The Daily MaroonPubliahed Aftenaoou by the Student. of the UDl",erslty of Chicago DDrlDg the Pour Quarters of the UDl",ersity YearVOL. I. No. 44 PRICE THREE CENTSCHICAGO, TUESDAY, DECEM�ER 2. 1902I.HOLD CONVENTION HERE FINALS FOR DEBATIf'4u TEAM STAGG TO MEET TRACK MEN MENTION MANY MAROONSLeading Theologians of CountryCalled to Chicago to DiscussReligious EducationPresident Harper and Several Membersof University of Chicago DivinitySchool Promote MovementAnnouncement has just been madeof a very important convention whichis to be held in Chicago in Februaryto consider the matter of religiouseducation in its various phases, andreport plans of improvement.This convention is called by theSenate of the Council of Seventy abody of biblical and religious teach­ers in the various theological institu­tions of the country. Professor FrankK. Sanders, of the Divinity Schoolof Yale, is the president of the Coun­cil; President Harper is principal ofinstruction, Professor Votaw is re­corder, and Professor Willett, treas­urer.The need of such a gathering toconsider the best methods of pro­moting religious education in theSunday school, the public school, theacademy, the college, the university,. and the home' is apparent, and thevery widespread recognition of thisneed has found expression in thelarge number of signatures appendedto the call. I These names representthe entire educational and religiousfield. .It is not known as yet whether theconvention will adopt the plan of a· Dew system "Of lessons f�r -the-Sunday .school or not, but the effort will bemade to point out in an impressivemanner the need of adopting in theSunday school the. principles of edu­cation that are recognized as essen­tial in secular education. In addi­tion, the opportunities for moral andreligious instruction in the regulardepartments of instruction will beconsidered. .The Council of Seventy believe thatvery much remains to be done in the· interest of religion in all the gradesof school work, and that beyond that· the entire field of the public andspecial. library remains for considera­tion, to say nothing of· the press.The convention will be held in Chi­cago. I t will represent all phases ot re­ligious and educational activity. Thegeneral committee in charge consists· of· Professor George L. Robinson,of McCormick Theological Semi­nary, chairman,· President Harper,Professor Votaw, Professor Willett,and Professor Mathews of the Uni­versity; Judge Henry V. Freeman ofthe Illinois Appellate Court, and Rev.W. F. McMillan of the Congrega­tional Sunday School and PublicationSOciety. A full statement has beenissued, which is being distributedwidely by the Council of Seventy.Dramas for StudeDta of Freach.The "Club Francais" will presentthree dramas in French next Tuesdayafternoon and evening, at SteinwayHall. The dramas, which representmuch more pretentious efforts thanhitherto attempted, are:La Dame de Niort, Enust UI;"�Mon!'ieur Houde, - • M. D�Uu""rMadame Higarot N'y Tient Pas- G�(lrg�s Docq"tlu �/ FI/is Cr�SStmMlle. Lucie de Valcourt, a cleverParisian actress, is the dramatic di­r�ctor of the club, and takes the prin­clp�l female roles in the plays. The�atlD�e, which will begin at 3 o'clock,IS especially designed for teachers ofFrench and students. Quite anum.ber of U. of C. students are inter- .ested.The University of California inter­class boat races took place ist week. Six XeD Will Compete fOI· Places-Tri­als Will be Held in KeDt, Thursday,8p. m.The final trials for the Varsity de­bating team, which will meet Michi­gan, will be held in Kent Theater,Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Sixcandidates remain from whom theteam of three are to be chosen. Inorder to facilitate the selection, themen have been divided into twoteams of three each to debate thefollowing question: "Resolved, Thatparty candidates for elective officewithin the states should be nomi­nated by the direct vote of the' par­ties."The men who have been selectedto uphold the affirmative are F.G. Smith, Clark· and Vail; nega­tive, R. Merriam, Riley and Lurie.The two teams have been under thecare of experienced coaches duringthe past three weeks, C. A. Hustoncoaching the affirmative' and A. R.Hatton the negative. Dean Vincentwill preside at the trials. The in­structors and coaches are eager thatthe men receive hearty support, bothat the trials and the finals. It is noem pty honor to defeat Michigan atdebating, and it is desired that allstudents attend the trials Thursdaynight and enthuse the men whomake the team.CONVOCATION ORATOR CHOSENW. H. Maxwell, Superintendent ofPublic �wla of Greater NewYork, W"ill DeliTer Adc1reu:WifliaIO . Henry M"uweU;--Superin­tendent of the public' schools ofGreater New York since 1898,will deliver the convocation ad­dress for the University of Chicagoin Studebaker Theater at 3 o'clockTuesday,December 16, 1902, his sub­ject being "The American Teacher."Mr. Maxwell was born in Ireland,March 5, '1852, and was educated inthe College of Belfast and Galway andin Queen's 'University, receiving hisdegree of bachelor of arts in 1872�He came to the United States in 1874,was assistant superintendent of theschools in Brooklyn, 1882-7 and su­perintendent of the same 1 887-()8.He is the author of several text­books on English grammar, andamong other literary productions hasedited an edition of Homer's Iliad.SOPHOMORI:.S DISCUSS ANNEXATIONIalaDd SituatioD Subject of Debate Before'OS Club at Last .eetiDgThe Sophomore