THE UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO MAGAZINEJANUARY • • • • 1947tNew Year's greetings from the quadranglesWe suspect the cover startled someof our alumni readers slipping as wehave from Professor Emeritus Swift,on the December cover, to diaperedMr. Quad on this issue.It's indicative of an alumni editor'slife. At 9 A.M. we are discussing thepossibilities of a serious depressionwith Vice President Jacoby (see AreWe Heading for Another EconomicCollapse?) ; at 10 A.M. in walksbreezy barefoot Mr. Quad to announce: "Bud, your new generationhas arrived. Where shall I park myclay carcass?"Following close on Mr. Quad'sheels, to introduce us, was Bill Montgomery, editor of the new year book :The Quadrangles. The story of Mr.Quad and his creator-photographer-editor staff, including Bill Montgomery, is told on Page 5. We add hereonly one other note about Bill.Bill Montgomery comes to Chicagowith talent for feature writing (see"Cissie" in this issue) . He is also alertto everything that happens on thequadrangles (see Letters for a criticism of our lack of this alertness!)Bill has consented to do a column eachmonth on student activities, includingfeature articles on some of our moreinteresting students.Emeriti ReturnEdgar J. Goodspeed was a lateNovember visitor from Los Angelesto Chicago where he was the guest atmany luncheons, dinners and receptions honoring the publishing of hislatest book, How to Read the Bible.He also dropped in at some of theState Street stores for autographingsessions.William A. Nitze was also in fromLos Angeles during the fall monthsto serve as research adviser for threemonths at the Newberry Library whilehe was doing some research of hisown.Robert Morss Lovett, who recentlygave the University his collection of Robert Herrick letters and originalmanuscripts (see News of the Quadrangles), was back on the quadranglesorganizing these materials.Of All ThingsThe government charges a twentyper cent amusement tax on all ticketsfor the special alumni course lecturesgiven by members of the faculty!Christmas PresentWith no Do-not-open-until-Christ-mas sticker on the announcement, theUniversity presented its office employees with a five day week beginning December 16. Most offices, including Alumni House, are nowclosed on Saturdays. However, youreditor-secretary will usually be onhand to greet you if you drop in onSaturday. If not, call or phone ourhome (in the phone directory). Wedon't want to miss opportunities tosee old alumni friends or make newones.Blundering MistakeNo one but a member of the Classof E-o-leven could have made senseout of our Paul Bunyan article inthe December issue! In the 1911Class are two Earle's; both use thefirst initial, the second name, andspell the last name the same. S. Edwin Earle, famous for directing theUniversity sing every spring, lives inEvanston. G. Harold Earle, famousfor entertaining his class at his BlaneyPark estate in Michigan, lives at Her-mansville, Michigan. Both have beenprominent in the activities of theclass and in the mind of the Editorfrom our early days on the quadrangles.So ... we began our Paul Bunyanstory about G. Harold Earle's partyin Michigan by starting with a brandnew letter from the alphabet: J. Edwin Earle, and then carry through thestory by referring to Harold Earle,whom we didn't even introduce in the cast. Reading from left to right weapologize to everyone.This Month Yesteryear1893 The first University Convocation was held in Central Music Hall at State and Randolph.1908 Freddie Starr announced hisNew Year resolution to hisclass in anthropology: "Heretofore I have managed to flunkonly 30% in this course. Thisquarter, owing to a complication of reasons, I intend toflunk 40%. I give you plentyof warning . . ."1905 Spelman House had a fudgeparty; Kelly Hall a taffy pull.Stagg Moves EastAmos Alonzo Stagg, 84, havingcompleted fifty-five years of coaching — the last fourteen at the Collegeof the Pacific is moving on to Susquehanna in Pennsylvania where sonLonnie is head football coach andprofessor of education. Dad, whotook his team to Houston for a postseason Bowl game, will join his son ina coaching advisory capacity.1Ajax Waste Paper Co.2600-2634 W. Taylor St.Buyers of Any QuantityWaste PaperScrap Metal and IronFor Prompt Service CallMr. B. Shedroff, Van Buren 0230ACMESHEET METAL WORKSANIMAL CAGESandLaboratory Equipment1121 East 55th StreetPhone Hyde Park 9500RICHARD H. WEST CO.COMMERCIALPAINTING & DECORATING1331 TelephoneW. Jackson Blvd. Monroe 3192Wasson-PocahontasCoal Co.6876 South Chicago Ave.Phones: Wentworth 8620-1-2-3-4Wesson's Coal Makes Good — or —Wesson DoesTREMONTAUTO SALES CORP.Direct Factory DealerforCHRYSLER and PLYMOUTHNEW CARS6040 Cottage GroveMid. 4200AlsoGuaranteed Used Cars andComplete Automobile Repair,Body, Paint, Simonize, Washand Greasing DepartmentsPlaters, SilversmithsSpecialists . . .GOLD, SILVER, RHODANIZESILVERWARERepaired, Re finished, RelacqueredSWARTZ & COMPANY10 S. Wabash Ave. CENtral 8089-90 ChlMie LETTERSUnder the same anonymity which yourcritic from Kansas City requests, (Page One,November issue) I differ most emphatically with his feeling that the Magazinedoes not present "the University and theUniversity alone." It is a part of my workto read many (far too many) general magazines, trade papers, and even, occasionally,a few alumni magazines of other universities.The author seems to betray the fact thathe is of my generation, when except to alimited extent, the University was as remote from the current of life and theevents of he world as if it were in a Tibetanlamasery. The conspicuous exception tothat atmosphere of self-centered absorptionwas its terrific influence on educationalmethods. I am unfamiliar with the techniques and problems of that field, but amimpressed as a layman by the fact that theUniversity continues to be, and perhapsmore so, a dynamic force.Now it is an active agent in so manyaspects of life outside the field of education in the limited sense that the list isstaggering. The stories of these activitiesappear no where else, to my knowledge,than in the Magazine. Much of it, let usgrant, is uninteresting to many readers, including myself. That is due to my ownlimitations. Much of it, also, is as excitingas a good mystery yarn. In total, it hasfor a number of decades (in which I havenot seen the campus) given me a broad,unified and inspiring picture of a great institution doing an immeasurably good jobon hundreds of fronts for human benefit.(Name withheld by request)New York, N. Y.Vast Violence Report(See April, '46, Issue)The unfortunate events of the past twomonths prove all too true that India is infor vast violence. The American publichas been exposed to a heavy dose of Hinduand Congress Party propaganda with theresult that they are confused over the newMoslem nationalism and utterly at sea overthe implications of Pakistan. It is a verysimple truth but deadly in its ramificationsthat 90 million Moslems will not skip whenGandhi blows the horn. That even bothersGandhi.A Commission of Inquiry is now at workdigging into the causes of the Great Calcutta Killing of August 16-20. The casualties in that brief time are estimated from5*10 thousand killed and 10-20 thousandinjured. Killings, acid-throwing, arson, rape,stabbings continue one by one and onlymake daily one inch articles on back pages.The headlines moved to the East Bengalcarnage where rural peasantry was sweptin horrible violence. Now a third area hasbeen swept by this blood-lust. Bihar hasseen butchery, arson, destruction of villages, loss of property, rape, acid- throwing POND LETTER SERVICEEverything in LettersHooveo Typewriting MimeographingMultigraphing AddressingAddressograph Service MailingHighest Quality Serviee Minimum PricesAll Phones 418 So. Market St.Harrison 8118 ChicagoChicago's OutstandingDRUG STORESE. J. Chalifoux '22PHOTOPRESS, INC.Planograph — Offset — Printing731 Plymouth CourtWabash 8182Since 1895Surgeons1 Fine InstrumentsSurgical EquipmentHospital and Office FurnitureSundries, Supplies, DressingsalsoOrthopedic AppliancesInvalid RequirementsEverything for SurgeryV. MUELLER & CO.All Phones: SBEUy 2180408 South Honore StreetCHICAGO 12, ILLINOIS3 HOUR SERVICEEXCLUSIVE CLEANERSAND DYERSSince 19201442 and 1331 E. 57th St.EVENING GOWNSAND FORMALSA SPECIALTYMMway°^ . Ztfflfc3 HOUR SERVICE20n such a vast scale that riot is not theword. The staid Indian newspaper, TheStatesman, first used the term, "civil war"on November 15th.Three spots in India have been swept byviolence as if by an epidemic. Researchcan discover the chain of causation leadingto an epidemic of cholera, for example, andthen suggest means of prevention. Becauserepetition of these vast butcheries may dragIndia to abysmal depths, a scientific attemptto probe these upheavels is imperative. Weknow the general conditions which led tothe carnage and blood-baths, conditionswhich I discussed in my article, "Preludeto Vast Violence." Now specific and impartial information is needed. Administrative shortcomings call for an investigation.Who were the class of men responsible insetting one section of the peasantry againstanother? Who were the "mysterious" horsemen who rode into the Garmukteswar melawhere a million Hindus had gathered atthe annual Ganges mela (fair) and led tothe most recent riot? It is said that thelast three outbreaks were "preconcerted."I write this from Amroha where I amcamping. This is a riot-tired area. Troopseverywhere and several thousand armedmilitary police. Lorries running two patrolsper day into the villages. An Americanin a jeep can get around and do a. lot tosuggest that knives be put away, and thebullock hitched to the plow. But I matemy little speech and then comes news ofanother stabbing and the village gets thenervous jitters.Don Ebright, PhD '44Moradabad, U. P. IndiaAdministration Building (cont.)I came to the University in 1914 whenthe foundations of the Classics Buildingwere being laid. The Gothic design of allthe buildings was very' intriguing to myesthetic soul. I loved the gargoyles thatleered at me from eaves and corners. Thestateliness of the roofs and spires remindedme of my professors Hale and Shorey, whostepped across the lawns at that time withbrisk and stately step.Nothing should be built that mars thecongruity of the Gothic lines on our greatUniversity campus.Dorrance S. White, PhD '32Iowa City... If they are permitted to build thatsandstone boxcar, their proposal for thenext one to be erected might be a squarered brick ...Clara Axie Dyer, AM '26Chicago. . . the only disappointment I have everexperienced in my University . . . takes theheart out of me to see that grotesque structure rise in the midst of a perfectly beautiful campus . . .H. C. Witherington, '20, AM '25, PhD '31Lebanon, Tennessee... If you must change, why not duplicate the main building (Douglas Hall) of THE UNI VERSITY OF CHICAGOMAGAZINEVolume 39 January, 1947 Number 4PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMN I ASSOCIATIONHOWARD W. MORTEditor EMILY D. BROOKEAssociate EditorWILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN JEANNETTE LOWREYContributing EditorsIN THIS ISSUEPageThe Editors Memo Pad 1Letters . • • • ¦ 2Mr. Quad • • • • 5Are We Heading for Another Economic Collapse?Neil H. Jacoby 6One Man's Opinion, William V. Morgenstern 9The Administration Building: An Official Interpretation 10Cissie, Bill Montgomery. . 12News of the Quadrangles, Jeannette Lowrey 14A Visit to the Quad Cities 18News of the Classes 20January Calendar 31COVER: Mr. Quad, the two-year Bachelor. See Page 5 for detailsabout Mr. Quad.Published, by the Alumni Association of the University of Chicago monthly, from Octoberto June. Office of Publication, 5733 University Avenue, Chicago 37, Illinois. Annual subscription price $2.00. Single copies 25 cents. Entered as second class matter December 1, 1934, atthe Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879. The American AlumniCouncil, B. A. Ross, advertising director, 22 Washington Square, New York, N. Y., is theofficial advertising agency of the Magazine.the first University of Chicago? It was a stricted to a few lectures, concerts andbeautiful style of architecture (Victorian sports, but should be extended to dances,Gothic) . . . and the interior was more parties, open houses, benefits, meetings andmodern in many respects than those of outings of all groups, and the dramaticyour present buildings ... productions ...C.H.K. graduate, old University (Mrs.) Christine Tardy Brooks, '46Oak Park ChicagoDisappointedThe primary reason for my having subscribed to the Magazine lies in my desirefor a complete calendar of campus activities. I was disappointed in the first issueI received, and now after seeing my second,I am disappointed enough to complain.Even the Maroon calendar is insufficientand the Magazine is far inferior . . .The activities listed should not be re- A challenge we will accept within thefollowing limitations: 1. The Calendar goesto the printers one month before it goesinto effect (the January Calendar had tobe made up December 1) which meansnearly two months ahead of events scheduled late in any month; 2. Student activities to which alumni are not eligible willbe carried in the news section. The Editors.3The nine candidates for Queen of the43rd Interfraternity Ball are shownbeing interviewed by Jon Hall, movieactor, who made the selection ofQueen. Left to right are Anne Stauf-fer, Florence Baumruck, Mary Withing-ton, Josephine Gunnar, who was chosenQueen, Vici Fastung, Sue Davidson,Muriel Nomland, Bambi Golden andCarol Dragstedt. (Photos by Stephen Lewellyn)Jo Gunnar, Queen of the Interfraternity Ball staged at the Casino ballroomof the Congress Hotel on Thanksgivingeve. Mrs. Gunnar was selected fromthe nine candidates shown above, andwas presented with her court prior tothe grand march.4MR. QUAD(See Cover)The CreatorTHE CLAY gentleman, on thismonth's cover andthis page, is Mr. Quad,the two-year Bachelor,who will keynote TheQuadrangles, the newstudent yearbook succeeding Cap and Gown.Mr. Quad is the brainchild of John Jameson,fourth year College student who came to theUniversity last Februaryafter ten months overseas as an infantryman with the Eighth Armored Division. Jameson created Mr. Quad out of modeling waxand a few bits of wire in answer to year-book editor BillMontgomery's request for a figure typifying the newUniversity atmosphere. Mr. Quad will appear in half adozen poses on the divisional pages of the annual.Born in Cleveland twenty-two year* ago, Jamesoncame to Chicago in 1933. In the course of what he callsan uneventful adolescence he attended North ShoreCountry Day School, where he wrote the book for anoriginal opera called Xingabru, which played successfully there and will be performed again this year.While still in high school John Jameson studiedunder Nancy Koonsman Hahn, noted St. Louis sculptress, who was teaching at the North Shore Art LeagueStudio, an amateur art organization.Jameson expects to enter the Humanities Divisionnext year to study creative writing. In the meantime heis writing stories for pulp magazines and keeping theDelta Upsilon housekeeper busy cleaning up dabs ofmodeling wax left in the wake of Mr. Quad's antics.The PhotographerThe man who made possible Mr. Quad's appearanceon the cover is Dick Redden, fourth year College scholarship student from St. Louis. Dick is the official photographer for the new year book, The Quadrangles. Heis also director of photographic activities on campus,which includes supplying pictures to all campus publications, running the student camera club, and buildinga dark room on the third floor of the Reynolds Club.A harassed individual with a multitude of overlapping appointments and a shortage of flash bulbs,Redden came to the University last February andimmediately opened Halo Studio on 55th Street withfellow photographer I. H. Coles. He left the studio inAugust to assume his present responsibilities. Dick Redden started his camera career at RooseveltHigh in St. Louis. He became the official school photographer and, before he had graduated, was runninga commercial photography laboratory. During the warhe was a tool engineer for aircraft plants in St. Louis,Detroit, and Fort Worth.At the age of twenty-three Redden, a Phi GammaDelta, is looking forward to his College degree nextspring and entrance into the Humanities division,where he will study art.The Co-ordinatorThe man who is bringing the student talent togetherfor purposes of publishing a year book is William C.Montgomery, a third year College student with ideas,ambition, and personality.During his high school days at Jefferson City,Missouri, Bill Montgomery was high school sportswriter for the Jefferson City News and Tribune. At theUniversity of Arizona he worked on all publicationsincluding The Desert, Arizona's year book which wasa national prize winner when Bill was ¦ the assistanteditor.In 1943 Bill Montgomery joined the infantry and wasamong the early arrivals on the D-Day European coast.As soon as Uncle Sam could spare him, Bill came toChicago and passed the tests for College entrance. Hewill secure his Ph.B. in the spring and continue hisstudies in International Relations.Last fall Bill was elected managing editor of TheChicago Maroon, a position he recently resigned tobecome editor of The Quadrangles, successor to Capand Gown.The first issue of Chicago's new student year book,The Quadrangles, will go to press early in May. Itwill be the first year book since 1941.The format will be in keeping with modern methodsof pictorial presentation following the pattern set byLife magazine, featuring a complete graphic review oflife on the quadrangles under the new Chicago plan.Opening with a written explanation of Chicago'seducational innovations, The