Theii.� 'Daily .MaroonPabllahecl by the Students of the UDlven1ty of Chicago during the Pour Quarters of the UDlveralty Year.VOL. I. No.1 PRICE THREE CENTSOHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1., 1902NEW DAILY PAPER BLEACHER PUNTS� ;.Gratifying Interest in Publica-tion of The Daily MaroonFounded To-dayHISTORY OF THE FOUNDINGIf Students Subscribe as Expected andPatronize Advertisers Perma­nence Sure NEW LAW SCHOOL A SUCCESS AUSPICIOUS OPENING TODAYTHE MONTHLY MAROONFirst Issue of New University of Chi­cago. Literary Magazine toAppear October 25The initial number of the new lit­erary monthly will be issued aboutOctober 25. It will be known as THEMONTHLY MAROON.Published as it is by representa­tives of the student body, its purposeshall be to print anything of literaryworth that the editors may be able toobtain from the students.The success of this undertakingwill rest largely, then, with the stu­dents themselves. Every student isearnestly solicited to send to themanaging editor or associate editor,Mr. Collins, any stories, sketches,essays or verse that he, may have.While a temporary editorial boardwill be selected (or the first issues ofthe magazine at oncc, the merit sys­tem will be instituted thereafter torselecting the editors. Contributorsnot on the editorial board may dis­place any m=nber of this board bydoing SUpf work.Contributions- foi< the first issue-should be in the hands of the editorsby October 10 and may be left at THEM ,\ROON office or addressed to Man­aging Editor Roy D. Keehn, care ofFaculty Exchange.Temporary Home in Press Building­Large Registration-Deans Gratified­Incoming Students from Northwestemand Other Rival Schools-A New LawDegree 'Given-Big Library and GoodFacultyThe Law School opens its doorsfor the firsttime today in its spacioustemporary home in the Press build­ing with e\'ery indication that it willbe, a pronounced success. Althoughin the other schools and colleges, therewere no recitations today, short meet-ings of the law classes were held.The news event of the opening It is now assured that the attend-day in the quarter is the appearance ance will be all that could be ex-of THE DAILY MA�OON. As the first pected and, to say the least, decidedlycopies leave the presses in the new gratifying to Professor Joseph H.building of the University Press, the Beale, the dean from Harvard, andeditors .and business staff express the Professor Ernst Freund, formerly onbelief that with this issue the found- the general of a student paper is accorn- h Laws" from Wisconsin, Harvard,plished j- and that long after they Northwestern, and Stanford are add-are gray·headed alumni THE DAILY ing their names to the registrationMAROON w!ll appear every afternoon, rolls and swelling the number. It isan old paper then, but always new not possible to state today how manyand filled with bright U. of C. news. students will be enrolled.This is assured if the students will A well appointed library and anpatronize our advertisers and if they eminently capable faculty are largelywill subscribe to the paper. From instrumental in effecting such anhundreds o, expressions of interest, auspicious opening. The work ofthe founders are confident the stu- the (acuity, made up of instructorsdents generally will give all the sup- from the Harvard, Leland Stanford,"port desired. and Northwestern law schools' willThe movement for the founding be supplemented with discussions byof the paper started last fall when prominent lecturers. Former mem-the managing editor and business bers of our faculty will also be num-anager held similar positions OIl bered in the organization of the new�� Ufliz·f't1iI)' of Chicago Wukly. school.oget�<h t10f s�bmit�ed to President The University of Chicago LawHarpel su��estlOns In reference to School is the first to offer the degreethe establishment of a daily news- of Juris Doctor. Other prominentpaper and a monthly literary maga- schools are considering its adoption,_ zJIJ� to tak�_ th!!_m_�cJ!_q_Lttt� __ W��kl�. ��.a.r.Jlar.dl}a.ri�alr.ead¥_recommended...,- Some scheme of business manage- such a change to its faculty and trus-ment . to insure stability was the tees. The degree of L.L.B. will beimperative demand. The managing given to unclassified students, and toeditor suggested official university third-year students who havecornple-management as in the athletics, and ted one year in the law school. Thethe business manager suggested a degree of J.D. will be given to thosesubsidy from the university. who have completed the six yearThe net result was a faculty dis- course, three of which must be in thecussion which crystalized the senti- 'La\v School.ment that the university must not in The library, which is the best lawallY way subsidize the student daily, school library in the West, consists ofthat the paper must be a self-sup- American, English, Scotch, Irish,porting student activity. Australian and Indian Reports andAt the end of the winter quarter Statutes, besides a large collection oflast year, nine men joined with the Treatises and Trials. When the lastpresent managing editor and decided shipment of books is put in place thethat they would undertake the finan- library will consist of 18,000 volumes.cial and editorial responsibility forpublishing a daily during one year,provided the students would givethem the authority, successive boardschosen in open competition to as­sume the responsibility annually.The ten were Messrs. Fleming,Mcl.aury, Collins, Ford, Henry,Wyman, McNair, Tische, J. F. Adams,and Stewart.They announced a mass-meetingto be held May 15, " for the organi­zation of a new- student activity."This announcement aroused consid­erable