rI!,VOL. I. No. 34 Pab1Jahe4 Aftemoou by"tlle StucleDta of the VDlftl'8lty o� CbJca&o Darbl, the Four Qaartera of the viunraity YeaiCHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER '14, 1902WILLSTAND BYT'EAMMAROONS ARE READY .W_OLVERINE STAR PROVED INELIGIBLEMen in Excellent Shape and WillPlay �e of Their LivesTomorrowGREAT CROWD EXPECTED·fOn the eve of our game withMichigan we are all trusting to thepossibilities of luck, superior coachesand better men. It is true that wehave not the' surety of winningtomorrow's game, but those on theins\de of the Marshall Field fencesee hope" and we are expectinganother one of our periodic sur­prises which have been served atintervals in the past to the Universityof Michigan football teams. .During the past week the expert. football critics have been givingtheir opinions on the outcome of thegame, Most of these verdicts havepredicted victory for Michigan by alarge score. To add to their feelingof security a great number of hard­luck stories have. been circulatedfromthe Maroon headquarters, andit is true that, in the early part of thisweek we had very good grounds forfeeling despondent.But in the past three days our out­look has been entirely changed, andevery evening the coaches and menhave returned from practice with abroader smile, and great preparations. - -ban;-�en -made. tc-tbe-organizationof the rooting. I• • •No one has been-allowed '\0 watchthe Varsity practice forseveral weeks,and no real criterion of their ability'has been shown to the public. forthree weeks-since the Illinois game.A number of new plays which willsurprise the Wolverines have beenperfected during these three weeks,and the wisest among the Michigan­ders are not so positive of the out­come as the newspaper stories seemto indicate.Our ,whole University �iIl be atthe game tomorrow, with all thepent-up enthusiasm' of the season.Whatever the outcome of the gameis to be, every sportsman in the cityexpects to see a rare exhibition offootball, and the sale of tickets inadvance seems to indicate a greatcrowd of spectators.The line-up will probably be asfollows:. NICHIGAN..Name and positions- Age. Weight.Redden, L. E .........•.••.• 21 180Palmer, L. T 24 186McGugin, L. G •••.•.....•••• 22 . 182Gregory, C •......•.....••..•. 22 188Carter, R. G ...•..•..•..•.... 22 231Maddock, R. T � •.•.. 24 187Sweeley, R. E � ..•........ 21 170Weeks, Q. B ...••....•...••. 22 158Heston, L. H. B •••.••••••••• 20 174Hernstein, R. H B •....••..... 20 168Jones, F. B .•........•...•.•• 21 170CHICAGO .Name and position . AgeCatlin, R. E ••••••.....•••••• 20Farr, R. T ..••.••••••. ; .•••• 24Maxwell. R. G ••••••••.•••••• 19Ellsworth, C •••••...••••••••• 21Ahlswede, L. G. • ••• ; ••••••• 24Koehler, L. T ......•...•••••• 22Speik, L. E •.••••••••.••..••• 20Sheldon, Q. B ••••••..•••••••• 22Bezdek, R. H. B •••.••••...•. 18Schnur, L. H. B ••••••..•••••• 20Perkins, F. B •••••••••.•••••• 22Total weight of team--'<:hicago, 2,002;Michigan. 1,994.Average weight of team-Chicago, 182;Michigan, 181 3.11.Possible Chicago substitutes--catlin to.fnll-back, hison to left half, Wightman toript end, Jen.bon to right half, Hitchcock.10 quarter.\ .(t Weight178199229188197186174157169156168• • •I The Michigan alumni will hold their«nnu·(ContiDDeCi on page 3-] Best Mass Meeting in Historyof the University Held inKent this MorningSTAGG NO PROPHET _I' BUT I"Old Man's Words Arouse StucleDta­Rooters Gather at Open PracticethiS' AftemOonMcGugin, Left Guard, Has Played His Four Years of intercolle­giate Football at Drake and Ann Arbor-· Director Stagg GivesUnimpeachable Evidence-Case Questions Honor of Michiganin Carrying Out Conference Amateur Standing RuJes 'The honor of the University of .Drake and Gt-irinell. In every ac­Michigan is at stake. Mr. Stagg has count McGugin's name appears infacts showing positively that McGu- both the line-up and the write-up ofMichigan Visitors Will See New Plays �in, Michigan's star left guard, is the game. •Going Smoothly With Captain_,' ineligible to play in the game �o� , FimJ�ly �cGugin himself says hesiiei40D at� .morrow, He-has-already played In- -played football on the Drake Uni-tercollegiate footbaII, as a college, versity team of 18<)8. The confer­student, for the. four years allowed. ence rule which bars him then is this:The Michigan athletic board has de­clared him eligible. If he is putinto the game tomorrow Michigan'shonor in the" big nine" will be im-periled. ' .. During the past two months com-, munication after communication hasbeen received stating that DanMcGugin is ineligible to play thisyear. Owing to their numberMr. Stagg, who has, in thepast, placed his trust in the Michiganauthorities and given credence totheir; statements, this time investi­gated the matter. This is what he.found: From' a triend who lives inDes Mones, la., he received extractsfrom the old files of the Des Moin�s.Daily Capita/, which' gave the follow-ing information: .Dan McGugan played on the DrakeUniversity football team during the seasonof 1898.He played through part of the game againstGrinnell College on Friday, August 7, 1898.He played the whole game on:Saturday, October IS, as left guard againstthe State University of Iowa;Friday, October 22, u left guard againstMonmouth. 'Saturday, October 29, as right guardag�t.. Al'!le&.-.---- ---_._� __ ..... _-. ""---�.In 1899. McGugin played as follows:'Against Cornell College, October 4, 'righttackle.Against Lenox College, October 14, leftguard.Against Missonri University, November 4right tackle. 