Quadrangles will presenta photographic tour of the campus in full-page pictures.The heart of the book will be a seventy-page chronological review of the year with large photographs and aminimum of reading material. The closing sectionswill deal with fraternities, Clubs and other studentorganizations.The project is sponsered by the newly formed StudentAssociation through sales of student activity tickets.The editorial staff of thirty students is headed by BillMontgomery. Alumni wishing copies ($4.25) shouldaddress The Quadrangles, Reynolds Club, Universityof Chicago, Chicago 37.5Are We Heading forANOTHER ECONOMIC COLLAPSE?By NEIL H. JACOBYALL of you remember the story about the man whoasked the railroad gateman, "When does the lasttrain leave for Buffalo?" The answer was "Youshould live so long!" The question "Are we headingfor another economic collapse?" suffers from the sameambiguity, and it invites an equally unsatisfactory response. This high-geared, volatile, American economyof ours unquestionably will enter a period of sharp recession at some time in the future. The important question is — when? In the spring of 1947, as so many amateur and professional forecasters are now saying? In twoyears? Or in ten years?We can clarify our thinking about the prospects foravoiding a business depression if we examine the problem, first in long perspective, and then take a "close-up"view of the economic situation as it may develop withinthe next twelve months.Periodic depressions . . .There is general agreement that the twin economic goals of ourcountry are high and expanding production, employment, and livingstandards, on the onehand, and reasonablystable prices, on the otherhand. But it is not generally recognized that theAmerican economy hasnot yet demonstrated acapacity to maintain production and employment at high and expanding levelsor to keep prices reasonably stable.The records show that there have been five, ten, andeven fifteen year periods when jobs were comparativelyabundant and goods and services were produced atsomething near capacity levels. These periods of growthand prosperity were periodically interrupted by severe depression and unemployment, which took a heavy toll inbusiness failures, farm and home mortgage foreclosures,idleness and want. Long and severe depressions, therefore, have not been a burden borne only by this generation. The United States had prolonged periods of failure to utilize its full potential of manpower and physicalresources in the 1870's, in the 1890's and immediatelyprior to and after World War I. History indicates thatNeil H. Jacoby periodic depression is a chronic and not a recent acutedisease of our industrialized economy.. . . growing more severeMoreover, it is a sobering fact that the depressionsof the past twenty-five years have been sharper and moredamaging than those of earlier days. The depressionof 1920-21 brought a 25 per cent fall in physical volumeof production; that of 1929-32 involved a 50 per centreduction; that of 1937-38 brought a 25 per cent decline.As our economy has become richer and a growing fraction of production has consisted of durable goods, thedemand for which is postponable, the actual and potential violence of swings in business activity has increased.During the depression of 1937-38, the drop in businessactivity per unit of time was sharper and faster than everbefore, and the down-swing might have gone fartherhad not the rearmament of Europe to meet the threat ofHitler caused vast orders for munitions to be placed inthis country.All this means that the maintenance of business prosperity in the future will require measures that have notbeen taken in the past. It strongly suggests that businessmanagers, labor leaders, and our national governmentwill have to evolve policies to stabilize production andemployment, if the nation is to avoid serious economicdepressions in the future. If such policies are not devisedand executed, the economic collapses of the future arelikely to be much more severe than those of the past.There is a good deal that management can do to reducethe amplitude of swings in business. By skillful planning,management can do a great deal to iron out seasonalvariations in production. By making use of long-termcapital budgets, and timing property expenditures totake advantage of lower costs in slack periods, management can reduce cyclical variations in production. Fluctuations in production heretofore have been responsiblefor those lay-offs and interruptions of income to the workers, which have contributed to their sense of insecurityand driven them to look to Government and labor organizations for protection.Nevertheless, the problem of sustained business prosperity transcends solution by the actions of business management. It requires over-all economic planning by theFederal Government. "Planning" is a much misunderstood word. By over-all economic planning I meanthe formulation and execution of Federal policies thatMr. Jacoby is Vice President of the University in chargeof Development, and Professor of Finance in the School ofBusiness.6THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 7will provide an adequate total market for the products ofbusiness at all times — a market that will buy the productsof a fully employed and efficiently-operated economy,and, at the same time, will not lead to serious price inflation or deflation.This kind of planning should be sharply distinguishedfrom the detailed planning and regulation of individualbusinesses in a Socialist economy such as that of post-warBritain. Unlike Socialism, the Government of a free-market economy leaves the fixing of prices, production,wages, and investments to competition between individual businesses. It does not interfere with the day-today operation of business. To use an analogy, the Government controls the flow of traffic through highway engineering, rather than by posting a policeman at everycorner and intersection to tell each motorist where hemay go.Needed: policies in five areasI believe that public policies can be devised for preventing extreme fluctuations in prices, and for maintainingproduction and employment at reasonably high andexpanding levels, all within the framework of a free-market, competitive economic system. The principalareas of policy-making are these:First, Policies to bring about industrial peace betweenlabor unions and business enterprises. There is no moreimportant domestic problem today than the problem ofdefining the role of a strong labor movement in a profit-and-loss society.Second, Policies to eliminate all kinds of production-limiting, price-raising and "feather-bedding" practices,whether they are imposed by business, labor, or agricultural groups.Third, Policies to cut down barriers to trade betweennations, whether they are found in tariffs, cartels, orexchange restrictions.Fourth, Taxation policies designed to encourage private risk-taking and a large volume of private investment.Fifth, Flexible and coordinated fiscal and monetarypolicies. Because time is limited, I shall not spell out thedetails of these policies today. But they lie at the heartof the solution to the problem of business stability in thelong run.I now come to the second and more immediate problem posed in the first paragraph. What are the probabilities of a serious business recession during 1947?Because it deals with human motivations and reactions, short-term business forecasting is always an extremely difficult operation. At the present moment forecasting is more difficult than usual, because there arepowerful new forces in the economic situation that havenever existed before. Past history offers little guidancefor appraising them. The principal new factors arethese :Four new uncertaintiesFirst: The policies of powerful labor organizations.Between 1935 and 1945 the membership of labor unions more than tripled, rising from about 5 million to 15million at present. At the same time, there has been amarked trend to the consolidation of leadership and thecentralization of authority in making labor policies. Within the next six months, most labor contracts between thebig industrial unions and key industries will be re-openedfor negotiation. Will the unions press for substantialhourly wage-rate increases, for guaranteed annual wages,for cost-of-living bonuses, for limited production quotasand for other cost-increasing concessions from business?Will they be prepared to enforce their demands by strikes?If so, how long will they be prepared to stay off the job?Second: Fiscal and monetary policies of the FederalGovernment. The country now has both a RepublicanHouse and Senate for the first time since 1933. Will thepolicies of the new Congress be inflationary or deflationary? Republican leaders indicated they will press for a20 per cent reduction in personal income taxes, and forsufficient curtailment in Government expenditures so thatthe Federal budget will be balanced at a lower level.Will these policies actually be carried out? Also, will aRepublican Congress be capable of evolving somethingthat a decade of Democratic leadership failed to produce—namely, a solution to the problem of maintaining industrial peace?Third: Unprecedented accumulations of liquid assetsin the hands of the public. American businesses and consumers now hold about four times the total amount ofWar Bonds, bank deposits and cash that they held at thebeginning of 1940. While a considerable part of theseliquid assets is concentrated in the hands of the largerand richer businesses and consumers, recent surveys indicate that the great majority of consumers do havesome reserve spending power. How will this new factoraffect the willingness of consumers to spend their currentincomes? Will it increase the propensity to spend andreduce the propensity to save? Will liquid assets bedrawn upon, if necessary, to satisfy consumers' demandsfor goods and services?Fourth: Unprecedented accumulations of demandsfor durable goods of nearly all ands. The intensity withwhich the United States fought the war brought about athree-year hiatus in home construction and in productionof most durable consumer goods. Meanwhile unsatisfieddemand piled up. To cite only one example, there arenow about four million less automobile registrations thanthere were in 1940 although national income has morethan doubled. How large are backlogs of deferred demands for consumer goods? How elastic are these demands? Have they been greatly reduced by price risesthat have already occurred? Will they be further reducedif prices go higher? To be specific, will a 36-dollar-a-week textile worker pay $1,500 for a Ford car made bya 52-dollar-a-week automobile worker?None of the important questions raised by these newforces in our economy can be answered with certainty.We can only try to evaluate the probabilities.8 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEDepression is possibleForecasts of a more or less severe business recessionbefore the middle of 1947 are now. becoming common.It is easy to think of a number of reasons why substantial reductions in the physical volume of production inthis country could occur during the next six months.One cause might be prolonged strikes in such key industries as coal, automobiles or steel. Another causemight be a sudden shift by a Congress from the presentmildly inflationary fiscal policy to a sharply deflationaryone. Still another cause might be further large wage,cost, and price increases in those industries where wages,costs and prices are already relatively high (notably inconstruction, automobiles, electrical and farm equipment), resulting in a further distortion of the wage andincome structure of the country and a choking-off of demands for durable goods, including housing.Those who appraise the next business year pessimistically also point to the 23 per cent decline in the marketprices of industrial common stocks during the last 6months. It cannot be denied that this marking downof the values of equities in American businesses has eliminated many billions of dollars of paper profits, madeten million stockholders feel less affluent, and has moderated the increase in consumer spending.A final adverse factor is the tremendous increase during1946 in the production of such non-durable goods as foodand textile products. There are indications that thisproduction has come close to filling up the pipelines ofsupply of non-durable goods, and that somewhat lowervolumes of sales, prices, and profits in these industriesare probable in 1947. Therefore, unless 1947 witnessesa further expansion in construction and in the productionof durable goods, a decline in the aggregate volume ofbusiness is likely to occur.Present period is prosperousAt the present moment the over-all physical volumeof production, as measured by the Federal Reserve index, is running at the highest peacetime rate in history,and so is the amount of dollar income paid out to thepublic. Retail sales give little indication of slackening.It is true that business inventories of most kinds are rising. So far as retail inventories are concerned, theover-all ratio of inventory to sales is not at the momentout of line with our previous experience. So far as manufacturers' inventories are concerned, the largest rise hascome in raw material and "work in process," and reflects"bottleneck" problems, or inability to get critical partsand materials, rather than distributor resistance to buying.The rate of spending by business concerns for plantimprovement and expansion is lower than the rateplanned early this year, as a result of the deferment ofexpenditures due to rising costs and uncertain profits,but it is still being maintained at a record rate. Business expenditures on new plants and equipment are esti mated by the Federal Reserve authorities to be $3.4 billions in the current quarter and about $11.7 billions for1946 as a whole compared with $8.2 billions in the lastpeacetime year 1941.The combination of high demand, rising costs, and lowproductivity in some sectors of industry, result in a veryspotty picture of profits. For business as a whole, profitsare larger than they were at this stage last year. However, profit margins are narrowing everywhere, and profits in the automobile and electrical equipment industriesare too small to enable these industries to live for longat current levels. The future of profits in these industriesdepends mainly on how rapidly higher productivity isachieved, whether labor unions will force substantial increases in wage rates, and how large is the market fortheir products at the necessarily higher prices that will becharged.In summary, the present business situation is one ofhigh activity, but of definite threats to a continuation ofthis activity. How may we appraise these threats?Wage-income adjustments necessaryIt is clear that the policies of labor unions, particularlyin the durable goods industries, will be of crucial importance. If further large increases in wage rates are madein coal, steel, automobile and allied industries, it is perfectly clear that prompt increases would be made in theprices of durable goods. On the other hand, if wage-rate increases are made in industries where averageweekly earnings are comparatively low, where profits areample and raw material prices are likely to fall, such asfood, textiles and lumber, it is not clear that they wouldlead to substantial price increases.The wage and income structure of the country has beenbadly distorted as a result of the war. Millions of pensioners, teachers, white collar workers and other personshave had little or no improvement in their real incomes.Because it is unrealistic to hope for downward adjustments in money wage rates, the best we can do is to holdwage rates stable in the more highly-paid sections of theeconomy, while moderate upward adjustments are madein the incomes of those in the lower brackets.The danger is that powerful labor organizations in coal,steel, auto, electrical, farm equipment and railroad industries will obtain further substantial wage increases,and further distort the wage and income structure. Lessthan one-quarter of the 55 million consumers of the country would benefit from these wage increases, and morethan three-quarters would suffer from the higher pricesthey would produce.Labor union policy crucialI would hazard the guess that labor union leaders arenot unaware of this fact, although we can hardly expectthem to admit this in public. Apprehensions of a business recession and a decline in prices are not confined to(Concluded on Page 13)ONE MAN'S OPINIONAN advertisement in the current magazines carriesa color picture of a plump infant, to whom isaddressed a message of congratulation for hisgood fortune in the promise of the future, and thebetter life which will be his because of the marvels ofscience. There are a good many people around here,in a much better position to judge than the copy writer,who continue unhappy about the kind of future theyounger generation faces. They include such men asMr. Hutchins, Mr. Urey, as well as the collective AtomicScientists, Mr. Redfield, and many of his associates iathe social sciences, and a goodly section of those in -thehumanities. Nor are they entirely alone, for some colleagues in other universities share their foreboding andtheir urgent feeling that action of a positive and intelligent kind must be achieved before the time fuse burnsdown on the atomic bomb.As was pointed out here some time ago, the bestpolitical scientists today are the nuclear physicists.Knowing the potentialities of the atomic bomb, andthe impossibility of protecting against it," they want todo something, while there is still time, about preventing war in which it will be used. Moving even intosocial