Theniversityhicago magazine February 1964i^Hft •^^KBVU|I I 'a n| NE^ Yl*bg jw f^ff\^M- ! PC-,**.N?,¦ "***—^--«1Ttt*im^Mn™SËr^£&ES, . ;¦' JBÉf fe ml27É^4^h./Ti> N— } j^S^^B^K A II TMi- -igglH Kl ^~~ '"r_i r; 1 1 IH** 2 1 1 1 1| .^"^."" Jggj are Comment ona Favorite TopicSHAKEMASÏEIIThe man in the relaxed position is working. Working hard. He's an engineer operating a velocitypickup or "prober" to measure and analyze the châssis shake and bending characteristics producedin the laboratory by a spécial shake rig. With this equipment, he can simulate the roughest,bumpiest washboard road you'll ever travel. He can compress years of jouncing into just a fewhours and repeat the experiment under identical conditions time and time again. It's only one ofthe exhaustive tests designed to make your General Motors car a better riding, more comfortable car.This engineer's job is something spécial— simple to state, difficult to do: improve existing productsand develop new ones. He and thousands of GM engineers and trained technicians are aiming forthis goal every day of the year.How does he do it? It's not easy. He designs, builds, tests— examines, évaluâtes, improves. He's adoer if there ever was one. The end resuit of his work is the satisfaction which General Motorsproducts bring to their owners.Ail told, there are 19,850 engineers and scientists at General Motors. Five hundred collèges anduniversities are represented, extending from the east coast to the west coast and most statesin between.The engineer is another fine member of the General Motors family— a family which includes notonly employés, but suppliers, shareholders and dealers as well. Thèse people are the basic reasonfor the success and progress of GM.GENERAL MOTORS IS PEOPLE...Making Better Things For YouIPublished for alumni and friends of The University of Chicago.and ail others interested in the pursuit of knowledge.VOL. LVI NO. 5FEBRUARY 1964Annual subscription $5.00Single copy 50 centsPublished monthly, October through June.Nine issues per year.HENRY H. HARTMANN, Editor(Mrs.) RONA MEARS, Editorial AssistantTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE5733 University Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637Téléphone: Mldway 3-0800, Extension 3241Area Code: 312Published monthly, October through June, by the Universityof Chicago Alumni Association, 5733 University Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60637. Annual subscription price, $5.00.Single copies, 50 cents. Second class postage paid atChicago, Illinois. Advertising agent: American AlumniMagazines, 22 Washington Square, New York, New York.©Copyright 1964 The University of Chicago Magazine.Ail rights reserved. Published since 1907niversityhicagoMAGAZINEFEATURESBlow Top and Boot UlcerReport on a paper by Dr. Joseph B. Kirsnerby Arthur J. SniderThe Alumni Association — Self StudySpécial Committee to study goah and methodsRare Comment on a Favorite TopicThe Collègeby Alan SimpsonThe MitochondrionA microscopic look at the human energy system1964 Leaders SpearheadAlumni Fund CampaignR. Wendell Harrison 812202233by William V. MorgensternThe editors invite manuscripts and suggestions for feature stories from alumni,facutty, staff and students. Topics should be relevant to the pursuit of knowledgeand the exchange of ideas. Détails upon request.DEPARTMENTSThis Issue 2Just Off The Quadrangles 2— Humanities Fellowships — Filling a Void— Dialect and Discrimination (4)Charter Flight Information 3Schedule of Alumni Events 5Tower Topics 7New Books 11The University of Chicago PressAround the Midway 18News of Alumni 24Memorials 301This Issue . . .Our thanks to Dr. H. Fernandez-Moran for the review of his workon the Mitochondrion (20) and toBeata Hayton for the original articlein Reports; to Dr. Joseph B. Kirsner,Arthur J. Snider, The Journal of theAmerican Médical Association andthe Chicago Daily News for thedata and assistance with Blow Topand Boot Ulcers (7); to Alan Simpson (12); Elliot W. Eisner (10);Théodore W. Schultz (10); Ping-TiHo (10); to alumni, faculty, staff,students and friends whose suggestions and assistance are part of ev-ery issue. Readers are again invitedto review the spécial information oncharter flights to Europe (3). Thelisting of new books from The University of Chicago Press (11) isexpected to become a regular fea-ture, beginning with this issue.Alumni who hâve been contemplat-ing the purchase of the ever popu-lar Chicago Chair ( page 27 ) shouldconsider ordering before March 31;a price increase goes into effectthereafter.— Ed.PICTURE CREDITS: Photo-graphs of Mr. Simpson (cover and14) by Ed.; Danny Lyon (16); LeeBalterman (17); Joël Snyder (22).The Cover:Alan Simpson, dean of theCollège - "C" bench , oppositeCobb Hall entrance. ( Story onpage 12). Humanities Fellowships —Fillîng a VoidThe University's striking newhumanities fellowships got onlymodest attention in the press whenannounced last month, despite thequarter-million-dollar scope of theprogram and the eminence of thesélection committee.Yet the new fellowship programis probably the most concrète effortmade anywhere to counter thedeepening pattern of relative pov-erty which has afflicted humanisticstudies for perhaps the past twentyyears.By "poverty" we do not meanfinancial disadvantage alone. It ispoverty of people which mostthreatens the humanities.It is peculiarly fitting that Chicago—site of the atomic discoverieswhich may well hâve initiated thehumanities' distress, presided overby a scientist, and often viewed bythe public as primarily a scientificinstitution— should move so boldlyin support of the humanistic disciplines. Just OffBetter yet, the move is based onplain confiction. No angel has sup-plied the money. The problem isnot easily dramatized nor evenwidely understood, and the prac-tical effects will not be visible foryears— so vast public acclaim is un-likely.The new fellowships are designedto be compétitive with those offeredto students in the "hard sciences."Each grant carries an annualstipend of $4,250-5,250 and is re-newable for two years. When theprogram reaches full size in itsthird year, it will provide 45 fellowships and cost The University about$250,000 per year."Humanities" has a flexible mean-ing. There is no rigid list ofdepartments whose students areeligible. The point is to providefellowships in under-financed fields,which includes practically ail thedepartments in the Humanities Division and about half of those inSocial Sciences.The extramural sélection committee (names on page 4), an un-common procédure in intramuralgraduate fellowship awards, ismeant to call public attention tothe problem as well as perform astated function. The Universityfrankly hopes that other universités, too, will not wait for outsidesources to redress the imbalancewhich has been slowly undercut-ting humanistic studies.Everyone knows that the scienceshâve seemed to hâve corporate,philanthropie, and governmentalcornucopia at hand since WorldWar II. Medicine and the biolog-ical sciences hâve been equallyThe University of Chicago Alumni AssociationPHILIP C. WHITE, '35, Ph.D/38 PrésidentFERD KRAMER, '22 Chairman, The Alumni FundHAROLD R. HARDING, Executive Director • RUTH G. HALLORAN, Administrative AssistantHARRY SHOLL, Director, The Alumni Fund • FLORENCE MEDOW, Asst. Director, The Alumni FundJEAN HASKIN, Program DirectorEastern régional office: DAVID R. LEONETTI, Director,20 West 43rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10036 Téléphone: PEnnsylvania 6-0747Los Angeles représentative: (MRS.) MARIE STEPHENS,1195 Charles Street, Pasadena, Calif. 91103 Téléphone: SYcamore 3-4545 (after 3 P.M.)San Francisco représentative: MARY LEEMAN,Room 146, 420 Market Street, San Francisco, Calif. 94111 Téléphone: YUkon 1-1180Membership: Open to graduâtes and former students of The University of Chicago.One year, $5 single, $6 joint; three years, $12 single, $15 joint; Life, $100 single, $125joint (payable in fîve annual installments ) . Includes Magazine subscription.2 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964the Quadr anglesfavored, and a number of fields inthe social sciences — psychology,statistics— hâve done nearly as well.In the same period, the greatestsupport given to humanistic studieshas been verbal.The importance of this disparityis not in the dollars alone, nor evenin the effect on research per se. In-deed, it is usually perfectly reason-able for a solid-state physicist tohâve more ancillary support than,say, a New Testament scholar. Thelatter has little need for hardwarelike accelerators and computers.For this reason, the dollar gap be-tween the sciences and the humanities in research support is a falseindex.Humanistically inclined studentshâve the same need for food, shel-ter, and books as potential scien-tists, and their tuition is identical—but the chance of getting help isnot. Any capable science studentcan now anticipate sufEcient, if notgenerous, finance in the years be-tween A.B. and Ph.D. In the "soft"fields, by contrast, only about onestudent in four gets significant help.(There are some exceptions, to besure. Congress became persuadedin 1958 that the command of modem foreign languages is a nationalasset. The resulting supply of fellowship funds attracted studentsSince 1878HANNIBAL, INC.Furniture RepairingUpholstering • RefinishingAntiques Restored1919 N. Sheffîeld Ave. • Ll 9-7180 and transformed linguistics, in thepublic eye, from a peculiar to aprestigious field practically over-night. This has produced somedelightful side results— a few students of Sanskrit duly became National Assets, owing to the undeni-able relevance of their work to themodem tongues lineally descendedfrom Sanskrit— but the main effectis, of course, restricted to this fieldalone.)A species of this same contrastalso confronts the fledging studentassessing his employment possibil-ities after the doctorate. As a "hard"scientist, he will get better pay ona collège or university faculty thanhis colleagues in the humanities,but this is only one among numer-ous possibilities. His scientific doctorate will hâve an immédiate cashvalue on a corporate research-and-development staff, in a federallyfinanced laboratory like Argonneor Brookhaven, or in a private research institute— ail of which areessentially post-war phenomena.The humanist does not totally lackfor potential non-academic employment, but his opportunities are lessobvious, more diverse, and prob-ably less numerous than those ofhis scientific brother.Similarly, there's a lot biggermarket today for consultants in theempirical sciences than for men expert in archaeology or patristicGreek. Consulting is a major factof life in university f aculties today,and a happy one to the extent thatthe resulting side income helpskeep men on faculties without bal-looning university payrolls.Finally, mixed in with this is an SaveonCharter Flightsto EuropeMembers of The University ofChicago Alumni Association areentitled to participate in charterflights to Europe, arrangeathrough Student Government.New members must hâve joinedprior to January 1, 1964.At press time, three flights areplanned as follows:AU flights originate in Chicago,make one stop (New York Cityor Toronto) to pick up passen-gers, and terminate in Paris. Re-turn flights originate in London,terminate in Chicago, and hâvethe same intermediate stop.Priées indicate round trip farefor one person. AU first class services are included (meals andcomplimentary bar). Childrenunder 2, not requiring separateseating, travel at no charge; ailothers, full fare.3 months, June 22— Sept. 16.Trans Canada Air Lines, DC-8(jet). Intermediate stop in Toronto. $275.6 weeks, July 15— August 29.Satum (Charter Flights), DC-7C.Intermediate stop in New YorkCity. $275.4 weeks, August 10— Sept. 13.Trans Canada Air Lines, DC-8(jet). Intermediate stop in Toronto. $270.Some of the détails may stillbe subject to change. AU arrangements (réservations, fares,insurance) should be made di-rectly with Student GovernmentAS SOON AS POSSIBLE.Contact:THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOSTUDENT GOVERNMENTCHARTER FLIGHT DIVISION1212 E. 59th STREETCHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60637FEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 3old problem of public image, whichplays a real if elusive rôle in theability of a discipline to attractoptimal students and financing.Americans are suckers for novelty,bigness, and practicality. If theloosely related fields we call thehumanities hâve any commonimage to the gênerai public, thisimage probably emphasizes anti-quity, hair-splitting distinctions,and a remoteness from practicallife.This unhappy blend of adver-sities has had three gênerai effects:relatively declining enrollments,weakness in attracting the best students, and pointlessly extendeddegree programs.The first gains importance fromthe collège enrollment boom, whichis creating new faculty jobs acrossthe country faster than the univer-sities are producing advanced-degree graduâtes. The inexorableresuit, already visible in the national statistics of récent years, isgraduai décline in the average levelof training of collège teachers.The humanities' steadily weak-ening ability to compete for thebest students is a problem requir-ing little explication. No field canthrive on a diet of mediocrity. Thesocial conséquences of permittingsuch a trend to go unchecked areas obvious as they are disturbing.The stretched-out degree programis such an established feature ofhumanistic disciplines that it mayseem strange to include it amongcurrent problems. But the traditionof leisurely progress toward thedoctorate is being questionedsharply today by such spokesmenas Robert E. Streeter, dean of theDivision of Humanities at The University.Is there, Mr. Streeter asks, anydefensible scholarly reason why itneed take a student five to twelveyears from A.B. to Ph.D.? Hedoubts that there is. The physical sciences are keeping their doctoralstudents on a three to five yearschedule, and the apparent resultsare good.Even conceding, as Mr. Streeterdoes, that it may take longer for aman to mature as a humanisticscholar than as an empirical scientist, there is still no compellingreason why the doctorate itselfneed take a décade— except for thematter of finance.The temptation to complète ailwork except the dissertation, whichmay drag on for years, is irrésistiblewhen a student must feed himselfand his offspring by his own earn-ings.The new fellowships are directedsquarely against this kit of problems. Mr. Streeter and the Administration believe that compétitivefinancing for the student is thesingle point where fresh funds willhâve the greatest practical resuit.Although it will take three yearsfor the program to get into fullopération and several more toassess results, we can only applaudthe thinking and the energy whichthe new fellowships symbolize.Those serving on The Universityof Chicago Humanities FellowshipsCommittee are:Virgil Aldrich— Guy Despard GoffProfessor of Philosophy, KenyonCollège; Past Président, WesternDivision, American PhilosophicalAssociation.James Phinney Baxter — PrésidentEmeritus, Williams Collège; Pul-itzer lauréate in history.William Benton— Chairman of theBoard, Encyclopedia Britannica;Trustée of The University; former U.S. Senator from Connecti-cut; former Assistant Secretary ofState. Daniel Hoffman— Associate Professor of English, Swarthmore Collège; literary critic and poet.Howard C. Petersen— Président, Fi-delity Philadelphia Trust Company, Philadelphia; former Assistant Secretary of War.Théodore O. Yntema, A.M/25,Ph.D/29, Vice Président, FordMotor Company; Trustée of TheUniversity; former Professor ofEconomies at The University.Dialect and DiscriminationAcross our desk each day passseveral reports about research beingconducted in The University. Eventhough thèse are written for thelayman — the issue, for the mostpart, of The University's Office ofPublic Relations— we must confessthat a deeply furrowed brow is partof our standard equipment in read-ing most of them.Like most people, we are pas-singly conversant with some fieldsand ignorant of most. Thus whilewe attack the daily spate of research stories with considérable in-terest, we do so knowing that a newcollection of terminological andconceptual puzzles lies in wait.One's vocabulary soon becomesloaded with an array of partly un-derstood words, eclectically ga-thered from ail the fields of one'signorance.RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331 TéléphoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOrtroe 6-31924 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964We might find it ail easier hadnot someone shoveled out thewindow ail the mathematics andphysics we learned in the 1940's.Numbers are, we gather, passé, andordinary counting has been left forthe serfs. The atom has become abustling collection of