Russell around Indiana's end-a 3o-yard runIn the Wisconsin game: When Gray broke away for 80 yards and a touchdownIn the Wisconsin game: Split interference for a forward passThe Iowa game: Gray makes a touchdownTHE FOOTBALL SEASON, 1913The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME VI DECEMBER 1913 NUMBE� 2EVENTS AND DISCUSSIONThe Daily Maroon has recently planned a series of sketches of menprominent in undergraduate life in their various college generations,from the beginning of the University to the present time'.The first four chosen for consideration are William H.Prescott, '96, Joseph E. Raycroft, '96, Charles S. Pike,'96, and Nott Flint, '97. Flint died, well under forty; the others areyoung men still. How far away seem the years when they were themen of affairs upon the quadrangles, and yet how short a time ago itwas! How young the University still is! When, sometimes, we wonderwhether its influence upon community life has been all that we expected,are we not, in effect, forgetting its extreme youth? Rome was not builtin a day; nor can those traditions which give body tocollege loyalty be forced like mushrooms. Still, theycan be cultivated, and it is still most unfortunate thatno member of the alumni body is a member of the Board of Trustees.Men ofAffairsA NotableOmissionBy long odds the best attended and most delightful dinner of theChicago Alumni Club ever held was that of November I9. New speak-ers (including J. F. Voight, �'96, Marc- Catlin, '06, andThe Chicago Oliver J. Thatcher, dear to thousands of students fromAlumni ClubDinner I892 to I908, when he left us) made the welkin ring witheloquence; an attendance of 285 was unprecedented;and the spirit of the occasion was. rousing. Every Chicago man livingin or near Chicago should attend these semiannual dinners. And itis not too early now to suggest that the spring dinner should be givenup, as far as speechmaking goes, to a frank discussion of University35THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MA.GAZINEaffairs, by representatives of the administration. Last spring PresidentJudson and Deans Lovett and Marshall spoke, and everyone who heardthem felt a new acquaintance with the problems and aims of this insti­tution, and that fresh sense of intimacy which is absolutely essential toreal co-operation. Too many of the alumni have a feeling in regardto the conduct of the University comparable to traveling from Pisa toGenoa; most of the way is underground, and only occasionally do weemerge into the light and air of understanding. This is all wrong.Not only what Chicago is driving at, but how it is driving at it, shouldbe familiar knowledge to every Chicago man (and woman) who hasreached years of discretion,The campaign is over and the victory won; the little gold footballswhich signify membership upon a championship eleven are alreadybeing prepared for the fifteen men who won their" C's ";!:tball this fall. It was an especially creditable championship,Championship because it was won by harmony of effort and not by in-dividual brilliancy. Every man did what was expected ofhim, and a little more. The season was particularly interesting, in its­evidences that Mr. Stagg's powers as a coach are unabated. Rumorsabout his ill-health of all kinds circulated freely at the beginning of the,year; they were natural, following his prolonged absence from the quad-­rangles. But he returned to his task as skilful and apparently as strongas ever, and produced the best-knit, most versatile team of many years.There are those who believe that it was the best taught team in thecountry;The view held of Mr. Stagg in some quarters is amazing. Becausehe believes, first, last, .and all the time, in decency, and will not admitin to college sport the ethics or the language of the prize-ring, he is mis­understood by many coaches whose ideals are unlike his; and becausehe has a habit of success he is called hard names. An article publishedin November in the Minnesota Alumni Weekly is in this connectionamusing-s-and astounding. "Stagg," it declared, "is 'covering up'Acker, a half-back from Washington University; for use in the latergames "-the inference being that a deliberate policy of deceit had beenundertaken, _to mislead opponents as to Chicago's strength. Ackerwas a very fair half-back, who played regularly on the scrubs, and wasused against Northwestern. But to anyone who knows Mr. Stagg, theidea of his planning a coup de theatre of the sort implied is chiefly in­teresting for the light it throws into the intricate moral recesses of theMinnesota man who wrote the article.EVENTS AND DISCUSSION 37Mr. Stagg has his faults-most people have. One of them seemsto the layman to be his apparent unwillingness to encourage individualcoaching by alumni who would be glad to give their services. There area dozen first-rate men here in Chicago who, if their own statements areto be believed, would be glad to give two or three afternoons a weekto coaching during scrimmages. They do not aspire even to a whisperin the general direction of the team, but would they not be of servicein giving polish to individuals? Why they are not invited to do so,the writer at least has never heard Mr. Stagg explain. Perhaps fromPinehurst, where he is now winning prizes in golf, he will write a letterand give us his views.The The December meeting of the Conference is over, and there are nonew members. Nebraska applied, but the application was refused onthe ground of unwieldiness if the present number wasincreased. Michigan has decided finally not only notto apply, but that" any discussion of the matter is un­desirable." So long as Michigan is satisfied, the Confer­ence is satisfied also. The rules proposed by Illinois permitting summerbaseball were rejected.ConferenceSituationThe experiments to determine the rigidity of the earth, which theDepartment of Physics has been conducting for six months at LakeGeneva, near the Yerkes Observatory, have turned butThe Rigidity as successful as could have been hoped. One thousandof the Earthdollars was first appropriated, to dig an east-and-westditch 500 feet long and 6 feet deep, lay in it a 6-inch pipe, and instalinstruments of microscopical precision by which the "tides" in thewater which half-filled this pipe could be measured. For months H. G.Gale, '96, Associate Professor of Physics, took these measurements everyhour of the day and night, with occasional relief by a colleague from theObservatory. The work involved a walk of something like twenty-fivemiles a day and practical isolation from all other interests. Now amachine has been devised which registers by photography the record ofthe variations in the water levels, and does away with the necessity ofconstant observation. Another ditch has been. dug north and south,and in both, the experiment will continue throughout the winter, thedepth of the ditches and careful packing preventing any danger of thewater's 'freezing. The department is, of course, not yet ready topublish an account of the experiment; but it may be said that there isTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEpractical confirmation of the theory that the earth is rather morerigid than steel. Those of us who have regarded it as a hollow ballfilled with fire are called upon to revise our views.A widespread rumor early in December was to the effect that ErnestDe Koven Leffingwell, polar explorer, had perished in the northern seas.E. D. K. Leffingwell some months ago set out for Flaxman Island,Leffingwell north of Alaska, to secure the furs and instruments heSafe had left there. Before he started he declared that thiswas his last trip north. The rumor had therefore a kind of dramaticfitness that made many people uneasy. A whaler just in from FlaxmanIsland, however, brings word that "Leff" is safe and is wintering withthe remaining members of the Stefansson expedition.SOUVENIRS D'OUTRE-MERJe suis seul dans la Ihule sur les rives de la Seine,Et mon coeur attriste me faisant tant de peineM'envahit de souvenirs si tristes, d'outre-merQue je erie, Quand reverrai-je mon pays si cher?Oh regrets eternels pour la Ville des Vents!o h ces bons vieux copains de l' ancien temps!Oh batiments gris, Oh foyers de sagesse!Endroits de nos plus belles annees de jeunesse lAh, tristes plaisirs; Ah fantomes nuageuxQui fiottent sur mes yeux comme ce fleuve douloureux­Et ce peuple engourdi, qui hantent le Boul' Mich'-Qui est la ?-C'est Margot!