curiosity. The object of themeeting was explained to the Class of1902, and the class unanimouslyadopted a resolution of support forthe movement.In the meantime Mr. Moon hadalso been working on plans (or thestartmg of a daily and had associ­ated with himself Messrs. Conrad andBrode in a stock company for thedevelopmen; -, .. ( the IV,dd)' into adaily and monthl):.' -The day before tile mass-meetingPresident Harped called �Ir. Flern­ing and Mr. Moen to his office andsaid, "Gel to£, ether, gentlemen."The obstacle wa- the fact that Mr.Moon owned th . Wukly and hadquite a sum invc.ted.It was knowr that Mr. Fesler, sec­retary of the :\ 'dlllni Association hadin mind a pia J for alumni business re­sponsibilit\: for the proposed pub­hC?ltions. He was appealed to and,I .ontinued on page 3] Fall Quarter of the University Opens withLargest Attendance . in its Bistory­Total Registration up to NooD, 1935-New Rule for MedicsWith its usual accompaniment oflong lines of students anxious to paytheir money to the registrar, the au­tuum quarter began this morning.A noticeable feature of the openingwas that the men and women paidtheir bills at different places, thewomen at the old registrar's office inCobb Hall and the men at an impro­vieed office- in the Press Building.This feature formed the subject forconjer tures among the students as towhether or not it was a forernnnerof separate instruction.A new regulation in the MedicalSchool which provides that one year'suniversity credit must be offered forentrance, cut down the number ofregistrations to considerably lessthan last year.The total registrations up to twelveo'clock as estimated from the reportsof the various deans follows. In theright-hand column is the registrationfor last year as compiled from thepresident's quarterly statement.Divinity School. •...•.•.....Graduate Schools .Senior College .Junior College .......••••....Unclassified .•...••....•.••.•Medical School. .School of Education .Law School .••.•............ IQOZ'70::!5023070010019095100Totals. ..............•.. 1,935 2,162The figures for this year as com­pared with the total for last y..:ar,lead university officials to estimatethat the attendance this year, when_ the .....complete.Jegi,tr..atioll___is in,:"'11lill-exceed that of last by 200 at thevery least. -DIVISION ELECTIONS HELDSenior and Junior College Students Hon­ored by Selecticn for Student CouncilsThe division elections, held in theSenior and Junior Colleges today atnoon, as usual, resulted as follows bydivisions:SENIOR COLLEGE.I. Edith Shaffer, councilor; John Maclear,alternate.2. L. R. Capps, councilor; F. W. DeWolfe,alternate.3. Frank McNair, councilor; �gnes Way­man, alternate.4. Narcissa Cox, councilor; A. Burnham,alternate.5. R. S. Butler, councilor; Harry Evans,alternate.6. Harry Getz, councilor; Walter Johnson,alternate.JUNIOR COLLEGE.I. Fred. �Iolont:y, councilor; W. F, Iohnson,alternate.2. Robert 11. Murray, councilor ; H. ,\1 Fran­cis, alternate.3. Corinne Campbell, councilor; Clyde 'Blair,alternate.4. Vincent Norton, councilor t Clarence Sills,alternate.5. A. G. Bovee, councilor; Birdie Vaughn,alternate.In Division I, Junior College, Jim­mie Sheldon was again elected, butwithdrew in spite of the protestationsof his opponents.-------New "Gym" for Women..-\. new gymnasium for the womenstudents is in process of erect ion onMonroe avenue, near the new Schoolof Education building, Although itis a frame building and is planned asa temporary" Gym" the Universitygirls are looking forward with pleas­ure to the time when it shall be com­pleted.So far there have been no definiteplans announced for the women'sgymnastic work of this quarter. MissGertrude Dudley, who has charge ofthe women's gymnasium has returnedand is now busily engaged in plan­ning the work. A Frank Rooter Sees SuccessBecause Squad is Largestin History of MaroonsVARSITY vs, SOLDIERS TODAYDirector Stagg Sends Scrubs to .6.urora­Season Tickets on Sal.for StudentsIQOI1924352�7723146271107 The prospects for a successful andsatisfactory foot-ball season are, inmany respects, much brighter thanever before in the history of the Uni­versity.Even in 1899, when we won thechampionship of the West, at a corre­sponding stage in the developmentof the team, in respect to many im­portant considerations, the prospectswere not so favorable. The greatpoint that year was the return of acomplete back-field of star veterans.But even in that �reat season therewere too few candidates, as a funda­mental factor of foot-ball is the devel­opment of men for the maintainanceof a system. This is the year for anew start for us in the western foot­ball race.The squad this year is larger thanever before. It has already reachedthe fifty mark and should in the nextthree days, with the opening of col­lege, be increased by at least a score.The size of the squad is due in.nosmall degree to the efforts of Direc­tor Stagg and Manager Butterworth,. and also to the alumni. Lasbpririg,tIlenrst. 1D terscholastJC" tiiC£1Deet-:-,::served incidentatly, from a'Uni���ty .