'Against Nebraska University, NovemberI I, left guard. '. In 1900 McGugin played as follows:Against Des Moines College, September I,right tackle;Against Grinnell, October 5, right tackle;Against S. U. Iowa, October 26, nghttackle;Against Simpson College, November 2,right tackle; .Against Ames, November 10, right tackle.The Chicago 7ribun�oL this morn­ing came -out with a paraIlel story.Mr. Stagg had not intended to havethe matter made public, in order toleave the question for decision 'en­tirely to Michigan. But various papersconducted independent investiga­tions, and as long as the matter isnow so fuIly before the public, hesaid this morning he wished to havethe facts stated correctly.The Tribun�'s information camefrom the Des Moinu Leader, whileMr. Stagg's came from the .D�sMoifUS. .Daily (Api/a/; so there were twoseparate investigations from twoseparate sources. Both accountsagree absolutely, only the Tribu,uadds an extra game in 1898, the .an­nual Thanksgiving-day game between The mass meeting this morningNo student shall participate in baseball was a revelation in the line of en-football. and track athletics upon the team�of any college or colleges for more than four thusiasm and attendance. Fifteeny�ars in the aggregate, and any member of a hundred students packed and jammedcollege team who plays during any part of themselves into Kent, while half thatan intercollegiate football (or baseball) game number were unable to gain ad­�:�. thereby participate in that sport for the mission. Allan Burns was masterEverybody knows and acknowl- of ceremonies and Fred Moloney ledd the cheering. President Harper wase ges he. played on the Michigan unable to attend, but was ably repre-team of last year. Last year was his sen ted by Dean Vincent, thefourth year, in the game and this is authority on "Mob Psychology." Thehis fifth. The excuse he has to offer. songs and cheers were sungis that he was a preparatory student and yelled with enthusiasm. The .in 1898. According to another rule speakers were fired with the spirit of.a preparatory student is allowed to the coming struggle, and they foundplay one year on a college team with- in their great audience encouragingout having' it counted in the four. listeners. When Jimmie was j..,tro-Here are the facts. According to duced the crowd went wild. Whenthe cat�logue of Drake University, the Old Man was introduced Kent'sfound 10 our' general library, Dan. roof seemed to float off into space,McGugin was listed when he played When Stagg started to speak hisin '98, in the 1898-<)9 catalogue, as a words brought gloomy 'silence, thenSophomore in the CoIlege of Letters came the characteristic "But," and -and Science. This is when he claims they yeIled like Indians, for thehe was a "prep." In the 1897-98 crowd knew that the Old Man hadcatalogue he is 'listed as a Freshman not lost hope.in college for that year, and in the After. three good "Chicagos," Mr.,1896-<)7 catalogue as in the academy. Bums, the chairman of the meeting,� JgiI\....bimseJ.f . ..ackpo .. ledges _.. �d;_!!lV.e...�c:te.1Q..brgin.tg dv:n .... ''0'that he graduated from Drake Uni- -our team on to tomorrow's victory.,versity in the spring of 1901, and Let us sing the best song of all­_must aeknowledge it, for otherwise 'Maroon; Maroon, Maroon!'" Whenhe would not have been eligible to the song was finished yells ofplay with Michigan last year, accord- .-"Naughty-Six!" replied to by yells ofing to the rule which prohibits a ,"Naughty-Fivel" were heard .. :Mr:.e, man from playing in another coIlege . Linn promptly arose and said: "Mr_ 'without an intervening year unless Bums, Mr. Burns, should this meet­he is a graduate. .ing be interrupted by a 'crowd ofIn 1900-'01: therefore, he mast Jrulzmml". have been a senior. The Drake Uni- This silenced the commotion andversity course is· a four-year course. the regular program � continued,Now suppose McGugin was very A letter from Dr. Harper statingbrilliant at his studies and managed that he would be unable, on accountto get through in three years. Even of business matters, to attend eitherthen he would have been a' freshman ,the meeting or the game,' but hopingin the fall of 1898. that the team would fulfill expecta-. To controvert this evidence 'the tions as they have always done inclaim is made that McGugin has an games against Michigan, was read,affidavit from the authorities at Drake to the delight of all.Dean Vincent spoke in part as fol-pniversity that he � a "prep" in lows: "98 .. These statements belie the pub-lic official record of-Drake. ,I can't help contrasting the mass meetingsthat were held here six years ago with thisMr. Stagg wrote a letter setting great assemblage. In those days we hadforth the facts to Professor Patten- small gatherings who would come in and Sitgill, of Michigan, on the Monday down in front; remainipg quiet �d unoffend­ing until some one would sugg�t an oppor-after the Wisconsin game. A few tunity to give vent to' our etnOllonal feelingshours ago Mr. Stagg received an' in the form of a yell. After the cheer wasanswer' from Professor Pattengill given the spirit would subside again andstating that the athletic board had .everything would go along just as quiet andproper as ever.accepted a statement, purporting to No matter how large the score is tomorrowbe signed by the registrar of Drake we can neftr be robbed of the fact that ourUniversity,to the effect that McGugin spirit is growing more and more unj6ed andwas a "prep" in 1898, as final. our men are becoming true sportsmen. ,-Introducing Captain Sheldon, Mr.Burns said:. A week ago last Saturday two great fallsocenrred« one, the bleachers. the otherMichigan's opponent. Tomorrow, neitherthe bleachers "",. M;d�tI"'s opfJtnInd isgoing to fall. We want to hear from theman that is going to lead the team in win­ning. First, however, we'll sing, .. WhenJimmie Goes Through the Line,"She1401l'. SpeechHeralded by nine 'rabs and a "First inWar," Jimmy delivered a speech that wasshort and to the point. He said: "Yon are -•all asking ·What will the team do tomorrow?'That is the very question which we haft beenasking ounelftS for the past week. Peopleoutside the University say we haven't neD'. look in; they poiDt to tbe high scores Mich·igan hu been rolling up. What dUfereacedoes it make if,Michigan scored ,107 against'Iowa? They W01l't ,make that· agaiDlt as!The men OIl the team haft worked too.had(Contin� on page 2.)CAMPUS AND CITY AFTER VICTORYStudents, meet at the Senior Benchin front of Cobb HaIl at 7 P. M., afterthe game, to celebrate the victory overMichigan!The rooting committee makes theannouncement that after the victoryover Michigan, Saturday, there willbe a large campus and down-towndemonstration in the evening. Theplan is to meet at the Senior Benchat 7 P. :M., and from there to proceedto. the field where there will be largebonfires and speech-making. Thecrowd wiII then take the 7 :42 IllinoisCentral Express and get off at VanBuren street. The rendezvous then, will be the .Lake Front park in frontCElEBRA1JONof the Victoria hotel. After thatthere will be great excitement in thecity.Those who came home from Madi­son with the team in 1899, realizethat the r_ooting committee has spo­ken advisedly when it says there willbe "great excitement in the city"after that. After the '99 victory thestudents .simply owned the tOWD.How they dashed, into hotel corri­dors and roused the startled guests,what dire noises -.vere heard, and with 'what spirit and grace Messrs. Staggand Thatcher did a cake�walk onJackson boulevard, is still fresh in the-minds of those who were present.. ',. ,';' t:".CHIOAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14:, 1�The ·.:Dttlly·"MaroonFonaerIJ 'the UDlYCni� 01 Cbicaco Weekly.JIOCIIIDII:J)'!'be UahenitT of CIaicaco Weekly • October 1,I8giITII& DAILY � -. 0c:I0bcr I. IpPresident Harper Goes EastPresident Harper started today forSwarthmore, Pennsylvania, where hewill take part in the exercises to beheld on Saturday in connection withthe installation of Joseph Swain, lateof Indiana University, as presidentof Swarthmore College, At President, Swain's request President Harper willdeliver a short address on "The Fu­ture of the Small College,".' service rule and agreed to admit si,xforeign and colonial delegates. to theannual council to be held in July.The United States will be invited tosend a representative.' An Englishteam is to come to try to win theAmerican cup in 1903.The ten largest law schools in theUnited States with their enrollmentsin 1901 and 1902 are as follows:University of Michigan, 835; NewYork Law School, 811; Harvard,632; New York University LawSchool, SIS; University of Minne­sota, 504; Columbia, 439; Universityof Pennsylvania, 375; .Boston Uni­versity, 334; and George,town, 288.-Ex:.oDD OF DrroRSM_"� Editor - - HIlDItItT E. FLuaDCGNews Editor • - • OLIVER B. WYMANAthleUc Editor - ROBUT L. Hallin, J Il., ASSOClATB ItDnoR.v..ucos F. TISCHIt FLUCIt McNAI.Eu P. GALa ADltualrl'T. SnwAItTW AUCIt. G. McLAUItY Fault R. ADAKS .AUSTUI A. HAYDmeWOIIIDI aonouMISS ComcltUA S. SKml ,MISS JUUA C. H� , ·GJU�<iOYCEooES'Tis better to h .... e boned and : flunked'than never to haye boned at all. 'It would � well for Michiganders to re­member that from Chicago's five-yard lineto the goal is a long journey. 'Sports from Michigan are betting thattheir team w ill score more than a score ofpoints against ours tomorrow. Such a propo­sition should be underscored.Toy gas balloons will be in evidence at thegame tomorrow. Now, does thts mean thatthe results will be up in the air, or that theMichigan men will have to get off the earthand go home busted?BUSD1BS8 STAFFTHE DAILY MUOOM . THE MONTHLY MAIIOOlCBuaioess MUIa£CI' - - • BYROM G. MOOMAaistaat Buai_ Maoqer. JUUAM 1.. B.,DiAdYutlsil!J Mau&er - - PLAn M. eo.cRADRush Medic M-..,er - C. H. McKmncAScaetuy '- • Faao WOIITHIMG'1OMDally Subscription, S3 per 4 quarters I S 1 for 3 months8yllallln city 14 per 4 quarters I S 1.25 for 3 months�,recei'ftld at"Tbe ,..,_ .. 0Iice. first eo. tbe!'ress BalldiJJr. cw left lD"Tbe ,..,_ .. Bos. tbe FaaaltyEzcIwace. Cabb Hall. WILL STAND BY TEAM(Continued from Page I)all season to let Michigan lick us now. Therewouldn't be anything in' it for them. Yonmay be sure that the team is composed ofthose sportsmen Dean Vincent spoke of;they will play tomorrow for all there is inthem. They can play that way if you sup­port them properly. Let every one turn outtomorrow and cheer us on. After the game­well we hope it will be ours."Stagg's SpeechAfter several ineffectual attempts to speak,because of the cheering, Mr. Stagg said:"There has been a lot said about the teambeing in the hospital. They did have somedark days in the first part of the week. Butwhen you want to get at the bright side oflife, yon must get down to the' lower leveland look np. That is one of the reasons'why Monday was a dark day,. and, Tuesday-the darkest. On Wednesday there was: an 'improvement. On Thursday, as professorThatcher says, practice was better by 500per cent. On Wednesday and Thursday themen became adjusted to one another, Tues­day there was no, teanl work, but now wehave a little team work. ' •It would be foolish for me to say, as I didin 1900, that Chicago is going to beat Michi­'gao. For I can't get out of my memory the,fierce rushes of Michigan in the first fewminutes of the game. In 1900 I saw definiteplaces where Chicago backs could: makeholes in the Michigan line, but I can't say ,that I saw such weakne!scs In Michigan 1'.0w�ks ago, Gut-that is what I have beentelling the men all week-there are somethings to be said about the team.' Themen have come out of their despondency,gotten together, and are going to have aleader in the quarter-back's position. Cap­tain • Jimmie' Sheldon has gotten himselftogether with all his spirit and power, as healways does. Yon know what that spirit is.With such a leader, with such a team, hold­ing the same spirit as their leader, I shallnot· prophesy the result.", 'Fred Moloney an nounced that'"all real original rooters" were to bein section B B an d that all should pro­vide themselves with all the Marooncolors on the South Side and down­town, megaphones, good lungs, andMichigan balloons, because" Michi·gan is going up !"James Weber Linn, '97, respondedto calls of U Linn." He said:I have been here for nine years, in spirit..at least, as an undergraduate, and C'ftry yearMichigan lias come down with one spiritand gone back with another, wondering howit happened. Michigan alumni here in thecity are sending letters and telegrams toAnn Arbor every day which say, .., Lookout, look out!" just so they can tell the teamSaturday night, .. I told you so."Before the meeting closed Burnsannounced that the gates of MarshallField would be opened at 4 o'clockthis afternoon, and the students per­mitted to watch the practice.£DITORIALS I]And now, after all these mass meet­ings we must not forget to attendthe game, and incidentally, make useof what we have learned.: ,kI!I!IiI,' "Men should not take girls to foot­ball games" was a resolution latelyThe Girl.' brought up in the coun­r ..., cil. -, Many among thosewho have been working hard for moreenthusiasm at the football games haveurged strongly that the men abstainfrom taking girls with them. Perhaps 'these me� think that the girts will be :'found more. interesting than the foot- '. ball plays, and for that, reason theirattention will be distracted. Theysay that it interferes with the cheer­ing-that the men cannot mass them­selves ,together and get the bestresults.Then let the girls come and massthemselves together and show thefootball' team that they can cheer,Men scattered among the girls wouldcertainly lessen the good effect oftheir musical cheer, and sometimesthe support of the girls has put moreheart into a team than the rooting ofa thousand men.Girls, it is your football team! Itis your Maroon flag they are fightingfor as much as the men's: .nwS DO. THE UlIIVERSITIESNotre Dame has a course in Gaelic.One hundred and twenty studentsare enrolled in Wisconsin's DairySchool.The council of MiSsouri Universitybas passed an order that no gather­ings of students will be tolerated inthe future. If more than three as­semble in a noisy manner they willbe held liable to punishment. Therewill be no more rallies and no morecollege yells at Missouri, that is, ifthe order is enforced.-b.For' students entering Swiss uni­versities, Greek used to be· obli­gatory, but may ,now be replaced bya modern language; German andFrench are absolutely necessary, butthe student may choose a minimumof two other languages amongHebrew, Greek, English and Italia»,-b.The English Lawn Tennis Asso­ciation, endeavoring to emphasizethe international dlaracter of thegame, has adopted the American,; , :Monro'� lIUilding CafeatztIl 551911omoe A.... BlefttorJI100r &emceBJluaeomest AppoiDted Cafe ill Hy4e Part Football br Rul�Is just as popular and meets with ap­p!Oval as readily as Tallorlaz tiyMeuure.We Know AU About It-Talloriaz. we mean - both in theoryand practice, and are anxious to theorize, with you and practice on you to yourentire satisfaction. We have those New_Weaves and Late Designs, and SkilledWorkmen to construct a Garment thatwill make you correctly dressed.Besides, you do your selecting by day­light, and that is a distinct advantage.All. these things conSpire to make our. patrons the BEST DR.ESSED among theirfellows. '-_-Breakfast, Luncheon and Dinner8errice prompt u4 falUcJeu. C1liatIIe vuzceDea,8p1a4i4 new of tJIe Campus from tbe DiJl1qRoom. : : : UDiT�ty Sta4eata 'WeleoIDe.M',. J. COFFEY,J J 05-ll 07 . �tiOD Buildhl2,J53 LA SALLE ST.BOWMAN DAIRY CO.••• OUR •••Indian Curio Co.LARGBST STOCJt OPComer 57th &; INDIAN cURiosStoney Islandm TIIB 'WORLD. PRO. ALLo P po. t t e BORTH ADRICAlI' JlII)IAlIPield .uaeum TRIBBB. .'IT Open BnniDcaFire Losses AdJusted Balldlncs AppraJsedMcKEOWN BROTHERSCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS-494-406 East -47lb Street'Pboae Drexel 12961Buildiaes remodeled and repaired. Yme iDteriorc:upeDter work. Store- aDd ofIice-fi�. Hardwood=� t�Jre fiif·� workmen emploJed. eon:v. H. DECKER. WATCHMAKERand JEWELEROVERCOAT,",:I�.�'� .,,,.' ,.,_..-"" ':� ... _.��-�_�-.���This Winter? I sell them!"Murray:" has aevcr bcal hIaJcd with any chi1cfral,but he � �kids'" just the same; � aDd c:oiomI.drcaai aDd, uDdrased. Stran,e to say, they are forsale. My � Clove a peat "CIattCrTOM.lienal BOULEVARD.ear Be lnl 0' TrauIf you are a good dresser send for'my catalogue; if not, don't : : :I give fourcuffs toeach shirt MURRAYTOM" He, Makes Shirts�'THE ILLINOIS WAREHOUSE andSTORAGE 'COMPANY'PIIoae, o.kIad 571 KlMRAItIC AVe..ad PlPTY-.5IXTH ST.The Cleanest aad .Best Kept StorageWarehouse ia the City • • •Famiture aod Plaaos MOYed. Seore4, PllCked aod Shipped to all pans ofthe world. .JOO Prlvate.5torap It...... Lure Parlor Lclasimy forPiaDos. Rooms for Truub libel Wheels. Lure Room lor Carriaaa,Baaics. aod SJeiebs. 'rR1JlID TO .AJI1) PRO. ALL DBPOTS. 'Local trasIen for BIIft1ICet FamilUI'Cy Pxkaea. etc.. at short notice. •. c.w- Special AtteJltioa Gtftll to U�_ OdelL. '·(\PRtSSw. T. DELIPHANTP,.,sU/"" II. C. O'DONNELLS'C,.".�Standard Washed Coal Co.NEW KENTUCKY COAL .;POCAHONTASTEL. HARRISON 313" 303 Dearborn streetCHICAGO�...,.. ............ �� ............ ��� ........� JOH�FFI�:TE�'!:�;H��N�E�!�Y�,!!IT� .�Students may work during the winter q_uarter at Stetson and receivetheir credits at Chicago. "The equipment for. work is good. At Stetson there is no snow, nofro.zen ground, or mud. For recreation, besides regular ,college ath­letl�, there are fine opportunities for driving, bicycling, hunting,�tlng and fishing. Expenses, including railroad fare, are not much 'In excess of those at Chicago. For catalog, and further information;address the president, J. F. FORBES, PH.!?, DeLand, Fla.............. ������� ................... ....'tJ.,4�1.. ; .01 • _". � ., �t � � ... , .... ;:' t\ --, : ...... \ "'''t�r,� • • � 'oj f • {;\; .: :�.-: ....� • l ��, 1,,'.:[Continued from page I.]at football smoker this enning at the UniYer­lity Club. Speeches will be made by CoachYost. Trainer Fitzpatrick. and CaptainWeeka. . One of the features will be a guea­ing ronteSt as to the size of the score in to-morrow·s game; ..• • •The' results of Michigan-Chicago gamesin past years are as follows:I CHICAGO MICHIGAN1892 •••• : •.••••••••• 10 1818«)3 ••••••••• - ••••• 10 61894.� ••••••.•••••• 4 '61895 ••••••••••••••• 01896 •••••••••••••.• 71897 ••••••••••••••.• 21l89ts ••••••••••••••. 111900---- ••••••••••• 151901 ••••.••••••••••• 0• ••• 12612126, '225 •••••.• North Division. H. S •......•.. 037 ••••••.... Englewood. H. S. . . . • • • • •• 023 ••••••••••• - •• Lombard.. • • • • • • • • • • •• 66 •••••••••. Hyde Park. H. S.. .. •••• •• 524 ••••••••••••• �Ionmouth. • • • • • • • • • • •• 05 ••.•••..••••••• Knox .......•....•.• 021 •••••••••••• Cornell (Ia.} •••••••••••• 033 ••••.••..••••••• Purdue ......•••••••• 012 •••••••••••• Northwestern •...•••.•••• 0.6 • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Illinois ••••••••.••.• 018 ••••••...•••••• Beloit .•.••••.••••••• 039 •••••••••••.•• Indiana •••••••....•• : 0"if • •The results of Michigan's.games this �earare:MICHIGAN. OPPONENTS.88 •••••••.••..•• Albion .•.••.•. r ••••• 048 ..••..•.••..• ·•. Case ••...•..•..••.. 660 .• '...•.••••••. Indiana . . . • • . . . . • •..• 023 ...•..•.•••. Notre Dame .•.••.•.... ' 0 .8b ••• � •••••••• Ohie State U 06 ••••••...•••. Wisconsin ••......... 0107 •••.•••••••••••• Iowa .•... : .••...••. 0'• • •Yesterday afternoon, Coach Stagg took.the team secretly to Hand's Park",Seventy- :I 'Punts From the Bleachers� Tom O'Brien. chief rubber of the Maroons.has consulted a medium and asked explicitly, what our score against Michigan will be.He received the' answer tbat Chicago wouldThe results of Chicago'S games this year: win 6-0. Tom says he has consulted theCHICAGO OPPONENTS' medium before each of Chicago's big gaJlles •and in each instance received a correct pre­diction from the spirit-world,* * *.Everyone in Ann Arbor is confident ofbeating Chicago by a large score, exceptCoach Yost. and he is never sure till afterthe game.A SUCCESSFULTailorBecause I sene the members of the Uniyel'-sity with EXCEP1'IOllAL SKILL, and give mytIJ CLOSEST ATTBlITIOll·tothe1rwork.and carty,... the BEST AlIJ) LARGEST COLLECTlOll of., woolens to select from.��.. �WilliamitIJ.4)� CoDYenient to U. of C.Sachen320 S�th st •• near Monroe aveL. MANASSE, OPTICIAN88 Madlsoa 5L. Trlbaae BaJldlacSpectaclea and Byell .... 8cieDWlcapy .u�EycaTcated FreeEYerythiDe OpticalMathema�ltMetereoloeicaJ.1lDdfor the untenUst.ltoclab. cameru. • and Ba-ppliea.JENKINS BROUIERS::-- Rcasona.hle and Reliahle R.dai1crso·oColumbia·School of Music�tIJ KIMBALL HALLJdsoa blvd. aad Wabab a.,.e.� Music, Elocutio.n, DanCingl,O · New Illustrated Cataloeue FreeCuaa 0sa01lM1I: RII:.D. LouiS McDoNALD.. Dlm:tor Business Mauarer 'o 1111 � HARDWOOD FLOOR8 \'�� E. B�::;�:::CO .. 'j - :17 .... _'-- aT. �'� SHEET MUSIC!TALKING :23c. aDd MACHINES--:' --23c.The Mask SIIop StdDway HaD_ FRED. J. HAMILLA. 'McAdams�. UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHI'" A 'GOCor. s]d at. aDd Kimbark aTe. ��torage:i:'TeJeplaone, 461 od 462 W IltwortJaBECJtI.mOmRG'S EXPRESS &VAK co.6154 to 61150 WeDtwortJa A-.e.BRAlICB:· 6301 Cotta&e GI'Oft A-.e:'Pboae Gray as s.tts CIIIIecI tor ai.d deliveredJ. JAGODZINSKI, TAILOR·464 E. 55th � __ OaniDE,l>Jeiq.GfteaWood aTeo. CHICAGO aacI RepairiDEAcorn Envelope SealerDoes away with the disagreeable and dan­gerous habit of moistening the enYelope orpostage stamp with the tongue. Neat and al­ways ready; can be carried in pocket or kepton desks. Liberal terms to agents; send ten·c:eab in stamps for sample toGee. n. �...,., ....... St •• ClaIc8pIf·You Are Sick� PU�... j]E£LI'!ES..... CDDIW. 8UPPI.D8�� Avery's P_harmacies55th acI Momoe aTe. . 57th aDel � Groft ne.IILGOODIIANA.MILLERDENTIST369-! 6SIt STREET'tEI!PIIII! DREIEL ...tFor a gOod meal go to the Monroe restau·rant, 293 E. Fifty·fifth st. Rates to studC;.nts.I MA.JOR.S aDd MUIOR!! rSoph (after listening to- a talk on the Cath­olic religion): But. professor, John Alex •..Dowie does not capl�izc the "c" in the:;word Catholic.� , .:> .. ; :- �,F ' • �· Professor Thatcher: Ue,'doesn't? Why:. 'Dowie capitalizes everytl_ling. .The Sunday morning Bible Class. which'has its meetings in Snell. met last, evening:in the clubroom of that building and held a ',small billiard' party: Refreshments were:·served. and an hour and a half· was passed ;· by all with great enjoymenLThe new ditch being now dug across the ;campus in front of Ryerson and Kent, which !has caused so much comment, will contain.,the cables furnishing electric-light power tothe buildings.The Freshman team will lead a strenuous 'life in the way of games next week. Besides'the Freshman-Sophomore game on Mondayand the game with the Illinois freshmen atChampaign on Saturday, a game has beenarranged for Wednesday afternoon, to be.played on Marshall Field witb the HarvardSchool, The Freshman team is improvingfast under the coacHing of Charlie McMillenan� with the squad of abouttwt'i�y men, no';trylDg for the team. the Freshies ought to.make a good . showing in all three of thegames scheduled.COACHES FOR THE'DEBATERS.en Who Will .eet :Echigan to Rec:eiTeSpecial TatorlD"Coaches have been secured for themen who are in the· finals for theUniversity debating team. Mr. A. R.�atton, a fellow in Political Science,�ll h�lp the men taking the nega­tive SIde; and Mr. C. A. Huston, amember of last year's Varsity team,those on the affirmative.The' finals will take place on De-cember 4, and' the members of thetwo .�ides a� as follo�: N�gah''D�­Lune, Memam, Riley. Affir",ati'D�Clark, Vail, Smi�h.£.Joe Securing lIuoua for the GymWork is now being, pushed on thenew gym. A good part of themasons reported "needed" the otherday, are at work and others are beingsecured.. The foreman gives theg!eat dIstance from the heart of thec�t� as a reason for the diffiCUlty inhmng these masons. Already a gangof men has ccmmenced excavatingfor the swimming-tank. .There are two kinds of, jOkes aPrors and a good one.-&. ' \ ..Goldsmith's'o RCHES,TIlA.L GOLDSMITH, Dinnw0Iice . Ra.IdcDceRoom 6-s9 Dcarbona street 1133 AJtutctoa placeHoun I. to. P... Hoan 9 to II A.M •• to 7 Poll.TelepboDe State 53 TelePboDe Helmout 1393ninth It. and Wentworth aYe., for secretpractice. The team bas been p'racticing itsplaya after dark on Manhall Field. but thatwas not sufficient, and to avoid any possibledanger. of the "'plays being. seen, Staggthought it best to get away into the country.The new plays went smoothly.• • • FOR SHAMPOOING.••• u ••••• jBELGIN SKIN aDCl SCALP· SOAPThe Beat lIe41catec1 Soap oa the Market. IBeat by mall. as ceats, swepald.THE BELGIAN DRUG CO ••a. AdMas St.. Datu BIde. Telepbooe Harriloa .. IMichigan" practice yesterday was not-very severe. and when it wa:; finished themen ran back to their quarters feeling quiteeonfident as to the result of Saturday'.game. The scrubs, using the Chicago for­mations which have been used in games,lined up against the regulars. but made noattempt either to stop their rushes Or gainagaintlt them• • . BARBER SHOPHYDB PDlt.&llD CBJCAGO BEACH STABLES• •J. H� KINTZ(noP .. aoa)Jackson Park Stables273 But PUty·SneIlth street.Tel..OaklaDd S52 CBIC.A.GOScheyer, Hoglund CO.TAI'LORS• • •Pl�tt M. Conrad has left the footballsquad. He has an injured arm. Nerves·has been injured and tackling is extremelypainful. This incapacitates him from usefor either the Michigan or Wisconsin games.As long as tbis was the case. and at the re- .quest of his mother that he give more timeto his studies. he has left training quarters.Mr. Stagg said it was not due to any unwill­ingness on . his part, and that he has alwaysdone all he could in athletics for his almamakr.• • •It is announced that if Michigan goes.through the: season unbeaten, the team maybe taken to Seattle, Wash. The MIchiganalumni are strong' on the coast. Washing.ton University is also desirous of having theteam there during the holidays. 89 East Madison St., - Suite 9:..12Your iDspedion of our wooleufor Pall and Wbrter, x902"3-is in'fitecl •• •• ••BOOKSLa", JIecUcal, Co� �.�:;SC-Iand B4aca Boob , ..'D'DUFTrIVI"S 415'" FIPTY-8BtBBIBft..I:I.A ... .L.L .L . But to cor. of EiIIlbatk. LESTER BARTLETT JONEST,."..IR.USH MEDIC NOTES IDr. Sippy was unable to hold his medicineclinic Tbursday night, at Cook County Hos-ft!��i�!i��_�� :������>: c���d. ���()� •.-Mr. Ross, of the Senior Class, is employed'in the laboratories of St, Luke's' Hospital.The Registrar's office at Rush has beennewly fitted up with electric lights. These,together with the repairs done last Septem­ber, make a great change in its general ap­pearance. .Dr. Sokol,one of the successful members,of last" year's county ciass, has given up his .'Vrurit iu Dr. Hektoen's pathology laboratory �to assum� his duties as junior interne at CookCounty. . . Dbedorol1l8llc .YocallJlllnlcdoa n. U.mnlt)- of CJlicII&eStDdIo: SI3JClaballHaU. T�'-Lltw .... ne. 'Express ServiceUaIte4 5tates I!xpreu Co. P.dflc: Espnu Co..' Wa1el'ii Ezpnsa Co. ". ��J;io!;'��cm�!;f�"cnph�. ::.:: :: :: :: :: : ss :Information ()ffice: COBB HALL'MUSSEY'SBiUiazd HaDs aud Bowline AIJcyaThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort ia the World100 to loS MADISON �Varsity to PlayRuah and P. 4; S. �eamaThe date of the game betweenChicago and Rush and P. & S. hasbeen set for Saturday, November 22.Each medic team will play the Var-'sity one 35-minute' half. A large'crowd of West-Siders is expected to:attend the game, COVEY'SDENTAL P AR�ORS.,.74-.7' STATE STREETI �CAD_:':MY ITEMS IWest Jlall of Morgan Park announces the,evening of December 12 for the annual:.. open house." Tbe committee in charge is:.Fox, Chairman; Haight, H. Jayne, Bangs,Miller, MacCaffery.The MlWgll" Pari .ActUlnw� Nnn an­nounces that a Thanksgiving dance will be,held after the Academy Thanksgiving din·n� at 8: o'clOc:'k P •. ,.., NOvember 27. Allalumni and fnends are cordially invited •.Tickets $1.00.An inter·ball bowling tournament at Mor­gan' Park will be organized 'next week.There is an increased interest in bowling,and Morgan Park will bave a good team inthe field. Games with South Side, HydePark, and otber schools will be arranged.The South Side Academy football teamwill play tbe team from Northw�tem Acad­emy tomorrow morning at ten o'clock onMarshall Field. This will be the hardestgame of the season for the S. S. A. team.Should they lose the game; the champion.ship will be conceded to Lake .·orest.The Inter· Academic League holds its reg­ular monthly meeting this afternoon at the·G�at Northern hotel. The most iinportantbusiness to be conSIdered is Morgan Park'sprotest of the game with Soutb Side Acad-emy on November I. .One of tbe S. S. A. prof essors visited tbemass meeting in Kent tbeater this morning.Wben be returned to his class he said, "Theydickt't make as mucb noise 'Ofti' there. asthere bas been in this room the lw. two orth� minutes." Gold ero... - $s.oo I Set Teeth . - kooBridRe Work· .. s.oo. .. .. s. s. W. -' LOoPladiama Fillillc 1.00 .... Raee ParI I,...,Gold FilI.mp a-o. ap PamIaa � .. ..soIllINOIS��E�LAW .1OO8fH.., 70 ' .......... 1' , ... .., ........, fw ........ #fOrlMD •• oeDEII, '"--. ,,�CIIrt .. ,DELICA:TES'SEB ,Pal. I Line p��erl.. !JOlIN SMUTDDt.... B� PIft7-1lfth 8treet ' .' .. ,.: � CHICA�,cmCAGO, FBI��Y:NOVEMB�, 14, ,1902'rl=lI°"�., ........ 'N. PreL< ','J).. ,THE WORLQ'S.GreatestClothiersAlso eo.pIete Uaes 01Hats, Caps,Fu'rnishings,and Shoes ••For MEN and BOyS.TBB BEST IS CBBAPBST.. Celebrated HatsU Styles andQualitiesAlwa�s Progressive"PAUlO HOUSE1'IBW YORK PBlLADELPHIA CHICAGOprescriptio� Compounding,. J. J. 0 ILL,Chemist and Pharmacist,Rosalie Pharmacy.'PIaoae 0akIaDcI '7� 274 B. Flfty-Sneatb at... BORDEN'SCONDENSED MILK, FLUID MILK,CREAM and BUTTERMILK(All bottled in the COUDtry)Borden's Condenied Milk Go.62'i-633 East 47th st.-�• 'MaiD Of&ce aud Works. 33d � and Shields ue." Pboac SOuth 804BEST WORK IN CHICAGO \8E.TLE.E.WHO DRESS FOR STYLElEATIESS, AID CO. FORTWEAR THE •• PROVED 'BOSTONGARTER�,.h.8Dk"'CcIaoD!Se.:MalW 011 � 0I,nee.... ,rwtCo. ....... _ u.s.A.: iSherman HouseOERMAN,RESTAURANT(Elitralke Clark st., Dear �.adolpb)Entirely new. Noonday lunch andafter theater resort. Strictly Germancuisine. University stud en ts w�l­come�nuk: every eveDta, froID 6 to�12-Larpst, aDd mOSt cOmplete ban­quet facilities of aay bote. la, Cblc:ap.I! IIi.\ I'II I VJrlVElUITY JronCE& Is..deDts and faculty _ben a.oe rcquected to IeDClall notices to THE DAlLY MA� for publicatioD freeof clw2e. . Notices must be left at THK M.uooM o8iceor: Faailty Exc:haqe before II: 00 A. II.. ,.Student ActiritiesMiss Margaret Davis. who is going to�peak at ves�rs. Sunday. November lb. on"The Student Movement in India," has been. actively' engaged in missionary work �nIndia. so her talk will be one of extreme 'interest and profit to all who attend. The'meeting will be held in Haskell Assembly ,Hall from 4 until 5 o'clock. All women arecordially invited.Official Notice: Senior Class social gather- 'ering December 6. in Women's Gymnasium.8 o'clock sharp.Dr. H. C. Mabie. of the Baptist Mission·ary Union. will give an address in HaskellHall this [Friday] evening on "Missionary. .Problems of Today." An interesting con- :I ference will follow the address.On next Sunday. November 16. at 9:3.0A. M •• Dr. Nathaniel I. Rubinkam gives theseventh of his early Sunday morning lec­tures on "The Literature and Inner Life of 'Israel." Subject, "The Exile and Ezekiel." ,Memorial chapel. Woodlawn ave. and Fifty­seventh st.Work in this year's county class is becom­ing harder and harder. and. as. a conse­'quence, the size of the class has beengradually decreasing. This is a fact that ismuch to be regretted, as with every manthat withdraws, Rush loses one possibleplace on the county service.Reduced Rates for Christmas and NewYear Holidays.The Nickel Plate Road will sell tickets De­ccember 24. 25; and 31. 1902. and January I,1903, at rate of a fare and a third for theround trip. to any point located in CentralPassenger Association territory, good return­ing to and including January 2. 1903. Pull-I man service on all trains. Individual ClubMeals. ranging in price from 35c. to $1.00.served in dining-cars, Address John Y. Cal­ahan.. General Agent, I J 3 Adams st., Chi­cago, for particulars. Chicago city ticketoffice, I I I ,Adams st.; depot, Harrison st.and Fifth ave.Thomas' ConcertThis afternoon at 2:I5;',and Saturdayeven-ing at 8:15. the Chicago Orchestra will fen­der the following programme:. Suite, "Konig Kristian II" (new). Sibelius,Nocturne. EI�gie et Musette •. serenade.Ballade. ' . .Variations SymphoniquC$ for Violoncello(first time). Boellmann,Overture-Fantasia, "Rome<> and Juliet,"Tschaikowsky. ,INTERMISSION.Symphony NO.5, "Lenore." E major. opus177. Raff. Allegro. Andante quasi larghetto.Tempo di marcia. Introduction 'and ballad.Soloist-Mr. Bruno Steindel, 'The Bickel Plate Road:will afford its patrons an opportunity to takeadvantage of low rates for Christmas andNew Year holidays, by selling ticket5- at afare and a third for the round-trip to allpoints on their line, December 24,25 and 31,1902, and January I, 1903. , Return limit in­cluding Janu� 2, 1903. Through serviceto New York city, Boston, and other easternpoints. Chicago' passenger station, Harrisonst. and Fifth ave. For further informationaddress Jobn Y. Calahan, General Agent.I 13 Adams st., Chicago.Flat to Rent-Four Rooms.Funriture (or Sale. ApplyFlat 4, SSSS Lexington ave.Manuscripts, letters, circulars, ete., type­written at 5552 Lexington ave .. third flat.For that Football Hair use Fur-Fur.For Rent.-Large desirable front' room.5741 Monroe ave .. 3d floor.The Famons Tailoring Co., 346 E. 'Fifty­fifth st., makes Garments to measure, andcanies up-to-date Men's F�mishings. Dis­counts to students.It is better judgment to put out a few dol­lars for a coat, that will keep out wet and, cold tban to settle a doctor's bill, not to speakof the inconvenience. Browning, King & Co.of Wabash ave. and Madison st .. have thecoats at '10 to '40; rain coats, '12.00 up­wards; mackintoshes, $8.00 to '15.00.In Union there is Strength IAlso C<?mfort if you have yourUnion SuitsMade to Fit.We make UNDERWEAR to Measure.Also SWEATERS, etc.STRAUSS-CAHN KNITIING CO.N. W. Cor. 'Wabash aTe. an,d Adams street., ,..I-M L 00 K,I N G . F,O a,w,A'-itj)WITH MUCH PLltASUU TO A CALL nOM THE R.EADEI.. WH�N I WILL, WITH­OUT DOUBT. CONVINCE YOU OF THE SUPERIOIUTY OF NOT ONLY MY LINE,OF WOOLENS, BUT THE .GENEI.AL HIGH QUALITY OF MY WOI.K, WHICH HASPLACED ME IN THE LEAD IN THIS BUSINESS IN CHICAGO.••• YOU KNOW ME • : • ,The 33 Man 33 Adam. 33 C!lnt. 33 Lettentn 33· DottarU�Original at .t. \ 'Ptione Name and BUllness'. " Addrell, Suit••• MY LEADER •••CARROLL .S. McMILLEN, ·TAILOR, No. 33 Adams st.A���� Diamond &. Loan BrokerFloe DlamoD. Watches, Jewelry. aDd ADtiques; 'Vatches aDd Jewelry Repaired; Old Gold aDd SIlYer BouchKSTAIIUSH .. D 1874 'W. T. Keener & Co.MEDICAL BOOKSELLERSPublishers and ,mportersMain Store9OW ....... Ave.(Fibh Floor) 'Vest Sick StoreWood and Coacreu St..MRS. A. M. TALLEYMODISTESt7,/es c();'-ea ()r ()ri'ri"atea.Fit &'Wll'Ulteed. Twenty.fiye years' experience amon2our best fammes. Exceptional references furnishedwhen desired. . Goods and trimmin2S selected. if re-quested. 4545 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO• FRATERNITY.. ST�TIONERY .WM". FREUND & SONS174'176 State st. ,Opposite Palmer HouseOur Splendid Stock ofENGLIS.H and SCOTCH.. .-SUIT.ING'SAre Correct for College WearOur CRAVE:NETTE, VICUNA. LAJIBS­WOOL, and CaEVIOT. ..OVERCOATINGSAre jnst the things for thoseLong, Full' OvercoatsSUITS $25-$soOVBJlCOATS "- 25- fioBVBlIIlfG S� ,- -I - 40- 15JERREMS Tailor for Y01UlC .eD, 1.-131 LA S� ST.A. N. JER.I.EMS, Mgr. BOO K S!THE PILGRIM PRESS (Booksellers)115 Wabash ave.Solicits the Trade of the Students of ChiC&£O Uni­Yer5ity. We Will quote Spec:ial Prices if yo\1 willmake younc:lvcs knOWDoRECENT PUBUCAnONS. .t BarK.la PricesCharles Major's Dorothy V""on.Doyle's Hound of th� Baslurvillu.TIz� Story of lIlary lIlacIAtu.Pidgin's Blmn�"hass�tt.Also many others that are slightly 45damaged at - - - - • - CThe supply is limited. •For Character Delineations SeckSUMBOLAShe SEES inherent qualities as eentributed bythe ruline pbnl'ts-at time 'of binh. An un­failing�uide to IlBALTH.IlAPPmBSS,AlIDPROSPBRITY. For full particulars, address4S45 Wabash AvenueS U lV.{B 0 LA ,CHICAGO. ILL., U.S.A.O'MEARA BROTHERS'HOME BAKERYmakes DOthine butStrictly Home-Made OoodsBread, Rolls. Pie, and Cake. Partics and Weddill2'supplied on short nodee, "'\ Ices and Ice Cream to orderDon't fOl'Eet the number-278 East sstb at.'Phone, DfCll:el 11921. "IN ONEHOU'R"In 40 to 60 daysShorthandMrs. Lena A. White guarantees to makeyou an expert stenographer and typewriter orrefund your money. Hundreds ofstudents have maste� my system in onehour. Continuous school session. Individ­ual instruction by the author .White's College; PI:tD��TS203 Michigan ave. , ,�.I ,Weaver Coal & Coke Co.COAL AND C'OKES u "'s tit uteMarquette Building63d an� Wallace streets for H a s: d ·C 0 a I - -, ', ,�':: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••: Men's Fashionable Furnishings :I• 40th street and Went:"(ortb avenue'North, avenue and RiverThe same recognized standards which in thepast have characterized our Fashionable Fum­ishings for Men are invariably maintained.Neckwear in University colors, "and Shirts,Gloves, Pyjamas, etc., of the most select styles,are offered at very moderate prices.MARSHALL FIELD « CO.Any merchant may fool.the public som� tim�, butno merchant can fool the. public all tlz� tim�.We nro�r rom oJt�mpl .to fool you oJ any time." Honesty of purpose andprices" are. the founda­tion stones of this rapidlygrowing business--a goodbusiness policy by whichwe are best serving ourselves by thusserving you.Here is "the home of the smartestclothes in town"-where you get:The tallon'l: pnDCIIts, S:JC).The tallon' rumeats'12SoThe tallon' 30 ,anDCDts. go"The tallon' $.s pnDeDts, ISoThe tallon' $16 pnDCIIts, 10.One price�plain figures-perfectsatisfaction or money back.Mall orden ftlled .. IDe da,. recelncl. Clotll­'ac eapreaed oD appronl.Mossier's' "E.M." System,I�. n� st., .... auk Spaldlll&'s 0fftdaIFoot Ball Sappllesare IIIed by aD colleca ...� �� beca1De dIq8pa14iDC'. 0tIc:ial1a­tercoDepate Foot BaDis 1Ded iD alldwDpioasbip�5i.� pmes. Price 14.00... - �'. -w .. At·tacblaOor Foot BaDTackIiJaC JIac:IdDe was"""ted b,. Mr. JobaMcMasters.tr.aitler tbeHarnnt team. It is thebest appIiaDCle of Its kiDdner iDftDted. Price$ls.oo.Spaldlne's 05daI Foot BaDCalde few 19M. Price to cats.�I�a:!t:rr:.A.o. .5paIcIlac a: Bna.New y,... CIIkqo �111111.- a.tr-O E.·BURNHAMHAIR, COODSELECTROLYSISl'IIdai .-.. •• ualn�So Balr.,.._.., .. « •• lnrl.So w ·'.n"'.�""',,"'"70 tiM 7� SlIIU II.. CHICAGOSaits praeed, soc; T...... I�, � Heinze, Tailor]06 It. 57th street �ICAGO I,"� ,.