-Toi? Alors, je m'en fiche!H. R. B�, 'IIB. H. C., 'I2NEW MEN ON THE FACULTYFive men, of the rank of instructor or above, have been added tothe teaching force of the University in the past year. Three begantheir work in the spring or summer; two are offering courses for thefirst time this fall. A brief history of the academic career of each of thefive follows.Algernon. Coleman, Instructor in Romance, was graduated A.B.from the University of Virginia in 1901, and received his A.M. the sameyear. From 190I to 1905 he was in charge of the work in modern lan­guages at Culver Military Academy. From 1906 to 1910 he was assist­ant principal of the Norfolk (Va.) Academy. In the Summer Quarterof 1909 he pursued graduate work at the University of Chicago. From1910 to 1913 he was a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University,the last year holding the University fellowship. He received the degreeof Ph.D. in 1913, his thesis being upon certain recently accessible workof Gustave Flaubert, with especial attention to the influences bearingupon his aband�nment of the Romantic camp about 1845 .. His workat Chicago this fall is in Junior College courses in French.Tom Peete Cross, Associate Professor of English and Celtic, wasgraduated from Hampden-Sidney College, Virginia, A.B. in 1899 andS.B. the following year. From 1899 to 1900 he was a Fellow ofHampden-Sidney, and instructor in English and mathematics. From1900 to 1905 he was instructor in modern languages in Norfolk (Va.)Male Academy. From 1905 to 1909 he was a graduate student atHarvard, the last year Edwin Austin Fellow; in 1906 he received theM.A., and in 1909 the Ph.D., in English. As Parker (traveling) Fellowof Harvard, 1909-IO, he spent the year abroad, the summer in theSchool of Irish Learning at rlublin. The following year he was instructorin English at Harvard and Radcliffe; going as professor of English toSweetbriar College (Va.) in I911, and to the University of NorthCarolina in 1912. His work at Chicago this fall includes English I andAn Introduction to the Study of Celtic. His courses will lie chiefly inthe field of Celtic, in which he is one of the leading scholars of the country.3940 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUpper row: Rollo L. Lyman, H. C. Stevens Lower row: Tom Peete Cross, A. ColemanKEW MEMBERS ON THE FACULTYNEW MEN ON THE FACULTY 41The accession of Mr. Cross is of great importance especially to thegraduate work of both the Department of Modern Languages and ofEnglish.Edward Wilcox Hinton, Professor of Law, is a. graduate of theUniversity of Missouri and of the Columbia Law SchooL After anexperience of twelve years in the general practice of law he became pro­fessor of pleading and practice in the University of Missouri Law Schoolin Ig03, at the same time continuing his practice. He has been markedlysuccessful in developing instruction in practice, a branch of law-schoolwork that until recently has been either neglected or dealt with veryindifferently by the leading law schools of the country" In Ig06 MrDHinton published his Cases on Code Pleading, and in 1912 he becamedean of the Missouri Law School. At Chicago he will have entire chargeof the work in practice and evidence, and will reorganize and make moreefficient the practice courses offered in the SchooLRollo L. Lyman, Associate Professor in the Teaching of English,the College of Education, was graduated A.B. from Beloit in 18gg andfrom Harvard in Ig03. He has studied in the graduate schools ofColumbia, Harvard, and Chicago. He was assistant professor ofEnglish in Pacific College, Forest Grove, Ore., from 18gg to Ig02, andinstructor in English at Harvard from Ig03 to Ig05. In Ig05 he wentto Wisconsin as assistant professor of rhetoric and oratory, and sincerooo has been associate professor there. He comes to Chicago withequal interest in the teaching of pedagogical methods in English, and inargumentation and debate. On college debating, in particular, he isan authority. In a quarter Mr. Lyman has made his force, his judgment,and his eagerness felt upon the quadrangles; and in his hands it will bestrange if English 9 (Argumentation) and English 10 (Debate) do notbecome centers of University life and thought.Herman Campbell Stevens, Associate Professor of Education, wasgraduated from the Elyria (Ohio) high school in 18g7, and from theUniversity of Michigan in roor , At Michigan he was a member of theQuadrangle Club, the Friars, and Theta Delta Chi. In 1901 he enteredCornell University for, graduate work in philosophy, experimentalpsychology, and physiology, and received his Ph.D. in Ig05. FromIg05 to IgII he was assistant professor, from IgII to 1913 associateprofessor, of psychology, in W ashington University, Seattle. From42 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1909 to 1913 he studied medicine at Rush, and in 1913 received his M.D.He is the author of various papers on physiological characteristics ofattention, the relation between right-handedness and the retina, visualsensations caused by' an electro-magnetic field, and others in experi­mental psychology. His course at Chicago this fall is on psychopathic,retarded, and abnormal child�en-iri direct relation to the study ofpedagogy,FRANK RUSSELL WHITEFrank Russell White died in Manila on Sunday morning, August I7,1913. He was only thirty-eight years old, but his achievements duringhis short life were so notable as to entitle him to a high place amongthose who have brought honor to the University of Chicago by illus­trating the possibilities of the best American citizenship.A few years ago an American army officer undertook the difficultand dangerous task of attempting the government of one of the Philip­pine Islands, which, for centuries, had been the habitat of a restlessturbulent, and lawless race. .He met the people on the plane of justiceand righteousness. He substituted for the sword the spirit of love. Hebecame imbued with a consuming zeal for the welfare of those committedto his charge. He devoted his life to them with a singleness of purposewhich won the confidence of the unruly and attracted to himself theadmiring praise of all Americans in the Orient. And when, in one ofthose sudden torrents which quickly transform a dry stream into araging flood, he was swept away and drowned, his governmental superiorpaid him this tribu te:IHis friends can rest assured that, had he foreseen the end from the beginning, henever would have faltered in his work, but would have preferred to face certain deathwith a record of important results achieved than to have been assured of a long anduseless life. If his work is continued, as it will. be, it will not have been done in vain.May its results ever stand as a monument to his sound judgment, his steady courage,his dogged perseverance, and his rugged honesty.The thought and the words alike are admirably adapted to FrankWhite. He was born in Milburn, Ill., June 8, 1875, the son of AndrewJ. and Abbie C. (Smith) White. He was a student in Bellevue College,Nebraska, between 1893 and I895, and later came to the University ofChicago which awarded him the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy onSeptember 18, 1900. His resources were limited during his studentdays and he worked his way through the University with a good deal ofpersonal sacrifice. This fact and his quiet modesty kept him from muchparticipation in so-called student activities. He was an interestedmember of the military band in the first year of its organization. He wasactive in the Forum literary society, He was president of the OratoricalAssociation, He left a permanent influence as one of the charter mem­bers of the Delta Tau Delta Chapter. But his real strength was not4344 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEparticularly apparent until it was tested in a distant land where fidelity,integrity, courage, and adaptability were essential elements of success.After graduation he spent a few months in Chicago working for theAssociated Charities, and then, on May IS, I90I, found his opportunityin an appointment as teacher of English in the Philippine service, goingat once to the islands among the pioneers of education. His skill inadministration soon brought him the position of deputy division superin­tendent of schools for the province of Tarlac jn the island of Luzon .. Ayear later he was promoted to the division superintendency of the sameprovince. Three months more found him- assigned to a similar positionin the province of Antique, in the island of Panay, only to be calledwithin thirty days to the bureau of education headquarters in Manilato be assistant to theegeneral superintendent. The remainder of hislife was given to administrative work. In October, I905, he was madesecond assistant director of educatiori. On December I, I909, he waspromoted to b� director, on the retirement of Director David P. Barrows,a Doctor of Philosophy of the University, and the first assistant who wentout with him. Thus within