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"'�:�'�":{�,' ;;�S:IE:o'T: THE SOPHS COu��. =e�::�::::;:. :�;=:;:8�::\��:��,; �ANY�IU:;=O=' ':.'�_ :,2;t�i{.:; I'lnt-Year':Stua8Dta to ·oten,_·JiOck �.'t._orl.fUmr;'.of·the'·.�W>Ball' fte:' U�"'ersity':._.���.pme .' ',- . ":)�rt.:,�.�,,:' ADn�u1C:-in= c::'� o�;;.;o�;:�;: a �;!;:-���; � =��� �-' ·.e.:.. ·.:�.j.�,��,,�_·.:.:I:..,_���Jt,.�., to hear the case of "Slow VS. The sity � desire4 that a suitabl.e �m. be .__ �_... '. ' .•Remarkably Goo4:Work of Both Si4ee Lightning ExpreSs Company.". This reserved for the collection of rare Blstory.af_.L1II8 BraJidl"Of •. VDheraityf�' \ -Both �. Jra&er for � is the announcement Qf a club_fonned .books, p�intings,. and bronz� .. t�a� �.� Mapltgte ,ad j ••• :fL other Game in the Law School to he known as her husban� had valued �igbly-'" .BrillliiDt: POaIblUtJe8.\ f T�e."Joseph Beale, Jr." Law-Club of She gave such a room in the Me- ... . . .':'. ,�'. .. !..�.:.�-t,�Z, .' . ,r tbe University. of C. hicago.· , . morial Library : .which is situated in ". . _.:. ._..,'- - .' r :.:S·;�::.. - �.Tho;-Fl'eshman-SQpbomor�_Joot- ',' The 'plan ·adoptecr�in ':the :·Law- ·the-east etid-of:HitdH:ock;Haltfacing'�" .... _��Jh�e.iJ.-;ai-QDi��c;o..Jl��-"�":,,,,,�.��,,,,,�;;;,,��:·�'fi�"'ball'game ·was fought .out before a. School of fonning clubs of eight the' canipus. The room 'is hand.·' with 67t'�dents·.eDrOlledr.,�'·'-""" _.' ... ,',' .�.: �.:;��':;' large crowd of students, segregated students. for the discussion of legal' sometr�becriu-dunroak: All the- fullr.estabUs�� .an� conducted In ': :.�:.:.::; . and' otherwise. yesterday. afternoon queStions,. as suggested by Dean furniture, includiDg' �he beautiful the FI.l!e Arts .bUI�dlDg down �own� .. ':r;�f�,:, on MarshaU, �ield. The. score,'o to 0, Beale •. has been put into practical librcuy .table, was made especially for . com_es 1D.· .. �e, ��u�.o� a ;sarp.nse, t� ,.• :\;J::'" : shoWs :very. well.the 'relative strengtq operation. The plan of. proceeding this roo�. A life-size oil portrait of many wb,? .are In th� Unl:ve�l_ty fo� : ?���'" ,of tlie two teams.. The contest was so. in these so-called "Law Clubs" was CharleS Hitchcock .hangs over the . ��e first time., Many .. olc:t ones. ha�e.. : .--: :"--�,.,� close that at no time was the ball rushed mentioned in an early issue of THE fireplace on the south. wall of. the only a. �� con�ptlon o! what .It . " :,!,,-�;"':' beyond either side's 2o-yard line. DAILY MAROON. The members sit library. A window seat extends �eally IS. ·1he onglD of th�s �lIege . :� �{�:.>, Individually, the men played. well, as judges. -Two member:; present across the entire east side of the IS due. to the. class.s�udy dlVJslon of � ·;t:�,. but owing to the short time th'ey had the .opposite sides of the case. After r.oom. M� Hitchcock has supplied the. J1niv�tsity eXtensi?n. depart.: .., .. '::"��.; had. to practice, the team-work of argument those presenting the ease an abundance of handsome . sofa: ment. LIke t�e exten�lon' depart. .' .:{:: both elevens w� not .perfect.· - .retire and the club members give cushions for the seat. '. �Oeendtuicatsetlef, the1 collepe .is ilntenh�edch' ." t... �: .�';.'�.;: ... �� . The Freshmen were counted on to . their opinion of the tase, and a ver· � Oak book-cases line the other walls a casso.. peop e· W I 0.;. ::;_';:!.' win, but the· fast work of- ·the '0S diet is reached. One member of the of the room. The library itself con- the 'yn_iversity. �tseIf. �no�' '�c�; .,. ;,.t �. .players prevented them from making club acts as clerk. Each of the mem-:- tains handsomely bound colleCtions suc� as teachers, la"ryers, c1�rltS, and: .. ". ::.d'���,._' any startling plays. .' .'. .hers presenting the case. Jiles a-brief of yolumes on art history and general sOCIety women. It I� but-a 'na�ral' "';":": ,�H;' The gamfp'as� one. of th� prettiest with the professor sitting as judge, literature, with a small collection of outgrowth of a .growlDg - demand. of.::..,;.,;.; s. clas� .ga�� t�· ��. t�.��-�. ever one week before the trial: The plan valuable reference books( There are prof�ion�l. ,p�ople. 'for. a .br0a4er':,l..t:,:,. been played here.·, ·1:�er.b!.C�'I�g. was thus adopted by our,Law School i!; also. many large portfoliOS of photo� t?���tlon to fit them. f�r better po-�:'i;< '. almOst -always �leaJiU�ctJ�, -the the' plan' used, at· Harvard T�e' graphs' that Mr. Hitchcoek·.gathered sltions."· -. ' .'. "'.. ' J-,... .�:.!.��.: 'men showed nerve 'at ':aU' times, and "law club" supplements the work of in England�' the continent; and the" The, hOUrs of 4:30 to 6:30 and ;:30' . -_·:t;f neither team fumbled. .' the Law School. -Alnhe students 'are' I East.' The pictures are mostly in t(? 9:30 . in . t�e.· evenings;an4. aJ.1.of .. ;,.�;�� ... Befo�cUhe; game_. Was.: �led� the advised to form themselves into clQbs., .. oil; .. with.a few .choice; wa�er. colors. �at�tdbalys'f' are (:alculated .... to be iDost .• �i� .• :� . freshmen protested Burrougps, but The club to.. be known as '. tb� 'Besides the bronzes there,are several ""e51ra e··!>r this clasS of· people.: .:'::;.!:�, the upper·classmen .decided that he "Joseph BeaJe, Jr.," of the UniverSity' p�eceS of Italialq.�t�irY.: ��: ';'. . �ts l�ti�n �n the.F-ineA� buiJding;�.:Z; ., 'was a.-sophomore all right and eli· : of Chicago are �01V presenting ,their> BY'a recent vote of the h'oUSe'it� . IS a?mm�b_le �n I �un� o� it:S.ceD�,:'f:'.). gible to :play .. Fp,r a part of the . second case, �'Slow l1s;,the Lightnil1g decided that silloking and card play- t�ltr'· � ��. � �nd, id�ly: .1'�.< ,game the freshmen played twelve . E�p� Company." . The' case will ing'should � p�ohibit�. in the Me· . artlstl�. '�d' re.bning' ·�trouJ;l�i.ngs.'· .. ... '> .-�tffj: :::n:J;��S;'a��!t ��i���:'!_ :ri����!C:.r v= =:j =.l���tlai,!:b"ar::.�=Yan� ����==�=�ibj!!;, ':'�':'�_-�"'·�'·"!"�'�I'·-':'�':'�'��i.:�t·:· . make any..��tenaIdlffere�ce lD.dl,e .. ;.� �ltted. .. ; �h�.:�''J.�ph .�et: . ev�!iigs·.by.m��<)f.�ei�u.'fo�. coUeg;� _ ���;· .. s��c��;.I!:'���.f*-)·_� �: -" .'- _.._;';" � !?-score:- .. �:...;'���_:_:-,">I!