Debating Clubtook up the question of Cuban annex­ation at their last regular. meeting,stated: ".R�solv�d, That annexation tothe United States would be to thebest interest of Cuba." The affirm­ative speakers were L. H. Branch andMiss Laura D. Watkins; Paul A.Walker and Miss Nellie M. Weldonupheld the negative. A decision wasrendered for the negative.B. G. Stine .. Aaaai1ecl by ThupHenry G. Snness narrowly es­caped being held' up by-thugs on thecampus before Walker last night.The appearance of a Foster callerand the keen eye of a cabman infront of the Quadrangle Club re­sulted in the flight of the banditsand the preservation to Mr. Stinessof his valuables.Lockera to Be Put in Dreaaing-RoomaThe Junior College Council todaypassed a motion to have lockers putin the women's dressing-rooms andlocks on all the men's lockers in Cobbbasement. This was thought advis­able in order to insure perfect safetyof books, wraps, etc. Head Coach Will Get Line OD XeD Duringthe Next Two Weeks-Winners inTryout Go to TraiDiDg QuartersOn Saturday morning, December13, Director Stagg will hold a try-outfor all candidates for the Universityof Chicago track team. Starting to­day, Mr. Stagg will meet the athleticmen in the gymnasium from 4 to 6in the afternoons; to giv� them a. chance to show their calibre in theirespecial lines, and to give them valu­able instruction in their events. Itis urged that every man who has anyability at track work will turn outImmediately and commence to workup his form for the trv-out. Thereare a number of good men in theVarsity at present, and if all comeout the meet will prove interesting.Those who win places in this fallmeet will be sent to training quartersin Hitchcock for the winter. Hitch­cock Hall can comfortably accom­modate thirty-four men. All thisroom is to be taken up by track-team"possibilities," and there is surely aplace for everyone. The opportun­ity of living in such a fine dormitoryas Hitchcock during the wintermonths should be a strong induce­ment to men to try their hardest forplaces on the team. Mr. Stagg isvery anxious that allthe men-newand old-shall prepare for this meet.We want a go·od track team next sea":son, and want every man to do hispart toward making it the best in thewest,A number of meets will be heldduring the winter with other univer­sities, in which.. the freshman atb� .'·Wlil be grven the chance to win the"C." This is the '06·.man's chance.Let 'him come out and show what hecan do. The scheduled meets ofthewinter follow the tryout,,NORTHWESTERN'S EXPLANATIONLetter EzplAiniDg Their Refuaal to Runon ThaDbgiviug :.amiDg FiDallyReceivedThe refusal of Northwestern tocompete .in the cross-country meeton. Thursday morning has causedmuch comment and inquiry aboutthe athletic circles ofthe University.The following feeble explanation re­ceived yesterday morning (four dayslate) seems to be the only evidence ofany attempt whatever to keep faith.EVAl'STON,ILLS., November 26, 11}O2.COACH A. A. STAGG: .. Dear Sir.-l am very sony that circum­stances are such that we have been obligedto cancel the cross country run .with yourteam tomorrow. However. as anotho' one ofour- best m'en is bedlast with a bad case ofvaccmation, 1 have come to. think it fool­hardy to meet the Chicago club •. Every oneof the men is against going down in suchpoor shapc:. so, with Stahl's (captain of trackteam) advICe I 'have decided to cancel theengagement. I, myself; have just· recoveredfrum a sore ana .and do not feel like askinganyone to run while suffering from ",.cci­nation. I hope' rbis will not cause you muchinconYenience •. 'I will wire you immediatelyas thiS letter might reach you too late to savedisappointmenti. Sincerely,FRANK E. SPENCER,1621 Orrington ave. Captain C. C. C.A tryout on Sheppard Field yes­terday seems to show that North­western has some good material athand, and Captain Spencer's time,(23:45 2'5 for four miles), was verygood and compares quite favorablywith the performances of some of ourmen.President Harper at InaugurationPresident Harper is in MiltonWis., today attending the exerci�connected with the inauguration ofthe new President of Milton COllege.He is on the program for a short ad-dress. _Harvard's receipts from footballthis season amounted to '54,243;the expenses were $16,445. Critics Give Chicago Football StarsPlaces on the All-WesteraTeamSJa�dOD, Farr, Ellsworth, and SpeikMake First Team-L Maxwell,Ahlswecle and Perkins SecondNow that the football season isover, the minds and attention of thecollege coaches and plavers in thissection of the country are expectantlyturned to the experts in their selec-_ tions of all-western teams. As usual,these experts disag-ree in theirchoice in a great many instances.ibutthen again in others they agree asthoug-h they had consulted togetherand decided which was the best man.Our team has finished with thegreatest success a season that con­tained many anxious days. From acrowd of practically green men ourcoach. has brought forth a team thatis conceded by almost evervone tohave easily earned second place inwestern football.Every all-western team picked con­tains the name of .at least one Chi­cago man, and where representativesof our college are not chosen for thefirst team, they are given enviablenotes of praise by the different ex­perts. Abbott, of Wisconsin, is thestrongest candidate for the left endposition, although Speik was men­tioned for this by one of the papers.Fan, of Chicago, and Maddock, ofMichigan, are regarded as the best,IcHt tackles in the West; and in speak­ing of his fine work an expert says ofFar!': "Opponents have found him astone wall when attacking his side,and have-also learned that he has the •football sense of eluding the inter­ference, and tackling the man' withthe ball." ._ ., ,To Flynn, of Minnesota. the posi­tion of left guard is generally con­ceded, though Ahlswede, of Chicago,and Carter, of M iehigan, are alsospoken of very favorably.Ellsworth, of Chicago. shares with. Skow, of Wisconsin, the honors ofcenter.