•point of view, as a means ofln�t�".; the high-school boys iu'th�'.u�iS::51kversity. This fall the athletes havethe best of accommodations. Theyare located in the best ball and anexcellent training-table has beenprovided. .. -Only seven of last year's 'team havereturned with Captain Sheldon, butthe squad contains an abundance ofexcellent material, men who havebeen stars on � their high-Schoolteams, or have played a year or. twoon small college teams.The men ire new at universityplaying and, of 'course, they are' Dotdsed to playing together. This wilinecessitate a slow, development, butbefore the season- is over, with the'excellent coaching the men will get;there should be a good team.. Mr.Stagg is, as everyone knows, headcoach, and .his greatness is too wellknown to need comment. He willbe .bly assisted 'by two members oflast year's team, George Garrey, the. star quarter back, and Orville At-,wood, full back..It is not too late yet to try for theteam, although practice has been go­ing on for three weeks. The placeshave not been decided, and there isalways room for a good man. Fresh­men especially should get oue and tryfor the scrubs, 50 as to be in line fornext year.The scrub team t�is year is un­doubted ... · the best scrub team Chi­cago has ever had, as was demon­strated last Saturday in the gamewith Hvde Park. The scrubs de­feated the High School' boys 5 to 0,while last Wednesday the 'Varsityonly won from the same team 6 to 5·The game was played throughoutwith remarkable dash and bril-liancy. 0#The schedule this year is speciallyattractive to the rooters from the factthat all the gam�' are to be; played,on the home groundS. .There -willbe a game on �arshall Field every, �,Wednesday and Saturday u�li.!.\ t��'(COQ�a� on p.p' 3)- ':- .:.�':.- .'��e.=,C'Il....��(I)C'Il....���...�0a'a'�UJ"'-=�0<="'CIl�.�(I)�•-�--CCs0�� -til(1eOr _t. !-Ir �r(1)'�!a099�0c+�Is-"'1. ��CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, Offi'PBER 1, 1902While the men want the virile lifewhich comes from the &om�rati"i�of manly men together, and the girlsthat charm and character from dailylife with live, womanly young women,we all want the university life, thefeeling of partnership in the wholeUniversity of Chicago. The plan ofthe University administration seemsto provide for the realization of allthese desires in balance. editor, and Charles W_ Collins, asso­ciate editor.Since the spring elections the fol­lowing vacancies and changes havebeen made in the board : Harry W.Ford, news editor-elect recently re­signed his position on THE DAILYMAROON to join the staff of the Min­illg Gaull� at Houghton, Mich. Mr.Ford's loss will be especially felt atthis time since his hearty efforts inbehalf of the new activity were effect­ive; the other vacancy was occasionedby the resignation of Eli P. Gale asathletic editor. Mr. Gale, however,will continue his 'relations with theboard as an associate editor. Theresignation of Mr. Ford in favor ofof Oliver B. Wyman and Mr. Gale'sresignation in favor of Robert L.Henry were acted upon. The elec­tionswere made accordingly.Frank Adams was elected to fillthe vacancy on the board made byMr. Ford. The managing editor ispleased to announce the election tothe board as women editors, of MissCornelia S. Smith and Miss JuliaC. Hobbs.The Daily Maroon_Formerl7 the Uahcniay of Cbic:aeo Weekly.POl11CDED� UnivCftity of Chi�Weekly - October 1,11192The Daily Maroon - - • October I. 19M Of all the questions considered inthe University since the last Autumn"SeVega- quarter, the proposed sep­tion" aDd aration of the men andUninrsity women students in theLife Junior College is withoutdoubt much the most important.It is a thoroughly complicatedproblem involving (I) administrative,(2) educational, and (3) social ques­tions. The social question involvesthe relations of young men amongthemselves, young women amongthemselves, and the relations betweenyoung men and young women dur­in?, two vital years of their student life.Because THE DAILY MAROON 'hasbeen founded to aid in the develop­ment of our student life at the U. ofc., we can best discuss the socialphase of the question, and at theoutset we should state that THE DAILYMAROON will always stand ready toencourage any plan that will con­tribute to the improvement of ouralready interesting and valuable uni­versity life.I f the separate instruction plan iscarried out, it will mean that therewill be a Junior College ,for men ina quadrangle on the Midway west ofCobb hall, and a Junior CoJlege forwomen in a quadrangle on the Mid­way in the other direction. In eachquadrangle there will be not onlylecture haJls and labratories, wherethe same Junior College' courses re- .:quired for all will be given, but alsodormitory buildings. The resultwould be a definite basis for two dis­tinct, unified groups of people. Atpresent the lack of clearly definedlarge groups in the University isoften felt in promoting student activ­ities.----lri-ageneraYwayi- majority of themen seem to favor the change. Butin a jocose manner they say seriously:"If they don't _take the girls awayfrom the University it will be allright."But most of the young women seemto be opposed. The alumnee arebringing pressure to bear on the trus­tees in the hope of causing the boardto reject the plan. One trusfee saysthey are indulging in hysteria. Webelieve that the fundamental causefor their fight is -the fear that bysome hidden scheme they are to bedeprived of equal opportunity forhigher educrrion, which they are sureof when in the same classes as themen. The president and faculty,members have held that they shouldmake no statement until the trusteeshave acted. In our opinion this hasbeen the cause of much trouble. Ifa simple, yet comprehensive expo­sition of the plan--not an argumentfor it-had been made public, notonly the young women. but manymothers throughout the countrywould have been spared needlessanxiety.But we believe there is no doubtthat in college life the girls of theU. of C. will make wonderful gainsfrom the creation of a woman's col­lege in the University. Many a girlin the halls has listened almost withenvy to another tell of a year at awoman's college, and the delights ofthe college life of college girls to­gether. And there has never beenanything better for the college lifeof our U. of C. girls than their U scg­regated" athletics on Marshall Fieldlast year.But above all, this is a university,and these colleges would be integralparts of the University of Chicago.Published in tbe Interests of the studall-body of theUnivcra1ty of Chiaeo.PlUeDt 'board of editors aDd busi_ man.