psychology, they predict that if we don't takethought and steps now, there will be mass hysteria inthis country when some other country, not many yearsahead, announces that it has the bomb, too, and perhaps arranges a demonstration of it on goats and pigsbefore an invited array of military observers.The past record of the physicists as social scientistsmakes their view of developments highly impressive;they foretold, in a memorandum to President Trumanbefore Hiroshima, the consequences of the use of thebomb against Japan. That memorandum, one of thenotable political and moral documents of the age, wasmade public for the first time in the May issue of theBulletin of the Atomic Scientists. The headquarters ofthe Atomic Scientists, composed of those still in theManhattan Project and those who have returned toprivately supported research, is at the University ofChicago, but it is not a University organization. TheirBulletin, which carries the most informed discussion ofthe problems of the atomic age available anywhere, isa publication that would interest many of the alumni.Its modest subscription rate is but $2 a year.The University has been directly concerned withavoidingathe catastrophe of atomic warfare since it firstwas permitted to use the word publicly. The two citiesin Japan were still smoldering when a conference oncontrol was held in September, 1945, attended by anarray of influential persons in industry, government, By WILLIAM V. MORGENSTERN, '20, J.D. "22science, and education. In that conference the dimensions of questions such as protection, dispersion, inspection, and peacetime potentialities, were first made apparent. Later, a similar conference was sponsored at Rye,N. Y., and another was held last month.An Office of Inquiry into the Social Aspects of AtomicEnergy has functioned through the Social Sciences Division as a temporary agency for spread of informationduring the past year. There also is a Committee toFrame a World Constitution; the title explains what itdoes. The purpose is to provide a document, so that,having the provisions in detail, the world can decideif it chooses to pay the price of world government.There are many individual projects, such as investigation of the effectiveness of control, being conductedhere.It is no accident that all these activities are goingon at the University of Chicago, and no accident, either,that such activity, particularly on the part of theirscientists, is not received with enthusiasm at some otherinstitutions. In some important ways it is not politic tobe too interested in the fundamentals, for it mightantagonize some sources of large support for research.By and large, too, it is irritating to the country to havethis constant nagging on a subject that most peoplewould like to forget. The whole thing is so vast and soperplexing that it baffles the citizens, who prefer tocomfort themselves with the old maxim that for everyweapon there is always a defense. They are inclined,as are some of the newspapers, to burst out in the exasperation of bafflement at the modern prophets ofjudgment. Recently a Chicago newspaper pettishlyassailed Mr. Hutchins for suggesting that there wasincreasing support of the idea of fighting a preventivewar with Russia rather than seeking to create a situation in which nobody can ever use the bomb.Regardless of the popularity of its activities, the University intends to continue trying to get civilization tosave itself. Mr. Hutchins several years ago reiteratedhis belief that the University should be unified througha central purpose, and that purpose, he thought, was toachieve a moral, intellectual and spiritual revolutionthroughout the world. What large numbers of thephysical scientists, the social scientists, and the humanists are trying to achieve at this moment is such a revolution; an impressive part of the University is unifiedin the way that Mr. Hutchins advocated. Some of thosewho are most active now in promoting the revolutionwere too engrossed in their work to know at the timethat such an idea was suggested; and whether any ofthem are presently conscious of their agreement withit is an interesting but immaterial question.9THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDINGAN OFFICIAL INTERPRETATIONW. A. McDermid, '07, sent a copy of his letter publishedin the December Magazine criticizing the architecture ofthe new Administration building, to a member of the Boardof Trustees. With Mr. Zimmermann's permission we arepublishing his answer to Mr. McDermid for the benefit ofother alumni who have voiced similar criticisms.The EditorsYour letter of October 15 to the Alumni Magazine ofthe University of Chicago, protesting about the designfor the new building, has finally come to me. While it istrue that the Board of the University, as a whole, approved the design of the building, the Committee onBusiness Affairs, which has charge of the erection of thisbuilding and of which I am chairman, recommended tothe Board that the design, of which you have seen areproduction, be approved. The Committee came to itsconclusion after long and serious consideration, and Iwould like to tell you something about that.The Board has been considering the desirability ofhaving an Administration Building for many years. Asketch for one was made during the Development Campaign of 1924-26 and, I believe, was referred to in yourletter. Because we have no donor, an AdministrationBuilding can only be justified if the economies resulting from its construction and the centering in it of alladministrative offices are substantial enough to warrantan investment for that purpose. We had to be satisfiedthat the new building we put up would bring aboutsuch economies, and that meant that the building mustbe so constructed as to give the necessary space, light,and intercommunication. These requirements determined its size and fixed the dimensions of it. In thisrespect the building tentatively projected twenty yearsago does not answer the requirements— the building nowunder construction does.We then came to the question of the architecture ofthe building— its outward appearance. Shortly after wehad begun our consideration of that phase, one of ourTrustees happened to attend a lecture at the Art Institute given by Mr. Joseph Hudnut, Dean of the Graduate School of Design of Harvard University, in whichhe criticized some of the tendencies in collegiate architecture in this country, and made the following particular criticism of the architecture of the Universityof Chicago:Mr. Hudnut gave due credit to the prestige of HenryIves Cobb, the architect of the original buildings, butfelt that Mr. Cobb missed not only the essential spiritof Gothic architecture (as it is found in Oxford) butalso missed completely the spirit of a modern university.In his opinion, where copies or adaptations weremade from such well known buildings as, for example,Magdalen Tower, the reproduction was not well executed and in many cases he found the facades of ourUniversity buildings dull. Mitchell Magdalen"the reproduction . . . not well executed"Philosophically, it is Mr. Hudnut's opinion that amodern university should be a growing entity and thatits progress should be expressed in its new buildings aswell as in its other undertakings.We also corresponded at length with Mr. Hudnut andwhile this was going on we received the sketches madeby the architects selected for the new building— Messrs.Holabird and Root. We had several discussions withJohn Holabird before he unfortunately died and beforethe designs were completed, and later with Mr. JohnRoot. We asked Mr. Root to make additional sketchesboth to see whether we could satisfy those who believedthe building must be Gothic in character and also tosatisfy those who differed from that point of view. Itseemed to us that we finally had a choice between threeplans:1— A Gothic building, and this could only have suggestions of the Gothic and still fulfill its functionalpurposes.2— A building of, what we might call, the Classicaldesign, which we concluded would satisfy no one, and3— A frankly modern building.I admit it was difficult to reach a decision. The Committee did not rely on its own judgment alone, but hadthe helpful advice of all the members of the Boardwhom it could interest in giving thorough consideration to all phases of the project.The site chosen for the building is between Jonesand Cobb. The design with Gothic adaptations did notblend in well with either, and we finally felt that theselection of the same stone of which the other buildingson the campus are constructed would give it a textureand feeling that would blend in better as we franklystepped away from Gothic and built the building asnow designed.10THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 11It may be interesting to you to know that the Protestant Churches of the United States have buildingprojects totaling many hundreds of millions of dollars,and in commenting on that program one of our graduates, who is also a Trustee of the Baptist TheologicalUnion, said as follows:"Twenty years ago the University of Chicago hadplans for a heavy old Gothic administration building tobe built to match the heavy old Gothic of the originalcampus. Now, in preparation for construction, the planshave been revised. The new building will be clean-cut,modern and efficient in its lines, a building radiatinghope for the future rather than mere veneration of thepast. Will churches have the courage to think new architectural thoughts in the same way?"The Board is of the opinion that its choice will be -justified in the years to come and that any other typeof building would be a compromise.As a fellow alumnus with you of the University (Classof 1901) I have the same nostalgic desire to keep whatis good in Chicago traditions, and, in case you havefurther questions, would be glad to try to supplementwhat I have now written you.Herbert P. Zimmermann, '01. We would like to call to your especial attention THEUNIVERSITY FORUM. This series of lectures is sponsored jointly by the Alumni Association and UniversityCollege and is offered in the Loop.The schedule of lectures for the Winter Quarter is asfollows:January 1 5 — America and the PacificPaul H. DouglasJanuary 29 — The Minimum Objectives of a SoundEducational ProgramO. Meredith WilsonFebruary 1 2 — A Biologist's View of SocietyRalph W. GerardFebruary 26 — The Great TraditionMortimer J. AlderMarch 12 — Businessmen and Free EnterpriseLaird BellEach lecture is held at 7:30 P.M. at 32 West Randolph Street. The price for the complete series is $4.80,and admission to individual lectures is $1.20. Ticketsmay be secured in advance by writing University College, 19 South La Salle Street. If any tickets remain,they will be sold at the door on the night of the lectures.GERTRUDE DUDLEY LECTURESHIP FUNDGrateful friends and former students who remember with pride and affection the significantcontribution Gertrude Dudley made to the enrichment of living on the University campus haveestablished the Gertrude Dudley Lectureship Fund in her honor. It will be administered by a committee of five alumnae chosen from the sponsors of the fund, a woman member of the faculty ofthe University and an officer of the University. Lecturers of repute selected by this committeewhenever possible outstanding women in fields of major importance and interest, will present lectures on timely topics of vital appeal as frequently as the income of the fund permits. The Bursarof the University will be the custodian of the fund. Your contribution in cash, check, or VictoryBond may be sent to Miss Mary E. Courtenay, 7020 Jeffery Avenue, Chicago, 49, Illinois. Allchecks should be made payable to the University of Chicago, marked "For the Gertrude DudleyLectureship Fund."CISSIEU t\T TlTH a name like Sophie Liebschutz, you\A/ either laugh or blow your brains out." So* * she laughed, and the rest of the Universityof Chicago student body has been laughing with herever since her cartoons began appearing in the Maroona year ago. And with good reason, too. Under the pen-name of "Cissie" she has been delighting campus audiences with a highly succulent brand o£ sophisticatedhumor, such as her now-famous cartoon on H. V. Kalten-born, showing two overcoated figures wearing gas-masksand holding microphones, standing in the midst of aholocaust. The caption was, "It is evident that the endof our civilization is at hand Good night, and hereis Lyle Van for the Pure Oil Company." [Magazine,June, 1946]Whether Cissie's talent is the result of heredity or ofenvironment is difficult to determine. The evidence iscontradictory. Her father draws a figure called "DocYak" by some mysterious combination of the numbers1, 2 and 3. Her mother used to play in radio soapoperas, and her sister left the stage for a quiet marriedlife, and now has twins. Her grandfather is an heir ofHinky-Dink Kenna.The starting point of Cissie's career is equally difficultto discover. It might have started when at the age ofeleven she was co-editor of the Hyde Park Flash, whichpublished two issues before folding. It might havestarted when she began attending clay modeling classes By BILL MONTGOMERY, '47Why, Dinsey, you remember me, Ellcins, Classof 27 . . . I have a lady, Doctor . . .at the Art Institute, where she won several awards. But,she says, everybody who goes to the Art Institute getssome kind of award, and they didn't teach her to drawlike that in the clay modeling class.Not only is the beginning of her career hard to find,the end is nowhere in sight. From drawing a comic stripcalled "Dina Mite" for the Hyde Park High Weekly tobecoming art editor of the Chicago Maroon is but onestep. She also designs and draws the caricatures for theMarshall Field ad in the Maroon, and a portfolio offifty of her cartoons and sketches appeared on localnews stands December 10th. Besides that, she is studyingsociology and expects to be a field worker if she can'tbe a cartoonist. -^ <Cissie came to the University of Chicago two and ahalf years ago and got her Bachelor's degree last spring.She claims she had to get out of the College in a hurrybecause of the caricatures of the College faculty shedrew for the Maroon. Her present academic activitiesin the sociology department consist, according to herreport, in going around town asking people all sorts ofsilly questions.A native Chicagoan, Cissie at 19 is looking forward toeventually living down what some people consider theclimax of her career: she won the Jane Russell Awardfor Journalism, given as a publicity stunt in connectionwith Miss Russell's movie "Young Widow."12THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 13ECONOMIC COLLAPSE?(Continued from Page 8)business executives. Union leaders know that the strikesof 1946 cost the unions and their members a lot of money.They know that the strikes did not achieve their objectives, in that most of the demands would have been metby industry without strikes. And they know that thepresent government is less likely to intervene quickly tosettle strikes on terms favorable to the unions.Because the 1945 and 1946 strikes were costly to theunions, and because they were less costly to industry, because of tax credits, than they will be in 1947, there willbe a strong disposition on both sides to avoid work stoppage. For all these reasons I believe that work stoppagesin 1947 are likely to be shorter, less costly, and to resultin much smaller hourly wage rate increases than, wastrue in 1946. The unions will press more for securityprovisions rather than higher money wages. My viewof the developing labor situation is therefore, less alarmist than is found in many quarters.It seems likely that the new Republican Congress willbalance the Federal budget, but considerably less likelythat it will cut Government spending to an extent thatwill permit personal tax reductions of 20 per cent at thesame time. Consequently, I would forecast that weshall see fiscal policy move in neither a strongly inflationary or strongly deflationary direction. It will be neutral.I view with some skepticism the argument that consumer goods have been, or will be priced uout of themarket." In 1940 more than two out of every three automobiles were sold on installment plans and at the presenttime about three out of four are being sold for cash.It must be remembered that while prices of consumersgoods and services have risen about 45 per cent since1940, consumers incomes on the average have risen by120 per cent. Outstanding consumer credit has so farfailed to recover its 1941 peak of $9 billions, and there isan immense amount of consumer borrowing power in reserve — around $8 billions, if the prewar maximum ratioof consumer credit to consumer income is again developed. And no one can deny the existence of very largelatent demands.Serious recession can be avoidedTo summarize, a recession in business activities duringthe early part of 1947 is quite possible, as a result of failure — for many possible reasons — of construction anddurable goods industries to expand at a time when thereprobably will be contraction in the non-durable goodsfields. But one may predict with some confidence that,barring long strikes in key industries, which I considerimprobable, any such recession in production will notassume the proportions of an economic collapse. It willbe contained within the limits of a 10 per cent declineunder current levels of production. Even such a moderate recession need not occur, if we are able to avoid thepitfalls that I have mentioned. During the war years, labor organizations have acquired much greater powers. These powers create acommensurately greater responsibility for the maintenance of price' stability and high production and employment. Now is the time for union leadership to