-� .. � �CIu�is'·tmDposedofthe-f. �;ttleirgutstr'��UCh ... Otcisio:lS�tDe--·" ��ore:��:--=-., :� --. � ,.�2t-�:f'::. .Both - teams· -are-eissat�sfied-with- lowing �embers:, Sniitbi' She1��n, rule'regarding smokhig . may .be_'su�.' but' all"l �uDtiiig" �'towara: �a� a�':. .. ... M.' .• � :.�;: .� ''::);��ii!!t" : the �othing-to-noth.ing sco:r� �dare Lyb�nd�··:q!licelo!!,· B��;' J���� : peDded,�th the cOnSent;of the head:' w�.ich· �t.ih�·.U�.i��!f � ���1t:��.'" , . ·�:.. ::·;����\f���tit': an�lOus to have �otber game,for.as � Henry,::tt�n., -�r.; F. G.-Smlth .. ls of·the:hou� D.r�Alonzo:K.,;Parker� to� ':: .�., '� M':� .. ". '... '!':.' .... �"": � "., _ .. '.. �. �� ,'�1�,:.-r-i!�l:!.1:;· a sophomore �d: "It would n�er. . �he c1er� orth� cou� . ·The. pre5e!lt .- . :. <; . :; :�h� �llege �; D� �'jD�i:'��� .. > .:: "� .. ).!�!.��\i�;��t��.. do to' have .it go down in·history thai case is to be,8rgued by Roy K�n fEuOwS' -CLUBjQ "A�E')&O(;D':YEAit poSed.: an 'annex .to. tIie.. UnlftlSity,� '. - ..... !';, .• " ;><,i:�:;�.l�.7'· .' the freshmen and sophomores were and Floyd Brower�' Mr •. Keehn' :is ..., ..... . ,.' butth� fine; �.·:bui�ing·:�s�m�Y; ',.' :'.��;:, �::;;�.�,-�:fr;:::J': on a par.' - . One" ofjtbe--d��m� for th� plaintiff: in the�' �d, �. . Gra4a .with b1101raJaipI� OIltto • ..ll . another I in. 'which classes are.;.CoD1' . '.' .;'� .�.� ,{ .. ",: ;:\.�.����.; be the better, and' we ·want another Brower for the defendant. A.�:-· .. ��JUt,;ua�, ..... ,· 'cluctecL . Pi-O�i":William;D,-'Mac-, :.} ,.": ,·.:.�.t.;::�::'��*!l��> game. todecideupo' nthatsupe' riorlty." . J·ority of -the' opinions .of. th, e,. !Deu,t:-." .. Clint�;.of the �ngliSli:dePari1Den.� - . ,t .. :,,�_, ._.:::�.5i:�l..t::• I :.�. Tbe:sec:Ond monthly' _ meeti.·ng '. o. f, d·' .. ".' "" l�.·.If.t..(:..:' It is very probable th3:t.an�th.er game .pa-s of the club will. gIve �. 'YClUiCt. :.. is:�the· eani-o(; ;the 'cOl�eg� �·::�e;. ;.'. �_. ':i'���.; •. ;..;��V�: � will be. arranged. . according to the.. pl� adop'ted by the Felli»ws� �Iub, an organization of." same .regulatiODS· are in' force at�both:_ .:- 7' �.'�." �'�}�.:;;;.'.'<·T;,'. - cb h McM I th cl b . gradnat.·. e'. s�udents . holding:.fello�- 1_� h c.--l I' ��, �f: �..... There is a arge t at i len, e Q.' -h' h Id 1 t F 'cia .., p� ... � e. same. �� �. ,coDtrols. : . l' .• \• � :_ ... �-wl·,�;{��·�',. al coached f th .S Ips, � . e.. as n y evenlDg th both S d h Md' . " .' r, • ...r..1",,,·' ", .an offici , .o�!='o. " � teams 'in 'Snell.'" AbOu� fifty.out ofa'poss'.· i,;: . em:. _. .. �. ��a�.t e.. _i way;· . ,,:'� - ..... ��>�.�'"\;:l . during the -contest,·JJ1It"··it:does1i't . RELAY. RACES ON IIID-WAY' - " who find courses at the Universl� '-'" .. ��.!'!:�.;;:i . ch ·"�·.,,,,�,1·�.j;'; .. '\ ble�Ht'·FeUtiWiattended �ism, eet- . scb":-" 'wh'.1·.m·. sa" l·t'.'th·e··m·: IDa'. y"1 . ....:.Le··· ,'-.'._:. ·':·,.:"";��f*.·:�;"_l,, .. '. amount to mu . . .�it!};·.tr."". -: ,'.r,'·.::, ". \." -0 h th \AN ........ - _ ...... ,r'l. The class spirit show��U_�.�_game_ DiataDce Raaera Will ,Bola CoDte.t 011 iug, and. from teen 1;1siasm-:dis,: . them'and get Q-edit 'for�theDL'; .Ther ·<�;""'.i�1�!: .!:' waS - excellent. -'"In answer, to the Qe lliaway .� TJmnc1a,. . played �y an'Tbtbe���!l t,hfeae clul> ·same laboratories' are ·:Used· 'by1be: : .. -:,.:-:;.}:':<:.I .R ' is �.- e .pn�CI�. ture .' d "f both .' '. . .:. ..... �,i- . sophomo�' "Rah,. ah,. oS,"· .�e. . There"will_ be a'mile relay run oD was the election. of the fo. 1I0wing of.; sae1l� .��ts G ...�. :��lS,' .:" '<t�,,�ji'. . :freshmen howled their class !fell with th M'd . Th--..I- at ..... and �� InstructOrs are.a � pL ther ' . J :.� • ;,��;1'·.. 'a will. The exchange_'of �Iass yells' e' I way Dext· ur.KAi&y tet- fi�: Presi�ent, Mr. A •. R. Hatton,. : 'Q'BiverSitj�of Chicago'facUltY:·. 'J� ... : • I-'� '�·:":;·l.{.l.:. '�. .h 'd th· f noon. 'The first sixteen men who - pobtkal ,SCIence; Vice-President, �' . ' .. " , :.'; :'., .� ;_ ..: � - .::.!:'!.':': during t e� contest,-an .�' �,Joy 0 finished iD the try-out last Wednes-' : Mr. GunaersoD, sanskritj: �taly. . �nn� .. �� �.� �r �� �-, ,. ;-::.. ::",:��:�£j,'f;' :�Jir!:. :enin= ��etbr�;! 't:!r-....:..Ile�� �':' =..h! : �;: .. :���I��e::'�: '. :,e:.r,!;,��s�,:���, ' '"<i?;f{greatly.. . . . .' . . ti�i.s� ·��iiag as captainS: Each· sisting of the officers' narDed�·above. enrollmeDt of less.tIwIl�ao:sta�ts:. : ··.:·.y�t:' � � The most spectacular. 'playtng was. inan,will run the length of the Mid- was intrusted wi'th··the· arnngement �� J:las ��. ��.,"!l� --Y! .�. ��-r;?:;.;..• deVeloped by, the Sophomo� �at- wav and WI.'11.. be, re.. lieved... ' ... at th� end f Ian' � the 'cl' b" Th' . ·f· Inqea&e, �d last· y�'s � ,re-. _.. '. .' �f:.:��;:5. •field,' the Sophom.ore. '.. quart. er.back, 'J 0 P S lor u • e aim 0 .' " • 6' \ .• �l� •• & •• ·--l'·S�;';':·· ..... - ... t.:· -��'Y;"I'.', of the ru. � b" another. maD who �.Il th 'ra':l"·_.:OD ·s····p.. u·rel .. so-'.' . ports 71 � .. uQ�� , Wlnlng'WlUI . vr;,... :��"'·.C . ;mo- than once carried ·the bailout J e new o·o-�� 1. :'1.. . �l· .�"i,in." -, t &L--";..'M-..;.d ....... d � .. ; ;:'.'::�£• L� .run the same distaDce.. The teams cial and will probably rnncI .. '. td· , I.ml� �,-� un: ... �� ana: IUai -, .... :--: J,�;(.i.·�·� , of dan•. �.. us ��orf�y hi� s�iI.� in haft been picked as follows: .. , ..... ;: .... : .. :'f' :.&�l:-::-�'�.. \ 1*D aadi,that.a·larp.put of OIle'Qf' .....: "':'.1··!,.'L __ L p ts Th ti a. � . �tent,:·· D "�,,eD�D�f 1 lb' 8 . f' .&L..o;.. v.: ". ." ." .�". --r' .j;t.-:-t';:;! �. running � un,. ; tee. mes 'Wamer (captaiD), E. £:' BIO..., .FUr. men�.,f prominen� �e� whO"COIDe' :. e. DOnI, 0 _�'l����.) .,., .: .. �;.�?-!tt· he retu::V::r �� �o� .than"'th� Mathews. ,:. to the . city .a· duty formerly dis- � DOW .. fO.�d l�licieD_t �.��. .' . : � ',�.;.,::;;I·: :yards,-. leal at 15 own S I Gale (c:aptaia), Sylla, NOOD. FaesS1a. .'ch. 41-aA.. ' • bv the Grad.a.te. CI. ub� '.' .Th. e: : ���. �� : :�_���;.��: . /_. # '. :_.t,�.�.. �._'. - in' d�ging. Magee: distinguished Hall (captaitl), Hook, PId, KerwiD..' .' ""� ... � ./. uuuy , - T�'..'