£erauthorized by Itudent.body III mass meetlDE May I�.1902· 'Membefllhip on subsequent boards of editors to bedetermined by competitioD opeD to all studalts In theUDiYCl&ity.BOARD OF BDITORS�:!sa,ris�torEditor •Athletic Editor - H ••• ERT E. FLaMING- OLIVER H. WYMAN- ROBE lIT L. HENRY, JR.EDITORIAL ELECTIONSSince the elections of the editorialboard of THE DAILY MAROON lastspring two vacancies in the executivepositions have necessitated a re­election. A t the original elections atthe close of the spring -quarter whenthe group of twelve men was author­ized by the student-body, in mass­meeting, to organize into two boards,the following division and electionsto the executive positions of the twoboards were effected: For the DAILY,Herbert E. Fleming, managing edi­tor; Harry W. Ford, news editor, andEli P. Gale, athletic editor; for theMONTHLY, Roy D. Keehn, managingASSOCIATE EDITORSJOHN F. ADAM. WALICE. G. McLAUIIYJ1'UNCIS F. TISCHI': FIIANK MeN AlitEu P. GALE ADELBEnT. STEWARTFItAMIC R. AUAM.WONEN EDITORSMISS CoIlNEUA S. SMrTH MISS JUUA C. HOBBSBUSnmss STAFFThe Dall,. Maroon The Monthly �IaroonHwo.iDCSS ManaECr - • - BYRON G. MOONAssistant HusiDCSS MaD:l£er. JULIAN L. BIIODEAdvenlsin£ MaD:l£er - - - PLAn M. CONRADAII'licllhi", ",1It1, /'tI, ",'ry IU SUtt"tI-cllUs ",11/­I" lit ''', C"iCII.cD Ptlst-tljJiu.Dally Subscription, $3 per 4 quarters I $1 for 3 monthsSubscrilltiOlls recclYCd at the Maroon OtIke. tint ftoor thePress Bulldln!!'. or leI! in the Maroon Bu •• the FacultyE.chanlrC. Cobb Hall.Walter Kennedy, '00, is coachingthe Lake Forest Academy team.Printed �,. the Unl"ers.lty of O.lcaco Press.r� �? _2¥isea ??""ifUA _2?*i''\i)Q -:-??F"'i)a ?F..,MARSHALL FIELD J& COMPANYI'" EDITORIALS.., I J, Attention is directed to the excellenceI of the fabrics, the correctness of the stylesand the perfect tailoring, embodiedin our superior lines of Men's ClothingL,'?=�"':;;;;�'ii:).. )�qlll!i!!:2?�,c;;iiiliE-iii)�"R.i!_�iSI._MILa__�� .._�'_iI!_���i)Ii_i.:iPilr:;�_�I'\�,.Jt,The editors of THE DAILY MAROONhope to be of valuable service to theThe Aims student-body and to ourof The Daily University. In our workMaroon we hope not merely to fillthe functions of a university news­paper, but to lay the ground work ofa continued line of development forthis activity until the practical idealis attained.Our first aim will be to tell thenews of all parts of the University inan entertaining manner. We aredetermined that this "Maroon"shall �ot "tum yellow." 'It is"-a--very easy matter to make. �istakesin any kind of publiC wrrnng, �utwe 'shall avoid them by keepmg1 hi motto' "Thea. Ways before us t IS. .gOOd of our UniversIty and itsstuden ts." '.("\ ns the U::lver-'-If course, this we3d t see itsitv 1 the 5tu en s -J S we fare as h t 0 casion-It . ik ly t a clS more than ]I e suggestionsally ff r some. we may 0 e. 1 actions and1D f offic.are erence to write we willpl�l:ls. In whatever �efault-findingaV()id the spirit of pett�buto sugges-� optn'" �a�'\( endeavor to Cbe student pointtl0t\S of valu.e froIJl tof \tiew. 'activities of the• 1 tben reference tour endeavor tostlldents it will be 0nlan who does. ,,-0gl\t� any man orur lJniversity theanhhing good for �tl encour�hecr�dit due. We WIrage the i�lt­W()tkers and diSCO;eavor to add tofin�ers; we will .en l?Y helpful criti­tb� university }Ifeci�tn and suggestion. entire student., \..... h t tbe . hei, YVe trust t � be' paper IS t errbOdy will feel that t will contribute09ttl, that the s�uden�nd aid to THED('o�, suggestions, orters wheneverD-\ILY MAROOrl repP()Ssible. . . n for places on"the competlUo begins at� staff of reporterS e quarter. TheIt will last for onh show abilityI "W 0n�Ws "hust ers the staff ofwill be zi laces one gIven p winter quarter.reporters for the .Th tition for the springen the comp� d each reporterquarter will begm, anwill work to hold his place on thestaff. At the end of the year thosewho have done the best work as re­porters will be elected to the boardof editors. We hope there will bemany candidates, so as to assure thefuture of THE DAILY MAROON. cWeaver Coal &--'e-o A L A N- ])----ee-K-E---'-Coke CoforSubstitute Hard CoalMarquette Building63d and WaJlace streets 40th street and Wentworth avenueNorth avenue and RiverIn Union there is Strength ! Football by RuleIs I just as popular and meets with appro val as readily 'as Tailoring byMeasure.Also Comfort if you have yourWe Know All About It-Tailoring, we mean - both in theoryand practice, and are anxious to theorizwith you and practice on you to youentire satisfaction. \Ve have those NewWeaves and Late Designs, and Skilled\Vorkmen to construct a Garment thawill make you correctly dressedBesides, you do your selecting by daylight. and that is a distinct advantageAll these things conspire to make oupatrons tbe BEST DRESSED among theifellows.Union SuitsMade to' Fit.We make UNDERWEAR to Measure.\Also SWEATERS, etc.M. J. COFFEY,1105-1107 Association Buildm�J53 LA SALLE ST.STRAUSS-CAHN KNITTING CO.N. 'Va Cor. \Vabash ave. and Adams street.RETAIL DEPARTMENTThe bookstore formerly located in CobbLecture Hall has been removed to commodiousquarters m the new Press Building at the cornerof Fifty-eighth street and Ellis avenue.A complete line of University te. t books willbe carried in stock and orders wiII be taken to meetthe needs of students for all reference books.Special attention wiII be given to �;l l!pes ofsupplies including stationery, pens, penq.