GEORGE ADAM SMITHTHE UNITED FREE CHURCH COLLEGE, GLASGOWConvocation Orator, June IS, 1909The University of ChicagoMagazineVOLUME I JULY, 1909 NUMBER 8AMERICAN AND OTHER INTERESTSIN THE RELATIONS OF CHRIS­TIANITY AND ISLAMIBY GEORGE ADAM SMITH, A.M., D.D., LL.D.The United Free Church College, GlasgowIT is thirteen years since I delivered the Convocation address inthis University and ten 'since I last had the honor of teachingthrough your summer quarter. I cannot come once more amongyou, by your fresh invitation, to both of these offices, with­out first of all paying my meed of homage to the great increase ofmaterial and intellectual strength which these years, your labors,and the confidence of the people have brought to you. The widthof the foundations which you laid and the rapidity of your earliestprogress made it easy for your visitors to predict a phenomenalgrowth, but your actual achievements have outrun the most san­guine of their anticipations.From year to year I have read with growing interest the reportsof your Presidents and Deans. There are many details uponwhich, were there time, I could enviously congratulate you; butthere are two to which I rather confine myself as able to speak uponthem from an experience more equal to your own. First, then, Icongratulate you OIn being the University of a great city. Afterall, that is the ideal place for a seat of learning. If I may judgefrom our own experience in Glasgow, now with a million of peo­ple, and surrounded by many smaller towns, scholarship and edu-1 Delivered on the occasion of the Seventy-first Convocation of the Uni­versity, held in Hutchinson Court, June IS, 1909.326 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEcation, nay even research, discovery, and literature, are not em­barrassed nor weakened, but are stimulated, enriched, better organ­ized, and kept more flexible, by contact with the great movementsof commerce and public life; while it is in such an environmentalone that a university can capture the imagination. and sympathyof the people, enlist the aid, as necessary to its intellectual as to itsmaterial prosperity, of men of business and affairs; and mostdirectly achieve the principal aim of a university in the enlighteningand inspiration of the national life. On the second point I speak to,you with the heart of a Scotsman, for here I may justly say thatmy country has shown an example to the world, I have noticed inyour reports that a large proportion of your students coming fromthe city of Chicago belong to the working-classes; and that a greatnumber maintain themselves by their own work. May that pro­portion never grow less! N ever suffer anything to come into theorganization of your studies nor into the habits of your students'life which would obstruct the clear avenue that ought to run rightup to the university from the humblest schools and the simplesthomes of the land. May your Alma Mater continue, as she best cancontinue amid so vast a population, to he the alma mater of thepoor as well as of the rich..But on yours, as on all success, there fall the shadows whichare inevitable by us mortals. With the admiration I have expressed,so long an absence as mine brings its countervailing griefs, and Istand again in this place less moved by the grandeur of the institu­tion than by the frailty of the personalities who serve it: the littlelives which wear out that it may flourish through the ages. Severalare already gone who were identified with the recent beginnings ofyour University. I miss, as who does not, the wise, strong, andgenial presences of Dr. Northrup, Dr. Hurlburt, Dr. Goodspeed,and, above all, of President Harper. Six years ago when I was lyingnear death in Cleveland Hospital he traveled far to my bedsideto cheer me and to pray with me. How my heart turns to himtoday who first called me here; who honored me with his friend­ship ; who gave me, as he gave to. all that came into contact withhim, so great an example of energy, of sympathy, of devotion. Didever the head of any university combine such loyalty to its commonlife with such just assertion of his own personality; such thorough­ness in his proper subject, with such sympathy for every other inthe field of science; such constant readiness to learn and unlearnRELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM 327with such fruitfulpower of action and construction; such care withsuch courage; such, scholarship, business capacity, and moral enthu­siasm. W·e shall rarely find his like again.From these brief tributes I turn to the subject on which I havechosen to address you. There is no problem more serious andpra.ctical before us today than the relation of our Christianity to theother great religions which like herself command the adhesion ofmillions of the human race; nor among these religions is any whichoffers more grave or doubtful elements in our anticipations of thefuture than Mohammedanism. N ow in the title I have given to mydiscourse I have emphasized the interest of you Americans in thequestion of Mohammedanism, because it is at least as great from themoral and historical points of view as that of any other Christiannation-not excluding my own which now' governs in India andEgypt some seventy millions of a Moslem population. In theTurkish Empire, the political, intellectual, and religious center ofIslam, you have indeed far less material interest than other westernpeoples. Your trade with it is comparatively 'small; nor are youtroubled by any of those prospects, which, welcome or unwelcome,haunt the nations of Europe, of increasing their territories at itsexpense, or of otherwise profiting by its weakness or dissension,Your interests in Turkey are not only almost exclusively moralbut you have pursued them with a zeal and a measure of success,whether in Egypt, or Syria, or Asia Minor, or Turkey in Europe,which no other Protestant people has been willing or able to riva1.As early as the seventeenth century we British sent chaplains to ourcountrymen in the factories at Aleppo and elsewhere in Syria, andmany a wandering scholar up and down the nearer East; but to thebest of my knowledge you far more distant Americans were thefirst to give missionaries of the Reformed Faith to the TurkishEmpire; you introduced western education to its children, and youfounded in it the first Protestant schools and colleges. On theextreme southeastern. point of Cyprus, over against the Holy Land,there is a group of American graves which tell one of the mostheroic stories in all the history of Christian mia s ions. About I820a band of Protestant missionaries from the United States landedwith their families at Beyrout in Syria and were almost immediatelyexpelled by the Turkish authorities. Instead of returning to' theirhomes these brave men and women settled at Larnaca in Cyprus,the nearest outpost to the field of their sacred hopes, and waited328 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEthere looking for an opening which never came till all of them haddied. I have stood by those forgotten graves in Larnaca and read thehumble inscriptions which tell how first the children died, then thewomen, and then the men. It was not in vain that they kept theirlonely station to the last. Today one of the noblest universities inthe East is the American College at Beyrout. Roberts College hasrisen in Constantinople; your institutions relieve the darkness ofAsia Minor, and only a few weeks ago some more of your country­men were martyred there for the sacred cause's of learning and apure religion. In Egypt you have colleges at Cairo and Assiout,and long before the British occupation of that land, you had estab­lished schools and a graded system of education in a large numberof the towns and villages. Am I not correct in repeating that