ROSCOE POUNDPROFESSOR OF LAWConvocation Orator, September 2, 1910MARTIN A. RYERSONPRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEESDonor of the Ryerson Physical Laboratory and the New AdditionENLARGED FACILITIES FOR PHYSI­CAL RESEARCHBY ROBERT ANDREWS MILLIKANProfessor of PhysicsTHERE is no better index of the intellectual life of a communitythan that found in the vigor and success with which scientificresearch is prosecuted and in the number of persons who are interestedin fostering it. Under parental governments like that of Germanythe facilities for research are provided by general taxation at the dicta­tion of a small group of men who realize its importance. It is one ofthe triumphs of democracy that under it there arise spontaneously menwho voluntarily devote their time and their funds to furthering thehigher life of the community through the fostering of research.There has been no more significant development in the UnitedStates in the past twenty years than that represented in the remarkablegrowth of research in all parts of the country. Students who twentyyears ago would have gone to Germany are now remaining in the UnitedStates for their advanced training, for the reason that in many fields theyget better facilities and more inspiring contacts here than abroad.The real contributions of the Middle West to science have probablybeen multiplied a liundred fold in both quantity and quality within thepast twenty years. The University of Chicago has had its share in thisdevelopment, and graduate students have turned toward it in increasingnumbers. For two years past every available research room in theRyerson Physical Laboratory has been occupied, and the need of increasedfacilities and enlarged space has been keenly felt.Through the generosity of the original donor of the building, Mr.Martin A. Ryerson, not only is the present need for enlarged quartersto be met but ample provision for future expansion is to be made.The present building was erected in 1893, soon after the completionof the Cobb Hall group of buildings and the Kent Chemical Laboratory.Owing chiefly to the liberality and taste of Mr. Ryerson, the buildingwas originally made, from the structural and artistic point of view,so nearly perfect that had it remained in its present form it would havecontinued to be, as it has been for the past twenty years, one of the mostbeautiful and inspiring features of the University of Chicago. Thosewho have learned to love it will be glad to know that the beauty andsymmetry of the building will be in no way impaired by the changes1718 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwhich are to be made. In fact the view of Ryerson from the southwill remain exactly as at present, the extension consisting in the additionof an auxiliary three-story building, sixty by sixty feet, standing directlynorth of it, and changing the ground plan of the whole laboratory froma rectangle to a letter "T." Connection between the buildings is tobe made on the first floor only, by means of an arched passage fifteenfeet long. The basement and first floor of the addition are to containthe machine shop, a storage-battery room, a power-machinery room,and high and low temperature research rooms. On the second floorwill be found a small lecture room, a large laboratory for undergraduatestudents, and two research rooms. The third floor is to contain onelarge room which is to be devoted to special experiments requiring largefree space. The estimated cost of the new building and of the changesin the old is $15°,000.The present plans include also extensive interior changes hi theold building. All of the wood floors on the first floor are to be torn out,and replaced by concrete construction. The present basement, whichhas heretofore been altogether unavailable for instructional or researchpurposes, being largely filled with ventilating ducts and with machineryconnected with the heating and ventilating systems, is to be converted,in large part, into research rooms. This involves the lowering of thepresent basement floor by some two feet, and the transfer of the centerof the ventilating system to the new building. The rooms at the eastend of the first floor, which are vacated by the transfer of the shops andpower plant to the new building, are to be converted into special roomsfor spectroscopic research.The available research space of the laboratory will ble more thandoubled by the present changes, and the available instructional spacewill be considerably increased. Furthermore, the removal of the shopto a separate building and the utilization of the basement for researchspace should make both possible and convenient the solution of manyproblems which have heretofore been seriously interfered with by thetremors from the machinery of the shop and by the instability of boththe-mechanical and thermal conditions in the floors above the basement.Under the continued guidance of Professor Michelson, the enlargedlaboratory may confidently be expected to play an increasingly im­portant part in the educational and scientific work of the Middle West-a part made possible by the wise beneficence of Mr. Ryerson, whofor eighteen years has been president of the Board of Trustees of theUniversity and one of its ablest and most generous friends.A BROADER CULTURE FOR THEDOCTORATEIBY CHARLES OTIS WHITMANHead of the Department of ZoologyWE are asked to point out the sources and conditions responsiblefor" the lack of a broad culture among candidates for the Doc­torate." The question is one of far-reaching importance, for unlessI am greatly mistaken it involves our whole system of education-fromthe schools to the university. Fortunately for both you and me, Iam not expected to go beyond a few brief remarks.Obviously the "lack" is generally conceded to exist, and that aloneis a very startling confession. Is it intellectual deterioration of therace? Is it because our candidates are of a low grade? Are ourmethods of teaching and research below par? Making all allowancefor exceptional cases, I think we shall all agree that the difficulty is ofsuch nature that it cannot be referred to anyone of these sources."Lack of broad culture" is not quite specific enough, for I thinksome are inclined to look to the classics, others more to science, for suchculture. Science has grown to such importance in the estimation ofmany of its devotees that it seems to supply all the culture needed fora modern outfit. To apply Mendelian terminology, science, in theirminds, is the" dominant factor," ancient literature the" recessive fac­tor." /The presence of one facter is compatible only with the absenceof the other. There is no mixing or blending or supplementing­nothing but total antagonism between these contraries; and yet ourscience culturist finds it necessary to appeal to ancient Greek for thename of his science (genetics) and again to both Latin and Greek forterms defining the behavior of alternative specific characters. With allhis contempt for the ancient classics, he accepts such hideous concoc­tions of Greek as allelomorphism, where a little Latin culture suppliessuch simple terms as segregation, alternation, etc.H culture means mental training through observation, reflection,interpretation, and written or spoken transmission of fact and thought,then it seems to follow that we must go to science for our principal field.But we must have tools to work with. To think, speak, and write,I A paper read at the annual meeting of the Association of Doctors of Philoso­phy held at the Quadrangle Club on June 13, 19IO.1920 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwe must know how others have thought, spoken, and written; in short,we must acquire a knowledge and use of language.Culture then demands lifelong training in the study and use of lan­guage, and especially those languages that furnish the foundations ofthe mother tongue. Thought and language go together, so that clearand precise knowledge of the primary meanings of words stimulatesideas and facili ta tes their expression.While insisting on the importance of education in the foundationsof language, I must express regret that our teachers of Latin and Greektoo often fail to keep the practical side of these languages in view.The student of Latin should be led to see that the study is the key tothe best English. If this point were kept always in view, Latin wouldcease to be a dead language, and become the life-giving basis of English.Lack of broad culture is further due to perverted ideals in both schoolsand colleges. Everywhere there is haste to skip and skim. Every­where we bow to majority rule. What the majority demands, that theminority must accept. It is nothing less than national suicide con­tinually to level our educational aims to the occupations and shiftingneeds of the majority. These needs do not tend toward higher intellec­tual standards but toward the necessities of vegetative life.Majority rule may do for politics, but it is minority intelligence thatevolves the better ideals and sets the race ahead.So long as our high schools and colleges continue to send us pupilswithout a decent training in the English language and its fundamentalsources; and so long as the capacity for thinking is dwarfed by the con­tinual strain of cramming; so long as we tolerate a system of educationcontrived to suppress thought and to substitute therefor capacity onlyfor memorizing, so long shall we have this lack of broad culture in ourcandidates for the doctorate.The habit of research should be cultivated in all fields and at allages. This is not premature specialization-it is wholesome exerciseof the mind, which alone gives independence and originality. Researchis not something to be reserved for a few laboratory fiends in adult life.Research in its best sense is mental effort to grasp facts, interpretthem, and express them in well-chosen words.Investigation is the normal thing for all living creatures. It is thetrial and error method all along the line from our amoeboid ancestorsdown to the fully-fledged homo sapiens. Annihilation is the part ofthose that miss the mark; survival the lot of those that achieve the bestadaptation-and the highest type of adaptation is in brain organization.A RECENT VOLUME IN THEOLOGYTHE Macmillan Company has recently issued a volume entitledThe Gospel and the Modern Man, by Professor Shailer Mathews,Head of the Department of Systematic Theology and Dean of theDivinity School. The book, of three hundred and thirty pages, dis­cusses in Part I "The Problem of the Gospel," in Part II "The Reason­ableness of the Gospel," and in Part III "The Power of the Gospel,"the chapter headings being as follows: "The Gospel of the N ew Testa­ment," "The Modern Man," "The Content of the Gospel," "Jesus theChrist," "The Love of the God of Law," "The Forgiveness of Sin,""The Deliverance from Death," "The Test of Life," "The New ·Lifein Christ," and "The Power of the Social Gospel."In the opening chapter the author says:The situation is as critical for the church as for the modern world. Unless thegospel can control the formative men of today, it will require more than one generationto regain the ground Christianity will lose. The gospel, it is true, will remain the pos­session of the theologically simple-minded; it will continue to furnish the individual­istic morality of our common life; but it will not keep men and women who have comeunder the influence of the truly modern world from pessimism, moral indifference, andthe practice and philosophy of force. The church needs these formative lives. Societyneeds them even more. Evangelized leaders are as indispensable as evangelizedmasses. If without their influence the church will grow intellectually and sociallyflaccid, without their power to infuse the gospel into social transformation society willgrow materialistic. For a man, even though he be rich and learned and formative,needs to be saved, And a social order, even though it build transcontinental rail­roads and turn its forests into books, needs to be made the kingdom of God.Professor Mathews is also the author of other volumes published bythe Macmillan Company, notably The Church an¢ the Changing Orderand The Social Teachings of Jesus.2IA NEW STUDY IN ECONOMICHISTORYIN the series of Harvard Economic Studies, published by the HoughtonMifflin Company under the direction of the Department of Econom­ics at Harvard University, there appeared in June a volume entitledWool-Growing and the Tariff, by Assistant Professor Chester WhitneyWright, of the Department of Political Economy in the University ofChicago. The study received the award of the David A. Wells Prizefor the year r907-8. The chapters of the book discuss "Wool-Growingbefore r800," "The Advent of the Merino, r800-1815," "Wool-Grow­ing Finally Established on a Commercial Basis, I816-1830," "ThePeriod of the East's Supremacy, 1830-1840," "The Rise of the MiddleWest, 1840-1860," "The Civil War Episode, 1860-I870," "The Riseof the Far West, 187o-r890," and "Free Wool and the End of theWestward Movement, r890-1907." The closing chapter gives thegeneral conclusions of the author, and the volume concludes with anappendix of twenty-five pages, an index of six pages, and a series ofcharts.In the preface the author says thatThe subject of wool and