\:, etc.Prices reasonable. Service prompt. ..THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO 1\ ESS-\Fifty-eighth street and Ellis ;i �!nu·e. ,11• CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, Om'OBER 1, 1002NEW DAILY PAPER[Continued from page. I. Jexpressed the-belief that the associa­tion would purchase the Wuldy fromMr. Moon. The result was that atthe mass-meeting, a resolution ask-:ing the alumni to purchase the paperwas adopted. .The ten men named, with Messrs.Keehn and E. P. Gale added to thelist, were authorized to be the edi­tors of the proposed daily andmonthly for one year, and Mr. Moonwas recommended for business man­ager, this action being taken at ameeting which crowded Kent. The­ater.Opposition to the plan developedamong the alumni. Finally, duringthe summer, a committee of fifteen,appointed on Alumni Day. was aboutto send out an adverse report. WithHenry Gale, '96, of the committee,acting as adviser, the managing edi­tor, representing the editors, andMr. Moon, came to a compromiseagreement, and Mr. Moon withdrewhis proposition to the alumni.The agreement provides for anequal division of the financial respon­sibility between the business managerand the combined editorial boards.It provides specifically that all sub­sequent boards of editors shall beselected in competition open to allstudents. This board, through an� 'auditing committee, has insight intothe books, and elects the businessmanager, the retiring manager nomi­nating. By this 'means the paper isto be a self-supporting student ac­tivity.Tuere have been two student dailiesand one tri-weekly in the history ofthe university.llu Vnj'lJ�Tsily :Aews was startedOct. I 7, 1 b92, and ran almost throughthe first year of the university, sus­pending publication April 19, 1893.The tri-weekly was called 1 h� Ma·roon, It first appeared May 15, I H95,and was discontmued March 20,1896.The third effort took place in thespring-of 19oo-when -a-paper-;namC(i-:Th� lJa_i/y MlUlJOn was published fromMay I,)to June �� � ,In every case these papers werediscontinued because ot inadequatebusiness management.The present editors and businessmanagers are not at all afraid of thename they have chosen. Because theuniversity is now so large, and be­cause on both business and editorialsides the paper has been. carefullyand comprehensively organized, thefounders are confident that THEDAILY MAROON will last..�rnI (J)I�•oo•L. MANASSE, OPfiCIAN88 Madlsoa se., Tribune Sui �Specw:lea au Eye� Scienti1le&Uy .wjaat.edEyes TC!ItaJ .treeEveryaiac OpticalMathcaatlCal 'MetneolGcicai.andfor the Ulllenlist.Kodab. ca.eraaaDd Sapfba.Without questioa _ prow: that by the _ �fBELGIAN H� GROWERWe £uaranm: this., aad posiciMelyclailD that BelcianHair Grower is tIM: oaly p�lioa in the worldthat willltl'Ow hair OD bald beads, stop fallillc Iaair.curedaDdruff, aDd prnaIl baldDesa.THE BELGIA.N DRUG CO ••S. Adams 51., Dotei' BIde. Telq»hoae Huri_ ....SUCCESSFUL� Tailor'H� \VI1Y?� Because I serve the members of the Univer-sity with EXCEPTIOKAL SKILL, and gh·e my... CLOSEST ATTE5T10K to their work, and carryeI) the BEST AIm LARGEST COLLEtnOK of� woolens to select from.eI)o WilliamCom·enlent to U. of C.Sachen320 55th st., near Monroe ave Punts FrOID the BleachersI sth of this month, and after that, one onevery Saturday until ThanksYolvingday. Theschedule is well chosen for the I>UCCCS.i ofthe team. The games gradually groW' harder.A complete schedule follows:. Wednesday, October I.-H. �lu:ridan sol­diers, 3: 30 P. M.Saturday October 4.-Knox, 3: 30 I'. M.Wednesday, October 8.-Corllell College(Iowa), 3: 30 P. M.Saturday, October I I.-Purdue University,3:30 p. )1.Wednesday, October IS.--To be arranged,3:30 p. M .:Saturday, October IS.-Northwestern Uni­versity. 3: 00 P .....Saturday, October 2s.-Univer:.ily of Hli­nois, 3: 00 P. M.Saturday, November I.-Beloit College,10:30 A. !'oI.Saturday, November S.-Universlty of In-diana, 2: 30 P. M. .Saturday, Noeember Is.-University ofMichigan, 2: 00 P. M.Saturday, November 22.-Rush and P. &S., 2:00 P. M.Thanksgiving day, November 27.-Uni.versityof Wisconsin, 1:30.Manager .Butterworth has been workingon a sched'lle for the scrubs for nearlv threeweeks, and as a result the second-team menhave the rinest assortment of games andtrips that a Chicago.scrub team has ever en­joyed.The following is the list of games to date:October I.-East Aurora at Aurora.October 4.-$outh Division at �larshallField.October I I.-Racine College at Racine,October 20. - Northwestern scrubs, atEvanston.October 2S.-Culver at Culver.November S.-Naperville at Naperville.This afternoon at 3:30 the 'Van.ity playsthe Fort Sheridan Light Artillery team,coached by William E. Desombre of theclass of 1902. They held NortbwesternUniversity down to a 16 to 0 score, so that agood game can be expected.The: Iine- up is as follow!>:Chicago. Fori �h�ridan.Ivsion.... ..••• Right End •.•••.•.. HuckFarr .•••••.... Right Tackle .••••• WrightR. Maxwell .••• Right Guard •••••• NordickEllsworth. _ •••••• Center ••.•••• ThompsonAhlswede •••••• Left Guard •••....•••. Hall_Koebler .... _••.. �t� :rac�l� •• � ...: : ._Green_Speik ••••• ••• Left End .••. CnickshankSheldon ••••••• Quarter Back •••••••• LangBezdek •••••• Right HaU Back KnudsonSchnur ••••••• Left Half Back HalbuanWightman •••••• _I-uJl Back •••...