yourrights in the Turkish Empire are moral interests, unselfishly pur­sued in devotion to the improvement and enfranchisement of itspeoples? Is there any other western people whose interest in thequestion before us ought to be greater than yours?From the very rise of this Arabian monotheism which we are tostudy, there has been no greater problem to the faith of us Chris­tians, no more obdurate indifference to our gospel, nor any sodangerous rival in the task of converting the polytheist and idola­trous races of the world. The gospel of J esus Christ had pervadedthe Roman Empire and spread beyond its frontiers southward toAbyssinia, eastward to Hindostan. In the century before Moham­med Cosmas the traveler found Christian communities with churchesand bishops in Arabia, Persia, Bactria, the islands of Sokotra andCeylon, and in India itself; everywhere, as he says, multitudes ofChristians. Yet within two hundred years from Mohammed'sbirth all these lands with parts of Asia Minor, all the north ofAfrica and even parts of Europe had fallen under the dominationof Islam. Whole communities had been forced or persuaded tochange their faith; and by inducements, both good and evil, an enor­mous proportion of the ablest minds and strongest wills over thatvast stretch of Greek and Latin Christendom were, with an enthu­siasm that their Christian discipline had failed to excite for cen­turies, enlisted in the service of the novel Arabian doctrines. Al­though in some of the countries mentioned the churches founded bythe apostles continued to endure, under the fickle and contemptuoustolerance of their conquerors, they did so without either the con­science, or the means, of service beyond themselves. Often perse-RELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM 329cuted and nearly always threatened they may be described for cen­turies as living .at bay, and therefore developing instead of thehumane feelings and duties of their religion, the bitterest and mostrevengeful of tempers toward the infidel, till they have come toregard Mohammedans, as an educated Syrian churchman once saidto me with flashing eyes, as just so much material created by God tofill up hell. N or did they attract any succor from the West, exceptfor the interval of the Crusades, whose hosts, however, were moredevoted to the recapture of the Holy Places than to either the sup­port of their eastern brethren or the conversion of the unbelievers.It is right to remember that the Roman monasteries round theLevant were constantly recruited by voluntary and courageousexiles from Europe; but except for the single and glorious exampleof Raymond Lully, at the beginning of the fourteenth century,Europe, whether Roman or Reformed, has done practically no workamong Mohammedans till within a very recent period.These are the bare and, as we may justly say, the awful facts:the conquest of 'so many Christian lands including that of theFounder of our Faith; the conversion to Islam not only of wholeChristian communities but of the best brains and strongest wills insuch communities as remained loyal to the Cross; and for virtuallytwelve centuries the failure of western Christendom to react uponIslam with any other instrument than the sword.If now one asks, as we who believe in the providential gov­ernment of the world are compelled to ask, whether it be possibleto read any ethical reasons for those things, the answer may begiven that in spite of the prevailing mystery and confusion, reasonsof such a character are fairly obvious. Let us take one by one thevarious crises in the history of Islam-Mohammed himself, thecharacter of his influence and that of the Koran, the absorption ofthe Turks into his 'system; and the effects of the Mohammedanpropaganda on other races of mankind.1. Mohammed himself. The Old Testament prototype of Mo­hammed has always appeared to me to be the prophet Balaam,Both sprang from Arabia. Both were ecstatic prophets. Both werestrained and torn between the attractions of two religions of verydifferent moral influence. Both gave way to moral compromisesand delinquencies. But again, like Balaam, Mohammed was notdestitute of a genuine inspiration. When we see so great a person­ality, so opportune to the circumstances of his time and so adequate330 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEto many of its needs, not only able to unite within his lifertime the 'scattered tribes of a peninsula as large as Europe west ofthe Vistula and hurl them upon the conquest of half the civilizedworld, but founding "a system which should survive himself fortwelve centuries as a living missionary force, that it should notmerely influence but utterly remold one fourth of the human race,and that fourth the unchangeable one" 2-all this is a phenomenonwhich as religious men we are bound to confess as a direct act ofGod.2. Nor was the character 'of Mohammed's influence withoutmoral advantage to those who accepted it. Before he died his wordhad abolished idolatry throughout Arabia.. Some of his earliestdisciples who had fled to Abyssinia from the persecution of theKoreish in Mecca, used these remarkable words a'5 they flung them­selves at the feet of the Christian king: "We used to live in igno­rance, idolatry, and unchastity; the strong oppressed the weak;we 'spoke untruth; we violated the duties of hospitality. Then aprophet arose .... who told us to worship one God, to speak thetruth, to keep good faith, to assist our relatives, to fulfil- the rightsof hospitality, and to abstain from all things impure, ungodly, andunjust. And he commanded us to say prayers, give alms, and fast,Him we believed in; him we followed."In Sir William Muir's History of the Ea,rly Caliphate you mayr'ead how far such ideals pervaded the next generations ofIslam, the generations who achieved the conquest of western Asiaand Egypt. Impressed by the example of Judaism and Christianity,Mohammed had the instinct to put his doctrines into the form of abook. The Koran is an extraordinary mixture of truth and error.Its evident compilation from older writings of various values : itsignorance and misstatements of fact; its curious torture and con­fusion of history; its accommodations to some of the lower morallevels on which Mohammed found the Arabs, or to his OW,t1 personalpassions-all these obviously disprove his assertion that the originalof the Koran was written in heaven and dictated by God.The Koran, too, suffers radically from a conception of God lower­than that which the prophets of Israel had proclaimed centuriesbefore to the 'same Semitic world. Nevertheless on the unity ofGod, on the reality of the Judgment, and on those moral duties ofmen, which I have quoted, the Book spoke to the generations, to.2 From Mr. Townsend's Asia and Europe.RELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM 331which it came, with sincere passion, with authority, and with thepower to convince. ,To us it can be no insoluble mystery that theidolatrous Christianity of the East went down so rapidly before adoctrine and a discipline like these. Nay, had the issue been other­wise we should have found it not less, but even more, hard tobelieve that Providence is with the moral energies of mankind.3. Nor, again, was it altogether a mystery when this Arabianfaith was reinforced by the conversion of the Turks, and pouredacross Asia Minor into Europe. As the prophet Amos pointed out,all nations are of the calling and inspiration of Almighty GQd:"For are ye not as the children of the Ethiopians unto me, 0children of Israel? saith the Lord. Have I not brought the Philis­tines from Caphtor and the Arameans from Kir?" It is surely notimpossible for us who believe in a divine purpose running throughhistory to see some traces of this in the racial vigor which theTurks brought