinicalassistants, Messrs. Jacobs and Hayden.Dr. Tice, Rush '99. formerly county interneand recently assistant in the Monroe StreetHospital to Dr. A. I. Bouffleur, has severedhis connections with the latter institution andhas opened an office at Kedzie avenue andMadison street. Dr. Tice has for the lasttwo years been connected prominently withthe department of surgery at the College ofPhysicians and with the: staff work of Cookcounty. The doctor intends to retain hisposition on the physicians and surgeons Iac­ulty. Dr. Daniels, formerly interne at St.Mary's Hospital in this city, will become Dr.Bouffleur's assistant.Card of ThanksThe Fratres of Phi Beta Pi wishto express, through the columns ofTHE MAROON, their appreciation andthankfulness to the Senior class fortheir many kindnesses during theillness of their late beloved brother,Alva Bryan, and for their respectfulassistance at his funeral-PHI BETAPI.TEN REPORTERS CHOSEN A course in public speaking will be addedto the Morgan Park curriculum. with B. G.Nelson of the University for instructor. Theclasses will meet Saturday morning.The South Side Academy has adopted thearrangement of holding chapel assembly ex­ercises on but two days of the week. In the'past it has been the rule to devote twentyminutes each day to chapel exercises. In thefuture Monday's chapel will be devoted toannouncements from the faculty, and onTuesdays will be held the usual weekly meet­ing of the students' council.JENKINS BROTHERSReasonable and Reliable Retailersof Fmc Dry Goods, Men'sF� BooIsandShoes, EtC., Etc. � .-TelcpboDeDrnel6s23 Cor.63d It. and Kimbark ave. FOR SHAMPOOING••• USB •••BELGIN SKIN and SCALP SOAP(Continued from first page)Van Patten--1906; University athleticnews correspondent for Chicago Daily Nnl'S,Phi Gamma Delta pledge.Ewing-1906; entered from Chicago :\f an­ual Training School, Chi Psi pledge.Darst-1906; entered from Oberlin Acad­emy. Alpha Delta Phi pledge.Huttcrfield-e-rooo. Entered from :\torganPark, where he was editor-in-chief of Acad­�mJ' Nnl's; experience on a local paperduring vacations at H uron, S. D. AlphaDelta Phi pledge.There will be a short formal meet­ing of the staff tomorrow morning at10:3°· Do You Dance?If so, you will find a fiDe _rtmcDtof danciD2, party, euchre, dinDU,weddiD2. and supper favors at •••Ounther's Confectionery::112 State Street. CIaIcap The Beat Medicated Soap on the Market.Sent by man, 2S cents, prepaid.THE BELGIAN DRUG CO.,Il4 Adams St., Dexter BIde. Telephone Harrison 241v, H. DECKER, WATCHMAKER240 E. SStil sL aad JEWELERCHICAGO 'Phone Blue 2385MUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the W orId100 to 108 MADISON STREET6rowning, King &: w.Wabash and Madison=MEB'S=Suits andOvercoatsCUT III PRICE SHEET MUSIC23 and TALKINGc. MACHINESOur entire stock of :\ten's Clothing has beenreduced to prices which should interest everyman mterested in getting full value for hismoney. The clothing-we offer is AI in everyrespect, all of this season's make, and manuIactured in our own New York workroomsfrom materials made up from our ownspecial designs.MElt'S SUlTS-whic� were $25 and $28, nowlIIFN'S SUlTS-which were $18, $20 and $22,lIEN'S SUlTS-which were $15 and $16.50,lIEN'S SUlTS-which were $12 and $13.50, $20$:1:5$:1:2$:1:0 23c.The Musk Shop StciDway HaDFRED. J. HAMILLOll'MEARA BROTHERS'HOME BAKERYmalta DOChiac batStrldly Home-Made OoodsBread. Rolls. Pie. and Cake. Parties aacl Weddinrssupplied OD short DOtice. lea aDd Ice Cram eo orderDOD'I fcqd tile aamber-:a,8 East sstII .t.'Phone. DrcaI 11921.MEN'S OVERCOATSReducedAll Pricesat HAVE YOU EVERSEE.. N ONE OF .OUR$50FullDressSuits?• } IExcellent chance to get a stylish, durablegarment at a loW' figure If not it will pay you to investigatebefore placing your order elsewhere.NOBLE D. SOPERTailorComer .fISt st. and Cottage Orove av,A BROOKS HAT. Peerless Every Respect, $3.00CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1903.