· In the Ruord-Huald of lastSunday, Carl M. Green Said: " Ells­worth has proved his all-round abilityby his good play in secondary-de­fense behind the line, when so shift­ed; and as a punter ranks well wit.'tthe best of the season."By an almost general accord, Mc­Gugin, of Michigan, is awarded rightguard position, though Baird, ofNorthwestern, and Big, Maxwell, ofChicago, were mentioned.Schacht, of Minnesota, and. Mad­dock, of Michigan, run about equalin the race for right tackle, and bothmen have so many good points thatit is hard to judge between them.Koehler, if he had played tackle allyear, would undoubtedly have. beenin the race.There is a great difference of opin­ion as to who should be placed atright end. This position is a hardone to decide. Cook, of Illinois, andRedden, of Michigan, are the candi­dates. No Chicago man is men­tioned for this end, as it was not aregularly played position, differentmen being used in different gameson account of injuries and othercauses.For his continuous, steady goodwork Weeks, of Michigan, is regard­ed as the best quarter-back in thewest. His strongest opponents 'are. Harris, of Minnesota, and Lee Max,well, of Chicago. But for his injurywhich kept him out of the MiChi�game, there is little doubt but thatMaxwell �ould have an almost equal-chanee With Weeks, but as no directcomparison was possible between(Continued on page 3-)CHICAGO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1902The Daily MaroonFormerly the Univenity 01 Cbi� Weekly.POUNDEDn,e Uninnity of Cbic:aeo Weekly - Qc.ober I, 1892THE DAILY MAItOON - October I. IQ02 would not do well if they were heldat the same time and place. It is afact that the Paris Exposition COUl­pletelyovershadowed the games heldin Paris that year. The result mightbe the same if both were held in1904 at St. Louis. this is the firsttime that the games have been heldin this country and we should makethem a success in every respect. Ifthey should be held in Chicago suc­cess would be assured financially andevery other way.Let us show those who are opposedto Ch icago as a location, as well asthose who are in favor of it, that ·wewant the games and believe that theycan be successfully held only in Chi­cago. Let us hold an enthusiasticmass meeting on Thursday morningand let the report go to those incharge of the matter that we supportthe games and demand that they beheld in Chicago. FAULTLESS FITlJfEN'S APPAREL FAULTLESS STYLES�/EN S FURNISHINGSPubUshed in the interestl of the stude1!t·body 01 theUniversity of Chicaeoevery afternoon. except SaturdayaM Sunday durin& the 46 weebof the Univenity year.Present board 01 editors and busineu manal:erauthorized by student·body in masl meetinl: May I�.IQ02.Memberl'ohip on lubr.equent boardl of editors to bedeterminfd by competition open to ail Itudents In theUDivelsity. Men 'who have always lived in Chicago don't need to be toldwhere the best things in their lines are to be found. We havelong ranked with the foremost haberdashers and clothiers.SUITS DRESS SUITS OVERCOATSSHIRTS NECKWEAR UNDERGAR�tENTSSWEATERS GLOVES SOROSIS ,SHOESThe buying prestige of our great organization enables us to quoteexceptionally low prices on the above lines.BOARD OF' EDITORS.HItRBEXT E. FL1lMING• OUVItK B WnlAN• ROBEIlT L. HEKay, J It.)iaDa2inl: EditorNews EditorAthletic EditorASSOCIATIl EDITORSFUKCIS F. TISCHE FRANK McNAIRELI P. GALE ADItLBItRTT. STEWARTWALKEa G. MCLAURY FRANK R. AUAMSAU5nN A. HAYDENWOMEN EDITORSMISS CoRNELIA S. SMITH MISS JULIA C. HOBBS E. BURNHAMHAIR GOODSELECTlWLYSISfacial .-ce •• anh:urlnc. loAdle" HairDraaln, and .anleurlnc. Ladle"To.rlr.lsb and Ruulau Bath.CHIL'AGO Sherman Oyster Houseand Restaurantansrsass STAFFTilE DAILY MAROON THE 'MONTHLY MAROONBYRON G. MOONJULIAN L. BaaDE- PLATT M. CoNRADC. H. McKENNA- FRED 'YOaTHtNGTONBuslness Manager - -Assistant Business ManaEerAdvertisinl: l\lanaeer -Rush Medic Manal:erSecretary • (RANDOLPH and CLARK STS.)70 and 72 Srate st.,Noonday Lunch and After-Theater Resort.Fire LoSSC5 Adjul'ted Bulldlncs AppraisedMcKEOWN· BROTHERSCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS"94--406 East "7th Street'Phone Uro.e112961BuildinEs remod.led a�d repaired. Fine interiorcarpenter work. Store- and office-fittinll. Hardwoodfloors. Only first-class workmen employed. Contractors to the U. of c.. High-Class Cuisine. Moderate Prices :G}H�GOYr.Er;5E5Alllicatio" .",ad, for ",try as suo1ld·class ",at·t�r at tl" Cllicago Post·office. Music euery evening' from 6 10 12.PRAlSB FOR TBB PROFS.No.8-PROF. JAMES ROWLAND ANGELLFrom the U. of :\1. James Angell carne,That school of some slight local fame.Of him alone since worlds beganWe know that gods and men can claimAn Angell came from Michigan.GERALDl:-<E, THt: MARTYR.If in trouble why not try to stranglette,. Sign on Bulletin Board yesterday morning:"Lost, Friday, a fur boa. Mir:k with 24tails. Return to Information Office."Why not return to the museum?Dally Subscription, $3 per 4 quarters: $1 for 3 monthsBy Mall In city 14 per 4 quarters: $1.25 for 3 months�bscs:.