demonstrate its fitness for these responsibilities and to exerciserestraint and statesmanship. Now is the time for unionleadership, business management, and government officialdom to work together, with intelligence and good will,to solve our common economic problems as citizens ofa democracy.ConsistencyGuaranteed to start a cloud of heavy smoke risingfrom Anton J. Carlson's corncob pipe is the nineteenletter word: Anti-vivisectionists. As president of theNational Society for Medical Research, Dr. Carlsonjoined with the secretary, Andrew C. Ivy, '16, SM '18,PhD '18; MD Rush '21, in writing a pledge which Carlson and Ivy insist should be seriously and conscientiouslysigned if the Anti-vivisectionists are intelligently sincere:A Pledge for Anti-vivisectionistsI am unequivocally opposed to experimentation onanimals in medical research. In protest against thispractice I pledge myself and my children to refrainfrom making use of any of the knowledge gainedthrough research in which animals were used :1. I shall examine with extreme suspicion all medicalknowledge.2. If I or my children become diabetic I shall notuse insulin.3. If I am afflicted with pernicious anemia I shallnot use liver extract.4. I shall never accept a blood transfusion.5. Vitamins will be as poison to me.6. I shall use no drugs which have first been testedon animals for strength and purity.7. If an operation is necessary I shall repudiateanesthesia.8. These operations shall be anathema to me andmine.a. On the heart and its valvesb. On the lungsc. On the blood vesselsd. On the braine. On the stomach and intestinesf. On the ovaries and womb9. If my child is afflicted with rickets I shall lookaway in pity.10. I shall not allow my children to be immunizedagainst diphtheria but shall allow them to stranglewith this disease.11. I shall avoid sulpha drugs and penicillin as Iwould the plague.112. I shall make out my will immediately.Signed *A definite policy on the plague will be announced later.NEWS OF THE QUADRANGLES• By JEANNETTE LOWREYThe Italian navigator arrived in the New World . . .and found the natives friendly.This code, used to announce the successful operationof the first self-sustained nuclear chain reaction underthe west stands of Stagg Field at the University of Chicago, might well again be used to describe the ovationpaid to Enrico Fermi on December 2, 1946.On the birthday of the atomic age— as set by MajorGeneral Leslie R. Groves — scientists gathered at theMuseum of Science and Industry. They were there tocommemorate the day when man lighted the firstatomic fire on this planet and to pay tribute to Fermi,the first man in all the world to achieve nuclear chainreaction.As the Italian navigator arrived at the museum, hisfellow scientists saluted him in a silent toast. In hisgreat modesty, however, he put the credit where hethought it fit."December 2," he said, "was only the climax of intensive work on the science of the nucleus which startedat least ten years earlier. Important scientific discoveriesalso came almost every day during the program ofdevelopment of the atomic bomb."But so historic was December 2, 1942 that a play-byplay description of the event in the squash court wasretold by the national press in commemoration of theoccasion.Story of the PileThe story of the Chicago pile experiment, whichformed the opening wedge to the secret of the use ofatomic energy, goes like this:The highly secret Metallurgical Laboratory at theUniversity of. Chicago began the construction of theworld's first uranium pile early in November, 1942.The project gained momentum with the machining ofgraphite blocks, pressing of uranium oxide pellets, andthe designing of instruments.Under Nobel-prize winner Fermi, construction crewsworked the clock around. One was under Walter H.Zinn, now director of the Argonne National Laboratory and associate professor of physics at the University;the other, under Herbert L. Anderson, now an assistant professor in the newly-established Institute ofNuclear Studies.The pile, black and formidable, was shrouded in asquare balloon. It was figured down to the smallestdetail. In fact, Professor Fermi's calculations were soexact that days before the pile's completion and demonstration on December 2, he was able to predict almostto the exact brick the point at which the reactor wouldbecome self-sustaining. During the afternoon of December 1, tests indicatedthat critical size was rapidly being approached andthat night the word was passed that the trial run wasdue the next morning.8:30 A.M.On December 2, at 8:30 in the morning, the groupassembled in the squash court. Arthur Holly Compton,director of the Metallurgical Laboratory, Fermi, Zinn,and Anderson stood at the instrument console at theeast end of the balcony (see cut) . The other scientistscrowded the balcony.On the floor of the squash court stood physicistGeorge Weil, whose duty it was to handle the finalcontrol rod. In the pile were three sets of control rods.One set was automatic and could be controlled fromthe balcony. Another, called ZIP, was an emergencysafety rod. The third rod held the reaction in checkuntil the rod was withdrawn the proper distance.9:54 A. M.At 9:54 Fermi ordered the electrically operated control rods withdrawn. A small motor whined. All eyeswatched the lights which indicated the rods' position.The counters, stepped up after the rods were out,clicked. Nearby was a recorder, whose quivering pentraced the neutron activity within the pile (see cuts) ."Zip out," Fermi ordered. Zinn withdrew "Zip" byhand and tied it to the balcony rail.10:37 A.M.At 10:37 Fermi, without taking his eyes off the instruments, said quietly:"Pull it to 13 feet, George." The counters clickedfaster. The graph pen moved up. All the instrumentswere studied, and computations were made."This is not it," said Fermi. "The trace will go tothis point and level off." Seven minutes later he orderedthe rod out another foot.Again the counters stepped up their clicking, thegraph pen edged upwards. But the clicking was irregular, it levelled off. The pile was not self-sustaining—yet. "At 11 o'clock, the rod came out another six inches.Fifteen minutes later, the rod was withdrawn furtherand at 11:25 was moved again. Fermi knew the time wasnear. He wanted to check everything again. The automatic control rod was reinserted without waiting for itsautomatic feature to operate.1 1:35 A.M.At 11:35, the automatic safety rod was withdrawnand set. The control rod was adjusted and "Zip" waswithdrawn. Up went the counters, clicking, clicking.14It was the clickety-click of a fast train over the rails.The graph pen started to climb. Tensely, the groupwaited, entranced by the climbing needle.Whrrrump! The spell was broken. The safety pointat which the rod operated automatically had inadvertently been set too low.I'm hungry"I'm hungry," Fermi said. "Let's go to lunch."The "team" was back on the squash court at 2 p. m.Twenty minutes later, the automatic rod was reset andWeil stood ready at the control rod.At 2:50 the control rod came out another foot."Move it six inches," said Fermi at 3:20. Again thechange— but again the levelling off. Five minutes later,Fermi called:"Pull it out another foot.""This is going to do it," he said to Compton. "Nowit will become self-sustaining. The trace will climb andcontinue to climb. It will not level off."Fermi computed the rate of rise of the neutron countsover a minute period. He silently, grim-faced, ranthrough some calculations on his slide rule.Reading down:The first picture of the pile — where Enrico Fermiachieved the first self-sustained nuclear chain reaction in asquash court under the west stands of Stagg Field — as itwas released December 2, 1946, to commemorate thebirth of the atomic age.Operators are shown placing a sample for irradiation ona stringer that will be pushed into the pile. Much of thescientific work done with the chain reacting pile is carriedon in the air-conditioned laboratory installed on the topof the unit.Reading across:The scientists are shown removing a sample of materialwhich has-been made radioactive by the neutrons in thepile. < Handling radioactive material is always monitoredby the recording* equipment shown. This insures that theoperator never exposes himself to dangerous amounts ofradioactivity.Miss Edith Goldfarb, physicist, is shown at the controlconsole of the pile. The galvanometer scales in front ofher indicate the intensity in kilowatts at which the pileoperates. The dial immediately in front of her gives theposition of the control rod. The dial handles to the rightare used to set the control rod to the proper position.16 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEMinute by minuteIn about a minute he again computed the rate of rise.Characteristically, he turned the rule over and jotteddown some figures on its ivory back.Three minutes later he again computed the rate ofrise in neutron count. The group on the balcony hadby now crowded in to get an eye on the instruments,those behind craning their necks to be sure they wouldknow the very instant history was made. Leona WoodsMarshall, '32, Ph.D. '42 — the only girl present — Anderson, and William Sturm, Ph.D. candidate, were recording the readings from the instruments. By this time theclick of the counters was too fast for the human ear.The clickety-click was now a steady brrrr.Fermi closed his slide rule "The reaction is self-sustaining," he announced quietly, happily. "The curve is exponential."The group tensely watched for twenty-eight minuteswhile the world's first nuclear chain reactor operated.3:53 P.M."O.K., 'Zip' in," called Fermi to Zinn who controlledthat rod. The time was 3:53 p. m. The rod entered thepile. Abruptly, the counters slowed down, the pen slidacross the paper. It was all over.Man had initiated a self-sustaining nuclear reaction—and then stopped it. He had released the energy ofthe atom, and controlled it.Compton left to call James B. Conant of Harvard."The Italian navigator has landed in the New World,"he said in prearranged code. "How were the natives?"Conant asked. "Very friendly."The others toasted Fermi with paper cups filled withChianti wine— the gift of Princeton's theoretical physicist Eugene P. Wigner— and inscribed their names onthe bottle.Twenty-six of the 43 inscribed names are those ofeither persons associated with the University or membersof its alumni. They are: Harold M. Agnew, Samuel K.Allison, Herbert L. Anderson, Thomas Brill, RobertF. Christy, Arthur H. Compton, Enrico Fermi, RichardJ. Fox, Darol K. Froman, Alvin C. Graves, Norman Hilberry, William P. Jesse, Herbert E. Kubitschek, LeonaWoods Marshall, George D. Monk, Jr., Henry W. New-son, Warren E. Nyer, Howard Parsons, Leon Sayvetz,Leo Seren, Louis A. Slotin (deceased) , William ' H.Sturm, Leo Szilard, Albert Wattenberg, Volney C.Wilson, and Walter H. Zinn.New Oriental Institute headJohn A. Wilson, noted Egyptologist and director ofthe Oriental Institute for the past ten years, resignedhis administrative duties December 1 to devote full-timeto his academic work and research at the University.Thorkild Jacobsen, professor of social institutions, hassucceeded him to the post, Jacobsen, who has been a member of the OrientalInstitute staff for the past 18 years, identified and excavated, with Seton Lloyd, the Aqueduct of Sennacherib, oldest known aqueduct in the world. The excavation was a sub-project of the Iraq Expedition of theOriental Institute in 1932-33. Jacobsen was also incharge of excavation at Ishchali, Iraq, in 1935-37.As one of the world's dozen Sumerologists, Jacobsen'sspecial field of interest is ancient Mesopotamian culture.He is the author of Sumerian King List, CuneiformTexts of the National Museum, and Primitive Democracy in Ancient Mesopotamia. He is also one of theauthors of The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man:An Essay an Speculative Thought in the Ancient NearEast, to be published in January by the University ofChicago Press.Jacobsen has also collaborated on the Assyrian Dictionary Project at the University since 1938.He received a doctor of philosophy degree in 1929from the University of Chicago and two degrees fromthe University of Copenhagen.Professor Wilson, who succeeded the late James H.Breasted as Oriental Institute director in January, 193b.will now concentrate on his responsibilities as OrientalInstitute professor of Egyptology.Dr. Dack Receives CitationDr. Gail M. Dack, director of the Institute forFood Research and professor of bacteriology, hasbeen awarded the highestcivilian decoration — theexceptional civilian service award — for his warwork.The decoration,awarded for his outstanding service as Chief ofthe Safety Division ofCamp Detrick, the largest biological laboratoryin the world, was personally presented by the chief of theChemical Corps, Major General Alden H. Waitt.In pinning the decoration on Dr. Dack, General Waittcommended him for the outstanding way he maintainedthe safety and health of hundreds of persons who forthe first time in history were dealing with living diseaseagents, highly infectious and very dangerous."Outside the Manhattan Project, I know of noother place in America where the dangers to the personnel who worked there were equal to the dangers ofCamp Detrick in Frederick, Maryland," General Waittsaid. "Thanks to Dr. Dack's skill, devotion to duty,and untiring efforts, our personnel was spared any serious outbreak of infection and suffered fewer accidentsthan at any of our installations."THE UNIVERSITY OFLibrary Receives Herrick CollectionA large collection of manuscripts and letters associated with the work of Robert Herrick, distinguished20-century American novelist and late professor of English at the University, has been given the libraries byRobert Morss Lovett, Professor Emeritus of English.Original manuscripts of all the more important Herrick novels are included in the collection. Among themare the manuscripts of The Common Lot, Together,Memoirs of an American Citizen, and Waste. Originalsof his later novels are not included, although there area few of the preliminary sketches for them.Many short story manuscripts, both published andunpublished, and copies of a number of his lectures,which were never published, are also to be found inthe gift.Some of the most valuable material for research purposes is provided in three autobiographical excerptsin which Herrick started to write his memoirs.The first volume of what Herrick had hoped to behis major work, a proposed trilogy called The Family,is in the collection. Other items in the accumulation ofHerrick literary mien include: newspaper clippings ofcritics' reviews, publishers' contracts and royalty statements, unpublished travel sketches, sociological andpolitical essays, manuscripts of several unpublishedplays, class notebooks and outlines for proposed novels,and diaries of his first two European trips.Letters, however, make up one of the most interesting parts of the collection. About 300 of Prof. Lovett'sletters to Herrick, written during the period from 1893to 1938, are among them, along with letters written toHerrick by Henry James, Clyde Fitch, William VaughnMoody, and William D. Howells.Correspondence between Herrick and Clyde Fitchreveals Herrick's interest in the legitimate theater. Onlyone of his plays was ever produced. The MaternalInstinct was performed for a short time in the GreatNorthern Theater by a Chicago company. Two of hisnovels, The Healer and A Life for a Life, were motionpicture productions."Few of Herrick's novels give any indication of hisaffectionate self," Prof. Lovett said when the gift wasmade. "Most of his works were uncompromising andsharp in their treatment of human nature.""The two works which show him in his most lovableand genial moods are The Master of the Inn, a classic inits own right, and The Little Black Dog, which receiveda limited printing by a now defunct Chicago publisher."In evaluating the new collection, Lovett added: "Herrick's pre-occupation with the technique of the novel isperhaps the most interesting aspect of his work frompoint of view of research. He wrote criticisms of otherauthors, especially Thackeray and Henry James, andwith the possible exception of Henry James, was themodern novelist most interested in technical problemsof the novel. CHICAGO MAGAZINE 17New Association PresidentFrank J. MaddenFrank J. Madden, '20, JD '22, was elected President ofthe University of Chicago Alumni Association at a meeting of the Cabinet on December 3, 1946. Frank hasbeen president of the College Division of the Associationsince June of 1946 and will continue in that capacity forthe two-year term of the College Division office whileserving as Association President for the coming year. Hesucceeds Wrisley B. Oleson, '18, who has been Presidentfor the past two years.In his student days Frank was president of the Undergraduate Council, a University Marshall, a member ofthe Honor Commission, the Three-Quarters Club, Owl& Serpent, Delta Kappa Epsilon, held offices in Blackfriars, and was on the championship basketball squad thatfinally played Pennsylvania for the national title.Since his graduation Frank Madden has practiced lawin Chicago, first with Victor Elting, which later becameButler, Pope, Ballard and Elting and later became a member of the firm of Castle, Williams, Long and McCarthy.For the past five years Frank has served as general counselfor the Cudahy Packing Company. The Maddens, wholive in Winnetka, have three daughters: Julie, 12 J Susan,9; and Mary, 7.A VISIT TO THE QUAD CITIESOn the morning of November 6we slid behind the wheel of our carand headed west. (The "we" in thiscase includes the editor's wife.) Itwas the first time we had hit thehighways since the war. And to addto the luxury was the promise