-'cO. ;;{;"C.ll I UNIVEa&ITY NOTICES IUB S ............ a".,._ ..... � ... _ ......N Pres: �� \.. an DOtica to THE UAiLY Muoene for publicatioa free• •.� of charare. Notica must be left at THE YAJIOOII officeor Faculty Exc:haD2e before II: 00 A. II.THE WORLD'SGreatestClothiersHats, Caps,Furnishings,and Shoes •Por MEN and BOY.5.CHEMIST andPHARMACIST'PIIoDe 0akIaad 175. 274 E. Plfty-Sevcatb.to. ; ·.E.iLE.EIWHO DRESS FOR SnLEIOTIESS, _'p COMFORTWEAR THE .MPROVEDBOSTONBARTER.....,.._.811kIOe..Cottna2k.",led oa ftftIp& 01 prift.... 'froatCo. .................... u.s.a. Student Actirit1eaThe second University informal will beheld next Saturday. January 10. at RosalieHall.Mandolin Club rehearsal Thursday even­ing. 7 o'clock sharp. Kent Theater. Everymember come L W - TCross-Country members meet �t Martyn'sphotograph gallery. 5705 Cottage Groveave •• at I o'clock Friday. Bring caps andshirts.The January meeting of the University ofChicago Alumnae Association will be heldat the Art Institute. Saturday. January 10. at2 p. m. A short business meeting wll1 befollowed at 2 :30 by a farce, hTbe·Shadeof Night:' presented by Misses Wayman.Clendenning. Bock and Sutton of the Uni­versity. Tea will be served after the play.Officers are Angeline Loesch. '97. President.Jessie Sherman. '02. Vice-President.LOST-Small open-face gold watch.chased case. Swiss movement. between Fifty­fifth and Fifty·ninth sts .. on Lexington ave.Finder please return to Miss Harper, Fifty-ninth st. and Lexington ave. T -I'The semi-final debate in the Inter-Ace­dernic League will take place to- morrow(Friday) evening at 8 o'clock in Kent Theaterbetween South Side Academy and MorganP�rk Academy. The speakers for S. S. A.will be Messrs, Philip Van Zandt, C. E.Wells, and B. P. McCracken.THE WOMAN'S UNION OFTHE UNIVERSITYOF CHICAGO.- The Committee on idember­bership .begs to inform you that your mem­bership 10 the Union expired with the lastquarter. You will be interested to know thatthe various activities of the Union have beencarried on witb even greater success thanwas anticipated, and have been characterizedby a generous and friendly spirit. Thelunch �m, the reading room, the �cialgatherings, the entertainments, the mUSIC atthe lunch hour, the rest room. and the workof the Philanthropic Committee have all metreal needs in the' life of the women of theUniversity.Membership tickets may be obtained dailyfrom 12 to I o'clock in the office of the Deanof Women. or from 12 to 2 o'clock at therooms of the Union; or membership ticketswill be sent by mail on the receipt of themembership fee. fifty cents a quarter, or onedollar a year, by Miss S. P. llRECKINRlDGE,Chairman Committee on Membership.All women connected with the University.are eligible to membership.Calendar for the WeekThe Historical Club, 5551 Lexington ave.,8:00 P. M.FRIDAY, JANUARY 9Chapel-Assembly- The Divinity School,Chapel. Cobb Lecture Hall, 10:30 A. II.;address, Dr. Lyman Abbott.The Board of the University Press, Has-kell Museum, 5:00 P. M. -An address under the auspices of the Uni­versity Lecture Association. by Dr. LymanAbbott; topic, "The Industrial Problem;"Music Hall. Fine Arts Building. 8:00 P. II.SATURDAY, JANUARY 10Meetings of University Ruling Bodies,Haskell Museum-The Board of MedIcalAffairs. 8:30 A. M.; the Board of UniversityAffiliations, 8:30 A. M�; the Board of theChristian Union. 10:00 A. II.; the Faculty ofthe Divinity School, and the Divinity Con­ference, II :30 A. M.Through Florida SerriceSpecial sleeper leaves every wee� day �t IP. II. frenD Chicago to St. Augustine, onlyone night out. Get Tickets and reservations.Big Four Ticket Office. 234 Clark Street.J. C. Tucker, G. N. A.NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS:If You BaTe .oved Yoa .uatNotify tJae "Daily JIarooD" ofYour Present Address. 