eight years he won by his executive abilityand sterling character the highest position in the service, a place ofresponsibility and opportunity in educational work, hardly equaledfor its possibilities anywhere in the world. Here, by high ideals, -bydevotion to duty, by constancy of purpose, by judicial fairness, and byfriendly consideration in treatment of his subordinates, he made 'a recordof accomplishment difficult of appreciation except by those personallyfamiliar with its astonishing success.In studying the needs of the Filipinos, he quickly saw that educationmust not only train the mind but must also develop a type of citizen­ship which would apply itse!f to local industries in the most effectivemanner. To imbue pupils with a belief in the dignity of labor and toarouse their pride in the attainment of efficiency became a dominatingidea with him. Possibly this interest in industrial education may bethe phase of his great work for which he will be best remembered.Almost his last contribution to the literature of the Philippines consistedof two articles in Vocational Education' for March and May, I913,entitled "Industrial Education in the Philippine Islands." Thesereveal clearly his close touch with the people and the thoroughness withwhich he had worked out important educational problems of vital con­cern to the masses.His interest in education ranged from the lowest schools to thehighest. He was one of the regents of the University of the Philippines,FRANK RUSSELL WHITEserving as chairman of the Committee on the College of Liberal Arts andas a member of the Committee on Admissions. As one of the buildingcommittee he had large part in the selection of the permanent site andin the preparation of plans for the main halls. He was a prime factorin a movement which sought to bring the high schools into closer rela­tionships with the university. He constantly encouraged high-schoolgraduates to pursue their studies farther, and he sought earnestly tosecure for his teaching staff those trained in the university.Outside of his professional work, his friendly spirit and lovable naturegave him large influence. He was a member of the University, andArmy and Navy clubs. He was an active Mason, prominent in theScottish Rite. He was a director and for some time president of thePhilippine Inter-Fraternity Association, a thriving organization ofGreek-letter society men, whose reunions brought together a splendidcompany of American colfege students. His public funeral was aremarkable testimoniai to his worth as a man and to his widespreadinfluence over all of the best elements of the population, The governor­general, the head of the army, the president of the university, the mem- �bers of the Philippine Commission, the ;eads of all government bureaus,hundreds of school children, and native school teachers all joined in thefinal tribute to one who had stamped his personality ineffaceably upontheir hearts,Every instructor from the University of Chicago who visited thePhilippine Islands was proud of Frank White as a Chicago alumnus.His frank cordiality, his manifest sincerity, his evident mastery, hisdevoted spirit, his quiet, modest, and effective leadership, made a deepimpression. He was an honor to our University and a splendid repre­sentative of the finest American citizenship in a land where Americanshave done so much to the glory of our country.His life-story is one of triumph. And yet, as one thinks of hisrelative youth, of the mental and physical suffering of the months ofbrave struggle with incurable disease, of the sorrow of his wife left withher·two small daughters in a distant land, of her long sad journey to herold home in Nebraska carrying the ashes of her dead, it seems as if, onceagain, triumph and tragedy trudged together along the dark path ofhuman anguish, FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSON 45A REVIEW OF THE FOOTBALLSEASONCaptain Nelson Norgren and his menwon the Conference championship forI913 with beautiful finality. Now thatthe season is over, even Mr. Stagg willadmit that strong hopes of this outcomewere entertained by Chicago from thebeginning; and yet the story of theachievement is particularly agreeable,because it reflects credit on so many men,and is an evidence of really fine intelli­gence and co-operation rather than ofthe unusual capacity of "stars."When the candidates assemb1ed forpreliminary practice on September 20,their most striking feature was theirnumber. Twelve men who had pre­viously won their letter were eligible:Captain Norgren, Pierce, Gray, Kennedy,Fitzpatrick, and Coutchie in the back­field, and Des jardien, Harris, Scanlan,Goettler, Vruwink, and Huntington inthe line. Among the recruits of promisewere Russell, Boyd; Breathed, Acker,and Moulton, behind the line, andShull, Baumgardner, Hardinger, Whit­ing, Redmon, Leach, Williams, Sparks,and Stegeman in it; and besides thesemore than a dozen others seemed worthcareful consideration. The problemseemed, therefore, not, as so often atChicago, one of nursing through enoughplayers to fill all the positions, butrather that of deciding on the bestmethod of sifting plentiful material.The questions were to develop a lineand find a quarter-back. The back­field was practically settled from thefirst day; Norgren, Gray, and Kennedywould play hal yes and Pierce full.Much, it is true, was hoped of Moulton,a Sophomore, but few (among them, itmust be confessed, / the writer of thisarticle) thought that he really had achance of displacing Pierce. At quarterRussell and Boyd, Sophomores, andBreathed, a Junior, were regardedas having almost an equal chance.Breathed, however, soon found thatan old injury to his knee was too greata handicap to be overcome; and Boydshowed fatal weaknesses in both judg-46 ment and defensibility. So presentlyMr. Stagg centered his hopes on Russell.Russell had played a fine game in highschool at half-back, but had had noprevious experience whatever at quarter.His speed and football sense were,however, highly valuable assets.As for the line, Des J ardien at centerwas a fixture, and Vruwink was regardedas equally certain to play one end. Theother places were open. Scanlan, andeven more particularly Harris, hadproved themselves good guards, butthey were not spectacular . Nobodyhad more than a guess at the possibilityof the various candidates for tackle.Shull and Hardinger seemed perhapsmost likely. For the other end Goettlerwas probably favored by most critics;he had played end efficiently throughoutthe season of 19II, but illness had kepthim off the field in 1912. Huntingtonhad done fairly well in I912, thoughcrowded off the team in the final games.Baumgardner, tall, strong, eager, and ofthe real athletic fiber (he was a finebasket-ball player and the leadingpitcher of the 1913 Conference season);was also expected to make trouble inkeeping him off the team.Hardinger, a very powerful man,weighing more than 200 pounds, wasbefore the first game found to beineligible, as his work lay in RushMedical rather than in the University.Facing the problem, therefore, Mr. Staggdecided to try Goettler at one tackle.Goettler had grown heavier since 19IIand in playing-trim weighed nearly 190pounds. He is, moreover, nearly sixfeet three inches in height, and thus ofgreat use in securing forward passes.For the other tackle Shun was thor­oughly tried out. About the same weightand height as Goettler, he was entirelywithout experience, and very nervous;and his nervousness made him slow toact; but he was strong and endlesslywilling, and Redmon, the 29o-poundman in whom some had hopes, showedin two days that he was physicallyTHE'MEN WHO EARNED THEIR "C'S" IN FOOTBALL IN I9I3Back row: Page (coach), Mr. Stagg, Des Jardien (capt.-elect), Sauer (coach). Second row: Canning (coach), Baumgardner (end), Kennedy (half),Huntington (end), Johnson (trainer). Third row: Goettler (tackle), Gray (half), Pierce (full), Shull (tackle). Fourth row: Scanlan (guard), Norgren(captain), Harris (guard). Front row: Sparks (sub.), Fitzpatrick (sub.), Russell (quarter), Leach (sub.). ;...��t>l�o'>J�t>l8;;J;...t-<t-<�;...