the tariff is not a new one, nor is there any lack of writingupon it. The justification for this addition will have to come, if at all, through newmethods of attacking the problem. As is intimated above, approach is through thepast. It is hoped by means of a careful examination and analysis of that past todiscover what were the forces that shaped the growth of this industry, how theyoperated, which of them were dominant and which subordinate, how potent a factorthe tariff was-in short, just why the industry followed the course of developmentthat it did, and what determines its present position. . . . .The end to be obtained by this study of economic history is a knowledge of theforces which are at work determining the course of the wool-growing industry. Thepractical application of that knowledge, aside from such broader insight into theproblems of the country's economic development as it may afford, would come: first,from the light which it throws upon the question whether this industry should beprotected; secondly, from the ability thus obtained to point out,'in case protectionwere deemed advisable, just what forces would have to be contended against andwhat line of action followed to secure most readily the end desired. Whether theindustry should in fact be protected is a question upon which it is not attempted topass judgment, since it is believed that the present study may be made more effectiveby letting the reader draw his own conclusions.22TWO VOLUMES ON THE STUDY OFSHAKSPERETHE University of Chicago Press has recently issued two volumes.entitled Questions on Shakespeare, the work of Associate ProfessorAlbert H. Tolman, of the Department of English. Part I contains anintroduction of twen� pages, sixty pages on "The Study of Shake­speare's Language," fifteen pages on "The Study of Shakespeare'sVerse," and a select general bibliography of ninety pages, which isindexed. For assistance on the bibliography acknowledgment is made,among others, to Professor John M. Manly and Assistant ProfessorDavid A. Robertson, of the Department of English.Part II, of 350 pages, contains questions on the First Histories(Henry VI and Richard III), the early poems, and the First Comedies(Love's Labour's Lost, The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona,and A Midsummer-Night's Dream). The outline of the questions includes"General Questions," " Individual Acts and Scenes," " Character­Study," "The Source," "Text or Meaning," "Lines by Each Character,""Time-Scheme," and "Bibliography."In the introduction to the first volume the author says:I believe that the pupil has a right to have his work in English assigned in a waythat is both clear and helpful. He should know when he has accomplished the assignedtask, the work for which on the particular occasion he is to be held responsible. Thereis no proper time in any classroom for haphazard questioning. To ask the pupilsimply to "take" ten pages, or twenty pages of a play, seems hardly a wise procedure.Where shall he take them? . . . . The prime necessity in the study of Shakespeareis that the pupil's self-activity shall be called forth. The poetry, the humor, thepathos, the abounding diversified life of the plays must be directly appropriated byeach individual reader. He must grapple with Shakespeare for himself. Witheach new drama "a new planet swims into his ken." It is not desirable that theresults of some other man's reading and thinking shall be poured out upon him inlectures.Besides the present volumes the author has in mind four other partsto complete his plan. 'THE UNIVERSITY RECORDEXERCISES CONNECTED WITH THE SEVENTY-SIXTH CONVOCATIONProfessor Roscoe Pound, of the Faculty of the Law School and pro­fessor-elect in the Harvard Law School, was the Convocation orator onSeptember 2, I9IO, his address, which was given in the Leon MandelAssembly Hall, being entitled" The Law and the People." The addressappears elsewhere in full in tbis issue of the Magazine.The Convocation Reception was held in Hutchinson Hall on theevening of September r. In the receiving line were President and Mrs.Harry Pratt Judson, and the Convocation orator, Professor RoscoePound, and Mrs. Pound.DEGREES CONFERRED AT THE SEVENTY-SIXTH CONVOCATIONAt the seventy-sixth Convocation of the University, held in theLeon Mandel Assembly Hall on September 2, I9IO, two students wereelected to membership in the Beta of Illinois chapter of Phi Beta Kappafor especial distinction in general scholarship in the University.Eighteen students received the title of Associate; two, the twoyears' certificate of the College of Education; six, the degree of Bachelorof Arts; sixty-two, the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy; and twenty­six, the degree of Bachelor of Science.In the Divinity School three students received the degree of Bachelorof Divinity, and one the re-enacted degree of Bachelor of Divinity;six, the degree of Master of Arts; two, the degree. of Master of Philoso­phy; and one, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.In the Law School seven students received the degree of Doctor ofLaw (J.D.).In the Graduate Schools of Arts, Literature, and Science, fourteenstudents were given the degree of Master of Arts; eleven, that of Masterof Philosophy; eight, that of Master of Science; and twenty-nine, thatof Doctor of Philosophy-making a total of one hundred and seventy­six degrees (not including titles and certificates) conferred by the Uni­versity at the Autumn Convocation.THE GENERAL FACULTY DINNERIn Hutchinson Hall on the evening of October 4 was held the GeneralFaculty dinner, at which one hundred and twenty-five members of24THE UNIVERSITY RECORDthe University were present. President Harry Pratt Judson presidedand introduced the speakers of the evening, who were as follows: Pro­fessor Robert F. Harper, of the Department of Semitics, who reportedbriefly the work of the American School of Oriental Study and Researchin Palestine, of which he was the director in I 908-9 ; Mr. Frank M.Leavitt, formerly of the Boston public schools, Associate Professorof Industrial Education; Professor Edwin O. Jordan, of the Depart­ment of Pathology and Bacteriology, who has been absent on leave forresearch work abroad; Professor Walter W. Cook, of the Law School,who comes from the University of Wisconsin as successor to ProfessorRoscoe Pound; Professor Lorenz Morsbach, of the University of G6t­tingen, the exchange professor from Germany, who was the specialguest of honor; Professor William 1. Thomas, of the Department ofSociology and Anthropology, who has been studying the sources ofAmerican immigration in southeastern Europe; Associate ProfessorErnest J. Wilczynski, of the Department of Mathematics, recently ofthe University of Illinois; Assistant Professor Hiram P. Williamson, ofthe Department of Romance, who spent last year in France; andAssistant Professor Charles J. Chamberlain, of the Department ofBotany, who gave some account of a recent botanical expedition toMexico in company with Dr. W. J. G. Land, of the same department.There were also introduced by the President Associate ProfessorCharles E. Merriam, ofthe Department of Political Science, who referredto his work as chairman of the Chicago Commission of MunicipalExpenditures and as a member of the City Council; and AssociateProfessor Frederick Starr, of the Department of Sociology and Anthro­pology, who related significant incidents of his recent sojourn in Japan.VISIT TO THE UNIVERSITY OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOLAR UNIONThe Interpational Union for Co-operation in Solar Research, foundedin 1901, held its fourth triennial meeting during the last week of Augustat the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory, near Pasadena, California.A considerable number of the foreign members and several Americanastronomers and physicists arrived in Chicago on August 22, en routeto Pasadena, and were the guests of the University during their stayin Chicago. They were met at the station by representatives of theFaculty and escorted to the Blackstone Hotel, where headquarters wereestablished for the day.On the morning of their arrival the entire party was taken on anTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEautomobile trip through Lincoln Park and the South Side parks andboulevards. President Harry Pratt Judson and Mrs. Judson hadinvited about forty members of the Faculty, including the membersof the Astronomy and Physics Departments, to meet the University'sguests at luncheon at the Quadrangle Club. At the conclusion of theluncheon President Judson welcomed the visitors to America and to theUniversity, and Professor H. H. Turner, of Oxford University, responded.He spoke in high praise of the aid the University had given to scientificwork and to astrophysics in particular through the Astrophysical Journal,the Yerkes Observatory, and the expedition to California which led tothe founding of the Mount Wilson Solar Observatory.After luncheon the guests were shown in groups over the groundsand buildings of the University and through the Ryerson PhysicalLaboratory, where Professor Michelson and Professor Millikan gavedemonstrations of some of the important work in progress.The guests from out of the city included the following:Professor J. o. Backlund, Director Imperial Observatory, Poulkova, Russia;Professor E. E. Barnard, Astronomer in the Yerkes Observatory; Professor A. Belo­polsky, Vice-Director Imperial Observatory, Poulkova, Russia; Rev. A. L. Cortie,S.J., Stonyhurst College Observatory, Lancashire, England; Mr. M. A. Cotton,Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France; Professor F. W. Dyson, Astronomer­Royal for England, Greenwich, England (formerly Astronomer-Royal for Scotland);Professor Charles Fabry, University of Marseilles, France; Mrs. W. P. Fleming,Harvard College Observatory, Cambridge, Mass.; Professor A. Fowler, ImperialCollege of Science and Technology, South Kensington, London, England; ProfessorE. B. Frost, Director Yerkes Observatory; P:rofessor J. von Hepperger, DirectorImperial Observatory, Vienna, Austria; Major E. H. Hills, Treasurer of the RoyalAstronomical Society, London, England, and Mr. Fred Hills; Professor W. J. Hussey,Director Detroit Observatory, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Professor Alfred H. Joy, Beirut,Syria; Sir Joseph Larmor, Professor of Mathematics, Cambridge, England, andSecretary of the Royal Society, London, England; Professor H. F. Newall, UniversityObservatory, Cambridge, England; Professor E. C. Pickering, Director of HarvardCollege Observatory, Cambridge, Mass.; Mr. J. S. Plaskett, Dominion Observatory,Ottawa, Canada; Professor E. Pringsheim, University of Breslau, Germany; Pro­fessor A. Ricco, Director of the Observatories at Catania and Mt. Etna, Italy; Pro­fessor A. L. Rotch, Director Blue Hill Observatory, Hyde Park, Mass.; Dr. HenryNorris Russell, Princeton University, New Jersey; Professor J. R. Rydberg, Universityof Lund, Sweden; Professor Frank Schlesinger, Director of Allegheny Observatory,Pennsyl vania; Professor K. Schwarzschild, Director Royal Astrophysical Observatory,Potsdam, Prussia; Dr. Frederick Slocum, Yerkes Observatory; Professor H. Struve,Director Royal Observatory, Berlin, Germany; Professor H. H. Turner, DirectorUniversity Observatory, Oxford, England; and Professor A. Wolfer, Director of theObservatory, Zurich, Switzerland.