0tJaenriaeYou Will Be Charged for YourSUbscriptiOD Without ReceiTiDgthe Paper.Pi-persget-m Mcet me Midway. the U.01 C. and the I. C. youcoming right now. Comeon. get m ere. have m de­livered. cost no more atJJORTOK'S, � � st.,is midway twixt the I. C.and the U. C. See.ere ...H. ZEISS· LADIES'TAILOR9 � 47th � . . .. . .(near III. Central Station)'Phone Oakland 1269, After 7 P. M •• orSunday. 'phone Gray 404Unlined Suits from $35 apeSilk-Lined Suits from $-40 up.Skirts from $IS up. I·M LO·.OKING FORWARDWITH MUCH PLEASURE TO A CALL FROM THE READER. WHEN I WILL. WITH­OUT DOUBT. CONVINCE YOU OF THE SUPERIORITY OF NOT ONLY MY LINEOF WOOLENS. BUT THE GENERAL HIC?H QUALITY OF MY WORK. WHICH HA�PLACEO ME IN THE LEAD IN THIS BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.••• YOU KNOW ME •••OJ��I 33 �f 33 A��I 33 I���!� 33 ����� 33 'W!%:���,dAddre.. S.lt••• MY LEADER •.•CARROLL S. McMILLEN, TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.A. LIPMAN Diamond & Loan Broker911 But M..u.oa It. .Fioc DiamoDds; Watcba. Jewelry. aad Aatiqucs; Watches aDd Jewelry RepaUccl; Old Gold aDd SUyer Bourbi··························- University Furnishings ii They sometimes are given that name because oftheir being exactly suitable for young men's wear.Both extreme novelties and subdued staples inall furnishing lines are exhibited at prices which,in every instance, are the lowest, quality consid­ered.MARSHALL FIELD « CO.Weaver Coal &DOMESTIC Coke Co.COKESubstitute CoalMarquette Building63d and Wallace streets for H a r d40th street and Wentworth avenueNorth avenue and Riverw. T. DELIPHANTPr�s,il",t ALBERT TEBOTr�lU.r�rII. C. O'DONNELLS,cr�tlJryStandard Washed Coal Co.NEW KENTUCKY COALPOCAHONTASTEL. HARRISON 3137 PEN-MAR30,) Dearborn streetCHICAGOBOWMAN DAIRY CO.Our Spleadid s� 01ENGLISH and SCOTCHSUITINGSAre Correct fOl' ColJqc WearOur Cr.rYeuett.:. Vicaaa, Lambswool. aDd CbeYiotOVERCOATINGSAre just the thiD2S for tboleLOlIG. FULL OVDCOATSSUITSOVDCOATS •BVB1IDIG 8VIT8 -A. N. JDUIIS. Mrr.B. L AlIa EMabiished IBn H. R. PAuLOET THE BESTAmes' HatsAcceptable Present: A Gift Cer­tificate for Hat or Glove. � • . •16. a. 163 Eo MADLSON ST., .... LA ,sAu.eBORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MII.K,C�EAM and BUlTEllMILK(All bottled in the COU1Itry)Borden's Condensed Milk Co.62'i-Q3 East 47'11 st.-�Main Office and 'Varies. 33d st. aDd Shields neePhone South &04BEST WORK IN CHICAGOWHY USEPOOR, UNWHOLESOME MILK,when for the "me money you an Ret it pure •• "ft'and extraordinarily rich. deliYered in Kaleel bonles. bycalline up Telephone Socnh 817, or droppine a postal10SIDNEY WABZER • SONS,30S Thirtieth Street. • •• OUR.IIilk is Bottled iii. the CountryIf You .Aare Sick70iI Will requirePURE MEDICINESIf JOU an: well JOD will .Ish the best ofGBIID.A.L SUPPLmS�: Avery's Pharmacies55th aud Mouroe aYe. s7th aud Coctaee GroYe aye.JlD)K P.ARJ[ DD CHICAGO BBACR STABLBSJ. H. KINTZ(PIIOPRUtlO.)Jackson Park Stables273 But lIUty-8eTeDtla StreetTel.,Oaklud 552 CRICAGOFor Character Pelineations SeekSUMBOLAShe 8BB8 nabereDt qUlitin .. CODtn"buted bythe raline �t time of binh. An an­fM.l�.J!I�!C!...IIJULTB, 1UPPIlIBSS • .A.lID1'JlOBIImUTY. For fa I pertic:alats, adcbaa.... .. 4545 "abull A-nJlftS UMBOLA CBlCAGO.ILL., U.S.A •BEGIN Positions filled in HighTEACHING Schools, �cad�ies, andColleges In vanous de-IN. partments, For further]AlfUARY mfonnation apply toTIlE CLARE TEACHERS' AGDCY311-388 Wabash "eaveTel. Harrisoa � Chicaeo, III.Shorthand••• IN ONE HOUR. •••In -40 to 60 clays Mrs. Lena A. Whitecuarantees to make you an expert steno­grapher and typewriter or refund yoarmoney. Hundreds of students haveIlUl$teI'ed her system in one hour. Con­tinuous school session. Individual instruc­tion by the author.White's College, FI��t:'TS203 Michigan aTe.Express .ServlceValted .states E� Co. PKlflc Expreu Co.Western Espresl Co. -� includine Foreien Shipments. Rece"eel�� Jf�'!:ier.M�� ��� ���. : .:-,o�? �el�.:Information Office: COBB HALL.