���-...:rTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEunable to carry the pace of a Chicagoteam. Chicago faced Indiana, then, onOctober 4, with the following line-up:center, Des Jardien; guards, Harris andScanlan; tackles, Goettler and Shull;ends, Vruwink and Huntington; quarter­back, Russell; halves, Norgren and Gray;full-back, Pierce. Before the Dedica­tion Day crowd of ten thousand, Indianawas beaten 2I-7. The game, unless tothe eye of Mr. Stagg, revealed little ofmuch promise. The. old men playedwell, especially on the defense, but therecruits did not. Both Goettler andShull were clumsy and ineffective;Russell handled the ball cleanly, butused bad judgment and ran back re­peatedly to avoid tacklers. The workof Des Jardien and Norgren on defense,however, was very fine; Norgren'stackling was as good as any ever seenon the field.Iowa followed on October I I. Lastyear Iowa led, 14 to I3, at one stage ofthe game; then Pierce being sent inbucked for three touchdowns and aneasy victory. This year Iowa was re­ported to have much the same eleven,fast but light, and nobody except thecoaches anticipated much of a con­test. In the first half Chicago scoredtwice, and seemed to have no troublein holding Iowa; something of a run­away was therefore expected. Backcame Iowa for the second half, andcatching a punt within a minute afterthe kick-off, ripped off a sixty-yard run­back. That was amusing. But when,lining up, the yellow-legged players be­gan spreading out all over the field,and from the strangest formation everseen on the field began gaining eight,ten, fifteen yards to each down, thehumor disappeared. The ball reachedChicago's one-yard line, on a firstdown. Then the Iowa quarter gave thestupidest exhibition of the season. In­stead of continuing the tactics whichhad been so successful, he proceeded tobuck the line, from the regular oldformation. At the end of four trials,the ball was a yard back of the spotit had started from. Chicago kicked.Again Iowa spread out and sailedthrough, this time to a touchdown on along run. Chicago got the ball on thekick-off and hammered out anothertouchdown; score, 21-7. Changinggoals in the fourth quarter, Iowa setto again, and ate up yards with a deadly baffling certainty. "They reached theeight-yard line, first down; and againthe quarter-back discarded his ace.Four futile bucks, a long kick by Chi­cago, and the trouble was ended. Butthis is the time to confess that, as inthe Purdue game of 1912. Providenceseemed to incline unfairly to the Maroon.Chicago had the better team, but itwas on the run for a while.Right there, in the final quarter of thesecond game, came one' of the twoturning-points of the season. DesJardien, Pierce, and Gray had beentaken out, and Whiting, Moulton, andFitzpatrick substituted. When· Iowawas sifting through. so easily, the threeveterans were hastily returned to thegame; and it was plain to Mr .. Stagg'from that time forth that his' problemwas still the old one: to conserve hisfirst-string men, for the second. stringwould break. Barring accidents, .thica;,.go's line-up for the season was settled­by the results of Iowa's" spread-forma-tion." 'The next game, with Purdue, wasexpected to be a fierce one, .. -Purduehad tied Wisconsin, 7-7; Coach Smithhad freely predicted a Purdue' victoryover Chicago. Oliphant, the Purduehalf-back, was expected to show ehiCagowhat real football was. Nor were any ofthe reports from Lafayette exaggerated.No more stubborn defense did Chicagoencounter, nor, except from'Minnesqta,so fierce an attack. But Purdue hadmade the fatal mistake of building itsattack around one man (Oliphant) andthat attack, in the Wisconsin game, ithad been forced to show. Chicago hadbeen coached to meet it. Des Jardien,Shull, Goettler, and Pierce were toldexactly what to do, and di. it. Theresult was that Purdue for three­quarters of the game could not gain atall; to untrained spectators they seemeda team actually weak on offense. Mean­while, Chicago was imitating the follyof Iowa. Russell's judgment of playswas, in critical moments, - execrable.Able to gain from certain formations,when the goal-line was neared he woulddiscard those formations, and try quarter­back runs. So Purdue went home withno touchdown scored against her. Buttwice out of three trials Russell redeemed'himself by successful drop-kiCkS, thefinal result being, therefore, Chicago 6,Purdue o.A REVIEW OF THE FOOTBALL SEASONThis game was the second turning­int of the season; for it proved thati�e team as a whole had one highlyaluable quality-intelligence. Theyvuld "take coaching." Their defense�as everything it should have been.True, in the last quarter, �urdue madea spectacular advance, using forwardpasses; but a long way fr<?m the goa�­line one of them nestled In Norgren sarms, and there was no further troub.le.At the close of the game Mr. Stagg said,"I begin to hope we shall have a goodpair o� tackles yet." Goettler wasdevelopmg hIS speed; and Shull wasfinding himself, slowly but surely. Noone man shone; but every man glowed,and the general effect of the illuminationwas most satisfactory.October 25 was a vacant date; sothere were two weeks in which to preparefor Illinois. In those two weeks cameup the case of John Vruwink.It had happened, in the first twominutes of play in the Purdue game,that Vruwink was ruled out for rough­ness, by a doubtless �onest but extrel"l}-elyincompetent head linesman. Vruwmk,leaping up in the attempt to block akick had fallen forward into the kicker;a piay not <?nly fair but abs?lut�lyinevitable until the law of gravitationcan be repealed. On accoun t. of hisprominence as a player, the ruling hadbeen given considerable notice. Thefollowing week Illinois sent in evidenceto the Athletic Board of the Universitythat Vruwink was ineligible, on accountof his participation in athletics at HopeCollege, Holland, Mich. He was knownto have competed there one year; butthe evidence put in by Illinois showedthat he had in another year taken partin one football and two basket-ballgames. As this, in accordance with theregulations, constituted a second yearof competition, his year at Chicago hadbeen his third season; he was thereforedeclared ineligible. Further action whichwas taken in bis case has been muchdiscussed elsewhere, but has no bearingupon the story of the football campaign.Up to this time Huntington and Baum­gardner had alternated at end. Vru­wink's retirement gave both a chance toplay regularly.The Illinois game on November I wasan odd one. Illinois kicked off; on thefirst play Norgren punted, and Pogue,the Illinois quarter-back, catching the 49punt ran seventy yards for a touch­down. In the remainder of the gameIllinois made only two first downs, andwhen it had the ball actually lost moreground than it gained. But during thewhole first half Chicago, over-eager,could not settle down to business, andthe half ended Illinois 7, Chicago o.Yet nobody in the stands was muchworried, for it was obvious that Illinoiswas outclassed. Sure enough, in thesecond half Chicago scored four touch­downs, and could have scored six if ithad been necessary. The play of mostinterest was an off-tackle run by Norgren,in which, after reaching the line ofscrimmage, he cut back toward thecenter of the field. It worked againand again for long gains. Chicago'sline completely outplayed Illinois's, andthe secondary defense was little calledupon. The final score was Chicago 28,Illinois 7.On November 8, Northwestern wasmet at Evanston, the first game awayfrom home. The day was raw andwindy, and Northwestern had been sovery wesk that few students took thetrip. Before the game Mr. Stagg saidto the writer, "What do you think ofputting in the substitute back-field andpromising them their letters if theyscore fifty points?" Then he laughed."I'll put in the regulars, I think, andthe score will be about IO to 7." He didput in his regulars, for a time; then hewithdrew them to give practice to theothers. The final score was I4 -o-whyso small, nobody knows. Chicago playeda defensive, punting game; Boyd atquarter handled Northwestern's re­turn punts very badly; Moulton athalf proved a great disappointment;and in general the men played withoutlife. It is apparently a tradition thatNorthwestern should, whatever herweakness, give Chicago a hard rub.Meanwhile preparations had continuedfor the Minnesota game on November I 5.This was expected to be the test of theseason. Minnesota had defeated Wis­consin 2I-3, and shown great skill indefense and considerable power in attack.Coaches Page and Sauer, however,had diagrammed every Minnesota for­mation exhibited during the season, andthe eleven had been drilled long and hardto meet each shift. Everything de­pended on the tackles. The Minnesotaplays, once formed, would .certainly50 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEgain. If the Chicago ends smashed in,fakes and forward- passes would followin bewildering succession. If the endshung out, could the green tackles spoilthe interference for end runs? break upplays before they had a chance" to reachthe line of scrimmage in mass? Theycould, and did. In the first half Minne­sota was helpless. Goettler and Shullshot through, messed up the attackwhile it was forming, and left the endsan easy job. Meanwhile Russell gavean exhibition of judgment at quarter­back that gladdened the