•• Martin •7=I MAJOR.S and MU(OR.S IThe Phi Delta Thetas will give an informalSaturday night, October 4, at Rosahe Hall .The Friars, wllo were true to their vowsfor,a year.. have disbanded, They say 'twasCupid's work.De_ A. K., Head of HitchcockHall, wm be alii)" assisted by James WeberLmn, Henry Preston Chandler • .and GeorgeHenry Garrey, who have been appointedass1SI:.lnt Heads.RUSH JlEDIC .arES.Prospects are bright in the medi(:u schoolw a large enrollment. Most of .the old menarc back, and many new are zegistering.The school suffers the 10ss.Q{ Dr. Lyon, ofthe phJ�logy depar1men� .this quarter.Dr. l..yOll .is pursuWg invc$ligations in Italy.The offer of a sea aquarium .as .an induce·meal tor Ve. Loeb to leave tbe Uni¥ersity tobuomc aD instJ'Uctor at the UJUversity ofCahfomia has no chanus for the 4Qclor. Hewill give his Ul:iual coW'SCS in ph�"6iWogy thisfallALlDIJII lIorES.Miss Charlotte Teller, '�, wasmarried recently at the home of heruncle, Senator Teller, in Denver.Marshall E. Sampsell, '96, was re­cently appointed clerk of the UnitedStates Circuit Court.Roosevelt Will Be Here LaterAlthough every member of theUniversity is greatly disappointed byPresident Roosevelt's inability to bewith us Friday, nevertheless it isgiven out on ex�elle�t, authority th�tthe president Will VISit the West, Ifpossible, before Congress '''pen�.At President Harper's office It wasstated this morning that plans willbe made for the special -convocationat such time as is convenient forPresident Roosevelt to come, andthat he will then receive the degreeof Doctor of Laws from. the UDi-versity. This afternoon the Scrubs are at Aurorafor a game with the East Aurora HighSchool. The men on the trip and their pc­sitions are as foUows: Left end, Hughes;left tackle, Burrows; left guard, Parry andStaib; center. Hall; right guard, Thiel, Min·cer and �lcPartlin; right tackle, Hanley;right end • .F. Harper; quarter back. Hitch.cock; left half back, W. Magee and Hughes;riJ.:ht half back, J. Harper and Linton; fullback, Ohver and Wright.Our team deserves support. It is not onlya good team but a good fightmg team. Lastyear we had a plucky team and they deservedthe hearty support given them. There is noreason why this team should not be asplucky, and no reason why they should nothave the same support. The wearing of themaroon should be an inspiration.Manager Butterworth has made arrange­ments to let the students have season ticketsa� reduced rates. They may be had from. him personally or at the Information Office.These tickets, which entitle the holder to areserved seat, are sold for $4.00. The seasontic.kets which are sold to the public vary inpnce from $8.00 to $20.00. The $8.00 kindentitle the holder only to admission. Thosewho have not already done so should pur­chase a season ticket immediately and attendthe game this afternoon.The rooms of the foot-ball men are situa­ted on all four floors in the west wing of thenew dormitory. Those who have been'through the hall know how luxurious theapartments are. The furnithre is especiallyattractive, the "Bradley It style being usedthroughout. .The dining-room is in the basement club­r<?om, where the first regular training tabledinner was served last evening. Twenty-twomen have been sent to the training table,The list follows: .. Backs and ends-Captain Sheldon. Per­kins, L. Maxwell, Jennison. Speik, .and }t••Harper of the old men ; Schur, Wightman,Bezdek, Hitchcock. Catlin, and Ivison of thenew men. Line men-e-Ahlswede, Ellsworth,and Terry of the old men; Farr, Koehler, R.Maxwell, Buckley, Tripp and Parry of thenew men.Six others have been assigned to rooms inthe training quarters at Hitchcock hall, andCoach Stagg announced that he would in­crease the number on the table to thirty.The six are: Conrad, of last year's squad;Oliver, Mincer. Mefford, Linton, and Hughesof the new men.Thirty-two of the best men in the squadwill, in all probability, be lodged in the new.. millionaire's' den;" thougli at the- present"time arrangements for only twenty have beenmade. It is the intention of Mr. Stagg toincrease this number during the season, as'the new men prove their ability.I ACADEMY NOTES I-.The old Rugby system of "fagging" as ameans of initiation for "freshies" was revivedat Morgan Park this fall and for one shortweek the new "pups" were kept on tbe jumprunning errands and blacking boots for the •seniors. The new initiation. is a substitutefor the time honored "hot foot" that wasabolished after a serious ""town aDd gown"fight last falLThe South Side Academy,OI' the Univer­sity Secondary School, as it bas been reochristened, opened for the Autumn sessionSeptember 2.C- There are more than twohundred studeots in attendance. �Porter Smitb is manager aDd Russel Cranecaptain of the South Side AcadaDy footballteam.Dearbona seminary opeaed tIUs monaing.Over $600 was subscribed at a studentmass-meeting last week to support M. P. A.athletics.RESERVED FORMrs. A. M. TulleyLADIES' TAILORMRS. M. TAYLORBAKERYOil. W.J. Covtysuperinteads .n workCOVEY'SDENTAL P AR'LORS174-176 STATE STREETOpposite MaiD EatraaCe Palmer HoacGold CI'OWftS - Ss.oo I Set Teeth • Ss.ooBridie \VMk - • s.oo s. S. w •• a 00PI.tlnum .·illiae 1.00 Roee PearllsAoGolcl .·iIIl.... $lt.oo, up PaiDJaa Utracd_ .50 UNIVERSITY LECTURESInt:.erestl.q Coureea Arranpl by UDl·veralty � AuociationThe University Lecture Associa-tion, in co-operation with the Uni­versity of Chicago, has announced aseries of courses of lectures to begiven in each of. the principal divi­sions of the city.The South Side center is locatedat the South Congregational Church,Fortieth street and Drexel boulevard.The first course .will be given byProfessor William Henry Hudson ofLondon on "Studies in Shakespeare."Oct. 6.-uWhat is a Play?"Oct. 13.-"The Structure of the Drama."Oct. 20.-"Shake�peare, the Man and His\Vork."Oct. 27.-"The Chronology of Shake-speare's Plays."Nov. 3.- ""A Midsummer Night's Dream,"Nov. lo.-"The Merchant of Venice."Nov. 11.- .. �uch Ado About Nothing."Nov. 24.-"Romeo and Juliet."Dec. I.-:-uJulius Ceesar,"Dec. 8.-··Othello."Dec. Is.