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDA NEW HONOR FOR THE HEAD OF THE UNIVERSITYOn September 23, through Baron Roussin de St. Laurent, the Frenchconsul in Chicago, representing the French ambassador, M, Jean J.Jusserand, at Washington, President Harry Pratt Judson received fromthe French government the decoration of "Officer of the Legion ofHonor." The honor was conferred in appreciation of the interest shownby President Judson in the literature and institutions of the Frenchpeople and in recognition of his co-operation through the Universityof Chicago in educational movements to increase a knowledge of theFrench language and literature in America.The Order of the Legion of Honor was instituted by the first Napo­leon and next to election to the Institute or the French Academy-anhonor given only to Frenchmen-is the greatest distinction conferredin France. Frenchmen, and in most instances foreigners, are obligedto begin service in the lowest grade, that of Chevalier; so that the con­ferring upon President Judson of the grade of Officer is a mark ofespecial distinction.THE DEATH OF WILLIAM VAUGHN MOODYThe news of the death at Colorado Springs on October I7 of WilliamVaughn Moody brought surprise and sorrow to many members of theUniversity and other of his admirers in Chicago. At the time of hisdeath he was only forty-one years old. The funeral was held in Chicagoon October 20, interment taking place in Graceland cemetery. Thepallbearers were Percy Mackaye, the dramatist; Ridgeley Torrenceand Edward Arlington Robinson, of New York City; Ferdinand Schevill,Professor of Modern History in the University of Chicago; Robert M.Lovett, Professor of English Literature in the University; and a brotherof Mrs. Moody.Mr. Moody graduated from Harvard University in I893; receivingthe Master's degree in I894. He became an Instructor in English andRhetoric at the University of Chicago in I895, and in I90I was made anAssistant Professor of English Literature. He resigned the latterposition in I908.The Masque of Judgment, a lyrical drama by Mr. Moody, was pub­lished in I900; in I90I appeared Poems, from the press of HoughtonMifflin Co.; and in I904 The Fire-Bringer, from the same publishers.A First View of English Literature, written in collaboration with RobertMorss Lovett, was issued by Charles Scribner's Sons in I905. Mr.Moody's highly successful drama, The Great Divide, issued first under theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEtitle of The Sabine Woman, appeared in the year 1907, and The FaithHealer, a second drama, was the last of the author's work to be pub­lished. Mr. Moody was also the editor of the Cambridge Miltonand other English classics. Among his better known poems are "AnOde in Time of Hesitation," "The Brute," and "On a Soldier Fallenin the Philippines," which first appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, and"Gloucester Moors" and "Faded Pictures," published in Scribner'sMagazine. The "Road-Hymn for the Start" and "The Daguerreotype"have also had a wide reading and appreciation. Among the youngerpoets of America Mr. Moody is generally recognized as having a leadingplace.A meeting commemorative of Mr. Moody's life and work will beheld at the University in the near future, and some appreciation of hisliterary achievement will be published in the next number of the Magazine.NEW APPOINTMENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARYIn anticipation of entering the Harper Memorial Library buildingon its completion a year hence, the University of Chicago has recentlymade a considerable number of additional appointments to its librarystaff. Some twenty-five persons have been added to the CatalogueDivision, it being the intention of the University as soon as possible afterentering the new building to install therein a complete catalogue ofall the books in all the various libraries of the University,Besides these appointments two additions have recently been madeto the administrative staff of the library. Professor Ernest D. Burton,Head of the Department of Biblical and Patristic Greek, from thefoundation of the University a member of the Library Board, and forthe past eight years chairman of the Faculty Committee on UniversityBuildings, has ..been appointed Director of the University Libraries.Mr. James C. M. Hanson, head of the Catalogue Division of the Libraryof Congress in Washington, has been elected Associate Director. Mr.Burton's duties will be entirely in the field of general administrationand will not involve the surrender of his position as Professor and Headof the Department of Biblical Greek. Mr. Hanson, who has beenengaged exclusively in library work for twenty years and has achieved aposition of distinction among the librarians of the country, especiallyin classification and cataloguing, will devote himself entirely to the workof developing and administering the library system of the University.Mr. Hanson was born in Norway in 1865, but received his educationinthis country. Having been graduated from college in 1882 he pur-THE UNIVERSITY RECORDsued graduate studies from 1882 to 1884, was a teacher in Chicago from1884 to 1888, and a graduate student in history, economics, and Romancelanguages at Cornell University from 1888 to 1890', and for part of 1892.He began his career at the Newberry Library in Chicago under Dr. W. F.Poole in 1890. In 1893 he was invited to take charge of the cataloguedepartment of the library of the University of Wisconsin, and in 1897was made head of the Catalogue Division of the Library of Congress.The latter position he has occupied with distinction to the present year,surrendering it to accept the position to which he has been elected in theUniversity of Chicago. Mr. Hanson has been a member of the AmericanLibrary Association since 1895. From 1900 to 1908, as chairm�n of itscommittee on catalogue rules, he conducted the negotiations with theBritish Library Association. He also compiled and edited the cataloguerules published in 1908 in two editions, an American edition by thepublishing board of the American Library Association, and a Britishedition by the Library Association of Great Britain. He has been acontributor to various library and bibliographic journals.Among Mr. Hanson's qualifications for his new position is a workingknowledge of fifteen languages, four of which he writes and speaks aswell as reads. The University counts itself fortunate in securing theservices of a man so eminent in his profession, especially in view of thelarge and responsible work of reorganization and cataloguing whichthe library must carry through within the next few years.THE UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRAL ASSOCIATIONThe University Orchestral Association opened its second season ofconcerts in the Leon Mandel Assembly Hall Tuesday afternoon , NovemberI, when an enthusiastic audience of members and friends of the Uni­versity, taxing the capacity of the hall, heard the Theodore ThomasOrchestra in the following program:Overture to a Drama, Opus 45Symphony NO.5, C Minor, Opus 67Symphonic Poems"Vysehrad""The Moldau"Festival March . . Georg SchumannBeethovenSmetanaStock(Written in commemoration of the opening of the twentieth season of the TheodoreThomas Orchestra, and dedicated to the officers and members of the Orchestral Association.)Five other concerts will be given by the Theodore Thomas OrchestraTuesday afternoons December 6, January 3, January 31, February 28,and April 4. Each of these concerts is preceded on Monday afternoonTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEby a lecture-recital on the program of the following day by Miss AnneShaw Faulkner, with illustrations on the piano by Mr. Marx E. Obern­dorfer. To the series of orchestral concerts arranged for this year havebeen added a song recital by Madame Schumann-Heink Thursday after­noon, February 9, and a piano recital by Madame Fannie Bloomfield­Zeisler Tuesday afternoon, March 14.Almost the entire seating capacity of the hall was sold out in seasonsales before the opening concert. The students in even greater numbersthan last year showed their appreciation of the concerts by purchasing372 season tickets.A music committee consisting of Professor James R. Angell, Mrs.Richard G. Moulton, and Assistant Professor Chester W. Wright hasbeen appointed by the president of the Association to receive requestsfrom patrons and friends and to arrange the programs in consultationwith the conductor of the Orchestra.THE FACULTIES"Macaulay and the Writing of History" is the subject of a communi­cation in the Dial of October I6, I9IO, by James Westfall Thompson,Associate Professor of European History."Private Education in the Middle West" is the subject of a con­tribution in the August issue of the World To-Day, by Nathaniel Butler,Professor of Education. The article has fourteen illustrations.An interpretation of Chantecler was given by Mr. William PierceGorsuch, of the Department of Public Speaking, before the TravelClass of Chicago in the McCabe Memorial Church on October 24.An illustrated contribution on "Woodworkers and Their Dangers"appeared in the September number of the World To-Day, the writerbeing Professor Charles R. Henderson, of the Department of Sociologyand Anthropology."Neglected Widowhood in the Juvenile Court" is the subject ofa contribution in the July issue of the American Journal of Sociology,by Sophonisba P. Breckinridge, Assistant Professor of Social Economyin the Department of Household Administration.At an open meeting of the Evanston Drama Club on October 20,Assistant Professor Elizabeth Wallace, of the Department of RomanceLanguages and Literatures, gave an interpretation of Rostand's Chan­teeler, using her own metrical translation of the play.Professor George E. Vincent, Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Litera­ture, and Science, addressed an audience of two thousand at the annualTHE UNIVERSITY RECORD 31convention of the Northern Illinois Teachers' Association held at LaSalle on October 28, his subject being" Athletics in the Public Schools."At the sixth annual dinner of the Chicago Association of Commerceheld at the La Salle Hotel, Chicago, on November 12, Associate Pro­fessor Charles E. Merriam, of the Department of Political Science, wasamong the speakers, who included Rudolph Spreckels of San Franciscoand Dr. James A. MacDonald, editor of the Toronto Globe.President Harry Pratt Judson gave the address at the installationof William Preston Few as president of Trinity College, North Caro­lina, on November 9. The subject of his address was "The Philosophyof College Education." The President also attended on his recent east­ern trip the meeting of the Association of American Universities at theUniversity of Virginia. The Association meets next year at the Uni­versity of Chicago.A recent contribution in the University of Chicago Magazine byAssociate Professor Charles E. Merriam, of the Department of PoliticalScience, on the subject of "The Revenues and Expenditures of Americanand European Cities," attracted wide attention, particularly in the East,and there was a special demand for the number containing the article.Director Charles H. Judd, of the School of Education, has in theSeptember number of the School Review a contribution "On the Com­parison of Grading Systems in High Schools and Colleges." In theOctober number of the journal is a discussion of the question "Physicsand Education," by Associate Professor Charles R. Mann, of the Depart­ment of Physics.For a new series of volumes on "The Epochs of Philosophy" whichCharles Scribner's Sons are publishing, is a volume in preparation byProfessor Paul Shorey, Head of the Department of Greek, entitledThe Aristotelian Philosophy. Other contributors to the series areProfessor Josiah Royce, of Harvard University, and Professor FrankThilly, of Cornell University.Associate Professor Philip S. Allen, of the Department of German,contributes the opening article in the July issue of Modern Philology,this being his second contribution on the subject of "The MediaevalMimus." The closing contribution of the same number is by ProfessorJohn M. Manly, Head of the Department of English, the subject being"The Stanza-Forms of Sir Thopas."Among the trustees of the Bureau of Public Efficiency organized bythe City Club of Chicago is Associate Professor Charles E. Merriam,of the Department of Political Science. Other trustees are Mr. CharlesTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINER. Crane, former president of the Municipal Voters' League; Mr.Walter I. Fisher, special traction counsel of Chicago; and Dr. HenryB. Favill, president of the' City Club. A fund of $130,000 has beenassured for the first two years' work of the bureau.At the eighth International Prison Congress held in Washington,D.C., beginning October 3, Professor Charles R. Henderson, Head ofthe Department of Ecclesiastical Sociology, gave the opening address aspresident. About fifty different governments were represented bydelegates to the congress� At a banquet given the delegates in Chicagoon September 23 Professor Henderson and President Harry PrattJudson were among the guests at the speakers' table."Chaucer's London" is the subject of the first contribution underthe general heading of "A Reading Journey in London," which AssistantProfessor Percy H. Boynton, of the Department of English, is writingfor the Chautauqucn. magazine. It appears in the September numberand has twelve illustrations of unique interest. In the October numberof the same magazine appears the second contribution of the series,entitled" Shakspere's London," this article also being fully illustrated.In the September-October number of the Journal of Geology is adiscussion by Professor Samuel W. Williston, of the Department ofPaleontology, of "Dissorophus Cope." The contribution is illustratedby three plates. Professor Williston has also a contribution on "AMounted Skeleton of Platecarpus." Dr. Rollin T. Chamberlin, ResearchAssociate in the Department of Geology, discusses in the same number"The Older Drifts in the St. Croix Region." This contribution waspreviously published by the United States Geological Survey.Among the speakers at the various sessions of the national con­vention of Arts and Crafts Workers which met in Chicagofrom October24 to 26 were Miss Elizabeth E. Langley, of the College of Education,who is president of the Chicago society as well as first vice-presidentof the national society; Professor William I. Thomas, of the Departmentof Sociology and Anthropology; Professor George E. Vincent, Dean ofthe Faculties; and Professor Charles H. Judd, Director of the Schoolof Education. Sessions of the convention were held at Hitchcock Halland Greenwood Hall.The one hundred and thirty-seventh contribution from the HuHBotanical Laboratory, "Some Peculiar Fern Prothallia," appears in theJuly number of the Botanical Gazette, the writer being Lula Pace, nowof Baylor University, Texas. The article is illustrated by eleven figures.THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 33The one hundred and thirty-eighth contribution from the Laboratory,"The Morphology of the