sub-sub-parti-cles whose names, fittingly enough,are Greek.But from time to time a University scholar brings forth a new in-sight which common sensé cangrasp immediately— the sort of observation which makes you wonderwhy you hadn't thought of it your-seîf. Such a gem was in a récentpile of PR stories, so we hasten toconvey it, relieved that for once weare fairly sure we know what theman means.Raven I. McDavid, Jr., associateprofessor of English and a scholarin linguistics, has pointed out thatthe way people talk evokes racialand ethnie préjudice— that the accent or dialect characteristic of aminority group is itself a barrier toassimilation of that group in oursociety. A Negro, Puerto Rican, orLouisiana Cajun may be long estab-lished, highly educated, and per-fectly acceptable socially, yet stillencounter préjudice because of hislingo.It is not an adéquate solution toteach minorities to speak an American middle-class dialect exclu-sively, Mr. McDavid says, for thisestranges the person from his owngroup. Instead we should teachmembers of minority groups to be"bi-dialectal," speaking both stand-POND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everyfhîng in LettersHooven TypewritingMultigraphingAddressograph Service MimeographingAddressingMailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PriéesA! § Phones: 2 1 9 W. Chicago Ave.Ml 2-8883 Chicago 10, Illinois ard English and that of their ownsocial group."A man's dialect— even a child's—is his most intimate possession, andthe badge of membership in hisgroup," Mr. McDavid emphasizes."To stigmatize the language ofthose he sees every day as if it wereper se something morally odiouscould alienate him from his familywithout translating him into thedominant culture."We could immediately think of adozen cases confirming Mr. Mc-David's point. Many middle-classNegroes shift back and forth be-tween "educated" and "Uncle Tom"dialects, depending on their Company. War-displaced persons areoften not accepted at the sociallevels warranted by their éducationand former position, not becausetheir English is incorrect but because it is spoken in a dialect whichAmericans associate with the lowerclasses.Before bi-dialectal éducation isfeasible, more research is needed toidentify which of the actual différences in speechways most clearlyinterfère with the advancement ofthe individual. Mr. McDavid andRobert D. Hess, chairman of theCommittee on Human Development of The University, are partof an inter - institutional researchteam now starting one such studyinvolving the speech characteristicsof various social groups in theChicago area.Whatever the outeome, we thankMr. McDavid for expressing his in-sight in a dialect we could assimi-late. -H.R.H.EXHIBIT of paintings by Belgian sur-realist painter René Magrittc — throughApril 10. Monday to Friday, 10 5 p.m.; Saturday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.;Goodspeed Hall. The RenaissanceSociety of The University of Chicago. leurrent ^clteduteMaich 12ih: Graduate School of BusinessAlumni luncheon, noon, Downtown AthleticClub, New York City. Speaker: Yale Brozen,professor and director of Research Management Program, Graduate School of Business. Topic: "Guidelines and Wage Laws:Do They Serve Individual Freedom andEconomie Growth."March 17th: Réception, New York AreaAlumni, 5:30 to 7:30, at The Harvard Club,27 West 44th Street, New York City.Speaker: William H. McNeill, professor andchairman, Department of History. Topic:"The Pattern of World History."March 19th: Evening meeting, San Francisco Bay Area Club, 8 p.m., Menlo-Ather-ton High School, Menlo Park, CalifornieSpeaker: Cyril O. Houle, professor, Department of Education. Topic: "Who is theContinuing Learner?"March 23rd: Evening meeting, Miami andMiami Beach Area Alumni Club, 8 p.m.,Holiday Inn, U. S. Highway #1. Speaker:Dr. H. Stanley Bennett, dean of the Division of Biological Sciences, professor, Department of Anatomy and Committee onBiophysics. Topic: "Chicago Highlights."March 26th: Luncheon meeting, Orlandoand Winter Park, Florida Area Alumni,12:30, Langford Hôtel, Winter Park.Speaker: James M. Sheldon, Jr., assistantto the Président. Topic: "A Look at theMidway; Where We've Been and WhereWe're Headed."April lst: Réception, San Francisco BayArea Alumni Club, 5 to 7 p.m., Little FoxThéâtre, 533 Pacific Avenue, San Francisco.Guest of Honor: Mrs. George Wells Beadle.April lOth, llth, 12th: A Week-end in Résidence, The Emeritus Club of the AlumniAssociation, The Center for ContinuingEducation, 1307 East 60th Street, Chicago.Topic: "The City in Society." Panel: BerniceNeugarten, associate professor, Committeeon Human Development; Joël Seidman, professor, Division of Social Sciences and theGraduate School of Business; Harold M.Mayer, professor, Department of Geogra-phy; Edward A. Maser, professor andchairman, Department of Art; Emeritus Clubmembers and Emeriti Trustées.April 17th: Luncheon meeting, PhiladelphiaAlumni club. Speaker: Robert E. Streeter,Dean, Division of the Humanities, professor,Department of English.April 18th: Réception, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.,Kansas City, Missouri Alumni Club, Adver-tising and Sales Executive Club, 913 Baltimore, Kansas City, Missouri. Speaker: Dr.George V. LeRoy, professor, Department ofMedicine. Topic: "Change in the Practice ofMedicine."May 2nd: Convention, San Francisco BayArea Club. Keynote speaker: Fairfax M.Cône, chairman, Board of Trustées. Topic:"Communication."May 27th: Annual Dinner, Cleveland AreaAlumni Club. Time and place to be an-nounced. Speaker: Edward W. Rosenheim,Jr., professor, Departments of English andHumanities, The Collège.June 12th and 13th: All-Alumni Reunion onthe Campus of The University.June 13th: Eighth Annual CommunicationDinner, Quadrangle Club, 1155 East 57thStreet, Chicago.PEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEClose by if you need herNo matter what the hour— through the dayor the darkness of the night — there's alwaysan operator as close as your téléphone. Just asingle turn of the dial and she is there!Helping people in emergencies. Working on calls that require spécial attention. Answeringcalls for information. Providing personal,individual service in so many, many ways.And seeking to do it always in a friendly,courtcous and compétent manner.[M]) BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMSERVING YOU6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964Blow Top and Boot VlcerrtHSjil Blowing your stack may be better than any drug in control ofpeptic ulcer.Dr. Joseph B. Kirsner, professor in the Department of Medicineand head of the Gastroenterology Department of the Departmentof Medicine at The University of Chicago expresses the belief in more pro-fessional language when he says in the Journal of the American MédicalAssociation:"Ulcer patients hâve been characterized as tense, hardworking, ambi-tious and sensitive individuals with a tendency to repress their turmoil."Removal of a source of irritation, encouraging the patient toexpress the anger, frustration, or resentment he may feel, andthe release of tension in pleasant recreational activities may bemore helpful than drugs in the control of peptic ulcer."Formai psychotherapy is not necessary, adds Dr. Kirsner, in discussing"facts and fallacies" of current médical therapy.The cause and cure of peptic ulcers, unfortunately, are not numberedamong the remarkable advances made in medicine in récent years, Dr.Kirsner says.Nevertheless, présent treatment is effective in most patients providingthe ulcer is uncomplicated, the patient coopérâtes and the physician hasenough expérience and knowledge.Among his observations:• Adjusting personal problems at home or at work may alone bringabout healing of a difficult ulcer.• While men hâve more fréquent and severe ulcers than women,there is no évidence that giving female sex hormones is protective.• Nor is there any évidence that coarse or seasoned foods areresponsible for developing peptic ulcer or that soft diet enhanceshealing. However, some foods are irritating to individual patientsand it is practical to eliminate them.• The occasional use of antacids — "one teaspoon or one tabletafter meals" — is worthless. Dosage must be adjusted individually.• The idéal antacid that effectively neutralizes gastric acidity forlong periods without unf avorable effects has not been developed.• Anticholinergic compounds, working through the nervous system,are of varied effectiveness. The many différent préparations indi-cate that no single one excels.• Mild to moderate smoking probably does not increase gastricsécrétion, but in patients with chronic récurrent ulcer excessivesmoking may be harmful.• Alcohol irritâtes the stomach lining and tends to increase acidsécrétion. Large amounts of coffee should be avoided.• Mild X-ray irradiation of the stomach éliminâtes acid sécrétionfor 6 to 12 months in less than 10 per cent of patients.• Gastric freezing is not yet fully evaluated.• The notion that récurrences of peptic ulcer are inévitable, regard-less of any treatment, is incorrect.We are indebted to Mr. Arthur J. Snider, Science Writer for theChicago Daily News, for above review. Reprinted by permission.Published by The University of Chicago for Us alumni; Henry 11. Hartmann, Editor.Volume 30, Number 5Study CommitteeThe University of Chicago Alumni Association has declared open seasonon itself . An Association Study Committee has been created under the chair-manship of Arthur A. Baer, '18, to delve into ail facets of the Association,except fund raising, and recommend new patterns for the future.Mr. Baer's committee is expected to add sub-committees, several in citiesoutside Chicago, to assist in its task. The opinions of individual alumni areparticularly sought.The main question before the new committee is whether the structure andactivities of the Alumni Association are adéquate for tomorrow's needs. Itsorganization was last revised in 1941, when the Alumni Fund (formerlyAlumni Foundation) was created as an Association division. The essentialplan still reflected today in the Association structure apart from Fund activities, however, was devised in 1909.Similarly, the main Association program emphases hâve continued formany years. Reunion, which started in 1893, began to sprout lectures andseminars in 1936, but is still best symbolized by the 53-year-old Interfrater-nity Sing. The University of Chicago Magazine has been published monthlyand financed by members' dues since 1907. Services to Chicago clubs acrossthe country hâve had much the same form for 40 years or more.Over those same years, The University and its alumni body hâve beenanything but static. The académie complexion of the alumni, for example,has so changed that graduâtes of the Collège are now slightly in the minority(48%). One-third of the alumni hâve more than one degree from TheUniversity. Apparently no other complex university in America has so greata proportion of post-baccalaureate graduâtes that the statistically averagealumnus has his M.A. and a leg on the doctorate.This is but one among many facts suggesting that Chicago alumni arenotably différent from the norm in their diversity, level of éducation, andinterests. The Study Committee will first seek to articulate those character-istics of The University and its uncommon alumni body which the AlumniAssociation should serve. Then it will assess ail présent activities and services— relying frequently on sub-committees of alumni expert in the mattersunder study — before recommending changes.Your opinion as an interested alumnus is especially sought by the newcommittee. Mailing addresses of the committeemen are included below forthe convenience of alumni who may wish to address comments to individualmembers of the committee.Named thus far to the Association Study Committee are:Arthur A. Baer, '18 (chairman), Board Chairman, The Beverly Bank,1357 W. 103rd St., Chicago 60643. Mr. Baer's long and generous serviceto The University is well known to many alumni. He is a past présidentof the Association and has served on the Alumni Fund board since its formation in 1941.John F. Dille, Jr., '35, AM'56 (vice chairman), Président, Truth Pub-lishing Co., Inc., Elkhart, Indiana 46514. The immédiate past président ofthe Association, he is a member of the Indiana Toll Road Commission andformer chairman of the Governors of ABC-TV Affiliâtes, Inc.Howard E. Green, '25, Président, Great Lakes Mortgage Co., 111 W.Washington St., Chicago 60602. An immédiate past vice président of theAssociation and long-time Cabinet member, he has just completed a presi-ilential term of the National Mortgage Bankers Association.Mrs. Robert F. Inger (Mary Ballew, '46), 18229 Riegel, Homewood,Illinois 60430. Active in many community endeavors, Mrs. Inger was aDémocratie candidate for the Illinois Assembly from her district in 1960.Cari S. Stanley, '40, Vice Président, Harris Trust and Savings Bank, 111W. Monroe St., Chicago 60690. A member of the Alumni Fund board, hewas awarded an Alumni Citation last year in récognition of his communityservice.Michael Weinberg, Jr., '47, Errnan-Howell Division, Luria Steel & Trading Corp., 332 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago 60604. No stranger to non-profitorganizations, Mr. Weinberg was executive director of the Lincoln ParkZoo in Chicago until recently.The Président and the Executive Director of the Alumni Association aremembers of the committee ex officio.Recognizing the danger of a "home town" slant, the Study Committee isinviting U. of C. clubs in several cities to participate in three ways: reportingtheir opinions on the whole range of questions before the Study Committee,advising on the spécifie needs of alumni in their cities, and interviewingalumni association officers of comparable universities in their locales.Three existing committees of the Association Cabinet will also report re-commendations to the Study Committee. Thèse are Publications, chairedby Chicago Sun-Times Editor Emmett Dedmon, '39; Programming, chairedby William S. Gray, '48, MBA' 50, a Harris Bank vice président; andFinance, chaired by Richard J. Smith, '37, JD'39, gênerai manager of SmithChevrolet in Hammond.Fund organization, the one exclusion from the Study Committee charge,is being examined simultaneously by a différent group. Chaired by University Trustée John F. Merriam, '25, this committee includes Trustées GlenA. Lloyd, JD'23, and Robert P. Gwinn, '29; Association Président PhilipC. White, '35, PhD'38, and Vice Président George H. Watkins, '36; andFund Chairman Ferd Kramer, '22, and Lyle P. Spencer, '38.Education— The Rôle of RewardA factor related to the development of créative thinking is that of reward.Behaviors that are rewarded tend to persist. In éducation, we must rewardcréative thinking when it is produced. This is not done enough under cur-rent types of testing programs that we now employ in the schools. The typicalbehaviors that are rewarded by most standardized tests deal mainly withdie remembering of material previously learned, rather than with production of creative ideas. Students quickly learn what will count on examina-tions. At the high school and collège level students are very quick to assessthe teacher and to détermine what the demands of the course will be. Havingdone this, they are in a position to provide the teacher with what he wants.One of the things the teacher can do in order to develop creative thinking inchildren is to make use of creative ideas when they are advanced. He shouldnot only tolerate, but reward the production of novel and original thinking.Elliot W . Eisner, Assistant Professor of Education —condensed from a paper given at the. EducationalConférence for Gary School Personnel.Poverty U.S. Style — New Concepts NeededAmericans are ill prepared to fight poverty at home. We hâve longbeen complacent about American poverty, saying to each other, we are theaffluent society. Unfortunately, we are ill prepared to act because we hâvebeen out of touch. Our ideas of poverty are mostly of the New Deal vintagewhich are very obsolète.Both politically and intellectually there has been a long neglect of theinequalities in consumption, in levels of living, and in éducation amongAmerican families. . . .Théodore W. Schultz, Charles L. Hutchinson Dis-tinguished Service Professor of Economies — froman address at the 26th Annual National Farm Insti-tute, Des Moines, lowa.Chinese Communism and Family SurvivalThe Chinese family probably is strong enough to survive Communistattempts to destroy it as a social institution.One of the geniuses of the Chinese people has been their ability toreduce complex things to bare essentials. Well over a thousand years agothey reduced the thirty or so heavens and the eighteen or so hells of IndianBuddhism into little more than a System of metaphysics and mental hygiène.Today, after more than two thousand years, the Chinese under Communism hâve stripped the family of ail its functions except one, namely, toprocreate, nurture, and educate children with understanding and love, af miction which no other human agency can assume.If they bave so far succeeded in making this one function work undercircumstances many times more difficult than those which confront theWestern family, we may perhaps end on a note of guarded optimismthe family will survive.Ping-Ti Ho, Professor of Chinese History and Institutions — from a paper delivered at a récent symposium on "Man and Civilization."VAGABOND RANCHGranby, Colorado. 