-"Macbeth."Dec. 22.-uThe Tempest."Subsequent courses at the SouthSide center will be delivered by Pro­fessor William Craig Wilcox on "TheEastern Question," and ProfessorRichard Green Moulton on "Studiesin Milton's Paradise Lost."The courses to be delivered at theNorth Side center. Francis W. Park­er School, 550 Webster avenue, areas follows:Six lectures on "The Study of Lit­erature," by Professor William HenryHudson;Six lectures on "The Music Dramaso,f Richard Wagner," by Dr. Nathan­iel I. Rubinkam;- -Tw'elye'" lectures' on" UivIen" Who -Made the Nation," by ProfessorEdwin ErIe Sparks.The West Side courses, which willbe delivered in the Lewis Institute,corner of Robey and Madisonstreets, are: .Twelve lectures on "The Earth asIt Is," by Professor. Rollin D. Salis- -bury;Six lectures on "The SpiritualElement in Tragedy," by ProfessorS. H. Clark;Six lectures on "Plain Talks onAmerican History,". by ProfessorEdwin Erie Sparks. Further infor­mation can be secured at the .Uni­versity Extension Office, Cobb Hall.Tn BEST IS CIIBAPB8TCelebrated Hats" Styles adQaalitieaAlways ProgressiYe"PAUl .. HOOSEPlllL&J)BlPIIIA CBlCAGOlIBW'fVIiCJC.Our Splendid Stock ofENGLISH aD4 SCOTCHSlJ�TI:NGSAre Correct for College WearOar CRAVE_ETD, VlCUKA, LAIIBS­WOOL, u4 CHEVIOTOVERCOATIlfG'S�re Jast the Things for thoseLoDg, Full OvercoatsSUITSOTDCO&T8 •PDDrG 801T8 - �:r�. 1040- 7SJERRE"'S Taa. fir Toac ....� , I.-lSI L&SA.J.U 8T.A. N. JERREMS, Mgr.THE WORLD'SGreatestClothiersAlso Complete Lines ofHats, Caps,Furnishings,and Shoes .•For MEN and BOYS.prescription Compounding,J. J. a ILL.Chemist and Pharmacist,Rosalie Pharmacy.·Phone Oakland 175. � .. E. Fifty-Seventh at.BOWMAN DAIRY CO.••• OUR.Milk is Bottled in the Country-Main Office and 'Vorks, 33d st. and Shields ave.Phone South 804BEST WORK IN CHICAGOBORDEN ,CONDENSED MILK. FLUID MILK,CREAM and BUITERMILK(Ail bottled in the country)Borden's Condensed· Milk Co.627-6:13 East 47th st.If You Are Sick),ou wili requirePURE 'MEDICINESIf you are well you wili wish the best ofGEJlBlUL SUPPLIES�!>::�� Avery's Pharmaciesssth and Monroe ave. 57th and Coulli!e Grove ave.MUSSEY'SBilliard Halls and Bowling AlleysThe Largest and Finest AmusementResort in the World100 to 108 MADISON STREETColumbia School of MusicKIMBALL HALLJKkson blvd. and Wabash ave.Music, Elocution, DancingNew Illustrated Catalogue FreeCuRE OSBORNE REED. LoUIS McDoNALD,Director Busine,. ManagerTelephone 718 OaklandA. McAdamsTHE UNIVERSITY FLORISTGREENHOUSES: CHICAGOCor. S3d st, and Kim�rk ave.SHEET MUSICTALKING·aDd MACHINESv. H. DECKER, WATCHMAKERand JEWELER240 E. sst" st.CHICAGO 'Phone RIDe Zl6:iE. B. GAYNOR'S DA!fC1NG SCHOOLR .... 1e Hall, 57th at. anel Rosalie coartOPENS �IDAY,·OCT. 2-4thThis School ill Mr the benefit of Teacbns and Vnl­Yehlt)' .stadents. Class under in�tnrction from 8 to9; from 9 to 11 :30. Assembly Social. Friend, ofpupil!! admitted to AQe1fIbly Social at II per couple.W�te for Circul.r. Address 4424 EultS ave. CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY,· OCTOBER 1, 1002s$23.30 Chicago to New York aDd Retum.via Nickel Plate Road. on October 3, 4, 5 and6, with return limit leaving New York, Uct�ber'14, 1902. Three trains daily. at conven.lenthours. Vestibuled sleeping cars. AmericanClub �leal�, ranging in price from 35c. to$1.00, served in dining·cars on NIckel PlateRoad ; also meals a 10 carte. Chicagodepot, Harrison st. and Fifth ave. CityTicket Office. III Adams st. 'PhoneCentral 205;. Write John Y. Calahan, Gen­eral ,\ �enf, 113 Adams st., Chicago, forparticulars. --�------------The Famous Tniloring Co., 3�6 E. Fifty­fifth st., makes Garments to measure, andcarries up-to-date ;\Ien's Furnishings. Dis­counts to students.----------------for publication free of charge. Notices mustbe left at THE MAR.OON office or Faculty Ex­change before 12:00 o'clock noon.Student Activities.The University football game-Chicagoand Fort Sheridan. Today at 3:30 p.m, onMarshall J·teld.Glee Clubb Trials- Monday, Oct. 6. atKent Theatre, at 5 o'clock, Ernest Miller.leader.Musicians=-U. of C. men who play basso,alto and tenor horns; also, two men on drums,call at 232 E. 55th and investigate beforeFriday evening. Ask for Mr. Hiushaw orMr. Merrill.Meetings for new girls in Haskell HaJJFriday, Oct. 3. at 12:30 a. m. Women Stu­dents' Christian League. Acquaintance: tea,Friday, 4:00 p. m .• in Haskell Hall.Official.Beginning October I, fees will be receivedfrom men in the north-east room of PressBuilding. Fees received from women inRoom lA, Cobb HaJJ •.Department of Military Science and Tac­tlcs=-Drill 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. Mondays andThursdays. May be: taken in lieu of re­quired physical culture. Lecture Tuesday.4:00 to 5:00 p. m, Arms and equipmentsfurnished, no uniform required. First driJJ4:00 to 5:00 p. m. Monday, October 6.Women students will register this weekfor physical culture with Dean of Womenduring her regular office hours for registra­tion.Law Students.-Dean Beale will be in hisoffice on third floor of Press building. forregistration, Wednesday 9:00 to 12 a. m. and3:00 to 5:00 p. m.Chapel assembly for the Graduate Schoolswill be held in chapel, Cobb Lecture HaJJ, at10:30 a.m. on Thursday, Oct. 2. A musicale.A fuJJ enjoyment of the Foot Ball gamescannot be had if you are not protected by amackintosh or rain coat.Browning, Kirrg & Co. show the rightkind at the right price.For that Foot-Ball Hair use Fur-Fur.Miss Goodfellow does typewriting. 