of achicken dinner with apple pie a lamode and a hotel reservation.This had all been arranged byGifford M. Mast, '35, of Davenport,Iowa— president of our Quad CityChicago Club, who had planned ameeting of the Club for the following evening.Arriving the day before the meeting gave us an opportunity to meetnumerous alumni who could not attend the meeting.We visited with Margaret Gleason, '07, who, for 17 years, was director of home economics at TexasState College for Women (Denton)until she retired in 1935. She spentthe next ten years in California butfinally got homesick for her nativeDavenport and is again living onthe Mississippi.Mrs. Rex J. Ballard (Bernice Le-Claire, '11) is the wife of a Timesreporter. They live a most interesting life together, covering everythingfrom prize fights to concerts. Elizabeth Lamp, '23, returned to Davenport direct from the Midway whereshe has been teaching kindergartensince and enjoying every day of it.She lives with her mother and isactive in the national education organizations.Mrs. E. B. Lindsay, who was Elizabeth M. Stewart, '26, (and will beremembered as Tibby by the FosterHall women of her generation) married a lumberman and settled acrossthe river from her native Rock Island, at Davenport. They have threechildren: Jim, 13; Margaret, 9; andAnne, 5.May H. Friend, '30, is the wife ofRabbi Abram V. Goodman whohas served Temple Emanual for thepast five years. She is active in manycivic affairs in addition to lookingafter her two children: Gail, 9; andJudith, nearly 6.Beulah Dewey, '30, began herpost-college career in the Elginschool system where she met andwas married to P. C. McCracken.He is a salesman for the KeystoneView Company (three dimensional pictures) . They have lived in Davenport for the past four years.Richard D. Englehart, '37, whowas in service until February of lastyear, is a partner in the Bee LineCompany (garage equipment) , inDavenport.Mary L. Meyer, BLS '45, returnedto Davenport upon finishing herspecialization in library science andhas been on the staff of the Davenport Public Library since.Rock IslandNational headquarters for theModern Woodmen of America is inRock Island. They have their ownlarge building near the center o[town. Into this building we wandered and "uncovered" a nest ofalumni in a suite of corner officeson the second floor. In the legal department are three Chicago men:George G. Perrin, '06, JD '07; Alfred S. Edler, '25; and' George H.McDonald, '18, JD '20. We had along visit with George McDonald,who also attended the meeting thefollowing evening accompanied byhis wife. They have two children:George, Jr., (Sandy), 13; and Su-sann, 11. Mrs. McDonald, a graduate of Mills College in California,came back to the middle west to seesnow one winter, dropped off atRock Island to visit an aunt, accepted a blind date from Georgeand has been seeing snow everywinter since. George, who receiveda citation from the Alumni Association in 1945, has just retired aspresident (for 16 years) of the FortArmstrong Area Council of the BoyScouts and has a beautiful desk setto prove it. Now he and his wifespend their spare time in the basement where he has rigged up a glazing oven for the ceramic angels histalented wife moulds. Mr. McDonald was elected treasurer at the dinner meeting.Fred M. Merrifield, '32, JD '34,just returned from the wars, wherehe served as a captain, is back in lawpractice at Rock Island. He hadbeen with the Provost Marshall staffin Honolulu. He is also ExecutiveVice President of the Fort Armstrong Area Council of the BoyScouts.On our way to Moline we dropped in at Augustana College for abrief visit with President ConradJ. I. Bergendoff, PhD '28. MolineIn Moline we 'had time for onlythree calls. We dropped in at theoffice of Dr. Frank J. Otis, RushMD '08, and found he had beenhome for some weeks learning toslow down after an illness. We visited with him on the phone and bynow he is doubtless back at theoffice.John W. Sandholm, '40, has hislaw degree from Illinois. After service with the Ordnance Departmentduring the war, he returned to hishome town where he has a generallaw practice.Dan H. McNeal, JD '23, is backfrom France and Germany, wherehe was a Lieutenant Colonel withthe Judge Advocate's Office. Withtime out for the War, he has practiced law in Moline since 1924.While in Moline we stopped atthe offices of Drs. George W. Koi-vun, '24, Rush MD '28, and O. Wil-hart Koivun, '38. Both doctors wereout but we were impressed withtheir modern brick cottage clinicbuilding attractively furnished inconvenient and stream-lined style.At the meetingDr. Warner L. Eddy, MD Rush'92, who drove in from Milan withhis wife, held the unchallenged record as the oldest alumnus present,having received his degree fromRush the year the University openedits doors on the Midway.Miles W. Collins, JD '09, a Davenport attorney with particular emphasis on real estate, was presentwith his sister, Mina R. Collins, retired from teaching. Mr. Collins issecretary of the Davenport RealEstate Board.Dr. Paul A. White, '08, who hasbeen our Foundation chairman forDavenport beginning with the Fiftieth Anniversary campaign, was sobusy keeping people healthy thatwe didn't get to visit him in his office but he and Mrs. White dropped in for the dinner. Like mostphysicians he not only works overtime at his profession but carrieshis civic responsibilities conscientiously.Charles D. Raisbeck, '16, is superintendent of the John DeereSpreader Works at East Moline. Hiswife and son, Wesley, were with himat the dinner. Wesley, one of three18THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 19OUR QUAD CITY PRESIDENTWhen wedrove to Davenport, Iowa,recently to attend a Chicago Club Imeeting wewere undertlie misapprehension thatClub Presi-dent Gifford MM. Mast, '35,was a consulting engineer. Wewere only one-third right. Gifford is a consulting product development engineer.Whatever a consulting engineermay be, a product developmentengineer not only has ideas onalmost any kind of gadget, butis equipped to carry them out inblueprints, through working models, to designs for the tools necessary in placing the product onthe production line. With Giffordthis means anything from astreamlined oil burner for yourbasement to an improved opthal-mic tclebinocular for eye testing.Before returning to his homelown of Davenport to start hisown firm, Gifford added to hisMidway scientific training withan engineering scholarship atHarvard; working with ThomasA. Edison's youngest son at Orange, New Jersey; and by helping to design the New York Fair.Later, in Davenport, he married the junior high school homeeconomics teacher, a graduate ofCornell (Iowa) , and was busy developing his engineering company when the Japs dropped inon Pearl Harbor.The war years found GiffordMast in Detroit, doing researchon aerial gunnery and designingcomputing sights and cameraguns. He also helped make movies to train gunners.Now he is back in Davenport,president of the Mast Development Company, Inc. which hasjust purchased a three-story schoolbuilding on half a block of landwhich is being remodeled tohouse the company. Two members of the firm still in trainingare Gifford, Junior, 3, and Ter-rill Alan, who will be 2 in May. children, is eighteen and thinkingabout college. We tried to direct histhinking toward the Midway.Fritiof M. Fryxell, PhD '29, isProfessor of Geology at AugustanaCollege, where he did his undergraduate work. His third AlmaMater is Illinois where he receivedhis Master's.Marjorie Niehaus, '29, is marriedto attorney B. J. Maxwell of Tipton,Iowa, where she is active in manycivic affairs. They have three children: Dayton, 10; Steve, nearly six;Mary Lou, 4. She and her husbanddrove in for the dinner.Gladys Stewart, '30, was presentwith her husband, Charles H. Wallace, who is with American Machineand Metals, Inc. They have twochildren: Jimmie, 7; and Betsy, 4.Henriette C. Naeseth, PhD '31,is Head of the Department of English and Division of the Humanitiesat Augustana College. She has beenSecretary (and was re-elected) ofthe Quad-City Chicago Club. Sheis also an alumna of Grinnell andof Minnesota.Margaret E. Brown, '33, was present With her civil engineer husband,Ingemann Clausen, who remarkedthat this was the only way she couldget a Master's.Samuel C. Plummer, Jr., '32, is inthe life insurance business. He hasone son, Samuel C, IV, who is 12.Mr. Plummer, a former alderman, isactive in Y.M.C.A. and Scout work.Carl G. Carlfelt, AM '31, PhD'34, has two degrees— including aD.B.— from Augustana College inaddition to the two from Chicago. He is on the Augustana TheologicalSeminary faculty.Stoddard J. Small, '32, is with theMoline Iron Works. At Chicago he-was active in track, dramatics,wrestling and on the staff of the Capatid Gown. lohn D., his only son, isnot quite a year old.Ora E. Duke, '37, AM '42, teachesthe first grade at the Irving Schoolin Rock Island.Eugene David Glickman, '39,brought his attractive wife to thedinner. After returning from twenty-seven months with the Army inIceland, Eugene joined with hisbrother-in-law in opening a modern and well stocked furniture storein Davenport. The fact that Eugene's partner is a Northwesterngraduate appears to have no adverseeffect on the harmony of the Company. However, when the subjectof football was brought up at thestore the following morning we remembered a number of other callsthat needed making before we returned to Ciiicago!Casette Louise Laffargo, '42, isan art teacher at the HawthorneSchool in Rock Island and also onthe faculty of the School of Davenport Municipal Art Gallery.Frank H. Townsend, AM '46, received his Master's in August andis now on the English faculty ofAugustana College in Rock Island.Dellarosc Brooks, who is a candidate for her Master degree and aninstructor at Augustana College, wasalso present and added to the Chicago enthusiasm.FRUSTRATEDWe have exhausted our sources for locating the following alumni. They don'towe us money nor are we wanting to serve summons — merely keep our recordscorrect. If you can give us any leads, thanks. The list includes the city wherewe last addressed them.CaliforniaVirginia Bostick, '21, BerkeleyPaul (.. Bickel, '13, DanvilleClara Boguc, AM "21, GlendaleMm. L. I.. Border, '20, HollywoodWilson A. Austin, '08, I.os AngelesMis. Charles C Chamberlin, '03, SanFranciscoWashington, D. C.Gertrude O. Bird, AM '11Alonzo H. Brown, '02Margaret J. Calvin, '00Yu Chun Chang, '28IllinoisMrs. Robert Bacchus, '09, SpringfieldLucile Baker, '29, WheatonChicagoMrs. Alfred Alexander, '12Shirley B. Baker, '36Mrs. Sara G. Baranca, '29 Vaffa S. Barakan, '31Philip B. Barto, '25Mrs. Kryn Bloom, '27William J. Blum, '27Helene I.. Blumcnthal, '30MichiganCarlylc Ansorgc, '21, BridgemanEdna Barger, '17, DetroitWalter G. Carlson, DB '96New York CityRuth A. Ainberg, '19Alejandro Arratia, AM '30Elizabeth M. Boykin, '24Mrs. William R. Brough, '08TexasDaisy D. Brundage, '23, Fort WorthOlive Donaldson, '99, '13, DallasJohn I.. Donovan, '10, DB '11, WichitaFalls20 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWS OF THE CLASSES1886Perry H. Stoops, MD, has retiredfrom active practice and is living inIpava, Illinois. He sends greetingsto "all my old friends of my oldschool."1898Wallace St. John, PhD '00, is living in Taunggyi, Shan States, Burma. He retired in 1938 from hiswork as educational missionary inJudson College, Rangoon University, where he was head of the Department of Philosophy and President of the College. Following hisretirement he returned to Burma towrite the history of the AmericanBaptist Mission in Burma, escapingin 1942 from Burma by plane. Hecontinued his literary work in India, and has just returned to Burma.1901Oliver L. McCaskill, JD '06, isliving in San Francisco, where he isProfessor of Law at Hastings College of Law.J. W. Bailey, DB, PhD '04, isProfessor Emeritus of New Testament Interpretation of the BaptistDivinity School, having retired August 1. He is living in Berkeley,California, and doing writing in hisfield.1903W. J. Bardsley, MD Rush '03, isliving in Park City, Utah, andwrites us that he is "growing oldgracefully, I hope."THE CHICAGO REVIEWLiterary quarterly published atthe University of ChicagoSubscription $1.50 a year5706 University Ave., Chicago 37THE CHICAGO REVIEWPlease enter my subscriptionName Addr $1.50 1904Warren S. Gordis has retired fromhis teaching career as ProfessorEmeritus of English, John B. Stetson University. He is -living inDeLand, Florida.1906Raymond H. Burke of Hamilton,Ohio, accepted the Republicannomination for his Third Congressional District, which is traditionallyDemocratic, and won the electionlast fall. Previous to this, his latestpolitical victory, Raymond Burkehad been Mayor of Hamilton andhe just completed a term in theState Senate.G. Ray Schaeffer has retired fromMarshall Field and Company after28 years service. Mr. Schaeffer untilsome years ago was sales promotionmanager of Field's retail. Sincethat time he has been with the corporate office, as director of merchants' services.1908Merrill C. Meigs received theMedal for Merit on September 24thin the office of the Secretary of War.Secretary Patterson, in stating thecitation, commended Mr. Meigs forthe meritorious manner in which hecoordinated and expedited the production of combat aircraft to thegreatest peak in this or any othercountry as Chief of the Aircraft Section of the National Defense Advisory Commission, Office of Production Management and War Production Board from November,1940, to November, 1942; and asspecial adviser to Mr. Patterson,then undersecretary of War, fromNovember, 1942, to December, 1945. The presentation was followed bya reception for Mr. Meigs at theCarleton Hotel, at which Mr. William Randolph Hearst, Jr., was host,and which was attended by manypublic notables.1910Lillian Gubelman, AM '23, oneof the University's most loyal supporters and local chairman of theAlumni Foundation in Valley City,North Dakota, since the beginningof the Foundation, retired in 1945from her faculty position at theState Teachers College. She taughtEnglish and foreign language. MissGubelman is continuing her homein Valley City but lightening hercivic activities in favor of theyounger generation.1911Mrs. Jesse M. Herndon (Viola C.Lewis) is living in Irvington, Kentucky, and writes she is "chief cookat the Herndon home, also housemaid, and all that goes with it."1915Frank R. Menne, MD Rush, isliving in Portland, Oregon, wherehe is pathologist and director oflaboratories at St. Vincent's Hospital, and clinical professor of Pathology at the University of OregonMedical School.1916Lawrence E. Salisbury is Editorof the Far Eastern Survey, AmericanCouncil, Institute of Pacific Relations, with offices in New York City.He is living in Durham, Conn.Charles O. Hardy, PhD, recentlymoved from Kansas City, Missouri,to Chicago to become associatedwith Leverett S. Lyon, '10, AM '18,The Chicago Review (quarterly) was founded by a group of graduatestudents in November, 1945, with an underlying purpose of fostering newwriting talent on the University campus and among, as yet, unrecognizedauthors. In addition to contributions by such authors as James T. Farrell,Karl Shapiro, Margaret Webster, Tennessee Williams, and John FrederickNims, the Review has published short stories, poetry and non-fiction articlesby University alumni, professors, and students. Many of these have beenreprinted by book publishers and newspapers throughout the country.In order to supplement the publication of material of a literary nature,the editors of the Review hope gradually to publish more and more nonprofessional manuscripts, in keeping with their original purpose of encouraging good writing. Manuscripts should be sent to The Chicago Review,Reynolds Building, Chicago 37, Illinois.Zbe XHmver8it£ of ChicagoROUND TABLE2>a Afou Ae<idROUND TABLEIf you don't have the opportunity to listen to the Round Tablebroadcast on Sunday morning, you can still keep up with theintelligent and critical examination of current problems as discussed by the experts when you read your Round Table transcript.The Round Table, in recent weeks, has presented the newpresident of Mexico, Miguel Aleman, and two members of hiscabinet in a discussion of " Mexico: The Next Six Years." Aspecial Round Table panel from the UNESCO meeting in Parisdiscussed the vital problem of education for world understanding. If you listened to the Round Table, or if you read theRound Table transcripts back in November, you learned, inadvance of the election, how two prominent party leaders,Senator Taft and Governor Arnall, analyzed the issues of theelection.Don't forget the supplementary material appropriate to eachweek's topic found in the Round Table transcript. Also included in each pamphlet are lists of questions for you and yourfriends to discuss, along with lists of additional reading materialrelative to the topic of the week.ROUND TABLE transcript?Address the University of ChicagoROUND TABLE, Chicago, IllinoisI would like to receive the Round Table transcriptregularly. Please enter my name on the subscription list —? for six months at $1.50? for one year at $3.00Name..Address..City.. ..State..? I am enclosing the correct amountD Please send me a bill22 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINENEWENGLISH CARSIMMEDIATEDELIVERYAlsoNEW HOUSE TRAILERSJoseph Neidlinger7320 S. Stony IslandButterfield 5600BOYDSTON BROS.All phonal OAK. 0492operatingAuthorized Ambulance Servicefor Billings HospitalUniversity Clinics, etc.CADILLAC EQUIPMENT EXCLUSIVELY Ph.D '21, on the staff of the ChicagoAssociation of Commerce of whichDr. Lyon is Chief Executive Officer.1917Erwin C. Cline, AM, is Chief, Rehabilitation Services, Illinois Divi-tion of Vocational Rehabilitation,and is living in Springfield, Illinois.E. E. Ecker, PhD, Professor of Immunology at Western Reserve University, Cleveland, has left for Europe to deliver a series of lectureson immunology and bacteriology atthree European universities.C. L. Kjerstad, PhD, is Professorof Philosophy and Education andHead of the Department of Philosophy at the University of North Dakota. In addition, he edits theWeekly Bulletin of the local RotaryClub.John F. C. Green, AM, has beenpastor of the Evangelical Congregational Church, McKeesport, Pennsylvania, for twenty years. This isone-fifth of the lifetime of thechurch, which celebrated its centennial recently.1921Julia A. Sullivan, who was secretary of the Department of Medicinefrom 1932-40, retired when she andher husband built their home inIvanhoe. She is now busy with cluband organization work.Sze Yuan Ho, AM, is now inTsinan as Governor of ShantungProvince, China, to which positionhe was appointed by the CentralGovernment in October, 1944.Prior to that time, he was ChiefDirector of the General PoliticalDepartment of the Northern Expeditionary Forces under Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek in 1927 and1 928, and later served for ten yearsas Commissioner of Education ofthe provincial government of Shantung. During the war of resistancewith Japan he was commended forhis meritorious and brave service asa military officer directing the guerrilla warfare in his home province.1922Francis (Frank) E. Fenner, Jr.,is living in Chicago, where he ismanaging editor of Popular Photography Magazine.Ed Pasek, AM, C &: A SchoolManager of Industrial Division ofPrentice-Hall, Inc., of New YorkCity, travels enough to get by theQuadrangle Club on campus forbridge about every other month. Hisdaughter, Betty, who attended the College of the University in 1943-44,is now attending Stephens Collegeat Columbia, Missouri, and willgraduate in the spring.Paul V. West, PhD, is Professorof Education at New York University, and is living in Brooklyn, NewYork.1924Louis F. Plzak, MD '28, is livingwith his wife and four children inHinsdale. He is Chairman of theDepartment of Surgery at Loretto.Hospital in Chicago.1925Robert S. Campbell, PhD '32, isliving in New Orleans, where he isChief of the Division of Range Research, Southern Forest Experimental Station. He moved fromWashington, D. C, in 1943, to takecharge of this work. Mrs. Campbell(Imogene Foltz, SM '32) is laboratory assistant at Tulane Universitythis year, which has an overflow enrollment.Paul L. Moore, AM, is administrative training director with Montgomery-Ward in Chicago.1927M. Mayhall Smith, JD '29, wasrecently transferred from Denver,Colorado, where he was SectionCounsel for the Branch of PowerUtilization of the Bureau of Reclamation, to the office of the ChiefCounsel, Bureau of Reclamation, inWashington, D. C.1928Victor J. Andrew, SM, PhD '32,heads Andrew Company, a firm specializing in engineering and manu-turing of antenna systems andequipment. While at the University he worked as research assistantto Professor Arthur Compton oncosmic ray research, and during thewar served as radio engineer withthe Signal Corps laboratories at Ft.Monmouth.1929Norman E. Watson, AM, is superintendent of schools in North-brook, Illinois, and, when not busyspeaking on serious subjects, speakson "Laugh and Last," a lecture onwhy people laugh and why theyshould.1930Mark Hanna Watkins, AM, PhD'33, of Fisk University, has left forGuatemala to make a survey of theIndian dialects to frame a bilingualcurriculum for the schools of thatcountry. He has been selected by the,THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 23National Indian Institute of Guatemala and the U. S. Department ofState.1931Capt. George W. Friede, JD, hasreceived the Army's Certificate ofMerit "in recognition of conspicuously meritorious and outstandingperformance of duty." Capt. friedewas assistant administrator and administrator of military governmentcourts at Wuertemberg-Baden. Heis resuming his private law practicein Portland, Oregon.Lyle D. Gumm is manager andowner of the Harper Crest Hotel inChicago.Bruce J. Miller, PhD, is TechnicalPersonnel Advisor with the LindeAir Products Company in Tona-wanda, New York, and is living inSnyder, New York.1932Albert T. Bilgray is rabbi ofTemple B'nai Israel in McKeesport,Pa. He is Co-chairman of the current McKeesport Community ChestCampaign and was recently electedChairman of the McKeesport CityCommission on Youth.Florence A. Bottari is a socialworker for the San Francisco Department of Public Welfare. Herdaughter, Toni Ann, is six years old.James R. Sharp, JD '34, is nowin the private practice of law inWashinton, D. C. He previouslyserved as Special Agent, F.B.I. ; Special Counsel, Chief Counsel's Office,Bureau of Internal Revenue; SeniorTrial Counsel, Securities and Exchange Commission; and throughthe war was Chief, Foreign AgentsRegistration Section, U. S. Department of Justice.Gene Elizabeth Smith, AM, isteaching in the Buckingham Schoolat Cambridge, Mass.Zell S. Walter, AM, is living inRoanoke, Virginia, where he is Associate Professor of Education atRoanoke College.Mary Catherine Welborn, PhD,is working in the Pentagon Building in Washington, where she isHistorian, Civil Affairs MilitaryGovernment Division, War Department Special Staff.1933Forrest F. Cleveland is living inLynchburg, Virginia, where he isProfessor of Physics and Chairmanof the Department of Physics andMathematics at Lynchburg College.Thomas P. Draine? MBA '39,sent holiday greetings in late November from Vancouver, B. C, where he and his wife were waitingto board the ship for Calcutta, India, "there to make our home for atime while I concern myself withaccounting matters a la Hindustani." Thomas, who was a Lieutenant in the Navy, rides the seasagain— this time with his responsibilities shifted to the National Carbon Company (India) Ltd., 28 Pollock Street, Calcutta.Edna Virginia Hines is living inChicago, where she is employed aschapter statistician with the American Red Cross.Gustav E. Johnson, PhD '40, hasbeen appointed Dean of Men at Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin. Inaddition, he will be assistant professor of history. He has been serving as colonel in the Army AirForces as historical officer.1934Charles D. Woodruff, JD, donnedcivilian clothes last fall after fourand a half years in the Navy, andhas opened a law office in Washington, D. O, specializing in trade association representation, Federal departmental work, and legislativework. Prior to entering the Navyhe had been General Counsel andDirector of Legislative Research forthe National Restaurant Association.1935John F. Dietrich, AM '38, is Professor and Head of the Departmentof Arts and Crafts at New MexicoHighlands University, Las Vegas.Dexter Fairbank is living in Nes-kowin, Oregon, which he claims isOregon's 3rd smallest town. Hewrites that "since getting out of theNavy, I have been attempting tomake a career out of buying lumber,which is much the same type ofwork as trying to rent a house."Charles E. Redfield, AM '40, andMrs. Redfield, (Olive S. Eggan, '30)are living in San Francisco, whereMr. Redfield is connected with thePublic Administration Service.Gwladys Spencer, PhD, is ateacher of library science at the University of Illinois. In her spare timeshe collects book marks, tea labels,children's books, and samples of finechina.1936Mrs. Leonard S. Fritz (ElizabethL. Dickey) is living in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and lists heroccupation as housewife. She hastwo children, Robert, 5; and Mary,7 months old. BIENENFELDGLASS CORP, OF ILLINOISChicago's Most Complete Stock ofGLASS1525W. 35th St. PhoneLafayette 8400PETERSONFIREPROOFWAREHOUSESTORAGEMOVING•Foreign — DomesticShipments•55th & ELLIS AVENUEPHONEMIDway 9700Telephone KENwood 1352J. E. KIDWELL Fi^T826 East Forty-seventh StreetChicago 15, IllinoisJAMES E. KIDWELLBLACKSTONEHALLAnExclusive Women's Hotelin theUniversity of Chicago DistrictOffering Graceful Living to University and Business Women atModerate TariffBLACKSTONE HALL5748Blackstone Ave. TelephonePlaza 3313Verna P. Werner, Director24 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINESTENOTYPYLearn new, speedy machine ihorthand. Lesteffort, no cramped fingers or nervous fatigue.Also other courses: Typing, Bookkeeping,Comptometry, etc. Day or evening. Visit,write or phont for data.Bryant^ StrattonCO LL)EGE18 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Randolph 157$SARGENT'S DRUG STOREAn Ethical Drug Store for 95 YearsC/i/cago's most completeprescription stock23 N. Wabash AvenueChicago, IllinoisCflTOLOGUe ENGRAVING COrfa I ft on es&olor 9latesxSoftcWood9osters(Ben (DayMates^oodgutsOirtWo,lJeleP/,on«s WABASH 21967-8 .124 W.POLK ST.LEI G H ' SGROCERY and MARKET1327 East 57th StreetPhones: Hyde Park 9100-1-2DAWN FRESH FROSTED FOODSCENTRELLAFRUITS AND VEGETABLESWE DELIVERBOYDSTON BROS., INC.UNDERTAKERSSince 18924227-29-31 Cottage Grove Ave.All Phones OAKIand 0492HIGHEST RATED IN UNITED STATESENGRAVERS SINCE 1906 +• WORK DONE BY ALL PROCESSES 4+ ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED ?? ANY PUBLISHER OUR REFERENCE ?' DALHEIM &CO. *2 054 W. LAKE ST., CHICAGO. 1937Robert S. Hardy, PhD, has beenworking as the Personnel Directorfor the Near East College Association in New York, since beingplaced on inactive duty with theNavy.Lucy E. Schuler is living in Kokomo, Indiana, where she is secretary to her father, R. P. Schuler,her secretarial duties you can findMD Rush '09. When not busy withher riding her horse, Pat, or, in thesummer, sailing on Lake Shafer.1938Alfred H. Court III has just completed his terminal leave from theArmy as a Major, and has accepteda position as instructor in Economics, Government and History atPerkinston Junior College, Perkins-ton, Mississippi.Guss S. Kass is chief chemist withthe Duart Manufacturing Companyand is living at 984 Folsom Street inSan Francisco.Mrs. John Mattingly (PhyllisGreene) is teaching French at theUniversity of Illinois while her husband is in school under the G.I.Bill. She writes us that in theFrench Department she foundPhilip Kolb, '41, AM '42; Mrs.Robert Link (Helen Howard, '42) ;M. K. Meyers, '43; R. M. Perry, '33,AM '37, and they had "old homeweek."1939Yale Brozen, PhD '42, is AssociateProfessor in the School of BusinessAdministration at the University ofMinnesota.Morrie S. Grinbarg, AM '40(Art), AM '41 (Education), is aninstructor at Kalamazoo College,Kalamazoo, Michigan.Byron E. Kabot, JD '41, lists hisbusiness address as N. Y. District Attorney's Office, New York City, andhis home address as Menomonie,Wisconsin.Erwin L. Linn, AM '43, is livingin San Francisco, where he is aneconomic analyst with the War Assets Administration.Edgar W. Trout, AM '40, is backin civilian life after serving in theArmy and is teaching in the PeotoneHigh School in Peotone, Illinois.Marjorie H. Wagner, AM '40, isan instructor in Wright Junior College in Chicago.Frank A. Banks, SM '46, is livingin Atlanta, Georgia, where he is onthe faculty of Clark College.Edward T. Bradford, AM, is withthe Office of Internal Trade in Washington, D. C. 1940N. Harry Camp, Jr., AM '41, whohas been a school principal in theDes Moines School System, has moved to Los Angeles where he is onthe Department of Education faculty of U.C.L.A. while, in addition,he is working on his doctorate. It'san interesting coincidence thatHarry is working with Frederick P.Woellner, brother of Robert C.Woellner, AM '24, Director of outplacement office and member of theCabinet of the Association.Victor D. Carlson, AM, is livingin Washington, D. C. where he isRegional Representative with theBureau of Public Assistance of theSocial Security Board.Herman F. Jaeger, AM, is livingin Palouse, Washington, where hehas just completed a year as President of the Whitman County Administrative Association.Irma Maurine Kyle, AM, is Superintendent of Nurses at University Hospital, Omaha, Nebraska.Bob Wasem and his wife (PatWarfield) are in Fort Dodge, Iowa,where Bob is General Sales Manager of the Wasem Plaster Company. Together with their five yearold daughter 'Jorie and three anda half year old Bobby, they are enjoying a new home and expansivelawn which was acquired when Bobreturned from the Navy. DickWasem, '37, is in Denver, where heorganized a new company, dealingwith aero-geological photo interpretation work, with three friends fromthe Navy.Arthur Hillman, PhD, was recentlyappointed Chairman of the Department of Sociology at Roosevelt College in Chicago. He is, in addition,President of Cooperative Federationof Chicago Area, an organization ofconsumers cooperatives, mainly operating food stores.After four years in the Army,Charles A. Johnson, AM '41, is renewing his PhD studies in history,and is living in Evanston, where heis enrolled at Northwestern and hasa teaching assistantship in History.Marion G. Katzmann, AM '41, isteaching in the High School at Or-land, California.Walter Porges, AM '42, is instructor in history at Lawrence College,Appleton, Wisconsin.Dante A. Puzzo, AM '45, is an instructor in history at Rutgers University in Newark, New Jersey.Leonard ¥• Sevec, SM '43, is a research and development chemist withthe H. P. Smith Paper Company inTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 25The Alberts to RioAdrian Albert, Roy, Mrs. Albert,Nancy, AlanIf trigonometry and calculus frustrate our neighbors south of theequator as they do us, we think thelatest State Department good neighbor policy assignment is most intelligent.Adrain Albert, '26, SM '27, PhD'28, who not only earned his higherdegrees in the field of mathematicsbut picked up a Phi Beta Kappa keyin the process and finally arrived asa full professor in the Department ofMathematics, is going to Rio de Ja-niero in February. At the Universityof Brazil, Dr. Albert will be a visiting professor for one year, beginningwith their fall quarter, March 15.In the meantime Dr. Albert's sparetime is being occupied with the studyof Portuguese and long distance negotiations for a house in Rio for hiswife and family.Chicago. With all the paper worries we have had recently we hopehe concentrates on development forthe nonce.Mr. Smith was formerly in chargeof the Lincoln, Nebraska, library.William E. Snyder, SM, PhD, hasbeen appointed to the faculty of Cornell University in the field of ornamental horticulture. After four yearsin the army, he served last year asAssistant Professor of Biologyat Louisiana Polytechnic Institute.Dorothy C. Washburn, SM, whomajored in Home Economics, is amember of the Michigan State College Faculty in Lansing. Sauk Weisman has returned to theUniversity for graduate work under the G. I. bill.1941Robert L. Adelman, PhD '45, isa research chemist with the du PontElectrochemicals Department in Niagara Falls.Mrs. John T. Emerson, Jr.,(Christine Smith) is living on Chicago's South Side, and is working atMarshall Field in the Training Division of the Personnel Department.Dale Tillery is in Chicago at thepresent time hurriedly acquiring hisfirst million as a distributor of aplastic circular comb trademarkedthe Sculpture Curler, which was invented by his former room-mate.After a year of aiding Americanwomen in their hair-do problems,and in reinforcing his pocketbook,he plans to return to California towork toward his Master's in Psychology. For, while on duty as afighter pilot with the Navy, he developed an interest in Aviation Psychology, particularly as it is relatedto the problem of selection of personnel.Donald W. Baldwin, DB, is pastorof the Hays Park Methodist Churchin Portland, Oregon.V. Marina Farmakis, AM '42, PhD'45, who has been a German instructor at Marygrove College in Detroit,now has a new and interesting address: Office of the U. S. Chief ofCounsel, care Postmaster, New York.Bernard R. Kogan has recentlybeen discharged from service and hasaccepted a position on the faculty atIndiana University.David M. Pletcher, AM '41, PhD'46, is living in Galesburg, Illinois,where he is Associate Professor ofHistory at Knox College.Wilmer L. Thompson is a meteorologist with the Weather Bureau andis stationed at LaGuardia Field, NewYork.Robert G. Weiner, MD '43, is resident physician at the Norwegian-American Hospital in Chicago.John C. Willard is teaching in thehigh school at Freeport, Illinois.Grace M. Wilson, AM, is living inBerea, Kentucky, where she is Reading and English Instructor at theFoundation School of Berea College.1942J. Victor Mansfield, PhD, has assumed his duties as assistant professor of organic chemistry at the Chicago Under-graduate Division of theUniversity of Illinois; Navy Pier,Chicago. He was formerly presidentand research director of the Mans- Telephone Haymarket 3120E. A. AARON & BROS. Inc.Fresh Frulh and VegetablesDistributor* ofCEDERGREEN FROZEN FRESH FRUITS ANDVEGETABLES46-48 South Water MarketENGLEWOODELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO.Distributor!, Manufacturers and Jobbers ofELECTRICAL MATERIALS ANDFIXTURE SUPPLIES5801 EnglewoodS. Halsted Street 7500TELEPHONE HAYMARKET 45660'GALLA6HAN BROS.PLUMBING CONTRACTORS21 SOUTH GREEN ST.Phone: Saginaw 3202FRANK CURRANRoofing & InsulationLeake RepairedFree EttimatetFRANK CURRAN ROOFING CO.8019 Bennett St.Ashjian Bros., inc.ESTABLISHED IHIOriental and DomesticRUGSCLEANED and REPAIRED8066 Sralh Chkagi Phone Regent 6000The Best Place to Eat on the South Side(PI " HDCOLONIAL RESTAURANT6324 Woodlawn Ave.Phone Hyde Park 6324LATOURAINECoffee and TeaLa Touralne Coffee Co.209 Milwaukee Ave., ChicagoOther PlanttBoston — NX — Phil. — Syracuse — Cleveland"You Might At WM Hove The Self"26 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEAlbert Teachers ' Agency25 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoEstablished 1885. Placement Bureau formen and women in all kinds of teachingpositions. Large and alert College andState Teachers' College departments forDoctors and Masters; forty per cent ofour business. Critic and Grade Supervisorsfor Normal Schools placed every year inlarge numbers; excellent opportunities.Special teachers of Home Economics, Business Administration, Music, and Art,secure fine positions through us every year.Private Schools in all parts of the countryamong our best patrons ; good salaries.Well prepared High School teacherswanted for city and suburban HighSchools. Special manager handles Gradeand Critic work. Send for folder today.CLARK-BREWERTeachers Agency65th YearNationwide ServiceFive Offices — One Fee64 E. Jackson Blvd., ChicagoMinneapolis — Kansas City. Mo.Spokane — New YorkMacCORMACSchool of CommerceEstablished 1904Accounting, BookkeepingShorthand, Stenotypy, TypingMorning, Afternoon and EveningClasses — Home Study InstructionBULLETIN FREE ON REQUESTAsk about G. I. TrainingVisit, phone or write1170 E. 63d St. TelephoneNear Woodlawn Butterfield 6363BEST BOILER REPAIR & WELDING CO.24-HOUR SERVICELICENSED - BONDEDINSUREDQUALIFIED WELDERSHAYmarket 79171404-08 S. Western Ave.. ChicagoPENDERCatch Basin and Sewer ServiceBack Water Valves, Sumps-Pumps6620 COTTAGE GROVE AVENUE1545 E. 63RD STREETFAIRFAX 0330-0550-0880PENDER CATCH BASIN SERVICE1545 EAST 63RD STREET field Photo Research Laboratoriesand has recently returned from theNavy where he spent three years.He spent 18 months at the NorfolkNaval Photographic Laboratory incharge of the Chemical and Technical Development Department.Henry E. McWhorter, MD '44, isa Lt. (j.g.) in the Navy aboard theTJ.S.S. Piedmont, Yokosuka, Japan.Henry J. Shames is studying lawat Harvard. He was married on July14, 1945, to Priscilla Cohen, Radcliffe, '45.Richard L. Williams, AM, is Professor of Social Science and Biologyat Paducah Junior College in Paducah, Kentucky.Clarence A. Arenberg is an instructor at Roosevelt College in Chicago.Gerald Govorchin, AM, is Professor of History at the Universityof Miami in Coral Gables, Florida.Elizabeth Jane Waters and Frederick T. Brooks, who were marriedin Hilton Chapel on February y,1946, are now settled in their newlypurchased home in Norwood Park.Before her marriage Mrs. Brookswas employed as an editorial writerwith Myers Newspapers and is amember of the Newspaper Guild.Her husband spent 34 months overseas with the army medical corps.Paul J. Campisi, AM, is a memberof the Sociology Department ofWashington University at St. Louis.Mrs. Harvey G. VanSant (Jacqueline Cross) manages a service station and garage for the Sinclair Refining Company in Washington, D. C.During the war years she handled theD. C. Chapter Red Cross Motorequipment.Nora Dady, AM, is adjustmentteacher in the Wells High School inChicago.Gerhard Hartman, PhD, is superintendent of the State University ofIowa Hospitals at Iowa City.Theodore J. Little, JD, is an instructor in speech at the Universityof Illinois, Urbana, 111.James E. Savage, PhD, has recentlybeen appointed Assistant Professor ofEnglish at the University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi.Russell H. Savage, AM, is principal of the Willard School in RiverForest, Illinois.Edward D. Stewart, who did hisundergraduate work at Spring HillCollege is now with the Military Intelligence Service of the War Department at Washington, D. C, as editorand research analyist. 1943Ruth Lewis Aho, AM, formerlywith the Illinois Children's Home andAid Society, has moved to Urbana,Illinois, where she is now a caseworker.Beverly Jane Alderson is teachingEnglish and Athletics at the MilfordTownship High School in Milford,Illinois.Mrs. Lawrence Goodman (ZeniaSachs) is back on the quadrangles inLaw School.Edward N. Horner, MD '45, is onduty in Australia aboard the U. S. S.Rehoboth. He is a Lieutennant&&'¦ ., , ~Robert W. Moore is with the Department of State as 3rd Secretary,Asuncion.Maurita Willett, AM, is an instructor at the Navy Pier, ChicagoBranch, of the University of Illinois.Joseph F. Aschner is back on thequadrangles studying nuclear physics. He and Mrs. Aschner (MaryJane McCue, '44) and their 10month old daughter are living inGlenview, Illinois.Helen Katharine Haughton isteaching Art History at Ward-Belmont in Nashville, Tennessee.June M. Kehl is Director ofNurses at the San Jose Hospital inSan Jose, California, and is livingin Colfax, California.1944Eliece Aiman is living in Washington, D. C. where she is a researchanalyst with the Department ofState.Romuald Anthony is stationed atInyokern, California, with the Naval Ordnance Department, where heis doing research work involving astudy of the behavior of rocket projectiles.Clifford L. Pribble, AM, is livingin Francesville, Indiana, where he isPrincipal of the Francesville HighSchool.Paul F. Wallace, MD, is stationedin Frankfurt, Germany, as orthopedic surgeon with the 97th General Hospital. He married DorothyHopkins, a graduate of the University of Delaware, in 1946 and writesthat "I still think our medicalschool is better than her uncle's, andhave almost convinced her, too."Hugo E. Beck, AM, was recentlyappointed Superintendent of the Bay-less School District in St. Louis. Hisdaughter, Maureen Elyse, celebratedher first birthday September 30.Charles Branthaver, MD, afterservice in the Medical Corps and intensive training in Military Govern-THE UNIVment left Seattle in September forKorea. He hopes to send for hiswife later.Martha C. Mitchell, AM, hasjoined the faculty of Mississippi College at Clinton.Elliot M. Schrero, AM '45, is aninstructor in English at WrightJunior College in Chicago.John F. White, AM, recently appointed dean of students at IllinoisInstitute of Technology, is one ofthe youngest deans in the country.At 29, White directs nine school departments in addition to activities offraternities and sororities.1945Louis Liswood, MBA, superintendent of the National Jewish Hospitalat Denver, has been elected chairmanof the Denver Area SanitoriumCouncil for the coming year.Florence M. Pohley is teachingmathematics at Tilden High Schoolin Chicago.George N. Wilson, AM, is teaching at Calumet Township HighSchool in Calumet, Illinois.We have been notified of the appointment of Albina Ann Yakaitisto the position of instructor at theUniversity of Akron, Akron, Ohio.Owen Jenkins is stationed withthe Army in Manila, where he isAssistant Sports Editor and weeklycolumnist for the Daily Pacifican,newspaper in circulation to allarmed forces in the Southwest Pacific.Julia Mahtesian is Science Instructor at Mt. Sinai Hospital Schoolof Nursing in Chicago.Fern McComb Pence, AM, is Director of Social Services of the St.Joseph County of Public Welfare inSouth Bend, Indiana.Mrs. H. Daniel Brewster (DaniaMerrill) is living in Beirut, Lebanon, Syria, where her husband isstationed with the American Legation.SUGGESTION FOR LOCALALUMNI CLUBSDale M. Stucky, JD '45, andWilliam P. Thompson, JD '42,now practicing law in Wichita,inspired by the Great Books article in the November Magazine,are taking steps to organize aGreat Books study group in theirhome town. They are convincedthis is another activity worthy oflocal alumni clubs divorced bydistance from many of AlmaMater's cultural offerings. ERSITY OF CHICAGOOscar T. Schulfe, "32, SM '39, is oneof the first engineers to receive awardsunder the graduate scholarship planput into effect this fall by SperryGyroscope Company. He is enrolledat Columbia University for his PhD inMathematics. He joined Sperry in1942, as Assistant Project Engineerand is now a Project Engineer on radar; bombsight computers. Under the planhe will work half-time on a full payscale, and attend college the remainderof the time. In addition, he receivesa 25 per cent scholarship grant, andfull tuition expenses.1946Eugene P. Edwinn is a student at! Brooklyn Law School.Olaf Hansen, AM, is a missionary and is located at .the LutheranMissions Home in Hankow, Hupeh,China.Chester W. Harris, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Education at theUniversity, and is living at 1152East 61st Street.Eunice E. Fawcett is working at; the University Press as a sales department assistant.Ruth I. Gillan, SM, is on the staff[ of Nursing Education at Indiana! University.John F. Richardson, AM, is aninstructor at the University of Illinois in the Art Department.Theodore J. Ross, MBA, is an instructor at Seattle College, Seattle,Washington.Thomas W. Sims, AM, is an instructor at Montana State College,Bozeman, Montana.Oscar Walchirk, AM, is VocationalAdvisor at the Veterans Administration, Chicago.i Cleo Watson is teaching in the1 High School at Serena, Illinois. MAGAZINE 27Since 7878HANNIBAL, INC.Upholster*Furniture Repairing1919 N. Sheffield AvenuePhone: Lincoln 7 1 80Phones Oakland 0690—0691—0692The Old ReliabUHyde Park Awning Co.INC.Awnings and Canopies for All Purposes4508 Cottage Grove AvenueAMERICANPHOTO ENGRAVING CO.Photo EngravenArtist! — ElectrotypersMakers of Printing Plates429 TelephoneS. Ashland Blvd. Monroe 75 ISEASTMAN COAL CO.Established 190?YARDS ALL OVER TOWNGENERAL OFFICES342 N. Oakley Blvd.Telephone Seeley 4488ECONOMY SHEET METAL WORKS•Galvanized Iron and Copper CornicesSkylights, Gutters, Down SpoutsTile, Slate and Asbestos Roofing1927 MELROSE STREETBuckingham 1893Albert K. Epstein, '12B. R. Harris, '21Epstein, Reynolds and HarrisConsulting Chemists and Engineers5 S. Wabash Ave. ChicagoTel. Cent. 4285-6A. T. STEWART LUMBER COMPANYEVERYTHING inLUMBER AND MILLWORK7855 Greenwood Ave. Yin 9000410 West I llth St. Pul 003428 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEHyde Park 6200 Midway 0009Radio ServiceHerman's Radio ShopVICTOR - DECCA - BLUEBIRDRECORDS935 East 55th StreetCLARKE-McELROYPUBLISHING CO.6140 Cottage Grove AvenueMidway 3935"Good Printing of All Descriptions"SUPER-COLD CORPORATIONMANUFACTURERS OF COMMERCIALREFRIGERATION2221 South Michigan AvenueCHICAGO IS, ILLINOISBIRCK-FELLINGER CORP.ExclusiveCleaners & Dyers200 E. Marquette RoadPhone: Went. 5380CONCRETEFLOORSSIDEWALKSMACHINE FOUNDATIONST. A. REHNQUIST CO.fa.imWentworth 4422T. A. REHNQUIST CO.6639 So. Vernon Ave.PARKER-HOLSMANllllllimiliiiliiiiiiiiimiiimiiirm—COM PviiiiiiiiiTinmiiiiiiuTinn ii innr~ Real Estate and Insurance1501 East 57th Street Hyde Park 2525 AND A 9-ROOM HOUSEHogeland B. Barcalow, MBA'41, was with the Wall Street investment house of Clarke Dodgetaking his college work New York University when,in 1937, he won the New YorkChicago Alumni Club's scholarship and moved to the Midway.While on the quadranglesHogeland was married to ElsieVirginia McCracken, *40, MBA'41. During the War he was inthe Naval Reserve assigned to inactive duty with American Export Air Lines.In December, 1946, an opportunity came to join the facultyof William Rainey Harper'sAlma Mater, Muskingum College at New Concord, Ohio. TheBarcalows welcomed this deliverance from the big city and nowHogeland is happily teachingeconomics and business administration, living (of all things) ina comfortable 9-room house,while the entire family entersinto the civic activities of thistown of some 1200 neighbors.Martha got "kinda tired".As partial proof of the "entirefamily" statement we carry apicture of Martha Ann (5) winning first prize in the Labor Daypet parade. Martha has a smallbrother, Stewart (2) who wastoo small to join her in the parade. In the future he may beof help in rescuing Martha fromthe predicament which she admitted before the judges' stand.With cat in arms and dog on tautleash she looked up at dad andmother, in the stands, and saidplaintively: "Mother, I'm getting kinda tired." Esther Samuel is teaching socialscience and general science at Farra-gut High School in Chciago.Ruth Thomas, AM, has been appointed Clinical Counselor in theStudent Personnel Bureau at theUniversity of Illinois, Urbana. Sueunderscores very in her notes: "Iam very happy in my work."ENGAGEMENTSDr. and Mrs. Hymc Loss of North-field. Minnesota, have recently announced the engagement of theirdaughter, Miriam Ruth, to Lawrence E. Lewy, '34, JD '36. Miss Lossis a graduate of Carleton College,where her father is a professor ofromance languages. She served fortwo years with the WAVES. Mr.Lewy served five years as a majorin the Army field artillery, and isthe recipient of four battle stars andthe Bronze Star medal. They arelooking for a Chicago apartment,and have set a tentative date for thewedding sometime in January.Mr. and Mrs. James D. Harvey ofChicago have announced the engagement of their daughter, Joan,to Martin F. Jones, '45. The wedding will take place on March 21.Mr. Jones has resumed his studies atthe University after serving as Lieutenant in the Army Air Forces.MARRIAGESRichard M. Eddy, AM '34, andCatherine Sannasardo were marriedOctober 5, 1946. They arc living inChicago, where Mr. Eddy is Superintendent of the Illinois Children'sHospital-School.James Zacharias, '34, JD '35,writes: "My status during the lasteight months has changed from military to civilian to married civilian,each step one of very real improvement over the preceding one." Hewas married on September 21, 1946,to Bobette Blum, and they are living in Chicago where Mr. Zachariasis working in the plastic fabricationfield with the firm of IndustrialArts, Inc.Winifred Louise Lee became thebride ol Fred Calbert Ash, '38, JD'40, on Odober 26, 1946, in the Si-loam Baptist Chuich of Marion,Alabama. They are at home on East60th Street. Mr. Ash is assistant tothe dean of the law school at theUniversity.George A. Beebe, '42, was nried last June 10th to Marg;Anne Sterling of Washington, ITHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE 29]Vfr. Beebe received the Master ofArts degree in History from theUniversity of North Carolina inJune, and they are now living inNorfolk, where Mr. Beebe is Assistant to the Director, St. HelenaExt., College of William and Maryand Chairman of the Department ofHistory.Louise Nancy Bloch, '42, is nowMrs. Michael B. DeGroot, Jr., andis living in New York City.Mabel Coffin, AM '42, was married on October 4, 1946, to Lt. (j.g)Maurice L. McConnell, at the Arlington Heights Christian Churchin Fort Worth, Texas. Mrs. McConnell is a psychiatric social workerand for the past three years has beenserving as Field Director of theAmerican Red Cross at the U. S.Public Health Service Hospital inFort Worth.Gilbert F. Ford, Jr., '42, and Dorothy Louise Campbell were married recently in Chicago. The brideattended Northwestern University.Mr. Ford recently was released fromthe Navy with the rank of Lieutenant. They will live on Chicago'sSouth Side.Josephine E. Hodges, '42, whoserved as Lt. (j.g.) in the WAVESand returned to civilian life lastApril, was married on August 2,1946, to Phil H. Rogers. They areliving in Austin, Texas.Ernest N. Poll, '42, was marriedrecently to Marial Pliss, and is backat the University after serving fouryears in the Army.Bertice E. Carey, AM '44, wasmarried on March 24, 1946, to IsaacI. McDonald. They are living inChicago, where Mrs. McDonald is aCaseworker with the Family Service Bureau of the United Charities.Lois I. Goldstein, '45, and JulianH. Good were married July 22, 1946,at Northmoor Country Club inHighland Park, Illinois. Mr. Goodattended Northwestern Universityand is now in business with his father. The couple are living in Chicago, on the North Side.Elizabeth S. Hall, AM '45, andRoy Brady, '44, SM '46, were married June 21, 1946. They are livingin New York City, where Mrs. Bradyis with the American Council onEducation, Intergroup EducationProject.Clara G. Kerekes, '45, and De-Witt James Lowell, '43, were married September 5, 1946, and are living at 5443 Drexel Avenue, whileMrs. Lowell is studying medicine atthe University. BIRTHSMary Dorothy arrived at the PaulSchubert, PhD '35, home on November 1. Her father, who is on the faculty of the Hartford TheologicalSeminary, has accepted an appointment as Professor of New TestamentInterpretation at Chicago beginningwith the Spring Quarter, 1947.John Johnson, JD '40, and Mrs.Johnson (Harriet Nelson, '39) announce the birth of John Vance onNovember 13, 1946. Their daughter, Barbara, is three. Mr. Johnsonis working in the State Department'sDivision of International SecurityAffairs, having received his Ll.M.from Harvard in October.Born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul W.Wallace (Caroline E. Soutter, '40)a daughter, Cynthia Lee, on November 15, 1946, at Chicago. TheWallaces have a son, William, fouryears old.A daughter, Ann Laura, was bornto Albert L. Tamison, PhD '41, andMrs. Jamison, on September 20,1946, at Princeton, New Jersey. Mr.Jamison is teaching in the Department of Religion at Princeton University, after 3i/2 years of service inthe Army Chaplain Corps.Kenath H. Sponsel, '41, MD '43,and Mrs. Sponsel announce thebirth of a daughter, Sally SterlingSponsel, born November 20, 1946.Rev. H. G. Fraser, DB '89, onFebruary 23, 1946, at Ottawa,Kansas.DEATHSDr. Julius H. P. Gauss, '99, MDRush '03, died at his home in Indianapolis, October 31, 1946. Dr.Gauss was one of our most loyaland active alumni. He was presidentof the Indianapolis Chicago Cluband had been local chairman forthe Alumni Foundation from thebeginning of annual alumni giving.During his years of active practicehe served on the faculty of the Indiana University School of Medicineand the staffs of Methodist and St.Vincent hospitals of Indianapolis.Laetitia Moon Conrad, PhD '99,on November 29, 1946, at Grinnell,Iowa. She was a former member ofthe faculty of Grinnell College, andauthor of numerous articles in thefield of economics.Mrs. Willard F. Dowd (Muriel A.Massey, '98) on July 31, 1945, atBronson Hospital, Kalamazoo, Michigan.Nellie E. Goldthwaite, PhD '04,noted for her work in the chemistryof food and emeritus member of the AMERICAN COLLEGE BUREAU28 E. JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOA Bureau of Placement which limits itswork to the university and