\�I\i:�.�reil�ft' � :::rb� Mr:=:.?��: 6th: II�::;Exchanee. Cobb Hall. P. S.-The Sherman House bas une:z:celedfaclllties tor Dinner Parties; large or smallBanquets . . . • • : : : : : .: : :MRS. ANN lEW A R D F 0 S T E RAND THE MISSES FOSTER--J)ANCING CLASSES--At The Vendome Hotel. b2nd and MonroeWEDNESDAY EVENINGSSATURDAY Al--rERNOONSPrivate lessons by appointmentsSpecial rates to student"Printed by \he Unlorersity of Chlc:&«O Press. Re­flnlshlnc Upholsterlng M.ttress.'b M.klncI� JAS. H. ROBINSONMahogany Sofa (Colonial) for SaleWill sell reasonable, at UpholsteryShop, -400 E. 55th St.EDITORIALS---CLARK'S---Teachers' AgencyB. F. CLARK, Manager.378'388 Wabash Avenue, - Chicago.., Fifteenth Year.Send for "OU� PLATFORM."Congratulations, Freshmen. Youhave distinguished yoursel�es by amost original 'ide'a in attempting tohoist an ordinary towel, with the let­ters '06 painted in green, on the flag­staff as the .proud emblem of theclass of 1906. NEWS FROM THE UlflVERSITIESNorthwestern University recentlyconferred the degree of LL.D. onDr. Adolf Lorenz, the famous Vien­na surgeon. Fitting­PensTo Writer.s9H. ZEISS LADIES'TAILORAs a step forward in the study oflanguages, it is interesting to remarkthat Johns Hopkins University nowhas a class in the study of Tagalog,the principal native language of thePhilippines.-Ex.The time has come when the stu­dent body must act in helping toHelp BriIJ,g bring the Olympiangamesthe Olympian to Chicago. The city. Games to need- the games and theChicago University is directly in-terested. The question has beenasked: What can the students do tobring the games here? One of ourprofessors who has taken great in­terest in the matter has answered thequestion. He says that the studentsmust show by their enthusiasm thatthey demand the games for Chicago.A mass meeting should be held im­mediately and the sentiments of theUniversity be made k�own to thoseIwho are working to bring the gamesto Chicago.The purpose and direct effect ofthe mass meeting proposed can beoutlined in brief. The Frenchrepresentative in Chicago, M. HenriMerou is directly interested in hav­ing th; games held in C�icago, andis doing his best to con�mce �aronCoubertin of paris, who IS presidentof the Olympian Games Association,that Cbicago is the best place for thegames. Any demonstration shownby the students will be reported atonce to M. Merou and Baron Cou­bertin and cannot help but influencethem in theirchoice. The French peo­ple are already in favor of the gamesand anv enthusiasm shown here willconfir� the opinion they now holdconcerning the location of theCOntests.The University has held one cele­bration in honor of the games, butthe .contention of the people incharge of the St. Louis Fair must be'met. Those in charge of the gamesbelieve that Chicago is the ideal spotfor the games, since it is a great col­lege center and has unsurpassed rail­road accommodations. It is­lieved that the games and the fair 1,. 0 II r "peelalty.Nt', matter what"0" nr R ren you are .. _.._aN'II'1tomt"d to u'llnK. we can match It ex-'actly. This most famoua &;old pen titWd to9 East 47th street . . .. . .(near Ill. Central Station)'Phone Oakland 1269, After 7 P. :\1., orSunday, 'phone Gray 404The University of Minnesota bas­ket-ball team is to take a trip eastthis year. ' Unlined Suits from $35 up.Silk-Uned Suits from $-40 up.Skirts from $'5 up. a:ITf'!I yon the l�t wrtnne instrument maIl".M'Wlfts large, doesn'.t Ito: :Solie tuu L"n!'P. "'er.n- alw,,),s �,Iy to 11111"" up til ...... Uat .... lI .. ntaWith." Jvur "WII..., tH ... ", if not ."'"jin/."lIARIE. ";OPJ;) �.; R.\nl�.. !)(; �tMte !!oL. !!Ote •• rt. lUdr;�. Chl�llr.n.The senior class of the engineer­ing school of the University of Wis­consin is planning to give a minstrelshow.A department of Chinese language,history, and literature has beenestablished at Cumberland Univer­sity. Footballby RuleIs just as popular and meets '"hh ap­proval as readily as Tailoring byMeasure.We Know All About It-Tailoring, we mean - both in theoryand pracuce, and are anxious to theorizewith you and practice on you to yourentire satisfaction. We have those NewWeaves and Late Designs, and SkilledWorkmen to construct a Garment thatwill make you correctly d'ressed.Besides, you do your selecting by day':light, and that is a distinct advantage.All these things conspire to make ourpatrons the BEST DRESSED among theirfellows.Belted back "tourist's" overcoats, madeup in fancy rough. faced cheviots, can behad of Browning, King & Co., Wabash ave.and Madison st., atvery moderate prices.• FRATERNITY.STATIONERY,,,, M. FREUND & SONSOpposite Palmer House17 .... ',6 State st. M. J. COFFEY,1105-1107 Association Buildin2J53 LA SALLE ST.Suits prased. soc; Trousers, ISe.. Henry Heinze, Tailor306 E. 57th Itreet CHICAGO .EITLE.E.WHO DRESS FOR smsI£ATIESS. AID CO.FORTWEAR THE ,.PROVED�����_..._�.���" ......< '>L I FE !ACCIDENT �HEALTH �PROTECTION AND INVESTMENT �TWENTY YEAR ENDOWMENT BONDS \EVERY DOLLAR GUARASTEED; NO ESTIMATES >11 you will �nd me your full name and addf'e$S, togetbeT with date of birth. I will submit propositionTelephone Central 3931 G EO. 1\1. LEE 1008 :\!arquettc Bldg, Chicago BOSTON,SARTERINSURANCE5%lJ�;-;-;;;;;;;;�;;;;;;;-Jf AFFILIATED WITH THE USIVERSITY OF CIIICAGO ff Students may work during the winter quarter at Stetson and receive fi their credits at Chicago. �The equipment for work is good. At Stetson there is no snow, nofrozen ground, or mud. For recreation, besides regular college ath­letics, there are fine opportunities for driving, bicycling, hunting, iboating and fishing. Expenses, including railroad fare, are not much, in excess of those at Chicago. For catalog, and further information,, address the president, J. F. FORBES, PH.D., DeLand, Fla.,,��� .......... �"""" ......... ���� ........ �. LI.s Flat to u.. Lea-II ...Slips. T.a .... or U.fate ..fIamlIt.-paIT. 81lk roe •• Cotton %Se­lIalled on �IP' of price.Ceo. Froat Co.; •• 11""Into", ...... U.s. ..THE STUDENT'S FRIENDCHICAGO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1902SUCCESSFULA 1L-_p_u_n_ts_F_r�O_Dl_t--:-h_e_B_l_e_a_C_h_e_r_s_1 MRS. A. M. TALLEYMOD IS T'ETailor Stylu c.,i,d er .riri""t,dFit IU2ranteed. T_nty.five yean' experieoc:e amoDeour best families. ExceptioDal references fumlahed.hen desired. Goods and trlmminl:a selected, if re­quested.(Continued from page I)them the critics favor the Michiganstar.Sheldon, of Chicago, and Heston,of Michigan, are considered .. the bestmen at left half. One of the experts,in speaking of Sheldon, says: "Iwould take Sheldon, of Chicago. be­cause of his speed, toughness, andsplendid tackling." There is nodoubt that Jimmie deserves thispraise-a great -deal more besides.The choice for right half is also a variedone, our freshman stars ,;olDing in for recog­nition, but Van Valkenberg, of �1innesota,seem s to have a shade the better of the ar­gument over them and over Salmon, of No­tre Dame.Full-back is divided between Jones andSweeley, both of Michigan, with Perkins, ofChicago, as substitute. Great praise is ceretainlv due Perkins for his fine work in theMichigan game, and he has every chance ofbecoming a star next year.It is interesting to note that nearly everyman on the Chicago team came in for somehonorable mention. Sheldon, Speik, Farr,and Ellsworth received first-team nomina.tions; Lee Maxwell, Ahlswede, and Perkinssecond-team nominations; and Big :'.1 ax­well, Koehler, Bezdek, I vison, and Catlinwere mentioned as candidates not far celowthe leaders. This is a remarkable recordfor a season.• • •The football team will occupy boxes at"The Billionaire' tonight. The day is to be purely one of pleasure for the men, and thefootball management intends to do up thingsright. 4545 WABASH A VB., CIIlCAGO• ••FOR SHAMPOOINGThis afternoon the football men will posefor their annual picture. ,• •\�lhy? ••• USE •••• BELGIN SKIN and SCALP SOAPDespite the fact that a game between HydePark lligh School and Brooklyn POlytechnichas been announced for next Saturday, noagreement has yet been reached hy themanagers of the two teams. Gerald Parker,who is managing the local end, announcedon Sunday that he had closed negotiations.and several prominent members of the HydePark team have visited Coach Stagg andsecured :'tlarshall Field for the game. TheHyde l'ark team went out for practice andMr. Stagg has said that he will give themsome help in preparing for the game, TheBrooklyn boys have expressed their Willing.ness to come if their expenscs will be guar­anteed. although they do not understandwhy Hyde Park wants to play their team. asit has been defeated by every team it hasplayed except the Brooklyn High School.If the game comes off as scheduled the line­up will be:Brooklyn Poly tech Hyde ParkHughes L. E H. McKllhpp:\tc(,Juery L. '1' ••••••••••••• Kn .. rrCrane L. G •.• _ •..•.. :\lcCaulc:yKennedy ....•...... C ...........•.. BeckerLeighton •........ R. G , .....•. HargerThayer ..•........ R. T H. HammondLane R. E W. McKillippShea Q. H Eckersall\\' arner L. H. B RansomMontague R. H. B ....•....... WolfeMulvihill F. B •..... T. Hammond The Beat Medicated Soap on the Market.Sent by mail, 25 eents, prepaid.THE BELGIAN DRUG CO.,S. Adama 51., Dexter BIdE. Telephone Ha"isoD 241IrBecause 1 sene the members ot the Univer­sity with EXCEPTIONAL SKILL, and give myCLOSEST A TTENTIOll to their work, and carrythe BEST AIm LARGEST COLLECTION 01 BARBER SHOPG. F. Ai/un446 Eo Flfry.fifth al. O�D until Q '.M an.Cor. Lexinl:toll ave. Sunday !.'tlominl:aHYDE PARK Al'fD CHICAGO BEACH STABLESwoolens to select from. J. H. KINTZ(rKO.IUItTOIl)Jackson Park Stables273 East Fifty·Seventh StreetTel.,Oaleland 552 CHICAGOConvenient to U. 01 C.William Sachen320 5ljth st., near Monroe aveScheyer, Hoglund Co.TAl LORSL. M AN ASS E, OPTICIAN88 Ma son se., Tribune BulldlncSpectacles and Eyeglasses SCientifically AdjustedEyes '1 ested FreeEvery thin.: Optic:alM .tlit.mauc::al.Metc:::.>qic:al.andfor the Lamernist,Kodaks. camerasand Supplies. 89 East Madison St., - Suite 9-12JENKINS BROTHERSReasonable and Reliable Retailers A Special Offer in Full Dress, Tuxedo,and PriDel' Albert Suits • . . • ..