. ' himself b_v bucking througb the line . � (captaiD.'), Beary, J;radl... p.�. me�tiers are, 'ho�fQl of obtainlDg ..• . '" .' -.:. . : . ' .. : .' .. .:-- ..- ;.,��; ; .�:- '.permanent quarters ·in the DeW stU-. Tha� the acco�m�atio� are n��o ", � ... , y.,�i for a pin of 10 yards, dragging with ' dents' dub-house, now being builJo always' to be SO limIted is Dot.to he . , r ['ir' .' him.• hatf .. a:d0�" fres�men, a�d also Qaada·1Jb BgU4Iap V� .doubted, �ut just· w� ·tIt�:� �." . {�f:p,. -; by bas consiStent punting. Beach was Adjoining either wing of the new commodation ,ate goIDg .. to be. aDd. . 'i._. '. :tried freq. uebtly by the. Sophomores Schoql of EducatiOD buildiDg, and �hen they will be, caD. �Dlybe,.�n.-. ., -:' --_,�. for roDS, aDd seVeral times·sar..c:eed- connected With the main �ifice by jectnred. Those in Control refuse to· '1/ �1" ed in circling the Freshman ends two-story galleries, stand two small The, executive committee of the divul� their plans for the future. It .only to be downed by Andrews, who church-like buildings, each' sur- Senior Class, in its regular weekly is' understood , however, that the plans'was playing back for the fR:shmell. mounted by two stone emblems, meeting. yesterday afternoon, com· are in some waYincorporated· ia theHonors me more eyenly di'Yided which might represent anything from pleted arrangements for the social plans for' the'DeW musical college,on the Freshman side. No brilliant a cross to a lamp.post. These build- gathering to be held by the class on aDd that later in the year more winruns were made because of the ability· ings have been the cause of some the .evening of, December 6, in the .: � known. of the .futare.of the SOphomore ends, Friend and conjecture among the studentsj the women's new gymnaSium. A form'Johnson to .break up interference. mystery, however, has been solved. . of invitation was. decided upon andHowever, Oliver, Buckwalter, and The lower ftoor of the west building every member of the Class wi�1 be theMefford made many short and steady will be used as a Faculty. room. recipient of one of these invitations.�ains through the line.. Oliver also Above it will be a small theater and The special features for the evening.more .than held his own in punting. stage for use �D oral reading. The will not be disclosed beforehand, butAndreWs, the freshman q\\a���,. east "church" will be utilized in the the committee gives the 'assuranceused .. liis - head to good advantage,- ground floor as a baby·room and. that a -very unique program has been.and would have done better �f �is kindergarten. In the ftoor above, a prepared. President Harper "trill be. .' (Colatimaecl oa page 3-J large playroom will be located. present to meet the class;' The '66 medics have elected the'. following oflicen: . Preslden,t, C. V.··R1asIeIl;. "rice· president, W. Ham-'­. berger j secretary, L .. ' C. : �yers ;':lC9uncilmen: D. W. Day, L.. �)�yers,'J�es Churchill, 'c. U.��OhD,Sundwald.; . . '. ��::':�f;':'';': .. ". ...--.��.� ..'BO.&RD 01' DlTOaaBIJ8DIB88 ST.&FP" - � '-i-H1l i>:u.y � THIl MoKnn.y MAJIOOMBusioesa Muacer -" - - BYROM G. MOOIIAuistaDt Basioesa MaU£C_r - J UUAN L. BmDjAdYert� M� - :. - PLATT M. COICJll.ADRush Medic Yauaeer - • C. H. McKIDCJCASecretary. - - - hIlD \VOImfDCG'TOK, 'AHlicllm" ",d, f- ,,,try lIS s,clI1Ia-clllSs ",111·In- attlu Clui:.� P(lst-ll/fie"Dally Subscription, $3 per 4 quarters I $ 1, for 3 monthsBy IlaJlln city 14 per 4 quarters I $1.25 for 3 months5Dbscriptl-s receiYed at --The MarooG" <MIce. first ftoor thePress BulldIDC, or left IIl"Tbe MarooG" Boz, the FacultyEKhaDce, Cobb Hall.I� EDITORI ALSCongratulations on Saturday'scheering. More pr�ctice, and let's,do it again on Thanksgiving. -The L�ws have been at the U. of C.since September; so we have heard."nne Times The Laws are at the lJ·Three, the of, C;, so we heard andLa ... !" saw, yesterday. ·And we.,are to be congratulated on havingsuch a bodyguard'as Professor ,Bealecommands." ', The Medks 'came 'to the U� of C.one year before�" and we knew it." They came to the first divisiQn meet-,ing' �d introduced themselvc:s with ayell they�ba4 been taught at Rush;then" they rushed down a man' frointhe -baCk �ow of Kent t() the plat�fOIm arid' return., ,Then they woreaprons �f white" and, caps :of red, and'brought an" ossified standard and a.' yell-master to the games. And we, were" Sure' the 'MediCs were here.And' ever siJice· that' time we, havebeen ��idng to Me4ics for aid andsupport in everything; and we get it.. �ell, the Laws came here, and weknew that. ''VIe looked for a pressbuild,ing.and 'we fo�nd a law school.We adv�sed the preliminaries forthe deqate �d our �� turned out.We ,have a . football ,team and theLaws," joined in.'" Then they per­suaded some football men to becomelin, : iiid .brought·�, 'as gladS,'other �ctiv:e' men we feared We hadon' the, "non-residence alumni list.". ..TheD thiDgs were quiet for a longwhil�" but it was' the stillness thatprecedes a storm. Y esteroay in Kentthe storm broke and the law students .introduced themselves to all lhe stu- 'dents, who were eager to �ivethem.It was an auspicious introduction.We are sure the'Laws are here! Wecount on the 'aid and support of theLaws, and we have it.,0• !,"".r: )• '''Close organization" is the sloganof the class of 1903. This early inft. Work ·the . year a general recep­oftJae '01'. tion h� been planned and'announced. The senioI:S have de-. termined to know each other. OtherTeceptions are to follow until. this is, accomplished., The .cl�:of 1903 pled�d them­selv��o.� J�;� 7 last, at th,e c10siDg.. ,' iug yest�rday in, spirit but: not in EFFORTS fiiiiiiiiiiii�5�flesh, 'are looking with great eXpeCta-tions towards the completion of Man- -�oa:ASIONS l:t"'dr_Qjr'ViSll��!ld�l Hall. We' may.be 'thankbIf that ' ��.r:s�ch' a building is '�pidlv'Dearing ����completion. ' .• ,�:::)ct:J!�,,_�ad coDep QI'eeI'\:;:A QIIiINAL CoNFEssION =t�' ...Like diamoDds. my sweetheart's eyes'shine; .� .. 