into the exhausted populations of western Asia andsoutheastern Europe; and in their conversion to Islam, which liftedthem at least above the utter barbarism of the Huns and still pro­duces from among them an honest and a sober peasantry.4. Nor has Mohammedanism failed elsewhere to contribute, insome degree, to the elevation of mankind. In India the Moslemdoctrines of the direct relation of God to every believer and theequality of all the faithful before Him have emancipated masses ofHindoos from the injustice of caste, as well as from the terrors ofthose manifold chance's of existence with which they are menacedby the doctrine of the transmigration of souls. Defective as theMohammedan creed of the Resurrection and Judgment may be, itis yet infinitely better than that expectation of a long series ofstages of life -which are believed to be determined as much byritual accident as by ethical deserts, In India, too, the fathfulnessof Islam to the unity of God has partly affected Hinduism itself,and assisted the formation of theistic sects within the Hindoo pale.While in central Africa travelers affirm; and we can easily realize,the power of such a system to elevate savage and idolatrous tribesto higher forms both of society and religion.It is, then, such a religion, informed by no small proportion ofthe truth, inspired by great moral earnestness, and fortified, too, bytraditions of conquest and culture, which Christianity has to en­counter. But Islam has these further advantages against us whenwe seek to convert its adherents or to compete with it for the con-332 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEversion of the heathen. When we seek to convert its own adher­ents we find that they have always regarded Christianity as a priorstage, a less developed and more corrupt stage of revelation, thantheir own religion and have been immemorially trained to look downupon us, from what they believe to be their pur'er monotheism, witha 'acorn that is intellectual as well as religious. Islam feels towardChristianity all the contempt of a successor which has displaced ourfaith because it was found wanting. The Christianity which Mo­hammedans knew was partly idolatrous and partly immoral. Formany centuries the purer western forms of our religion have leftthem alone, and even today have succeeded in making only thesmallest impression on their ranks. Again, when we compete withIslam for the conversion of the heathen, it has these advantagesover us. Its creed is simple and not expressed like our own in theforms of a western theology nor commended by western mission­aries. Its missionaries are all Asiatic or African. They nosocial prejudices against the tribes to whom they preach but areeven favorable to the intermarriage of their families with the racesthat are black. And like all monotheists they have a fervid and anunresting missionary zeal. Today Islam is professed by one hun­dred and eighty millions of the human race, of whom sixty-threemillions are in India alone. In the ten years previous to 1901 theyadded five millions, or nearly 10 per cent., to their numbers there.If we are to face such a situation with any confidence we musthave the clear and articulate certainty .that in our faith and culturewe possess something far better for mankind than Mohammedanismhas to give them; that we come with a purer gospel, a higher moral­ity, and social influences more deep and beneficial; that we comewith the political and scientific gains of a Reformed Christianity­a Christianity with a fuller knowledge of God, whether revealed inJesus Christ or in modern science and philosophy. In what thenmay we say that Islam is deficient? What can our modern andwestern Christianity supply in its stead? I think that in this respectthere are six points which we may appreciate.First and foremost, there is the Doctrine of God. N ow tomeasure justly the defects of Islam in this central doctrine, wemust keep out of the vulgar lerror that the God of the Koran ismerely a divine despot, an iron and inconsiderate fate. He isabove all the Merciful, the Compassionate, and no one who has hadintercourse with devout Mohammedans or has followed the religiousRELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM 333exercises of any of the various brotherhoods and sects of Islam candoubt the existence, among them of an ultimate trust in His graceor a passionate affection for His person. But when full allowanceis made for all this, it remains indubitably true that neither theKoran nor the subsequent theologies of Isl am have a doctrine ofGod comparable in its conceptions either of his holiness or of hisself-sacrificing love to the doctrine of the Hebrew prophets andstill less to that of the revelation of Jesus Christ.Secondly, there is the attitude of the Mohammedan religion towomen. In this, too, we must guard against exaggeration. It isnot certain, as. is commonly said, that Islam denies to the womenof this life an entrance to heaven; it is not true that it shuts themout from prayer to God or a trust in his grace. Also the positionof a mother of sons in the East is secure and she is always regardedwith a beautiful reverence. But once more when due care has beentaken to avoid charges, that Mohammedans justly deny, it is noto­rious that their treatment of women is a radical fault in their socialsystem. Experts in eastern life have often pointed out that thereligion which Mohammed founded is "one conceived by the geniusof a man and intended for men."3 Mr. Stanley Lane Poole saysthat "the degradation of women in the East is a canker whichbegins its destructive work early in childhood and has eaten intothe whole system of Islam."4 Lord Cromer brings an equallyheavy indictment against the Mohammedan seclusion of women andthe polygamy tolerated by the Koran. "Seclusion, by confining thesphere of women's interest to a very limited horizon, cramps theintellect and withers the development of one half of the populationin Moslem countries." Also "it is obvious that it must produce adeteriorating effect on the male population.r" To this testimonyfrom the nearer East I may add that I have heard enlightenedHindoos deplore the seclusion of their women and trace it withbitterness and with justice to Mohammedan influence. LordCromer goes on to say that "the effects of polygamy are more bane­ful and far-reaching than those of seclusion, Monogamy fostersfamily life; polygamy destroys it. The monogamous Christianrespects women; the teaching of his religion and the incidents ofhis religious worship tend to elevate them. Among other conse-a Lord Cromer.4 Islam, a prelection delivered before the University of Dublin.� Modern Egypt" pp. 155 f.334 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEquences resulting from polygamy . . . . it may be noted thatwhereas in the West the elevation 'Of women has tended towardthe refinement both of literature and conversation, in the East theirdegradation has encouraged both literary and conversationalcoarseness."Thirdly, there is no doubt that our western Christianity excelsMohammedanism in possessing the secret of developing a strong anda pure government. Mohammedans themselves admit that in thetwo- fundamental matters of justice and a disinterested public serv­ice we are far ahead of themselves. The acknowledgment of theimpartiality of our rule in India and Egypt is universal in theTurkish Empire, Let me give you my own experience of this, Weare met in a time of trouble in India. How far this is due toBritish faults I cannot stop to inquire, but it is clear that how­ever much the natives of India may justly allege against us, theyat least acknowledge our justice. In this respect the fame ofour government has been carried westward by Indian pilgrims toMecca and thence has spread all over the Mohammedan world.On my way back from India I had conversations with severalTurkish officials in the provinces east of the' Jordan; and it wasremarkable how they fixed on this attribute as our distinction. "YouEnglish," said one of them to me, "owe your conquests to the vigorwith which you are endowed by your northern birth and to yourmastery of science; but you could never have held these conquestsas you have done save for your justice." On my remarking thatthe history of Islam also contained many instances of just rules,he admitted it was so, and that Islam was a religion which enforcedjustice, but he added, "you Christians have the secret of carryingon your justice from one generation, to another." I need not enlargeupon the point. It is indubitable that European Christianity(however slowly) has developed, as Mohammedanism has, notdeveloped, the habits of an entirely just government and the incor­ruptible discharge of public office. Nor need I remind you fromthe history of Europe how much of all this is due directly toChristian influences.Fourthly, there is the Mohammedan tolerance of slavery. Inthat with all its mitigations they are centuries behind ourselves.Fifthly, it is implied in what has preceded, Mohammedanismhas not hitherto had the moral, as distinct from the purely religious,missionary zeal, which distinguishes western Christendom. WithRELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM 335a hotter passion than ours Moslems will put down idolatry, nor canthey understand why our government in India still allows some of themere outrageous forms of heathen worship. They blame us forthis, out of a very strong and plausible religious conviction. Butwhen it comes to. a sustained moral earnestness in the reform ofpoli tical corruption, or of social impurity or the like, they are farbehind us. The Dervishes who against such fearful odds defendedthe banners of their faith to the death at Omdurman and Suakin,who conducted their crusades against the idolatry of inner Africawith so fervid and self-denying energy, left the province of theSudan a weltering scene of murder, outrage, and blood. And weknow how itt Arabia, the one land absolutely shut till recent yearsto Christian influences, Mohammedanism is content with the super­ficial assent of the tribes to its most formal tenets, and has done littleto pacify, and next to nothing to educate, them. It is Christianitythat founded the first hospitals in the Mohammedan world; Chris­tianity alone that has carried her medical missions into its recesses.Sixthly) there is the attitude of Islam to modern science, ascompared with that of Christianity. European residents in theEast have often observed that a refined Mohammedan, a Mohamme­dan who has come to terms with modern science and civilization,is nearly always an agnostic. "Christian nations," says Sir Wil­liam Muir, "may advance in civilization, freedom, morality, in phi­Iosophy, science, and the arts, but Islam stands still. And thusstationary, so far a:s the lessons of history avail, it will remain."?And Lord Cromer: "It should never be forgotten that Islam can­not be reformed; that is to say reformed Islam is Islam no longer;it is something else; we cannot as yet tell what it will eventuallybe." On the absolute difference between the eastern and westernagnostic-the former who turns his back en all his religion andmorality, the latter who cannot ignore the nineteen hundred yearsof the religion which has been the mainstay of the progress hevaunts and who must, as he does, recognize the utilitarian side ofChristianity-on that striking difference, which goes to the rootsof the two religions-Lord Cromer's observations are weighty and. deserve the close attention of every missionary. Whether we agreewith them or not it is certain that Islam and scientific and politicalprogress are incompatible as Christianity and scientific and politicalprogress are not incompatible. To this progress Christianity, though8 The Caliphate, p. 597.336 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEsome of its mistaken dogmas may have hindered it, has essentiallycontributed, and by ita results the Christian faith is today neitherenfeebled or embarrassed.I have not time to show you in detail how this deficiency inIslam is fundamental because due to certain of its central beliefsconcerning the inspiration of its scriptures. Analogous theorieshave from time to time been professed (with, of course, a difference)by portions of the Christian church, but none of these, thank God,are essential to Christianity as they are to Islam. In Mohamme­danism the Koran is the standard and authority alike for literature,for logic, for philosophy, for social life, and for politics, It is awell-known Moslem saying that every other book outside theKoran and the legal writings based upon it is either superfluousor positively dangerous. And this opinion, with all the fatal con­servatism which it implies, is due to the belief that the Koran wasdictated from heaven. It is exactly as if Christians, ignoringthe authority of Christ and all the difference he has made, wereto consider themselves bound by the letter of the Old Testa­ment; obliged to adopt the beliefs which it presupposes, for instance,that the sun goes round the earth and not the earth round the sun,and its crude and primitive physiology; as well as the social insti­tutions of polygamy, slavery, and so forth, which it enforces andfor which it legislates,It is then with a clear and articulate understanding of all thesesix differences between her own faith and that of Islam, that theChristian church may go forth with confidence and hope to preachits faith and to spread its discipline in the Mohammedan world.N or are there wanting signs that the impenetrableness of the latterto the Gospel is already breaking up. No more significant phe­nomenon is apparent in the religious history of mankind during thelast thirty years than the 'Opening of part at least of the Moslemworld to the influences of the Gospel. Let me give you two illus­trations-and I take them from two of the most fanatical· citiesof that world-Peshawar and Cairo.Forty years ago it was impossible for a Mohammedan in Pe­shawar to profess Christianity and to live a fortnight after his con­version was known. But in the few months before I was there ini904 the church missionary society in Peshawar had baptized fiveor six Moslem converts, one of whom was a moulvie or religiousteacher. How was this achieved? By the patient preaching of theRELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY AND ISLAM 337full Christian gospel and morality, and by the example of Christianphilanthropy in a strong medical mission. Preliminary to these,however, was the inquiry started among educated Mohammedansby Mr. St. Clair Tysdale's valuable tractate on The Sources of Islam.Originally published in Persian this little book deals with thecentral dogma of Islam--the verbal inspiration of its scriptures,and shows how impossible it is to believe that the Koran waswritten in heaven, by exhibiting how much of it is derived fromthe Jewish and Christian scriptures, from the Talmud, and fromsources in Arabian literature prior to Mohammed. A copy of thissimple argument fell into the hands of a Mohammedan moulvie inthe savage land of Swat on our northwestern frontier. He came toPeshawar resolved to test its alleged facts for himself. He foundthem correct, abandoned Islam, and became, along with some othersfrom that system, a convinced Christian. Then appeared the effectsof a Christian government enforcing toleration in matters of belief.Neither this convert nor any of his fellows (I was assured) was indanger of his life even in Peshawar.Take again the city of Cairo, the intellectual center of Islam.When I spent a winter there in 1879 converts from Mohammedan­ism were extremely rare, and it was impossible for them to' con­tinue to live in Egypt or any other part of the Moslem world. Buttwenty-five years later I attended, in the hall of the mission of theAmerican United Presbyterians, a public meeting held periodicallyfor discussion between the adherents of the two religions, at whichI heard a man, who had a few years before been a teacher in thegreat Mohammedan university of El-Azhar but had been convertedto Christianity, present the case for the Christian religion withfervor and ability, and he- was respectfully listened to by a numberof Moslems. Here again the change has been due to the influenceof the same Christian government, not enforcing Christianity butsecuring toleration for all forms of faith.It has of course been very different in the Turkish Empire itself.There the law has prevailed and has generally been enforced thatboth he who leaves Islam and he who converts him to another faithmust be put to. death. By the traditions of centuries Christian'S andMohammedans have been driven into a position of armed neutral­ity; regarding each other with a contempt and hatred that hasperiodically broken out into violent persecution and massacre, Ourdiplomatists and missionaries have alike testified that the conversion338 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEof a follower of Mohammed into a follower of Christ was impossi­ble; that while the upper classes of Moslem society were honey­combed with agnosticism and infidelity, Christianity could makeprogress only among the already Christian populations. But withinthe last few months what a change we have seen! The utterly un­expected has happened. By an almost bloodless revolution thedespotic constitution of Turkey has been altered, and many of themost . essential principles, prejudices, and practices of Islam havebeen abandoned. Women have left their seclusion, formed publicmeetings, and ranged themselves in movements for their freedomand for their education. Christians and Moslems have organizedand agitated in the same ranks. In many places the Moslemmoulvie and the Christian priest have been appointed Iellow-presi­dents of local societies of progress.It is, of course, too soon either to pass judgment on the charac­ter of this astounding movement or to predict its exact results. Butthe change that has been effected i� nothing less than that of thewhole atmosphere in which Islam was born and has flourished forcenturies. That new atmosphere is the opportunity of our faith,and the greatest opportunity which has ever opened to it in theEast since Carey and his fellows began work under the Danishflag in Bengal. Are we ready for such an opening, such a call?Weare ready if we be true in our individual lives and in ourchurch life to our belief that God was in Christ reconciling theworld to himself; that in Christ's teaching we have a fuller, richerknowledge of God, his nature and his purposes for men, than eitherJew, Mohammedan, or Buddhist is possessed of; and that in ourChristian morality, inspired by the example of Christ himself anddeveloped as it has been in the west for nineteen centuries throughour family life and by the ruling virtues of justice and disinter­ested public service, we have both a gospel and a system, a spiritand an indestructible body of habit, for which the population ofAsia and Africa can look to no other religion than our own.THE PRESIDENT'S REPORT FOR THEYEAR 1907-8IN June there appeared from the University of Chicago Press thePresident' s Report for the year 1907-8. The volume, of twohundred and fifty pages, is the first President's Report to appearin the new official form, similar to that of the Annual Regis­ter and other official publications. It is opened by the personalreport of President Harry Pratt Judson (thirty pages), in whichare considered the following subjects : Under the heading ofFinance-the budget, the Press and journals, the Commons, andgifts; under The Faculties-publication and research, appointmentsand promotions, and Faculty reorganization; under The Students­attendance, and geographical distribution. Other subjects discussedare Scholarship in the Colleges, The New Plan for Encouragementof Scholarship-"Honor Points," College Preparation-The Col­lege and the University, The Divinity School, and Special Needs.There is appended a full statement of gifts paid in during the yearending June 30, I908, including those for the Harper MemorialLibrary.The report of the Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Literature,and Science is presented under the following heads: Attendance,Legislation, Departments, Instruction, Scholarships and StudentService, Administration, and Appointments to Fellowships. UnderLegislation are presented changes in organization of the facultiesand boards, and legislation affecting undergraduate instruction;under Instruction, the ratio of faculty to students, 'size of classes,etc., graduate and undergraduate courses, more rigid control of first­year curriculum, and undergraduate scholarship; under Scholar­ships, forms of tuition exemption and reduction, administration ofscholarships, problems and recommendations, and graduate fellow­ships and scholarships; and under Administration, concentration ofoffices, the Deans' committee, official circulars, the Register, etc.,bureau of general correspondence, and an instructors' handbook.The report covers eleven pages.The reports of the Dean of the Graduate School of Arts andLiterature and of the Dean of the Ogden (Graduate) School of339340 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEScience are followed by the statistics of the Graduate Schoolswhich 'show the institutions from which students have entered theSchools, the attendance, the higher degrees by states and countries,and the total higher degrees in the Graduate Schools.The reports of the Deans of the Divinity School, the Law School,Medical Students, College of Education, University High School,the Senior Colleges, University College, the Junior Colleges, Un­classified Students, and of the Dean of Women cover about fiftypages.The University Extension Division contains reports from theSecretaries of the Lecture-Study and Correspondence-Study De­partments; and there are also reports from the Associate Librarian,the Director of the Haskell Oriental Museum, and the Director ofthe University Press. University Relations, Physical Culture andAthletics, the Religious Agencies of the University, UniversityHouses, the Board of Recommendations, and the University Em­ployment Bureau are likewise represented in the Report.Reports of Research in Progress include those from twenty­nine departments and cover twenty-one pages.The reports of other officers include those of the Counsel andBusiness Manager, the Registrar, and the Auditor, the report ofthe last mentioned containing thirteen tables and covering nineteenpages.The volume concludes with a list of the publications by mem­bers of the Faculties during the year July I, 1907, to July I, 1908,which covers twenty-eight pages.THE REPORT OF THE ALUMNISECRETARYIIN presenting this report for the year 1908-9, the secretary of TheUniversity of Chicago Alumni Association call� attention to thefact that the work of the office now falls into four proper divisions,a's follows: ( a) The general work of the secretary in keeping thealumni in touch with the organization and the University; (b) Thereorganization of the alumni records and correction of all files,preparatory to the publication of a new alumni directory; (c) Edi­torial supervision of The Uniuersit» of Chicago Mtigaeine; (d)Supervision of the organization of alumni clubs and of alumniactivities in other cities.GENERAL STATEMENTThe secretary's office is again able to report that there is nodeficit. During the year $4 was received for four $1 voting mem­berships and this, together with the balance of' $0.08 over fromlast year, was used by the secretary for his supplies account. Thegrowth of the correpondence has been so large that the secretaryhas had to request a larger amount for this purpose. The sum of$105 appropriated from the funds of The University of ChicagoMagazine for stamps and stationery was exhausted in April.The University has granted approximately 4,750 degrees; inspite of this only a little over eight hundred degree-holders areactive members of The University of Chicago Alumni Association.The efforts of the secretary's office for sever-al ye.ars will bedirected toward increasing this membership list. This is being doneby a close canvass of the Senior class and the city of Chicago; thework of alumni clubs, outside of Chicago, is also expected to stimu­late interest in the Association.BUREAU OF ALUMNI RECORDSIn the course of several years the address lists and records ofthe alumni have become almost obsolete. In order to secure an accu­rate file, a complete reorganization was necessary. A systematic rearangement was planned by Mr. Fairweather, the scheme embracing1 This report, dated June I, 1909, was presented, but not read, at the annualmeeting of the University of Chicago Alumni Association.341342 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGA'ZINEthe following details: ( I) An entirely new system of alumnirecords; (2) The circularizing of the alumni to secure correct ad­dresses and statistics of importance : (3) The publication of a newalumni directory; (4) The maintenance of a bureau of alumnirecords, to continue the correction of the files and to issue anew directory every two years.On December 7, the President of the University placed at thedisposal of the secretary $600, which was intended to put into opera­tion the first two parts of the scheme. Accordingly, using one fileas a basis, the following files were begun: ( I) A file of all gradu­ates, alphabetically arranged; (2) A file of all graduates, geograph­ically arranged; (3) A file of all bachelors, by classes; (4) Aspecial file for all degrees granted by the Law School; (5) Aspecial file for all degrees granted by the Divinity School; (6) Afile for all degrees granted by the Graduate Schools; (7) A file fordeceased graduate's.The expense attendant on this reorganization has been dis­tributed up to the present time as follows:Installation of files, including cabinets, cards, and clerical work4,750 circular letters, including printing, multigraphing, stamping, in­closing, filling in blanks from records, and sending stamped envelopefor reply • 285.24$212.25Total $497.49With the exception of about 100 letters to persons whose ad­dresses were not given on the University records, the circularizingof the alumni was completed May 1. The blanks asked for infor­mation on the occupation of the alumnus, degrees from other univer­sities, vital statistics, literary activities, membership in societies ofstanding, and public offices. A line attached to the blank askedwhether or not the recipient desired a copy of the new directory,cost not to exceed $0.75. The result of this canvass up to June I,has been as follows:Replies received .Orders for the directoryLetters returned, marked "incorrect address"The principal work of the Bureau for 'some months will centeraround an effort t.o locate the alumni whose addresses are incorrecton the records, and to secure a response from those who evidentlyhave received the letters and have not answered. Addresses thatcannot be located directly and by follow-up letters will be securedREPORT OF ALUMNI SECRETARY 343through friends, former classmates, and at former places of resi­dence.In this work the secretary asks the kind co-operation of all thealumni. When alumni change their residence or occupation theyshould drop a card to the secretary, so that the files can be kept com­plete. If the files are to be of any service at all, they must beaccurate, and they can be made so only through the active co-opera­tion of every alumnus. N either can the proposed directory be pub­lished -until this office knows that it will be as accurate as it ispossible to make it. Alumni who already have sent in their orderfor the book are asked to be patient until all the necessary addressescan be located, in the interests of a comprehensive and thoroughlyuseful directory.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEIn October, 1908, the combination of the Chicago Alumni M aga­sine and the Un.iversity Record was effected, the direction of thenew publication being given the Alumni Association. Mr. Benja­min Wilk, whose efficient work on the Chicago Alumni M ogaeinequalified him for the position, was made business manager. Acontract was drawn up with the University of Chicago Press by theterms of which $4,725 was set aside for manufacturing, salaries,and supplies. Seven numbers have been issued since the agree­ment was made, and the eighth number, which will complete thevolume, is in press.It is believed on all sides that the M agaeine, combining thesalient features of the Record and the Chicago Alumni Magazine,can be made representative of the best interests of the Universityof Chicago, and that in time it will be an effective agent in unitingalumni everywhere, bringing them into closer touch with the Asso­dation of which they are a part, and with the institution fromwhich they received their degrees. While the M aga:zine has notyet contributed to the treasury of the Association, it has repaid allconnected with it manifold in the fact that many graduates havegiven it a warm welcome, and that secretaries of the alumni clubsand the other alumni associations of the University have given theirhelp freely. The Magazine is indebted especially to Dr. H. E.Slaught, to Dr. E. J. Goodspeed, and to Mr. R. E. Schreiber forreports from the Law and Divinity associations and the Doctorsof Philosophy throughout the year.344 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEThe continued progress of the Mtigaeine is dependent, how­ever, on the active support of every alumnus. Again the secretarybespeaks the cordial help of every graduate. The best form thatthis can take is a new name on the subscription list. The Magazineis an official organ; it prints the official reports of the Convocations;the President's Quarterly Statement; important contributions frommembers of the faculty; articles by alumni, and reports of theactivities of alumni everywhere.ALUMNI CLUBSAn alumni club in any city of the United States is a nucleus ofUniversity of Chicago spirit working for the best interests of ourAlma Mater. Too much cannot be said for the alumni who havedevoted their time liberally to the building up of these clubs,Since the last report six new groups have formed and elected officers-Philadelphia, Rock Island, Rockford, Pittsburg, Milwaukee, andTokyo, making a total of seventeen. Reunions have been held inN ew York, Pittsburg, Seattle, Washington, Milwaukee, Rock Island,and Denver. Members of the faculty have been earnest in theirdesire to help. During the year, President judson, Dean Vincent,Dean Mathews, Professor Coulter, and Professor Clark spoke atalumni gathering3.In several cities where many Chicago alumni live, movementsare on foot to form new clubs. Graduates in Toledo, Kalamazoo,Kansas City, Mo., and San Francisco are working to effect organi­zation. Experience has shown that it takes about one year for aclub to become established. In the effort to build up these clubs,this office is ready to assist alumni anywhere to the fullest extent.Members of the faculty are ready to give their services for reunions.Alumni in Des Moines, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Los Angeles, Kan­sas City, Kan., and other places where many Chicago graduates arelocated, should co-operate with the Association in this work. Plansfor organization will be furnished, reunions arranged for, andspeakers secured.Mr. George O. Fairweather, '07, resigned his position a'S secre­tary in January, 1909, taking that of assistant to the BusinessManager of the University. The conduct of this office since thattime has been along the lines so carefully laid down during hisadrninistra tion.THE NE:ED OF MORE REQUIREDWORK IN PHYSICALTRAININGBY HORACE BUTTERWORTH, '98Director of Physical Culture, Lafayette CollegeIN the introduction to his book on educational reform PresidentEliot of Harvard University speaks of the slowness with whichchanges are made in educational affairs, and calls attention to thefact that many improvements for which he now pleads were set forthby him, and reoognized as necessary by many educators, as earlyas 1869. This excessive conservatism is nowhere better illustratedthan in the attitude of college authorities toward physical training.Harvard, Yale, and Amherst built gymnasia in I 860, and at thesame time Amherst established a department of physical education,making gymnastics a compulsory part of college work; yet thes,eexamples had little effect on other institutions. Since the war,and especially since the completion of the Hemenway Gymnasiumat Harvard, in 1880, there has been much building of gymnasia,a wonderful growth of interest in athletics, and a general accept­ance of the theory that physical exercise is essential to' the well­being of the body. Attendance upon gymnasium classes two orthree times a week has been made compulsory for Freshmen andSophomores in most colleges, but I think our own University isstill alone in the sensible requirement of attendance throughout thefour years of college life.Everyone recognizes that the school years are those in whichNature has decreed that mind and body shall come to maturity.History testifies that a majority of the world's great men have beenstrong. physically, as well as mentally-they have had muscularpower, endurance, and grit or determination, as well as highlydeveloped brains. The circumstances 'Of our age remove thousandsof boys and yoU?g men, in school and college, from the necessaryphysical labor of preceding generations, and provide them with nosubstitute but the activities of the gymnasium and the athletic field.No general attempt has been made to have all students takepart in athletic games, largely because space in which to play islacking at most institutions. The gymnasium is expected to do all,345346 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEand more, than farm chores and athletics have done for physicaldevelopment in the past. Under present conditions and require­ments it cannot do this. No farmer's, son and no athlete everdeveloped the strength, vigor, and endurance for which they areknown by doing about thirty minutes muscular work three or fourtimes a week.If the college is to perform its whole duty, it must develop andtrain the body proportionately with the mind. Physical maturityis reached in approximately twenty-five years, but mental growthis not thus limited, and if, during school years, the training of eithermind or body is to be emphasized at the expense of the one or theother, certainly the physical side should not be the one neglected.The gymnasium now represents in concrete form the concep­tion of the whole duty of an institution toward the great majorityof its students as regards their physical welfare. Under theclearer conception of that duty to which I have called attention­a conception which, I am sure, at some time or other will be incor­porated in the curriculum, the work of the gymnasium must bevastly increased, in quantity and quality, the amount ranging fromthirty minutes three times a week for a few, to two hours daily forall classes.Parents who wish their children to make the most of theiropportunities for physical development and mental training takeinfinite pains to surround them at all times with an atmosphere ofhappiness. J oyousness is to the body and mind what the sun isto the vegetable kingdom. In its light, the human plant will growand blossom with a vigor and beauty quite-unknown to those whoseatmosphere is either distinctly unhappy or negative.This most important truth should be the key that determineswhat form of exercise is to be given to students and how it is tobe taught. Instructors in physical training should be impressedwith the necessity of studying their material to the end that theycan present substantial, varied, and interesting changes with asmuch facility, and to as good purpose, as a high-salaried chefpresents changes of menu.The increase of work to two hours daily and the presentation ofwork in such a way that every lesson shall conduce directly tojoyousness of spirit will, I am sure, make for a development ofboth mind and body of the student far more rapid, full, and vigorous,than at present obtains.A NEW VOLUME IN EUROPEANHISTORYUNDER the title of The Wars of Religion in France, 1559-1576-with the descriptive subtitle of "The Huguenots, Cather­ine de Medici, and Philip II"-a volume of six hundred andfifty pages, by James Westfall Thompson, Associate Professor ofEuropean History,' was recently issued from the University ofChicago Pres's.In the preface the author says:No one acquainted with the history of historical writing can have failed toobserve how transitory are its achievements. Mark Pattison's aphorism that"history is one of the most ephemeral forms of literature" has much of truth init. The reasons of this are not far to seek. In the first place, the most labo­rious historian is doomed to be superseded in course of time by the accumu­lation of new material. In the second place, the point of view and the inter­pretation of one generation varies from that which preceded it, so that eachgeneration .requires a rewriting of history in terms of its own interest. Thesereasons must be my excuse for venturing to write a new book upon an oldsubject.Among the headings of the eighteen chapters are the following:"The Beginning of the Huguenot Revolt," "Catherine de Medicibetween Guise and Conde," "The States-General of Orleans," "TheFormation of the Triumvirate," "The First Civil War," "The Warwith England," "Early Local and Provincial Catholic Leagues,""The Tour of the Provinces," "The Massacre of St. Bartholomew,""The Last Days of Charles IX," and "Henry III and the Poil­tiques." The volume is concluded with genealogical tables, valua­ble appendices of hitherto unpublished documents, and an indexof thirty pages, and is illustrated with twenty-four maps and plates.347THE UNIVERSITY RECORDProfessor Ernest D. Burton, theUniversity's Oriental EducationalCommissioner, reached Hongkong,December 17, 1908, and after visit­ing Canton, Swatow, Amoy, Foo­chow, and other points, was joinedAt the seventy-first Convocation of by Professor Thomas C. Chamber­the University, held in Hutchinson lin, the other Commissioner, Febru­Court on June 15, 1909, ten students ary 2, 1909, at Shanghai. Togetherwere elected to membership in they visited Nanking, and returningSigma Xi for evidence of ability in to Shanghai ascended the Yangtzeresearch work in science, and four- to Hankow, whence they proceededteen students were elected to mem- by rail to Peking. After a briefbership in the Beta of Illinois chap- visit there, they returned to Han­ter of Phi Beta Kappa for especial kow, and began their journey todistinction in general scholarship in Western China. The party includedthe University. Professors Burton and Chamberlin,Ninety-seven students received the their secretaries, Drs. Reed and R.title of