•Please can and lDvesticateof Fine Dry Goods, Men's.Furnishings, Boots andShoes, Etc., Etc. .:i .:iTt���r�23 Cor.63cl st. and Kimbark ave.Columbia School of Music THE ANNUAL FOOTBAll PARTY I MAJORS and MINORS IMembers of Team Play Mimic Ball atHome of Mr. and IIrs. Vincent BOOKS:\1r. A. R. Hatton, coach for the debaterstaking the negative side in the finals for theVarsity team to meet Michigan, reports thathis charges are doing very good work.The sixth annual football party,given by Mr. and Mrs. George Vin­cent on Wednesday evening, Nov.26, was a great success in every way.Because of the necessity of leavingearly on account of next day's game,everyone came on time, at 8 o'clock.T,vo small boys dressed in foot­ball costumes gave each one presenta half of a football made of brownpaper. These halves matched eachother, and the lady and gentlemanhaving the ones that fitted togetherwere partners for the evening. Theneach couple was given a tally card onwhich to register by a gold and bluestar, respectively, a victory or defeatin the games which followed. Thesegames, seven in number, formedsome very interesting cornpetmons.One of them was a shooting galleryin which the weapon was a beanblower, and the side securing thehighest score on the target receivedthe gold star. Some of the othergames were miniature ping-pong,tether-ball, and a tack driving con­test, in which the side won thatdrove the greatest number of verysmall tacks into a block of wood inan allotted time.Mr. Schnur and Miss Brown, andMr. Ahlswede and Miss Duncandrew for the first prize, the lattercouple winning. The booby prizewas awarded to Mr. Linton and MissKiedaisch. Light refreshments wereserved and at 10 o'clock promptlyMr. Stagg gathered his men togetherand all headed for the training quar­ters in Hitchcock.Among those present in additionto all the men on the training tablewere: Mr. and Mrs. Stagg, Mr. andMrs. Horace Butterworth, Mr. andMrs. Henry Gale, Messrs. OliverThatcher, Ralph Hamill, W. S.Kennedy, Clarence Herschberger andErnest D. Leffingwell.KIM8ALL HALLLa ... , medical, College, Academic, Blgh-8daoo1and Educational Boob generallyHEWITT'S 415 E. FIPTY·SEVElITJlST.lIut to cor. of KlmbarkJKkson blvd. and Wabash ave.Music. Elocution. DancingNew Tllustrated Cat:aIO£ue FreeCUKE OSBORNE REED. LoUIS McDoNALD,Director Business Manal:er A cablegram from Samuel Harper statesthat the body of the late Charles L. Burroughsleft Cherbourg on the steamship Philadelphia,of the Hamburg-American line, and will ar­rive in New York on Saturday morning, De­cember 6. Express ServiceValted States Express Co. Pllelfle Express Co.W�stera Expreaa Co.Express, including Foreign Shipments. Received�;� 'r:�!ier.M��ey �� ��d. : �IO�? ;el�Information OHice: COBB HALL.H. Parker Williamson, one of the sub­heads of Hitchcock Hall and an instructorin the Romance department of the Univers­ity, is ill with diphtheria at the St. Francishospital, Evanston. A report from the hos­pital this morning shows that he is rapidlyrecovering.PHOTOGR&PIIBRSHEET MUSIC23 and TALKINGc. MACHINES 23c. MUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and BowUng AlleysThe weeklyJreshman debate will take placethis evening at 8 o'clock, in Cobb LectureHall, and all freshmen are urged lo attend.The question decided on is:Resolved, That the abolishment of capitalpunishment is justifiable.Affirmative-Messrs. Austin and Eisenstaet, Neganve=-Messrs, Trowbridge andKerwin.The German Conversation Club met Mon­day, December I. at Haskell Museum. TheClub was favored by a most interesting lec­ture trom D,=. Edward of Northwestern Uni­versity on Theodor Fontane, Dr. Edwardspoke for nearly an hour, and held the clubspellbound both by the excellence of his ad­dress and the power and beauty of his ren­dering of Fontane's ballads. The next meet­ing of the club-the last for this quarter­will be held on Friday, December 12, at GreenHall. The club will be the guests of MissLamont, who has promised an interestingChristmas program.The Music Shop Steinwa.y HallFRED. J- HAMILL The Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 MADISON STREETTelephone 718 OaklandA. McAdam� DR. W. J. CovETaupenDtC:Dda aU workTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES :Cor. S3d st. and Kimbark ave. CHICAGOCOVEY'SDENTAL PARLORS174-'76 STATE STREET0pp0s1le MaiD' Eatraaoe Palmer 'HouseSt Movingorage pa�JringTelephone, 461 ud 462 W ntworthBECKLENBERG'S EXPRESS &V AN CO.61S4 to 6160 Wentworth ATe.BRAKCH: 6301 CottaEe GroTe ATe.'Phone Gray -13;1 Salts allied 'or and delivered. J. JAGODZINSKI, TAILOR'l64 Eo 551h Sl •• Dear C1e:aninl:. DyeiDg,Greenwood ave •• CHICAGO and Repairing Golcl CfOIInIS - . $s.oo' I Set Teeth - $s-ooBridee Work: - 5000 .• ' .. S. S. w. - 8.aoPlatinum loilliac '1.00 •• .. Rose PearlI5-CDGold F .. lIings $2.00. up PaiDless Estnacrioa .soNOTES IBOWMAN DAIRY CO. R.USH MEDIC3008twd""_ 70....- Ill .... a.r _;.-1 __ Iat .,_..8efId for oataJot to HOftUD •• 06DE., ,.,._. "of acari"•.•• OUR •• � L. M. Pierson attended the wedding ofhis brother at Middletown. Wis .• last week.Dr. Lewis has completed his course in ob­stetrics to the [umors, Some further lectureswill be given in the same department by Dr.Keyes •�Ir. Everetts Depew, a well-known Varsityman of last year and the year before, ispledged to the Rush Chapter of the NuSigma Nu.The fifteenth regular meeting of the RushFaculty �lcdlcal Society was held last nightin the Lower Amphitheatre. A large numberof the faculty and students attended. Theprogram was as follows:N. P. Colwell. :\1. D._u Prevention ofDisease in Congested Portions of the City."John [ackol (Junior).-" Two Unusual Com­plications of Typhoid Fever,'Charles A. Parker, :\1. D._h Exhibition ofSpecimens."As has he en suggested in TilE DAILY:\1 "kOO:", the' Uruversitv authorities haveadopted a plan of medic ·concerts. to he g iven at Rush hy the University of Chicago:\1 ilitarv Hanel. The first concert will be�iven on Friday evening, December 5, in theupper amphitheatre at � 1'. M. Seats may hereserved by students and members of thefaculty, at' the office. free of charge. OurUniversity band is ane of ithe best in theWest, They stimulated great enthusiasm atthe P . .