1d6,f-"..aThey are gems that are far 'above price. . =� � - ·If the craft of ,a night thief were mine, PJice, .. PWtpaId.I'djast try to burgle�her-eyea. -. CIGdI ltD .... ·Watch for TB& MOlf'l'BLY MAROON, a 1IDIDa. JIOBtZmaguiDe of massacre... ..." • ,. • "13-14 Cooper "..,...., •• ' Y. CItJNothiDg to Nothing'- This shows that the" F' 7 '.,�.,_ ...."UDder-dassmeia haft a proper appreciation oftheir iDsignifiamc:e.Ei)l�R;Qn;Saturday last my fiDucial exchequer'sutaiDed . a COlDpoaDd fracture In the southeud of Manball Field. When the wreCkage_ cleG'ed , ... y I diacoftred . .that &boat tellbones were missing. Wh.t shall I do to.re-COftf my DOrmal condition? .. •MARCUS �t7ULlt7S Doouv., Try soaking your watch once • week until, the next remittance comes. If J01' baftn't awtftcb borrow one.And there are a great many people in our· Uni.ersity who are wondering whate,.er· possessed them to register for History I.Never mind-we may have cause 'forThanksgiving anyway.. .class by their organization and its re­sults. Each individuai student mustfeel that he is a component' part ofthis class which has taken a definiteplace in the University history. Theclass organization will be continuedafter graduation, and each year willsee the fruits which sprung from the .first organization. After all, the or-'ganiiation of the class of 1902' wasbu� an expi:ession by that class of itsloyalty to, and love for, the University:This fact 'is the creditable thing inclass organization. It was because1,902 realized what the Universityhad done for it as a class that itgathered . together to give expression,on its last days, to words of love andpraise for the alma mal".I' ,, The student body appreciates. theaction of t,he'Class of 1903 and wishesto congratulate it for so early in theyear taking steps to provide exercisesfitting to th�ir'last days 'in the Uni­versity. T�e class .spirit that 1903has shown surely marks them as oneof the loyal classes of the University.,May all theiI:,effo�, in 4eveloping:aclose organization and a strong classspirit be· marked with success, so thatwhen they hand down' th,e 'Cap andGown to the' n�xt class they may see .in it tbe'l�n of loyalty-inspired by1903.Those who attended the mass meet- .lBWS ROM THE UlOVERSlTIESThe annual Sophomore· Freshmandebate at Stanford will be held on thenight of February 13., VanderbiitUniversityhasthehonor: of beiDg the first college in the South,afterJphns Hopkins, to have a teacherof Assyrian.Representatives from the Univer-· sities of Washington, Montana, Ore­gon, Idaho, Washington Agricultural· College and �O()I of Science, Mon- Men who 'have always lived in Chicago don't need to be told.where the best things in their lines are to be found. ,We. havelong ranked with the foremost haberdashers and clothiers.SUITS DRESS SUITS OVER!:OA TSSHIRTS NECKWEAR UNDERGARM ENTSSWEATERS GLOVES SOROSIS SHOESThe buying prestige of our great organization enables us to quoteexceptionally low prices on the above lines.FAULTLESS' FI�MEN'S APPAREL'f, ..It ••.•. ",. l' '.' . " .......... , (f!I:- -... 1111.', • .., � , .. ' rfil, � ,., • .,(,".,\<1",-,' "J w .. ·)"l '..-1' .. '1"\ _·'''",,·,#''4I'·''''·i� •• '.' •.•••. ,\1.. ... -,;.���"�.f,., ���.;,.'�_.I� :,"\l-� � .• �� .£: ••. i\ .... ;� .!'.�.l 't� . jl- ;.·ff-'''':'':'�:�,..t''''; f j,. • ""- .�.j" � ..... �. ,It. -:", It :� ....., .. t.I.I-;�'�·:. I :j"��; ,,(J,.! .. � �'(.' .. i'" r"'·. ' .J .. �. � 'I I. ,:: .,,,�,, '" ,.'� .: 't� 'l'J � � �l' .. c: . � oJ ...... ,...�. "4. " , ....... �, ' ... - I .t � ...... it. .......... ,. � � -. � ':"l -1 I� • ",' "" � � I .. � ,?�J;y.' '" :::':\,' , ,{ ,) , I,' , , OBi0400. �DAY,�.NOVmElt 18, 1900 '. :";J:� .. ,�;: � • fill _. • . , • • "�':.�: I -� Th� �;P�:.,"too'.f ,exercises of the � � i90l, to caDy. �a state College of A�iculture and',. ,. r-t, .. t1�afcwe:..oWeeld)".' out to i'ts limit the plan 'of class or- Mechanical Arts; Oregon !\gricul--'.: • '" • ' r <.- . "1 tie '.:..:1' ted 'b' th - I'" tural College,' �hitman College, and,. .'.. � . ' - ,gaDl a on &Yop y at c ass. P fi C I . S tann. t1� af cIaiaieo weUJy .: oC.oba I. alp The young lady' who received the cap , aci c 0 lege, met at' po e 'onTBIl DAILY � _. Oc:eobu's... October r r.and formed an intercol-.. and gown officially for the class of . legiate athletic association, to be...,.iahediatbelinaala,oI tbe .... � ott... 1903, said: "We have learned from' 'known as the Northwestern Intercol-!'..����c��tJ!'u:�tyt;=r.- "1�02 what tc do, and 'we mean to do legiate Association.-Ez.I. PJaat bOucI 01' _eon ad basi-. aaaaeu ·it." Wha� could be plainer? The' "Say, how did you get offin the� by 1 •. bc!d7 iIl .... !DeCt1Itc May 150 class of '1903 stands pledged. Such glee clubtry-out?" ,,KClDbcnhip OD �t bouda of edieon to be thusi ' d' I d b he "Made first bass on four bawls.-detenDiDcd bJ ClDlDpctitioa opal to all ItUdcata iD the en usiasm as ,lSP aye y t e rep- ChapIlTal.. 'UDiYClSity. resentatives of, 1903 on the class day A new Y. M. C. A. building, theof 1902 cannot be mistaken. gift of James Renwick Hogg, is inM_", Editor • • HIIUUT £.. FuMIIIG What does this organization m. ean 'News 'Edrtor • .'. Ouvar. B. WYIIAII ===============================AthlcticEditor • ROUJrI'L. Hillin.).. ior the class of 1903? It means, first, '.' AUOCIA'I'Il Iml10as of al], that they' are to take a definite..... JlClS F. TISCHIl �It McNAIREuP.GALa .. ADllUKuT.SnwAa' part in the making of University .W AI.ItIla G. McLAUIlY' FaAJlIt R. ADAMSAusmr A. HAYDU history., They are acting in a man-"9MU IlDItOUner to mark them as an individ';alMISS Q)mcZUA s� SIIITH MISS JUUA C. HOBBSO E. BURN�AMHAIR GOODSELECTROLYSIS .,I'IIcIal --.., __ lc1II'IIlr, La41 .. ' Hair, »n.IDr aDd JlaaleurlDr, La41 .. 'Tll1'ldah aDd a • .uau Ba&blCHICAGOADropToo,MUCH"!8EITLE.E.WIG DRESS FUll STYlEIEATiESS. AID COIIFOITWEll THE .PIlGIEDB.OSTON, ,aARTER..... ne ......It.,... ..,""loop-.�h.":�n If" CUSHIONII"� BUTTONCLASPu .. nat to tit. a..c- ......III,., T Ullfaatea.....,., 8IIIl caeeoalk.IIaUed oa nmJl& or �...Fr..tc... .................. 8...:1. �on at Lafayette. It is to' beknown as Brainerd' Hall.The faculty' of Washington .andLee University suspended all ruleson the occasion of a football victoryover the Virginia Polytechnic Insti­tute.-Ez.The ,Minnesola Magazine has of­fered $100 in prizes for the encouragement of literary w�rk among thestudent body. There are four prizes:$50, $25, $15,and$10. Theconiestis open ro all undergraduates of theUniversity of Minnesota.-Ex.FAULTLESS STYLES·MENS FURNISHINGSMonroe Building Cafes�r 551g JIonroe Ave. El��ceHanc1somest Appoiftiect Cafe in Hyde :ParkBreaJd.ast, J,uncheon and Dinner8errice prompt aDd fa1l1tJeu. CufaiDe 1IDUCelIecl.SpleDdid view of the Campus from the DiDiDCRoom. : .: : UDinraity Students Welcome.P .... Loues Adjasted BaIIclIDP APf'I'IlisedMcKEOWN BROTHeRSCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS"9,,·,,06 East ,,7tb Street .'PboDe Drael 12961Balldiues remodeled &lid repaired. Fiae iuteriorcarpeuter work. Saore- aDd offic:e-filtiDg. Hardwoodfloors. Ouly fint-class worlaoc:D employt:d. Conttactors to the U. of C.., I,.In Union there is� StreDgth !Also COmfort if you have yourUnlon "Suits:Made to Fi�.,We make 'UNDERWEAR to Measure., . �so S�EATERS. etc. }�.�. lf;-: :.,", -it .�.,'.• . ," :.' I .••!�TR,�.U���H,N KNITTING CO.N�W� Cor. W�h ave. and Adams streeL:FOQtb� by RuleIs j�t � popular and· meets with ap­. Jft� •. �"i1y as TaIIorIDg ti�:, We ,Know AD About It-T�, "e mean-both � theory. and practice, and are anxious to, theorizewith )'OQ' aDd 'practice on you to yourentire satisfaction. We ha.e those'NewWea-.es ad Late Desips, aDd S1dIledWorkmen to <oDStnIct a Garment thatwill make' � COI"I'edIy drased.Besides; you do' your selecting by day.1igb� aDd �that is • distinct adftDtase.All these tbings conspire to make ourCFcn:the BEST DUSSED among theirM. J. CO�F�Y,,I U�5-1 107. Aaodatioa. BUi1diucJ53 LA SAUE ST.• '. TRa· ••_-...-.--= ....... LEADI'N G, '.BARBER ••First�lassWork OnlyJ.R.POXProprietor�I B. S5tIl n.cor.JecUoan,B. L. A'Ma Established 1873 H. R. PAVLOET THE BE_STAmes', 'Hats$2 La� Exclusive Hat $3Stock in Town: : : :1'1 A I', B. .MADI-'ON ST., ..r LA .5AU.8v, , l' '" .·.t.�·' .... ·'" ..•. " .;; 4 ....:.., : I, '. , ... ., r, -�"'" .' .", ''';{ J' � ... .» J' .... �.� • ., .• _":. "!:' .. ' : l'.!,",�,,: <��.� .. :; ��. I!:--"� 10,:," r" • ' r, �.,/.� .:< .�.' .. ��t.' f��\.,{�:��� ':!"'�/"".' � �''''.. ;: '�'.' ;'::!' :-:.;-.;�'t!,>t,�:�"',�i\. \"If·;:};"f::,.· . ...; ��N·r:!,r(t:,;::·�����!� .• .(;\�:.' .... !::��':. :, ... ·:;,:i::,·�-;·::···�'.:··.·.' I' " ", �.' ,'. -: :�.,�, .', �.'. ,',' ". ' I"t, :"6'; "1" '�. ..' .,' �.. ,",' ,'�\"" '.* •. :/'�. \#{ •• t' .• ':"�"'t '" � .{�·\.I:. ... :�l .w •••• �,,�·1'.J'--:� ''; .,,.�.�.';'�¥:J�' ,�, , ·. " .,.'Cm".' ��.�2::.:�:�::.18�·.:�< " .. ; ... �: .. : .�"" > ::, , .. '.; .:.: :.. � �'���:��::; !�(;� .. ��:... : 7�f;?:��·�!';�l.�}.{'tl:.':�,�r:; . "".,r- • -.':;� A .SUCCESSFUL Punts From'�e.B\eachers I' .c).·ll�'Tt.�RA '·'�1�� ':��t A' T -1 . L GoLDSMITH •. Dir«IW. �....., 0IIce It.we.c8.,' ,��' .. at or· ' [Continued from page. I.] Detalla ,of tJae Game· lloom6-sC)Dcadlanaabeet II'33A1b11CtoaplllCe:. . . , Roan I. to. r.... Houn 9 eo II A.M •• to 7 ....",,:"'� plays had .oot been influenced by the Oliver, '06, kicked off to Friend, who ran Telepboae State 53 TeJcPboM lIebDoat 1393� arguments of his' team-mates. the ball back 6ve yard •• The Freshmen held: .f....,. f . on the fint down, .but an off-.ide by Hughes' FOR SHA MPOOING::'.",; '1Il' During the first hal Coach Stagg� in the next play gave the Sophomores ten� didn't stay on the .side-Hnes as usual, yards. A bpck through the line gave 'oS,WTh ? but followed the plays closely from another yard. but Beebe wasstoppedfora lOIsf ��.. '.' ' . _ . Y,'. _ the field. He was evidently amused on the third down and '06 took the ball. Oli-�, .-. ver went throug' h the line for two vards. but.�� and even smiled at some of the plays. on the next down Buckwalter was 'unable to� ��.::'.�,'" . McMillen, who coached the fresh- circle right end and Oliver was forced tor ... man team, and Magee, who acted in punt. Hat6eld ran the pigskin back 'to the .�,. �". � that capacity for the sophomores,' 2S-yard line, where the Freshie. held and� Because I sene the members of the Univer- d hi'" d'" d forced the Sophs to kick. An off-side in '06's�. ., prove t emse ves WIZ8r s 10 e- line was penalized ten yards. . Then McGee? sity with BXCBPrIOBAL SKILL, and give my veloping such fast team work and went around left end for three yards and a... .tift· . such good defense in so short a time. straight buck made it first down. Again... V# ,CLOSBSTAftD, TlOB,.totheir,work.aodcany h f h' h ld d M ed f 5t"' • Each ,w., as' confident . in the ability of t e res res e an agee punt or 0 •" ,I", the BEST AirD LARGEST COLLECTIOB of The ends went down the 6eld fast and cap-'1 ' his respective team before the game,. tured the ball (In a fumble.' ,CI) --;oolens to seleCt from. and they were equally confident aft- At this point the Sopbs began to hammer:; '�"'" erwards. ,Certainly ,�eithe� has rea- the Freshman line for big gains. Be,ac:hd,. .... Convenient to U. of C. ..son for discourageme nt. went through the line for three yards,. ani_ ::::- Magee pi,*ed oul the same hole for another�, ,be •. • • •. ten. . The 'Freshmen held on their' own .::� .rt W illiam Sach en Intemews �r the Game 2s-yard· line and made 6rst down in two• Coach Stagg :-No new football material plays. Buckwalter made a pretty start; :' t/J 320 5ljth st., near Monroe ave was brpughtto light by the Freshman-Sopho- around right-end, but Magee brought him"�.' CI) more game. down, Oliver was then given the ball on�:� .. :. .L •. .M..ANAS S E�. OPTICIAN Field Captain Magee, 'oS :-1 guess it falmostoodever:y plaYTahndSwenhst throdugh thd � .�n� :�; -,"'" 88 M8dlsoa se., TrlbaDe BalldlaK w.asn't 30 to' 0 anyway. We needed more or g gains, e op ma e a rdecil. e.... Spectacles ud ByeCtusea Sc:ieDWlc:a1ly � signal practice. With Granbe�g in the game. stand on the third down on the 50-ya Ine,�': .'. EyeaTested Free we would have won. but Oliver shot through tackle for two more� eRe E�1I2 Optical Captain Hall, '06 :-We did not play our . good gains. .'( �:'���.ud· game. Our interference did not get together. 'By this means the F�eshmen got down to" for the Lantemist.· If'another game is arranged weexPectto win the. 2S-yard line. On being forced to .kick,.f:: ' , . Eoclab, cameraa it. Some of our best men were declared in-. Oliver went back in position to try for a drop-. . ud SlIpplieL eligible. 'kick goal from the 6eld. But the ball was;::: ., �� BROTIIERS • •• passed high, and Oliver tQed 'to run with it.�\: : .I� ,� ,�Th- . I' d " f As a Sophomore was (Iff·side, the '06's were,.. e t�ams IDe up as ol1o\\"s:•�;. .. Reasonahk and Reliahle Rd:ai1ers SOPHO .. ORES. FUSH .. IDI. given ten yards. Olh'er tried for anothero �. FrieDel R E H lies 'field-gQal but hiled. This was the' only�, :"0 of e..� . E:'��;;;:'�;;i;:·ii;:��;:�:::�:�:·:::·::::·� r�D,c�s�,�e�����:���P��J� ����: Gri4ley L G ; GaJe ,..;�. t "\ T�� Cor. 63cl � aad Kimhark ave. BllnOU£hs L T Staib spicuous feature ofthe- contest.. Toward the�i. �,\J ifhnlOD L E. WriEht end of the half Oliver outwitted him cleverly�, '�:: ColumbiKalMScB LLhooH ILLof Music' e.�.:.:.�·.·:.�·.�·.�·.:.�·.�·.:.·:.�·.:.�·.·:.:.�.·:B.B:·.:·.:� .. �.. :.:.:.�.. :�.. �.. �.:.�.. :__.H.abc:oc:JcO=l:..t�' .��l: I::: �; �:n�,!::.�n�Yt:�ro��y' ��i .• " J� MY:.ad :....... ."e. � .. -. line. But the Freshmen could not withstand• f. \14 Alf:.e �::��\iiiie:.nds���)l�":;I:i':! the rushes of the Sophomores, and they car-;; ;_� MUSiC�ew�!=�t�C::�e�..:nCing Buckwalter. ried the ball out of danger.;,:: CuKE 0sa01lKll REIED. Louts McDoNALD,').; 0 DirectOr BuslDesaMa�. 1 MAJOR.5 and M:nI'0.R.5, 'I 'I �USH, MEDIC' NO�ES 1'. 0 1111'" HARDWOOD FLOOR8• _ • _;��,',�,' "tV �nfAi� E. BZ;'��;!�.X�o.. . The only bad errot: in the ��w .Decennial..... �IIIIIIIIIIIII Souveni�. of. the. �niversit� is, the placing ofS H E E T M U S I C the n�me Wilbur S. J�cktrian under the pic-:�\ IlII!!\ -. .. '.... .. ; lure of WillllfCi A • ..5mith. .'1 w.. TALKING I The olhe�; day. � English'. p�f�r, in���.�."'.,,' 23c. aDd .... A 'CHINES'. ',' 23c. !:' .. giving " suggestions for an editorial, men-:.: .I..� tioned th� coal strike, saying that it /Was "a.Stdnwa HaD burning subject." ·!:);e later denied that he·� .�.. The Mask:;:;. J. � Y - 'meant aiiY-pun.' '.(.'� M� Stella Moore haS been forced to giveft.' ,..,. TeIepboDe 71.8 Oaklud up her work in the University on ��t' ofill health_ She,left for Kansas:Cuy to-day,.� ,:.. 'A. McAdam'.s· - 'where she will remain until after Christmas.�'. '.-. MisS Moore' hoPes to "attend . the' University{: _ THE UNIVERSITY FLORIST of California in the winter. quarter and re-. tum here for the spring quarter. Her s��r ;GREENHOUSES: • _ CHICAGO' will remain at Foster.. ' . .Car. s]d at. aad Kimbuk 11ft._ . . .----------,-. -.-.-.-, -,-- At the meeting of the French Clnb yester-St . ..' .Moving day afternoon a play called "P�e� aax. 'or-ag-e·--· ... -- . ·Etats Unis"-by �- Chevalier wa51t1ven- The.'Pa"w",,,, . parts were talte� by MIle. Ashl�an and M_, -...,. (.."bevalier himself. Later tea �: ser'!edTeIepIIoae, ""z u4 ....... atwortIl and some very 'interesting and amUSlDg�S�&vAirCO. games were played. _ Thev0tc:taken.bythe6154 to Ida WeatworUl A.....· club; �'to wbether to bold tbelr �tiD� on .BRAlICB2 I3QII'Cotlap Groft· ATe_ Mondays or ThUrsdays, resulted 1D theude-, : ciding to meet regularly on Thursday �r- .Pboae en.,. G3 s.Ita QIIed................. noon. The next meeting of the clnb willJ •. JAOODZINSKI, TAI�. have to be the first ThutSday, after Thanks-���CAGO'. '�'i ", .. %aac- giving..The German Conversation' Club h�d ItsBOUTU' A - D A TDV 'CO . regular weekly meeting iJi H�ell. M�. _ .. �-'Y,.�'_ - _AAa.A__ . � .. '-Monday; .r ..... o�ocr.--About SIXty memberswere � aad passed,the � pJeasandyin playing a Gennan guessing. gam.e, at, which, Mr. Cabin won th�. prue� . �ftercoffee bad. been se� � members )Ol�ed�I'- • s_" .. . in a hearty" chorus of· German p'>palar aDd� 18 Bottled £II th� Ccnmt:rY '�otic IOUgs. and . adjourlled 1D ex�ts irits at 6 o'clock. . Tbe ,next meeting ofIf Yo 11 Are Sic k tre club will be.bdcl Monday. November �. .' ',.wiIheqGiR· .... &t4'o'cl&:k:iil ltiikelL r.�:·.A�P U R '" M '" Die IN'" S ,talk. oii NirlIberg aud AlbMbt�, by. r. r. .r. "M: •• Ktttrll-_; ,Fn,'euds of the clnb are> cor-. U JGa .n: well ,_ will wish tIM: bat 01 ... lUUI_'BDIt&L 8VPPID8 .. dially inTi� to attend.=: Avery's PharmaCies The ex�ve board of tbe Inter-�cademicssth ad Momoe 11ft. 57tIa ... Conlee Gmft 11ft. Debating League held its first meeting of the.SeasOn last SatUtday at the Great N�em,hotel ·Questions for·debates were dead�. aDd the following -officers ..elected: Presi­dent, C. F. Axelson, of South Side Academy;Vice-President, Mr. Ferry, of Armour Acad­emy; Secretary G.S. BroWD, of NorthwestemAcademy; Tre'asurer, G. M_ SalisbUry, ofMorgan Park Acad�y. These �fljce!, con­stitute the student representatives ID theleague. J. M. Cro_e, of S. S. A., J. B. Bur­gess, of M. P. A., F. M. TisdeJt, of A. S. A ..and.G; W. Briggs of N. A., are the faCilItyrepresentatives. '••• O� .•...Q),. � Indian Curio Co�.., LARGBST STOCK OP� Comer 57th. INDIAN CURIOS� Stolley IaIaD4 IB Tn WOItU). no. Ano , , 0 .. t t. .01tTII AJDIUCAII D'D1&l(__ .... Pte.t ...... 'l'ItIBD. , 0peIl a.aIqI To BOmin&te IIaraha11s. At the meeting of the Senior Col­lege Council this· morning it wasdecided to call a special session ofthe councilors Thursday morning �t10:30 in 9C Cobb, to Dominate mar-shalls for the ensuing year. . ••• U ••• '••BBLGIN, SKIN &lid SCA.U» SOAPThe Beat Medicated Soap OD the Market.8eDt by mall. as ceata. prepaid.THB BELOUII DRUO CO.,... ,� St..Daau BIde. _T� HarriIoa qI. BARBER SHOP ..... '.::!{�! .. :_,·"·::,ii-.. )�- ::�·':.1i:�1. �' �'.::. '�L�r.:r.;.• � ,.. �..r..�.=: .• i' ,', "":·��.ft)�.i: ·� ... tIUD. PAItE.&IID CBlCAGO &BACK aTABLBSJ� H. KINTZ(noral&TOe)JacksOn� Park Stables273 But Pifty·8eTeDtb streetTcL,Oaklaad 552 CHICAGOScheyer,Hoglund CO.TAILORS89 East Madison St., -' �uit� 9-12Your iJl8pec:tioD of our wooIeufor Pall and Winter� I�is in'rited _. •• ••BOOK�S• '.J •Law,-.aic:al" 'College. lead_dc, �. ad £clacatiaDal Boob caaaJlY' '�:. ',;'HE�JS 41:5 It: Pll"T!'-8BYB1ITIl8'i" •,,"��� .entoCOl'.8f� '.LESTER BARTLETT Jomul" -: . .'?: .T� .. "Dbedar or.ask·· ;Vocal bItmctIaa '11Ie uahenit)o oIOak::1Pjsc.dio: 5J31O.aball BaD. ,.as- boa1. � w ..... _.A 'n�w X-ray 'machine' haS been recentlyplaced in the nervous disease. department ofthe Central' Free Dispensary. It is run byelectric power, and is one of 'the best ma-chines of its kind. 'The st�dents are· sipiag the tally ho ,listsin large numbers, and Rosh. will' ha'Ye as.many snpporters and rooters on the 6eld astheir opponents. The'Universityof Chicago'. Band will add pady,� ,the �joyment ofthe game for the Rush, meL' Details of, thetally-bo parties will. be announced ,later :through the.columnsof.TBJul&ILY MAJt.OON. ;.We . sincerely hope that all.the.Hull Court�ntingent will attend the game.. ... The football .JIlCIl� are. working; as thq .never .'haVe' 'done' �ore, fos:' Wednesday'sgame with P- &: S;- il4st Dlght's practicewas long· and, hard, u_d the individual :workwas excellent �a :sIt01i-ed rapid progress to­ward good, consistent team work. South-=­worth will play Pleison'. tackle, aDd Speedin tum will take; Southworth's guard. ThesechangeS ha'Ye been llec:essitated' by' the 'factthat'Pienon. Will not be in the city for thegame.. ,Two full team& lined up ag&lDst oneanother last· night.- &Jld pl.yed for two aDda half, g90d boQrs' on. the Hamsou st., prac­tice 6eld. TOnight' •. work will- pncticallybe a ��tiOD' of I�( night's praCtice.�URLESQUE GAME HOn y� CONtESTED� Cl.b1'iesJlmelr c� Cd Up". W'rtIl Great 81M:ceII Between Bahea. ...:.' ." : Satlirtay· .The burlesque �me of the Th�quarters ClUb freshmen, between thehalves of the'-=.;Cbicago-Micbigan.game, ended With·the SCOre of "28-28_� CapUinsJ Hall':aud' JohtisoU"'pJaYedstar. games, making' the first twotoucl!do1flls for their respective teams.The playen appeared clad in whitedUck trousen and' straw' hats, and'Hunt Henry, who did good workas water carrier, was dressed, in ashort red, ski'rt 'and a sun-bonneL..There was quite a' dispute over thefirst attempt at goal, as the sawdustof the ham which served as a foot­ball, oozed out on one side of thebar, while the skin slid over on theother. After the ham was out of thegame a can with a string tied to itwas used, and the battle-cry became"rush the can." The game wascharacterized . by preal!anged longend runs; and Hall's team displayedlack �f practice. Between the halvesof the game the men were refresh�. by draughts from bottles of milkwhich the s�phs. forced them tocarry. . Length Qf halves-threeminutes. ,Express ServiceUIIIted.5atu Bzpraa Co •. PIId8c I!zpreU Co.. .�' waterp � c:o._ ." .. '$������}�;$.�Information. Office:' COBB HALL. ·MUS-8EY!.S.;·- �'-.:. .�'.- .. ��,�::�:The Lar8est an�: Finest "Amusement,. Resort in the World.' ..100 to .loS' MADISON '�,. ' ...Da. W.J. Comr _. ....p..' I 'aDwO.k: 4 •,�. ;.',' .174-17' STAnt STRJmT�,1bIa ItaIa.:e � a- ..'V. H. DECKER,' WATalMAKERSf. B. ...... '... JEWELERc::nICAOO .'Phoae BIae DII5Sherman Oyster House. and Restau rant '(RAlIDOLPB u4 CLAIUt ST&.)..... 7 I.ada ... After.'ftIatu Rnort.1Il&Ja.aua Calabae. IIocJuate Pdc:eI : : :AtllSi& nJny n1nfillg /,1»11 6 I� 12 •P ••• - ............... ItU PH 'IItMmttee .. Dm.. PadII; II1I'I • __............. :::::::::. GreatestClothiers.. '•Hats, Caps,Furnishings,..i.\'. :,', - .�: ,', .�"-"-r 'V·:'"and Shoes' ••Por MEN aad BOYS.I .' Tn BB8'1' 18 CIIBAPBST.. Celebrated 'Hats ." Styles and .Qualities IAlways Progressin" .• •. ,PAUID Boos. .mnr YOKJt PIllLADBLPBU. CHICAGO, .. pre�ription Compounding'.' .j. J. 0 ILL,'1 Chemist and Pharmacist,Rosalie Pbarmacy.;v ,,, . - .:8. �O R·,D E.N ' �,.. CONDENSBD'MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM IUId BUlTERMILK(AU bottled ill the CXIIIDII,)Borden'S �nden� Milk Co •G'l-63S E..a 47th at.. -­., ..J .... ' ..,... �..� O&c .. �:;. ad, SbicIcIa 11ft.. '. BB8T .WORK IN CHICAGO. Any merchant may fooltlie public snu tillU,�utDO merchant can fool thepublic l1li llu /i.e..,We ;,n,er nn.' iIItnIIfit ..to fool you til 11117 �.II Honesty of purpose andprices" are the founda­tiOD' stones of this rapidlygrowing business-a goodbusiness policy by whichwe are best serving ourselves by thusserving you. 'Here is "the home of the smartestclothes in town"-where you get:\ •'l1Ie tallon' '!PI» pnDaItS, ':JOe'l1Ie tallon' S40 pnDaItS, I-S­'l1Ie talJoroa- ']0 pmans. .,.'l1Ie tallon' � IS­TIle tIIUon· tl pnDaIts, rOoOne price-plain figures-perfectsatisfaction or money back..all orden IIIed _me da:r nceIft4. CI�faa upreaed oa appronLM�ler'.5 "E.M." SystelJl.' 121 no.toest.,_' auk... ,....s. P. T.-rs, qc.Beary .Heinze, TailorP.E. $7da __ .. CHICAGO.'.l .. : .. Meeting of E�itorial Board, 1903 Cap andGown, Thursday, Nov�ber 20; at 10:30,Cobb Lecture Hall. ..All members of the University interestedin chess will attend the mec!ting of the Clubon Thursday, November 20, in Cobb, 13C •Ca1encl.r' for the WeekWEDNESl>AY, NOVEMBER 19.Division Meetings, 10:30 A.. M.: UpperSeniors, Haskell Museum; address, "Baete­ri a, " Professor Jordan. Lower Seniors, Lec­ture Hall, Cobb Hall; address, "Present Prob­lems in the Light of Histpry," by ProfessorTerry, Upper JUniors, Chapel, Cobb' Hall;address bv Professor Coulter, "The Evolutionof the Land Habit." Lower Juniors, KentTbeater; address by the President.The Woman's Union, Fifty-seventh st. andLexington ave., 3:30 P. M.; addresses by MissMcDowell, and workers from the Universityof Chicago . Settlement, followed by a socialhour. Special guests,· members of FosterH� •A Divinity Conference, Assembly Hall,Haskell Museum, 4 P. M.; topic, "The Prob­lems of the City.Church," by Rev. J-:dwardJudson, D.O.The Young Men's Christian Association,·Club Room, Snell Hall, 7:00 P. M. Subject:"'Jesus and Johni' Mr. Charles A. Huston,leader. .THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20.Chapel-Assembly.- The Graduate Schools,Chapel, Cobb Lecture' Hall, 10:30 A. M. Ad­dress by Dr. Edward Judson." The Women Students' Christian League,Haskell Museum, 10:30 A. N.A Divinity Conference, Assembly Hall,Haskell Museum, 7:30 P. M. Topic: "TheWork of the Instituuon al .Church," by Rev.Edward Judson, D. D.FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 21Chapel-assembly- The Divinity School.Chapel, Cobb Lecture Hall, 10:30 A.. M.Address by Dr. Edward Judson.A Divinity Conference, Assembly Hall,Haskell Museum, 4:00 P. M. Topic: "TheEvangebstic Work of a City Church," byRev, Edward Juckon,. D.O.. SATUR.DAY, NOVEMBER 22. Meetings of University: Ruling Bodies,Haskell Musc6m: The Faculty.of the Junior'Colleges, �30 A. II.; The United Faculties of; Arts, Literature, andScience, 10:00 A. II.;The University Senate, 11:30 A_ II.The Alliance Fran?ise. the Fine �BuDding, Room 439. 12:30 P. II. SUbject:" Pascal." Lecturer: E. Sicard.Meeting of the Cercle de l'Alliance Fran­�ise. the F'me Arts BuDding. in the roomsof the Woman's Club. 8:00 P. II.The University Band will' playWednesday afternoon for. the Rushfootball team in their contest' withthe P. & S. ColIegC;::.;.�;j .: :::-,; ...During the ciiri�tmas holidays-about twenty-five seniors and juniorsof the School of Commerce, of theUniversity of \visconsin� will take anextended trip through the East, visit­ing the large commercial houses andinstitutions of Milwauk� Chicago,Cleveland, Buffalo, Pittsburg, Phila­delphia, New York city, Jersey City,Albany, WashiDgton •.. and. Sault Ste.Marie. I -Two hundred aDcfone students, outof the seven hundred and fiftyen­rolled at Indiana U �iversity, have�ubsaibed '2,275 t� the studentbuilding.Miss Gertrude Troy,5748 KiDibaik. de­� to do oftic:e work i. �cbaDp for the De�f a typewriter. .Fo .. SALL-ODe tailor-made, silk-liDeddraa-lUit; also, ODe taxedo S1lit, same. Ad:,dress X Y Z. Muool'f ofIice.F« that Football Hair ase Far-Far.For a pod meal go to the Monroe ratau­rut, 293 E. Fifty-6fth at. Rates to students.It is better judgment to put oat a few dol­lars for a coat that will keep out wet adcold than to settle a doctor's bill, not to speakof the inconftnience. Browning, King &: Co.of Wabash a.e. and Madison It., baft thecoats at '10 to 140; rain coats, '12.00 up­wards; mackintoshes, $8.00 to '15-00.Manuscripts, letters, clrcQ)an, etc .. type­written at 5552 Lexiagton ave .. tbird ftat.U Fun aside; boys, listen! We willAn your garments keep in c6nditioD.Many want their clothes cleaned. pressed,anJdyed; ,'.Others waDt furnishings to make themlook brigbt ;Uader either cin:amstanc:e, come aDd.. 5" ee the cC"'_''' who abo do dress­saits rent. .. .1'.&JI01J8' TAILORIKO CO.,TeL Blue 3223 346 L' sstIa It. :A. LIPMAN .DiamondSzLoan Brokergg But lIa4iaoa It. '. .. .FIDe DiamoDda, Watcha, Jewelry, and A�tiques; WMcbea aacl Jewelry Repaired; Old Gold aacl SUYa' Bouch• Our' Splendid Stock of 'Mrs. Lena A. White guarantees to make-you an expert stenographer and typewriter orrefund your money. Hundreds \ ofstudents have ma.stered my system in onebour. Conti�uousschool session.' Individ­ual instruction by the author.,W h i te' s College, FI:tD��TS203 Michlgan .ve •.KSrAaLlSIIKD 1874W. T. keener & ce, B 0,0 K·.S!'MEDICAL BOOKSELLE�SPublisb�s. and Importers THE PILORIM PRESS (BookseUen)175 Wabasb ave.SoUCits the Trade of the StudeDts of Ch� UDi­'YCI'Sity. Wc w.ll quotc Spcc:ial Prices if you willmake yoursclycs blOWDo 'RECENT PUBUCAnONSat Bar.al a Pr Ice •Charles Major's Dorollry Yn"IItm.Doyle's Hound 0/ lire BasRervilks.Tire Story 0/ Mary MadAme •Pidgin's Blmnerlrasull.. AI. so many others that are slightly -45damaged at - - - - - - CThe supply fa limite4. •MaiD Stocc9OW ....... Ave ..( Fihh Floor) West Side StoreWood aad c:oaci-eu .Ma.MRS.i A.·'M_ TALLEY'M 0 DIS T E. SI�/1S ell/i,d tlr tlr;'rill,Jt,dFit £1I&raDtccd. TWCDty-1iYc yean' czpcricDce aIDOacour best families. Ezc:eptioDal refcl'CDccs furnished�lrcd. Goods aDd trimmiDes seleeeed, if rc-q 4545 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO.::�:=.WM. FREUND &: SONS174-176 State st. Oppositc Palina' House For Character Delineations SeckSUMBOLAShc SBBS iDbercnt qaalltin as contributed bTthe ruline lc�t.-at timc. of birth. AD aD-�-:�6BkriT?V::!rl:!�r=�S" UMBO A 4545 Wabash AvenueL CIIlCAGO, ILL." U.S�A.O'MEARA BROTHERS'H01�\'E . 'BA�ERY�: -:': IDakcs DOthine batStrictly Home-Made GoodsBread. Rolls. Pic, and Cake. Parties and w�, supplied OD short DOtic:c. Ices aDd Ice CI'e8lD to cr.dcr. . Don't fOfEct thc DwnbcJ-:II78 East sstll at.. .Are 'Correct for College Wear: 'PhoDe, Dn:xe:l 11921. .ENGLISH and SCOTCH ISUITINGSOar eRA VEl'fETTE, VICUNA. LAJIBS-.',' . WOOL, and CHEVIOT Shorthand I�O�REIn 40 to 60 days. OVERCOATINGS .Are just the things for th?seLong, Full OvercoatsSUlTS $25-$50OYDCOATS 25- 60lWBIIIBG SUITS· - 4D- 75JERRE"'S Tailor" for Toanc lIeD• .IlL, ut-13S LA. SALLB S'1'. .A. N. J .... R.DIS .. MJrI" •.•.. 'C oal--· & Coke Co .COAL AND COKEWeaverf�o ,..Su/Js(iluteMarquette Building63d and Wallace streets . H a »: d Coal- - ". -- . loth.. --street and Wentworth avenue?�,�_'�t;-l\Ndith ,.:.frenue and River' .w. -r. 'DBLIPHAHT.PruUInct II. C. O'DONNBLL-S«nM'7 ALBBRTTBBOTn4lnlrlrStandard Washed Coal Co.NEW KENTUCKY" COAL 'POCAHONTAS ; PEN-nARTBL. HARRISON 3137 303 DeaI'ItonI streetCHICAGOI. ������������.JOHN 'B. �T�TS:ON UNIVER�ITY , SAFnLIATED WITH THE :UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO .Students may work du�ng the Winter:_quarter at Stetson and receive.their credits at Chicago. .. , ' .'The equipment for work is good. At Stetson there is no snow, nofrozen ground, or mud. For recreation,. besides regular college ath­letics, there are fine 'opportunities for driving, bicycling, hunting,boating and fishing. Expenses, incl\lding railroad fare, are not muchin excess of those at Chicago •. For catalog, and further information,address the president, J. F. FORBES, PH.D.; DeLand, .Fla.�������������������.Men's Fashionable Furnis�ingsThe san,e recognized standards which in thepast have .characterized our Fashionable Furn­ishings for Men are invariably maintained.,Neckwear in University colors, and Shirts,Gloves, Pyjamas, etc., of the most select styles,-are offered at very moderate prices.MARSHALL FIELD 4 CO • ...I � ;t .f'1.....�� �.I.1-�:r�1J.{'�.-i!,t':},1..Aj-,J· ,�,?�.'��: ... i'1!J· e�i"ottj�1':-'l-I -l.,�'�1.:1j�'.�,ji.:..;;_''t!�10:1.',·t�'f;':,i;�.f·l.::':;.:R·'ii.'·��i.."!'-:i..'�.�{.:5J;�i".:r; ... :." ��-I;,:.�.; ��Iv.{t"\1-".'"",�..l�tj-·1· :1.�..4.. �t��i.�;.�-1r�;�!..;;.. �--:.. ;:�\ ;�!"��:.�i !.",.'-"