18th season. Conslructive, aJ-venturesome summer for boys 12-17; ranch liteplus travel. Station wagons from Ranchin June, Hy home end summer. Riding, packtrips, geology, climbing school, skiing, fishing,riflery, work program. Trips Southwest, Sierras,Northwest. Trip to Alaska for older boys. Vétéran^!;iff; 6 S boys. Sépara te Alaska trip for girls15-18. For folder and '64 prospectus, wrile:Mr. & Mrs. C. A. PavekRumsey Hall School Washington, Conn,GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Deeorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica • Bolex - Roi leiflex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259NSA Diicounti24-hour Kodachrome DevelopingHO Trains and Mode! SuppliesWe operate our own dry cleaning plant1309 East 57th St.Ml dway 3-0602 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.NOrmal 7-98581553 E. Hyde Park Blvd.1442 E. 57th FAirfax 4-5759Mldway 3-0607t. A. RBgjQtJCT C0 SidewalksFactory FloorsMachineFoundationsConcrète BreakingNOrmal 7-0433LOWER YOUR COSTS1MPROVED METHODSEMPLOYEE TRAININGWAGE INCENTIVESJOB EVALUATIONPERSONNEL PROCEDURES t/ew (I->ookô fromThe University of Chicago PressBehaviorism and Phenomenology— edited by T. W. Wann. Thèsepapers disdose a surprising degree of conciliation between behavioristsand phenomenolists. A volume in the Rice University séries. $5.00The Military in the Political Development of New Nations — byMorris Janowitz, Ph.D. '48, professor of sociology and director of theCenter for Social Organization Studies. This study analyzes and évaluâtesthe rôle of the military in the political development of new nations. $4.50Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition — by Frances A. Yates.The author traces the interplay between magie, alchemy, and "naturalphilosophy" as revealed in the life of Bruno. $7.50Literary Views — edited by Carroll Camden. Essays by eleven eminentcritics and scholars on the whole range of English and American liter-ature from Renaissance to Twentieth century. A volume in the RiceUniversity séries. $5.00The Colonial Wars 1689-1762— by Howard H. Peckham. The authordescribes the events of the various colonial wars and summarizes thestruggle for empire in America among France, England and Spain.A volume in The Chicago History of American Civïlization séries. $5.00NEW PHOENIX PAPER BACK BOOKSThe University of Utopia- by Robert M. Hutchins. "This book isabout the hazards to éducation in the United States." P151 $1.50Education and the Cuit of Efficiency — by Raymond E. Callahan. Theauthor exposes school administrations who sacrificed educational goalslo the demands of business procédures. Pl49 $2.25Andrew Johnson and Reconstruction — by Eric L. McKitrick. "A contribution of prime importance to reviving study of the Reconstructionpc-riod." Pi 53 $2.95And the War Came — by Kenneth Stampp. Selecting one thread out ofevents leading to the Civil War, the author subjects it to keen examina-tion. P150 $2.45Biblical Religion and the Search for Ultimate Reality— by PaulTillich, John Nuveen Professor of Theology. Mr. Tillich shows thattheologians cannot avoid applying philosophy. PI 54 $1.00The Sensory Order — by F. A. Hayek, professor emeritus of the Committee on Social Thought. The author brings together inferences andhypothèses from biology, psychology, and philosophy. PSS524 $1.95Mr. Justice — edited by Allison Dunham, professor in the Law School,and Philip B. Kurland, professor in the Law School. This revised andenlarged second édition présents the lives of prominent Suprême CourtJustices. Pi 52 $2.95Books can be ordered through your local bookstore or from:The University of Chicago Bookstores, Dept. 41-M,5802 Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60637For postage (anywhere in U.S. A.) and handling add35^ for the first book, I0<» for each additional book.FBIBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11The Collège:Rare Comment on Aby Alan SimpsonAlan Simpson is Thomas E. Donnelley Professorof History and dean of the Collège. On thefaculty since 1946, Mr. Simpson will assume thepresidency of Vassar Collège this summer.This article was prepared from the convocation address byAlan Simpson, December, 1963.12 THE UNIVERSITY OF Favorite TopicHoW DOES ONE DISCOVER WHAT A COLLEGE ISLIKE?At this season of the year most students and theirparents are looking at the catalogues; but ail catalogues are liars, and they ail lie in the same dull ways.According to the catalogues, ail collèges are ideallysituated. If they are in the city, it's because we needthe stimulus of the city; if they are in the country, it'sbecause we need the quiet of the country; if they arebeautiful, it's because the soûl responds to beauty;if they are squatting in a pool of misery, it's becausecharacter thrives on discomfort. According to the catalogues, ail the collèges are challenging ail their studentsail the time; they are ail managing to do somethingnew and différent; they are ail turning out more wisemen per thousand B.A.'s than any other collège. Andthey ail hâve the same smirks on the faces of the students: the arch smirk, bland smirk, the sincère smirk.Better than the catalogues— even our catalogue,which of course is exempt from thèse frailties— is aPersonal inspection by the knowledgeable visitor, whoscans the library, the laboratories, the bulletin boards,the student newspaper; listens to snatches of conversation in the corridors; asks what the students are ex-cited about; sees what the best products look like whenthey are really stretched, what the worst products looklike when they are really curled up, and what botnof them look like when they are sitting down!CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964One can also look at a collège, ruminatingly, withan eye for tradition.Our Collège is a meeting place— a jostling placeand often a wrestling place— for ail the principle traditions which hâve moulded university collèges inthis country and for some others of our own manufacture.A very engaging educator, with an eye for tradition,recently wrote "A university anywhere can aim nohigher than to be as British as possible for the sakeof the undergraduates; as German as possible for thesake of the graduâtes; as American as possible for thesake of the public at large; and as confused as possiblefor the sake of the préservation of the whole uneasybalance."OESIDES THE THREE national traditions mentionedby Président Kerr, we hâve two more of our own anda proportionate amount of confusion.We hâve a British tradition, not because we aimno higher than the British— a preposterous thought—but because a British tradition, exported, distorted,repelled, and revived, winds its way through most ofthe collegiate history of this country. We see it inthe residential arrangements, which reflect the re-sponsibility which the British tradition, unlike thecontinental European, assumes for éducation outsidethe classroom. Thèse residential arrangements, inci-dentally, hâve undergone considérable changes in thecourse of their westward migration. The four pillarsof a libéral éducation in the architecture of an OxfordFEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF... -*'collège were a chapel, a library, a garden, and a bar.In an Ivy League house, the chapel and the bar hâvegone, the garden has dwindled to a few trees, andonly the library remains. Westward still, the collègeis accurately named a dormitory— a place to sleep in—and we ail know schools where its architecture lookslike something on the toll road— a mindless, spiritlessmotel. At Chicago, we like to think that our résidencesare in happy contrast to thèse unlovely pads.British, too, is the room for the teacher who prefersto write on the hearts of young men instead of onpaper; the recurring effort to recapture some of theintimacy and rigor of the tutorial System; and, ofcourse, the attitude to sport. We play games at Chicago, as we never tire of telling our suspicious lovers, forthe fun of the players and the cheerful amusement ofa few of their friends, among whom I include myself.The German tradition in our Collège is the présencearound it and inside it of ail those research resourceswhich are symbolized in our University cérémoniestoday. The University of Chicago was one of the firstgraduate institutions in this country to be erected inthe image of the great achievements of nineteenth cen-tury German scholarship. The présence of this moun-tainous organization for the advancement of knowledge, in both its brilliant and its stoney aspects, addsa dimension to the university collège which is missingfrom the uncomplicated libéral arts collège. It caneither greatly enrich or painfully diminish the qualityof an undergraduate éducation. The central problemin university collèges is to get the research f aculties tointerest themselves in undergraduates, to appreciatetheir spécial needs, and to dévote to the fertilizationof young minds some fruitful fraction of their ownénergies.The third national tradition has been labeled American. It has an ancestry in the concern which any un-developed country— as we were once and as many aretoday— must feel for practical needs. It gave us theland-grant institution, and it is represented in ail public institutions and many private ones by a wide varietyof vocational or utilitarian service. This note is notso évident hère. We hâve no schools of agriculture,Alan Simpson (opposite page) engineering, journalism, or performing arts, not tomention those courses in mortuary science— or HopeChest 1 and 2-which used to be the butt of so muchChicago satire. We believe that our spécial bent isto identify the intellectual élément in a problem. But,of course, we are no ivory tower. The simple distinctions which universities like our own could once drawbetween unpractical research and practical service,are hopelessly out of date. The University of Chicagois a center of power with tremendous implications fornational security and public welfare, and it's a dullundergraduate whose imagination is not quickenedby the thought of our involvement in social engineeringon a gigantic scale.1WO OTHER TRADITIONS hâve left their imprint onthe Collège. One is the legacy of Chancellor Hutchins-a concentration on the ends of libéral éducation, aluminous cultivation of the arts of dialogue, an im-pressive achievement in "gênerai éducation" as a coun-terpoise to the professionalization and fragmentationof knowledge.The other is a local maverick tradition, rich in myth,bold in hope, feeding proudly on a sensé of spécialdestiny. Its student exponents remind a historian ofpuritanism of those little congrégations in the 17thcentury, half heroic, half frenetic, who separated themselves from the polluted mass of mankind in order toenjoy the privilèges of elect soûls. The Collège, in theirrapt vision, is an island of reason in an océan of bar-barism, a beacon of light in a fogbound world, a fort-ress of nonconformity with its guns trained on theoafish conformists. Public approval is the kiss of death.Better far to be thought a hotbed of cranks than ahome for squares.Ail this makes a heady brew, and the ferment spillsaround us. It's no uncommon thing to discover thatthe students who are saving the University are noteven registered in it. Maybe they were once, maybethey would like to be; but they are faithful to it aftertheir fashion. For the comfort of the aging alumnus,I would like to say that no urban collège with any lifein it is without this fringe of dispossessed or unpos-sessed lovers. continuedFEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 15WHERE does our genius lie?First, in the rich diversity I hâve just sketched.Other schools— especially the small libéral arts collège—may build their fortunes on a particular région orclientèle or dogma, encase themselves in a philosophy,or even subsist for a while on a personality. But whatwould be reasonable enough for them would be sec-tarian for us. Catholicity is our profession. This is auniversity, and there is something universal aboutthe hospitality which it offers to everyone who meetsits académie standards. Our maverick tradition— whichis simply a romantic exaggeration of the virtues ofnonconformity— is one interesting voice. But only oneamong many.Secondly, is our concern with the essence of a libéral éducation. However defined, this is a matter ofintellectual tools, literary skills, some breadth of knowledge, some grasp of standards, some sensé of style.It is the expérience which equips a learner to read,write, count, think, judge, and act, and to do so inthe Hght of a good gênerai culture. It was the éducation which Newman had in mind when he spokeabout "preparing a man to fill any post with crédit andto master any subject with facility"; which John StuartMill had in mind when he said that "men are menbefore they are lawyers, physicians, or merchants, ormanufacturers; and if you make them capable and sensible men, they will make themselves capable andsensible lawyers or physicians." It was the idéal whichChancellor Hutchins had in mind when he inspireda brilliant experiment in gênerai éducation.Though this idéal has guided ail sorts of societiessince the Greeks first publieized it, it was never moreurgently needed today when the explosion of knowledge and number is making its cultivation so difficult.At the heart of it lies the faith in the power of theeducated man to develop a gênerai judgment, a mana-gerial intelligence, which he can apply to his country 'saffairs or to world affairs as well as his own. We hâvemade it so much easier to master a craft without seeingthat craft in perspective, so much easier to submit tothe experts in other crafts without asking them questions.The RESPONSIBILITY for libéral éducation restslargely on the undergraduate collège. We are so or-ganized in many of our universities that the job is onlyindifferently done. The old British university has beendescribed as a one-story building with a few graduâtesin the attic. The new American university might bedescribed as a one-story building with a lot of under-graduates in the basement. Some of our great universities hâve even resented this encroachment of irrelevant young people on good storage space! So we areCHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964confronted by the paradox which often condemns theundergraduate in the university collège to a life ofdeepening intellectual poverty in the midst of risingresearch standards.The University of Chicago has set its face againstthis fate. Its Président exemplifies the conviction thatthe greatest scientists should also be the greatest teach-ers. Its Quantrell Prizes uphold the prestige of teach-ing. Its named professorships include several for dis-tinguished contributions to libéral éducation. It doesnot hesitate to proclaim that many différent kinds ofexcellence are needed to sustain a good collège. Itmaintains a collège which, while drawing on thestrength of the university, has the power to developits own thrust. And being small, it is a collège whichcan stand upright instead of leaning on the crutches ofmass éducation.It is not surprising if the basic powers of inquiryflourish hère, and if our students are distinguished fortheir commitment to the intellectual life and for thevigor— not to say ferocity— with which they practice it.Third, I would like to say a word about our unob-trusive successes. A good éducation is often a veryquiet business. It's the deans, the fund raisers, therecruiters, the critics, and the rebels who feel obligedto be noisy about it. It is part of the genius of a goodcollège to conceal from the reports of its public relations department, its convocations speakers, or itsstudent newspaper, the excellence of many of its wares.A Chicago éducation is rich in thèse unpublicizedvirtues. Too subtle and individual to be translated bythe promoter, too impervious to offer a foothold to thecritic, ignored by the talkers but prized by the gratefullearners, they are the silent civilizers in our midst.Thèse virtues flow from a high tradition of disciplinedlearning; they are the assurance that intelligence isbeing trained, creativity encouraged, and taste re-fined. I would include among our unobtrusive suc-cesses, during his collège years hère, the biologistJames Dewey Watson, who was recently awarded aNobel Prize at the âge of thirty-three for discoveriesmade at twenty-five— a symbol of our power to stimu-late quietly an original mind.THE THREEFOLD AIM of éducation is the enrich-ment of personal life, the service of society, and theadvancement of civilization. The outcomes of éducation are not easily measurable in individual lives,but they are very visible in the survival of nations andin the reach of their culture. America stands todayon an awesome peak of power and promise. Collègeswith the genius of this one, inventive, imaginative,critical, in which every gift of fertile enthusiasm andevery promising irrévérence for established ideas getsits full measure of hospitality, are not unequal to thechallenge. ?FEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17AroundIn the normal course of a constantlychanging institution of the dimensionsof The University of Chicago the effortto build the faculty usually producesthe news of appointments, for thechanges in the relatively small administration are few. But this month, themajor items concern two new vice-présidents, as Président Beadle movedto rebuild the shrunken ranks of hisclose administrative associâtes.James J. Ritterskamp, Jr., who hasbeen vice président of Illinois Instituteof Technology and treasurer of the HTResearch Institute for the past threeyears, has been appointed vice-présidentfor administration. He succeeds Ray E.Brown, whose résignation to become director of the graduate degree programin hospital administration at DukeUniversity takes effect on March 1.James J. RitterskampMr. Ritterskamp, who holds degreesin law and business from WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis, Missouri, re-mained there in administration untilhe went to HT in 1961. A member ofthe Missouri bar, he is an officer anddirector in several organisations of uni- the Midwayversity and collège business adminis-trators.Richard F. O'Brien will become vice-président for planning and develop-ment on May 1. He cornes to The University from Stanford University wherehe has been the director of Stanford'sPACE (Plan of Action for a Challeng-ing Era) campaign which exceeded its$100,000,000 goal by $9,000,000.The office Mr. O'Brien assumeshas been vacant for two and one-halfyears, since the résignation of Henry T.Sulcer, '33, J.D. '36. A graduate ofthe University of California, Mr.O'Brien took an M.A. degree at Stanford after three wartime years as adeck officer in the Navy. Beginningin 1946, he held a succession of staffpositions at Stanford, becoming director of development in 1959.Richard F. O'BrienMORE ALUMNI TRUSTEES— Har-old H. Swift, '07, was the first alumnusto be elected to the Board of Trustées,in 1914. His performance was sonotable that he was soon joined by others and today the ranks of theBoard increasingly are being filled byformer Chicago students. ChairmanEairfax M. Cône recently announcedthe élection of two more alumni, Ell-more C. Patterson, '35, and FerdKramer, '22. That made three alumniin a row, Robert O. Anderson, '39,having been elected a trustée lastNovember.The number of alumni on the Boardof Trustées is now at an ail time highof 15 out of 40 of the active members,and in addition, seven of the 16 hon-orary trustées — those who hâve reachedthe âge of 70 — are alumni.The Class of 1935, an outstandinggroup and one that since has con-tributed many effective workers forThe University, took pride in being thefirst to complète the Collège programinstituted by Chancellor Hutchins,which instituted seven required com-prehensive examinations covering asmany year-long gênerai éducationcourses. Eli Patterson was a highlyvisible member of that class duringhis four years, a first-rate Big Tenccnter on the football team and itscaptain in 1934, an intercollegiate tennis player and a University Marshal.After graduation, he joined J. P.Morgan & Company, with three yearsout during World War II for duty ona destroyer escort in the South Pacific.He is now executive vice-président ofthe Morgan Guaranty Trust Companyof New York, in charge of its gêneraibanking division. He is a director ofnumerous corporations and his list ofoutside civic and philanthropie activities is a long one. He also has a lead-ing part in the Alumni Fund, as national vice-chai rman.Mr. Kramer is président of Draper& Kramer, Inc., one of the country'sprominent organizations in real estateand mortgage banking, whose activities hâve included construction andopération of several large high-riseresidential complexes that hâve beenfactors in the rejuvenation of Chicago'ssouth side and the University area.He received an Alumni Citation in1947 for his leadership in publicspirited organizations and was awardedthe Distinguished Housing and Rede-velopment Service Award of the National Association of Housing Officiaisin 1952. He became national chairmanof the Alumni Fund last autumn, suc-18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964cceding C. E. McKittrick, '20, and sothe two new trustées are very much incharge of the Fund.NEW EDUCATION DEAN Irancis S. Chase, chairman ol the départaient and dean of the Graduate Schoolof Education, told his associâtes and theadministration last year lie wanted tobc relieved of those duties so that hetould concentrate on a séries of edu-cational studies that interested him.The faculty promptly and unanimouslyadopted a resolution insisting lie continue, but Mr. Chase stuck with hisintention. As of July 1 he will continue as professor in the départaientand school he has reshaped and réorientée! in the past décade.The new dean is Roald F. Campbell,59. He first came to The University in1957 as director of the Midwcst Administration Center, and in February,1961 was named to the William ClaudeReavis Professorship of EducationalAdministration. He had been professor of éducation for six years at OhioState University before Dean Chasebrought him to Chicago, his Ohio appointaient being preceded by a rangeof professional expérience as a teacher,principal and superintendent of schoolsin the west and southwest.Mr. Chase first came to The University in 1945, as director of the RuralEducation Service, which was sup-portcd by a grant of the KelloggFoundation. He became a professorRoald F. CampbellFEBRUARY, 1964 THE of éducation in 1951, chairman of thedepartment in 1954, and also dean ofthe Graduate School of Education whenit was established in 1958 to work inthe spécial sphère of teacher éducation.The School, the Midwest Administration Center and the ComparativeEducation Center were among his innovations, but thèse administrativedeviecs are secondary to the great influence Mr. Chase has exerted in éducation at ail levels. Not the least ofhis achievements has been in obtainingrécognition of subject proficiency aswell as methodology as equipment ofthe effectivcly trained teacher.MORE APPOINTMENTS— Associate Dean of Bi Sci — Dr. Robert G.Page, associate professor in the Department of Medicine, whose médical spe-cialty is cardiology, has been appointedassociate dean of the Division of theBiological Sciences. A member of thefaculty since 1953, he has been for thepast six years assistant dean for médical éducation, and has served as chairman of several continuing committees.Dr. Page will work with Dean H.Stanley Bennett in planning for thedevelopment of program and facilitiesfor The University's médical center.Dr. Wright R. Adams, associate dean,is chief of staff of the hospitals andclinics.Assistant Superintendent — James R.Stricker, M.B.A. '58, has been madeassistant superintendent of the hospitals and clinics, and lecturer in theGraduate School of Business in hos-pital administration. His latest hos-pital post was that of administrator ofCity Mémorial Hospital, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.Assistant Divinitv Dean — Lloyd W.Putnam, A. M. '56, has been namedassistant dean, a new position, of theDivinity School. Formerly director ofCampus Christian Ministry for theCleveland Baptist Association and program associate of the Student ChristianUnion, he will develop an alumni program for the School, and be in chargeof its public relations.ARGONNE HOSPITAL CON-TRACT— The U. S. Atomic EnergyCommission has extended its contractwith The University for the opérationof the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital through September 30, 1968.The hospital, on Ellis Avenue, and physically a part of the UniversityClinics, was constructed by the Commission and opened in 1953. Sincethen it has been operated by The University, whose médical staff conductsresearch and clinical treatment and investigations with radioactive élémentsand radiations. Operating cost of theArgonne Hospital for fiscal 1964 isestimated at $2,500,000.EDITH AND GRACE ABBOTTPAPERS— Some 40,000 letters,speeches, professional articles andpamphlets of Edith and Grâce Abbott,eminent members of the Chicago faculty who had major rôles in shapingsocial service into a clearly defined andeffective profession and in achievinga national conscience about social prob-lems, hâve been catalogued and placedin The University archives. The mate-rial was a gift of the heirs of the twosisters.Edith Abbott, Ph.D.,'05, was partof the independent School of Civicsand Philanthropy when she first wasappointed to The University in 1913.In 1920, the School came to The University, and when the présent GraduateSchool of Social Service Administrationtook définitive form, she became itsdean in 1924. She retired in 1942, buttook over the editing of the SocialService Review for some years beforereturning to her home in Grand Is-land, Nebraska, where she died in1957.Grâce Abbott, Ph.M.,'()9, becamedirector of the Immigrants' ProtectiveLeague at its organization in 1915. In1917 she went to the Child Labor Division of the United States Children'sBureau, of which she was appointedchief in 1921. She left the Bureau in1934 to join her sister as professor ofpublic welfare and editor of the SocialService Revieiv. Her career at TheUniversity was relatively brief, for shedied in 1939.The collection constitutes a broadand intimate historical record of theemerging methods for dealing withsocial problems and the unceasingfight of the band of crusaders, whichincluded such women as Jane Addamsand Julia Lathrop, for social législation. It will provide a rich Iode forsocial historians and presumably, doctoral thèses for Ph.D. candidates in SSA.— William V. Morgenstern19UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE MITOCHONDRIONMighty mite in the human energy chainDr. Humberto Fernandez-MoranThe energy for every human and animal action—from a man tying his shoelaces to a dog wagging itstail— is produced by tiny structures in the cells called"mitochondria." In thèse minute power plants, food isconverted into energy, and the energy is stored inchemical form for future cell use.Scientists for décades hâve been trying to unravelthe complex process by which this transformationtakes place.The key to the problem was provided thirty yearsago by a University of Chicago anatomist, Robert R.Bensley. In 1934, Mr. Bensley showed that intactmitochondria could be isolated from crushed cells ofguinea-pig liver in a large enough quantity forchemical analysis.With Mr. Bensley 's clue, the chemical investigatorsset to work. Among the early leaders in the searchwere two biochemists in The University 's Ben MayLaboratory for Cancer Research: Albert L. Lehninger,now head of the physiological chemistry departmentat Johns Hopkins, and Eugène P. Kennedy, now headof the biological chemistry department at HarvardMédical School.Little by little, Mr. Lehninger, Mr. Kennedy, andothers put together an outline of the task the mito-chondrion performs— the release of energy from foodmolécules in the cell by oxidation, and the harnessingof this energy in the chemical bonds of a compoundcalled adenine triphosphate, or ATP. The process, theyfound, involves at least seventy différent enzymes andco-enzymes, precisely arranged in a highly organizedpattern. The enzymes are pro teins that act as chemical catalysts; the co-enzymes are substances, likevitamins, that make it possible for the enzymes to dotheir work.20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964But scientists wanted to probe still further into thetiny structures that perform this complicated task.And this presented problems.Mitochondria are so small that a thousand of themcould fit into the space of a grain of sand withouttouching each other. Under the traditional lightmicroscope, which magnifies about 1,000 times, theycan be seen only as tiny beads or threads.The development of the électron microscope, whichprobes objects with beams of électrons instead oflight, has made it possible to study the mitochondriamore closely. With this magnification, hundreds oftimes more powerful than that of the light microscope,it was found that the mitochondria were fluid-filled"sausages" made of a double membrane— one formingan outer envelope, the other arranged inside in a sériesof deep folds. The membranes themselves are onlya few molécules thick.Now a University of Chicago biophysicist, Dr.Humberto Fernandez-Moran, using spécial électronmicroscope techniques, has been able to map the in-terior of the mitochondrion in even greater détail.To further his research, Dr. Fernandez-Moran de-veloped a number of highly intricate mechanicaldevices. The knives used in this délicate work hadpreviously been made of steel or glass. Neither ofthèse seemed to provide a fine enough cutting edge,and constant re-sharpening was needed. Dr. Fernandez-Moran developed a diamond knife and inventeda process of grinding and polishing the cutting edgeto an unprecedented degree. It is said that it can euta human hair lengthwise into 10,000 sections. Theentire cutting edge is about three millimeters in length.To advance a spécimen over the microscopic distance required for the ultra-thin slicing, a métal alloyspécimen holder was developed. Depending on theamount of heat supplied, the métal alloy expands justenough to accomplish the exact feeding process overthe knife's cutting edge. A protective chamber, made by sealing the spécimenbetween two films of graphite thin enough for électrons to pass through, keeps the fragile spécimen fromdrying out in the vacuum inside the électronmicroscope.Using thèse and still other technical refinements, theVenezuelan-born scientist was able to observe the in-terior of the mitochondrion as no man before him.He found in each tiny sausage-shaped structure upto 100,000 even tinier bodies, studding the membranelike the seeds in a pomegranate. The membraneparticles themselves are comparable in size to thesmallest viruses. Each particle has a faceted head,connected to the membrane with a tiny cylindricalstem.In related studies at the University of Wisconsin,biochemist David E. Green and his associâtes areusing Dr. Fernandez-Moran's blueprint to reconstructthe rôle of thèse mitochondrion particles. They hâvefound that each particle is a highly organized packetof some twenty enzymes and co-enzymes that play abasic rôle in the mitochondrion's energy-transformingjob. In this enzyme séquence, energy in the form ofélectrons released from food molécules is carriedthrough a complicated séries of steps and in theprocess is coupled to the formation of ATP, the chemi-cal-energy carrier. The transfer of energy in a sériesof small chemical reactions avoids the sudden releaseof energy that would upset the even températureof the cell.Dr. Fernandez-Moran and his Wisconsin colleagueshâve dubbed the tiny enzyme packets "elementaryparticles" of the mitochondria.Dr. Fernandez-Moran describes the mitochondrionitself as "a Rosetta Stone, whose deciphering will ulti-mately permit us to decipher the molecular code ofthe many energy-transforming Systems in living cells."?Mitochondrion ModelFEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 21Alumni Fund LeadersTo Spearhead Record CampaignThe University of Chicago Alumni Fund was boniin 1942. That was the same year that man enteredthe Atomic Age under the stands of Stagg Field.Although Chicago was already in the forefront inthe sciences, it was far more modest in its campaignsfor alumni support of The University. Yale had anannual giving program since 1890; Dartmouth since1915, and Harvard since 1925.Still, in the first year of Chicago's annual-givingfund, 4,970 alumni contributed $51,131. By 1963 thenumber of contributing alumni had grown to 14,513,and the combined gift had increased to $1,191,318,including ail of the professional schools. A little morethan $200,000 of this was for unrestricted purposes.The Alumni Fund has been growing, but not fastenough to suit the dynamic leadership of Ferd Kramer,'22, the 1964 Alumni Fund Chairman— or the needs ofThe University. The fact that by February the fundwas 26 per cent ahead of a year ago is encouraging,but not comforting to Mr. Kramer. His goal is a 100per cent increase in unrestricted funds over 1963. Ingiving his reasons, Mr. Kramer states:"Some years ago Chicago was looked upon as oneof the two or three greatest universities on this continent. I believe that if we give Président Beadle thekind of support he deserves, it will not be long beforeit will be recognized as THE university of this country.There is nothing more important in achieving thisthan unrestricted funds— and one of the most important sources is our Alumni Fund."In addition to heading the University of ChicagoAlumni Fund, Mr. Kramer was elected a UniversityTrustée, January 9, 1964. (See page 18.) He is président of Draper & Kramer, Inc., a Chicago-based real estate and mortgage banking firm, and has servedextensively as an officer of educational, civic-planning,and architectural organizations in Chicago and na-tionally. He is chairman of the board of ACTION,Inc., is serving on the Présidents Committee on EqualOpportunity in Housing, is a member of the visitingcommittee of overseers for the Department of Designand Visual Arts at Harvard University, and is Chicagochairman of the steering committee of the UnitedNegro Collège Fund.To assist Mr. Kramer in his efforts, Président Beadlehas appointed three vice chairmen for the AlumniFund Board of Directors: Ellmore C. Patterson, '35;LeRoy D. Owen, '21, J.D/23; and Errett Van Nice, '31.Mr. Patterson, who also was elected a UniversityTrustée in January (see page 18), is executive viceprésident of the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company ofNew York. Ile and Mr. Owen, head of an industrialproperties firm in Los Angeles, are organizing campaign committees in their communities.Mr. Van Nice, executive vice président of the HarrisTrust & Savings Bank of Chicago, has been spear-heading a spécial gifts campaign in the Chicago area,which has brought The University more than $53,000in unrestricted funds during the last three months.Ile is expanding the committee to assure achieving agoal of $100,000 before the books are closed in June.Mr. Kramer has also set up two advisory committeeswith Alumni Fund Board members as chairmen.Richard Schlesinger, '35, vice président of Carson PirieScott & Company, is chairman of the CommunicationsCommittee. Ile is bringing together a group of alumniwith expérience in advertising and public relations tosupervise Fund letters and other communications.Arthur Baer, '18, président of the Beverly Bank andAlumni Fund Chairman Ferd Kramer, '22(seated) reviews plans with campaignleaders. Left to right (standing): ErrettVan Nice, '31, Alumni Fund Vice Chairman, Chairman Spécial Gifts; Burton Duf-fie, '31, A.M.'34, Chairman Spécial Committee of Educators in Chicago; RichardSchlesinger, '35, Chairman Communications Committee; Alumni Fund DirectorHarry Sholl, '4Loo FEBRUARY, 1964a former national chairman of the Alumni Fund Board,is chairman of the National Recruitment Committee.His group recommends key alumni to head the springgifts drive in major cities and helps recruit theirservices.Chairmen hâve been appointed in 14 eommunities,and others are being added to the list each day.John Jay Berwanger, '36, heads the Chicago areacampaign, where more than 18,670 of The University's60.000 alumni live. He will be responsible for morethan 50 suburbs as well as the city of Chicago.Burton Duffie, who was graduated from Chicago in1931 and received his A. M. degree at The Universityin 1934, is chairman of a spécial Committee of Edu-cators in Chicago. Director of the Bureau of Education Extension of the Chicago Board of Education,he will set up alumni committees in each school andcollège to solicit for the 1964 Fund.Elsewhere, Burdette Ford, '22, président of IliramWalker-Gooderham & Worts, Ltd., is chairman of theDétroit committee, and Alfred LaBarge, M.B.A.'49,of the Ford Motor Company, is vice chairman.The San Diego chairman is Lawrence D. Tintor, '49,an engineer.Elwood Starbuck, '24, an insurance executive, isheading the campaign in San Francisco, California.In Southern Florida, three alumnae are directing thefund campaign: Mrs. Ben D. Silver (Madeleine Colin,'20), in Hollywood; Mrs. David P. Karcher (JoanneRamer, '52), in Miami and Coral Gables, and Mrs.Emanuel Goldstrich (Belle Korshak, '34), in MiamiBeach.Kenneth F. MacLellan, Jr., '42, M.B.A. '58, présidentof Garrott Candies, Inc., is chairman in St. Paul, Minnesota. Mr. MacLellan headed the Evanston campaign in 1957 and 1958.The St. Louis committee is being organized by L.Ray Felker, '20, an insurance executive.Budd Gore, '33, a former national chairman of theAlumni Fund, is heading the drive in Cleveland. Heis vice président of Halle Brothers Company.Daniel C. Smith, '38, J.D/40, an attorney withWeyerhauser Timber Company, will organize committees in Tacoma and Seattle, Washington.In 1963 there were 273 committees with more than1,700 volunteers. With Ferd Kramer's déterminationto hâve a 100 per cent increase in alumni giving, thisyear more committees will be organized and morealumni enlisted to help in their eommunities, to bringthis much - needed support to The University ofChicago.(Starting at top of page) John Jay Berwanger, '36, Chairman, Chicago Campaign Committee; Arthur Baer, '18, Chairman, National Recruitment Committee;LeRoy D. Owen, '21, J.D.'23, Vice Chairman, Alumni Fund, Western Area andChairman for Los Angeles; Ellmore C. Patterson, '35, Vice Chairman, AlumniFund, Eastern Area.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23news of the alumniup to ±0GARRISON, WINFRED E., '97, PhD'97,was named "Alumnus-of-the-Year 1963"by the U of C Divinity School. Mr. Garrison, who is 89, has served in teachingand administrative positions for morethan six décades. At the âge of 71, heaccepted a position at the University ofHouston, Texas, where he is still associateprofessor of church history after servingas chairman of the department of philosophy and religion for four years. Duringhis career, Mr. Garrison was dean ofDisciples Divinity House at the U of Cand also associate professor in the U of CDivinity School from which he retired in1943. He was président of three collèges:Butler Collège, New Mexico Normal University, and New Mexico Collège of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Mr. Garrisonhas been a delegate or consultant at fivemajor ecumenical conférences and haswritten three books.FAIRBANK, MRS. ARTHUR B. (LORENAKING, '03) of Washington, D.C., is ap-proaching her ninetieth birthday.KING, LORENA, '03 see Fairbank-GAVIN, MISS HELENA, '05, AM'37, ofChicago, is active in the Y.M.C.A. adultgroup for "senior citizens," the AmericanAssociation of University Women, and theUniversity Christian Church.GRAY, MISS CORA E., '06, SM'09, ofSalisbury, N.C., and MISS ANNA L.WHITE, '06, of Pasadena, Calif., had ahappy reunion in Asheville, N.C. in Sep-tember. Miss Gray adds, "You may besure tongues wagged ail day." Miss Whiteis a former missionary to Japan. After herreturn to the U.S., she did some teachingin the San Diego schools.WHITE, MISS ANNA L., '06 see mentionunder Miss Cora E. Gray, '06—LEE, MRS. WALLACE W. (CARYLAMES, '09) see mention under Mrs. B. S.Adams, 11—MOORE, WILLIAM C, PhD'10, of Stam-ford, Conn., won amateur class first prizeat the New Canaan (Conn.) OutdoorArt Show held September 21-22. The24 THE prize was for a pastel entitled "Summerof Chesterfield." By invitation Mr. Mooreexhibited two of his casein landscapes ina group show held at the Stamford Muséum and Nature Study Center, Novem-ber 9-December 6.ADAMS, MRS. B. S. (FLORENCE AMES,'11), writes that her sister MRS. WALLACE W. LEE (CARYL AMES, '09)and her husband celebrated their 53rdwedding anniversary on October 26 whilevisiting Mrs. Adams* home in Hibbing,Minn.AMES, FLORENCE, 11 see Adams-LEACH, WILLIAM B., '13, of Austin,Texas, and his wife, left for the Orienton January 17 from San Francisco. Inaddition to sightseeing, Mr. Leach willlook into a new Japanese chemical processand assess its potential for use in Texas.Mr. and Mrs. Leach hope to attend JuneReunion if his class reunion at Massachusetts Institute of Technology does notconflict.BRODBECK, MISS EMMA, '14, whomissed many class reunions at the U of Cwhen she was a missionary in China, always expected to attend the 50th, "because I knew I should be retired by thattime. But now," she adds, Tm goingto miss the fiftieth for my retirementdidn't take." Miss Brodbeck's letter ispostmarked Lazi, Negros Oriental, Philippines, where she is a Peace Corps volun-teer and expects to serve until October,1964. She finds it an "idéal program foractive retirement— enough work to keepme from being bored, enough need forstudy to keep from intellectual vegetatingand enough necessary exercise to keepfrom growing lazy." Miss Brodbeck's as-signment is in an elementary school whereshe visits ail classes, helping with teaching problems in English, science or gar-dening. Since she is the only Peace Corpsvolunteer on the island (Siquijor), shealso helps teachers in other eommunities,speaks at district teachers' meetings, andteaches methods classes in teachers* instituâtes.FOLKES, VIRGINIA, '14 see Lewis-GORDON, JAMES KENNETH, '14, ofSouth Mountain, Pa., and his wife arebuilding a new home in the mountains.Dr. Gordon is on the staff at Dixon StateHospital. Previously he was in privatepractice for 11 years which followed hisretirement as a U.S. Navy captain in 1947. He was in the Navy for 31 years.LEWIS, MRS. VIRGINIA (VIRGINIAFOLKES, 14) of Stuarts Draft, Va., is ona trip around the world. She sailed fromNew York on January 28 and will returnon May 1. Mrs. Lewis adds, "As soon asI get back to Stuarts Draft I shall prob-ably start preparing for the trip to Chicago [for June Reunion]." Mrs. Lewisalso writes that MRS. MARY RICHARD-SON (MARY MARYE, 14, AM'28), willspend the winter with her sister in SanAntonio, Texas and will also attend JuneReunion.RICHARDSON, MRS. MARY (MARYMARYE, 14, AM'28) see mention underMrs. Virginia Lewis, 14—VIALL, CHARLOTTE, 14 see Wiser-WHITFIELD, MISS RUTH, 14, of Sara-sota, Fia., has remained interested in thefield of éducation since her retirement in1955. She belongs to Delta KappaGamma, national honorary society forwomen teachers and to the AmericanAssociation of University Women.WISER, MRS. WILLIAM H. (CHARLOTTE VIALL, 14) is currently inKarimganj, India, but plans to return tothe U.S. in time for June Reunion. Lastfall the new édition of Behind Mud Walls,written by Mrs. Wiser and her late husband, reached India. She spoke at ameeting of the American Women's Clubin New Dehli and autographed copies ofthe book.MOORE, RAYMOND C, PhD'16, wasawarded the first honorary medal of theAmerican Paleontological Society at thesociety's November meeting in New YorkCity. The award recognizes Mr. Moore'soutstanding contributions to the scienceof paleontology." Mr. Moore is emeritusSummerfield distinguished professor ofgeology at the University of Kansas,Lawrence, Kan. He retired in 1962 after46 years on the faculty. Among his mostimportant professional contributions is theorganizing and editing of a 24-volumeTreatise on Invertebrate Paleontology-The séries now has 14 volumes; its com-pletion is expected this year. Mr. Moorehas been national or international président of seven scientific groups and holdsthe Sidney Powers Medal of the AmericanAssociation of Petroleum Geologists(1959) and the Hayden Mémorial Geo-logical Medal of the Philadelphia Acad-emy of Natural Science (1956).UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 196417-27MACPHERSON, MRS. RODERICK J.(MARGARET MONROE, '17) retired onJanuary 31 from her position in the U ofC Development Office, where she wasresponsible for processing gifts to the Uof C. At the time of her retirement,CHARLES R. FELDSTEIN, AM'44, consultant to The University, said, "Throughher capable hands many millions ofdollars flowed. The manner in which shehandled this and a variety of other duties— including the annual Trustées' Dinner—with great personal charm and dévotionto the University won her the respect andadmiration of ail those who came intocontact with her."Immediately after her last day at work,Mrs. Macpherson went to Mexico forthree weeks. On her way back shestopped at Médina, Texas, and visitedMRS. E. MALCOLM ANDERSON(ISABEL MacMURRAY, '16). In lateMarch Mrs. Macpherson plans to take theU of C Women's Board tour of theMiddle East, and then will "try to findout what doing nothing is like." Mrs.Macpherson is the widow of RODERICKJ. MACPHERSON, '16, and her sonand daughter are RODERICK J. MACPHERSON, JR., '49, of Excelsior, Minn.,and ANNE M. MACPHERSON, '44, '45,AM'54, of Berkeley, Calif.MONROE, MARGARET, '17 see Macpherson— WEISMAN, SIDNEY M., '17, is présidentof Center Seminar, Inc., an activity of theCenter for the Study of Démocratie Institutions, Los Angeles. Mr. Weisman in-augurated the seminar to extend the workof the Center orally. Eight programs arebeing offered this year and beginningwith the February event, the séries isbeing presented under the auspices of theLos Angeles Department of Adult Education.WELSH, GERALD E., 17, JD'25, of Den-ver, Colo., and his wife spent June andJuly of 1963 touring Austria and theScandinavian countries. They were inVienna for the music festival week, andespecially enjoyed the performances ofthe Lipizzaner horses of the SpanishRiding Academy, also in Vienna. Mr.Welsh adds that he recently acquired asorrel mare which is a fine jumper.BIRMINGHAM, PAUL W., '20, of Détroit,Mich., was recently presented an awardfrom the Catholic Big Brothers of Détroit.He is the oldest active member of thegroup, after serving for 20 years. Mr.Birmingham is still "about 60%" activein business, with time out for Europeantravel and visits to the grandchildren inthe East.YOST, J. PAUL, '20, of Pontiac, 111.,writes: "What's happened to the Classof 1920? Seldom see any news aboutthem! " Are there any responses from the1920 class members?DAVIS, MRS.DOROTHEA (DOROTHEAHARJES, '21, AM'25) of Mexico City, isdean of women, director of studentaffairs, and associate professor of Englishat the University of the Americas (form-erly Mexico City Collège). She adds,"My triple duties keep me more thanbusy, but the challenge of the uniquefunction of the university as a crossroad for students of both Americas preventsany possibility of boredom or sensé ofrepetitious routine. In short, I like Mexico,I like the University of the Americas, andI love the climate."HARJES, DOROTHEA, '21, AM'25 seeDavis—KELLER, P. HASTINGS, '21, of Alex-andria, Va., is with the Bureau of NaturalGas of the Fédéral Power Commission inWashington, D.C. He also reports thathis livestock farm at Fostoria, Ohio, isstill doing well. Mrs. Keller is MARGARET HANSEN, '30.GOSNELL, HAROLD F., PhD'22, isteaching full time as professor of govern-ment at Howard University, Washington,D.C. He retired as a U.S. govemmentofficiai after 20 years of service. Mrs.Gosnell (FLORENCE FAKE, 19) retired from teaching at Sidwell FriendsSchool in Washington and is now doingprivate tutoring. The Gosnells live inBethesda, Md.BEITTEL, ADAM D., '25, PhD'29, wasawarded an honorary LLD degree byFindlay Collège (Ohio) last June. Mr.Beittel is on the staff at Tougaloo Southern Christian Collège, Tougaloo, Miss. Heis national secretary of the United NegroCollège Fund and secretary of the Mississippi Advisory Committee of the U.S.Civil Rights Commission.BRADY, WILLIAM T., '25, was electednational vice président of the NationalAssociation of Manufacturers last fall. Hebecame chairman of the Association'sboard at the annual meeting in Decem-ber and will serve throughout this year.Mr. Brady is chairman of the Corn Products Co., with headquarters in New YorkCity. He is also a director of the MarineMidland Trust Co., the Carrier Corp.,and the American Reciprocal Insurers.GOOD, CARTER V., PhD'25, was thecover subject for a fall issue of Educationmagazine. Inside, Mr. Good was featuredin a "Leaders in Education" profile sketchoutlining his teaching career. He is deanof the University of Cincinnati Collège ofEducation and Home Economies and hasbeen on the Cincinnati faculty since 1930.Mr. Good is known as a pioneer in educa-tional research. His books Introduction toEducational Research (1959, revised1963), and Methods of Research (1954),are widely used in American and foreignuniversities and collèges.LEVITT, MISS EMMA, '25, AM'36, seemention under John M. Mirkin, '33,AM'38-BOETTCHER, CATHRINE, '27 see Converse—CONVERSE, MRS. ALLAN (CATHRINEBOETTCHER, '27) was married lastSeptember to Dr. Howard A. Feldingin Greenwich, Conn. Mrs. Felding is thewidow of Allan D. Converse. She isprésident of the Greenwich Philharmonia,and a member of the executive board ofthe Greenwich Choral Society. Dr. Feld-Margaret Monroe Macpherson '17FEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25Sm / continued ^Jj.jfjmg is an ophthalmologist and is on thestaff of Stamford Hospital and St. Joseph'sHospital, Stamford, Conn. The Feldingsréside in Greenwich.KIRK, SAMUEL A., '29, SM'31, has beennamed to head the newly - establishedDivision of Handicapped Children andYouth in the U.S. Office of Education.Mr. Kirk has responsibility for administer-ing a three-year $53 million teaching andresearch program under the Mental Re-tardation Facilities Act of 1963. Mr. Kirkserved as a consultant from Decemberuntil February 1, and is now taking aleave of absence from the University ofIllinois to temporarily dévote full time tothe post. At the University he is directorof the Institute for Research on Excep-tional Children. Mrs. Kirk is WINIFREDDAY, '30.MOSS, C. MALCOLM, JD'30, of Evans-ton, 111., recently attended cérémonies inconnection with the installation of twocollège présidents. Mr. Moss representedthe American Bar Assn. at the inauguration of Chancellor George Heard as headof Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. ;and as an alumnus he represented Vanderbilt at the inauguration of Sister MaryOlivia Barrett, président of St. XavierCollège, Chicago. Mr. Moss is counselfor the Prudential Insurance Company'sMid- America Home Office, Chicago.LARSON, MISS MINNIE E., AM'31, isretired from teaching at Nebraska StateCollège, Kearney, Neb., and is living inSan Francisco.PALMER, R. R., '31, was awarded anhonorary LLD degree by the U of C atthe December 13 convocation. Mr. Palmeris dean of the Faculty of Arts andSciences at Washington University, St.Louis, Mo., a position to which he wasappointed this year. Formerly Mr. Palmerwas Dodge Professor of History at Princeton University. A well-known author ofbooks and articles in the field of modemEuropean history, Mr. Palmer was citedfor his skill in the interprétation of histor-ical events which has brought new insightto the understanding of the revolutionarymovements of the eighteenth century.ROTH, MRS. LESTER (LOUISE KLEIN,'31) see mention under Malcolm J. Sher-man, '60, SM'60-HOUGH, JACK L., '32, SM'34, PhD'40,moved to the University of Michigan,Ann Arbor, on January 12 to serve in jointappointments as professor of oceanog-raphy and research geologist (in chargeof the geological program) in the GreatLakes Research Division of the Instituteof Science and Technology. During the past several years while professor ofgeology at the University of Illinois, Ur-bana, Mr. Hough has worked in closecoopération with the Michigan GreatLakes group. His book, Geology of theGreat Lakes, ( 1958 ) won the Kirk BryanAward of the Geological Society ofAmerica. Prior to joining the Universityof Illinois staff in 1947, Mr. Hough wasa submarine geologist and oceanographerwith the Woods Hole (Mass.) Océanographie Institution and the U.S. Navy,and took part in Opération "High-Jump,"the Navy Antarctic expédition of 1946-7.Mrs. Hough is ALICE E. CARLSON, '32,daughter of the late Anton J. Carlson,former head of the U of C physiologydepartment.MIRKIN, JOHN M., '33, AM'38, and MISSEMMA LEVITT, '25, AM'36, publisheda translation of Maxim Gorki's "The Songof the Falcon" in a national quarterlyjournal, The Chicago Jewish Forum in1963. Mr. Mirkin has been teaching Rus-sian language and literature at the U ofC Downtown Center. Miss Levitt is aprincipal in the Chicago Public Schools.MOORADIAN, MISS ALICE, '33, ofNiagara Falls, N.Y., was elected lieutenant governor of District IV of ZontaInternational last fall. Miss Mooradian isexecutive director of the Golden AgeClubs in Niagara Falls.SHERMAN, MRS. MORRIS J. (FLORENCE KAHEN, '33) see mention underMalcolm J. Sherman, '60, SM'60-GERSON, NOËL B., '34, of Waterford,Conn., has various works of fiction andnon-fiction now being published in 17countries. His newest book, Old Hickory,a biographical novel of Andrew Jackson,will be published in the spring.TYPER, DONALD M., AM'34, is complet-ing his tenth year as président of DoaneCollège, Crète, Neb. The collège has justkicked off a $5,000,000 Centennial Fund.Mr. Typer is serving for a third year astreasurer of the Independent CollègeFund of America, and is a member ofthe Commission on International Understanding of the Association of AmericanCollèges.CUMMINGS, MISS RACHEL H., '35, isteaching a private kindergarten in GrâceMethodist Church, Rockford, 111.URSCHEL, DAN L., MD'36, of Mentone,Ind., is national président of The FlyingPhysicians Assn.WHITLOW, ROBERT S., '36, formerlyof New Canaan, Conn., was elected gênerai counsel and secretary of Common-wealth Oil Refîning Co., Inc. in December. Mr. Whitlow is located in San Juan,Puerto Rico, where Commonwealth Oilmaintains its executive offices. For thepast two years Mr. Whitlow has beenassistant gênerai counsel of General Précision Equipment Corp., where he co-ordinated légal affairs of the electronicscorporations subsidiaries and operatingdivisions. WIRTH, OTTO, AM'36, PhD'37, receivedthe first Roosevelt University (Chicago)Alumni Assn. distinguished service awardin November. Mr. Wirth is dean of theuniversity's Collège of Arts and Sciencesand has been a member of the Rooseveltfaculty since 1946. The award recog-nized his "significant contribution to thegrowth and enrichment of the universitycommunity."GREENSTEIN, MELVIN, '39, MBA'40,of Chicago, is project director of the Kennedy Job Training Center at the Lt.Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. School of Excep-tional Children in Palos Park, 111. It is arehabilitation and vocational training center for mentally retarded young adults.SCHNERING, PHILIP B., '39, of Baltimore, Md., was re-elected chairman of theboard of directors of Camp Fire Girls,Inc., and was awarded the WOHELOOrder, Camp Fire Girls highest honor,at the triennial conférence in November.Mr. Schnering was cited for his "distinguished and exceptional vision . .together with his penetrating knowledgeof the problems confronting today'syouth." Long active in Camp Fire Girls,he also serves as chairman of the nationaldevelopment fund and président of theBaltimore Council of Camp Fire Girls. Inaddition Mr. Schnering is district chairman of the Baltimore Boy Scouts ofAmerica. While a résident of Chicago, hewas awarded the Boy Scout Silver Beaveraward for his distinguished service toboyhood. Mr. Schnering is director ofcommercial development for McCormick& Co., Inc. He is a member of the U of CCitizen's Board.WEISS, LEONARD, '39, is in the U.S.Foreign Service. Until July he was director of the Office of International Trade inthe Department of State, Washington.He is now at the American Embassy atNew Delhi, India under AmbassadorBowles as counselor for économie affairs.BARKER, WAYNE, '40, MD'43, of Ama-gansett, N.Y., went to Britain in Januaryto survey brain research there and prépare a book on Brain Waves and Be-havior. His temporary address is TheWennington School, Wetherby, Yorkshire,England. Dr. Barker is a research consultant in clinical neurophysiology at thePost-Graduate Institute for MentalHealth, New York City.BERTRAND, JOHN J., MD'41, was recently promoted to associate clinical professor of medicine at the University ofCalifornia, San Francisco.KEEN, MISS MARIA E., '41, is a memberof the Department of English staff at theUniversity of Illinois, Champaign.HOFFBERG, DEL, '42 see Nord-JONES, HARRIS B., '42, MBA'49, movedback to Chicago on February 1 as associate director of the National Council forAccréditation of Nursing Homes. Mr.Jones was formerly with the CommunityGeneral Hospital in Sterling, 111.26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964jLL /w con^nued ¦» I~) f /NORD, MRS. HENRY J. (DEL HOFF-BERG, '42) is in the private practice ofpsychotherapy in Chicago.l'AWLEY, SAM S., '43, has been promotedfrom assistant cashier to assistant viceprésident in the banking department atHarris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago.Mr. Fawley, of Evanston, 111., joined thebank in 1951 and was elected assistantcashier in 1958.FIFFER, ROBERT S., '44, JD'47, of Glen-coe, 111., was appointed a master in chan-cery of the Superior Court of CookCounty. Mr. Fiffer is a partner in thelaw firm of Cohen, Fiffer & D'Angelo. Heis also a member of the Illinois Commission on Human Relations and a publicmember of the Board of UnemploymentCompensation and Free EmploymentOffice Advisors of the State of Illinois.His wife is ELAINE ROSE, '44.KINBERG, LAURENCE, '44, MD'46, sentthe following addition to the newsnote(November Magazine) about his moveto New York City as chief of pediatricsat Montefiore Hospital: Also accompany-ing him to New York were his wife(HARRIET LEVINSON, '45, AM'47)and their three children, Bobby, 13,Jeannie, 11, and Jimmy, 5.CRAMER, ROBERT E., SM'47, PhD'52,has been named to the Planning andZoning Commission of Greenville, N.C.Mr. Cramer is director of the departmentof geography at East Carolina Collège inGreenville. He has had expérience as acartography consultant, cartographie engineer, aerial photo interpréter, field geologist in petroleum, and research analyst.Mr. Cramer is the author of a workbookin cartography, the first publication of itskind. As director of East Carolina's geography department, he heads the largestsuch department in the South.BLAISDELL, F. J., '48, AM'56, is a humanfactors scientist with Lockheed Space-craft Organization, Pacoima, Calif., andIives in Granada Hills, Calif.BUSCHE, MISS HELEN, AM'48, of Wau-watosa, Wisc, was appointed vice principal at the Ludington Elementary Schoolin Milwaukee.DE WIND, HENRY A., AM'48, PhD'51, isprofessor of history at Wisconsin StateCollège, Whitewater, Wisc. He and hiswife (VIOLET KROL, '46, AM'49) an-nounce the birth of their fourth child,Nicholas Henry, boni on October 28.LEBED, JACK, MBA'48, of Chicago, hasleft Frigidmeats, Inc., and is vice président and sales manager of Frosty MéatCo., Chicago. SMITH, HAL M., '48, JD'54, of Washington, D.C, is assistant professor at theUniversity of Maryland School of Law.Formerly he practiced law in Springfield,111. Last fall Mr. Smith completed a supplément to Barrett and Seago, Partnersand Partnerships, published by MichiePublishing Co., in October. Mrs. Smith(LOUISE RHOADS, AM'56) has been aresearch analyst at the U.S. State Department for several years.WERNER, OLIVER J., JR., '48, JD'56, isan assistant trust officer at Seattle-FirstNational Bank, Seattle, Wash. Mr. Wer-ner and his wife, the former Nora Campbell were married in 1961. She is teachingspécial reading classes in the Seattle Public Schools. Mr. and Mrs. Werner spenta month in Europe in the spring of 1962visiting England, Denmark and Switzer-land.BRESLOW, MISS SHIRLEY A., '50, ofChicago, is working with disturbed children at the Treatment and Research Centerfor Schizophrénie Children (affiliatedwith the Jewish Children's Bureau) inChicago.KENDALL, MRS. KATHERINE A.,PhD'50, was named executive director ofthe Council on Social Work Education,New York City, last fall. Mrs. Kendall,associate director of the Council since1958, and acting executive director sinceAugust, 1963, has been associated withthe Council from its organization. In 1951and 1952 she was executive secretary ofthe American Association of Schools ofSocial Work, one of three organizationswhich merged in 1952 to become theprésent Council. Mrs. Kendall is alsoactive in international aspects of socialwork éducation. She is secretary and amember of the executive board of theInternational Association of Schools ofSocial Work. In February, 1963, she di-rected a seminar for Central Americanschools of social work held in SanSalvador. SymbolofProgressTHIS pylon on our new plant marksa milestone in our thirty yearsof service to organizationsrequiring fine skills, latesttechniques and large capacity.Our work is as diversified as theneeds and products of our customersPhoto press¦ ijjuaiHîiïuuiuCongress Expressway at Gardner RoadBROADVIEW. ILL. COlumbus 1-1420THE NEW CHICAGO CHAIRAn attractive, sturdy, comfortablechair finished in jet black withgold trim and gold silk-screenedUniversity shield.$30.00 ($34.00 after March 31)Order from and make checks payable toTHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION5733 University Ave., Chicago 37Chairs will be shipped express col-lect from Gardner, Mass. withinone month.FEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 27continued ¦—McKEAGUE, GORDON C., '50, '56, MBA'56, is a research supervisor at the Whit-ing, Indiana, laboratories of the AmericanOil Co. Mr. McKeague, who joined thestaff in 1957, heads work on developmentand application of new techniques for opérations planning. In July Mr. McKeaguespoke at the Old Dominion PurchasingAssn., meeting in Roanoke, Va. Mr. andMrs. McKeague live in Olympia Fields, 111.NATKIN, ROBERT M., SM'50, hasjoined the Center for Naval Analyses inArlington, Va. He is assigned to the Institute of Naval Studies where he works onlong-range planning for the Navy. Mr.Natkin was formerly on the professionalstaff of the Armour Research Foundation,Chicago.SPANIER, JEROME, SM'52, PhD'55, ofPittsburgh, Pa., received the Bettis Distinguished Service Award of the BettisAtomic Power Laboratory for contributions in the field of nuclear reactors. Mr.Spanier is a "fellow mathematician" inthe research development and analysisproject at the Laboratory which is op-erated by Westinghouse Electric Corp.,for the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.He joined Westinghouse at Bettis in 1955.FARWELL, RICHARD W., MBA'53, hasbeen named to the newly created post ofdirector of personnel of the PortlandCernent Assn., Chicago. Mr. Farwelljoined the Association in 1955 as anorganization consultant, and was previ-ously with Business Research Corp., Chicago, management engineers.JEFFERY, LAWRENCE R., SM'53, hasbeen named associate technical directorof The MITRE Corporations new direc-torate named MITRE (DCA), to be lo-cated at Arlington, Va. The new direc-torate will provide technical support tothe Défense Communications Agency inthe System planning, development andintégration of the National Military Com-mand System. Mr. Jeffery joined MITREin 1959 as associate head of the commandSystems department, rising to departmenthead in 1961 when it became the Systemplanning department.LEITNER, ANTHONY U., '53, was ad-mitted to the California Bar Assn., lastyear and is now specializing in the fieldof real estate law. For the past five yearsMr. Leitner had been in the real estateinvestment and development fields in theLos Angeles area. Formerly of StudioCity, Calif., Mr. Leitner's office is nowin North Hollywood, Calif.PHILLIPSON, PAUL E., '53, SM'56, PhD'62, a specialist in theoretical molecular physics, has been named assistant professor in the University of Colorado(Boulder) department of physics andastrophysics. Last year Mr. Phillipsonwas an associate research physicist andlecturer at the University of Michigan.He previously taught at the U of C andworked at the University's Laboratory ofMolecular Structure and Spectra. Mr.Phillipson is author or co-author of fivescientific articles.HAM, HOWARD, PhD'54, is the author ofleaders' guides for each chapter of anewly published book, Current Theolog-ical Thinking, by Harvey H. Potthoff. Thebook was published this summer by Ab-ingdon Press. Mr. Ham is professor ofreligious éducation at Syracuse University, Syracuse, N. Y.POLGAR, STEVEN, AM'54, PhD'56, formerly with the School of Public Healthat the University of California, Berkeley,has been named director of research ofPlanned Parenthood- World Population, anational voluntary agency. With the ap-pointment of Mr. Polgar, the agencyhopes to step up its activities relatingto socio-medical research on birth planning. Mr. Polgar, an applied anthropolo-gist in public health, is a fellow in severalprofessional organizations, and the authorof many articles.CAMPOS SALAS, OCTAVIANO, '56, wasnamed director of the National School ofEconomies at the Universidad NacionalAutonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, forthe period 1963-67. Mr. Campos Salasjoined the staff at the School in 1948. Hedid postgraduate study at the U of Cunder arrangement with the InternationalInstitute of Education.DELANEY, PHILIP A., MBA'56, was pro-moted from assistant vice président tovice président in the banking departmentat Harris Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago. Mr. Delaney joined the Harris Bankin 1952 and has served in a loan divisionsince 1956. Mr. Delaney participated inthe 1963 finance campaign of the BoyScouts of America, is a director of Delte,Inc., and a member of the businessmen'sboard of Loyola University, Chicago.ENGLAND, CHARLES D., '56, PhD,62,was appointed assistant professor of philosophy for the académie year 1963-64,in the department of history, governmentand philosophy at Purdue University,Lafayette, Ind.HANEN, PETER W., '56, of Chicago, hasbeen appointed director of spécial pro-grams for Illinois Institute of Technology(HT). Mr. Hanen is assisting with theorganization of technical symposia, conférences and meetings sponsored by HT.HESLA, DAVID H., AM'56, was promotedto the rank of assistant professor at Cor-nell Collège, Mount Vernon, la., this fall.Mr. Hesla joined the Cornell faculty asan instructor in the department of English in 1961. His teaching expérience prior to going to Cornell was at St. OlafCollège and the U of C.HONOMICHL, JACK J., AM'56, Wasnamed a vice président of Marketing Research Corporation of America. He is inthe corporation^ marketing division at thehome office in New York City. The corporation is one of the largest firms in themarketing research field and among otherthings, maintains a national consumerpanel of about 10,000 families which area scientifically selected cross section ofthe U.S. population. Mr. Honomichl isactive in the New York U of C AlumniClub.KARMATZ, F. N., AM'56, has been appointed assistant professor in the Schoolof Public Relations and Communicationsat Boston University. Mr. Karmatz is alsoprésident of Public Relations Board ofNew England, a Boston public relationscounseling organization. He is a formerbureau chief for Business Week magazine, writer for Time magazine, andserves on the board of directors of KSInstrument Co.WALDMAN, ARTHUR L., '56, is complet-ing his military service as a neurologist atDeWitt Army Hospital, Fort Belvoir, Va.Dr. Waldman plans to complète his training beginning next summer as fellow inneurology at the Yale-New Haven Médical Center, New Haven, Conn.BOLLAND, THOMAS W., MBA'57, became assistant professor in business organization at State University of NewYork at Buffalo in September.HALL, MICHAEL A., '57, MBA'58, wasappointed lecturer in économies at MageeUniversity Collège, Londonderry, Northern Ireland, in October. Mr. and Mrs.Hall hâve been in Europe for the pastyear, traveling and studying. During thefirst summer term Mr. Hall was a studentat the London School of Economies. Headds, "Our home address in Londonderryis 1, Asylum Road— for the simple reasonthat the local mental hospital is locatedbetween us and the Collège; our friendswill draw the appropriate conclusions."ISRAËL, JOHN R., '57, of Warren, Pa.,was recently assigned to Scott Air ForceBase, 111., médical staff. Dr. Israël wascommissioned a captain in the U. S. AirForce in 1963.JAY, EDWARD J., '57, and SYDEL F.SILVERMAN, AM'57, hâve both beennamed lecturers in anthropology-sociolo-gy at Queens Collège of the City University of New York, Flushing, N. Y.The appointments were effective in September. Mr. Jay is from Westbury, N. Y.,and Mr. Silverman is of New York City( Manhattan ) .KIM, HAN-KYO, AM'57, PhD'62, has beennamed assistant professor of politicalscience at the University of Cincinnati.He formerly held a similar position atState University Collège, Oneonta, N. Y.A native of Korea, Mr. Kim was secre-28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964ry / continued "O /tary to the Korean Minister of Agriculturein 1951. During 1949-53 he was Japa-nese correspondent for a Séoul dailynewspaper.SILVERMAN, SYDEL F. see mentionunder Edward Jay, '57.LANGROCK, PETER F., '58, JD'60, andhis wife, of Middlebury, Vt., announcethe birth of a son, Frank Harold, on May18, 1963.PARRISH, OVERTON fi„ MBA'59, ofNew York City, is assistant to the directorof marketing at Pfizer Laboratories, adivision of Chas. Pfizer & Co., Inc.SIEGEL, DANIEL M., '59, SM'60 seemention under Malcolm J. Sherman, '60,SM'60-WHITE, DONALD R., '59, AM'62, wasappointed instructor in religion at Carie-ton Collège, Northfield, Minn., in Sep-tember.WICKERSHEIM, MISS MARY L., '59, ofChicago, was recently named administrative assistant at Kitzing, Inc., a companyspecializing in trade show marketing andexhibit productions. She has been withthe company for three years.BEISNER, ROBERT L., AM'60, wasnamed instructor in history at ColgateUniversity, Hamilton, N.Y., in October.Formerly Mr. Beisner was an instructorin the social sciences at the U of C. Heis the author of an article, "Brooks Adamsand Charles Francis Adams, Jr.: Histori-ans of Massachusetts," published in 1962in the New England Quarterly. Mr. Beisner is working on a doctoral thesis en-titled "American Anti-Imperialism: TheRepublicans and Independents."BERGMAN, MRS. HELEN (HELENROTH, '60, AM'61) see mention underMalcolm J. Sherman, '60, SM'60-BRANDT, CARL L. W., PhD'60, was appointed senior scientist in the materialsresearch laboratory of Erie TechnologicalProducts, Inc., Erie, Pa., in October.Prior to joining Erie Technological Products, Mr. Brandt conducted semiconduc-tor materials research and development forWestinghouse Electric Corp., as a seniorengineer.ROTH, SUSAN B., '60 see mention underMalcolm J. Sherman, '60, SM'60-SHERMAN, MALCOLM J., '60, SM'60,and SUSAN B. ROTH, '60, were marriedon September 8 in Bond Chapel on theU of C Campus. Mr. and Mrs. Shermanare living in Berkeley, Calif., where theyare completing work for their doctorates (in psychology and mathematics) at theUniversity of California. Attendants atthe wedding included Mr. Sherman'sbrother Joël, now in his first year at theU of C School of Medicine; MRSHELEN BERGMAN (HELEN ROTH,'60, AM'61); DANIEL M. SIEGEL, '59,SM'60; and BARRY E. FINK, JD'63.The bride's mother is MRS. LESTERROTH (LOUISE KLEIN, '31), and thegroom's mother is MRS. MORRIS J.SHERMAN (FLORENCE KAHEN,'33).HENEHAN, ROBERT, MBA'61, ofHarvey, 111., is attending a three-monthcourse on data communications in Coop-erstown, N.Y. The engineering course isconducted by the American Téléphone& Telegraph Co., and concerns new de-velopments in the transmission of highspeed machine data.JAFFE, MRS. LAWRENCE C. (JUDITHKATZ, '61 ) and her husband announcethe birth of a son, Stephen Harris, onNovember 18. Lt. and Mrs. Jaffe are atFort McClellan, Ala.KATZ, JUDITH, '61 see Jaffe-THOMPSON, RICHARD, '61, a graduatestudent at the University of Maryland,is co-designer of a spécial hypodermicsyringe which is enabling chemists for thefirst time to observe exactly what happensin extremely rapid chemical reactions.He and his faculty adviser, Mr. GilbertGordon, devised the new syringe to observe the step-by-step mechanism ofchemical reactions that occur in fractionsof a second. The syringe which injectsone chemical solution into another, simul-taneously triggers a high speed camérawhich photographs the reaction and records varying light intensities as the reaction progresses. Mr. Thompson, a candidate for a PhD degree at Maryland, is anative of Wichita, Kan. His adviser Mr.Gordon, is a former U of C researchassociate. UNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1354 East 55th Street" ' ;4 àtnotty fal*tâ.~MemberKederal Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseum 4-1200BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24 HOVR SERVICELicensed • Bonded • InsuredQualified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoBOYD & G0ULDSINCE 1888HYDE PARK AWNING CO. INC.SINCE 1896NOW UNDER ONE MANAGEMENTAwnings and Canopies for AU Purposes9305 South Western Phone:239-1511R i nTï gOffset Printing ¦ Imprinting ¦ AddressographingMultilithing • Copy Préparation • Automatic lns«rtingTypewriting ¦ Addressing • Folding • MailingCHIC AGO ADDRESSING * PRINTING COMPANY720 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET WÂMSll 2-4561YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTES BETTERWHEN IT'S .IceCreamA product -I Swift & Company7409 So. State StreetPhone RAdcliffe 3-7400FEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 2962-63CHODIL, GERALD J., '62, has joined thestaff of the gênerai scientific and administrative department at the Universityof California Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in Livermore, Calif. Mr. Chodil andhis wife are residing in Livermore.D'ASARO, MRS. G. E. (BETTE STACK,'62) lives in Gary, Ind., where her hus-band, George, a former U of C student,is company physician with the U.S. SteelCo., and also has a private practice. Mrs.D'Asaro plays trumpet in the Gary Sym-phony Orchestra and is active in musicalorganizations in the Chicago area. Abrass ensemble which Mrs. D'Asaroorganized did a séries of concerts in theChicago Public Schools last fall.STACK, BETTE, '62 see D'Asaro-PEHLKE, HAROLD R., JR., MBA'62, wasnamed honor graduate of the U.S. AirForce technical training program at Shep-pard Air Force Base, Texas. An airman inthe Air Force, Mr. Pehlke was thenreassigned to O'Hare International Air-port, Chicago.BUCK, MRS. GORDON F. (Mrs. MildredBuck, AM'63) of Glencoe, 111., was appointed a part time instructor in sociologyand anthropology at Lake Forest Collège,Lake Forest, 111., in September. Mrs.Buck, the mother of four grown children,received her Bachelor's degree from LakeForest in 1960 and was named "MostPromising Sociology Student." She is cur-rently working on her PhD at the U ofC, where she is a research associate inthe Social Psychology Laboratory, andcoordinator of the laboratory's nurseryschool. Mrs. Buck utilized observations ofthe nursery school children for her Mas-ter's dissertation, "The Socialization Prac-tices of Negro Mothers Receiving Aid toDépendent Children Assistance/' Also in-terested in the field of mental health,Mrs. Buck wrote a paper presented at aU of C symposium in 1962, entitled "Self-Administration of Médication of Neuropsychiatrie Patients."COHEN, SIGMUND M., JR., AM'63, ofCincinnati, Ohio, was named junior officertrainee with the U. S. Information Agency, in September. Folio wing a six-monthtraining program in Washington, D.C,Mr. Cohen will be given a ten-monthperiod of on-the-job training at an over-seas post, and then will be assigned to aregular position with the agency.FINK, BARRY E., JD'63 see mentionunder Malcolm J. Sherman, '60, SM'60—30 THE ABRAM L. HARRISMEMORIAL ROOMOn behalf of friends of the lateAbram L. Harris the establishment ofa mémorial fund was announced byDean of the Collège Alan Simpson. Aroom in the renewed Cobb Hall, oldestUniversity building and center of theCollège, is to be named after the former University professor. The mémorial, which will cost $10,000, wasstarted with a $1,000 contribution onJanuary 24.Speaking of Professor Harris in amémorial tribute at Bond Chapel,Mr. Simpson said in part:. . . Abe Harris combined an appren-ticeship in life as a bootblack, deliveryboy, porter, and waiter with the pursuitof an éducation. His académie career hasbeen equally divided between HowardUniversity, where he served eighteenyears as professor of économies, andeighteen years at The University of Chicago. He served as professor of économiesin the Collège, professor of philosophyin the Department of Philosophy, andassociated member of the Department ofEconomies.Abe Harris exemplified the union ofscholarship and teaching. He applied thetouchstone of common sensé to preten-tious Systems. He pressed ail his enjoy-ment of life into the service of teaching.He was the kind of man who could résolve an impasse created by Marx or Millwith an anecdote of his mother 's. . . .Undergraduates remember him for hisaccessibility, his kindness, his patiencewith their problems, his integrity.The interests of Negroes in our societyare also served in more ways than one,and Abe would be the last to claim thathis way was the only way or the best.His lot in this community lightened somehardships. We honored him as a scholarand a friend and were honored by him.But the omniprésent facts of racial préjudice in American life were hère to besuffered, joked about, thought about,and some day resolved.He was unprepared, by either tempérament or scholarship, to acknowledge anylesser loyalty than the human race.Humanity was his fraternity. A raw com-mitment to a sectional interest was a sinagainst love and reason.It may be difBcult to teach wisdom,but it cornes naturally to some people todemonstrate it. Abe Harris — a brave,buoyant, loyal, lovable being— was such aperson. In a university dedicated to libéraléducation, he served its highest ends byenlarging our freedom and humanity.Contributions may be sent to theAbram L. Harris Mémorial Fund, c/oOffice of the Président, The Universityof Chicago, 5801 South Ellis Avenue,Chicago, Illinois 60637.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO memorialsCOOKE, CLINTON T., MD'90, of SanFrancisco, died on December 30. Dr.Cooke practiced ophthalmology in Port-land, Ore., until the âge of 93. He closedhis Portland office in 1960 and went toSan Francisco to live with his daughter.Dr. Cooke was former président of thePacific Coast Ophthalmologist Society andformer professor of ophthalmology at theUniversity of Oregon Médical School.ADAMS, ANNIE L., '95 please see Harper-HARPER, ANNIE (formerly Annie L.Adams, '95), wife of the late EUGENEH. HARPER, PhD'02, of Bedford, Va.,died in Lynchburg, Va., on August 24,1963.RAMUS, CARL, MD'97, of Washington,D.C, died on December 7, 1963. He wasa retired lieutenant commander with theU.S. Public Health Service.BALL, FLORENCE F., '98 please seeManley—MANLEY, FLORENCE (formerly Florence F. Bail, '98), wife of the lateEdward Manley, of Chicago, died inApril, 1956. She was a former teacher atEnglewood High School in Chicago.PUTMAN, HARRISON C, MD'99, ofCanton, 111., died on July 20, 1963. Hewas 86 years old, and had practicedmedicine for 62 years.KNAPP, ERNEST F., MD'00, of Porter-ville, Calif., has died.HAND, OLIVE M., '01, of Charles City,la., has died.LEES, ALFRED T., MD'01, of Ashland,Ore., has died.RADFORD, JOHN J., '05, JD'07, of Chat-tanooga, Tenn., died on December 29,1963. Mr. Radford was a long-time résident of California and Illinois and at oneÎINE FEBRUARY, 1964time was active in the manufacture ofconcrète drain tile.COLWELL, CLYDE C, '06, of ForestHeights, Md., died on October 3, 1963.Mr. Colwell, formerly of Chicago, was aretired attorney. He is survived by hisson ROBERT C. COLWELL, '32.STEPHENSON, GEORGE, '06, of St.Paul, Minn., has died.CARROLL, BESSIE, '07 please see Dean-DEAN, BESSIE (formerly Bessie Carroll,'07), wife of Sam Dean, died in Miami,Fia., on November 2, 1963. Mrs. Deanwas the widow of the late SANFORDWINSOR, '05, MD'06, and her sister isMOLLIE RAY CARROLL, '11, AM'15,PhD'20. Petersburg, Fia., has died.STANGL, PHILIP E., MD11, of St. Cloud,Minn., has died.LEE, OLIVER, SM'12, PhD'13, of SantaCruz, Calif., died on January 13. Mr.Lee moved to California in 1947 follow-ing his retirement as professor of astron-omy at Northwestern University, Evans-ton, 111. He was also head of the department and served as director of North-western's Dearborn Observatory from1929 to 1947. Mr. Lee was with YerkesObservatory of the U of C from 1907 to1926. He did research on many astron-omy problems, including an investigationof évidence that the moon was torn loosefrom what is now the basin of the PacificOcéan. BLOMQUIST, GUSTAVUS W., 16, ofSacramento, Calif., died on October 27,1963. He was a teacher in the Chicagoschool System for many years.VAN HECKE, MAURICE T., '16, JD17,of Chapel Hill, N.C., died on December5, 1963. Mr. Van Hecke was Kenan Professor of Law and former dean of theUniversity of North Carolina Law School.A professor of law there since 1928, hewas dean from 1931 to 1941. In 1962 hewas the first winner of the school'sThomas Jefferson Award given to thefaculty member whose life and work isin the best tradition and spirit of ThomasJefferson. Mr. Van Hecke was the authorof a widely used case book on equity law,Equitable Remédies, and wrote articlesfor law journals and reviews.BORCHERS, WILLIAM F., '18, MD'19,of Chicago, died on July 14, 1963.ALDERSON, INEZ, '18 please see Jordan—JORDAN, INEZ (formerly Inez Alderson,'18 ), wife of Emmett A. Jordan, of Waco,Texas, has died.WEISS, MORTON B., '18, of Chicago,died on December 28, 1963. Mr. Weisswas part owner and secretary-treasurer ofMidway Chevrolet Co., Chicago. He issurvived by his wife, the former EDNALEVI, '25, and his son, PAUL E. WEISS,'48, of Chicago.GROOM, HORACE E., MD'19, of Wat-sonville, Calif., died in September, 1963.SPIELBERGER, ALBERT K., '19, AM'21,'22, of Palo Alto, Calif., died on November 27, 1963.STEELE, HANNAH, PhD'19 please seeEdison Pettit, PhD'20-BROWN, HOWARD C, '20, of WesternSprings, 111., died last year.MAGILL, ROSWELL, JD'20, of NewYork City, and Weston, Conn., died onDecember 17, 1963. He was a seniormember of the law firm of Cravath, Swain& Moore, specialists in tax law. Mr. Magillwas a former Under Secretary of theTreasury and leading tax authority. Hepracticed law in Chicago following hisgraduation and later joined the InternaiRevenue Bureau in Washington, D.C,and later the Treasury Department. Hejoined Cravath, Swain & Moore in 1943.Mr. Magill served on many tax commissions and acted as tax adviser to variousagencies. He also wrote widely on thesubject; his best-known book was Taxable Income, published in 1945.MERTZ, HERBERT, '20, of Winter Park,Fia., died on December 12, 1963.PETTIT, EDISON, PhD'20, and his wife(formerly Hannah Steele, PhD'19), ofTucson, Ariz., hâve both died.CARP, EFFIE, AM*21 please see Lynch-GLEASON (GOLDMAN), BEN W., '21,SM'22, of Chicago, died on December26, 1963.SCHOONOVER, DRAPER T., PhD'07, ofMarietta, Ohio, died on February 9, 1956.Mrs. Schoonover is the former MAYBOWEN, '01.HARPER, HARRY H., '08, of Geneva, III,died on July 1, 1963. He was owner ofH. H. Harper & Co., a real estate firm.HAYES, JOHN B., '08, of Rochelle, 111.,died on December 6.WRATHER, WILLIAM E., '08, formerhead of the U.S. Geological Survey from1943 to 1956, died on November 29,1963, in Washington, D.C. Mr. Wratherwas a pioneer in the study of animal fos-sils in petroleum deposits, and wascredited with the discovery of the Des-demona oil field in Texas in 1918. He wasappointed geological chief in 1943 byPrésident Roosevelt. During his term asU.S. director of geological survey, thetopographical mapping of the countrywas greatly expedited by the use of aerialphotographs, called photogrammetricmapping. Among his many honors andawards were: the Anthony F. LucasPetroleum Medal of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers, the John Fritz Medal for whichhe was cited as "a geologist of world-wideexpérience and famé," and the Distinguished Service Medal of the InteriorDepartment awarded in 1956. In 1951he was elected a life trustée of the National Géographie Society and was on itscommittee for research and exploration.Mr. Wrather donated funds to the U of Cfor the establishment of the WratherCamp. It was the headquarters for anannual field course in geology for a num-ber of years until being sold in 1946.LAKE, ARTHUR C, '09, of Chicago, diedon December 21, 1963.EXSELSEN, CARL L. V., '10, JD'12, diedon January 7 in San José, Calif. Mr Exsel-sen was a New York City corporationlawyer who retired in 1961. He had alsopracticed law in Chicago, Florida andJMichigan.HATCHER, MATTIE L., '10, AM'20, ofBowling Green, Ky., has died.KEEN, HAROLD F., '10, of Chicago, diedin January, 1963.SHERRY, ISRAËL, 10, MD12, of St. LYNN, EDITH L., 12, of Wabash, Ind.,has died.BOWMAN, NELLE E., AM'13, of Tulsa,Okla., died on January 24, 1963.COFFMAN, BERTHA (formerly BerthaReed, PhD13) wife of the late GEORGER. COFFMAN, PhD'13, of Newton,Mass., has died. Mrs. Coffman, whotaught at the U of C during 1921-24, wasa professor emeritus of German.MINEAR, LLOYD V., JD'13, of Jupiter,Fia., died on August 21, 1963.REED, BERTHA, PhD'13 please see Coffman—SAWYER, C. PIERRE, 13, died recentlyin Fremont, Mich. Mr. Sawyer wasformer Newaygo, Mich., postmastër, andwas active in Newaygo community andcounty business affairs. He was alsoformer secretary of the County Chamberof Commerce.AITCHISON, ALISON E., SM14, died onJanuary 10. She was retired professor ofgeography at Iowa State Teachers Collège, Cedar Falls, la.MILLER, ABRAHAM R., 14, JD15, ofChicago, died last year.MONROE, KENNETH P., 14, of Boston,Mass., died on January 2. He was a con-sulting chemist.WILSON, JOHN V., JD14, of San Diego,Calif., died on December 7, 1963. Mr.Wilson had practiced law and been in thebanking business in Indianapolis, Ind.,before moving to California.BALDWIN, WILLIAM S., 15, of Tucson,Ariz., died on December 9, 1963. Mr.Baldwin was retired vice président of theDiamond T Truck division of WhiteMotor Car Co., and had lived in OakPark, 111., for more than 50 years beforemoving to Tucson a year ago.BARKER, AGNES J., 15, of Charlotte,N.C., died on June 10, 1963.BURSHAW, C. L., 15, of Sun City, Ariz.,died on October 16, 1963.CHAPMAN, RAY O., 15, of Tucson, Ariz.,died on December 14, 1963.WEIMAR, ANNA, 15, of Chicago, hasdied.FEBRUARY, 1964 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 31JACKSON, COLVILLE C, '21, of Gloster,Miss., died on November 25, 1963.KRAMER, WILLIAM B., III, '21, SM'24,PhD'35, of Tulsa, Okla., died on September 12, 1963.LYNCH, EFFIE (formerly Effie Carp,AM'21), wife of Daniel E. Lynch, ofManhattan, Kansas, died on October 10,1963.SCOVEL, JAY W., '21, of Independence,Kansas, died on January 22. Mr. Scovelwas an attorney and past président of theKansas Bar Assn. He was one of theorganizers and past président of the Third(now Fifth) District Lincoln Day Club,a Republican organization, and was serv-ing as its treasurer at the time of hisdeath. Mr. Scovel was also past Mont-gomery County chairman of the Republican party.SHELBY, THOMAS H., AM'21, of Austin,Texas, died on November 3, 1963. Mr.Shelby was a former faculty member atthe University of Texas.SMITH, JOHN, '21, of Corvallis, Ore.,died on December 13, 1963.VIVIAN, ROBERT, MD'21, of Naples,Fia., died in September, 1963.WINKLER, HARRY, '21, MD'29, of Charlotte, N.C., died on December 13, 1963.He is survived by his wife, the formerAGILE (PEG) BARROW, 17.SALTER, F. MILLET, AM'22, of Edmon-ton, Alberta, died in 1962. He was aprofessor on the faculty at the Universityof Alberta.HABENICHT, OTTO, '24, of Chicago,died in 1958.LOZOWICK, PHILIP A., '25, of Chicago,has died.NASON, JOHN M., AM'25, PhD'28, ofBerkeley, Calif., died on June 16, 1963.He was professor emeritus of éducationof Louisiana State University.WEAVER, MYRON M., SM'26, PhD'29,MD'32, of Schenectady, N.Y., died onDecember 25, 1963. Dr. Weaver wasdean of the Union University graduateschool in Schenectady, but had been onleave since September to do physiologyresearch at Harvard University. He joinedthe Union Collège faculty in 1956 asprofessor of health, collège physician andhead of the collège health service, andalso as clinical professor of medicine atthe Albany Médical Collège. Three yearslater he became the first dean of UnionUniversity graduate school. Prior to join-ing Union Dr. Weaver had retired as firstdean of medicine at the University ofBritish Columbia (1949-56). He alsoformerly taught at the U of CLEVY, LEWIS, '27, of Indianapolis, Ind.,died in November, 1963. He was a partner in a certified public accountant firm.BELZER, SOPHIA, '28 please see Eng-strand—CONKEY, ELIZABETH (formerly Eliza-beth Loughran, '28), wife of the late Charles Conkey, of Chicago, died onDecember 31, 1963. Mrs. Conkey was aDémocratie national committeewomanand Cook County commissioner. She hadbeen a member of the Démocratie national committee since 1928 and was alsoa vétéran on the Cook County Board,successfully seeking réélection since 1934.Her interests on the board were primarilypublic welf are, juvénile and Family Courtmatters. Prior to 1934 Mrs. Conkey wasthe first woman jury commissioner, andcommissioner of public welfare for Chicago. She also served several terms asprésident of the Fédération of IllinoisDémocratie Women's Clubs.DAVIS, WILLIAM G., JD'28, of Indianapolis, Ind., died on January 27. He wasgênerai counsel and secretary of Eli Lillyand Co., pharmaceutical company ofIndianapolis. Mr. Davis joined Eli Lillyas gênerai counsel and head of the firm'slégal division in 1960 folio wing a 27-yearcareer with the Indianapolis law firm ofBaker and Daniels.ENGSTRAND, SOPHIA (formerly SophiaBelzer, '28), wife of Stuart D. Engstrand,died on December 31, 1963.JOHNSON, ELIZABETH (formerly Mar-garet Elizabeth Siegel, '28), wife ofJOHN H. JOHNSON, AM'25, of Peoria,111., died on December 16, 1963. Mrs.Johnson was an English and dramateacher in Peoria and Tazewell County,111. public schools during 1918-29. Herson is EDWARD A. JOHNSON, '57.LOUGHRAN, ELIZABETH, '28 please seeConkey—SIEGEL, ELIZABETH, '28 please seeJohnson—GLEASON, SISTER ANGELE, AM'29, ofSt. Paul, Minn., died on December 20,1962. She was on the staff of St. Cath-erine's Collège in St. Paul.HALE, GEORGE R., '29, of Evanston, 111.,has died.STIBGEN, KENNETH, '29, of Wilmette,111., died on December 8, 1963.CHAMALES, PETER J., '31, JD'33, ofWilmette, 111., died on January 22. Mr.Chamales was a partner in the law firmof Cotsirilos and Chamales in Chicago.He was a director of the Library of Wilmette, a leader in the Family ServiceAssociation of Wilmette, and a trustéeof the John Marshall Law School.DODSON, LINDEN S., PhD'32, of Clear-water, Fia., died on December 3, 1963.ROWLAND, ETHALENE C, '33, ofNashville, Tenn., has died. She was seniorchild welfare consultant with the Tennessee Department of Public Welfare.FARLEY, WILLIAM W. III, SM'34, ofPalo Alto, Calif., died on November 27,1963.BLUMENSTOCK, DAVID, '35, of Berkeley, Calif., died on August 28, 1963.MORRIS, HAROLD R., MD'38, of Red-lands, Calif., died on November 26, 1963. FLARSHEIM, HELEN, '40 please seeRitter-RITTER, HELEN (formerly Helen Flar-sheim, '40), wife of Henry Ritter, ofGlencoe, 111., died on December 9, 1963.BONZI, MARION, '41 please see Pratt-PRATT, MARION ( formerly Marion Bonzi,'41), wife of the late Harry Pratt, ofSpringfield, 111., died on December 13}1963. Mrs. Pratt was acting editor of theIllinois State Historical Society magazine,acting state historian and a noted Lincoln historian. Mrs. Pratt and her hus-band helped Cari Sandburg edit his bookPrairie Years; and Mrs. Pratt helped compile a nine-volume séries, CollectedWorks of Abraham Lincoln, and a four-volume work, Lincoln Day by Day.TAWNEY, PLINY O., PhD'42, of Passaic,N. J., has died.HOLCOMB, ESTHER, AM'43, of Orange,N. J., died in November, 1963.WILLCOCKSON, MAX E., '44, of Indio,Calif., died on September 4, 1963.BENNETT, ESTHER (formerly EstherRigby, AM'46), of Los Angeles, Calif.,died on August 31, 1963. She was aclinical social worker.RIGBY, ESTHER, AM'46 please see Ben-nett-McNAMARA, ROSEMARY (formerlyRosemary Smith, '47), wife of Dan Mc-Namara, of Pacifica, Calif., died on November 30, 1963. Mrs. McNamara wasactive in community affairs including theFederated Women's Club, the TerraNova High School PTA, and the PacificaDémocratie Club. Recently Mrs. McNamara was active in the establishmentand conduct of the American Field Service project in Pacifica. While attendingthe U of C, Mrs. McNamara was assistant head of Hitchcock Hall women'sdormitory.SMITH, ROSEMARY, '47 please see McNamara—CRISMAN, RUTH, AM'50 please see Yu-YU, RUTH (formerly Ruth Crisman, AM'50), wife of DAVID YU, PhD'59, ofCharlottesville, Va., died on December22, 1963. Mrs. Yu was a clinical psycholo-gist and had taught at the U of C nurseryschool, the Michael Reese Hospital nursery school for brain damaged children(Chicago), Bail State Teachers Collège,Muncie, Ind., and the University of Kansas City.WENNERSTROM, CARL E., '52, of Chicago, died on August 18, 1963. Mr. Wen-nerstrom was assistant professor of pastoral theology and clinical éducation atMeadville Theological School, affiliatedwith the U of C. From 1956 to 1962 hehad been chaplain of the U of C Hos-pitals and Clinics and a member of theDivinity School faculty. He was an or-dained minister of the Unitarian Church.BISON, WALTER E., JD'56, of CastroValley, Calif., died on December 27,1963.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE FEBRUARY, 1964R. Wendell Harrison, s.M'25, Ph.D.soby William V. Morgenstern '20, ].D.'22.Mr. Morgenstern is former Secretary of The University andformer Director of Pid>lic Relations."Pat" Harrison, who served Tlie University as an administrative gyroscope inthe Division of Biological Sciences and thepresident's Office for twenty years, andretired last June after earning affectionand respect of faculty, trustées and administration, died in his retirement home,Foley, Alabama, on February 8. To hismany friends, the news bronght deepregret and disappointment. They hadhoped, despite a precarious séries ofheart involvements, that "Pat" wouldfinally do the fishing he enjoyed so muchand so seldom had time to do.He had first corne to The University in1921 as a graduate student in biologyafter his undergraduate degree at Southern Methodist University that year. Afterhe took his Ph.D. in 1930, with an inter-vening Master's in 192.5, the while holding an académie appointment at SouthernMethodist until 1927, he joined thefaculty of Washington University, St.Louis. There he remained until he cameback to Chicago in 1937.He had spent his time as a graduateStudent even more profitably and im-portantly than getting his degrees. During this period he courted and marriedhis wife, who lived near the quadrangles.Mary Harrison, one of the delightfulpeople in The University community,pert, gay and generous in understanding,was a bulwark for "Pat" in a home towhich he could retreat with anticipation.His scientific fields were bacteriologyand immunology, and lie engaged inresearch in a number of areas. At thetime he was drafted for administrativework, as associate dean of the Division ofBiological Sciences in 1942, lie was deeplyinterested in dental caries and some ofthe leads he had developed were ex-ploited by others when a desk and amountain of paper work took him out ofthe laboratory. He always retained ayearning to return to research, thoughhe knew he was irrevocably committedas he moved to dean of the Division in1944 and then, in 1947, to vice-presidentand dean of faculties.His administrative responsibilities re-quired a backbreaking amount of détail,involving, among other major items, thepréparation of the budget and passingon recommendations as to the appointment, rétention and promotion of a fac-ult\ that numbered over 900. Both jobsWere of such magnitude that their détailsince has been redistributed. To his duties, "Pat" brought an in-exhaustible patience, unflagging labor,and a vast charity. Ile had need of thepatience and charity, for he had to ad-judicate any internecine wrangles andPersonal grievances, real or imagined,that arose in the académie part of TheUniversity. He was the wailing wall andthe whipping boy for the individualisticand not infrequently unreasonable members of the community of scholars.With the more outrageous, he had anunfailing technique; hc lct them talk andtalk, while he listened with unruffled de-meanor, tinkering with a pipe thatseldom burned. Somewhere in thèseinterviews he would state his positionbriefly, and with emphasis. Occasionallyat the end of the day and of one ofthèse wearing interviews, "Pat" wouldexplode in a mildly profane denunciationof man's crassness, but he never held agrudge. The central principle of hispolicy was that the faculty was the heartof The University, and so his functionwas to serve it.The allocation of the académie budgetwas another unending consumer of histime; one budget was hardly in effectbefore the work on the next was begun.There were conférences with deans andchairmen, ail involving balaneing and allocation as between competing de-mands and needs, so that the whole workof The University would be forwarded.There were so few office hours remain-ing after ail the appointments to do muchelse, and so each night "Pat" packeda bulging bag to take home. He neverliked a dictating machine, and the paperswould corne back for transcription withhis tightly pencilled notes on the top ofan attached sheet.In the interregnum between Chanceliers Hutchins and Kimpton, "Pat" hadquietly assumed a great share of the fonctions which normally fall to the head ofThe University. When next this servicewas needed, following Mr. Kimpton'srésignation, the Trustées placed thistrickiest of ail assignments in his hands."Pat" handled the acting chancellor-ship with his customary good sensé,and was self-effacing about it, but thephysical strain of this extra work in1961 took its toll.How skillfully he wrougbt was demon-strated on his retirement, when a demandfor a party in his honor overruled hisinsistence against any "fuss." "Pat's" wasthe biggest and warmest of them ail, withhundreds coming to the réception in aspontaneous expression of appréciation.He had earned it.Before you buy insurance lookinto the'Blue Chip'companythat's low in net cost, tooTake two life policies. On the surface: same benefits and cost. But a doserlook shows one gives you many additional values-if it's written withConnecticut Mutual. That's the finding of astute men who hâveanalyzed and compared. For this 117-year-old institution has a recordfor investing most profitably. Our higher earnings corne back topolicyholders in higher dividends. This reduces insurance cost. Nowadd to low net cost the counseling services of professional insurancemen, company-trained to serve you. And add to that a choice of morethan 90 generous benefits and options to suit your own personalneeds. It ail adds up to insurance well worth looking into-CML BlueChip insurance. Low in cost, but second to none in value.Gonnecticut Mutual LifeINSURANCE COMPANY • HARTFORD AND 300 OFFICES FROM COAST TO COAST thinkinsurance—hink 'BlueChitYour fellow alumni now with CMLJoseph H. AaronEdward B. Bâtes, CfUHarvey J. ButschGeorge P. DohertyPaul O. tewis, CfUFred G. ReedRichard C. Shaw, M.D.Russell C. Whitney, CLU '27 Chicago'40 Home Office'38 ChicagoIndianapolis'28 Chicago'33 ChicagoGrad. School Home Office'29 Chicago