& S. game among the rooters andhelped the team to win by encouragingmusIC. T •••• ARTHUR G. K1BG.... TA----------------------�AL' I. MAKE,· YOU WEAR; LIOTHERS ADMIRE. .0R RMilk is Bottled in the Country.rr Y 011· Are. Sic It. 'you will require - ..PURE MEDICINESIf'you are wen you will w�h the best ofGBBIlRAL SUPPLIES 18.1-18 OeetitonI,��� Avery's Pharmacies55th and Moaroe nee 571h aDd CoU:&2'f! Gnnoe aYe. Our SpleDdid StOCk ofENGLISH and SCOTCHSUITINGSGo to University Pharmacy if you have anyprescriptions to be filled. or if you wish any­thing in the line of drugs, chemicals, ordruggist sundries. 1j60 East Frltv-filth st.To Rent.-Well furnished. steam-heated,front !Ooin�le room for young lady only. Har­mont 5550 Drexel ave.For some years Browning, King .& Co.,.Wabash ave, and �'adison 51 •• have rentedorcss suits. Thev are to discontinue this andWIll close out thc;e suits a� $10,$12. and SIS.Tnere are some good values among them.To Rent-5501) Greenwood ave.; 3dapartment; choice, light, well-furnishedrooms; modern; excellent table board, ifdesired.Swell stvles in comfortable overcoats aresh twn hy' Browning. King .& Co .• Wabasha.c. and Madi .. on st., at $10 to $40. Are Correa for CoDqe� ...Our Crnenette, Vic:uaa, Lambawool. and CbcYiotOVERCOATIBGS. Are ja.'1 the IhiD". for t'ho!teLOl'fG,FULLOVERCOATSSUITSOV8RCOATS •BV'ltKmG SUITS -• • I.. .•,Tailor '01' Toac .a1�l3t LA 8ALI.B 8T.I.ndian Curio Co.LARGBST STOCK OFComer 57th & INDIAN CURIOSStoney Island 'm TBB WORLD. FROM ALLo P. po. t t c KORTH AJlBRICAII( mD1ARField Museum TRIBES. � .Open BTentnp A. N. JEKRltM5. MiT.IWATCH THIS SPACECHICAGO, TUESDAY. 1)ECEMBER 2. 1902�I·M LOOKING FORW'ARDSt' . ,�' I"I��·�.N •. Prea;' �.. 'j).. ITHE WORLD'SGreatestClothiersIIiHitql,� !'t I• !11� 1i1��i.111111 :q Hats, Caps,Furntshlugs,I'and Shoes ••For MEN �Dd BOyS.Tn BL�T IS CHEAPEST.. Celebrated Hats" Styles andQualities\lways ProgressiTe"PAUlE. HOUSKlIBW YO!CA r.tllLADBLPBlA C�CAGOpresc�iption Coni pounding. J. J. a ILL,Chemist- and' Pharmacist,Rosalie' Pharmacy.'Pboae Oakland 175. 27. B. Fifty-Seventh st.B 0 R D E .. N" SCONDENSED MIL,K, �LUlD MILK,CREAM and BUTfERMILK(All bottled in the country) .Borden's, Condensed Milk Co.627-6J3 East 47th st.Main Office aud Wo ...... jjU ,.l •• ncl ,')lUc.w. aye.Pbooe South 1104BEST WORK IN CHICAGOMINUTES'E'XERCISEFOR BUSY MENJOSpalding's AthJdic Library� No. .6.1 0 CENTS A 'Complete Course. of Physical EducationBy LUTHER GULICK, M.D.Pdce 10 c:eata. For sale by au Dewa4ealera aD4A. G. SPALDING & BROS.147 Wa'bub aYell1leScad for. coPT of Spaldine' • .t\thletic.GoodsCataJope - free by mailWhether you wish to pay'10, JIS, '20, '25, or '3Sfor a Suit or Overcoat,' DO"establishment can showyou one that will equal an'E. M.".System garment atthe price.'Originators. of the"broad-shoulder - right - in­the-neck" swagger styles.JIO to J3S.lIan orden filled .. me day recefyed. Clot ...IDC ezpreued aD appro".l.Mossler'.s ".E.�." Sy�temI�I MODroe st., near ClarkHOTEL DEL PRADOBARBER SHOP.A SUVB WITJIOUT PAm AImA IIAIR - CUT TO WAY YOUW&aT IT :: :: :: :: :: ::Room 18, lPint Floor UNIVERSITY NOTICES IStudents .nd faculty memben are requested to Rndall n o tices to "HE IJAIL� \hllOOM for publication freeof cha'l:e. Notices must be left at THE MAROON officeor Faculty Exchan2e before II : 00 A. M.Student ActivitiesMandolin Club Rehearsal, Tuesday even­ing. 7 o'clock. Kent. Every member be onhand without fall. .The Three·Quarters Club will hold its an­nual banquet on next Tuesday evening. De­cember 9.The English Club meets Wednesday, De­cember 10, at 8 P. �f •• in Cobb HD. Pro­fessor MacClintock will present a paper:":-,ome Paradoxes of the Romantic Move­ment."Students will register for the winter quar-ter as follows:.Graduates' consultation hours - Dean.Judson: Monday. December I. 8:30-12:00;Tuesday, December 2. 8:3o-Q:30, 10:30-·12:00. 2:00-4:00. Dean Salisbury: Mondayand Tuesday, 1 ::00-12:30.4:00-4:30. .. Seniors _: Dean. Tufts: Tuesday, 8:30-10:30. 12.00':"1 :00. 3':00-5:30; Wednesday,8:30-1:00.3:30-5:30. .Juniors - Dean Vincent: \Vednesday,Thursday. Friday, 9:30-12:00. 3:00-4:00.Dean Smith: Wednesday, 9:30-11:00. 2:30-3:30• Dean Castle: Wednesday and Thurs-day. 8:30-11 :00. 2:00-4:00..Commerce and Adm.-Dean Hatfield:Tuesday and Wednesday, 10:30-12:3°.Unclassified men-Dean Smith: --.Unclassified Women-Dean Talhot: Fri­day, 10:30-1 :00. 2:,'10-3:00.Medical-Dean Dodson: Tuesday andevery day after, 9:00.Law School-Dean Beale, Tuesday, 3:00.Divinity-Dean Mathews: regular officehours.Calendar for the WeekWEDNESDAY, DECE)IBER 3Division Meetings, 10:30 A. M.-Upper'Seniors. Haskell Museum; "Work in Relationto the Nervous System," by Professor Donaldson. Lower Seniors, Lecture Hall, CobbHall; address: "Present Problems in theLight of History," by Professor Terry. Up­per Juniors. Chapel. Cobb Hall; address byProfessor Coulter, "Evolution of Seeds,"Lower Juniors, Kent Theater; address by the.President.The \Voman's Union. Fifty-seventh streetand Lexington avenue. 3:30-5:30 P. M.The Young Men's Christian Association,Club Room Snell Hall, 7 P.M.; subject: "ThePrayer Life of Jesus," Mr. T. N. McBurney.leader,THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4Chapel-Assembly- The Graduate Schools.Chapel, Cobb Lecture Hall, 10:30 A. M. Amusical service ... Business meeting of theGraduate School.The French Conversation Club, BeecherHall; 4:00 P. M.The Annual. University Debate, KentTheater. 8:06 P •. M. Question: "R�so/v�d,That party candidates for elective officewithin the states should be nominated by di­rect vote of the parties," Affirmative­Charles H. Gray, Forest G. Smith. Albert R.Vail; negative-Harry J. Lurie, Ralph Mer­riam, Edgar F. Riley.The Historical Club, 5537 Lexington ave.,.8:00 P. M.FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5Chapel-Assembly.- The Divinity School,Chapel, Cobb Lecture Hall, 10:30 A.M.; ad­dress by Dean Mathews.SATURDAY,DECEMBER 6Meetings of University ruling bodies, Has­kell Museum.- The Faculty of the School ofEducation, 8: 30 A. M.; the Board of Physi­cal Culture and Athletics, 8:30 A. M.; theBoard of the Senior Colleges, 10 A. M.; theBoard of Libraries, Laboratones, and Mu­seums, 10 A. M.; the Faculty of the Collegeof Commerce and Administration, II :30 A.M.;the Board of Student Organizations, 11:30A.M.For Rent: A largefront &oom for youngmen. 5822 Drexel aTe.Manuscripts, .letters, circulars, etc., type­written at 5552 Lexington ave., third flat.Chicago's Thanksgiving game made theteam famous. "Famous" makes new clothesto measure. cleans, presses and repairs.346 E. Fifty-fifth at.Near Kimbark aTe. 'Phone, Blue 322,3-To Rent.-One or two rooms, in privatehouse; steam heat and bath; good light.6148 Ellis ave.To Rent.-A welJ furnished, steam-heated, front single room, for lady only.Hannon, 5550 Drexel a't'.In Union there is Strength IAlso Comfort if you have yourUnion SuitsMade to Fit.We make UNDERWEAR to Measure,Also SWEATERS, etc.STRAUSS-CAHN KNITTING CO.N. w. Cor. Wabash ave. and Adams street. WITH MUCH PLEASURE TO A CALL FROM THE READE�, WHEN I' WILL, WITH·OUT DOUBT, CONVINCE YOU OF THE SUPER.IORITY OF NOT 'ONLY MY LINEOil WOOLENS"BUT THE GENERAL HIGH QUALITY OF XY WORK, WHICH HASPLACED ME IN THE LEAD IN TillS BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.••• YOU KNOW ME .••The 33 lIaa 33' Adams 33 Cent.· 33 Letters In 33 Dollar"GoodOriginal at It. 'Phone Name and Business "Address SuIt••• MY LEADER •••CARROLL S. McMILLEN, TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.A��!!c!.�.N Diamond & Loan BrokerFine Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry. and Aatiques; Watches and Jewelry Repaired; Old Gold and Silver BouehI-M'2�����,� We are now showing a complete line of Holiday Gifts, including an unequaled� assortment of those exclusive Foreign Novelties for which the Paris and London !shops are so famous.A Visit to This Store will afford Thousandsof Practical Oift Suggestions� You are invited to make this store your Shopping lleadquarte.... You will �.. find our prices-quality considered-absolutely the lowest quoted. Every article �" sold bears the lIIandel Guaranty.I ..,,����������Weav·er Coal & Coke CO.COAL AND COKE rSubstitute CoalMarquette Building63d and Wallace streets for Hard40th street and Wentworth avenueNorth avenue and RiverALBERT TEBOTr,as",..",.w. T. DELIPHANTP,..,si,,� .. t M. C. O'DONNELLS,�,..'ta'7 .Standard Washed Coal Co.NEW KENTUCKY COALPOCAHONTAS PEN-nAR303 De_rbom streetTEL. HARRISON 3137 CHICAGO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$! University Furnishings !: They sometimes are given that name because of .... their being exactly suitable for young men's wear.-$- 'Both extreme novelties and subdued staples in.. all furnishing lines are exhibited at prices which,-$-. in every instance, are the lowest, quality consid­.. ered... MARSHALL FIELD & CO.: ••••••••••••••••••••••••• :WHY USEPOOR, UlfWBOLESOIIE JlILK,wbaa for the same mooey _you can ret it pure.. sweet.nd extraordinarily rich. deliYercd ia sealed bottles, bycalline up Telepboae Soulh 817, or droppine a postaltoSIDNEY WANZER & SOBS,lOS Thirtieth Street.B"y yaar CUT FLOWERS. aD4 PLAIn'S froIDHILTONTHE WOODLAWNFLORISTLESTER BARTLETT JOMEST"wrDlftCtW or Mask:'Vocall� 'I1ae Ualftftity ofCaIcaps..IIo: Sl31t1.beJI Hall. 'Kboa '-L A: w ..... __For Charader Delineations Seek, SUMBOLASbe 8BB8 inhereDt qualitin .. ClDDtribated byme I1llillJr""_"'_'t ti_ of binb. An aDot.ili����_DALT.i IUPPI1IBS8,ABDPROSPBIUTY. For fa I part1Ca1ars, addraaSUMBOLA :;CA::�,�-::�BOO K S!THE PILORIM PRESS (Booksellers)175 W�h ave.Solicits the Trade of the Students of Chicaro Uni­ftTlIiry. We will quote Special Prices if JOU willmake younelYCS known.Christmas BooksBay diem at The Pilgrim Press,175 Wabash ave. Mention thispaper and receive Special PrIces.SIIpport those who sapport yourpaper:::::::::: B. 1.. AMIES Established 1873 H. R. PADLOET THE BESTAmes' Hats$2 Largest· Exclusive Hat $3Stock in Town: : : :1614163 e. MADISON ST., aear LA SAu.Bv. H. DECKER, WATCHMAKER240 e. 5_ .at. aad .JEWELERCHICAGO 'Pboae Bloe 2385O'MEARA BROTHERS'HOME BAKERYmakea aothine batStrictly Home-Made OoodsBread. RoDs. Pie, and Cake. Parties.1Id wcddiaassupplied oa short aocice. Ices and Ice Cream 10 orderDon't foqd the namber-278 Bast ._ at.'Phoae. Dtael 1192"Shorthand. ••• IN ONE HOUR •••In .co to 60 clays Mrs. Lena A. Whiteguaraatees to make you an expert steno­grapher and typewriter or refaad YCJ!ll'money. Hundreds of students huema.stered her system in one hoar. Con·tinuous school session, Individual instruc­tion by the author.White's College, PI=tD��T8203 Michigan aye.Now the dar.! are coming when the --roughhouse" hats w111 be found "just the thing."Knock it about as you will, you �not putit "out of business." Pri�il now '1. Brown­ing King &: Co., corner Wabash aye. andMadISOn It.j� ---����--------- .. --