5552Lexington avenue, third flat. Work collectedand delivered. Telephone 432 Blue.ODe Fare for the Round Tripto Boston and return, via Nickel PlateRoad, October 7 to II. account meetingof Brotherhood of St. Andrews. By deposit­ing tickets at Boston and paying fee of Soc.extended return limit of November 12 maybe obtained. Through vestibuled sleeping­cars and first-class service in every respect.Cheap rates to all New England points.Write John Y. Calahan, 113 Adams st.,Chicago, for particulars.A" ROllgn House" Hat, fine with a mack­intosh, just the thing to sit on or stuff intoyour pocket in Lecture Room, is shown byBrowning, King & Co .. Wabash and �ladison.Cheap enough too, $1.00.$Ig.oo - Boston and Return - $Ig.oovia Nickel Plate Road, October 7 to IIinclusive. good returning until November12 by depositing tickets at Boston andpaying fee of Soc. Three trains daily,carrying through vestibuled Club Meals. rangmg III pncefrom 35c. to $1.00, served in dining-cars onNickel Plate Road; also meals a la carte.City Ticket Office, III Adams st •• Chicago.Full information can be secured from JohnY. Calahan, General Agent, I 13 Adams st.,Chicago. •For ReDt.Furnished room, for one or two students.6148 Elhs ave.Speci�.I Round-Trip ExcursioD Rates toNew York"ia Nickel Plate Road. Tickets. on �alcOctober 3 to 6 inclusive. Hood leavmg NewYork not later than October 14· Addre�sJohn Y. Calahan, Gen�ral Agent, 113 �damsst., Chicago. for re�ervation or sleepmg-carspace and I)ther information. "I'M LOOKING l'ORWARD". WITH MUCH PLEASURE TO A CAI.I. FROM THE R ..:AIIF.R. WHEI' I WILL, WITII­OUT DOUHT, CONVINCE YOU 0.' THE :,UI'ERIORITY Oil !lOOT O!lOLY MY LINEOF WOOLENS, HUT TilE GKNERAL HIGH QUALITY OF MY WOR.K, WHICH· HASI'I.AC.:1l ME II' TltE U:AIl II' TillS BUSllIOESS IN CHICAGO .• • • YOU KNOW ME •The 33 Man 33 Adams 33 Cent 33 Letters In 33 Dollar "GoodOriginal at st. 'Phon� Nldd�::� BU��i:S "• •• MY LEAIIER .•A. LIPMANCARROLL S. MC:\IILL"EN, TAILOR. No •.13. ADA�IS ST.Diamond & Loan Broker!» Ealt Madison It.Fin .. Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry, and Anliques; \Vatches and Jewelry Repaired; Old Gold .nd Silver Houa:htAnv clothier can talk"hot air," hut we've "gotthe goods."Mossler's " E.M." cloth­ing sells itself. Shows itsworth on its (ace. Just thesmartest clothes in Chica­go. " Broad - shoulder­right-in-the-neck" customtailored kind. S J 0 to 535,and worth half as muchagain.The Custom Tailors $75 Full Dress Suits for $30Mail orders shipped anywhere onapproval without deposit.MOSSLER'S"E.M." SYSTEM121 M.onroe sf., near ClarkO'MEARA BR.OTHERS·HOME BAKERYmakes nothing butStrictly Home-Made Ooods.Bread, Rolls. Pie, and Cake. Parties and 'Veddin2ssupplied on short notice, Ices and Ice Cream 10 orderDon'l forget the numbel'-�78 East 55th st.BOOKSLaw, Medical, College, Academic, High-Schooland Educational Books generallyHEWITT'S 41S :eJ�!;.SO����k ST.'JENKlNS BROTHERSReasonable and Reliable Retailersof Fine Dry Goods, MenPsFurnishings, Boots andShoes, Etc., Etc:. � �Tel�honeDrexel 6S2J Cor.63cl st. and Kimbark ave. The Pilgrim Press'(Booksellers) 175 Wabash ave.Sollcit« the Trade of the Students of ChicJlgo Uni­Yersily. We w.1I quote you Special Price .. if you willmake yourself known.Do not miN ourREMAiNDER SALENow Gulnlt On$1.00, $1.25. $1.50 Books for 19C., or•3 Books for soc.Seek SUMBOLA She SEESFor Character Delineations i�r��the position of rulin!! pl:lllel" :lIlime of birth.An ullfailinl: guide 10 health, prospenty, and hap.piness. Full particulaes a:i\'en 011 application toSUM BOLASui IS pressed, soc; Trousers, ISC.Henry Helnze, Tailor3ro E. 57th street CHICAGOAT RIGHTDissecting Gowns, Sleeves, ApronsPRICES.SHARP & SnITH,5ui'"gkal Instruments and Hospital Supplies9.z Wabash ave •• CHICAOO.E. BURNHAl\l1-1 A I R (;OODSELECTROLYSISFacial .X:�i�"lnlli 70 and 72 Stat« st.�:::: ��!�i���i��:�j!a::!th;lnlli CIIICAGO• FRATERNITY.STATIONERYWM. FREUND & SONS17.·'76 Stare 51. Opposire Palmer HonseUNIVERSITYHome Restaurant474� East 55th streetLight Breakfast 10 and J 5 centsNoonday Lunch 10 and 15 centsFull Dinner and Supper 25 cents:\leal tickets 21 meals S4.00Comm�ltation. tickets $3.50 worth for s.fooDR. GOODMAN A.MILlERDENTIST369-! s- STREET'TB.EPItOItE DREXEL "" 2 Doors of Washington st.Spalding's OfficialFoot Ball Suppliesare used loy alo cotl e ges andathlet'c dul-s, Lecause theystand the test,Spa1diDg'S OfIlcial In­tercollegiate Foot Ballis used in all champion,hipll�.� gamr-s. Price $4.00.a. Spalding's l'few At-tachment for Foot BalITackling Machine wasinvemed by Mr. n:Mc:Ma5ters. trainer 0 theHarvard team. It is thebest appliance of irs kindever invented. Price$ISooo.Spaldinl!'s Official Foot RailGuide for 1902. Price 10 cear ••Spalotlnl!'" Fall and WintnSports. <.:atalogue mailed free.A.o. Spalcllnlt A Bros.New Y",..t O'ic«ro (H",,"R«lli""tw� R_tr.. l"(1 ..Have you got to Ispeak a piece? II'Veil. We dOll'l know 01 an,. 1tIDII Of , .• "mt." ,._ •• :�:.��:dJ�iZ�·It.. t�::�o�h: C:�� :'t:'.1.'·��!1 :oar::; •• �cl::; d��:;).'\�� ;"��':.s \c::�; :�e Jut •• C-�;r;�I:::;�:'�I!:.�rb"li.��1I4ID: '·effort." l'or all •,.,..". vlltf n..... &Ih .ldn nl J� ql1ftUnn. ".50.• �f.i':;"j,!:�·;A"!?';'::::"��,,::::; •• 1.f.OO. •• r.�,!"i::::!�-;;.f.::;';·!ti;�go'l }!;�. •• :t:,.o.;.�"'.��S,-nn;:·IJ���te �� �We. •• Laat of" Con�':::I�t:::�:!t�� ��'I�':d.- free Oil reo l'• BUmS � JfOBLE, PabUlllen •.4-5-13-14 Cooper lDstltllte W. T. aty !I. &hoJ.·booh qf all,..u� nr __ .'M"f!. •••••••••••••••Fire Losses Adjusted BuUdinlts API'raisedMCKEOWN BROTHERSCARPENTERS AND BUILDERS494·406 "7th Street'Phone Ureul iOnntlildin� remoor-Ir"d :m(1 �p:lired. Fine inleriolcarpenler ,,·orl.:. Sto�. :md office-fitrin�. Hard,..OO«!1100r... Only fi'!II·cl:l!!� workmen employed. Car·penle� to the U. of C.'Phone Gray .J.1:1 Suits call�d tOf' and denvcr�J. JAOODZINSKI, TAILOR464 F.. 55th !ot •• ne:lr Cleanin£. Dyein�G�en,..ood ne .• CHICAGO and Repairini: