JANUARY 1963UNIVERSITY OFCHICAGOmagazine ,'STIN ENCEmm ¦-£ C-QiBHHIII H -¦¦H f^l#l4SCHOLAR-:¦¦:«, X jtIjLjEXES iSimpsonttn ffc»*S , .'Hi*- "-' ^t-** ^7 f «"^J*!> 'BETTELHEIMTHE ENDLESS ACCUMULATING OF BOOKS & READERSUNIVERS yThe University Library: a monument to the endless making of books.A few statistics: As of June, 1962, there were 2,210,062 volumes in thecollections. The current gross rate of accessions is over 80,000 books a year.Current periodical subscriptions number 7,111; serial titles, 56,000.But, for a university library, acquisitions are not merely concerned withkeeping up with each year's crop of authors. University interests are constantly expanding into new, or long-neglected, subjects or geographic areas,and into fields where teaching and research are heavily related to retrospective imprints. Here are some examples of materials acquired last year.In the Humanities area, over fifty, first or contemporary editions ofItalian Renaissance plays were acquired, strengthening a collection whichalumnus Louis H. Silver gave to the University two years ago. Three noteworthy books from the field of Renaissance art had edition dates of 1540,1546, and 1549. Sixteenth century editions of Aristotle, Hippocrates, Galenand Plutarch added to the library's strength in the history of medicine andin classical studies.A variety of these and other materials are presented to the library as gifts.Alumnus John Gunther made an additional deposit of his papers includinghis complete correspondence file with Harper and Brothers, his publishers.Fred B. Millet, Ph.D.'31, gave 87 18th century English plays. Some 293 titleswere added to the Harriet Monroe Poetry collection with the income fromthe endowment on that fund. The Economics Research Center gave 800volumes on economics and business formerly a part of the personal libraryof Professor Frank H. Knight.As examples of library growth in new areas of interest: The South AsiaReference Center and the South Asia collection are expanding. The FarEastern Library added a total of some 7,000 volumes during the year,including 2,152 volumes in Chinese and 4,625 volumes in Japanese. It isestimated that nearly ten percent of all library book and serial expenditures were devoted, in one way or another, to Slavic and East Europeanacquisitions during the past year.The Map Library added a total of 4,420 sheets to its collection, bringingthe total to 189,318 sheets exclusive of aerial photographs.The total additions to the Library during the last school year numbered82,284. This figure is an increase of about 20,000 over 1959-1960; and it'san increase of an additional 10,000 over 1957-1958.Running parallel to the increased acquisitions, are the drastically increased circulation figures. Total circulation last year came to 821,246volumes, an increase of 90,348 volumes or 12.4% over 1960-1961. Totalcirculation per student (including faculty and staff in the category) was161.9 volumes last year. In 1959-1960 it was 149.3; and in 1957-1958 itwas 136.5. In comparison, circulation per student at 20 university librariesin the U.S. in 1952-1953 averaged 44.13 books.The problem of accommodating all of these books and readers hasbeen a concern for some time. In the spring of 1960 when the Law SchoolBRARY UNIVERS ITY OFCHICAGOmagazine5733 University AvenueChicago 37, IllinoisMidway 3-0800; Extension 3241EDITOR Marjorie BurkhardtEDITORIAL ASSISTANT Rona MearsFEATURES1 University Library5 A Conversation with ParentsBruno Bettelheim9 Artist in Residence18 Scholar-AthletesAlan Simpson27 Twenty Years in a New WorldDEPARTMENTS15 News of the Quadrangles20 Memo Pad21 News of the Alumni31 MemorialsCOVERSomeplace in the stacks.CREDITSInside front cover, 3, 9-11: Daniel Lyon; 18:Chas. II by Samuel Cooper, and a detail ofOliver Cromwell's portrait by Robert Walker(copies from the Epstein Archive).THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONPRESIDENT ..:.....John F. Dille, Jr.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Howard W. MortADMINISTRATIVE ASST Ruth G. HalloranPROGRAMMING Mary-Jeanne CarlsonALUMNI FOUNDATIONNational chairman C. E. McKittrickChicago-Midwest Area Florence MedowREGIONAL OFFICESEastern Region 20 West 43rd StreetNew York 36, N. Y.PEnnsylvania 6-0747Los Angeles Mrs. Marie Stephens1195 Charles St., Pasadena 3After 3 P.M.— SYcamore 3-4545MEMBERSHIP RATES (Including Magazine)1 year, $5.00; 3 years, $12.00Published monthly, October through June, by theUniversity of Chicago Alumni Association, 5733University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annualsubscription price, $5.00. Single copies, 25 cents.Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934,at the Post Office of Chicago, Illinois, under theact of March 3, 1879. Advertising agent: TheAmerican Alumni Council, 22 Washington Square,New York, New York.JANUARY, 1963 1THE SOCIAL SCIENCES READING ROOM— HARPER'S MAINREADING ROOM— WITH ITS ORIGINAL FURNITURE, AND(ABOVE) WITH THE SUPPLEMENTARY LIGHTING WHICHWAS ADDED MORE RECENTLY. OVER LAST SUMMER THISROOM WAS AMONG THE LIBRARY FACILITIES TO BE REFURBISHED. CLEANED, RELIT, FURNISHED WITH SMALLERSCALE FURNITURE, AND ADDITIONAL SHELVING, IT ISSHOWN AS IT LOOKED THIS AUTUMN ON PAGE 3.2 moved into its new buildings on the south campus,the space in the old law library was converted toa business and economics library. A general rehabilitation of the Special Collections (which include rarebooks and manuscripts, the Modern Poetry Room, andthe Lincoln collection) has been underway for abouta year. There has been a general refurbishing ofthe science libraries.But, the Library is virtually out of space for thefurther growth of its book collections, and the existingfacilities have many other serious shortcomings. Thisis true for Harper library and for most of the others.As a temporary measure, shelving is now being installed in the basement of the new Center for Continuing Education for less-used books, that would beavailable on call."A university library in an intellectually vigorous institution can hardly stop growing — the growth ofknowledge and publication rates are such that thelibrary must grow, too," says the Director of the University Library, Herman H. Fussier. "We are currentlyadding at a rate of 80,000 volumes a year, equivalentto a rate of about three to four per cent annually. Wehave essentially two basic problems:( 1 ) We must be sure we are selecting from thegreat mass of available publications, and havethe funds to acquire, the materials most urgently needed by the University to supporta distinguished level of teaching and researchin a very large number of fields,and (2) we must also have the staff and the relatedfacilities to organize, house, and make theresulting collections readily and efficientlyavailable to this, and future, generations ofstudents and faculty."The expanding interests of the University and theincreasing complexity and bulk of recorded knowledgemake large scholarly libraries much more expensivethan they used to be— though the percentage of University income allocated to library purposes has notincreased. These pressures of expanding needs and expanding costs, in turn are requiring the larger scholarlylibraries and their readers to re-examine their procedures and habits to insure that every dollar and foot ofspace can be stretched to the maximum. Our facilitiesfor housing and using the rich resources of the libraryare seriously inadequate."Plans for the future development of the library wereapproved by the Board of the Library last May afteran extensive period of staff review and discussionswith members of the faculty, deans, University administrators, trustees. A major study on the cost and functional feasibility of expanding Harper as a permanent,central library facility was completed. Briefly, the planincludes the following major elements:— "A new General University Library building tobe located on the west side of University Avenue atTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthe intersection with 58th Street. This building wouldinclude most of the University's library resources inthe fields of the social sciences, the humanities, andmost of the professional schools; the general catalogsof the University Library holdings; the technical services departments; photoduplication; and other generalstaff and administrative services. The library wouldbe designed primarily to meet the specialized needsof graduate students and faculty members ... It ishoped that the building will be large enough to accommodate the growth of the relevant book collectionsfor about twenty years . . .—"A new Science Library to be located in the vicinityof Ellis Avenue at the intersection with 58th Street.This building would be designed to accommodate thebulk of the University's resources in medicine, andthe physical and biological sciences . . .— "An Undergraduate Library would be establishedin the main reading room of Harper and probably oneor two adjacent floors. It is evident that attractive studyspace can be provided here and a reasonably small,carefully selected, open-shelf collection can meet manyundergraduate and other general reading requirementsmuch more satisfactorily and efficiently than can thecomplex book collection in a 2,000,000 volume researchlibrary ..." g\J IN ADDITION TO NEW LIGHTING,FLOORING, RE-DECORATING, ANDNEW FURNITURE, MANY SERVICES INHARPER HAVE BEEN RELOCATED ANDEXPANDED. THE CIRCULATION DESKIS LARGER AND MORE EFFICIENT. THEREFERENCE ROOM AND CATALOGARE NOW IN THE SAME ROOM. AFAR EASTERN AND SOUTH ASIANCENTER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. ATLEFT: MODERN LANGUAGES; BELOW: TABLES IN HARPER RESERVE.CURRENT PHOTOS: DANIEL LYONJANUARY, 1963 3This deceptively simple equation is the realreason why you enjoy the best and the mosttelephone service in the world at the lowestpossible price.It represents the relationship between threebasic units that equal one unified Bell System.1. Patient research and development by BellTelephone Laboratories create constantly improved communications techniques. (Telstar isone recent example.)2. Efficient manufacture by Western Electric delivers equipment you can depend on, day afterday, year after year. 3. Skillful operation by 21 Bell Telephone Companies supplies service at a high standard of performance to families and farms, to industryand government.The work of these units is closely coordinated bythe American Telephone and Telegraph Company,advising and planning for the progress and efficiency of the entire system.That's why we say, 'Three equals one"-and whyyou can pick up your own telephone at home andtalk to almost anyone else in all 50 states of theunion or any of 167 foreign countries around theworld— quickly and economically.||\ BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMOwned by more than two million AmericansBruno Bettelheimin Conversationwith ParentsProfessor Bettelheim is well known to alumni for hisbooks Love is Not Enough, Truants from Life, Symbolic Wounds, and The Informed Heart. Last yearhe added another title: Dialogues with Mothers. "Inmy work as a foster parent to some forty difficultyoungsters at the Orthogenic School, and in my private experience as the father of three, I have hadto learn the hard way what all other parents alsodiscover: that the most appropriate advice, the mostcarefully explained theory, is of little use when itcomes to handling specific everyday events with achild/7 In the spirit of the Dialogues, he recentlyhad this conversation with alumni parents: dr. b. : Yes?father: My boy has a history of asthma since he wasfive. And my behavior with him in the past in regard tolearning has sometimes been pretty intemperate.dr. b.: How old is he now?father: Ten, he will be ten in January. I think normally I'm a very equitable person— but one thing thatreally makes me lose my temper is this passive resistance. The saying "yes" but really not doing the job.You know, dragging the feet in particular with thingslike homework or picking up his room or followingthrough on something he said he was going to do.dr. b. : How frequent are the asthma attacks and howserious are they?father: Well, he's on a kind of self managementprogram; that is, for some years now we have tried tonot get excited about it and to not pay too much attention to it. There have been no attacks as serious as thefirst one in which he was hospitalized for a week.dr. b.: You know what brought on the first attack?father: Ah, not entirely, no. That day he got absolutely covered with ashes in an ash can in the alleyand there was a strep infection at the time also. Butsometime later— I think my wife would remember thisstory better than I do because he talked to her aboutit, not to me— about the lying . . . Remember?mother: He said that he had lied to me about something about buying a ball from a local store and evidently this bothered him a great deal. At the time Ihadn't even been aware of the incident.dr. b.: How does he compare with his sister?mother: In what respect?dr. b. : Well, personality behavior.mother: They are different. I think that they probably balance out in many ways. As you pointed out,the way in which one is very good the other one islikely to not be so good.JANUARY, 1963 5dr. b.: Is the girl a good student?father: Yes.dr. b. : And is she— a good kid? She picks up her roomand all of that?father: Much better.mother: Much better.dr. b.: Yes.father: She's more apt to have periods of petulanceor tears. They are both I think reasonably outgoingchildren, neither of them are particularly shy. Butthey fight a fair amount.dr. b.: Well, you lose your temper with the girl too?father: Not in the same way, never.dr. b.: What about this? Why is it so?father: Well, I've asked myself that question a greatmany times. I think it's because I expected more ofhim in many regards than I did of her. I'm more tolerant of insufficiencies perhaps in her than I was withhim.dr. b. : Because 'girls aren't so important?'father: Probably. And I've had some insights intosomething that refers to my own childhood ... I wastreating him exactly the way I was treated when I wasa child with regard to learning— the impatience, youknow. It escalates. I was working with him once onarithmetic and I got to the point where I had to walkout of the house. Because I'd ask him what's two plustwo and he would guess at it, and I knew he learnedthis when he was in third grade. Obviously the tensionwas so terrible on him that he couldn't even think atthat level, and I was angry and I couldn't communicateanymore. I just felt it was better to get away for awhile because I was being terribly hard on him andfelt so guilty about it, but that didn't obviate the factthat at the time I was angry and wasn't being veryrational. And it's always things like that. When I askhim a question and he knows that it's very importantto me and he doesn't want to be wrong, he doesn'twant to be slow in answering so he guesses and heguesses wrong.dr. B. : Yes, now—second mother: May we interrupt or . . . Well, whenmy little girl was in first grade the teacher said all thechildren should know their ABC's and she should learnthem over the weekend. We'd just moved and . . . well,we got flashcards and my husband tried to work withher with flashcards because I was so busy. But hecouldn't stand it. It's the same thing— now she's a girlbut it's the same thing. I mean, any normal fatherthinks ABC's so simple any child would know them,but they don't.dr. b.: Now wait a moment—second mother: I just think men just don't havepatience with . . .dr. b.: Yes, I know, we are fathers. I would like togo back to this business of the guessing— the childguesses wrong. Let's look at this for a moment, please.What's really going on here? Let's try to understandwhat's happening. You were asking the child something like . . . what?father: 'What's three times four?'dr. b.: What's three times four . . . and? father: And, ten minutes ago he knew it and now,he says '15.'dr. b.: He now says 15.' All right, what's 15 compared to 12?father: You mean, larger? Three more?dr. b.: It's more, huh? Why? He could have guessedless. Now, if somebody wants something of you whywould you give him more?father: . . . Because he thinks he's not gettingenough?dr. b. : That's right. Your boy's wrong guess tells yousomething about what he thinks of you. What doeshe think of you? Maybe I should explain the reasoningbehind what I say . . . First, there's a reason why weguess, rather than figure something out. And we've gotto understand that reason. And then we have got tounderstand the nature of the wrong guess, because awrong guess is motivated by something. Even if it'sa wrong guess, that doesn't change the fact that it'smotivated.father: It wasn't chosen at random . . .dr. b.: That's right. It was chosen on the basis ofsome kind of principle. It wasn't chosen on a mathematical principle because then he would come up withthe right answer. So at this moment, obviously someother motive than math was more important to yourboy. What motive could that have been?father: It has something to do with our relationship . . .dr. b.: Perhaps. You know the old saying, 'Give thelady what she wants?'second mother: You mean by giving his father ananswer which is more than his father required, he'sdoing something to make his father happier with him?dr. b.: No, not necessarily. There you jump toomuch. You see, the trouble is that in dealing withpsychology in general and with children in particularwe jump— we jump to conclusions every bit as muchas they do. Only a slow step-by-step development willpermit us to really understand what's going on. Whatdoes the father want from the boy?father: . . . Too much?dr. b.: Too much, that's right. So you see what motivates his guess is not mathematics because then hewould come up with the right answer, which, as yourightly pointed out, he knew ten minutes before. Whenyou come up with the wrong answer there's always areason. And the reason has to do with, shall I say, 'givethe lady what she wants.' I selected that example because the very interesting thing about salesmanship isnot to give the lady what she needs or what's rightfor her.father: Give her what you've got to sell.dr. b.: To give her what you've got to sell is not avery moral way to go about salesmanship, but certainlywe would consider it a rational way. But, the salesmanknows that if he wants to be a good salesman he shouldnot give the lady what is right for her or what sheneeds but what she wants. And you know that thismight be something that's very unsuitable to the occasion or to the need, just as 15 is an unsuitable answerto three times four.6 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthird mother: Will the answer always be bigger?dr. b.: No!third mother: Oh, pardon me.dr. b.: The answer might very well be smaller.father: Depending on something else.dr. b.: Exactly, exactly.third mother: No, what I mean is would his sonsanswer always ...dr. b.: I don't know! But, you see, I have not yetseen an "always" child. There are no "always" children,because the emotional situation is different every time.On a given day papa is in a certain mood and junioris in a certain mood. These two moods meet eachother in the arithmetic lesson— in the context of whathappened before on this day and what's going to happen afterwards. It's all going to alter the situation. Andall these considerations will feed into the arithmeticanswer papa is going to get.mother: You mean the 15 isn't a random wronganswer?dr. b.: There are no such things as random wronganswers. You see random answers exist only on randomtables. All other numbers are picked out of the limitednumber of possible answers. Now if somebody askedyou how much is three times four and you say fivemillion, what kind of answer would that be?father: Facetious.dr. b.: That's right, exactly. We cannot just say thatit's too big; because certain "too bigs" are of a provocative or facetious nature. If a kid answers that threetimes four is five million, you know he's saying: "Gosoak your head! Leave me in peace." It is too muchbut it is too much of an entirely different order. Withrandom numbers five million would be equally as rightas 15. You see what I mean? Fifteen is just a bit more.father: He could have said 'I don't know.'dr. b.: Of course he could have said 'I don't know.'But if he had said 1 don't know' what would yourreaction have been?father: In that situation probably, if he knew itten minutes ago—dr. b.: Yes, what would your own reaction be? Yousee, a kid functions on a very primitive level. Particularly in the emotional function they are very primitive.father: "I guess you do know," I think would bemy—mother: "You're just not telling me because . . ."dr. b. : All right, so if I do know, and I say 1 don'tknow,' what do I do? Huh?father: You withhold.dr. b.: I withhold, that's right; I frustrate; I defie.So the answer, 'I don't know,' is a frustrated and defiant answer. Whatever the answer of the child, it tellsyou something about the emotional conditions of thesituation, the emotional reaction of the child. Now, thevery interesting thing is that the same goes for allteaching. The right answer tells you least. If he givesyou the right answer you don't know why he gives it.Now the same is true if you assigned true/false questions to a class. You really learn nothing about thestudent, the class, or their knowledge of the material.The student might have read the assignment the night before. Or he might have given the right answer bychance. On the other hand in such a subject as longdivision, there are errors— of multiplication or subtraction . . . Do you follow?second mother: They are stepstones.dr. b. : Because they are stepstones, that's right. Justas an essay question, for example, tells you much better what the students really didn't understand fromyour teaching, where they went off, what's going on intheir heads. Do you understand?father: I've been trying to think whether theanswers follow any pattern. I honestly don't think . . .dr. b.: No, I don't think they do fall into a patternbecause then you want an "always." That meansthere's no variation in the boy's relationship to you oryour relationship to the boy. But there is variation.Because as you described, you start out with a spirit ofequanimity. The spirit of equanimity is one field, aswe call it— emotional field. So he will give you— even ifthey are wrong— answers which come from "the field"of equanimity. Then you become aggravated. So ofcourse his answer must be different because the fieldhas changed. The emotional field has changed. This isa very emotional boy as we see from his asthma andfrom many other things. So the responses vary muchwith the emotions. So he could have said T don't know'which would have meant T have no intention of givingyou what you want.' Do you follow? But he gives youmore than what you asked for. What kind of evaluationof you as a father does that reflect?father: That I'm asking too much?dr. b.: More than justified. That you ask of him morethan he feels is justified. Because he could try a justified answer.third mother: Why was the father going over thehomework anyway? Does the school require it of him?dr. b. : Well, this is an issue.father: The other side of the coin is that he farprefers to work with me, if things are going all right.dr. b.: That's right.father: I mean he will seek it out.dr. b. : What struck me was that in all the little things—school work, picking up the room, finishing tasks setfor him ... he seems to feel that you ask too much ofhim. And asthma is very often the reaction of childrenwho feel that too much is expected of them and thenthey are tense. There are other components— physiological components— and some fancy explanations intowhich I have no intention of going because I'm not surethat I agree with them. But tenseness, emotional tenseness is certainly a contributing factor.father: I was going to say that, except for the firstone, his worst attacks have occurred when I've beenout of town, not all of them but there has been thiskind of pattern . . .dr. b.: Well, this is interesting.mother: The tenseness certainly fits because I canalmost predict when he comes in with a certain patternof speech and behavior that is frantic almost . . .dr. b.: That's right.mother: And if you can somehow manage to gradu-JANUARY, 1963 7ally ease this down you won't have more problems lateron at night. If you can't, then you are in for trouble.dr. b.: Yes. Your absence might very well make himtense. Why?father: Well, it is the same thing with my leavingthe house as his leaving the house. It's separation.dr. b.: It's a certain separation. What else is a possibility?father: That I might not come back?dr. b. : That's right, exactly. You have a boy who inmany ways is insecure.father: In many ways.dr. b.: In many ways, insecure. You see, for manychildren even the parents' insecurity about whetherthey'll come up with the right answer is sufficient toprevent them from coming up with the right answer.If he thinks he reads on your face, as he fumbles forthe right answer, annoyance and so on, he reacts tothe annoyance and cannot give you what you want.father: I used the term "escalation" before.dr. b.: That's right.father: It builds up and—dr. b. : It builds up, that's right. And the question iswhy should you permit it to build up?father: That's the question I ask myself.dr. b.: Disappointment in your boy creeps in andyour disappointment in him as an emotional situationis much more important. You know, in the long run hewill sooner or later learn how much three times four is.That's no issue. But how his father feels about him—that will stay with him for the rest of his life. Youfollow?father: I'm trying to examine my own feeling andwhy this happens and I think I have sensed a pattern,a consistency in his behavior which has worried meand has been disappointing.dr. b.: What?father: It's lackadaisical, laissez faire, lack of selfdiscipline, lack of follow-through even in the things hesets out to do on his own.dr. b.: Meaning?father: And I sometimes take the position, 'if thisis what you want to do, go ahead and do it.' But thenI get pretty annoyed.dr. b.: Why?father: Twenty minutes later he's off on somethingelse.dr. b.: That's right. Why does it bother you if he'sso lackadaisical?father: I'm not sure. I suppose, I probably do notwant him to make some of the mistakes I made.dr. b.: Namely?father: My, ah . . .dr. b.: What are some of these mistakes you madethat you can't admit in public although they are important?father: Very much in this area of self discipline andfollow-through.dr. b.: What? You seem to do all right in life. Yougraduated from a pretty fine school.father: I was a late-starter. dr. b.: Ah, that's right. Exactly, exactly. Would youexpect that oranges would grow on an apple tree? Orbananas for that matter?father: I guess I hadn't wanted to accept the factthat because I was a late-starter, he would have to bea late-starter too.dr. b.: Well, it's an old story. If we cannot acceptourselves, we can't accept our children. You know thisis very strange. Because as likely as not it's becausethey are our children. There's more to heredity, muchmore to heredity than many modern intelligent parentswant to admit. Every year we build a better modelFord or Chevrolet, you know? And if you look carefully it's still the same old car. Well, every year we getbetter children? But they are still the same old model.Do you understand that if you were a person who wasslow in developing, some of your children— and likelythe children of the same sex— will show the same characteristics.father: You're right, but we don't want to believe it.dr. b.: Right.father: One reason is because it caused me a lot ofpain as a child.dr. b.: That's right, but you see the trouble is onlyyou know the pains that you experienced in your development. You are unaware of the pains that anotherperson of a very different development experienced.There is an old Jewish story of the very pious manwho suffered great hardships. Well, because he wassuch a good and pious man the Lord said, "Come uphere, visit me." He went up, with this bundle of painthat he was carrying on his old shoulders— it was veryheavy. So the Lord said, "Look down there— everybodyis carrying a load; some have bigger ones and somehave smaller ones, and since you are a really good andvery pious man you can pick whichever bag of painsyou want. Every human being has to carry one, but youcan pick the one you want." The man looked aroundcarefully and then turned to the Lord, "Well, I thinkI'll stick to my own."As long as we don't look at the bundles of hardshipsother people have to carry, we don't want our childrento carry our own. But our own might be the one thatbest fits our children. This is a kind of philosophic consideration—I don't know how much help it is to you.But as likely as not your children will run exactly tothe same difficulties you and your wife had as children,or very similar ones— simply because they are yourchildren. And when you do not accept them, you addto that bundle of pain.There are different speeds in development. And itisn't that this boy is lacking in responsibility; we're nottalking about delinquency you know— but picking upthe room, not attending very carefully to homework,and so on. This doesn't mean that this isn't a boywho will grow into a man with a great sense ofresponsibility.father: This is why I'm concerned about it . . .dr. b.: This doesn't mean that I don't expect you tohave the reasonable concern of a parent for the well-being of his child. But I've said many times parents areCONTINUED ON PAGE 128 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEARTIST -«-,,•^ 1jHMSk 1 iRESIDENCE Lexington Hall is one of the oldest and is certainlythe least presumptuous building on campus. Early in campushistory the one-story brick structure was already known as "TheAbandoned Women's Gym," and not long after that it was abakery. More recently it has been housing the College Humanitiesoffice, with humanities listening rooms and classrooms. The wholecenter of the building is one huge room, completely skylit. Thisroom has been partitioned into a gallery, a large workroom forcollege student artists, and a working studio now occupied byArtist in Residence Harry Bouras.Mr. Bouras came to the appointment this fall, and will be herethrough the winter quarter. He is the third person to hold thisposition; last year artists in residence were authors Ralph Ellisonand Saul Bellow. A Chicago sculptor and painter, Mr. Bouras hasstudied at the University of Rochester and the U. of C. He has beenexhibited widely, including at the Museum of Modern Art and theArt Institute. As artist in residence, he does not come here to teachin the traditional sense. He is a guest at coffee hours in the residence halls (he has "done" about a dozen of these now). He isavailable to any interested group on campus. He holds regularhours in Lexington Studio in the afternoons. He has now set upan exhibit of Aaron Siskind's photos in the Lexington Gallery; heplans exhibits featuring George Kokines, and later, a showingof the New York school of abstract expressionists.JANUARY, 1963 9PYROTAGE IS THE WORD FOR THIS FLAMING DEMONSTRATION. FLAMABLEPAINTS, GLAZES, OR CRYSTALS ARE IGNITED TO ACHIEVE A PITTED LOOK,CRACKING OR BUBBLING PATTERNS, OR A BURNED OR SMOKY APPEARANCE.IN LEXINGTON STUDIO-WORKING AT HIS TRADE,DEMONSTRATING TECHNIQUES, ANSWERING10 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEQUESTIONS, SETTING UP EXHIBITIONSDuring this time Mr. Bouras is continuing his ownwork. One of the first things he did on campus thisfall was to move a truckload of auto parts andjunk into Lexington. He quickly set up his first showin the gallery: his own work. Paintings (abstract),collages, a number of paintings using letteringwithout spacing or punctuation in various obscureand familiar calligraphies— and the scrap metaltransformed into the "assemblages" for which heis well known.Currently Mr. Bouras is most interested in usinglettered panels with a panel of welded steel. Anexample is a triptych titled "Those Who CannotRemember the Past." On the left panel the title sentence from Santayana appears completed ". . . arecondemned to repeat it." The words are stenciled,break at the ends of the lines without hyphens, andcompletely fill the panel. The right panel carriestheir mirror image; the center panel is a composition of "found" objects, their junkyard past still evident, arranged at the bottom of the panel, withthe top of the panel left blank. The artist hasdescribed such a composition of his as "cutawaysof land masses where you look at the roots andthe stones and all the hidden things that are under the green field, and way up in the horizon of thepicture may be the field."Such explanations and observations come easilyfor Mr. Bouras, and he obviously likes to talk artalmost as much as work at it. He has taught orlectured at Cranbrook Academy, Wayne University, Layton School of Fine Arts, the University ofRochester, Columbia College (Chicago) and AspenInstitute. Last year he was selected by the studentsas artist in residence for their Festival of the Arts,so this is not his first appearance at Chicago.An interview can range in observations from thegrowth of abstract expressionism because it is onetype of expression in which Picasso has not alreadysaid everything, to a comparison of Daubigny inthe forest of Fontainbleau with himself in a junkyard, to a discussion of the beauty we today cansee in such grisly subjects as the wounds NormanMailer described in The Naked and The Dead.In his student interrogators at Chicago, he notesan "intelligent aggressiveness" he has not foundin such a degree at other schools. "They wantmore than superficial answers, and they pursuethose answers vehemently. Yet, they are surprisingly unbiased against abstract art." ¦JANUARY, 1963 11BETTELHEIM CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8too important to be wasted as educators of their children. Parents should set examples. The best exampleyou can set for your child is your own behavior. Andthe best teacher you can be is through your example.The actual teaching I think is very bad. We get soeasily upset about our children. We get worried toomuch. Why? Because we let everything be projectedinto the future. You must be able to teach irrespectiveof what the future consequences will be. If I have toworry about if I'm going to amount to anything in lifein addition to knowing how much three times fouris . . .father: You see, I didn't start college until I was27 and I'm very worried about the fact that I'm tenyears behind.mother: But you're not behind! You probablybrought more to college than—dr. b.: That's right, he probably got something outof college. I wish all kids would go to college not at 27necessarily, but 22, 23 is a good age to start college.The kids right out of high school get very little out ofit. My daughter who attends this great University asa College student told her younger sister, who wasdoubtful whether she wanted to go to college, "Don'tbe crazy, where else are you going to get four yearsof paid vacation?"third mother: Are you going to put this in theMagazine?dr. b.: It's the truth. We never had better collegestudents than the veterans.third mother: What should these youngsters do between this period then—dr. b. : Well, I think they should go out and work alittle bit to find out something about the world andfind out if they really want an education, what an education is here for. And not just four years paid vacationor their expectation that with a college degree a finejob will automatically fall into their laps.mother: If possible perhaps find out what the jobwould hold for him.dr. b.: That's right because they might not want toget a college education.third mother: I ask this because I have a daughterwho is not going to college next year and she wants totake a couple years to find out.dr. b. : Well, I certainly think it's a good idea. Let meask our first mother, are you satisfied with all this?mother: Yes, I don't think I've had quite the samefeeling as my husband in this area. I try to stop andask myself will it really matter ten years from now.I think of the playhouses I started to build and aftertwo boards were put together I deserted them, andconclude I'm not one whit inadequate because I didn'tbuild a playhouse.dr. b.: I really would like to take up this picking upthe room.first mother: Yes, pick that up!dr. b.: I thought there would be some interest in thistopic. Now what about it?first mother: I have a temporary solution that I think may be a very admirable one.dr. b.: Yes?first mother: The room care became very annoyingto me so long as I had to do it. Recently we . . .dr. b.: Now wait a moment, let's face up to it. Didyou hear what the lady said? What did she say?third mother: As long as she had to do it, it wasvery annoying.dr. b.: Very annoying. That's right. To her to pickup a room was very annoying.third mother: But she expects the child to do it.dr. b.: And she's a mature person, no? Responsibleand all that?first mother: Well, perhaps, ah, . . .dr. b.: Now how do you go about telling your boyto pick up his room?third mother: By picking up your own things.dr. b.: No, no, no, no. 1 should expect something—first mother: Say it sometimes and then be gladif it's done, kind of—dr. b. : Yes, but how do you say it, with what expectation?first mother: Failure.dr. b.: What?first mother: Failure.second mother: That it's a chore.first mother: The expectation that you're not goingto enjoy doing it.second mother: You don't—dr. b. : No, I don't think you tell him this is a feelingthat he may express because you have this feeling. AndI don't think you would have a lot better chance ofsuccess.first father: You mean you would expect him tolike it?dr. b.: No, you expect him to do it without feelings.second mother: To do it without feeling?second father: She makes it a great big deal. Thenyou've got a battle on your hands like 'three timesfour.' Maybe because I'm naturally messy I don't expect much more from my children.dr. b.: How old is your child?second father: I have one, five and one, three.dr. b.: How do you do it?second father: The five-year-old likes to— he's theneatest one in the family. Sometimes I help him withit and then sort of back out of it gradually, and then hecontinues. The three-year-old is sporadic sometimes—dr. b. : Well, of course if you go around college dormitories the mess is indescribable. It's usually the worstmess in the rooms of those who always had a beautifully picked-up room at home.second mother: I've got a husband whose motherused to go around and hang up everything. It's thesame thing.second father: I don't want the impression that he'spin neat— you can sort of tell by the size of the walkingspace.dr. b.: Ah, well, that's a different story.fourth mother: I think it depends on the age of thechild and I know that my own needs are better met ifthings are put away because I can find them more12 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEeasily and if my child wants to find them more easilyshe has to do her own organization but I think it depends on the age and how much—dr. b.: How old is your child?fourth mother: She's 13 and a half.dr. b. : And you never had to pick up her room?fourth mother: I certainly do.dr. b.: All right. So there we have a problem.fourth mother: My point is that I don't expect thatit necessarily is that distasteful, the process itself maybe, but I think at 13 you have to look beyond the immediate process and what gain you expect to get fromit even if you have to do the picking up.dr. b.: This is very rational but you see the troublewith human beings is that they are not so rational.first father: What bothers me very often is the wayit's picked up.dr. b. : Ah, that's right.first father: And the attitude expressed when it'spicked up.dr. b. : And what is the attitude?first father: Ah, pouting.dr. b.: Sort of annoyance; you see what I mean? Butyour wife just said, she's annoyed. So let me put it thisway. Let's say we gave a party. We rather enjoyed theparty as parties go, it was a pretty good party. Finallyeverybody went home; you are tired, it's after midnight, and there are dirty ashtrays all over the houseand maybe some spilled drinks. Well, do you say, Tmdelighted to pick up because it was such a good party?'That would be a rational attitude. But is it how wereally function? No, of course not. The fact that it wasa good party is strangely unrelated to our being tiredand annoyed with cleaning up. You say, I'll never dothat again. It'll be a long time before I give anotherparty.'first mother: I've found a way that I think I'vegotten a lot of the emotionality out of the picking upthe room situation.dr. b.: But your husband hasn't. You were talkingabout his problem with the boy.first mother: I dare say I haven't entirely either,but it's helped. I have a cleaning woman once a weekso somehow or another it gets orderly and then—dr.b.: Ah! So tell your boy, 'Oh, never mind, thecleaning woman is going to come once a week?' Isthat what you tell your boy?first mother: No! But somehow or another the factthat it gets cleaned up once a week without my gettingangry—dr. b.: Yes.first mother: And it doesn't get too bad in thesense that—dr. b.: All right. I'm very happy— you're the firstgroup of parents whom I've met who don't have theproblem with their children about picking up theirrooms.first father: Oh!dr. b.: Well, that's how it seems!fourth mother: It's a problem and there's something else. I don't mind nearly as much picking up something that I've left as I mind picking up somethingthat a 13 or 15 year old has left.dr. b.: Why?fourth mother: I don't know . . . because I feel thatshe could have done it herself.dr. b.: She?fourth mother: But I don't have the feeling of annoyance with myself that I left it there, if it's something that I left. It's the fact that I have to do it forher—dr. b.: Yes.fourth mother: —that's annoying.dr. b.: Yes, why certainly.fourth mother: Why shouldn't she feel that shecan pick up her own things without—dr. b.: I don't know why she shouldn't but shedoesn't.fourth mother: Are they all alike in that way? Thatwould make me feel better to know. I mean are thereany—dr. b.: Yes. Now why is it so?third mother: They have better things to do withtheir time.dr. b. : So do we.third mother: Yes!dr. b.: So do we. But still we pick up.fourth mother: Well, it's partly pride in our ownhome. We care how our house looks. I don't think achild is particularly concerned . . .dr. b.: Let's assume you gave a party. Okay? Theparty's over and you and your husband like to have aneat house. And in many families, most chip in andsooner or later the place gets straightened out. Let'sassume your husband turns to you— I say husbandbecause the majority here are ladies— and tells you,you clean up the living room.' What would your reaction be?first mother: Anger.dr. b.: What?first mother: Anger.dr. b.: That's right. You might still do it, but . . .What?second mother: Just laughing.dr. b. : Why do you laugh?second mother: Because it happens.dr. b. : All right. I thought you were remembering somany happy occasions.first mother: She was remembering cleaning upthe living room. Her husband goes to bed.dr. b.: So, well, what can you learn from this littlelesson?second mother: Do it together.first mother: Work with your children.dr. b.: Now how would you feel if your husbandsays, you pick it up and I'll help you with it.'first mother: I'd feel much better if he said to me,you go to sleep.'dr. b. : It would make all the difference in the worldif he would tell you, you are tired, you prepared thedinner, cooked it, so you go to bed and I'll pick up theroom' and as likely as not you'd say, 'oh no, of courseI'll help you.'JANUARY, 1963 13fourth mother: Well, Dr. Bettleheim, I tried thatline. I haven't nagged about picking up the room and Ihang up the pajamas and make up the bed and hangup the dresses when they are thrown down— I just hangthem up instead of saying 'you hang it up.' I thoughtthis will really make an impression on her, but itdoesn't happen. She just goes ahead and throws them.dr. b.: They are not cheats you know. When yourkid looks at his hands that look very dirty to you andsays 'oh they are clean,' this is not defiance. It's simplya different standard of cleanliness. They even pick uptheir toys when they step on them and hurt themselvesor break the toys. But it is extremely difficult to cleanup because of somebody else's sense of orderliness. Doyou follow me? Now the interesting thing is we tellour children again and again, 'You have it much easierthan I had it as a child.' But this is not so. Becausewhen I was a child nobody expected me to clean upbecause it's sensible or because I like it or because it'sbetter for me. All that raises the difficult problems ofwhether I really like it, is it really better for me? Wewere simply told 'you do it.' Do I really like it, am Ireally more comfortable, is it really good for me— theseissues were never raised. The trouble of the modernmiddle-class child is that to every task tremendousphilosophical and moral questions are added. Nowthat's too much. That gets too complicated. You seewhat I mean? And this is why our children have suchemotional difficulties which we didn't have. We hatedcleaning up with a clear-cut emotion. And the otherkids hated it too, but they had to do it too, so weweren't any worse off than the rest. But at least wewere not confused about the whole matter of emotions.first mother: So you are saying there are certainareas where vou're the dictator and they should knowit? And-dr. b.: Yes, but you see then you face up that you area dictator; don't pretend you are the loving mother.first mother: Yes.dr. b. : This is where you have got to make up yourmind. If you want your children to love you, youbetter not be a dictator. But to my parents it didn'toccur to them that their children should love them.first mother: Can't you be both—second father: Could I ask— other cultures, what'shappening ... is this an American . . .dr. b. : My parents expected me to respect them. TheBible never said love our parents: honor and respectthem. This we did. It was easy. And partly becausethey were not vacillating, one day loving and the nextday dictating. Love came much later, when we hadgrown up and understood what kind of people theywere. I'm sorry—second father: Is this an American problem?dr. b.: Very much so, yes. For the European children— I don't know about the Orient and so on— life ismuch simpler.second father: Could it also be they don't have asmuch to pick up?dr. b. : Now, excuse—first father: Seriously—dr. b. : Have you been in the Army? first father: I have been.dr. b. : Yes, well if you were in basic training wouldyour top sergeant have expected you to like it—first father: There was no question about that.dr. b. : That's right. It wouldn't have worked.first father: We cheated our way out too. We hadstandard underwear which we didn't wear . . .third father: Is the excess that we have in America—the variety of clothes and things like that that contributes to . . .dr. b.: Much too much, much too much. As somebody said, the true American child, if he wanted to runaway from home couldn't because he couldn't possiblycarry with him all the toys he thinks he needs. Whatalways gets me is that it is the parent who most complains that the child doesn't pick up his own toys butcome Christmas— it would take a superhuman effortjust to lug these Christmas presents up to their room.But still and all we are caught in our culture. We canbe a little bit better than the neighbor but there is justso far you can deviate and not create different problems for your child.But we can realize that each time we say 'go andpick up your room,' the child feels as we feel after aparty when your husband says 'I go to bed, you pickup.' If you just think of this simple example each timeyou ask your child to pick up, I think the situation inregard to picking up will be vastly improved. It won'tbe solved. Life isn't as simple as that.second mother: You mean you say it sympathetically as though T know this is a tough job but you do itanyway?'dr. b.: Is that what you think your husband wouldlike to hear?second mother: Well he might, yes.dr. b.: He might, but it is not what you'd like himto do.second mother: Well no, sure.dr. b.: Well, I tell you if you just say Til pick upand you watch me,' you can have some very delightfultimes with your children. They won't do the work,mind you, or they might give you a helping hand,which would confuse the issue, but they might start totell you stories of things they might never tell youotherwise.fourth mother: You're talking about little childrenor any?dr. b. : Any. Any. Well, after they are too old then—this is certainly 15— it gets tough.fourth mother: Yes. Sure does.first mother: Can't you be a dictator in certainclear-cut areas?dr. b.: No, I don't think so. I don't think that worksbecause parents have to be all in one piece to be reallysuccessful. You cannot say, 'you pick up your room butyou have the freedom to choose which color makeupyou want.' Always think how you feel if somebody,even with your own mess— would say, 'you go andclean it up.' You would hate it. And so do the children. You see the strange thing is we want our children to love us and yet strangely we do so many thingsthat make them hate us. ¦14 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEn e w s o f fog quadrangles300TH CONVOCATION — December 14th, President George W. Beadlepresided at the ceremonies in Rockefeller Chapel when a total of 35 Bachelor's degrees, 139 Master's degrees, 68Ph.D. degrees and three Bachelor ofDivinity degrees were awarded.Honorary degrees of Doctor of Lawwere awarded to:Karl R. Popper, professor of logicand scientific method at the Universityof London and head of the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School ofEconomics and Political Science; andHerbert Wechsler, Harlan Fiske StoneProfessor of Constitutional Law at Columbia University, New York City. Mr.Wechsler participated in the Chapelceremony, but Mr. Popper became indisposed shortly before the convocationand was taken to the Hospitals forobservation.Convocation speaker was Sterling W.McMurrin, former U.S. Commissionerof Education and professor of philosophy at the University of Utah, SaltLake City. In his address he said, "Oneof the major deficiencies in our national effort to meet the challengesbefore us is the almost complete failureof the American people to recognizethat the strength of a nation lies inits art and its music and its literature,and in its philosophical sophisticationand the quality of its social sciences,just as much as in its physics andchemistry and its electrical engineering.When we speak of the decline or riseof our culture and of the strength ofour nation for the long haul ahead, itis a question of the full cultivation ofour spiritual, artistic, moral and intellectual resources."FALLOUT AND FOOD— Sir William Kershaw Slater, an expert on theeffects of radioactivity in food, gave a series of lectures on campus this fall.They were sponsored by the Department of Pharmacology, the Division ofSocial Sciences, and University Extension.Sir William is chairman of two committees within the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: Radioactive Materials in Foodand Agriculture, and Organization ofSurveys for Radio Nuclei in Food andAgriculture.Among his observations in the lecture series were:— Spectacular improvements in agricultural output have gone about as faras they can go without a breakthroughin the application of nuclear energy tofood problems.— Preservation of foods through radiation is running into a series of economic and other obstacles.— Educating farmers would be moreproductive for developing nations thaninvesting scarce talent in the nuclearsciences.— We can be assured that we are notat present subjected to a dangerouslevel of radiation from fallout.He said: "The last great leap forward in productivity based on thescientific advances of the first half ofthe century has now reached a plateau,beyond which the best farmers can golittle further."Before it can become more productive, agriculture must await the application of the findings of a new field ofscience (nuclear energy) which willopen up entirely new approaches tothe old problems which have so farproved insoluble."Nuclear physics and its many applications in chemistry and biologyprovides just such an opening. Thishas been grasped by research workerswith great enthusiasm and radioactiveelements have found a place in everybranch of agricultural research."In years to come cheap nuclearpower will enable us to tame desertsand to push food growing into the farnorth, but for many years it will bethe use of radioactive substances astools in the hands of the scientists,who, by a multiplicity of independentdiscoveries, will enable the farmer to grow heavier crops and to get heavieryields from his livestock . . ."Radioactive sources have their placein plant breeding, although here theearly promise has not been entirely fulfilled. When seeds or growing budsare exposed to nuclear radiations mutations occur. Many of these mutantshave been so changed that they willnot survive, but amongst those that dothere may be found desirable characteristics, which can be introduced bybreeding into commercial varieties."He said that radioactive tracers havebeen used for studying the feedinghabits, the movements, and the controlof insects and pointed out that theU.S. Department of Agriculture hasdeveloped a direct use of radiation ininsect control. The method has beenused successfully against the screwworm, a serious pest of cattle in Florida.In a lecture on food and food processing, he said: "The next advance incanning may well be in the use ofgamma rays to sterilize cooked meatsin sealed containers. A large source "isrequired to provide the radiationneeded to destroy the micro-organismspresent and to inactivate the enzymes."The British expert said several drawbacks must be overcome before this newmethod of food preservation can beutilized :1 — Eliminating the radiation dangerfor workers and providing for efficienthandling of the canned product pastthe high-energy source;2 — Reducing the high cost of theequipment unless a very material commercial advantage, such as better keeping qualities in the irradiated product,justifies the economic expenditure; and3 — Eradicating the palatability problem which "produces different flavorsand smells as the result of the breakdown of organic substances in themeat."He also discussed irradiation as amethod of sterilization of milk, killinggrain weavils and flour moths, preventing the sprouting of potatoes. In allthese cases cost has made irradiationan impractical technique.Regarding underdeveloped countrieshe said: "In many of the less developedtoday, the one really well equippedJANUARY, 1963 15laboratory is that in which nuclearphysics is being studied. The scienceschools of the universities may bestarved of equipment, the laboratoriesserving agriculture may be few and lackmany of the bare essentials for research, yet the atomic physics laboratories often challenge those in themore developed countries in their lavishand expensive apparatus and equipment . . ."Although one must regret the undue emphasis on nuclear physics in theless developed countries which can illafford to duplicate fundamental research being done elsewhere, it maywell be that in time some return maybe obtained on this heavy initial outlayin the fields of radio medicine, radioagriculture and in the solution of problems arising in hydrology and in theirnewly developing industries. Let ushope this will prove so."Regarding fallout he said: "Theposition in the late fifties was confusedowing to the steady increase in the annual rate of fallout which gave a corresponding rising level in plants, suchas might have been expected by rootabsorption from an accumulation ofradioactive material in the soil . . .Analyses over the years have, however,shown this to be wrong. There is undoubtedly some uptake from the soil,but the values for contamination ofcrops have fluctuated with the annualrate of fallout, showing that the majoruptake is directly into the plant. It isreasonable, therefore, to conclude thatunless there is a major increase in fallout, the present levels in foodstuffswill not be materially exceeded . . .Put shortly, the present contaminationof our diet is in the greater part linkedto the current fallout."FOUR NEW EXPEDITIONS —Continuing man's quest for the originsand early stages of his civilization, fournew expeditions will bring to eight thenumber of Oriental Institute projectsin the Middle East this season.Of the four earlier projects whichare continuing into this season, twoare in Egypt and the Sudan, one inIraq and the fourth in Iran. In Nippur,Iraq, excavations continue on the siteof a temple believed to be in existencecontinuously from 2700 B.C. to thetime of Christ. In Egypt, the epigraphicsurvey, under way continuously since1924 (with the exception of the World War II years), is now concentrating onimages and inscriptions on the HighMonumental entrance to the compoundof Medinet Habu, at Luxor, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. A team insouthern Egypt and northern Sudan isnow studying a site of a major Egyptian fortress that later became a Christian community — one of the first inthat area; this site will be inundatedwhen the waters of the Nile rise afterthe completion of the Aswan Dam.Finally, at Choga Mish in Iran, relationships between the various phasesof culture in Iran and Mesopotamiaare being sought.Here are brief descriptions of thefour new projects:— Central and Southern Turkey.Scraps of flint, which man, as a hunter,some 11,000 years ago may have usedto gather his food, represent some ofthe miniscule evidence of his emergence as a civilized creature. It is fortraces of such evidence that Robert J.Braidwood, professor in the OrientalInstitute and the Department of Anthropology, is exploring this area inhis study of man's emergence, between9000 B.C. and 6000 B.C., from thatof a food-gathering to that of a food-producing society.— Southeastern Turkey and Syria.How early Christianity changed whenit moved from its area of origins inPalestine eastward into Mesopotamiaduring the first six centuries of theChristian era currently is being studiedby Carl H. Kraeling, professor oforiental Hellenistic archaeology. Mr.Kraeling will reconstruct the majortrade routes of these early Christiancommunities.— Jundi Shapur, Iran. The caliphs ofBaghdad, when speaking of a particularly good physician, had a saying:"This man has the traditional trainingof Jundi Shapur." In this way, thefamed medical academy of the MiddleEast became synonymous with an excellent medical education. It is on thesite of Jundi Shapur, a city that thriveduntil the Middle Ages, that Robert M.Adams, director of the Oriental Institute, will try to trace the community'sstreets, major buildings and generaloutline. His expedition will be exploratory. From it he will determine if amajor expedition is warranted. Mr.Adams is interested in tracing the riseand fall of ancient cities in relation tothe processes of irrigation.— Fourth, in Israel the Oriental Institute plans to resume archaeologicalactivities at the site of Khirbat al-Kerakwhere a Byzantine church of the fifthand early sixth centuries was excavatedby Pinhas Delougaz in 1952-53. Mr. Delougaz is professor of archaeology inthe Oriental Institute. Under thechurch and elsewhere in the deeperlayers of the site, which covers approximately 54 acres, were found remains ofthe third millenium B.C. with indications of connections with Egypt on theone hand, and Turkey and Iran, on theother. Investigation of such connectionsand the apparently large town thatexisted here is the first goal of thisexpedition.APPOINTMENTS — HANNAHARENDT, social philosopher and author, has been appointed a professorin the Committee on Social Thought.Miss Arendt will begin her teaching onthe campus in the fall quarter, 1963.At present, she is at the Institute forAdvanced Studies, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut. She hasbeen a lecturer on campus twice; first,in April, 1956, under the auspices ofthe Charles Walgreen Foundation ; andmore recently, early in the autumnquarter, 1962, when she spoke on"Revolution" under the auspices of theCommittee on Social Thought.She is the author of two books whichhave received wide recognition: TheOrigins of Totalitarianism (1951), andThe Human Condition (1958). Thefirst is a study of the conditions whichled to the emergence of the dictatorships of our time. The second is anattempt to describe the mental activityand personality of modern man.Miss Arendt will be in residenceeach year for the full Autumn Quarterand half of the spring quarter.CLYDE A. HUTCHISON, JR., professor in the Department of Chemistryand in the Enrico Fermi Institute forNuclear Studies of the University, hasbeen named the Carl William Eisen-drath Professor in the Department ofChemistry. Mr. Hutchison has been amember of the faculty since 1945 andwas chairman of the Department ofChemistry from 1959 until 1962. He isan authority on the magnetic propertiesof matter, with special attention to relationships between paramagnetic resonance and the electronic structure ofcrystalline and other chemical systems.The Carl William Eisendrath Prof es-16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsorship is the only name professorshipin the Department of Chemistry. It wasestablished in 1931 by Mr. and Mrs.William N. Eisendrath in memory oftheir son, Carl William, a young Chicago industrialist who was graduatedfrom the University with honors inchemistry in 1903. He died in 1910.President George Wells Beadle saidof Mr. Hutchison: "He is one of theleading physical chemists in the UnitedStates. His researches on the magneticproperties of crystalline solids areamong the finest in the world . . ."All of his work is characterized bymatchless experimental skill and brilliant theoretical interpretations. He hasgiven this University and the Department of Chemistry outstanding serviceas a scholar, teacher, and administrator."DR. LEON ORRIS JACOBSON, anauthority on blood research has beengiven the 1962 Borden Award in theMedical Sciences by the Association ofAmerican Medical Colleges. Dr. Jacob-son is professor and chairman of theDepartment of Medicine, and directorof the Argonne Cancer Research Hospital, which the University operates oncampus for the U.S. Atomic EnergyCommission.Dr. Jacobson is the 16th medicalscientist to receive the annual award,and the second from the University ofChicago. In 1955, the recipient wasDr. Charles B. Huggins, William B.Ogden Distinguished Service Professorand director of the Ben May Laboratoryfor Cancer Research at the University.The award includes a gold medal and$1,000.Dr. Jacobson is internationallyknown for his work on blood formation, diseases of the blood, and protection against radiation injuries.NORMAN H. NACHTRIEB, professor in the Department of Chemistryand Institute for the Study of Metals,has been appointed chairman of theDepartment of Chemistry. He wasformerly head of the Physical SciencesSection in the College.Mr. Nachtrieb received both his B.S.(1936) and his Ph.D. (1941) from theUniversity of Chicago. He became amember of the faculty of the University in 1946 and was named professorin 1953. His field of specialization isthe chemistry of the solid-and-liquidstates, with special reference to themechanisms of transport processes (dif fusion and conductance), and the electrochemistry of molten salts.DON R. SWANSON, a physicist andan authority on information systems,has been appointed dean of the Graduate Library School. It is believed thatMr. Swanson is the first physical scientist to head a professional library schoolin this country. The seven previousdeans of the Graduate Library Schoolrepresented a variety of other disciplines. Mr. Swanson is an authority oncomputer applications in storing andretrieving information. He is a specialist in the relationships betweennatural and computer languages andscientific information problems.Since 1955, he has been manager ofthe Synthetic Intelligence Departmentof Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Inc.,at Canoga Park, California. Currently,he is serving as a member of a panelof experts investigating the feasibilityof automating many of the bibliographical and other operations of the Library of Congress. The appointmentwill be effective in February, 1963.Herman H. Fussier, director of theUniversity Library, has served as actinghead of the School since October, 1961,when Lester E. Asheim resigned asdean.FRANK HENRY WOODS, businessexecutive and civic leader, has beenelected to the Board of Trustees. He ispresident of the Sahara Coal Company,Inc., Chicago; chairman of the Boardof the Addressograph Multigraph Corporation, Cleveland; and chairman ofthe Board of the Lincoln, NebraskaTelephone and Telegraph Company.Mr. Woods has been a member of theVisiting Committee to the School ofSocial Service Administration of theUniversity. He is Secretary-Treasurer ofthe Woods Charitable Fund, Inc., andhas been a leader in numerous community and philanthropic organizationsfor many years.TO INVEST IN THE BEST— Howdo you find and encourage promisingand creative young scientists? One ofthe most effective programs in thenation was described at the AutumnConference with Industrial Sponsors ofthe University, when Larkin H. Farin-holt, vice president of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation outlined his Foundation's approach.Mr. Farinholt said that the basicresearch program of the Foundationis built around people rather thanprojects:"The most attractive feature of theacademic position lies in the privilegeof working in a climate of completeintellectual freedom, and for a scientist this privilege includes choosing atwill the problems to be investigated andthe right to modify or terminate suchinvestigations."With the aid of a committee ofscientists, the Foundation selects SloanResearch Fellows for support in thephysical sciences. Candidates are nominated by other scientists, they do notapply. Present fellows include severalastronomers, several geophysicists, anapplied mathematics-physicist, and abiochemist."The grants to support these creativeyoung scientists are made through theirinstitutions and the funds made available to them are essentially unrestricted," he said. "The monies may beused for almost any purpose which willpromote their scholarly activities butsubject, of course, to the rules andpolicies of their institutions and theirdepartments."Mr. Farinholt said that this programstarted in 1955-56 with about $200,000of support for 22 Sloan Research Fellows in 16 institutions. It is now operating at a level of $1,200,000 a yearand currently has 154 Sloan ResearchFellows in the United States and Canada. The University of Chicago currently has five Sloan Fellows.This year, the foundation has hadunder serious consideration a total of374 persons."With such a group of outstandingyoung scientists it was a painful experience to have to drop from consideration, at least for this year, so manypossible Nobel laureates," Mr. Farinholt said. The total 1963-64 programwill have about 145 Sloan ResearchFellows.He stated that the real value of theSloan Foundation program is "not primarily financial but lies in certain distinctive features, some of them perhapsunique."He listed them as:"1. The unrestricted nature of thegrants."2. The policy of supporting youngphysical scientists at an early stage oftheir academic careers."3. The selection process which Ibelieve has been very successful in identifying promising and creative youngscientists."JANUARY, 1963 17Mr. Simpson & the Scholar Athletes"The College of the University of Chicago will launcha nation-wide search Wednesday, November 28th, fortwo 'scholar-athletes' qualified to hold the first AmosAlonzo Stagg Scholarships," said the press release."Announcement of the requirements and applicationprocedures," it continued, "will be made at a dinner atwhich more than 100 high school academic and athleticdirectors will be guests. The scholarship fund wasbegun last spring to honor 'The Grand Old Man' ofChicago athletics on his 100th birthday which wascelebrated last August . . ."Lawrence A. Kimpton, former chancellor of theUniversity, is chairman of the Stagg Scholarship selection committee . . . 'Sufficient funds have been raisedto begin our search for two young men who show thosequalities of athletic ability, academic achievement,leadership, and character that Stagg demonstrated andimparted to his men,' Kimpton said . . ."The scholarships will provide full tuition at the University."The University maintains an inter-collegiate schedule in all major sports except football and operates oneof the most active intra-mural programs among thenation's colleges . . ."Maroon editorial, November 28: "The impendingnationwide search for two 'scholar-athletes' qualifiedto hold the first Amos Alonzo Stagg Scholarship is in direct contradiction to the function of a university andthe aims of education. A university exists to educateand to deal with ideas. It's [sic] function is not to buildsound bodies and sturdy characters, but to encourageand develop creative independent thought . . . We object to the University's giving money to a student forhis participation in an activity which in no way contributes to the exchange of ideas or the development ofthought."Same issue, first page: "Student government hascalled off its planned demonstration against the AmosAlonzo Stagg scholarship . . ." Adding a specific objection that 'these awards are to be given out on the basisof scholarship and athletic ability, without regard tofinancial need,' SG planned a campus-wide referendum. Dean of Students Warner Wick was quoted assaying that the student opinion on the referendumcould affect the University's policy on the scholarships.In the issue of the 28th, and in the weeks that followed, Maroon editor Laura Godofsky has been printing spirited letters both pro and con. The test of areferendum will come at the end of this month.In the meantime the dinner guests had gathered tokick-off the talent search. And, speaking for the scholar-athlete at that dinner was Thomas E. Donnelley Professor of History and Dean of the College AlanSimpson:18 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMr. Simpson:It is a pleasure to join Mr. Kimpton in welcomingyou to the campus. This is a notable occasion in thehistory of the College, and I am delighted by the opportunity to express my satisfaction with the StaggScholarships.I suppose every college likes to think of itself as aspecial kind of place, but our claims to that distinctionare rich and striking. Among them is our special devotion to the intellectual life and our special indulgenceof all its eccentricities.Some of its eccentricities are reflected in today'sMaroon. If you glance at the comment on the StaggScholarships, you will find that there are maiden ladiesamong our students who feel that their virtue is beingattacked by such an occasion as this!Many of these maiden ladies play games. One or twoof them, you will be surprised to hear, actually havevarsity letters. But they have allowed their devotion toan image of perfection, and their revulsion from thecorruptions and crudities of college athletics, to unhinge their common sense.These students are the Puritans in our midst.I have spent a good deal of my time as a historianstudying Puritanism, and I yield to no one in my admiration for their heroic virtues. A picture of OliverCromwell hangs by my bedside. But I have alwayskept my admiration this side of idolatry by my respect for the quality which Puritans regarded least— a senseof humor and proportion. Hanging next to Oliver, Ihave a picture of Charles II.I cannot think of any educational principle with anolder or more honorable pedigree than the notion thatthe training of the mind should be accompanied by thecultivation of every other good gift.I was raised in a university with a proper sense ofthe agreeableness and usefulness of athletics. If it wasincapable of commercialized sports, it expected mostof its young men to play games between lunch and tea,even if that only meant strolling around the meadow.If it smiled at the legend that the Battle of Waterloohad been won on the playing fields of Eton, it neverdoubted that the national fiber owed something togames and to the spirit in which they were played. Ittook a cheerful pleasure in varsity victories, andshowed a decent sympathy for teams whose heartswere in the right place, even though their hands andtheir feet were not. And being only human, it wouldstretch a point for a deserving boy. A friend of mine atOxford, who never played anything more strenuousthan shove-halfpenny in a local pub, eventually graduated and asked his tutor for a recommendation. He received from that good man a letter which read, "Mr.So and So is not a distinguished athlete, but he by nomeans neglects his games."I have not the slightest doubt that this attitudetoward athletics, whatever its occasional frailties, becomes a good college. It is as far removed from theglorification of muscular morons or from the prostitution of its intellectual life as it should be. And it isequally removed from that divorce of intellect fromaction, and from the life of ordinary humanity, whichproduces prigs and bores and eunuchs.The scholar-athlete— we are not talking about un-scholarly athletes — deserves as much honor as thescholar-journalist, the scholar-debater, or the scholar-musician.His artistry, though perishable, can be wonderfullyelegant, and his toughness is a healthy counterpoise tothe maggoty-mindness of intellectual monks.Amos Alonzo Stagg is a great name— a great character—in the history of this University. If we are the richerfor having withdrawn from big-time football, we wouldcertainly be the poorer if we allowed our vision of thegood life or our impact on society to contract to thepoint where it left no room for the values he esteemed.The Stagg Scholarships are an admirable symbol ofthe breadth of our sympathies. If the admirers of literary or musical or theatrical genius— to name only a fewextracurricular talents— would like to endow a similarscholarship, they would receive the same warm hospitality!Meanwhile, let me invite you to nominate any qualified and interested candidate. If he is dead betweenthe ears, he is not eligible. But if his grade average willbe no worse than the average of the students on theMaroon or in student government, and if he promisesto show as much excellence in his skill as they do intheirs, he will be a serious candidate. ¦JANUARY, 1963 19Offset Printing • Imprinting • AddressographingMultilithing • Copy Preparation • Automatic InsertingTypewriting • Addressing • Folding • MailingCHICAGO ADDRESSING & PRINTING COMPANY720 SOUTH DEARBORN STREET WAbtlsIl 2-4561YOUR FAVORITEFOUNTAIN TREATTASTES BETTERWHEN IT'S .MADE WITHSwifts^llll Ice Cream,A product C Swift & 47409 So.Phone R> CompanyState StreetRAdcliffe 3-7400yersatilityFrom a small one-color sheet to awork of thousands of pages, from afull color catalog to a giant display,here one can see the gamut ofprinting jobs. Diversity of productclearly indicates our versatility.Fine skills and varied talents of ourpeople are supported by a widerange of camera and plate equipment,offset presses of several typesfrom the smallest to the largestand a complete pamphlet binderyPhotopress| INCORPORATEDCongress Expressway at Gardner RoadBROADVIEW, ILL COIumbus 1-1420 memo padI'm well along in the process ofclearing the decks for my successor,Harold Harding, who will take over inFebruary. Presently I am in the midstof two decades and a year of correspondence files. I have just arrived at thefolder which might well be labeled"Are You Serious?" For example:A RECENT GRADUATE . . .. . . probably still in financial shockfrom his student days, wrote :/ am willing to give the Universityone fifth of my salary or wage incomefor the rest of my life if the followingis done:1) maximum tuition and feescharged any student be $500 fora full year (four quarters) ;2) tuition and fees to include allbooks and materials;3) also to include health and medical insurance, drugs, operations,and hospitalization for studentand dependents for whole year;4) the $500 to be absolute maximum; lower if possible;5) that it be suggested, but not required, the student contribute tothe University in later years . . .in a program of educational tithing.SHORT HISTORY COURSESome years back, with a modest gift,came a note which assumed that giving"is a two-way street." So — would weplease tell him what our history department teaches were the causes of WorldWar II and the possible causes of upcoming World War III.This was impossible so there havebeen no further gifts — two-way orotherwise.DEGREES OF DESIRESNo one has yet mailed in twentybooks of S & H green stamps in exchange for a Chicago degree but manyseem to think it is almost that simple.A German business man in Italywrote: "I am 61 years old. I am interested in the acquisition of a Doctor- title of your University and I beg to letme know, how I have to proceed witha view to acquiring this title."And from Arkansas: "It would be agreat loss if I were unable to go toschool. I ask not for a handout but fora chance to make my presence on earthmore conspicious [sic] than a filled inspace on a military roster."A CHAP FROM NEW YORK . . .. . . asked for two or three samples ofunusual birth notices for an article onthe subject "I'm writing for Pageantmagazine."BUT who am I to be surprised?Haven't I been saying in most everymailing for twenty-one years, "At anytime we can be of service to you don'thesitate to call on us."HOWEVERDon't get me wrong. The pasttwenty-one years have had their satisfactions, partly because of letters likethe one I received yesterday from mygood marine engineer friend LawrenceChapman, '51. It was written "at sea,Long Island Sound" and postmarked"Port Sulphur, La." He writes:/ am greatly impressed by the featurearticle, which I have fust finished absorbing in the November Magazine.The publication of the thoughts ofProfessor Christian Mackauer has certainly enhanced the Alumni Association as an agent for public presentation of the significance of the educationthat is behind the University of Chicago College degree. Especially ef. . .that experience which, by the exposureof one mind to the thinking of others,creates not answers but a lifetime ofquestions . . . that the students mustlearn after their own fashion, even atthe cost of false starts, errors, and losttime!'How many false starts and time Vvelost since I received my degree when Iwas serving in the U.S. Marine Corps Ican't begin to count. Although Vvebeen in over forty different nations ofthe world during the past decade, Vveretained a decade full of questionsabout all sorts of things and subjectsAnyway, congratulations to our distinguished William Rainey Harper Professor of History as well as to theeditor.Lawrence is a life member of the Association and picks up his Magazine atmost any port from Vietnam to Ascension Island. He has established a generous and growing loan fund at Chicago as a memorial to his late brother,Victor Albert Chapman, '48. H.WM.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEN EW S O F the alumniFRANK L. GRIFFIN, '03, SM'04,PhD'06, of Portland, Ore., has recentlyresumed teaching part time. He is givinga seminar at Portland State College forprospective teachers. Mr. GrifEn, who isa Reed College professor emeritus, isalso president of the Portland chapter ofSons of the American Revolution. Heholds an honorary LLD degree from Reed.HERBERT M. HARWOOD, SR., '08, ofLos Angeles, Calif., who attended theU of C for one year writes: "Classroominfluence of Vincent, Linn, Thompson,Veblen, and others has always remainedwith me; likewise the momentum fromfraternity ( Phi Delta Theta ) , student club(Reynolds), freshman club (Three Quarters ) , golf team ( victory over Wisconsin ) ,Daily Maroon staff; and from Mr. Staggthe inspiration to keep active an ambitionto live to be 100 years old." Mr. Har-wood, who is listed in Who's Who in TheWest, retired in 1953.WILLIAM F. HUMMEL, '08, and hiswife, of Los Angeles, Calif., celebratedtheir golden wedding anniversary on October 26. Mr. Hummel is a retired teacher.FLORENCE B. ROBINSON, '08, professor of landscape architecture emeritus ofthe University of Illinois, is now living inSt. Petersburg, Fla. She has traveledwidely, written five books, and built fivehouses of her own designs. Miss Robinsonis currently enjoying the North Carolinamountains and her own garden of nativeplants in a naturalistic setting.S. S. VISHER, '09, PhD14, of the Department of Geography at Indiana University in Bloomington, writes that thefollowing U of C alumni have recentlybeen added to the faculty there: ANNWITTCHEN, '50, curator of fine arts;BARUCH BOXER, AM'57, PhD'61, assistant professor of geography; CARL O.SAUER, PhDT5, visiting professor ofgeography; ROBERT S. PLATT, PhD'20,(professor of geography emeritus, U ofc)> visiting professor of geography; LEONARD D. NEWMARK, '47, associate professor of linguistics; ARNOLDB. CALICA, SM'61, research associate inpolice administration; NORMAN H. AN-f\G) 6)6) PERSON, '46, SM'49, visiting associate{) >1"Zpl professor of psychology; BERTRAM L.^ ^ HANNA, PhD'53, assistant professor ofneurology; PHILLIP M. RENNICK,PhD'61, research associate in neuropsychology; ROBERT W. HATTERY, '48,AM'54, PhD'61, director of Bureau ofPublic Discussion; and MARGARETSHEPHERD GAINES, AM'61, lecturerin English, Calumet Center.WILLIAM C. MOORE, PhD'10, of Stamford, Conn., won a prize for his water-color, "Green and Yellow," which wasexhibited at the summer, 1962, art showin Ridgeway Center at Stamford. He wasawarded second prize in the amateurclass.EDITH A. GORDON, '13, of Washington, D.C, is a retired government worker.She now works part time as clerk withScience Service Inc., which helps highschools organize science fairs that lead tothe competition in the WestinghouseTalent Search.CHARLOTTE PAULI HARRIS, '13, ofPassaic, N.J., is now retired. She formerlytaught Latin and German in the Mountain Lakes High School, N.J.DELMA W. CALDWELL, MDT4, ofLinden, N.J., has been elected a fellowof the New York Academy of Medicine.ANDREW C. IVY, '16, SMT8, PhD'18,MD'21, has joined the staff of RooseveltUniversity, Chicago, as research professor of biochemistry. He will teach in thechemistry department and continue hisresearch in basic medical science. Duringa 45-year career of teaching and research,Dr. Ivy has published more than 1500scientific papers, and taught nearly 6,000students who are now practicing medicine.Since 1946 Dr. Ivy has been head of thedepartment of clinical science and professor of physiology at the University ofIllinois. During 1946-1953 he was also incharge of the school's Chicago professional colleges, and was vice presidentof the University. Prior to his service atIllinois, Dr. Ivy spent 21 years (1925-1946) as head of the division of physiology and pharmacology at Northwestern University Medical School. He has alsotaught physiology at the U of C and atLoyola's Stritch School of Medicine. In1942 he received the U of C's distinguished alumni award.LEILA VENABLE HAGER, '18, AM'26,of Tallahassee, Fla., left for Australia andthe South Pacific Islands on October 10.Her final destination is Perth, West Australia where she is visiting her brother.Mrs. Hager will return to the U.S. in lateJanuary, visiting Honolulu en route. In1960 she toured Europe and Russia.WINIFRED WARD, '18, of Evanston,111., was a guest lecturer at San FranciscoState College last summer. She is currently retired from the faculty of Northwestern University School of Speech. Aspecialist in Children's theatre, she is theauthor of a film, Creative Drama: TheFirst Steps, produced in 1962 by Northwestern University. Miss Ward's latestpublication is Drama with and for Children, commissioned by the Department ofHealth, Education, and Welfare, and published in 1960.MAY A. KLIPPLE, AM'20, of Brook-ville, Ind., is a retired teacher. She keepsbusy caring for her home and gardenand doing club and church work.MAY HILL ARBUTHNOT, '22, associate professor emeritus at Western ReserveUniversity, Cleveland, Ohio, is the authorof an article which appeared in the November Library Supplement to The Instructor magazine. The article is "WhenTeachers Read, Children Read."CHARLES J. MERRIAM, '22, JD'25,and his wife, Ethel, are donors of a campin Wisconsin to the Chicago Area Council of the Boy Scouts. The camp, nowMerriam Explorer Base in Wautoma,Wise, was dedicated in September. Thebase is 200 acres in size with a 30 acrespring-fed lake. Included in the gift wereseveral buildings and a variety of equipment. An adjoining 1,000 acres of woodedland was contributed at the same timeto the University of Illinois and this areawill also be available for use by the Explorer Scouts. Mr. Merriam, Chicago patent attorney, attended the U of C longerthan any other member of the Merriamfamily, beginning with kindergartenthrough the grades, high school, the Col-JANUARY, 1963 21Take 10...and think!It's so easy to let things go ... to postponethe things you know you ought to take careof. Your family's future security, for instance.If you have procrastinated, why don't youtake 10 right now and talk with a CML man.He can help you arrive at a sensible answerto the question, how much and what kind oflife insurance should you own? You'll findhim sympathetic, understanding, and exceptionally able ... a good man to work with.CML agents are trained to fit life insurance into the total family picture ... to shapeit to the needs and dreams of each member... to coordinate its values with the family'sother assets. Furthermore, they're trainedto keep their clients' financial plans alwaysin tune with their changing requirements.You'll find the CML man helpful to know.Dividends paid to policyholdersfor 117 yearsOwned by its policyholders, CML provides high qualitylife insurance at low cost and gives personal servicethrough more than 300 offices in the United States.Connecticut Mutual LifeINSURANCE COMPANY • HARTFORDJoseph H. AaronEdward B. Bates, CLURobert A. HavensPaul O. Lewis, CLUFred G. ReedDan O. SabathRichard C. Shaw, M.D.Russell C. Whitney, CLU '4050Grad. Sell'29 ChicagoHome OfficeAlbuquerqueChicagoChicagoChicagoHome OfficeChicago9 9 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElege and graduating from the Law School19 years later.MILDRED GRIFFIN DOBSON, '23, resigned from her position as assistant principal of Phillips Upper Grade Center,Chicago, in June. She is preparing tobecome a registered Christian Sciencepractitioner.26-32HARRY H. BINGHAM, '26, has beenpresident and a director of Richard D.Irwin, Inc., book publishers in Home-wood, 111., since January, 1961.THOMAS R. MULROY, '26,. JD'28, Chicago attorney, has been elected president of the Chicago Crime Commissionfor 1963. He served as vice president lastyear. Mr. Mulroy is a partner in the lawfirm of Hopkins, Sutter, Owen, Mulroyand Wentz, and lives in Winnetka, 111.HENRY WEIHOFEN, '26, JD'28, JSD'31,has been named director of a three-yearstudy of law governing mental incompetency being undertaken at George Washington University's National Law Center(Washington, D.C). Mr. Weihofen is aprofessor of law on leave from the University of New Mexico and an authorityin the field of the relations of law andpsychiatry. The study, being financed bya research grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, will investigatethe law and the problems of persons whobecome too ill mentally to manage theirdaily affairs. "Hopefully," says Mr. Weihofen, "the study will provide data thatcan be used in drafting a model statutethat states interested in improving theirlaw could adopt." In 1955, Mr. Weihofenreceived the Isaac Ray Award from theAmerican Psychiatric Assn., for outstanding contributions to the relations of lawand psychiatry.ARNOLD I. SHURE, '27, JD'29-The Uof C Law School Library exhibited a selection of books from those added to itscollection through the Frieda and ArnoldShure Research Fund, in December. TheShure Fund, originally established in1945, has made possible the acquisitionof more than 900 legal research booksby the library. The fund, to which supplemental gifts have been made since itsestablishment, is also used for researchprojects at the Law School. The bookexhibit consisted of 31 volumes in 15fields of law, illustrative of the broadscope of acquisitions made through theShure Fund. The books were shown asPart of a drive sponsored by the Friendsof the U of C Law School Library, to enlarge the library's collection throughcreation of a Special Library Fund. Individual and corporate gifts, endowmenthand, contributions of law books and historic legal documents to the Special Library Fund are being sought. OSCAR A. AKERLUND, '28, of Whea-ton, 111., who is a retired Chicago highschool teacher, at present is doing "alittle traveling in the U.S.A., a little reading, a little horticulturing, and enjoyinglife."OSCAR Z. FASMAN, '28, and his wife,JEANNETTE RUBIN, '28, live in Skokie,111., where Mr. Fasman is president ofthe Hebrew Theological College. Mrs.Fasman, who received her M.A. fromNorthwestern University in 1960, is creditmanager of the Morrison Hotel in Chicago.ELMER GERTZ, '28, JD'30, a lawyer inChicago, is currently attorney for HenryMiller and Grove Press, Inc., in the litigation in Illinois regarding Tropic ofCancer. Mr. Gertz obtained a decree declaring the book constitutionally protectedand the matter is now before the IllinoisSupreme Court on appeal.LA VERNE GREEN, '28, of Skokie, 111.,is currently president of the Skokie Library board of directors and member ofthe Cook County School District No. 73.Mr. Green is public relations nianager ofWilson & Co. in Chicago.KATHRYN A. HAEBICH, '28, AM'56,had an annotated list of books for youngpeople titled Vocations in Biography andFiction, published in May by the American Library Assn. Miss Haebich is librarian at Dwight D. Eisenhower High Schoolin Blue Island, 111.AMY TAYLOR HANNUM, '28, and herhusband, ROBERT, '28, of Ocala, Fla.,spent the summer touring Europe and theMiddle East. They were especially interested in seeing the U of C excavationsat Megido in Israel. Mrs. Hannum is afirst grade teacher and Mr. Hannumteaches at Central Florida Junior College.WILLIAM T. HARRISON, '28, a certifiedpublic accountant in Milwaukee, Wise,was appointed by the American Instituteof Certified Public Accountants as a delegate to the Eighth International Congressof Accountants held in New York in September. Mr. Harrison is a partner in theMilwaukee office of the international accounting firm of Arthur Andersen & Co.LAURA REYNOLDS HELFRICH, '28,of Chicago, is still working hard as a volunteer in Cub Scouting. She has a licenseto practice law but has never found thetime.ETHEL M. PRAEGER, '28, AM'29, retired in June after 33 years as staff member of the University Laboratory Schoolat Central Michigan University. MissPraeger was a social studies teacher, andinitiated the "outdoor education" programof the school. As a background for herteaching she has traveled extensively: fourtrips to Europe, and travel in NorthAfrica, Puerto Rico, the Carribean Islands, Canada, the near East, and Egypt,plus all but three states of the U.S. During her retirement Miss Praeger will continue to live in Mount Pleasant, Mich., and her days will include reading, writingfor publication and many other activities.She will also continue to travel; in Julyshe toured Mexico and this winter shewill visit Australia and New Zealand.ESTELLE CLARK ROOP, '28, of Chicago, is still teaching in the Chicago elementary schools. This is her 35th year.She is currently teaching sixth grade atByford School.JEROME S. WEISS, '28, JD'30, seniorpartner in the Chicago law firm, Sonnen-schein, Lautmann, Levinson, Rieser, Car-lin & Nath, has been re-elected presidentof the U of C Law School Alumni Assn.for 1962-63.CHARLES A. WERNER, SR., AM'28,has retired from work in the ChicagoPublic Schools and he and his wife nowlive on their farm in Gray town, Ohio.HAROLD F. GRIM, SM'29, former headof the Department of Biology at LincolnUniversity, Oxford, Pa., was awarded anhonorary Doctor of Science degree fromLafayette College (Easton, Pa.) at itsFounders' Day convocation in October.Mr. Grim, a graduate of Lafayette, retired from his position as William Holli-day Professor and head of the department of biology at Lincoln in 1961. Hecontinued to teach during the 1961-62academic year on a part-time basis. During his service at Lincoln, Mr. Grimwas also secretary of its board of trustees,dean, treasurer, and baseball coach. Abouthis teaching, an administrator at Lincolncommented that an average of ten ofMr. Grim's students in each of the 50years he taught at Lincoln went on toearn graduate degrees in medicine, dentistry or the related sciences— "or in grossnumbers about 500 Negro students, inspired largely by one man. About one ofevery six Negro physicians practicing inthis country were taught by ProfessorGrim at Lincoln."FRANCES RAPPAPORT HORWICH,'29, Miss Frances of TV's "Ding DongSchool," has been appointed the newdirector of children's activities of theCurtis Publishing Co. She will concentrate on the Jack and Jill magazine, andwill supervise a proposed Jack and JillTV series and a line of Jack and Jill merchandise. Mrs. Horwich is editor of therecently published book, Miss Frances ofDing Dong School Selects Stories andPoems To Enjoy. In 1957 she was awarded the Alumni Medal, highest honor ofthe U of C Alumni Assn.CHARLES A. NEBEL, '29, has retiredafter completing over 30 years of servicein the U.S. Army. He and his family arenow living in Lafayette, Calif. Mrs. Nebelis ELEANOR MURDOCK, '31, AM'33.MARY K. BROKAW, AM'30, joined thestaff of Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla.,in September as assistant to the head ofthe library reference department. She hasbeen instructor in classical languages atOhio University for the past 13 years.JANUARY, 1963 23FRANK CLICK, AM*30, PhD'39, formerly director of the Unitarian ServiceCommittee in Boston, Mass., has becomedirector of the State University of IowaSchool of Social Work. In 1958 Mr. Glickhelped establish a department of socialwork at the Seoul (Korea) National University.ARNOLD HARTLEY, '30, of Port Washington, N.Y., is serving as executive vicepresident of Key Broadcast Management,Inc., management consultants for thebroadcasting industry.PAUL W. LANGE, '30, AM'33, PhD'40>formerly of St. Louis, Mo., accepted aposition as head of the department ofeducation at Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind., in November. He was superintendent of Lutheran High Schools ofMetropolitan St. Louis, a position whichhe had held since 1957.MARGARET WATERS SMITH, '30, ofWaterville, Wash., is teaching music andpsychology in the public schools there.ROYDEN DANGERFIELD, PhD'31,BERNARD KARSH, AM'50, PhD'55, andEDWARD BRUNER, PhD'54, professorsof political science, sociology, and anthropology respectively at the University ofIllinois, are all participating in a newmulti-disciplinary course on contemporary Asia now being offered at the University. The course, titled "Modern Asia:Contemporary and Future Problems," is asurvey and analysis of current political,economic and social problems of Asiannations, including east, southeast andsouth Asia and the Near East.CAROLINE H. ELLEDGE, '31, AM'49,has been appointed chairman of the department of social work and director ofsocial services in the medical clinics ofNorthwestern University Medical School,Evanston, 111. She will be an associateprofessor. Mrs. Elledge has been on thefaculty of the School of Social Work ofMcGill University, Montreal, and of theUniversity of Denver, chief social workconsultant in the New York City Department of Health, and associate executivesecretary of the health division of theWelfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago.She is the author of a book, Rehabilitation of the Patient.LAVERNE GENTNER FEENEY, '31,and RICHARD SAXE, AM'53, are contributors to the November issue of TheInstructor magazine. Mrs. Feeney's poem,"Wings," appears in the Today's Kindergarten section and Mr. Saxe has written an article titled "Teacher Recruitment in the Elementary School," for thePrincipals' Forum.DOROTHY M. SCHULLIAN, PhD'31,of Ithaca, N.Y., is employed with CornellUniversity Libraries in the department ofhistory of science collections.LAURENCE CARR, '32, SM'34, ofHomewood, 111., has been named assistant professor of physics at Purdue Uni versity's Calumet campus in Hammond,Ind. He was previously employed as director of engineering and research at EdwardValves, Inc., East Chicago. Active incivic affairs, Mr. Carr was president ofthe Homewood school district 153 forseven years, and served as chairman ofthe committee which formed the Home-wood-Flossmoor high school district. Hehas received a U of C Alumni Citation.JACK L. HOUGH, '32, SM'34, PhD'40,professor of geology at the University ofIllinois, Urbana, was a Sigma Xi Societynational lecturer in October. He discussed"The Prehistoric Great Lakes of NorthAmerica," at 14 eastern colleges and universities. Mr. Hough, who has been atIllinois since 1950, is a member of thepublications committee of the GeologicalSociety of America, and on the researchcommittee of the American Association ofPetroleum Geologists.JAMES S. MACHIN, PhD'32, retired inAugust as head of the physical chemistrysection of the Illinois State GeologicalSurvey. A staff member with the Surveyfor 26 years, Mr. Machin has accepted aone-year teaching appointment at FresnoState College in California.33-36MARSHALL C. FOREEN, '33, of Chicago, was on a TV show recently— "Decision at 83rd Street." He is president ofM & M Hardware Inc., in Chicago. Mrs.Foreen is MARJORIE RYSER, '39.ALBERT J. GALVANI, '33, of Dallas,Texas, is president of Donovan-Galvaniof Dallas, Inc. (women's fashions manufacturer). In 1957 he purchased the 30-year-old Donovan Manufacturing Co. andchanged it to Donovan-Galvani. The company now occupies a 45,000 square footbuilding in downtown Dallas and a 10,-000 square foot building in Ennis, Texas.Mr. Galvani is active in the Dallas Citizen's Council and an officer in DallasFashion Manufacturers Assn. He and hiswife have three children.LEO E. GATZEK, '33, is assistant manager of the engineering development laboratories, space and information systemsdivision of North American Aviation inDowny, Calif. His department is directlyinvolved in the selection and evaluationof materials for application in the Apolloand Saturn lunar missions. Mr. Gatzeklives in North Hollywood, Calif.MARION ZOCH GEISE, '33, is a secondgrade teacher at Bateman School in Chicago.CARL GOETSCH, '33, is an obstetricianand gynecologist in Berkeley, Calif., andassociate clinical professor at the University of California. He serves as secretary- treasurer of the Alameda-Contra CostaMedical Assn.BUDD GORE, '33, director of publicityand public relations for L. S. Ayres &Co., of Indiana, has written a booklet,"The Art of Newspaper Space Selling."It was published in October by Newchi-san House, and is a reprint of articles hewrote in 1957 for The Publishers' Auxiliary, a newspaper trade publication. Mr.Gore is former advertising manager of theChicago Daily News, and former chairman of the U of C Alumni FoundationBoard.CHALKLEY J. HAMBLETON, '34, hasbeen named vice president and secretaryof the Harris Trust and Savings Bank,Chicago. Mr. Hambleton joined HarrisBank in 1935 and has since been in itstrust department, where he was electedassistant secretary in 1948, assistant vicepresident in 1953 and vice president in1960. He is treasurer and a director ofAssociation House of Chicago and theWelfare Council of Metropolitan Chicago.GORDON HOWARD, '34, formerlydeputy executive director of the Washington, D.C. Redevelopment Land Agency, has been named the new UrbanRenewal Administration assistant commissioner for program planning. In thisnew position, Mr. Howard will superviseprogram planning and evaluation activities, economic and intergovernmentalstudies and legislative proposals. He willalso be responsible for the DemonstrationGrant Program— testing and developingnew policies, standards, and techniquesin urban renewal. In 1949 when the firstbasic Federal urban renewal law waspassed, Mr. Howard was selected as oneof the first staff members of the Housingand Home Finance Agency's division ofslum clearance and urban redevelopment,to get the new urban renewal programunder way. He was with that divisionand its successor, the Urban Renewal Administration, for 10 years. He then joinedthe Redevelopment Land Agency of theDistrict of Columbia. Mr. Howard andhis family live in Alexandria, Va.ELISABETH DODSON MICHAEL, '34,of Chicago is insurance expediter at theUniversity of Illinois Hospital for Education and Research in Chicago.THEODORE K. NOSS, AM'34, PhD'40,of Westbury, N.Y., is director of the Division of Social Sciences at Post College,Long Island, N.Y. Last summer he wasvisiting professor of sociology at LongBeach State College, Long Beach, Calif.MIRIAM BUCK, PhD'35, of Wilmington,Del., was retired in September from theatomic energy division of the explosivesdepartment of DuPont & Co. She is currently seeking employment elsewhere asshe is "not ready for retirement."RACHEL H. CUMMINGS, '35, of Rockford, 111., is substitute teaching in theRockford Public Schools.24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEJEROME W. KLOUCEK, '35, AM'40,has been appointed dean of the Collegeof Arts and Sciences at the University ofToledo. Mr. Kloucek joined the Toledofaculty in 1957 as an instructor in English and was named assistant dean in1959 and acting dean in 1961.CLIFFORD MASSOTH, '35, public relations officer for the Illinois Central Railroad, has given talks before audiencesin such varied points as Richmond, Ind.;White Sulphur Springs, W.Va.; Crossett,Ark.; Minneapolis, Minn. This springMr. Massoth was re-elected to the schoolboard of District 152 at Harvey, 111.,where he resides.WILLIAM McPHERSON, PhD'35, of theUniversity of Illinois Institute of Laborand Industrial Relations, is serving athree-year term on the executive boardof the Industrial Relations Research Assn.He was chairman of the committee thatorganized the Association in 1947, andwas secretary-treasurer in 1948-50.ROBERT H. PEASE, '35, MBA'47, vicepresident of Draper and Kramer, Inc.,Chicago, has been elected to the Boardof Governors of the Mortgage BankersAssociation of America. At the time ofthis appointment Mr. Pease was servingthe association as its regional vice president for Illinois and Missouri. He hasalso served on many of the group's committees and in 1954 received its annualDistinguished Service Award. Mr. Peaselives in Hinsdale, 111.REUBEN C. SCHELLHASE, '36, PhD'52, chairman of the philosophy department at North Central College (Naper-ville, III.), has been appointed as theCollege's permanent representative to theU of C in its cooperative three-year experimental master of arts program forprospective college teachers. North Central and 36 other liberal arts collegesthroughout the U.S. will join in the program. It calls for coordinating curriculum for some junior and senior studentsso they may enter the U of C for a fifthyear which leads to the master's degree.Mr. Schellhase is also currently servingas interim chairman of the HumanitiesDivision at North Central. He has beenon the faculty there since 1957.DAVID B. TRUMAN, AM'36, PhD'39,professor of public law and governmentat Columbia University since 1951, hasbeen appointed to the post of dean ofColumbia College. (Columbia College isthe men's undergraduate college of theUniversity and has an enrollment of2,600.) Mr. Truman has been on asix-month leave in Europe, and assumeshis new duties "in residence" in January.Since 1959 he has been chairman of theUniversity's department of public law andgovernment. Earlier he served as departmental representative in the College. Hewas also chairman of the President's Committee on Contemporary Civilizationwhich in 1960 issued a report outliningprocedures designed to enable Colum bia's pioneer general education course tomeet most effectively the changing needsof undergraduate education. Mr. Trumanis a member of the board of directors ofthe Social Science Research Council, amember of the American PhilosophicalSociety, and a fellow of the AmericanAcademy of Arts and Sciences, the American Political Science Assn., and the American Civil Liberties Union. He was aGuggenheim fellow in 1955-56 and avisiting professor at Yale the followingyear. The best known of his books areThe Government Process ( 1951 ) and TheCongressional Party ( 1959 ) .38-U3EDWIN W. BERG, '38, MBA'46, mediasupervisor at Campbell-Mithun, Inc.,Chicago, is also teaching at the U of CDowntown Graduate School of Business.PHILIP G. BIXLER, '38, of Chicago,was unsuccessful Republican candidatefor Congress in the U of C area— the 2ndCongressional District, Illinois. He wasdefeated by the incumbent, BARRATTO'HARA, '27, who is a member of theCommittee on Foreign Affairs, and chairman of the subcommittee on Africa. Mr.Bixler is a lawyer with offices at 100 N.LaSalle. rGERTRUDE R. BROWN, '38, of Evanston, who is a retired teacher, is nowdoing part-time wholesale gift selling inthe Merchandise Mart, and checkingtests for the Highland Park Schools guidance department. She has worked forthe U of C Alumni Fund for the pasttwo years.LeROY T. CARLSON, '38, of Evanston,111., is now president-owner of SuttleEquipment Corp., and co-chairman of theboard of Telephones, Inc. Mrs. Carlsonis MARGARET DEFFENBAUGH, AM'43.HERMAN B. CHASE, PhD'38, of Providence, R.I., has been reelected to theboard of trustees of the New HamptonSchool in New Hampton, N.Y. He isprofessor of biology at Brown University.SEYMOUR R. COHEN, '38, of LosAngeles, Calif., is practicing medicine(ear, nose and throat specialty). He andhis wife have two daughters.ALPHAEUS M. GUHL, SM'39, PhD'43,will head the national organization of PhiKappa Phi honor society, for the comingthree years. Mr. Guhl, who is a professorof zoology at Kansas State University,Manhattan, Kan., has served as vice president of the society for the past six years,and was elected president at the recenttriennial meeting of the group.JEROME S. KATZIN, '39, JD'41, hasbeen elected to the board of the Atlas Corp. which is a manufacturing companyand develops natural resources. Mr. Kat-zin is a partner in the investment bankingfirm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.RICHARD L. LONGINI, '40, has beenappointed a professor of solid-state electronics in the electrical engineering department and on the staff of the metalsresearch laboratory at Carnegie Instituteof Technology. Mr. Longini has been inindustrial research since 1934, workingin many branches of applied non-nuclearphysics with his principal work in thedevelopment of electronic devices. Helives in Pittsburgh, Pa.ROBERT E. MERRIAM, AM'40, ofWayne, 111., spoke to a Jersey City StateCollege assembly in April on "The WhiteHouse Office as Seen from the Inside."On the same day at Jersey City State,he also discussed "Going Into Politics,"with the social science seminar and gavean Eagleton Institutes of Politics Addresson "The Realities of Urban GovernmentToday." Mr. Merriam is director of thespecial products division of PortableElectric Tool, Inc., Geneva, 111. He is aformer deputy assistant to the U.S. President for inter-departmental affairs. NOR-THE NEW CHICAGO CHAIRAn attractive, sturdy, comfortablechair finished in jet black withgold trim and gold silk-screenedUniversity shield.$30.00Order from and make checks payable toTHE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION5733 University Ave., Chicago 37Chairs will be shipped express collect from Gardner, Mass. withinone month.JANUARY, 1963 25MAN W. BECK, '23, PhD'41, professorof social science at Jersey City StateCollege sent this news and also reportsthe continued success of his politicstraining program for high school socialscience teachers in which they work forlocal political organizations of theirchoice.MORTON S. POSTELNEK, '40, MBA'59, has withdrawn from the partnershipof Sidney L. Gimbel & Co., public accountants in Chicago, to establish ageneral practice of public accountingunder his own name at 24 No. Wabash.GEORGE TRESSEL, '43, of ClarendonHills, 111., is now a staff assistant atArgonne National Laboratory, Argonne,111., where he is producing technical motion pictures.U-50ARTHUR W. ADAMSON, PhD'44, professor of physical and inorganic chemistry at the University of Southern California, is the new chairman-elect of theSouthern California section of the American Chemical Society. The section has3000 members. Mr. Adamson, who joinedthe USC faculty in 1946, started as aresearch assistant on the Manhattanproject, working for a time at the Metallurgical Laboratories at the U of C. In1961-62 he was a National ScienceFoundation senior post-doctoral fellowat University College, London, England.The author of a book, The PhysicalChemistry of Surfaces, he also holds fourpatents with other scientists.MARK S. BEAUBIEN, '44, MD'46, andhis wife, HARRIET FRAZIER, AM'49,and their three children have just returned to the U.S. from Djakarta, Indonesia, where they spent two years. Dr.Beaubien was chief of mission for ProjectHope, a private medical foundation working with the Ministry of Health of theRepublic of Indonesia. The Beaubienslive in East Lansing, Mich.FRANK W. BEARE, PhD'45, is theauthor of two books published recentlyby Abingdon Press: St. Paul and His Letters, and The Earliest Records of Jesus.Mr. Beare, professor of New Testamentstudies at Trinity College, Toronto,Canada, has done research in ancienthistory, classical archaeology, and Hellenistic religions.JOHN A. BROWN, JR., AM'45, hasbeen elected vice president for development at George Washington University,Washington, D.C. He will direct the University's development program which includes institutional relations, alumnirelations and public relations. FormerlyMr. Brown was vice president of Occi dental College, Los Angeles. He wasassistant to the president for developmentat Temple University from 1955-1960before assuming his duties at OccidentalCollege. Mr. Brown is creator of theaward-winning program, "Governmentsof Man," heard on CBS radio on the eastand west coasts, as well as over theArmed Forces radio network. In theweekly 25-minute broadcasts, he discusseshuman ideas and experiences in government. While attending the U of C, Mr.Brown held a full-time job with Timemagazine's editorial production department and was president of the graduatestudent association.JOSEPH H. KUNEY, '45, of Arlington,Va., has been named director of businessoperations of the American ChemicalSociety's Applied Journals in Washington,D.C. Formerly he was assistant to thedirector of the publications. Mr. Kuneyjoined the ACS Applied Journals staff in1946 as associate editor, became production manager in 1953 and in 1959 wasnamed assistant to the director of publications in charge of cost studies, costcontrol, and other financial phases ofeditorial operations. Mr. Kuney has donegraduate work in communications andinorganic chemistry and was a researchassistant in the U of C MetallurgicalLaboratory.ARNE SLETTEBAK, '45, PhD'49, hasbeen appointed chairman of the newly-established separate department ofastronomy at Ohio State University.Previously astronomy had been a divisionof the school's department of physics andastronomy. Mr. Slettebak, who lives inWorthington, Ohio, has been a memberof the Ohio State faculty since 1949.From 1945-49 he conducted research inastronomical spectroscopy at Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wise, which isassociated with the U of C.JOHN A. S. ADAMS, '46, '48, SM'49,PhD'51, professor of geology at RiceUniversity, Houston, Texas, is associatechairman of the geology department andeditor of Geochemica et CosmochemicaActa. He is also arranging an international symposium on background radiation in the atmosphere which will beheld at Rice University in the spring.BERNARD CENTURY, '46, '51, SM'51,PhD'53, has been named assistant professor of biological chemistry in the University of Illinois College of Medicine atUrbana, 111. He was formerly a medicalresearch associate at Elgin State Hospital, Elgin, 111.ROBERT S. ROSENZWEIG, '47, '48,SM'49, research programmer with AllstateInsurance Co., Skokie, 111., was married in1961 to Regina A. Kirchner, a well-knownChicago painter.FRANCIS T. WILLIAMS, AM'47, isprincipal of St. Patrick Central HighSchool in Kankakee, 111. He received thisappointment in September, 1961. ROBERT J. WOLFSON, '47, AM'50,PhD'56, is currently project director forC.E.I.R. Inc., in Los Angeles, a firmwhich does research and consulting inapplied economics and statistics, and sellscomputer services. Mr. Wolfson, whojoined the firm in July, 1961, does workprimarily in economics and operations research. Prior to this position, Mr. Wolfsonwas assistant professor of business economics at UCLA, and assistant professorof economics at Michigan State from1955-60. He and his wife, BETTYBUNES, '45, have two children.BERNARD H. BAUM, '48, AM'53,PhD'59, of Chicago, had Decentralizationof Authority in a Bureaucracy (PrenticeHall, 1961 ) published as a result of winning the Ford Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Competition. Mr. Baum is director of organizational analysis with Continental Casualty Co., and lecturer in business at the U of C Graduate School ofBusiness. He was also recently promotedto major in the U.S. Army Researve.GEORGE M. BELKNAP, AM'48, PhD'51,has been named advisor on metropolitanand intergovernmental problems in theUrban Renewal Administration, Washington, D.C. Formerly Mr. Belknap was associate professor of government at Dartmouth College. Before that he was assistant professor of political science at theUniversity of California, Berkeley, from1956-59, and at Michigan State University from 1952-56. He has conducted research and published a number of articles in the fields of metropolitan organization, urban politics, power structures,and public opinion.FRANCIS J. BLAISDELL, '48, AM'56,of North Bergen, N.J., is currently on theresearch staff with International ElectricCorp., Paramus, N.J. He is a systems specialist.WALTER M. LORENZ, '49, '50, ofSelma, Calif., is currently president ofthe Selma Rotary Club and the FresnoDental Health Council, and health education chairman of the Fresno-Madera Dental Society.FRANK J. OPENCHOWSKI, '49, hasjoined the U.S. Agency for InternationalDevelopment (AID) on assignment toBogota, Colombia as a program analyst.Mr. Openchowski has been a programsanalyst with the Department of Army forthe past 11 years, serving in Washington,D.C, Germany and Turkey. In his newposition, Mr. Openchowski will help withColombia's programs in public health,agriculture, education and public assistance.ROSS R. RICE, AM'49, PhD'56, is avisiting professor of political science atthe University of California, Santa Barbara, this year. Mr. Rice is professor andchairman of the political science department at Arizona State University inTempe. From 1958-60 he also served asdirector of the Bureau of Governmental26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEX"\iC /&f*± mfef Mm. . $U^", fl1 1I 1„i *-' Wx ffi ll ""*?•¦•¦^•la ¦' ':rfl|*: ;*.:=^20 YEARS IN THE NEW WORLD-On December2, 1942, Arthur Compton phoned Harvard President James B. Conant that"The Italian navigator has landed in the new world." In the secrecy-shroudedWest Stands of Stagg Field, Italian physicist Enrico Fermi and a group ofabout 50 other scientists ( records were not kept ) had just witnessed the firstsuccessful demonstration of an atomic pile. Conant's first question was, "Howwere the natives?" Twenty years later when the group again met on campusthis question remained their major concern.Present on December 1, 1962 (left to right, starting with the first row)were Norman Hilberry, PhD'41, senior scientist and former director, ArgonneNational Laboratory; Frank H. Spedding, Department of Chemistry, IowaState; Theodore Petry, Jr., Chicago; Herbert L. Anderson, professor in theDepartment of Physics, director of the Enrico Fermi Institute, U. of C;Walter H. Zinn, Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Conn.; William H.Hinch, E.C.I. Engineering Consultants, Denver; George Miller, West Covino,Calif.; Warren E. Nyer, '50, Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls, Ida.; andLeo Seren, '39, PhD'42, Elmhurst, 111.Second row: Richard J. Watts, Los Alamos Scientific Lab; Volney C.Wilson, PhD'38, G.E. Research Lab, Schenectady; Philip G. Koontz, LosAlamos Scientific Lab; William J. Sturm, Argonne; Leon Sayvetz, '41, Societyof Brothers, Rifton, N.Y.; and Anthony J. Matz, Argonne.Third row: Robert E. Johnson, '40, Argonne National Lab; Wilcox P.Overbeck, E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Savannah River Plant, Augusta,Ga.; Hugh M. Barton, Jr., Phillips Petroleum Co., Radiation Labs, Bartles-ville, Okla.; Harold V. Lichtenberger, Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Conn.; August C. Knuth, Chicago; David P. Rudolph, U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Argonne, 111.; and George D. Monk, '38, SM'41, IntelligenceDivision, U.S. Atomic Energy Comm., Washington, D.C.Fourth row: Robert G. Nobles, Argonne National Lab; Thomas Brill, '40,Datomatic Division, Minneapolis Honeywell Co., Newton Highlands, Mass.; ABOVE: A REUNION PHOTO OFTHOSE PRESENT AT THE FIRST CONTROLLED NUCLEAR CHAIN REACTION. BELOW: MRS. LAURA FERMIAND MRS. ARTHUR COMPTON ATTHE REUNION GATHERING.JANUARY, 1963 27Carl C. Gamertsfelder, Hanford Labs, G.E., Richland,Wash.; Gerald S. Pawlicki, Argonne; Marvin H. Wil-kening, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro; W.R. Kanne, G.E., San Jose, Calif.; Herbert E. Kubitschek, '42, Argonne; and George M.Maronde, Chicago.Members of "the landing party" who were not present for the photo: Harold M. Agnew, SM'49, PhD'49,Los Alamos Scientific Lab; Professor Samuel K. Allison,'21, PhD'23, Enrico Fermi Institutes, U. of C.; WayneArnold, '42, deceased; R. F. Christy, Kellogg RadiationLab, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena; Arthur H. Compton, deceased; Enrico Fermi, deceased;Richard J. Fox, Oak Ridge, Tenn.; Stewart Fox, Lyons,111.; Darol Froman, PhD'30, Los Alamos Scientific Lab;Alvin C. Graves, PhD'39, Los Alamos Scientific Lab;Crawford Greenewalt, E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.,Wilmington, Dela.; David L. Hill, Physical ScienceCorp., New York, N.Y.; Leona Woods Marshall, '38,PhD'43, Department of Physics, New York University,Downtown Branch; Henry W. Newson, PhD'34, Department of Physics, Duke University, Durham, N.C.;Howard Parsons, Hughes Aircraft Co., Fullerton,Calif.; Louis Slotin, deceased; Professor Leo Szilard,Enrico Fermi Institutes, U. of C.; Albert Wattenberg,PhD'47, Long Island City, N.Y.; George L. Weil, Washington, D.C.; and Eugene P. Wigner, Princeton.As main speaker at the reunion luncheon, WalterZinn indulged in a few recollections:"Stated most simply, our mission was to create achain reaction at the earliest possible date using carbonand natural uranium; if at all possible, this was to bedone before the end of 1942. By the summer of 1942,a quite adequate theory of the chain reaction had beenestablished by Fermi, Szilard, and Wigner. Research. . into the theory was assigned by Fermi and Allisonto Herbert Anderson and his group. Their work wascarried forward in rooms of Eckhart Hall which hadbeen converted to laboratories. While at Columbia,Fermi had devised a very elegant experiment called the'exponential pile' which required about l/20th theamount of materials of a chain-reacting pile . . . Workon the exponential pile technique of determining thenecessary conditions for the chain reaction was assigned to groups captained by Martin Whitaker andmyself and was carried on in the squash court underthe football stands."Later, about the end of October, when the actualconstruction of the chain-reacting December 2nd pilewas undertaken, all these groups were joined by theinstrumentation and control group under Volney Wilson and, working together in about one month's time,the final structure was erected and made to react . . ."The successful result of all this toil obscures the factthat many problems had to be solved along the way—and that these were problems of all kinds. For theexponential pile experiments, considerable quantitiesof graphite and uranium were required for each setup,about ten tons of graphite and two or three tons ofuranium dioxide. The final experiment required 500tons of graphite and 50 tons of uranium. High purity ofthese materials turned out to be one of the most neces sary items, and the procurement of these materialswas the special responsibility of Norman Hilberry. \well remember being sent by Hilberry a few days afterI arrived in Chicago from Columbia to the MallinkrodtChemical Works in St. Louis to inspect and report onthe newly built uranium purification plant ... In fact,the whole performance was new since I had never inmy life set foot inside a chemical works before thatday. Everything was set to go, I was told at Mallinkrodt, except some peculiar counting apparatus whichhad been sent from Chicago and which had neutronsin it and which was supposed to tell how pure the impurities on the uranium were and which, furthermore,was called the shotgun apparatus . . ."Although the whole project was highly secret, especially the activities of the West Stands, we had apublic relations problem. I recall receiving a telephonemessage— I believe it was from Professor Allison— inwhich he said, 'Zinn, can't you do something about theconfounded racket in the middle of the night? Theneighbors are calling up the Chancellor and complaining they can't sleep.' I protested that we didn't runsaws or other noisy machinery at night. Allison said,It's not the machines. It's the singing.' Our night uranium oxide pressing crews, it turned out were indulgingin a little barbershop harmonizing to relieve the boredom of a routine operation."We had engineering problems. For instance, although an exponential pile was in effect just a stack ofseveral thousand graphite bricks, it was remarkablydifficult to lay these up quickly and obtain a structurewith flat perpendicular sides and right angles at thecorners . . . George Weil, who had responsibility forirradiating and measuring the neutron detector foils,was a most meticulous inspector. Harold Lichtenbergerhad a remarkable talent for combining speed and accuracy in setting up these stacks and, as a result, wasentrusted with a large share of such work . . ."I believe there was one outstanding fact about theMetallurgical Laboratory, or the Pile Project, whichshould be very much appreciated by anyone who hashad experience in recent years with project or largescale research. That is, the comparative absence of'administration' and the attendant large amount ofpaper work. Periodically we would help Fermi preparea report. It would be two pages long. Budgets weresometimes also called for. These were one page long . . ."The official history of atomic energy, The NewWorld by Hewlett and Anderson, shows clearly thatDr. Compton made effective use of the detailed information he extracted from his scientists and these [staff]meetings for he accepted the full burden of justifyingthe larger and larger expenditures needed to keep theshow going and always adopted the most optimisticinterpretation that the scientific data would permit . . .We learn in the official history that December 2ndcame just in time to head off what might have been asuccessful attempt to slow down or shelve the project.I know I share with all the CP-1 group a sense of deepsatisfaction that our hard work helped Arthur Comptonat a critical time for a project to which he had dedicated his whole great heart and mind. ¦28 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEResearch at Arizona. Mr. Rice is co-authorof a new book Western Politics, publishedrecently by the University of Utah Press.ROBERT L. MILLER, PhD'50, associateprofessor of geophysical sciences at theU of C was a visiting associate professorof geology for fall semester, 1962 at BrownUniversity, Providence, R.I. Mr. Miller,who is an authority in the field of sedimentary petrology, is also associate inmarine geology at Woods Hole Oceano-graphic Institution and editor of the Journal of Geology.EMMET V. MITTLEBEELER, AM'50,PhD'51, professor of government andpublic administration at the AmericanUniversity, Washington, D.C, has beenawarded a Fulbright grant to lecture inpolitical science at the University Collegeof Rhodesia and Nyasaland.THEODORE SCHAEFER, JR., '50,PhD'57, is now an assistant professor inthe psychology department at ColumbiaUniversity. He has taught in the Collegeand psychology department there for fiveyears. In June, his wife, JUDITH BLAKE,'50, AM'57, received her PhD from theCommittee on Human Development atthe U of C.51-59YUNG-TEH CHOW, AM'51, PhD'58,has joined the faculty at Moorhead StateCollege, Moorhead, Minn., as associateprofessor of sociology. Mr. Chow was aninstructor in sociology at several Chineseuniversities before coming to the U.S. in1948. He also did educational work withsoldiers of the Chinese Nationalist Armyand was an editor for the Association forthe Advancement of Mass EducationMovement in China. He is co-author ofChina's Gentry, published in 1953.THOMAS F. EDNIE, '51, '53, MD'55,captain in the U.S. Air Force MedicalCorps, began his residency in psychiatryat Walter Reed General Hospital, Washington, D.C, in September. Dr. Ednie'sresidency at Walter Reed follows a three-year assignment at Anderson Air ForceBase, Guam, where he was director ofAerospace Medicine.FRED FRAGNER, AM'51, recentlymoved to Richmond, Ind., to assume theposition of director of a child guidanceclinic. He also teaches at Earlham Collegeand Indiana University.ROGER WOODWORTH, '52, of Norwood, Mass., was campaign manager forEdward W. Brooke, successful Republican candidate for the office of attorneygeneral in Massachusetts. Mr. Brooke became the first Negro ever to win statewide office in Massachusetts, and his victory prevented a sweep of state offices bythe Democratic party. Mr. Woodworth was Student Government president at theU of C in 1950-51. ROBERT A. LEVINE,'51, AM'53, now assistant professor inthe Committee on Human Developmentat the U of C, described Mr. Woodworthin a recent Maroon article, as "an idealistwho believes in effective political organization rather than agitation. He hasachieved something through political organization in Massachusetts." Mr. Wood-worth was a member of the now defunctIndependent Students' League, a campuspolitical party which was opposed to"student government by cabal."R.A. BERDISH, '53, is coordinator ofthe State of Michigan Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, and lives in GrosseHe, Mich. Previously he taught tool-and-die machine shop in private schools inChicago, industrial arts in Oaklawn, 111.,and general and applied psychology forfour years at the Austin Evening HighSchool, Chicago. Mr. Berdish was also asubstitute teacher for the Gibraltar-Rock-wood School District in Detroit before hispresent assignment.MALCOLM BROWN, '53, of Warren,Mich., is a design engineer with GeneralMotors Technical Center in Warren. TheBrowns' first child, a daughter, Nancy,was born on September 9.ROBERT L. CARMIN, PhD'53, recentlywas appointed dean of science at BallState Teachers College, Muncie, Ind. Forthe past eight months he has been serving as head of the Latin America sectionof the Area Language Program of theU.S. Office of Education. Previously Mr.Carmin had been professor of geographyat the University of Illinois.GERALD K. CZAMANSKE, '53, '55, assistant professor of geochemistry at theUniversity of Washington, Seattle, announces the birth of a daughter, JeniferLeigh, on February 5. Mr. Czamanskewas a postdoctoral fellow in Norway in1960-61.LLOYD E. OHLIN, PhD'54, has beennamed director of the research center ofthe New York School of Social Work,Columbia University. He has been onthe faculty there since 1956 and for thepast year has been on leave serving asspecial assistant to the secretary for juvenile delinquency of the U.S. Departmentof Health, Education and Welfare. Mr.Ohlin was director of the U of C Centerfor Education and Research in Corrections from 1953 to 1956 and supervisingresearch sociologist for the Illinois pardon and parole board from 1947 to 1953.CLYDE C. SMITH, '54, AM'61, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, writes: "Last December( 1961 ) brought in swift succession anMA from the U of C (December 15);my 32nd birthday (December 16); anda daughter, Karen Margaret— our secondchild (December 17)." Mr. Smith is aprofessor of Old Testament and Orientalstudies.JOHN WILKINSON, PhD'54, has re signed as professor of philosophy at theUniversity of California, Santa Barbara,Calif., to join the staff of the Fund forthe Republic in Santa Barbara.ROSAMOND F. BOWMAN, AM'55, hasbeen appointed field instructor on thefaculty of the University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work. Miss Bowman was a senior caseworker at the NewYork Hospital, New York City.WALTER A. ROZENKRANTZ, '57, nowof Hanover, N.H., has been appointedJohn Wesley Young Research Instructorof Mathematics at Dartmouth College fortwo years, 1962-64. Mr. Rosenkrantz recently completed requirements for hisPhD degree in mathematics at the University of Illinois.JAMES I. SALACH, JR., SM'57, wasrecently named an assistant professor ofchemistry at the University of Detroit,POND LETTER SERVICE, Inc.Everything in LettersHooven Typewriting MimeographingMuitigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Service Minimum PricesAll Phones: 2 1 9 W. Chicago Ave.Ml 2-8883 Chicago 10, IllinoisBOYD & GOULDSINCE 1888HYDE PARK AWNING CO.SINCE 1896 INC.NOW UNDER ONE MANAGEMENTAwnings and Canopies for All Purposes9305 South Western Phone: 239-1511Since 7878HANNIBAL, INC.Furniture RepairingUpholstering • Re finishingAntiques Restored1919 N. Sheffield Ave. • LI 9-7180RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING and DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. MOnroe 6-3192BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24 HOUR SERVICELicensed • Bonded • InsuredQualified WeldersSubmerged Water HeatersHAymarket 1-79171404-08 S. Western Ave., ChicagoJANUARY, 1963 29REHWQUISTCvo/ SidewalksFactory FloorsMachineFoundationsConcrete BreakingISOrmal 7-0433*76e S*clcc&ive (Zleatt&uWe operate our own dry cleaning plant1309 East 57th St.Ml dwoy 3-0602 5319 Hyde Park Blvd.NO rmal 7-98581553 E. Hyde Park Blvd. FAirfax 4-57591442 E. 57th Midway 3-0607GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123 PhoneLake Street KEdzie 3-3186MODEL CAMERA SHOPLeica - Bolex - Rol leiflex - Polaroid1342 E. 55th St. HYde Park 3-9259NSA Discounts24-hour Kodachrome DevelopingHO Trains and Model SuppliesLOWER YOUR' COSTSIMPROVED METHODSEMPLOYEE TRAININGWAGE INCENTIVESJOB EVALUATIONPERSONNEL PROCEDURESROBERT B. SHAPIRO, '33, FOUNDERUNIVERSITY NATIONAL BANK1 354 East 55th StreetMemberFederal Deposit Insurance CorporationMUseum 4-1200 Detroit, Mich. Formerly Mr. Salachtaught at the Chicago Osteopathic College.MARY G. WODARCZYK, AM'57, is amember of the Peace Corps stationed inNorth Borneo. She is working in the program of health, education and rural development. Recently Miss Wodarczykwon third place in a "walkathon" sponsored by the Rotary Club in Sandakan,North Borneo. She walked eight miles inone hour and 57 minutes.JOSEPH BARON, '58, SM*62, MD'62,top-ranking student in the 1962 graduating class of the U of C Medical School,was named winner of the annual BordenUndergraduate Research Award in Medicine at the School. The award of $500 wasreceived by Dr. Baron for his study of"Ureolytic Activity in Tissues of Conventional and Germ-Free Animals." Heis a member of Phi Beta Kappa andAlpha Omega Alpha, national medicalhonor fraternity.CHARLES M. BAUGH, '58, now of NewOrleans, La., recently received his PhDdegree in biochemistry and is presentlyemployed by the department of biochemistry at Tulane University as instructor.He is continuing his research in the synthesis and biosynthesis of pteridines.ROBERT BERGMAN, '58, MD'62, wasawarded the $100 American PsychiatricAssociation Student Thesis Award for1962 at the U of C Medical School, for astudy of "Emotional Correlates in Infantile Eczema."HENRY CARSCH, AM'58, has beennamed to a position on the faculty inthe department of sociology and anthropology at Adelphi College, Long Island,N.Y.MARCELINO S. CRUDO, AM'58, is thenew director of the Menominee Club forBoys and Girls in Chicago. In this position he will be in charge of the recreationcenter's activities that serve about 450children. Formerly Mr. Crudo has workedas evening program coordinator for OlivetCommunity Center and did group work,street work, and counseling as a staffmember of the West Side CommunityCenter. He is currently working on adoctorate in psychology at the U of C.ESTHER BENUCK, '59, AM'61, wasmarried on October 28 in Neuilly, Franceto Mr. Alexandre Askienazy of Paris.The couple is residing in Paris whereMr. Askienazy is director of ResearchLaboratories, Compagnie Rousselot.LENORE FINK BORUSZAK, '59, ofEvanston, 111., announces the birth ofher second son in March. Her brother,DONALD FINK, '52, MD'56, also hastwo sons; the youngest was born inAugust. He is currently a practicingpediatrician in San Francisco, Calif.NOBLE E. BROWN, MBA'59, a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force, hasrecently been assigned to Eglin Air Force Base in Florida, as a research and development officer. Mr. Brown, who enteredthe service in 1942, was formerly atWright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio.RONALD E. FRANK, MBA'59, PhD'60,assistant professor of business administration at Harvard Business School, is editorof a book in marketing published recentlyby Richard Irwin, Inc., publishers inHomewood, 111. The book is entitledQuantitative Techniques in MarketingAnalysis: Text and Readings, and it showsmarketing and sales executives how toanalyze complex marketing problemsthrough the use of mathematical andstatistical techniques.CORINNE D. TANNER, AM'59, hasbeen appointed chief of nursing serviceat the Veterans Administration Hospitalin St. Louis, Mo.LLOYD B. URDAHL, PhD'59, is now onthe faculty of the classics department atOhio University, Athens, Ohio. He recently held an Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Classics to complete a population study based on theAthenian grave inscriptions.60-62KARYL A. ALLYN, '60, of Boston, Mass.,spent the summer in Europe, includingan unexpected five weeks in a Florentinehospital— "a set-back, but learned morethan normal traveling would haverevealed!" Mr. Allyn is presently a research assistant in the department ofanthropology at Harvard's PeabodyMuseum.DAVID O. ARNOLD, '60, received amaster of arts degree from the StateUniversity of Iowa in August.ROBERT M. BARTLOW, AM'60, hasbeen named an instructor in history atFort Hays Kansas State College, Hays,Kan.EDNA ARRINGTON BROWN, '60, andher husband, Donald, of Oakland, Calif.,announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Allison, on July 9.WILLIAM P. DOHERTY, JR., JD'60, ofBridgeton, N.J., attended the weddingof RICHARD ALLEN, JD'59, of Wilmington, Del., recently. Mr. Doherty sayshe "represented the Law School, the Uof C, the Order of the Coif, and theCompass Olde Timers' A. A."MICHAEL EDIDIN, '60, has been studying at the University of London for thepast two years. He is writing his thesisfor the doctorate degree under Dr. Meda-war, Nobel prize winner in medicine,1961. This news is from Mr. Edidin'sfather, ALEX N. EDIDIN, '34, of Chicago.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHENRY H. FOSTER, JR., LLM'60,joined the faculty of the New YorkUniversity School of Law in Septemberas professor of law. Formerly of theUniversity of Pittsburgh School of Law,Mr. Foster has conducted extensive research in family law and has served as areporter on domestic relations law to theAdvisory Committee of the Joint StateGovernment Commission of Pennsylvania.He also has been a member of the Commission's task force on revision of juvenile court laws. He is chairman of thematrimonial actions committee of theFamily Law Section of the American BarAssn. Mr. Foster is co-author of therecently published book, Society and theLaw.MARK HOFFER, MD'60, and his wife,MARGO ROTMAN, '60, announce thebirth of a son, Michael Ellis, on August13, at the U.S. Naval Hospital in KeyWest, Fla. Dr. Hoffer is currently divingmedical officer at the U.S. Naval Schoolfor Underwater Swimmers in Key West.PAUL E. NELSON, AM'60, of Aurelia,la., has been named one of the firstthree winners of Taft Institute fellowships for graduate students in the fieldof public affairs. The fellowships aregiven by the Robert A. Taft Institute ofGovernment, established in 1961 inhonor of the late senator from Ohio. Itsmajor objectives are more active interestand participation in government and advancing the science of government. Mr.Nelson did his undergraduate work atAugustana College, Rock Island, 111.,and the London (England) School ofEconomics.ROBERT E. STRONG, SM'60, PhD'62,and JOHN M. COLE, MBA'62, are bothsecond lieutenants in the U.S. Army. Mr.Strong has been at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Ind., and Mr. Cole at Fort Eustis,Va.HAROLD W. WATSON, MBA'60, hasbeen named director of promotions andseparations for the world-wide Air ForceCommunications Service, and in thatposition has supervisory responsibility foradministering these vital actions to over50,000 military personnel stationed at380 bases throughout the world. Mrs.Watson (GERALDINE GREGORY,MBA'60), has recently been named vicepresident of Camp Wampanoag (aMassachusetts corporation) and is busilyengaged in formulating policy and directing activities of this firm. The Watsonslive in southern Illinois near Belleville,on a farm where they raise horses anddogs.DANIEL G. ANDERSON, SM'61, hasjoined Du Pont's research and development division of the plastics departmentat the experimental station in Wilmington, Del.CORNELIUS W. BOLLE, PhD'61, hasbeen named an assistant professor atBrown University, Providence, R.I. Mr. Bolle's field is the history of religions,with special interests in Hinduism andthe religions of India. He studied at theUniversity of Madras, India, in 1959-60.At Brown he will teach semester coursesin the religions of India and Yoga andwill offer courses in Sanskrit.PHILIP B. CORN, '61, second lieutenantin the U.S. Air Force, is being reassignedto Robins Air Force Base, Ga., followingcompletion of a technical training courseat Keesler Air Force Base, Miss.JAMES F. EVANS, MBA'61, is nowassistant extension editor in the Collegeof Agriculture at the University of Illinois. He has a rank of assistant professor.MARTIN F. GAYNOR, JR., '61, enteredhis sophomore year of study at the University of St. Louis School of Medicinethis fall.JUDITH KATZ JAFFE, '61, was marriedin August to Mr. Lawrence C. Jaffe. Theywill be living in Manassas, Va., duringthe coming year while Mr. Jaffe is inthe U.S. Army and Mrs. Jaffe teaches thefirst grade in Nokesville, Va.JO RITA MARRS, '61, was married inSeptember to Peter C. H. Jordan, a postdoctoral fellow in chemistry at the University of California, San Diego. Mrs.Jordan is working for her doctorate degree in chemistry there.CAROL MAE TRAUTSCHOLD, '61,and her husband, JEROME, MBA'61, areliving in France where he is serving athree-year tour of duty with the U.S.Air Force. They are living in the northeast corner of France, at Pont-a-Mausson,"which is an ideal location for takingweekend trips."THEODORE DAVIDSON, SM'62, andSALLY KOLLENBERG, '58, AM'60,were married recently. Mr. Davidson isa graduate student in the U of CChemistry Department Mrs. Davidsonreturned recently from a year of studyat the London School of Economics andPolitical Science in England.MAUREEN SEGEL GEVIRTZ, '62, ofChicago, is librarian at Caroline SibleySchool in Calumet City, 111. She wasmarried in June to Dr. Stanley Gevirtz.LESTER J. SCHAUB, MBA'62, major inthe U.S. Air Force, has been transferredto Washington, D.C, for duty with theOffice of Aeospace Research as plans andprograms officer. He was previously stationed at Wright-Patterson Air ForceBase, Ohio.ROBERT STAGMAN, MD'62, second-ranking student in the 1962 graduatingclass of the U of C Medical School,received the $100 Harry Ginsburg Memorial Prize in Physiology for 1962. Theaward is given annually to a top medicalstudent in the Department of Physiology.Dr. Stagman is a member of AlphaOmega Alpha, national medical honorfraternity. memorialsALFRED A. KNAPP, MD'91, of WinterPark, Fla., died on November 22 at theage of 94. Dr. Knapp practiced medicinefor 16 years in Brimfield, 111. Subsequentlyhe practiced in Peoria, 111., until his retirement in 1945. He was former president of the Peoria City Medical Society,and was on the staff of the MethodistHospital in Peoria.JESSE F. SMITH, '98, missionary andeducator, of Suffield, Conn., died at theage of 92 on November 16. Mr. Smithserved two seven-year terms as a missionary in Burma, after which he joined thefaculty of Suffield Academy in 1917. Heretired from the academy in 1955 after38 years of teaching English and theBible. Mr. Smith was also an active naturalist and from 1926 to 1940 served aschaplain and forester at Keewaydin Campin Salisbury, Vt. As a memorial to hiswork, the Jesse F. Smith Memorial Forest in Suffield was dedicated in 1959.NELLIE GRIGGS VAN VOORHIS, '01,died in March, 1961, in Clarksburg, W.Va.SHEPPARD BUTLER, AM'04, formerlyof Larchmont, N.Y., died in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., on November 26. He had beenliving in Pompano Beach, Fla., for ayear. Mr. Butler was a former writer anddrama critic with the Chicago Tribune,and editor of Liberty magazine. In 1942he became associate editor and in 1948,managing editor of the Redbook magazine, a post he held until his retirement.Recently Mr. Butler had been writing abiography of Joseph Medill Patterson,former editor of the Chicago Tribune anda founder of both Liberty magazine andthe New York Daily News.JAMES E. BELL, '05, professor emeritusof chemistry at California Institute ofTechnology, died on October 15 in Pasadena, Calif. Until his retirement in 1945,Mr. Bell was in charge of freshman chemistry classes for 29 years. He went toCaltech in 1916 when it was Throop College of Technology. After retiring fromCaltech, Mr. Bell taught chemistry from1945 until 1952 at Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla. He was a member of theAmerican Chemical Society and at onetime chairman of the Southern CaliforniaSection.ROBERT ROUTLEDGE, '06, of London,Ontario, died in January, 1961.HAROLD W. DORN, '07, died on Sep-JANUARY, 1963 31tember 29, while on a trip to Italy.REGINALD RUGGLES GATES, PhD'08,of London, England, died on August 12.Mr. Gates, authority on botany and human genetics, was professor of botanyat King's College of the University ofLondon from 1921 to 1942, and was associated with Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass., from 1941 to1950. He was an honorary research fellow in biology at Harvard Universityfrom 1950 to 1954. Since then Mr. Gateshas engaged in lecturing, writing andtravel. His extensive world travels in recent years were dedicated largely to thegenetic study of race crossing, of whichhe was a leading exponent. He had organized and carried out major anthropological expeditions to Australia, NewGuinea, New Zealand, India and the FarEast. During 1961-62 Mr. Gates was theguest of the Indian Statistical Institute,Calcutta, for a period of six months todeliver lectures and to continue his racialgenetics studies. Mr. Gates, who was theauthor of more than 380 books, articlesand papers, counted among his significant works: the discovery of non-disjunction in plant chromosomes in 1908 at theU of C; and during 1957-62, researchproving that hairy ear rims is an inheritedcondition and depends upon a Y-borngene ( Y-chromosome ) .Sister MARY VINCENT HILLMAN,AM'09, died on December 2 in Morris-town, N.J. Sister Mary Vincent was aprofessor emeritus at the College of St.Elizabeth, Convent, N.J., where sheheaded the English department from1920 until 1958 when she retired.LUTHER D. SWANSTROM, JD'09, ofChicago, died on November 11. He wasassistant U.S. attorney in charge of landcondemnation proceedings, a post he hadheld since 1954. Previously he had beena practicing lawyer in Chicago for morethan 50 years.NELLIE E. MILLS, '10, of Momence,III, died on October 29.AUDLEY O. SANDERS, MD'll, of PaloAlto, Calif., died on July 20.LACHLAN GILCHRIST, PhD'13, diedon February 10. He had long been professor of physics at the University ofToronto.HORACE C. FITZPATRICK, '14, diedon November 22 in Brownsville, Texas.For many years Mr. Fitzpatrick was incharge of production for Sinclair Oil Co.,and about 20 years ago founded his ownoil drilling firm. While a student at theU of C he was a member of Phi GammaDelta, and halfback on the A. A. Staggchampionship football team of 1913.Mr. Fitzpatrick's home, "Rupatenango"in Los Fresnos, Texas, was the scene ofannual reunions for a group of 1914classmates. The first meeting took placein 1949, and the last was held three daysbefore Mr. Fitzpatrick died. The group,who called themselves the "Resacans"(named for the Resaca on which Mr.Fitzpatrick lived) included: EARLE SHILTON, '14, JD'16, of Chicago; RUDYMATTHEWS, '14, of Winter Park, Fla.;GEORGE LEISURE, '14, of New YorkCity; MARTIN STEVERS, '14, of Chicago; ARTHUR (ART) GOODMAN,'14, of Long Boat Key, Fla.; THOMASCOLEMAN, '14, of Madison, Wise; ER-LING LUNDE, '14, of Chicago; and during the last few years, Lawrence A. Kimpton, former chancellor of the University.In earlier years the group included thelate HOWELL MURRAY, '14; HARVEYHARRIS, '14; CHARLES SHULL, '05,PhD'15.SAMUEL F. PETERSON, '14, of SanDiego, Calif., died on October 24.PETER O. C. JOHNSON, MD'15, diedon May 26 in Watford City, N.D.GEORGE W. SHERBURN, PhD'15, ofBradenton, Fla., died on November 28.Mr. Sherburn, former chairman of thedepartment of English at Harvard University, had retired in 1952. An authorityon 17th-century and 18th-century English literature, he was the author of several books on Milton and Pope including, The Correspondence of AlexanderPope (five volumes) in 1957. Mr. Sherburn taught at the U of C early in hiscareer, becoming a professor in 1926 andremaining for 10 more years until joiningthe faculty at Columbia University. Hethen went to Harvard where he waschairman of the Division of ModernLanguages from 1943 to 1950 and chairman of the department of English from1945 to 1947.EULA L. JARNAGIN, '17, of La Marque,Texas, has died.SARA BRANHAM MATTHEWS, SM'20,PhD'23, MD'34, of Washington, D.C,died on November 16. At her retirementin 1958 Dr. Branham ( who used hermaiden name professionally) was chiefof the bacterial toxins section of the Public Health Service, directing a staff ofresearchers at the National Institutes ofHealth. Her work played a major rolein finding a cure for meningitis. Dr.Branham received a distinguished service award from the U of C Medical SchoolAlumni Assn., in 1952 and was namedNational Medical Woman of the year in1959 by the American Medical Women'sAssn. Since her retirement Dr. Branhamhad been active in the promotion ofscience education relating to meningitis.STELLA WEIGT JASKANIEC, '21,AM'24, of Winona, Minn., died on May16. She was a retired teacher.CHARLOTTE E. CARPENTER, '22,AM'28, of Denver, Colo., died on October 21. She was 92. Miss Carpenter wasretired associate professor of home economics at Colorado State University, FortCollins. She retired from the faculty therein 1933 after serving as instructor andprofessor for 27 years.H. CLAY FISK, '24, of Tulsa, Okla.,died on June 20.GEORGE F. JOHNSON, AM'25, ofGrand Rapids, Mich., died on November 17. He taught shop classes at South HighSchool until the early 1930's, then became director of vocational guidance atthe former Davis Technical High School.From 1941 until his retirement in 1948he was personnel manager at WolverineBrass Works.J. BARTON HOAG, PhD'27, professorof physics at the University of Florida,Gainesville, died on November 10. He hadtaught at the University since 1960, priorto which he taught for 20 years at theU.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn. The J. Barton Hoag MemorialLecture Fund has been established in hishonor at the University of Florida tobring visiting lecturers to the J. HillisMiller Health Center there.MARY SAXON JACKSON, '28, of Columbia, S.C., died in June.LUMIR E. DOSTAL, MD'31, a Chicagophysician for 30 years, died on December 6. He was a staff member of HolyCross Hospital in Chicago, and a memberof the American Medical Assn.IDA LEE EPPENS, '34, of La Jolla,Calif., has died.RAY HOLLOW AY, '34, AM'35, of Marion, 111., died on November 4. He was apublic school administrator, retiring in1950 as superintendent of the Stockton,111., school system. In 1950 he was employed by the U.S. Office of Educationand was associated there until he retiredin 1961.CHARLES LITTERIA, '37, AM'42, ofLittle Neck, N.Y., died in August. Hewas a social worker.LELAND H. WHITE, AM'37, of Colorado Springs, Colo., died on October 15.NEELE STEARNS, '40, professor ofbusiness administration in the U of CGraduate School of Business, died onNovember 28 in Glencoe, 111., where heresided. Mr. Stearns, who was also associate dean for special programs and director of the executive program at the Graduate School of Business, joined the facultyin 1960. Previously he had been president and chief executive officer of theCrane Co. from 1957-1959. He had alsoserved the Inland Steel Co. as vice president from 1940-1949 and from 1953-1956.He was president of Inland Steel Products Co., Milwaukee, Wise, from 1949-1953.SOLOMON O. LICHTER, AM'41, ofChicago, died on December 9 in an automobile accident at Fox Point, Wise. Mr.Lichter was executive director of theScholarship and Guidance Assn., a groupestablished to help adolescents with theirproblems. He was also co-author of a recently-published book, The Drop-Outs.ETHEL M. SPEAS, AM'41, of Raleigh,N.C, died on September 19. She wasexecutive secretary of the Eugenics Boardof North Carolina and the North CarolinaMental Hygiene Society, Inc.ROSE MAGGIO BARNABA, AM'42, ofTowson, Md., died on October 11.32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe best brains in townare working freelOniS^tlt In cities and towns all overAmerica you'll find menlike these — men who are willing to putaside the evening paper, cast a backwardglance at their favorite armchair, and gooff" to help solve a community problem.They're merchants, lawyers, businessmen. Together, they can do almost anything — except say "No" when the townasks for their help. They're the men youcan really count on when you need a newhospital. A new school. A new church.All too often the efforts of these unselfish,public-spirited Americans are taken forgranted — when the truth of the matteris the community simply couldn't do without them.When community leaders ask that all-important question "Who can we get tohelp with . . . ?", a Massachusetts Mutualman often comes to mind. For the Massachusetts Mutual man knows his neighbors,and they know him. They trust him, andtrust his judgment.MASSACHUSETTS MUTUAL Life Insurance CompanySPRINGFIELD, MASSACHUSETTS ' ORGANIZED 1851Some of the University of Chicago Alumni in the Massachusetts Mutual Service:Chester A. Schipplock, '27, ChicagoMorris Landwirth, C.L.U., '28, PeoriaLydabeth Watrous, '33, Des MoinesMaurice Hartman, '38, Chicago Petro Lewis Patras, '40, ChicagoTheodore E. Knock, '41, ChicagoJacob E. Way, Jr., '50, Waukegan Rolf Erik G. Becker, C.L.U., OaklandJens M. Dellert, ChicagoJames J. Lawler, ChicagoJesse J. Simoson, C.L.U., Niagara Falls''¦¦III' ¦Y-FAPJTYTATVIMeet the man who services your car. He's a typicalmechanic at your nearby General Motors dealership.He's conscientious . . . capable. It's part of his job tohelp keep your car in top condition for many milesof service.Included in GM dealerships across the country are150,000 trained servicemen. In the past nine years theyhave logged more than 16,700,000 hours in the 30General Motors Training Centers located all across thecountry. Continuous education in the latest servicetechniques keeps them up to date with mechanical andengineering advances to provide you the finest carefor your car.Servicemen like this are an important asset of GMdealers, the independent merchants whose people servecustomers in their communities. So, too, GM employes,shareholders and suppliers comprise General Motors'greatest asset — its people.GENERAL MOTORSIS PEOPLE...Making Better Things For You