Podocarpineae," is by Mary S. Young, andis illustrated by three plates. "Some Observations on Catalase" isthe subject of the one hundred and thirty-ninth contribution from theLaboratory, by Charles Appleman, and appears in the Septembernumber of the Gazette.A series of outline maps for classes in applied science and variousfields of research has been issued by the University of Chicago Press,the work of preparation being done by Associate Professor J. Paul Goode,of the Department of Geography. Two sizes of maps are issued, 8X IO!inches and ISX IOi inches. Especial attention is called to the map ofAmerica (U.S.) showing all the counties, with their names. As the unitof census work is the county, a proper charting from the sources requiresa county map, which may also prove valuable in political studies con­cerning election returns, congressional and legislative districts, judicialcircuits, and similar data.In the July number of the Astrophysical Journal is a contribution byAssociate Professor Kurt Laves, of the Department of Astronomy andAstrophysics, on "The Moon's Theoretical Spectrographic Velocity .. "Dr. Frederick Slocum, of Yerkes Observatory, makes a report on "Obser­vations of the Sun on May 18 and 19, I9IO." Director Edwin B.. Frost,of the Yerkes Observatory, collaborates with Mr. J. C. Kapteyn, ofGroningen, in a contribution "On the Velocity of the Sun's Motionthrough Space, as Derived from the Radial Velocity of Orion's Stars."To the September number of the journal Dr. Slocum contributes anarticle on "Two Solar Prominences," illustrated by two plates.In celebration of the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Theo­dore Parker, and also of the fiftieth anniversary of his death, therewas held in Chicago from November 13 to 20 a series of exercises whichincluded addresses and a banquet in the Auditorium Hotel, the com­mittee of arrangements including Mr. Charles L. Hutchinson, of theUniversity Board of Trustees, Professor James H. Tufts, Head of theDepartment of Philosophy, and Professor Julian Mack, of the LawSchool. Among the speakers were Professor Emil G� Hirsch, of theDepartment of Semitics, and Professor George B. Foster, of the Depart­ment of Comparative Religions, and Professor George E. Vincent, Deanof the Faculties, presided at the banquet.The opening contribution of the September issue of the ElementarySchool Teacher is by Associate Professor Otis W. Caldwell, of the Depart-34 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEment of Botany, on the subject of "Natural History in the Grades. VI.Sixth Grade." Director Charles H. Judd, of the School of Education,contributes to the same number a discussion of "The School and theLibrary." Professor Caldwell continues in the October number hisdiscussion of "Natural History in the Grades." Principal Franklin W.Johnson, of the University High School, has in this number an articleentitled" A Comparative Study of the Grades of Pupils from DifferentElementary Schools in the Subjects of the First Year in High School."The article is illustrated by fifteen diagrams and five tables.To the August number of the Biblical World Assistant ProfessorShirley J. Case, of the Department of New Testament Interpretation,contributes an article on "The Missionary Idea in Early Christianity."In the September number is an article on "Testing the Doctrine ofInspiration," by Associate Professor Gerald B. Smith, of the Depart­ment of Systematic Theology. Under the head of Exploration andDiscovery is a contribution by Associate Professor Edgar J. Goodspeed,of the Department of Biblical and Patristic Greek, on the subject of"The Freer Manuscripts of Deuteronomy-Joshua." The closing con­tribution of the October number of the journal is on the subject of"Jesus' Last Interviews," by Benjamin A. Green, Professorial Lectureron Practical Theology.Outlines of Geologic History with SPecial Reference to North Americais the title of a volume of over 300 pages edited by Professor Rollin D.Salisbury, Head of the Department of Geography, and recently issuedby the University of Chicago Press, It contains sixteen papers, amongthem being one by Associate Professor Stuart Weller, of the Depart­ment of Geology, on "Correlation of the Middle and Upper Devonianand the Mississippian Faunas of North America"; a paper by Pro­fessor Samuel W. Williston, of the Department of Paleontology, on "TheFaunal Relations of the Early Vertebrates"; a paper by ProfessorSalisbury on "Physical Geography of the Pleistocene with SpecialReference to the Pleistocene Conditions"; and a paper by ProfessorThomas C. Chamberlin, Head of the Department of Geology, on thesubject of "Diastrophism as the Ultimate Basis of Correlation." Thevalue of the book is much enhanced by the fifteen paleographic mapscontributed by Bailey Willis, Professorial Lecturer on Geology.In the July number of Classical Philology is a contribution on "Greekand Latin Etymologies," by Associate Professor Francis A. Wood, ofthe Department of German. In the same number is a description,THE UNIVERSITY RECORD 35by Associate Professor Edgar J. Goodspeed, of the Department ofBiblical and Patristic Greek, of the Harrison Papyri recently depositedin the Haskell Museum by Professor John G. Harrison, of MercerUniversity, Georgia. These Greek papyri were purchased in Cairo in1905. Professor Carl D. Buck, Head of the Department of Sanskritand Indo-European Comparative Philology, contributes an introductorynote to "Studies in Greek Noun-Formation." These studies are basedin part upon the material collected by the late Dr. A. W. Stratton,formerly Instructor in Sanskrit and Indo-European Philology in theUniversity of Chicago, and later principal of the Oriental College atLahore, India. Professor Paul Shorey, Head of the Department ofGreek, discusses" The So-called' Archon Basileus' and Plato Menexenus238 D" and an "Emendation of Herodian ux'¥}p.a-rwv." The openingcontribution of the October number of the journal on "The BoeotianFederal Constitution" is by Associate Professor Robert J. Bonner, ofthe Department of Greek. Professor Elmer T. Merrill, of the Depart­ment of Latin, contributes a discussion of "The Early Printed Editionsof Pliny's Correspondence with Trajan." Mr. Frank E. Robbins, ofthe Department of Greek, has two contributions in this number, one on"The Relation between Codices Band F of Pliny's Letters," and theother "Tables of Contents in the MSS of Pliny's Letters." AssociateProfessor Henry W. Prescott, of the Departments of Greek and Latin,discusses in a note" An Epigram of Posidippus," and Professor PaulShorey contributes a note on "The Meaning of .KYKAO� in PlatoRep. 424 A."DISCUSSION AND COMMENTMAKING A WAY FOR BETTER SCHOLARSHIPIt is noteworthy to find that the attempt to secure higher standardsof scholarship does not come from the Faculty alone. A most laudablemovement to improve opportunities for study has been begun by mem­bers of the fraternities in the University, and brought up for discussion inthe Fraternity Council. 'From the interest shown in the subject it islikely that the sixteen undergraduate fraternities will be asked to observea set of rules governing the pledging season, which in effect will be asfollows:Freshmen may not be pledged until they have been in the University eight weeks.Freshmen are not to be rushed and pledged while in high school.All entertainment of prospective members shall be limited to the campus, thefraternity house, and buildings and grounds regarded as a legitimate sphere for Uni­versityactivities.All entertainment of new members shall cease at 8 P.M., except at week-ends.No pledge shall be allowed to influence other members of his class in favor ofthe organization of which he is to become a member.The object of the proposed rules is to do away with much of the" rushing" which has become a burden to both Freshmen and oldermembers of fraternities. Because of their metropolitan location Chicagofraternities make use of all the advantages of theaters, clubs, cafes,and ballrooms when entertaining Freshmen. That much of this isexpensive and ill-advised has long been evident. The older members,on whom rests the responsibility for building up their local chapter,find that it interferes with their liberties, their purses, and their timefor study. Popular Freshmen find that the first few weeks of theircoming to the University are little else but a round of social pleasures.To make conditions easier for both, the rules have been proposed. Thereis much sentiment against pledging a man in the high school when it isstill uncertain whether he will ever attend a university, but this is hardlyas great an evil as is supposed, for high-school students have been knownto disappoint the organization to which they were pledged and enteranother institution wearing a new pin. That entertainments shouldbe limited to the campus will be found to be one of the best proposals,when careful consideration is given to the questionable effects on Fresh�men of trips to downtown restaurants and cafes. There is a widedivergence of opinion on the proposal to limit the time of pledging until36DISCUSSION AND COMMENT . 37the eighth week. By some it is contended that this will only extendthe rushing season and further react on studies. In general the sug­gestions point to a most encouraging development in student opinion.Any effort on the part of students to improve conditions for higherscholarship in the University deserves help and co-operation.YELLS AND YELL-MAKINGAlthough no one has ever reduced to mathematical terms the valueof "rooting" at an athletic event, not even the niost cynical of us willdare deny its usefulness as an elixir to "the team." Have we notbeen told, in the dignified editorial comment of experts, that "thecheering had much to do with the victory of the home eleven," or that"the players were given poor support by the bleachers"? Have wenot been warned by our cheer-leader at the mass meetings that "thisis going to be a hard game, so if you want your team to win you will haveto yell some"? At the games we have been exhorted to "show themthat you're alive!" and to "wake up!" "Don't go to sleep!" Think howwe have been thrilled, or disgusted, according to our sympathies in thecase, by the rise and fall of that magic word "Touchdown!" Has itnot won its place in the history of battles, just like the staccato" Kill! ""Kill!" of the Arabian night-rider, long since become civilized in ourown "Hurrah!" "Hurrah!" and the war cry of the Sioux Indian, nowjust as effective in captivity as part of the yell of the University ofNorth Dakota?How to cheer effectively and well was the burden of the messagebrought by Frederick D. Nichols, '97, in his address to the Chicago under­graduates in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall on the night of the Minne­sota mass meeting. Mr. Nichols has frequently listened to cheering,both as an athlete and a bystander, so that his words are not those ofthe theorist. When he declared that the yells now used by the Univer­sity were ineffective he was ready to back his conclusions with reasonsdrawn.from a close study of them. Mr. Nichols said:Chicago should have a dignified yell. The present yells are inadequate. Duringmoments of excitement they become a rapid, hysterical conglomeration of noise,recognized by no one. The alumni scattered throughout the other sections of thebleachers do not hear the yells in time to join in, until the last words are out. Con­sequently Chicago's rooting is considered a joke.As an example of effective rooting, Harvard stands foremost with its famousresounding "Harvard," yelled by all the Harvard stands. The "U-Rah-Rah" ofWisconsin is also in this class, although the students yell it entirely too fast to makeit effective.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe necessity of having yells which are not a farce, and in which Chicago menin the east stands, city supporters, and alumni as well as students can participate, haslong been felt.Mr. Nichols then presented the following yell, to be given in a slowmeasured tone, gathering volume as it progresses and closing with asharp and acute rendering of the last word:Chi-ca-go, I will!Chi-ca-go, I will!Rah! Rah! Rah!Rah! Rah! Rah!I will! I will! I will!Chicago!The yell was tried at the game the following Saturday and commendedby many who had occasion to hear it from the east grand stand. Others,who feel that the sharp, snappy "Chicago-Go" yell, which has been inuse since the days of '93, is one of the best in the country, criticized thenew one as too funereal in tone. Alumni who wish to keep up with theprogress of "rooting" at the University-and' who expect to return tothe campus for the big I9II reunion+-might do well to study both yells.Even a yell, like a song of the people in a strange land, has been knownto awaken fond memories, cement old ties, and reunite spirits that longsince drifted apart."A GRACIOUS WOMAN, RETAINING HONOR"In honor of the mother of a great and noble woman, herself great,noble, and generous, the bells of Mitchell Tower tolled on Friday,October 21, the day of the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth J. Freeman, motherof Alice Freeman Palmer, in whose memory the bells were hung. Inher home city of Saginaw, Mich., where she died on October I8, Mrs.Freeman was long a worker in the cause of the public good. Her leader­ship brought about the organization of the Woman's Hospital, theYoung Women's Christian Association, and the local corps of the Sal­vation Army. Although over 74 years of age Mrs. Freeman kept up anactive interest in the affairs of her home city. At the time the bells werededicated Mrs. Freeman was the guest of the University. The char­acter of the mother accounts in no small degree for the gifts of thedaughter; their achievements are spread upon the brightest pagesin the story of American womanhood. Honoring the work of both thebells may well make music.DISCUSSION AND COMMENT 39WHERE THE "CHICAGO IDEA" THRIVESAn interesting glimpse of the influence exerted on the athletics andsports of the country by men who have gained their experience at theUniversity of Chicago is obtained by noting the fact that at least 27of the football, track, and baseball coaches in various colleges and second­ary schools of the country are former players under Professor A. A.Stagg. The list which follows shows the widely scattered positions ofthese men: John E. Anderson, '10, Morgan Park Academy, MorganPark, Ill.; Philip H. Arbuckle, '10, Southwestern University, George­town, Texas; Arthur A. Badenoch, New Mexico College of Agricultureand Mechanic Arts, P.O., Agricultural College, N.M.; Hugo F. Bezdek,'08, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark.; Fred H. H. Calhoun,'98, Agricultural and Mechanical College, Clemson, S.C.; Mark S.Catlin, '06, Lawrence College, Appleton, Wis.; Leo De Tray, WittenbergCollege, Springfield, 0.; Ivan Doseff, '06, Kalamazoo College, Kala­mazoo, Mich.; R. D. Elliott, '09, Central High and Manual TrainingSchool, Cleveland, 0.; Sherman W. Finger, '07, Cornell College, MountVernon, Iowa; C. G. Flanagan, North Side High, Bellingham, Wash.;Jesse C. Harper, '08, Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Ind.; ClarenceB. Herschberger, '98, Lake Forest Academy, Lake Forest, Ill.; ArthurHoffman, 'IO, the Interlaken School, Laporte, Ind.; Hal Iddings,Miami University, Oxford, 0.; Charles Kennedy, '06, Evanston Town­ship High School, Evanston, Ill.; W. S. Kennedy, Albion College,Albion, Mich.; J. P. Koehler, University of Denver, Denver, Colo.;Ned A. Merriam, Iowa State College, Ames, Ia.; Ernest E. Perkins,'02, Tacoma High School, Tacoma, Wash.; Edwin E. Parry, De PaulUniversity, Chicago; Raymond R. Quigley, Normal School, Aberdeen,S.D.; Clarence Russell, '09, Long Beach High School, Long Beach,Cal.; James M. Sheldon, '03, Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.;John J. Schommer, '09, Oscar P. Worthwine, "ro, and Walter P. Steffen,'10, University of Chicago.GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESTHE ANNUAL COUNCIL ELECTIONAt the annual election of officers ofthe Alumni Council, held at the Octobermeeting in the Commons private dining­room on October 6, Harry Delmont Abells,'97, was chosen to succeed Warren P.Behan, '94, as chairman. Mr. Abellsis principal of Morgan Park Academy andin University life is president of theCollege Alumni Association. The sec­retary and the treasurer of the previousyear, Harry A. Hansen, '09, and RudolphE. Schreiber, '04, were re-elected. Thesecretary is a delegate to the Council fromthe College Alumni Association; thetreasurer from the Law School Associa­tion.The principal discussion of the eveningwas on the proposal to unite all fourassociations for one general AlumniDay celebration and planning events ofsuch size and significance that alumniwill gladly return to the campus for theday. It is generally agreed that, theplan of having Alumni Day on Convoca­tion Day in June has not improved theattendance of alumni at Convocationmaterially, nor has it given greater sig­nificance to Alumni Day. As a resultof the discussion a resolution was adoptedcalling on the four associations to holdtheir separate dinners on the same dayand then join in a reunion, to be man­aged by a general committee. Reportson this plan were ordered for the meetingof November I.NOVEMBER COUNCIL MEETINGMore definite plans for a general alumnimeeting in the Spring Quarter, 19II, wereconsidered at the November meeting ofthe Alumni Council on Tuesday, No­vember I, in the private dining-room ofthe Commons. It was decided to makethe Saturday before Convocation Dayin June the tentative date for the cele­bration and to appoint a committee toarrange the first plan for organizingthe event. The preliminary canvassingcommittee is composed of John Heil,'95, Douglas Sutherland, '02, William Scott Bond, '97, Stacy Mosser, '97,and William P. McCracken, '09.Many plans for an alumni pageantand evening celebration were proposedand placed on record, to be consideredby the committee. It is probable thatthe Chicago Alumni Club will be givena large share of the work of promotion.Arrangements for the event will fallinto the hands of a special committeecomposed of representatives of all alumnibodies of any consequence. A generalreunion of fraternity men at their fra­ternity houses for lunch on the day ofthe celebration will be urged.Mr. Mosser, who is president of theChicago Alumni Club, gave an outlineof the plans for a reunion of the alumniin the University Club on November 9,and the progress made thus far. Thereunion will be reported in detail in theDecember number of the Magazine.The secretary reported that theDirectory had gone to Press and wouldprobably be in the hands of the Councilat its next meeting in December. Plansfor a further canvass among the alumnifor orders were agreed upon. Similarplans for the extension of the alumniclubs during the next month were alsoconsidered and will be put into effectat once.EDWIN E. SLOSSON'S NEW BOOKIn his new book, Great American Uni­versities, Edwin E. Slosson, Ph.D. '03,has performed the unique service ofpresenting the vital characteristic fea­tures about every university which hevisited. Chicago readers will be inter­ested not only in what he says about theUniversity, but also in the pictures hepresents of the other thirteen includedin the series-Harvard, Yale, Princeton,Cornell, Pennsylvania, Columbia, Illinois,Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, LelandStanford Jr. , Johns Hopkins, and Cali­fornia-and in the frequent favorablecomparisons he draws between theseuniversities and Chicago. There is acareful consideration of the strength ofGENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESthe University in all its departments,and an appreciation of the guiding geniusof both President Harper and PresidentJudson. In reading these pages werealize that Mr. Slosson has a deep andlasting regard for the University whichin all probability had its origin in thedays when he was a candidate for thedoctor's degree.One of the interesting features ofthis book is the fact that it is most enter­taining reading in spite of its exactdescription, and well-planned organi­zation. Mr. Slosson gives informationand comment in the easy style of a writerof fiction. The reader is pleased withwhat purports to be a smooth, gossipynarrative, and discovers that he hasreceived enough knowledge of the workof a university to fill a guidebook. Mr.Slosson has avoided the pitfalls of theaverage writer, who is easily led into adiscussion of trivialities, growing out ofa consideration of student life, and seemsnever to have lost sight of his purposeto present a logical, clear, and unbiasedview of the fourteen principal universitiesof America. The book should proveuseful besides for ready reference. Toparents who wish to gain a knowledge ofuniversities in order to determine whereto send their children it ought to bewell-nigh indispensable.HERBERT E. FLEMING, 'ozAlumni who have been watching theprogress of the Committee of Sevenorganized in Peoria to work for bette:political conditions in Illinois, will beinterested in knowing of the part takenby Herbert E. Fleming, Ph.B. '02,Ph.D. '05, secretary of the IllinoisCivil Service Reform Association andone of the representatives of the Com­mittee. Mr. Fleming has been workingfor a state-wide civil service law. Inan address delivered early in Octoberat Rochelle, Ill., he said:It is not enough for good citizens to getstirred up about corruption in the statelegislature. First, let us find the systemsmaking- for corruption. One is the spoilssystem of - appointment to office. TheLorimer senatorial committee hearing hasshown how patronage is used to keep a bossin power and get votes in the legislature.The spoils system prevails in the state grain­inspection department, game departmentstatehouse service, and all the rest of th�state employment except the charities ser­vice. Wisconsin has extended the civilservice law even to the game wardens. 41MRS. EV AL YN CORNELIUSGOULD, '07Americans returning from the Orientspeak warmly of the hospitality of Mr.and Mrs. Ozro C. Gould who entertainmany of their countryme� and women atthe American consulate in Seoul, Korea.Mrs. Gould took her Ph.B. degree att�e l!niversity as Evalyn Sarah Corne­lius, In I907. Mr. Gould has been incharge of the consulate since Aprilduring the absence of Consul-GeneraiScidmore. Mrs. Gould, who after beinggr�duated at the University went as abride to Korea, entertained AdmiralHubbard and the officers of the UnitedStates fleet when the ships layin Chemultoharbor. Mr. Roosevelt's sister MrsDouglas Robinson, and her so� wer�recently dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.Gould on their way from Japan. Sofar M�s. Gould ha.s not had �he pleasureof seeing any Chicagoans SInce leavinghome, but it is possible that one of herUniversity friends may pay her a visitin the near future.THE COSMOPOLITAN CLUBThirteen nations are represented onthe membership roll of the CosmopolitanClub of the University this quarter.The different countries represented are:Armenia, Brazil, Canada, China Ger­many, India, Japan, the PhilippinesPoland,. Russia, Sweden, Turkey, andthe United States. The club is formedfor the purpose of bringing students ofvarious nationalities into touch with oneanother and of promoting their mutualinterests, and now numbers about onehundred members, of whom only aboutone-third are Americans. Shiro Tashiro'09, is president. The headquarter�of the organization are at 5800 JacksonAve.CHIEF OF IMMIGRATION BUREAUThe novel figure of a woman appointedas the first chief of a newly createdbureau is presented in the selection ofMiss Frances A. Kellor as chief investi­gator in the New York State LaborDepartment. The new appointee willhead the Bureau of Industries andImmigration, which represents the firststep taken by any of the states lookingto the protection and assistance of newlyarrived immigrants. Miss Kellor re­ceived her sociological training at theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEUniversity, where she was a graduatestudent in 1902-3.MAYO FESLER, '97, AT CLEVELANDMayo Fesler, '97, who was presidentof the St. Louis Alumni Club, and sec­retary of the Civic League there, has beenmade secretary of the Municipal Associa­tion of Cleveland, 0., His home addressis now 49 Charles Road, East Cleveland,Ohio. The following announcement ofMr. Fesler's work was made in theMunicipal Bulletin of October:Mr. Fesler is a graduate of the Universityof Chicago, where he also took post-graduatework in political science and history. Hebecame interested in municipal problemswhile in Chicago and in 1904 was recom­mended by President Judson of the Uni­versity to the secretaryship of the CivicLeague of St. Louis. When Mr. Feslertook up his duties there, the League had amembership of less than seven hundred anda total annual income of less than five thou­sand dollars. During his secretaryship theorganization increased to more than sixteenhundred members and an annual income ofover thirteen thousand dollars a year. Ithas become a recognized force for good gov­ernment and municipal improvements inSt. Louis, and is one of the strongest civicorganizations in the United States. Thereports of the Civic League on municipalsubjects are recognized by civic workers asmodels of excellence and thoroughness.Much of the effectiveness of the League andthe high character of the reports issued byit are due to the energy and ability of Mr.Fesler. We consider the Municipal Associa­tion and the City of Cleveland fortunatein securing his services as secretary.JOHN HENRY HElL, '95A strong race for nomination as super­intendent of schools of Cook Countyon the Republican ticket was made byJohn Henry Heil, '95, before the recentprimaries. Although Mr. Heil was notsuccessful in his campaign his effortawakened much interest and brought outa large vote. Mr. Heil is superintendentof schools of Morgan Park and has longbeen a leader in administration work inthe schools of the county. Manyalumni took an active part in his cam­paign.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESSAND CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITYPRESS'An arrangement has recently beenmade with the Cambridge UniversityPress by which that institution will handle the publications of the University of Chi­cago Press in England. The CambridgePress thus becomes agent for these booksand journals in all parts of the BritishEmpire outside the western hemisphere.A connection of this sort between Cam­bridge and Chicago is believed to possesslarge advantages for both institutions,quite apart from the mere promotionof book-selling. It is in fact a significantstep in the general direction marked outby the foundation of the Rhodes scholar­ships, along the line of bringing intoclose relationship the scholarship of Amer­ica and of Great Britain.THE ALUMNI CLUBSANACONDAThe twenty-fifth alumni club wasformed at Anaconda, Mont., on Sep­tember 14 by alumni and former stu­dents of the University. Professor FrankJ. Miller was present as the guest of honorand made the principal address. Duringpart of September Professor Millervisited the high schools of Helena,Butte, Anaconda, Bozeman, and Billings.When he arrived at Anaconda he wasdelighted to find an enthusiastic groupof Chicago people ready to form a club.Professor Miller was made temporarychairman and permanent officers wereelected as follows:President-Sanford T. Stoner, '04.Vice-President-D. W. Dwyer.Secretary-Treasurer-George E. Nunn, '07.In order that the club might proveuseful to the alumni in Montana it wasdecided to correspond with other Chicagopeople in the state and enroll them ascorresponding members if they so desired.An effort will also be made to locate theformer students of the University.Wherever enough people are located toform a club the Anaconda club willencourage the organization and help.Mr. Stoner, president of the club, isprincipal of the high school of Anaconda.Mr. Dwyer is superintendent of thecity schools, and Mr. Nunn is teachinghistory in the high school. The alumniare particularly indebted to Mr. Nunnfor his work in behalf of the University.He was one of the founders of the SiouxCity Club a little over a year ago, andhas always taken an active part inalumni matters. A. S. Loomer, '09,GENERAL ALUMNI ACTIVITIESW. P. Nash, Dr. Rizer and Rev. DavidHand, '09, are also located in Anaconda.SEATTLESeattle alumni were on hand to give awelcome to the University of Chicagobaseball team on its way to Japan. Theteam reached Seattle Thursday evening,September 8, and was met by a delega­tion of alumni. Friday morning wasspent by the boys in looking about thecity and making final preparations fortheir long voyage, to start the nextmorning. With Professor Bliss at lunchin the New Washington were Dr. S. D.Barnes, '94, Alfred Hill, who was Bliss'sstarter in the bicycle race that won himhis "C" in '94, and E. Boehmer, '03.The latter two had come over fromAbenatchee, a night's ride, to celebratethe occasion.The game Friday afternoon was withthe local Japanese team, which hadbecome the champion J ap team of thePacific Coast. It is to be hoped, how­ever, that Japanese baseball thrivesbetter in its native haunts than whentransplanted on American soil; for theplucky little J aps were simply moweddown by Roberts, and wilted away tothe tune of 15 to I.The game was attended by a smallbut appreciative group of local alumni,and by a very large but undemonstrativebleacherful of local Japanese. Thegeneral public also showed a liberalinterest in the game. A few of thealumni next morning escorted the teamto the boat. As the small Japaneseliner backed away from the dock, theteam grouped on deck and gave theChicago yell, which was promptlyanswered by the group of loyal alumni,who agreed to stay at home and helphold America down during the team'sabsence in Asia. S. D. B.PHILADELPHIAProfessor Charles E. Merriam was theguest of honor and the speaker at thethird meeting of the Philadelphia AlumniClub held in the rooms of the New Cen­tury Club, Philadelphia, on Saturdayafternoon, October 22, 1910.Professor Merriam presented to theclub greetings and good wishes of Presi­dent Judson and gave a very interestingaccount of the recent developments andactivities at the University. Particular- 43ly, Dr. Merriam told of the WilliamRainey Harper Memorial Library andthe plans for its internal development, ofthe School of Education, and of someof the notable activities of various pro­fessors outside of the University, suchas the work of Dr. C. R. Henderson aspresident of the International PrisonCongress, the forty-seven banquetsattended by Professor J. Paul Goodewhile en route with the Japanese In­dustrial Commission, and the famousvisit of Professor Frederick Starr tothe Japanese Shogun. Professor Mer­riam concluded his address without say­ing much about the football team or theCubs.W. Henry Elfreth, president of theclub, presided, and called attentionto the fact that graduates and formerstudents of the University of Chicago arenow represented in considerable numberson the faculties of Bryn Mawr College,the University of Pennsylvania, Swarth­more College, and Temple University,and also to the fact that in Philadelphiathe executive officers of the CollegeSettlement, the Bureau of MunicipalResearch, Pennsylvania Children's AidSociety, and the City Club are filled byChicago men or women. The member­ship of the local club also includes repre­sentatives of various business and pro­fessionallines of work.Mr. Elfreth welcomed as new membersin the club Mr. Frederick Perry Powers,A.B. '7r, a member of the editorial staffof the Public Ledger of Philadelphia, andDr. Frederick A. Cleveland, a memberof the Graduate School from 1896-99,who has recently been appointed byPresident Taft to direct a comprehensivestudy of the budget of the nationalgovernment at Washington, D.C.The difficulties encountered in issuingthe new Directory for the University weresharply brought out when it was notedthat the advance proof sheets for Phila­delphia contained the names of at leastsix persons not known to any of theactive members of the Philadelphia clubas residents of Philadelphia, while almostan equal number were present at themeeting whose names were not recordedon the official list as residents of Phila­delphia. These names were forwardedto the Alumni Council.EDWIN D. SOLENBERGER, '00.SecretaryTHE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYHERBERT E.NEW DOCTORS SLAUGHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryWoman's College of Alabama, Mont­gomery Ala. Total to date, 22.I n M�thematics: Richard Philip Baker,B.Sc. London University, 1887. Assist­ant p�ofessor of mathematics, Universityof Iowa. William Hunt Bates, A.B.,Vanderbilt University, 1894; A.M., TheUnivo/sity of Chicago, 1902. Assistantprofessor of mathematics, .Purdue Uni­versity. Arthur Dunn PItcher, A.B.,University of Kansas, :[906; A.M.,ibid., 1907. Assistant professor of ma.t�e­matics, University of Kansas. ManonBallantyne White, Ph.B., Universityof Michigan, 1893; A.M., University ofWisconsin, 1906. Assistant professorof mathematics, University of Kansas.Total to date, 39.In Physics: Louis Begeman, S.B.,University of Michigan, 1889; S.M.,ibid., 1897. Head of department ofphysics, Iowa State Teachers College,Cedar Falls, Iowa. Total to date, 22.In Chemistry: Emma Perry Carr,S.B., The University of Chicago, 1905.Associate professor of chemistry, Mt.Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.Elbert Edwin Chandler, A.B., WilliamJewell College, 1891; LL.B., Universityof Michigan, 1893. Professor of chem­istry, Occidental College, Los Angeles,Cal. Ira Harris Derby, S.B., HarvardUniversity, 1899. Assistant professor ofchemistry, University of Minnesota.Ansel Alphonso Knowlton, A.B., BatesCollege, 1898. Associate professor ofphysics, University of Utah, Salt LakeCity. Stewart Joseph Lloyd, A.B.,University of Toronto, 1904; S.M.,McGill University, 1906. Adjunct pro­fessor of chemistry and -metallurgy,University of Alabama. John ColinMoore, S.B., Vanderbilt University,1898. Instructor in chemistry, LakeHigh School, Chicago. William CablerMoore, S.B., University of Nashville,1903. Instructor in chemistry, Colum­bia University, New York City. FredWilbert Upson, S.B., University ofNebraska, 1907; A.M., ibid., 1908.Instructor in chemistry, University ofCincinnati. Total to date, 57.The total number of Doctors ofPhilosophy is now 610, of whom 597 areliving. There were thirty added at theAutumn Convocation, whose names andappointments are reported as follows:In Philosophy: Frederick GoodrichHenke, A.B., Charles City College, 1897;A.M., Northwestern University, 1908.Professor of philosophy and psychology,University of Nanking, China. Total todate, 22.In Psychology: Henry Foster Adams,Ph.B., Wesleyan University, 1905. As­sistant in psychology, University ofChicago. Mary Holmes Stevens Hayes,A.B., University of Wisconsin, 1904.With the Juvenile Court, Chicago.Mabel Ruth Fernald, A.B., MountHolyoke College, 1906. Instructor inpsychology, Chicago Normal School.Clara Jean Weidensall, A.B., VassarCollege, 1903. Foster Hall, Universityof Chicago. Total to date, 17.In History: David Richard Moore,A.B., University of Toronto, 1902. Pro­fessor of history, Lawrence University,Appleton, Wis. Total to date, 33.In Political Economy: Edgar Hutchin­son Johnson, S.B., Emory College, 1891;S.M., The University of Chicago, 1899.Professor of history and economics,Emory College, Oxford, Ga. Totalto date, 25.In Sociology: Frances Fenton, A.B.,Vassar College, 1902. Instructor insociology and applied economics, M t.Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass.Hector MacPherson, A.B., Queen's Uni­versity, 1903; S.M., The University ofChicago, 1908. Instructor in economics,University of Illinois. Total to date, 28.In Greek: Arthur Leslie Keith, A.B.,University of Nebraska, 1898; A.M.,ibid., 1908. Acting professor of Latin,Carleton College, Northfield, Minn.Total to date, 19.In English: Matthew Lyle Spencer,A.B., Kentucky Wesleyan College, 1903;A.M., ibid., i904; A.M., NorthwesternUniversity, 1905. Professor of English,44THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONIn Botany: Charles Orval Appleman,Ph.B., Dickinson College, 1903, Botani­cal investigator, Maryland AgriculturalExperiment Station, College Park, Md.Grace Miriam Charles, A.B., OberlinCollege, 1900; A.M., The Universityof Chicago, 1905. ISO N. Cuyler Ave.,Oak Park, Ill. Mary Sophie Young,A.B., Wellesley College, 1895; S.M.,The University of Chicago, 1907. 1223East 57th St., Chicago. Total to date,30•In Zoology: George William Bartlemez,B.S., New York University, 1906.Associate in anatomy, The Universityof Chicago. Total to date, 40.In Bacteriology: Thomas Haigh Glenn,A.B., University of Utah, 190I. Instruct­or in bacteriology, Northwestern Uni­versity Medical School. Total to date,II.I n New Testament: Harris LachlanMacNeill, A.B., McMaster University,1894. Professor of New Testamentlanguage and literature, Brandon College,Manitoba. Total to date, 14.NEWS NOTESHarris F. MacNeish, '09, has beenappointed instructor in mathematicsat Yale University. He was last yearin a similar position at Princeton Uni­versity.William H. Allison, '05, is just enter- 45ing upon his duties as dean of the theo­logical school at Colgate University,Hamilton, N.Y.Charles H. Shattuck, '08, is professorof forestry at the University of Idaho.Mrs. Eila Flagg Young, '00, super­intendent of the Chicago School system,was elected president of the NationalEducation Association at its meetingin Boston last July.Fred C. Brown, '09, is professor ofEnglish at Trinity College, Durham, N.C.Frank G. Cressey, '03, is principal ofthe Los Angeles Academy, a school forboys and girls which is just enteringupon its second year.Charles H. Gordon, 'oS, professor ofgeology at the University of Tennessee,is a member of a committee of the facultyon extension lectures and is activelyengaged in that work. He also organ­ized the courses in geology and geographyat the Summer School of the Soutb, con­ducted by the University of Tennessee,and has been active in research in con­nection with the state geological survey.Harold L. Axtell, '06, has been pro­moted to a full professorship in Latinand Greek at the University of Idaho,Moscow, Idaho.William F. McCaleb, History, '00,is president of the West Texas Bank atSan Antonio, Texas. He was recentlyelected vice-president of the Texas Alphachapter of Phi Beta Kappa.THE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONRUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER, '06, SecretaryCharles V. Clark has associated him­self wi th the firm of Jeffrey, Ott &Campbell, with offices in Suite 523,Western Union Building.Samuel and Marcus Hirschl haveformed a partnership for the generalpractice of law, including patents,_copyrights, and trade marks, withoffices in the Rector Building.The address of Leo Klein is 1322Tribune Building.Dennis M. Malloy may be addressedat 807, the Rookery.Harry C. Leemon has an office at9206 Commercial Ave., South Chicago.Rowland T. Rogers is located at 146La Salle St.Andrew G. 