heart of thecoach. He drew the Minnesota defenseout of position, found the weak spots,and sent his plays at them. Chicagoscored a touchdown in the first quarter,but Harris failed at goaL The halfended 6-0. The third quarter was in­decisive; but at the beginning of thefourth Chicago put on every ounce ofpower and scored again. There re­mained eleven minutes to play. DesJardien had a twisted knee, and wasplaying on his nerve. More dangerousstill, Shull, Who had gone into the gamewith a shoulder so bruised that he couldhardly lift his arm, had almost reachedthe limit of his endurance. In the finalquarter he used his left arm only, his righthanging helpless at his side. The rela­tion of the substitutes to the first-stringmen may be seen by the fact that evenso, Mr. Stagg did not dare to put anotherman in Shull's place. Shull's disa­bility made Huntington over-eager, andhe began to smash in. PromptlyShaughnessy, the Minnesota full-back,was sent' around him for thirty-fiveyards. On the other end, Baumgardnermade the same mistake, in spite of awarning from Goettler. Shaughnessymade thirty yards around him. Thatbrought Minnesota close to the goal­line. Then came a fumble. Chicagokicked far down the field. Again Solonand Shaughnessy managed in nine playsto smash to the line, and this time for atouchdown. But even with Shull andDes J ardien disabled, the Minnesotamen had exhausted themselves in theone effort, and for the remaining fourminutes of play they were powerless.The final score was 13-7.As it turned out, the Minnesota gamewas the crucial one. Wisconsin, in thefinal, proved less formidable than hadbeen feared. The game was played ona muggy day, with a temperature of 70°, and under a gloomy sky. Chicagogave an adequate but not very vigorousexhibition. A touchdown in the firstquarter after a series of bucks andforward passes; another in the secondquarter, following a run of eighty yardsby Gray, who intercepted a Wiscon­sin forward pass; and yet anoth er inthe third quarter, the direct result of amost brilliant and unexpected catch of aforward pass by Goettler, put the gameand the championship beyond peradven­ture. Wisconsin died game but un­happy. In the final quarter she broughtthe ball from the middle of the field tothe five-yard line three times, and lostit there, once on downs and twice onfumbles. She seemed to have the powerbut not the knowledge, and for somereason, moreover, fumbled repeatedly.An onlooker would have supposed theWisconsin men were nervous. Perhapsthey were only over-eager. Kindlinessdictates the statement that they weregood enough to have scored a touchdownwith a little better luck. But it is moteprobable that a little better coachingwould have been still more valuable.When the usual batch of "all­Conference elevens" appeared. the ex­traordinary nature of Chicago's teamwas made evident. Every regular onthe eleven except Scanlan was putby some expert on either a first orsecond all-Conference team. Norgren,Des Jardien, and Russell were generalfavorites. But of the ends, one manchose Huntington and ignored Baum­gardner, another picked Baumgardnerand had no word for Huntington. Of thetackles, one man chose Shull and failedto see Goettler, another had Goettlerbut failed to mention Shull. Harris, ofwhom Mr. Stagg said, "He is a finishedguard"-could he be more highlypraised ?-landed on one second team.And Pierce, who next to Norgren is thefinest defensive back Chicago has hadin years, and whose line-bucking againstWisconsin gained two touchdowns andin all over a hundred yards-Pierce getson one second team. Why this con­fusion? For the siniple reason thatChicago had this year, probably morecertainly than any other university inthe country, not a collection of greatplayers, but a team. There was not aweak place anywhere. Whoever wascalled on, responded. They had no ex­traordinary physical capacity. Solon andA REVIEW OF THE FOOTBALL SEASONShaughnessy, of Minnesota, Butler, Buck,and Tandberg, of WISCOnSIn, seem to befar more strikingly. endowed for footballthan anybody Chicago had; but theyfailed to accomplish as much, b�causethey did not understand co-operation aswell. Coaching alone did not bring thischampionship, though the coaching wasthe test; strength and speed d�d not bringit· intelligence and co-operation broughtit' and would defeat any" combinationel�ven" that ever ran down the sidelinesof a "pink sheet."The scores of the season follow:Oct,o,ber 4, Chicago 2 I Indiana . • 7II, Chicago 23 Iowa. . 618, Chicago 6 Purdue • . 0November I, Chicago 28 Illinois. . . 7" 8, Chicago 14 N orthwestern 0IS, Chicago 13 Minnesota 0 722, Chicago 19 Wisconsin . 0Total scores, Chicago, 124, opponents27. Touchdowns, Chicago 17, opponents4. Goals by placement, Chicago I,opponents o. Goals by drop-kicks,Chicago 2, opponents o. Goals fromtouchdowns, Chicago 14, opponents 3.What of next season? Five regularsand two good substitutes have finishedtheir football career: Captain Norgren, 5IHarris, Goettler, Pierce, Kennedy, Fitz­patrick, and Leach. The regulars re­maining are Des J ardien, center; Scanlan,guard; Shull, tackle; Baumgardner, end;Russell, quarter; and Gray, half. Amongthe promising substitutes are Sparks,Williams, Acker, Stegeman, and Moulton.Among the Freshmen, Alberts, Jackson,Hardinger, and Windrow in the line, and,among others, Lee, Schaefer, Patterson,and Agar behind the line or at endare promising. Foote, if he becomes eli­gible, will almost certainly make a placesomewhere. Berger, formerly of Wis­consin, will also be eligible. If the line-upnext season should include Des J ardien,center, Scanlan and Alberts, guards,Shull and Jackson, tackles, Baumgard­ner and Foote, ends, Russell, quarter,Berger and Gray, halves, and Schaefer,full-back, no doubt some people wouldsay, "I told you so." But the onlycertain thing about next year's line-upis that it never turns out quite as oneexpects it.The captain for next year is PaulDes J ardien, "all-western" center for twoyears. He is a graduate of WendellPhillips High School, and a member ofDelta Kappa Epsilon.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDThe Winter Convocation.- The WinterConvocation of the University, whichwas the Eighty-ninth, was held onSaturday, December 20, 1913, at r r t ooA.M., with President Abram W. Harris,of Northwestern University, as the orator,his subject being" College Days." Sincecoming to the presidency of N orth­western in 1906, Dr. Harris has beenprominently identified with the civiclife of Chicago in connection with im­portant commissions and has recentlybeen president of the Union LeagueClub of the city. He has received manyacademic honors, having been given thehonorary degree of Doctor of Scienceby Bowdoin College and that of Doctorof Laws by the University of NewBrunswick, the, University of Maine,and Wesleyan University, Connecticut.For a number of years he was directorof the experiment stations in the UnitedStates Department of Agriculture, andhas 'been president of the University ofMaine and of the Tome Institute,Maryland.The Convocation Preacher on Decem­ber 14, was Bishop Edwin H. Hughes, ofCalifornia.A new University Trustee.-At a recentmeeting of the University Board ofTrustees Mr. Frederic A. Delano, ofChicago, was elected a member of thatbody. Mr. Delano, who is a graduateof Harvard University, is one of the mostwidely known men in the city. Aspresident of the Wabash Railroad Com­pany he has been prominently connectedwith the railway problems of the MiddleWest and has been especially interestedin the plans for the beautification ofChicago. He has held many public posi­tions, including those of member of theBoard of Overseers of Harvard College,president of the board of directors of theChicago Lying-In Hospital, and vice­president of the American UnitarianAssociation. He is also a member ofthe American Society of Civil Engineersand the American Institute of MiningEngineers as well as of the AmericanRailway Association. A large reception at which Mr. andMrs. Delano were the guests of honorwas given by President Harry PrattJudson and Mrs. Judson on the after­noon of November 1;2.T he exchange professor from France.­Professor Abel Lefranc, professor in theCollege . de France and Director' in theEcole pratique des hautes etudes (Sor­bonne), who has recently been appointedby the French government as exchangeprofessor in the University of Chicago,will give two courses at the Universityduring the Winter Quarter. The firstcourse, "Explication de Rabelais," willbe for graduate students only, but thesecond, "Moliere et les grandes questionsde son temps," will be open to the public.Professor Lefranc will lecture twice aweek during the quarter.The Association of American Uni­versities.- The University of Chicagowas represented at the fifteenth annualconference of the Association of Ameri­can Universities, held at the Universityof Illinois from November 6 to 8, byPresident Harry Pratt Judson, DeanRoHin D. Salisbury, of the OgdenGraduate School of Science, and DeanAlbion W. Small, of the Graduate Schoolof Arts and Literature. Among otherswho attended the conference fromChicago were Professor J ulius Stieglitz,of the Department of Chemistry; Pro­fessor Frank, Bigelow Tarbell, of theDepartment of the History of Art; andProfessor William Albert Nitze, Headof the Department of Romance Lan­guages and Literatures. Special atten­tion was given in the conference to thesubject of graduate schools. ProfessorJames R. Angell, Dean of the Faculties,was unable to attend the conference onaccount of an engagement to addressthe Northern Illinois Teachers' Associa­tion at Rockford, where he spoke on thesubject of "Economy in Education."A lecturer from the University ofLeiden.-Four lectures on the" Aspectsof Islamism" will be delivered at theTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDUniversity near the end of the W!nterQuarter by the prof�ssor of Ara�Ic. atthe University of �eIden, pro ChnstIa?­Snoucke HurgronJe. During a year sleave of abse!lce from his ,work as !ectu�er.n Mohammedan law at the University�f Leiden, Dr. H.urgronje spe�t most ofhis time in the CIty of Mecca Itself-theonly European t.o spend . an ex�endederiod of time m the Holy CIty ofislam. The result of his' studies heublished in a standard work on the�ubject M ekka. In 1889 Dr. Hurgronjewas se�t on a mission to the Dutch EastIndia colonies, in order to repo:t to theColonial Department upon the influenceof Islam in Netherlands India. At theend of that period, the Dutch East Indiangovernment demanded his services. asadviser on Mohammedan and nativeaffairs and he remained in the EastIndia' colonies for seventeen years: 'Itwas through the adoption of his advicethat the long-drawn-out Atche War-wasfinally brought to an end. He crownedhis colonial work with a monumentaltreatise on the Atchinese, At. presentDr. Hurgronje is not only professor ofthe Arabic language and of Islam at theUniversity of Leiden, but also adviserto the Ministry on Colonial Affairs.His lectures at the University of Chicagowill be on the following subjects: "Mo­hammed: Past and Present Views of HisLife and Work," "Features Common toMohammedanism and Modern Thought,""Features in Mohammedanism Opposedto Modern Thought," and "Possibilitiesof an Understanding."The National Institute of Arts andLetters.-President Harry Pratt Judsonwas one of the hosts at a banquet givenin Blackstone Hall of the Art Instituteto members of the American Academyof Arts and Letters and the NationalInstitute of Arts and Letters, which metin Chicago from November 13 to 15.Among the other hosts on the occasionwere the following members of theUniversity Board of Trustees: Martin A.Ryerson, Charles L. Hutchinson, A. C.Bartlett, Harold F. McCormick, andThomas E. Donnelley. Members of theNational Institute of Arts and Lettersfrom the University of Chicago areProfessor Paul Shorey, Head of theDepartment of Greek, and ProfessorsRobert Herrick and Robert MorssLovett, of the Department of English. 53Professor Shorey's opening lecture atthe University of Berlin_.- In his openingaddress as Roosevelt Professor at theUniversity of Berlin on November I,Professor Paul Shorey, Head of theDepartment of Greek, spoke before alarge audience on the subject of "TheAmerican and His Hopes." Amongthose present at the lecture was PrinceAugust Wilhelm, who represented theGerman Emperor. The general subjectof the series of lectures to be given atthe University of Berlin by ProfessorShorey is "Culture and Democracy inAmerica." He will also conduct a semi ..nar in Aristotle's philosophy. ProfessorShorey will not return to his regular workat Chicago till the Autumn Quarter of1914.Summaries of auendance in the new"Annual Register."-In the forthcomingissue of the A nnual Register published bythe University Press, will be given thesummaries of attendance for the yearending July I, 1913, which show thatduring that time there were 1,059 menand 678 women in the Graduate Schoolsof the University, a total of 1,737different students. In the Senior Col­leges there were 867 students, in theJunior Colleges 1,295, in the College ofCommerce and Administration I14,unclassified students 605, in UniversityCollege 941, in the Divinity School 359,the Courses in Medicine 219, the LawSchool 286, and the College of Educa­tion 1,018, making a grand total, exclud­ing duplicates, of 6,802, as comparedwith the total of 6,506 for the precedingyear.T he University Orchestral Association.­Maud Powell, the violinist, gave a recitalin Leon Mandel Assembly Hall on theafternoon of December 2, the programbeing received with enthusiastic apprecia­tion. Among the' numbers presentedwere Coleridge-Taylor's Concerto in GMinor (dedicated to Mme. Powell),Bach's Sonata in E Major (for violin andpiano), Brahms's Hungarian Dances (Amajor and E minor), and Beethoven'sMinuet. This was the third in a seriesof nine concerts arranged by the Or­chestral Association for the year 19I3.....,I4.The Chicago Symphony Orchestra underthe direction of Frederick Stock gave thefourth concert on December 16. TheAssociation announces that a song recital54 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEby Madame Julia Culp will be given onJanuary I3. The program committeeof the Association consists of Mr.James A. Field, chairman; Mrs. RichardGreen Moulton, and Mr. Hermann 1.Schlesinger.An important historical work by analumnus .-Dr. Milo Milton Quaife, theauthor of Chicago and the Old Northwest,1673-1835, which has just been issuedby the University of Chicago Press,received his Doctor's degree from theUniversity in I908, after two years ofstudy in his special field of history.His new volume on the beginnings ofChicago has already attracted wideattention and discussion, and is generallyreceived as the first authoritative historyof early Chicago and the developmentof frontier life in the Old Northwest.Important new documents, as the basisof the history, have been brought tolight, and much of the author's narrativehas an almost dramatic interest.New I nstructors appointed.�Announce­ment is made that at a recent meeting ofthe University Board of Trustees thefollowing appointments were confirmed:Franck Schoell, to be an Instructor inthe Department of Romance Languagesand Literatures; Elbert Clark, to be anInstructor in the Department of An­atomy, and Cora .C. Colburn, to be anInstructor in Home Economics. In theUniversity High School the followingwere appointed to instructorships: Eliza­beth Webb Ballord in German, Nana A.Lathe in Drawing, and John BeachCragun in Music.A ppointment of a new head marshal.­The newly appointed head marshal atthe University is Mr. Earle A. Shilton,of Kewanee, Ill., who holds one of thefour Henry Strong scholarships awardedthis year for high scholastic standing.Mr. Shilton has been prominent inundergraduate activities, belongs toseveral honor societies, and is a memberof the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity.The head marshalship at the Universityis regarded as the highest appointivehonor an undergraduate can receive, andthis appointment by President Judsonseems to meet with special approval onthe part of the student body.Improvements in the Reynolds Club.­In accordance with the plans of the Reynolds Club library committee it isexpected that early in the WinterQuarter the proposed new club librarywill be installed. More than fivethousand letters have been sent out to.former and present members of theclub, and to members of the Faculties,inviting contributions toward the thou­sand-dollar fund needed to establish thelibrary. The club itself has pledged$200 of this amount. Queries havealso been sent out as to the characterof the books desired by the studentsgenerally, so that the -Iibrary may atonce appeal to the constituency for whichit is intended. The classes of booksproposed to be included in the collectionare modern fiction, drama, and essays,recent biography, travel, sports, educa­tion and educational institutions, andthe University of Chicago. The book­plate to be used in connection with thenew library embodies the official clubseal: The library committee consists ofHiram Kennicott, chairman; Earle A.Shilton, Frederick Croll, Cowan D.Stephenson, George D. Parkinson, whois president of the club, and AssistantProfessor Percy H. Boynton, of theEnglish Department, who is the Facultyrepresentative on the committee.Recent improvements in the ReynoldsClub include a new indirect lightingsystem in the reading-room, a newdrinking-water system with plumbingfor fountains on the second floor and inthe basement, a more adequate systemof ventilation, an up-to-date method ofrecording daily purchases and sales, theinstallation of eight oak wardrobes inthe billiard room, and the repair andoverhauling of the billiard tables at acost of $600. The club has recentlypurchased, also, a new cigar standand humidor at a cost of $300, a newpin-setting machine for the bowlingalleys, sixty new ivory-tipped cues, anadding machine for the treasurer's office,and new desk lamps for the correspond­ence room.The membership of the club for theAutumn Quarter, including active andassociate members, is 8I3- Of this total,6IO are active members, while in the fallof 19I2 there were 584 active members.The University Preachers.