college field.It is affiliated with the Fisk TeachersAgency of Chicago, whose work covers allthe educational fields. Both organizationsassist in the appointment of administratorsas well as of teachers.W. B. CONKEY CO.HAMMOND, INDIANASALES OFFICES: CHICAGO AND NEW YORKPlacfestone UecoratmsPhone Pullman 917010422 3Rl)i)tie*( mt., C&icaso, m.GEORGE ERHARDTand SONS, Inc.Painting — Decorating — Wood Finishing3123Lake Street PhoneKedzie 3186A SundaeTreat forAny Day!SWIFT'S ICE CREAMSundaes and sodas are extra goodmade with Swift's Ice Cream. Sodelicious, so creamy -smooth, sowatf#-A Product ofSWIFT & COMPANY7409 S. Stat e StreetPhone RADdiffe 740030 .THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE' "•¦-"- ¦*"¦¦¦¦TuckerDecorating Service1360 East 70th StreetPhone MIDway 4404Arthur MichaudelDesigner and Maker ofDistinctive Stained Glass Windows542 North Paulina Straat, ChicagoTelephone Monro* 2423MOFFETT STUDIOCAMERA PORTRAITS OF QUALITY30 So. Michigan Blvd., Chieago Stat* 1750OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHERU. of C. ALUMNIHOWARD F. NOLANPLASTERING, BRICKandCEMENT WORKREPAIRING A SPECIALTY5341 S. Lake Park Ave.Talaphon* Dorchester 1579Alice Banner Englewood 3181COLORED HELPFACTORY HELPSTORESSHOPSMILLS FOUNDRIESEnglewood Emp. Agey., 5534 S. Stat* St.Quiet, unobtrusive aervicaWhen you wonf if, as you wont ifCALL AN EMERY FIRSTEmery Drexel Livery, Inc.5516 Harper AvenueFAIRFAX 6400 American Association for the Advancement of Science, on November26, 1946, at her home in South Had-ley, Mass. She was head of the Department of Chemistry at Mt. Holyoke College for eight years, and alsotaught at the Universities of Illinoisand New Hampshire.Augustus Raymond Hatton, PhD'07, on November 12, at Austin,Texas, from a heart attack. Dr.Hatton had been a member of thefaculties of Chicago, Western Reserve and Northwestern in government and political science before hisretirement. He was the father ofthe Cleveland City Manager Charterand helped draft other city charters. Many readers will rememberhim as the Convocation speaker inSeptember, 1926.John D. McLauchlan, who didgraduate work at Chicago in 1908,in October in Seattle, Washington.He had retired in 1943, as Dean ofSt. Mark's Cathedral.Robert J. Hart, '09, of Skokie,Illinois, on October 8, 1946.Karl W. Wahlberg, '10, MDRush' 12, on September 29, 1946, asthe result of a heart attack.Ernest N. Armstrong, '11, AM '21,on September 5, 1946, at Westport,Conn.Ruth Gartland, '15, professor ofsocial case work at the University ofPittsburgh, on January 1, 1946, atPittsburgh. Miss Gartland servedas vice president of the NationalConference on Social Work, as amember of the executive committeeof the American Association of Psychiatric Social Workers and was alsovice president of the American Association of Social Workers. She isthe author of "Psychiatric SocialWork in A Children's Hospital," aswell as numerous articles in socialwork journals.SUPERFLUOUS HAIRREMOVED FOREVERMultiple 20 platinum needles can be used.Permanent removal of hair from face, eyebrows, back of neck, or any part of body;also facial veins, moles, and warts.LOTTIE A. METCALFEELECTROLIS EXPERT20 years' experienceGraduate NurseSuite 1705, Stevens Building17 N. State StreetTelephone Franklin 4885FREE CONSULTATION Jane Louise Jones, AM '17, fojjmer dean of women at St. Lawren6|University, died September 11 atHanover, N. H., after a year's ill.ness.Fred W. Kurk, SM '17, in May,1946, at Chicago. Mr. Kurk was em-ployed by Wilson and Company aschemist and bacteriologist.Ruth Harriett Bedford, '23, wifeof Raynor A. Timme, '22, at theirhome in Michigan City, Indiana, onOctober 20, 1946. Raynor Timmeis with the investment firm of A. C,Allyn and Company, Chicago.Eugene J. Foy, '25, on February19, 1944, at Chicago, Illinois.Austin H. Glamore, '28, on October 9, 1946, at Chicago. Mr. Glamore formerly taught at AmundsenHigh School in Chicago.We have just been informed ofthe death of Elease E. Davis, '30, onNovember 28, 1943.William H. Lyman, '14, died atthe age of 54 athis home inWestfield, NewJersey, November 12, 1946. Billwas the type whoprobably got morefrom his AlmaMater and gaveBill, in 1914 more in returnthan most other alumni.He got more than a degree fromChicago because he entered into lifewith every enthusiasm; in the Dramatic Club; the Three Quarters Club;Skull and Crescent; Iron Mark; Maroon; Owl and Serpent; Blackfriars;the Honor Commission, UniversityMarshall; Cap and Gown (editor);Beta' Theta Pi; and on and on (Tigers,Pen, Mandolin Clubs, etc.).Leaving the Midway, Bill began hisbuilding management career in Chicago and later became property manager for the Prudential, with timeout during the War to serve with theRent Division of the O.P.A.Through all these years WilliamLyman never forgot the University.He was always the alumnus to whomthe University or the Associationturned for leadership in the NewJersey area. He was treasurer ofhis Class of '14 Student Loan Fundwhich has grown each year becauseof Bill's conscientious administration,annual solicitations, and careful reports.Classmate Howell Murray, '14, willcarry on as Treasurer for the LoanFund but the inspiration from a lifelike Bill's will carry far into thefuture.JANUARY CALENDARFriday, January 3LECTURE-"The Existence of God," Mortimer J. Adler (Philosophy of Law) 32 West Randolph St., 7:30 P.M. $1.50BASKETBALL-U. of C. vs. Bradley Institute. Fieldhouse, 56thand University Ave., 8:00 P.M. $1.00Saturday, January 4OPEN HOUSE-Ida Noyes Hall, 7-9 P.M. All activities.Monday, January 6FILM-LECTURE-"The Plow That Broke the Plains" and "TheRiver," Kenneth J. Rehage, discussion leader for SignificantFilms series. University College, 19 South La Salle St., 5:30P.M. 50cTuesday, January 7LECTURE— "Origin of Sherlock Holmes," by Jay Finley Christ(Business). First in a series of lectures on Sherlock Holmes.University College, 19 So. La Salle St., 6:15 P.M. 75cOPEN HOUSE-Reynolds Club, 7:30-10:00. Campus organizations will present a short program.Wednesday, January 8LECTURE-"American Fiction, 1800-1860," by Walter Blair(English). First of four lectures. Social Science Building, 1126E. 59th St., 7:30 P.M. 82cLECTURE CONCERT-"The Growth of American Music," byLeonard B. Meyer, lecturer. Musical illustrations by the Chicago Symphony Quartet and Perry O'Neill, Piano. KimballHall. 306 S. Wabash, 8:15 P.M. $1.50Thursday, January 9MEETING— "University of Chicago Contribution to ReliefNeeds," sponsored by Fellowship of Reconciliation. EdwardBeatty and Phillip Basher, speakers, to show slides made inEurope through UNRRA. Discussion. At Woodlawn Co-op,58th and Woodlawn.FORUM-"What Causes Strikes?" Cyril O. Houle, -dean of theUniversity College and N. D. Pietro, executive secretary of theChicago Federation of Printing Trade Unions, as discussionleaders. Organized Labor in American Society forum seriesbased on recent publications. University College, 19 SouthLa Salle Street, 7:30 P.M. 75cFriday, January 10DOCUMENTARY FILM-"Paris Qui D'Art." An early Frenchfilm. Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street, Room 122,7:15 P.M. 35cLECTURE— "The Role of the Composer," Leonard Bernstein,demonstrations on the piano. Mandel Hall, 57th and University Avenue, 8:30 P.M. Admission FreeSaturday, January 11STUDENT C-DANCE-Ida Noyes Hall, 9:00-12:00 P.M. InformalSunday, January 12AMERICAN VETERANS COMMITTEE DANCE-Ida NoyesHall, 3:00-6:00 P.M. Admission: Men 25c, Women freeDANCE SERIES— Performances sponsored by Renaissance Society. Mandel Hall, 57th and University Avenue. 8:30 P.M.Admission freeLECTURE-"How to Read the Old Testament," by Dr. Rylaars-dam. Sponsored by the Baptists Student Group. 7:00 the church, 56th and Woodlawn AvenueMonday, January 13LECTURE— "Industrialism Triumphs," Walter Johnson (History) University College, 19 South La Salle Street, 7:30 P.M. 90cFILM-LECTURE-Showing of "The City," Kenneth J. Rehage,discussion leader. University College, 19 South La Salle Street,5:30 P.M. 50cTuesday, January 14FOLK DANCING-International House, 8:00 P.M. Open to public, 25cDOCUMENTARY FILM-"How Green Was My Valley." SocialScience Building, 1126 East 59th Street, Room 122. Two showings, 7:15 P.M. and 9:15 P.M. 35cLECTURE— "Industrialism Triumphs," Walter Johnson (History) University College, 19 South La Salle Street, 11:00 A.M. 90cLECTURE-'Watson and Criminology; The [Sherlock] HolmesSpring of Action," Jay Finley Christ (Business) University College, 19 South La Salle Street, 6:15 P.M. 75c OR YOU, we'vebuilt a high traditionRARE indeed is such a tradition of supremacyas has been built for Swift's Premium Ham.Over the years, the effort to give you matchlessquality has brought unquestioned leadership.And this leadership is constantly increasing.Checks of public opinion show that — in spite ofshortages — more people than ever before consider Swift's Premium Ham "thebest".TiemlumcreamIROWN- SUGAR -CURED!32 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEWednesday, January 15LECTURE-'American Fiction, 1800-1860," Walter Blair (English) Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street, 7:30P.M. 82cLECTURE-" American and the Pacific," Paul H. Douglas (Economics) University Forum Series. 32 West Randolph Street,7:30 P.M. $1.20Thursday, January 16AMERICAN VETERANS COMMITTEE CHAPTER MEETING-Open to public. Kent, Room 106. 7:30 P.M.FORUM- 'What Needs To Be Done?" Joseph Lohman, assistantdirector of race relations, Rosenwald Fund, and RalphHelstein, international president, United Packinghouse Workers of America (CIO) as discussion leaders. Organized LaborForum series. University College, 19 South La Salle Street,7:30 P.M. 75cFriday, January 17MUSIC-University of Chicago Concert. Fine Arts String Quartet, Perry O'Neill, piano. Program of Beethoven, ErnestBloch, and Schumann. Mandel Hall, 57th Street and UniversityAvenue. 8:30 P.M. $1.50FORMAL DANCE-Sponsored by Interfraternity Council. NodetailsSaturday, January 18BASKETBALL-University of Chicago vs. Grinnell College.Fieldhouse, 56th Street and University Avenue, 8:00 P. M. $1.00OPEN HOUSE-Sigma Chi, '5615 Woodlawn Avenue, 8:00 P.M.Affiliates only. InformalSunday, January 19AMERICAN VETERANS COMMITTEE DANCE-Ida NoyesHall, 3:00-6:00. Men 25c, women free.Monday, January 20FILM-LECTURE-Showing of "And So They Live," StephenCorey (Educational Psychology) discussion leader. UniversityCollege, 19 South La Salle Street, 5:30 P.M. 50cLECTURE-"The Frontier Passes," Walter Johnson (History)University College, 19 South La Salle Street, 7:30 P.M. 90cTuesday, January 21FOLK DANCING-International House, 8:00 P.M. Open topublic, 25cDOCUMENTARY FILMS-" Airscrew", "Cover to Cover", "Secrets of Nature", "Sea Horses", 'Rain", "Idol of Hope". SocialScience Building, 1126 East 59th Street, Room 122, 7:15 P.M.35cLECTURE— "The Disappearance and Revival of SherlockHolmes," Jay Finley Christ, (Business) University College, 19South La Salle Street, 6:15 P.M. 75cLECTURE-"The Agrarian Midwest," D. Gale Johnson. MidwestAmerican lecture series. 32 West Randolph Street, 7:30 P.M. 75cWednesday, January 22 ^~DRAMATIC PRODUCTION-"Ghosts," by Peter Ibsen. Presented by the Players Guild in Reynolds Club Theater, 57thand University, 3:00 P.M. 60cLECTURE-" American Fiction, 1800-1860," Walter Blair (English) Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street, 7:30 P.M.82cLECTURE— Concert, "The Instrumental Duo in the Time ofBach," Scott Goldthwaite, lecturer. Musical illustrations byDorothy Lane, harpischordist, and George Sopkin, violin-cello.Bach. Three Sonatas for viola da gamba and harpischord.Kimball Hall, 306 South Wabash, 8:15 P.M. $1.50Thursday, January 23DRAMATIC PRODUCTION-"Ghosts," by Peter Ibsen, presented by Players Guild in Reynolds Club Theater, 57 th andUniversity, 3:00 P.M. 60cFORUM— "Wages and Employment," Paul Russo, assistant regional director of the United Automobile Workers (CIO) andIra B. Cross, member of the Robert N. McMurray Company,consulting industrial psychologists as discussion leaders. Organized Labor forum. 19 South La Salle Street, 7:30 P. M. 75c Friday, January 24OPEN HOUSE— YWCA function in the "Y" room at Ida Noyes*3:30-5:00 P. M. Planned program to be announced.INTERCLUB BALL-Saddle and Cycle Club. 10:00-1:00 Bid:$3.00. Open to club affiliates only.DRAMATIC PRODUCTION— "Ghosts," by Peter Isben. Presented by Players Guild in Reynolds Club Theater, 57 th andUniversity, 8:00 P.M. 60cFOREIGN FILMS— International House. 8:00 P.M. 50c. Program to be announcedDOCUMENTARY FILMS-"The Cabinet of Dr. Caligary", animpressionistic French film. Also "The Golem"— German version. Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street. Room122. 7:15 P.M.Saturday, January 25DRAMATIC PRODUCTION— "Ghosts," by Peter Ibsen. Presented by Players Guild in Reynolds Club Theater, 57th andUniversity, 8:00 P.M. 60cOPEN HOUSE-Beta Theta Pi, 5837 University Avenue, 8:00-12:00 P.M.OPEN HOUSE-Sigma Chi, 5615 Woodlawn Avenue. 8:00 P.M.Affiliates only. InformalSunday, January 26TEA-Nu Pi Sigma-affiliates only. Ida Noyes Hall, 3:30-6:00R.S.V.P. Florence Baumruck, PROspect 2987.AMERICAN VETERANS COMMITTEE DANCE-Ida NoyesHall-3:00-6:00 P.M. Men, 25c; women, free.Monday, January 27FILM-LECTURE-Showing of "Valley Town." Dorothy McClureMeredith, Discussion leader. University College, 19 SouthLa Salle Street, 5:30 P.M. 50cLECTURE— "Labor Organizes." Walter Johnson (History) University College, 19 South La Salle Street, 7:30 P.M. 90cMINISTERS' WEEK-Monday, January 27 through Friday,January 31. Write Chicago Theological Seminary, 5757 University Avenue for detailed programTuesday, January 28FOLK DANCING-International House, 8:00 P.M. Open topublic, 25cDOCUMENTARY FILM-"The Puritan," Social Science Building,1126 East 59th Street, Room 122. Two showings, 7:15 and9:15 P.M. 35cLECTURE— "The Gloria Scott," "The Musgrave Ritual," and"A Scandal in Bohemia." Jay Finley Christ (Business) University College, 19 South La Salle Street, 6:15 P.M. 75cLECTURE-"The Industrial-Urban Midwest." Louis Wirth(Sociology) 32 West Randolph Street, 7:30 P.M. 75cLECTURE— "Labor Organizes." Walter Johnson (History) University College, 19 South La Salle Street, 11:00 A.M. 90cWednesday, January 29LECTURE-" American Fiction, 1800-1860," Walter Blair (English) Social Science Building, 1126 East 59th Street, 7:30 P.M.82cMUSIC— University of Chicago concert. Pasquier Trio. Programof Schubert, Bohuslav Martinu and Beethoven. Mandel Hall.57th and University Avenue, 8:30 P.M. $1.50LECTURE-"The Minimum Objectives of a Sound EducationalProgram". O. Meredith Wilson (History) University Forum-'32 West Randolph Street, 7:30 P.M. $1.20Thursday, January 30AMERICAN VETERANS COMMITTEE PROGRAM MEETING—Open meeting, Kent 106, 7:30 P.M.FORUM— "A Management View of the Functions of Unions,"Cyrus L. McKinnon, Franklin Association and David Dolnick,Daniel Parnell Law Office, as discussion leaders. UniversityCollege, 19 South La Salle Street, 7:30 P.M. 75cFriday, January 31OPEN HOUSE- YWCA function in the "Y" room at Ida Noyes,3:30-5:00. Planned program to be announcedOPEN HOUSE-Zeta Beta Tau, 5749 Woodlawn Avenue, 7:30-1:00. Members and alumni onlyALL THINGS HUMAN CHANGE . . .EST^*1 ]¦& J*¦Ml ¦[Sl iLidl»1933w 1*i £V^J-fc^"Tkt Ik '^3L ^L|* '^LJP[i-^^B 1940 19431947 1950 1960Remember those golden moments— when he was only so high?His first bicycle? That seam-bursting pride when he madethe team?But his most fruitful years lie ahead. Rich with the promiseof fine schooling— every advantage you can give him.You've planned it that way. Just suppose, though, that youwere suddenly no longer around to see it through.Your insurance will take care of everything? Remember,though, family needs change with the times. And in order tokeep your insurance program tailored to these shifting needs, it's best to review your policies regularly. You'll find your NewEngland Mutual Career Underwriter a great help. He's nofarther away than your telephone. Why not call him now?New England Mutuali/e \nsurance Q>ompany (mm of BostonGeorge Willard Smith, President Agencies in Principal Cities Coast to CoastThe First Mutual Life Insurance Company Chartered in America— 1835These Univ. of Chicago— and hundreds of other college men, represent New England Mutual:Harry Benner, '11, ChicagoMrs. O. B. Anderson, '15, MinneapolisDavid E. Loebe, '16, ChicagoCharles P. Houseman, '28, Los AngelesOur knowledge is the amassed thought and experience oj innumerable minds''—RALPH WALDO EMERSONWhy some things get better all the timeThe old-fashione*d stove has warmed many a generation through the years. But today families are kepthealthfully warm by far more effective means.There are electric heaters and electric blankets withtheir efficient alloy heating elements. Individual gasfuel installations. Improved heating systems for ourhomes, ranging from oil burners with fuel nozzles oflong-lasting synthetic sapphire to the new panel heating with its welded piping. Also giving you finer serviceare better insulated electrical wiring, vast central heating systems, and city and cross-country gas lines.Far-reaching are the improvements in heating andpower enjoyed by families today . . . And most of theseimprovements are possible because of better materials. Producing better materials for the use of industry andthe benefit of mankind is the work of UNION CARBIDE.Basic knowledge and persistent research are required, particularly in the fields of science and engineering. Working with extremes of heat and cold — frequently as high as 6000° or as low as 300° below zero,Fahrenheit — and with vacuums and great pressures,Units of UCC now separate or combine nearly one-half of the many elements of the earth.Union CarbideAJVJD CAIZjBOJV COJtJ*OXJLTTOJV30 EAST 42nd street HIM NEW YORK 17, N. Y.' 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