'thompson's office is at235 Worcester Block, Portland, Ore. Leo F. Wormser is with Rosenthal& Hamill, 1400 Fort Dearborn Building.James Pinckney Pope is in Ruston, La.Walter E. Wolf is in Tiffin, Ohio.At the October monthly luncheon ofthe Law School Association, PresidentClifford W. Barnes of the MunicipalVoters' League was the speaker.Thirty-one members of the Associationwere present at the October luncheon.John Carlyle Moore is in Red Deer,Alberta Province, Canada. He is amember of the firm of Moore & Durie.Albert Balch Houghton is in Mil­waukee, Wis. He is a member of thefirm of Houghton & Meelen with officesin the Germania Building.David D. Madden has his office at 617Ashton Building, Rockford, Ill.THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONNEWS FROM THECLASSES1901Arthur E. Bestor, director of theChautauqua Institution, N.Y., spendshalf the year in Chicago, living at theDel Prado.O. E. Hotle engages in the bond busi­ness in Oakland, Cal.Edwin Maxey instructs in the U ni­versity of Nebraska, Lincoln.1902William Watkins Frost is professor ofEnglish at John B. Stetson University,Deland, Fla.Emma McCowles is professor ofmathematics at Milwaukee-Downer Col­lege, Milwaukee, Wis.Margaret W. VanWyck has movedfrom New Rockford, N.D., to HopewellJunction, N.Y.Lewis A. Pringle is superintendent ofschools at West Harvey, Ill.Beatrice Irene Davies lives at 584LaSalle St.Dr. Herbert V. Mellinger now occupiesan office suite at IOO State St.George Alexander Young, dealer inbonds, lives at the Hotel Margaret,Brooklyn.Walter G. Sackett, of Fort Collins,Colo., is bacteriologist at the Colo­rado Agricultural College.1903Charles B. Elliott is pastor of the FirstBaptist Church of Breckinridge, Minn.Milton Judson Davies, living at IIBond St., Brooklyn, is Y.M.C.A. educa­tional director.Robert Wilhelm Hegner teaches zo­ology in the University of Wisconsin.M. E. Bachmer is with the WenatchieCanal Co., in the irrigation business atWenatchie, Wash.Edwin Griffin Pierce is doing graduatework at Harvard.C. C. Bulger is an architect at Dallas,Texas.A. R. Mitchell, civil engineer, livesat 3838 Lake Ave. 1904Sherlock Bronson Gass is adjunctprofessor of rhetoric in the University ofNebraska, Lincoln.James Garfield Randall teaches historyin Syracuse University.Ernest Alger Thornhill is principalof Telluride Institute at Provo, Utah.Frank Fletcher Stephens is instructorin history at the University of Missouri,Columbia.William Miedema is a minister ofthe Presbyterian Church of Buchanan,Mich.Chester Garfield Vernier teaches lawin Indiana University, at Bloomington.Mattie B. Tschirgi lives at 46 HenionSt., Dubuque, Ia.Ambrose M. Bailey is a clergyman atAkron, Ohio.Merle Marme teaches in South Divi­sion High School, Milwaukee.Frida von Unwerth is instructor ofGerman in Normal College, 68 and ParkAve., N.Y.1905Robert M. Gibboney practices lawat Rockford, Ill.Edgar B. Wells is in the department ofbiology and chemistry at Central HighSchool, Peoria, Ill.Mrs. Arthur I. Morgan (Agnes LaFoyFay) resides at 1412 Summit Ave.,Seattle.Dr. Irvin S. Koll, physician, occupiesoffices at I03 State St.Caroline Judd teaches in the JeffersonHigh School.Vernon C. Beebe, head of an adver­tising firm, ISIS Masonic Temple, hasbeen elected a precinct treasurer in theSeventh Ward Republican organization.Schuyler B. Terry is in the bond busi ..ness with Lee Higginson & Co.1906Nels Af N. Cleven is an instructorin the high school at Lafayette, Ind.Laura L. Runyan is assistant pro­fessor of history in the Missorui StateNormal, Warrensburg.W. F. Condray practices law in LittleRock, Ark.46THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONMrs. C. D. Dye (Maizie Slocum)resides at 1033 Highland Ave., Dixon, Ill.I907Nancy McArthur teaches in the highschool at Marinette, Wis.Eugene F. McCampbell is assistantprofessor of bacteriology in the OhioState University, Columbus ..J. D. Sandefer, recently of JohnTarleton College, Stephenville, Texas,has accepted the presidency of SimmonsCollege, Abilene, Texas.Blanche E. Riggs is head of the Englishdepartment in Hardin College, Mexico,Miss. �Katherine E. Forster is head of theEnglish department, State Normal School,Richmond, Ky.Norman R. Wilson is located at theWesley College, University of Manitoba,Winnipeg.Mary Craig Palmer teaches in theIndustrial College, Columbus, Miss.1908William Odell Shepard teaches in theUniversity of Southern California, LosAngeles.J. M. Johlin lives at Sybel Str., 16,Charlottenburg bei Berlin, Germany.Ida A. Shaver is a teacher in theCooper School, Chicago.Charlotte A. Haass teaches Latin andGreek in the high school, Hamilton,Wash.Marie D. Williams has moved fromCambridge, Ohio, to 301 Eastern Ave.,Joliet, IlLWillard Brooks practices law inChicago with offices at 620 E. ooth St.William Hewitt is attending RushMedical College.1909Joseph G. Hutton is assistant in thegeology department at the University ofIllinois.A. M. Elder is principal of the BoxElder High School, at Brigham, Utah.Meyer Gaba, instructor in mathe­matics at the University of Kansas, livesat 1209 Ohio St., Lawrence, Kan.William Kixmiller practices law inChicago.Sam Lingle is employed with W. A.Read & Co., bonds.Renslow Sherer is in the bond businesswith the Harris Trust & Savings Bank.Robert E. Moritz is head of thedepartment of mathematics in theUniversity of Washington, Seattle. 47Aaron Arkin, instructor in pharmacyand toxicology in the University ofWisconsin, resides at SIS Lake St.,Madison, Wis.R. R. Kennan is pastor of the FirstBaptist Church at Mason City, la.Ella Josephine Murphy teaches in thehigh school at Fort Worth, Texas.Paul P. Rohns is in charge of theperfume manufacturing department ofFrederick Stearns Co., chemists, Detroit.Joseph K. Hart lives at 4542 BrooklynAve., Seattle.Fielder Bouie Harris is superintendentof schools at Franklin, Ohio.David W . Davis, recently of theUniversity of Colorado, has acceptedthe chair of Greek at Drury College,Springfield, Mo.19IOA. L. Fridstein is engaged in theadvertising business with the Play BillCo.Elizabeth Willson resides at 406 Cen­tral Ave., Greenville, Miss.Paul P. B. Brooks teaches in McLeanCollege, Hopkinsville, Ky.Jeanne Buckmaster lives at Evanston,Wyoming.Bradford Gill is working on a sheepranch in Arizona.Art Hoffman represents the Burling­ton Road as a traveling supply agent.R. T� Radford is with S. B. Chapin Co.,stocks and bonds, the Rookery.Winston P. Henry is in the oil businesswith his father's firm, the Henry GasCo., Bartlesville, Okla.Alvin Kramer is engaged in the bondbusiness with the Farwell Trust Co.Hal Latham travels for the LathamManufacturing Co.Frank Orchard is employed in theadvertising department of the ScientificA merican, with headquarters in thePeoples Gas Building.Fred Gaarde is attending Rush MedicalCollege.Marc HirschI has started a law officewith his brother in the Rector Building.Etta Shoupe is instructor of English inthe high school at Muskegon, Mich.ENGAGEMENTS'04. Walter K. Earle, ex, to Mrs.Henrietta Holmes Robertson of Chicago.The grandparents of Mrs Robertson areamong the oldest residents of Chicago.'oS. Theodora Leigh Richards, to Dr.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEClyde LeRoy Ellsworth. The couplewill reside at Dubuque, Ia., where Dr.Ellsworth practices medicine.'06. Huntington B. Henry to AnnieMay Swift. The wedding will takeplace in January in Chicago. Mr.Henry is a member of Chi Psi Fraternity,Blackfriars, and Glee Club, and was avice-president of the Reynolds Club.They expect to reside in Bartlesville,Okla., where Mr. Henry is in the oilbusiness., 08. Earle Scott Smith, ex, to EdithRohr of Toledo, Ohio. Mr. Smith is amember of Sigma Chi Fraternity, andwill be remembered as composer of the"Rushing of Raxes" and "Sign of theDouble Eagle." At present he is salesmanager of a Toledo firm with officesin the Nicholas Building in that city.MARRIAGES'96. Samuel MacClintock, Ph.D. '08,to Helen Marsh on June 2 at the HydePark Baptist Church. Mr. MacClintock,who is a brother of Professor W. D.MacClintock of the University, returnedlast Easter from Central America, wherehe had been consul. They reside inChicago.'97. Donald S. Trumbull to Ger­trude Irene Ma vor on June I I. Mr.Trumbull is an attorney with offices inthe Exchange Bank Building. He is amember of Beta Theta Pi.'99 Dr. William Burgess Cornell toBettie Grace Duncan on October I I,at St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Luther­ville, Md. They reside at Hawthorne,Mass., 00. Harry Norman Gottlieb toDorothy Kuh, '09, at the home of thebride's aunt, Mrs. Jennie C. Kuh, 5765Washington Ave., on October 17. Theirfuture residence will be Sheridan, Wyo.'or. Herbert Paul Zimmerman toKatharine Fauntleroy, daughter of Mr.Thomas Smyth Fauntleroy of Geneva,Ill. The ceremony was held at the homeof the bride's father in Geneva on October18. After January I the couple will beat home at 69 E. Division St.'or. Frank Russell White to EvaJune Scheide at Manila, P.I., on Sep­tember IS. Mr. White is the Directorof Education for the Philippine Islands.Their home is at 414 Calle Nueva, Malate.'or. Charles Jonas Boyer to ZilphaCantadell of Birmingham, Mich. The groom is a representative of Allyn &Bacon of Chicago, with territory inMichigan. They live at 58 MidburyAve., Detroit.'05. Riley H. Allen to Suzanne Me­Ardle at St. J ames Cathedral Church,Seattle, on September 6. Mrs. Allenis a graduate of the Boston Conservatoryof Music, and is well-known as a singer inthe West. Mr. Allen is a member ofBeta Theta Pi. They go to Honolulu,where Mr. Allen has the position ofmanaging editor of the Honolulu Even-ing Bulletin..'0S. Dudley Kimball French, ex,to Helen Margaret Nind on October 8.The bride is the daughter of Mr. andMrs. John Newton Nind of 5220 Wash­ingtonAve.'06. Florence May Bush to WalterGore Mitchell, ex-'08, on October 4.They live at 53I7 Ellis Ave.'06. Henry Durham Sulcer to Char­lotte Virginia Thearle. The weddingceremony was celebrated at the home ofthe bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. FredGear Thearle, 428 W. 66th St.'07. Arnold Jordan Wilson to HazelDeGroff at Hartshorn, Okla., on June II.They are living at LaSalle, Ill., whereMr. Wilson is in business.'08. Heath Byford, ex, to EthelRaycroft. The ceremony was heldearly in June at the South Shore CountryClub. The groom is a member ofPsi Upsilon. They are at home at 4905Lake Ave.'08. Stella Anderson of Rock Islandto John H. Hill of 822 Crescent Place.Miss Anderson served as League secre­tary during 1905-6.'08. Gladys Russell Baxter, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Noah Luther Baxterof Springfield, to James Burtis Ransom,ex-'o8" son of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamBradley Ransom of Minneapolis, onJune 6 in the University CongregationalChurch, Dr. Charles Richmond Hender­son, D.B., A.M. '73, D.D. '85, officiat­ing. The bridal party was composedalmost entirely of University friends.Miss Theodora Leigh Richards, 'oS,acted as maid of honor, and the brides­maids were Miss Louise Capps, '09,of Jacksonville, Miss Hazel Catherwoodand Miss Elizabeth Dickerson, ex-'08,and Miss Ruth Ransom of Minneapolis.Paul Vincent Harper, '08, was best manand the ushers were James DwightDickerson, '08, Thomas Miller, '09,THE COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONFrederick Carr, ex-' 09, and ElliottAndrews. Mrs. Ransom is a memberof the Esoteric Club and Mr. Ransom ofAlpha Delta Phi. Following the cere­mony a small reception was held at thehome of Mrs. Charles Scribner Eaton,'00, 5744 Kimbark Ave. After anextended tour of the Northwest andPacific Coast, 'the bride and groom willlive at the Elms Hotel, 1634 E. 53d St.'09. J. Carlton Burton, ex, to MaryNichols on June 3. Mr. Burton is amember of Beta Theta Pi, and wasprominent during his college career inBlackfriar plays.'09. Julia Reichman, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. F. J. Reichmann, 5267Kimbark Ave., to Christopher P. Scottof Portland, Ore., on June 25, Rev.Joseph A. Vance officiating.'09. Herman Krog, ex, to VeraHuntington, ex-Yo, on September 7.Walter Steffen, '09, acted as best man,and among the ushers were GeorgeBoesinger, ex-too, of LaGrange, andRobert Radford, '10, of Morton Park.The ceremony was performed at McCabeMemorial Chapel, and a receptionfollowed at the residence of the bride'sparents, 5342 Madison Ave.'09. Conrad Robert Borchardt toMarie Griesbach on September 7.The couple are at home at 5II6 PrairieAve.'09. Agnes Grace Braden, ex, daugh­ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Braden, 393 IPrairie Ave., to Paul Perren Chapmanon September 22 at the home of thebride's parents.'09. Fountain P. Leigh to Elizabeth -Fleming of c1:IiaigO on February 2.Mr. Leigh is musical director at theCentral University of Iowa, Pella, Ia.'JO. Howard Johnson, ex, to HelenCarpenter at Lafayette, Ind., on June14. The couple reside at St. Paul, Minn. 49'IO. Nina Yeoman to Charles RayHolton, '10, on October 14. They areliving at Avon, Ill.'12. Lina Margaret Gould to ArthurRufus Laney formerly of Cumberland,Md., on June II, at All Souls Church,the Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones officiating.Only the immediate families were guests.Miss .Gould was active in Universityathletics, and was the only womanreporter on the Daily Maroon in 1910.DEATHS'99. Clara Mooney Elder died atHenrotin Hospital, August 16, 1910.Mrs. Elder was a charter member ofSpelman House.'IO. Irene Lucille Cecille Dwyer,died at the home of her mother, Dr.Anna Dwyer, 2477 Drexel Blvd., onOctober 13, 1910. Miss Dwyer hadmastered Latin, Greek, French, andGerman, and was a musician of note inprofessional circles, ha ving composedseveral pieces, one a requiem mass.Her health prevented the completionof her college course with but a half­year left. The mass was sung for thefirst time at her funeral at St. AmbroseCatholic Church.'10. David Lee Maulsby, professorof English literature and oratory atTufts College, died at West Somerville,Mass., August 18, 1910. He