-During themonth of November the UniversityPreachers were Dr. John A. MacDonald,editor of the Toronto Globe, PresidentTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDJ. G. K. McCI�re, of the M.cCormickTheological Sem�nary, Dr. Gaius GlennAtkins of ProvIdence, R.I., and Rev.Henry' Stiles Bradley, of Worcester,Mass. FOl; this m<?nt� Bishop C�arlesD Williams of Michigan, and BIshopEdwin H. H�ghes, of California, are thepreachers, the latter being the speakeron Convocation Sunday, December 14·President Harry Pratt Judson attendedthe inauguration of Dr. Lyman A. Powellas president of Hobart College, NewYork, on November 15, and on theevening of November 22 he was a guestof honor at the banquet of the Penn­sylvania State College al?mni at t!:eUnion League Club, Chicago. PreSI­dent Edwin Erle Sparks, of that insti­tution who also was a guest, was formerlyProfes�or of American History at theUniversity of Chicago. On November25 President JudsQn and Mr. JuliusR�senwald, of the University Board ofTrustees, were hosts at a luncheon givenat the Union League Club in honor ofPresident Charles F. Thwing, of WesternReserve University.A bronze tablet in memory of the firstPresident of the University, WilliamRainey Harper, was placed near theentrance to the President's Office in themain hall of the Harper MemorialLibrary on November 4. The inscrip­tion on the tablet, which is the gift tothe University of the class of 1908, isas follows:"To honor the memory of WilliamRainey Harper, first President of theUniversity of Chicago, born 1856, died1906, this building was erected by giftsof the Founder of the University,members of the Board of Trustees andFaculties, alumni, students, and otherfriends, A.D. 1912."Professor Julius Stieglitz, of the De­partment of Chemistry, is a memberof the committee appointed by theChicago section of the American ChemicalSociety to co-operate, if desired, withthe mayor of Chicago in the solution ofthe city's waste problem. Other mem­bers of the committee are Professor JohnH. Long, of Northwestern University,and Professor Harry McCormack, of thedepartment of chemical engineering inthe Armour Institute of Technology. 55The Art of the Short Story, which hasjust been published by Charles Scribner'sSons, is the work of Mr. Carl H. G�bo,an Instructor in the English Departmentand a graduate of the University in 1903.The scope of the book may be seen inthe following list of chapter titles: "TheShort Story," "The Essentials of Narra­tive,'" "The Point of View," "TheUnities of Action, Time, and Place,""Exposition and Preparation," "Intro­ductions. The Order of Narration,""Character Drawing," "Description ofPerson and Place," "Suggestion andRestraint," "Dialogue," "Types of StoryIdeas," "Titles and Names," "Unity ofTone," and "The Psychology of StoryWriting."The chairman of the EducationalCommittee on Chicago Philanthropy,which was recently organized to keepthe public informed of the needs of thecity's poor, is Professor Charles Rich­mond Henderson, Head of the Depart­ment of Practical Sociology. Otherwell-known social workers on the com­mittee are Miss Jane Addams, head ofHull House, and Professor GrahamTaylor, of the Chicago School of Civicsand Philanthropy.Mr. F. R. Benson, director of theStratford-on-Avon Players who have beengiving a series of Shakspere plays at theBlackstone Theater, Chicago, gave anaddress in Leon Mandel Assembly Hallon the afternoon of November 13, hissubject being the significance of rhythmsin poetry and particularly in Shakspere.He illustrated the latter by effectivelygiven passages from the plays. Mr.Benson, who was introduced by Pro­fessor John M. Manly, Head of theDepartment of English, is a graduate ofOxford, and for a number of years hehas had charge of the yearly Shakspereanpagean ts in England.Recent contributions by members ofthe Faculties to the journals publishedby the University of Chicago Pressinclude the following:Babcock, Assistant Professor Earle B.:"The Use of Phonetics in TeachingElementary French," School Review,November.Burton, Professor Ernest D.: "Spirit,Soul, and Flesh. I, IIv€up.a. 'lruX?],and �cip� in Greek Writers from HomerTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto Aristotle," American J ournal ofTheology, October; (with F. Merri­field), "The Origin and Teaching ofthe New Testament Books," III,Biblical World, November.Case, Associate Professor Shirley J: "TheProblem of Christianity's Essence,"American Journal of Theology, October.Chamberlin, Professor Thomas C. :"Diastrophism and the FormativeProcesses," III, Journal of Geology,October-November.Goodspeed, Associate Professor EdgarJ�: "The Freer Gospels," AmericanJournal of Theology, October.Henderson, Professor Charles R.: " So­cial Significance of Christianity inModern Asia," III, BibUcal World,November.Hoxie, Associate Professor Robert F.:"The Truth about the I.W.W.," Jour­nal of Political Economy, November. Michelson, Professor Albert A.: "Deter­mination of Periodicities by the Har­monic Analyzer with an Applicationto the Sun-Spot Cycle," AstrophysicalJournal, October. .Merrifield, Fred (with- E. D. Burton):"The Origin and Teaching of the NewTestament Books," III, Biblical World,November.Parker, Professor S. Chester: "Bibliog-­raphies, Briefs, and Oral Expositionin Normal Schools," English Journal,November.Smith, Associate Professor J. M. Powis:"The Religion of the Hebrews andModem Scholarship," II, BiblicalWorld, November.Williston, Professor' Samuel W.: "ThePrimitive Structure of the Mandiblein Amphibians and Reptiles," J ournaiof Geology, October-November.ALUMNI AFFAIRSU.N.D. Alumni Club.-On Saturday,October 18 19I3, the alumni and formerstudents of the University of Chicagowho are now members of the faculty ofthe University of North Dakota mettogether and organized. After a socialhour, a business meeting was held. Thefollowing officers were elected: DeanM. A. Brannon, President; Miss N?rmaE. Pfeiffer, Secretary. A .comnnttee,consisting of Dr. J. L. Lewinsohn andDr. George P. Jackson, was appointedto draw up a constitution embodyingthe purposes, etc., of the organization.Arrano-ements were made for future meet­ings, �fter which the University of Chi­cago Club of U.N.D. stood adjourned.The following are the active membersof the club at the present time: DeanM. A. Brannon, Professor Vemon P.Squires, Professor G. E. Hult, Dean EllaL. Fulton, Dean Robert L. Henry, Pro­fessor J. M. Gillette, Dr. G. F. Ruediger,Dr. H. R. Brush, Dr. George P. Jackson,Dean H. E. French, Dr. J. L. Lewinsohn,Professor H. E. Simpson, Mr. R. R.Hitchcock, Mr. Charles E. King, andMiss Norma E. Pfeiffer. It is to behoped that the new Directory will aid inlocating other alumni in the vicinity ofthe university or Grand Forks.-Yours sincerely,NORMA E. PFEIFFER, '09, SecretaryNews from the Classes.-1892William A. Waldo has become pastorof the First Baptist Church of Paterson,N.