receivedthe degree of A.M. at Tufts Collegein 1892, and that of Ph.D. in the Uni­versity in 1910, his treatise being onEmerson. Mr. Maulsby was a mem­ber of Zeta Psi and Phi Beta Kappa andwrote the words of three Tufts songs.'I I. George Gettys Stahl, ex, diedat the Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago,August 9, 1910. He was a student at theUniversity during the summer quartersof 1904, 1905, 1909, and 1910.UNDERGRADUATE LIFETHE PRESIDENrS ADDRESSPresident Harry Pratt Judson ad­dressed the students at the eighteenthannual commemorative chapel service,held in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall onMonday, October 3. President Judsonsaid:Few of those present remember the differ­ence between the circumstances at theUniversity today and those of eighteen yearsago. In the first year of the University'sexistence one hundred and thirty-five menconstituted the faculty, while today wehave over four hundred. Then we had 594students, in comparison to 6,007, the totalregistration of last year. Thirty-one stu­dents took degrees that year, in comparisonwith 555 last year. The growth has beenremarkable.We now have 6,157 alumni scatteredthroughout the country, engaging in variouspursuits. Of course in an institution soyoung, it cannot be expected that manyalumni will have had the honor of becomingpresidents or senators-if that be an honor.However, wherever you go, you will findour alumni doing serious work in a seriousway. They are putting to practical usethe lesson 1earned in the University-thatreal success may be obtained only by dig­nified and serious efforts.The young man who dreams simply of thegreat things of life, but who ignores themany ordinary and apparently unimportantthings, is no better than the one doing theother extreme. The successful man per­forms the simple tasks individually, as theyappear, thus building a solid foundation forthe future.DEAN VINCENT'S ADVICEDean George E. Vincent's annualtalk to incoming students was made inHaskell the night of October 5, underthe auspices of the Y.M.C.A. Old andnew men crowded the hall to hear thespeaker. He advanced a frank, soundtheory of the proper life for a collegeman and said:First be loyal to your home and family;be loyal to your religion; be loyal to yourwork; and be loyal to the community ofwhich you are a member.This community stands favorably withany college community-it is even distinctlyabove the average in high ideals and conduct.Like any other community it is either goingup or down. You must not remain passivein it, but must show what is in you, andstrive for these higher ideals. But do not confuse your loyalties in thisrespect, as several of our students have.We had a decided affection for them, andunfortunately they are the ones who willprobably make successes in the world. Theywere willing to devote much time to the U ni­versity to get out a crowd at a mass meeting,or distort themselves to lead yells, untilthey seemed in danger of anatomical dissolu­tion. A certain amount of this was right,but they neglected their loyalty to theirstudies. They were fine fellows, and wehated to part with them, but the wheelsof the automatic machinery could not bestopped in their devastating work.. Don't be disloyal to yourself. If yououtwardly exhibit yourself as more than youinwardly and truthfully know you are, youwill be set down as a "prig," and everyonedetests such a creature.Be loyal to the religion you brought fromhome. Do something positive, be it everso small, be straight, frank, modest, and true.Be loyal to the best you know, and let itgrow better day by day.THE JAPANESE TRIPThe University of Chicago baseballteam has finished the series of gameswith the Japanese at Waseda Uni­versity and Keio University, with aclean slate of victories. On Septem­ber 2 the party left Chicago for atrip to the Orient and return by wayof China and the Philippine Islands, ajourney comprising about I8,000 miles.The fortunate members of the team are:H. Orville (" Pat") Page, financial man­ager, J. J. Pegues, captain, Paul Stein­brecher, G. Roberts, O. Roberts, Sunder­land, Cleary, Ehrhorn, Collings, Boyle,and Baird. Sauer and Kassulker, whowere eligible to take the trip, remainedat home to play football. Gilbert A.Bliss accompanies the squad as facultyrepresentative, and Franklin Page,"Pat's" nephew, goes as mascot. Dur­ing the summer months the players prac­ticed daily on Marshall Field, and inaddition took a course in the Japaneselanguage under Mr. Hishinura. Beforetheir departure they were addressed byPresident Harry Pratt Judson on theeducational value and internationalimport of the trip, and by ProfessorFrederick Starr on Japanese customs andmanners, and were given letters of intro­duction from President Taft and thesecretary of state, Philander Knox.50UNDERGRADUATE LIFEThe first stop was at Kalispell, Mon­tana, on September 5, where the Maroonswon one game by the score of I I to 9,and dropped another by a 2 to 3 score,after ten innings. On September 6the Spokane game was called off be­cause of rain. At Everett, Wash., theteam broke even in a double header onsuccessive days, September 7-8, losingthe first day by 4 to 3, and taking thesecond contest by 3 to 2. An extra gamewas played with the Mikado Japaneseteam of Seattle, which the Maroons took15 to I.On September 10 the S.S. KamakuraMaru carried them from Seattle harborfor the sixteen-day water trip to Y oko­harna. Just before leaving, an immensebox of fruit was delivered on shipboardfrom Harold H. Swift, an enthusiasticalumnus.Home supporters have been informedof the doings of the team by interestingletters from "Pat" Page and G. A.Bliss, published in the Maroon, and bycables, from several other members,appearing in the daily Chicago news­papers.Upon the arrival in Yokohama, news­paper reporters flocked to the ship tosecure interviews, autographs, and photo­graphs. Professor Iso Abe of WasedaUniversity, Alfred ("Stuffy") Place,other Chicago alumni, and Waseda andKeio students, Mr. O'Brien, the Amer­ican ambassador, and in fact the wholeisland have been continual hosts of themen. After a jinrickisha ride throughportions of Yokohama, and tea, the partyleft by rail for Tokyo. Here they wereroyally received by a large number ofstudents, and escorted to the ImperialHotel.The record of complete victories forthe Maroons betters that set by theBadgers, who lost one game on theireastern invasion a couple of years ago.Five games were played with the teamof Waseda University, two with theTomon (Waseda alumni) Club, andthree with the Keio University players.Baseball "fans" were out by the thou­sands, and showed all the enthusiasmand characteristics of a crowd at anyleague park in America.The return trip will be made via Chinaand the Philippines. Visits will be made atOsaka, Kyoto, and Kobe, and then theywill sail to China, visiting Shanghaiand Hongkong, and probably playinggames at these places. From November 10 to 19 they will playa series of gamesin Manila, where they are promised aprincely entertainment by Chicago alum­ni and authorities of the islands. Againfrom December I to 7 they will revisitYokohama, and then set sail for America,arriving at Seattle December 23.FOOTBALLIn final results the varsity footballteam has not loomed up brilliantly.But there is not a single Maroon supporterwho has not stood firm by the players.Although the Conference championshipwas early out of the question, the menworked with a will in all the contests.Before the start of the season "bearstories" were abundant for the reasonthat only five veterans, Crawley, Kas­sulker, Rademacher, Sauer, and Rogers,were out for practice. A score of candi­dates tried for positions, most of themfrom last year's Freshman squad. Theywere: Tatarsky, Menaul, H. Young,W. Kuh, Whiteside, Davenport, Fonger,Wilson, R. Young, G. Kuh, Payne,Whiting, Carpenter, Freeman, Sawyer,Canning, Vollmer, Sellers, and Baldwin.The change in the rules, which pro­vided for four quarters, the reinstate­ment of a player after once being re­moved, and the abolition of pushingand pulling the man with the ball gavethe light team some encouragement,in that it placed more of a premium onspeed and less on weight than formerly.The first game, with Jimmy Sheldon'screw, Indiana, was won by the latter,6 to o. Since the first game in 1902between the two colleges - Chicago hadalways been victorious. During thefirst three quarters Chicago constantlyheld the ball in their opponent's terri­tory, but when scoring seemed immi­nent through their rushes, penalties pre­vented. In the last quarter Indianatook a brace, while for the momentChicago seemed to weaken, and by twoperfect forward passes the Crimson teamscored a touchdown, and then kickedgoal. Captain Crawley's brilliant workwas the subject of much favorablecomment, while Wilson's failure atdrop-kicking was a decided disappoint­ment. However, he out-punted Gill, theIndiana kicker, and prevented a largerscore.Over 500 students accompanied theteam to Illinois in a special train. Illi­nois won by a score of 3 to o. The lineTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEwas seriously affected by the loss ofSellers, who earlier in. the week hadbeen operated on for. appendicitis,The team held valiantly at criticalmoments, but superior interference anda heavier line told.George Kuh led the team at thestart of the game With Northwestern" andFonger and Young played full-back. Forthe first two quarters Chicago played asafe game, and then opened up the lasthalf with a rush which resulted in a 10to 0 victory. H. Young was sent in asquarterback in the early part of thegame to replace G. Kuh. Sauer per­formed startling feats both defensive andoffensive, which suggested him as an All­Western probability. He intercepteda forward pass and sped almost theentire length of the field for Chicago'sfirst touchdown. Crawley made theother touchdown, and played hard andwell throughout the game. Menaul'spunting was an agreeable surprise to theeast bleachers.As Ed Howe would say, the: reporting� of the Minnesota game would qe, Minne­sota. 24, Chicago o. The Gophers hada powerful line of veterans, and Rosen­wald, Johnston, and McGovern in thebackfield. Chicago had to content itselfwith .playing a defensive game. Minne­sota t was heavier in the Iine.. wiser inexperience, and ran through its numerousplays faultlessly. Cornell was tied in thefirst half, 0 to 0, but gained 18 points inthe second on November 12.GENERAL: NEWSThe registration figures given out byDean Vincent show 'an increase of 70students' in ..... all departments of theUniversity.. Last year the total numberof students for 'the Al;ltwn1:?:.Ql.larter was2,346, while this year 2,416 have alreadyenrolled. The number of women andmen are about equal, whereas last yearthe women exceeded the men by 44. Inthe Freshman class an increase of about5 .per cent over the preceding year'sentering class is shown, 55 per cent beingmen.-Of considerable interest to under­graduate men and women, was theelection of Miss - Hazel 'Stillman : to thepresidency of the Undergraduate Council.This position is regarded as one of thehighest honors on the campus, and hasnever before been held by a girl.The Glee Club began the year withover seventy-five candidates under the directorship of Gordon Erickson. Astudent orchestra is planned. The Girls'Glee Club has been organized with Mrs.Kolhsaat as leader. A mandolin clubis being organized by Kasson Dodson.Pow Wow, the Freshman debatingSociety, opened up with fifteen members.Fencibles, the Sophomore debatingsociety, is arranging debates with Michi­gan and Illinois.About fifteen men are trying out for theUniversity debating team. The subjectis "The Desirability of a GraduatedFederal Income Tax." Paul II. O'Deais the only veteran in the list. CharlesF. McElroy is the coach.Class elections were held on November3. Vallee Appel was elected presidentof the Upper Seniors, Raymond Dalyof the Lower Seniors, James Donovanof the Upper Juniors, and Dana Morri­son of the Lower Juniors.Much interest has been' aroused overthe work of the Social Service Depart­ment of the Y.M.C.A. The membersmake trips to the various settlementsin the city, and also engage in the workpersonally. Roy Baldridge has beenappointed head of the department,Paul Gardner is head cheer-leader forthe ensuing year. The other leadersare Roy Baldridge, Ralph Rosenthal,and Ed Hall. .Nathaniel Pfeffer has been electedpresident of the Pen Club. Bert L.Taylor, better. known as B. L. T., editorof the Line 0' Type column in the ChicagoTribune, addressed the club on Novem­ber 10.At a dinner of the CommercialClub, Mr. Carls, of the Farwell TrustCo., gave a talk on bonds.Three of the events 011 the ReynoldsClub schedule of entertainments, havetaken place, the Freshman-Sophomoresmoker, October 21, and the informalsof October 28, and November 18, asmoker for December 3 remaining. TheFreshman scored a slight advantage inthe annual contests with the Sophomores.The Sophomores wori the tug-of-war,while the '14 men won the wrestling andheavy-weight boxing matches, and thelight-weight boxing match was con­sidered a draw. The big event of theevening, the' Freshman pie-eating con­test, was won by "Fat" Lyman. RoyBaldridge has succeeded Charles L.Sullivan as president of the club. Thelatter has gone into business in Dayton,Ohio.