}., his address being 772 E. 25th St.r897Waldo P. Breeden has entered into anew law-partnership, with Elverton H.Wicks, Arthur D. Harnden, and JosephE. Kennedy. Their offices are at 9I6Frick Building, Pittsburgh, Pa.A son, who has been named FrederickStuart, was born on June 26 to Mr. andMrs. Frederick Day Nichols, at 2524Humboldt Ave. South, Minneapolis.Merton L. Miller is head of the Di­vision of Ethnology of the Philippine Islands. His duties take him to all partsof the Philippines, particularly to themore remote and isolated sections in­habited by the non-Christian peoples.1898Nels J. Lennes has left ColumbiaUniversity to become professor of mathe­matics at the University of Montana, atMissoula.J. M. C. Bushnell has been electedpresident of the Pacific University atForest Grove, Ore.I900Hugh S. Mead is division superin­tendent of schools in the Bureau of Edu­cation of the Philippine Islands. He hasbeen connected with education work inthe Philippines since roor , He hasrecently been engaged as superintendentfor the private schools of the Islands,giving them such supervision as the gov­ernment exercises over private institu­tions.I902Elmer C. Griffith is professor of his­tory .at William Jewell College, Liberty,Mo. He is coach of the debating team,which last year won from all competitors,and of oratory, in which the WilliamJewell speaker represented Missouri inthe interstate contest.Harvey MacQuiston won the Texasstate singles championship in tennis lastsummer, and with Paul MacQuiston thedoubles also. They twice defeated easilythe pair who subsequently won the south­ern championship at New Orleans, andrepresented the South in the nationaldoubles matches.Mary .1\. Kidder is an instructor at theBackus School for girls at St. Paul, Minn.1904L. C. Plant has resigned as professorof mathematics in the University ofMontana, to become head of the depart­ment of mathematics at Michigan Agri­cultural College.John W. Scott has left the Kansas StateAgricultural College to become professor57THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof zoology and research parasitologistin the University of Wyoming.1905Albert L. Hopkins has been appointedassistant district attorney in Chicago.Victor J . West is assistant professorof economics at Leland Stanford Junior.1906Robert A. Hall is now associate pro­fessor of pharmacology in the Universityof Minnesota; his address is 323 SouthAve. S.E., Minneapolis, Minn.1908Clara Gertude Seymour has becomean assistant editor of the Survey, NewYork City.J. H. Heinzelman is professor of Ger­man in the University of Winnipeg; hisaddress is 16 Debany Apartments, Win­nipeg.Gertrude F. Merrell is head residentof Neighborhood House, 153 RobertsonSt., St. Paul, Minn.J. W. Wheeler is head resident ofGadman Guild, Columbus, Ohio.Gilbert D. Cady has been appointedinstructor in geology at NorthwesternUniversity.Laura L. Runyon is associate pro­fessor of history in the Missouri StateNormal at Warrensburg. She has ashort story entitled "The Quack Doc­tor" in the current number of the SmartSet.Bernard I. B ell has articles in recent"numbers of both the Atlantic Monthlyand Colliers magazines. That in Col­liers is an interesting arraignment of moralconditions in a supposedly impeccablesuburb which, though unnamed, is nothard to identify as Oak Park. w. A. McDermid, who has been forthe past two years sales and advertisingmanager of the Service Recorder Co.,Cleveland, Ohio, makers of travel record­ers for motor trucks, horse vehicles, andswitching locomotives, has resigned toassume a similar position with the FalconCyclecar Co., of Cleveland. His suc­cessor has not yet been appointed.1909A. Aiken is professor and head of thedepartment of pathology and bacte­riology in the medical school of WestVirginia University. .1910Anne-Marie Wever may be addressedat Twingerstr. 28, Strassburg, Germany._ S .. M. Haimovitz is an attorney for thePullman Company of Chicago. •David R. Moore has left LawrenceCollege, and is professor - of Europeanhistory at Oberlin. ;Arnold Mulder has published, throughMcClurg & Co., The Dominie of Harlem,a most delightful story of the Hollandersof Western Michigan. Mr. Mulder ismanaging editor of the Holland (Michi­gan) Daily Sentinel.Helen Sard Hughes has an article inthe October En-glish J ournal, on "'Lit­erature for Children': A Protest," whichpresents with sanity and clearness herviews on the proper teaching of Englishliterature in normal schools.19,IIW. M. Atwood has been appointed pro­fessor of applied physiology in OregonAgricultural College at Corvallis, Ore.Horace M. Cunningham is professorof French and German in HastingsCollege, Hastings, Neb.FROM THE LETTER-BOX[The following correspondence explainsitself.]President of University of Chicago AlumniAssociation,Faculty Exchange, University ofChicago:DEAR SIR:The line-up of representatives to theAlumni Council has always brought up aquery which I should like you to answer.This is, why has the medical college,which has annually 60-IOO graduates, norepresentative? If this is an omission,then let us correct it and gain the supportof these men; if it is intended, I shallappreciate knowing the reason.lamVery truly yours,WILLIAM F. HEWITT, '08April 26, I9I3Mr. William F. Hewitt6740 Euclid Ave., Chicago:DEAR SIR:Your letter of April 23, addressed to thePresident of the Alumni Association, hasbeen referred to me as Secretary of theAlumni Council. The question raised iseasily answered, but at the same time itseems to me a very interesting matterwhich deserves further consideration.Each department of the University hasits own alumni organization, and theseorganizations elect representatives whotogether form the Alumni Council. Asthe University has at present no medicalschool, there is, of course, no organizationof medical alumni. The fact that RushMedical School is affiliated with the Uni­versity does not affect the case. Variousother institutions are affiliated but thereis no connection between the alumni ofthese institutions and those of theUniversity.You will thus see that there has been noshutting-out of Rush graduates from theUniversity alumni organization. I amsure I need not tell you that no one con­nected with the Alumni Councilor any ofthe associations represented in it would feel anything but satisfaction at such aconnection as you mention; but under thepresent arrangement we are obliged toconfine ourselves to including the stu­dents who have taken baccalaureate" de­grees at the University. In this connec­tion it is worth noting that the highestposition on the Council, that of chairmanis occupied by a medical man. 'I shall be very glad to hear from youfurther on this subject, and I will bring itbefore the Council at the next meeting.I am sure you will understand the situa­tion and believe that our feeling for theRush Medical alumni is that of the mostcordial fellowship.Cordially yours,F. W. DIGNAN, SecretaryNovember I8, I9I3. Editor of the University of ChicagoMagazine:DEAR SIR:In the past year there have been severalletters written to members of the AlumniMagazine in regard to the absence of rep­resentation from Rush Medical Collegein the alumni affairs. There are 50 to 75men each year who receive a Universitydegree plus an M.D., who do not becomestrong Chicago alumni, as Rush has analumni organization to which they aredrawn. By losing these men we lose theirsupport in affairs and for the Magazineand, in the possible separation of Rushfrom the University, we should lose mostof them entirely, as their professional tieswould carry them with the Rush organiza­tion. Now, when we are eager to have alarge alumni body, why has there been noeffort made to enrol these men? Withrepresentation some of the troubles inregistration mentioned in your editorialmight be adjusted. Chicago needs agrea t medical school.lam Very truly yours,W. F. HEWITT, '08, Rush 'I2P.S.-You are at liberty to publishthe above as, in the unsettled condition ofaffairs between Rush and the University,5960 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwe do need all the help we can obtain togive Chicago a great medical. school.Conditions at Rush are unsatisfactoryfrom the standpoint of efficiency; al­though it is the best, it must neverthe­less meet the competition of Harvard,Western Reserve, and Johns Hopkins, aswell as of the new medical addition of theUniversity of Illinois with a huge annualappropriation. There must. be moreUniversity control and financial supportof Rush.W. F. H.[Will the alumni note the followingrequest?]To the Editor:The Libraries of the University have afile of the Convocation Programs, lackingonly NO.4, No.8, and NO.9. Has somereader of the Magazine copies of thesewhich he could spare to complete ourLibrary file?Very truly yours,ERNEST D. BURTON,Director of the Libraries Editor of the University of Chicago M aga­zine:DEAR SIR: I wish to call the attentionof all alumni to an undertaking of theAlumnae Club, of whose existence mostof you are ignorant. The Alumnae LoanLibrary, which supplies students withnecessary textbooks at, the· nominalcharge of 25 cents per book the quarter,was begun several years ago with a hand­ful of books, and is now an establishedinstitution in University student life.Hitherto we have appealed to the alumnaealone for the books to carryon our work;but since our loans have not been con;fined to the woinen -students, we havedecided to ask the men to co-opera tewith us.At present we are in need of books,especially the latest editions of popul.artexts like Angell's P sycholo gy, and Sahs­bury's Physiography, etc. But we shallgladly accept any textbooks, old as wellas new, "for the former may be sold orexchanged. Any books for our use maybe sent to Alumnae Loan Library,Harper Memorial Library, M 24.MARGUERITE SWAWITE, Chairman