Associate; twenty-six, the T. Chamberlin, and Mr. Wang. Fromtwo years' certificate of the College Hankow they went by steamer toof Education : eighteen, the degree Ichang, where they arrived Marchof Bachelor of Education; twenty- I I. Here they were met by Mr.348EXERCISES CONNECTED WITH THESEVENTY-FIRST CONVOCATIONGeorge Adam Smith, A.M., D.D.,LL.D., professor of Old TestamentLanguage, Literature, and Theologyin the United Free Church College,Glasgow, was the Convocation ora­tor on June 15, 1909, his address,which was given in HutchinsonCourt, being entitled "American andOther Interests in the Relations ofChristianity and Islam." The exer­cises were in the open air, and threethousand people were in attendance.The address appears elsewhere in fullin this issue of the Magazine.The Convocation Reception washeld in Hutchinson Hall on the even­ing of June 14. In the receivingline were President and Mrs. HarryPratt Judson; the Convocation ora­tor, Professor George Adam Smith;Mr. Harold F. McCormick, of theUniversity Board of Trustees, andMrs. McCormick; Mr. Andrew Mac­Leish, vice-president of the Board ofTrustees, and Mrs. MacLeish; Pro­fessor George E. Vincent, Dean ofthe Faculties of Arts, Literature, andScience, and Mrs. Vincent; and Pro­fessor Marion Talbot, Dean ofWomen. The attendance at the re­ception was unusually large.DEGREES CONFERRED AT THESEVENTY-FIRST CONVOCATION four, the degree of Bachelor of Arts;ninety-two, the degree of Bachelor ofPhilosophy; and fifty, the degree ofBachelor of Science.In the Divinity School nine stu­dents received the certificate of theDano-Norwegian Theological Semi­nary; nine students, the certificate ofthe Swedish Theological Seminary;eight students, the degree of Bache­lor of Divinity; eight, the degree ofMaster of Arts; and one, the degreeof Master of Philosophy.In the Law School four studentsreceived the degree of Bachelor ofLaws; and twenty-eight students, thedegree of Doctor of Law O. D.).In the graduate schools of Arts,Literature, and Science, nine stu­dents were given the degree ofMaster of Arts; ten, that of Masterof Philosophy; six, that of Masterof Science; and fourteen, that ofDoctor of Philosophy-making atotal of 272 degrees (not includingtitles and certificates) conferred bythe University at the Summer Con­vocation.THE UNIVERSITY'S EDUCATIONALCOMMISSION IN THE ORIENTTHE UNIVERSITY RECORDBeech of Chentu. From Ichang theyproceeded by houseboat through thefamous gorges of the+-Yangtze, thehouseboat. being dragged by cooliesthrough the rapids. Arriving atWanhsien, March I9, they left theriver, striking overland for Chentu.This journey was made in chairscarried by coolies, the nights being'spent in Chinese inns. .The partyleft Wanhsien March 20, andreached Chentu April 3. While Pro­fessor Burton inquired into the edu­cational situation in Chentu, Pro­fessor Chamberlin proceeded stillfarther westward, to the borders ofThibet. On April I2 the Universityparty left Chentu and after one dayof chair travel took a boat down theMin River into the Yangtze, whichthey descended to Hankow. Theyreached Hankow on May 3, after anabsence of eight weeks. On June 7the Commission reached Peking andbrought its labors in China to an endby a second visit to the capital. Pro­fessor Burton is expected in Chicagoon August 23.A NEW PROFESSORSHIP IN THELAW SCHOOLA new professorship in law hasjust been established by the Univer­sity Board of Trustees, and the firstappointment to it has been acceptedby Roscoe Pound, now a professorof law in Northwestern University.Professor Pound received the de­gree of A.B. from the University ofNebraska in 1888, and his Master'sdegree in the following year. Hethen studied in the Harvard LawSchool and practiced law afterwardin Lincoln, Neb., until 1899. In thatyear he was made an assistant pro­fessor of law in the University ofNebraska, and in 1901 was appointeda member of the commission thatfor two years sat as a division ofthe Nebraska Supreme Court to dis­pose of the work in arrears. At theclose of this service, in 1903, Pro­fessor Pound was made dean of thelaw department of the University ofNebraska, from which position hewas called to a professorship of lawin Northwestern University in 1907.During his connection with the law 349school there, he has also been editor­in-chief of the Illinois Law Review.Professor Pound has taken greatinterest in various legal reforms,particularly in the improvement ofjudicial procedure, and has writtenand spoken forcibly upon thesetopics, for the discussion of whichhis varied experience at the bar,upon the bench, and as a teacher hasbeen an unusual preparation. He hasserved as chairman of the Sectionof Legal Education of the AmericanBar Association, and is at presenta member of the standing committeeof that body upon legal education;he is a member of the National Con­ference of Commissioners on Uni­form State Laws; is chairman ofthe' City Club committee upon theAdministration of Justice, and waschairman of the National Confer­ence on Criminal Law and Crimi­nology just held in Chicago in June.The addition of Professor Poundto the Faculty of the Law Schoolmakes possible several changes inthe work of the School. The first­year classes that have now growntoo large to be conveniently taughtin one section, will be divided intotwo divisions during the AutumnQuarter, allowing greater attentionto the individual needs of beginningstudents.Professor Pound will give thecourses in Equity, Evidence, Crimi­nal Law, and Mortgages; ProfessorWhittier will give two new coursesin Code Pleading and Equity Plead­ing; Professor Bigelow will giveQuasi-Contracts; and, after nextyear, Dean Hall will give bothcourses in Constitutional Law. It isalso likely that Professor Freund'swork will be arranged so that hewill be in residence regularly duringthe Summer Quarter.THE FACULTIESPresident Harry Pratt Judson wasre-elected to the presidency of theNorthern Baptist Convention inPortland, Ore., on June 29.The degree of Doctor of Divinitywas conferred by Brown Universityon Associate Professor Gerald B.Smith, of the Department of Syste-350 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEmatic Theology, at its commence­ment on June 16.Professor John M. Coulter, Headof the Department of Botany, wasunanimously elected on April 22 tomembership in the National Academyof Science.On May 8 the Phi Beta Kappaaddress at the University of Wiscon­sin was given by Professor JamesR. Angell, Head of the Departmentof Psychology.Professor Charles H. Judd, Direc­tor of the School of Education, re­ceived from Miami University onJune 1'7 the honorary degree ofDoctor of Laws."The Modern Novel" was the sub­ject of an address before the Col­lege Club of Chicago on May 8, byAssistant Professor James WeberLinn, of the Department of English."The State Today and the StateTomorrow" was the subj ect of theaddress given by President HarryPratt Judson at the commencementof the State University of Iowa onJune 16.In the June number of the WorldTo-Day Assistant Professor J. PaulGoode, of the Department of Ge­ography, has an illustrated contribu­tion on "The Story of the Man­chester Ship Canal.""The Abolition of Poverty" is thesubject of a contribution in theJune (1909) number of Scribner'sMagazine, by Professor J. LaurenceLaughlin, Head of the Departmentof Political Economy."The Scientific Study of Educa­tion" was the subject of an addressbefore the alumni of the ChicagoNormal School on June 19, by Pro­fessor Charles H. Judd, Director ofthe School of Education.President Harry Pratt Judson re­ceived from Western Reserve Uni­versity on June 17 the honorary de­gree of Doctor of Laws. On thesame date he gave the commence­ment address at that institution.In the June ( 1909) number of theAmerican Magazine Associate Pro­fessor William I. Thomas, of theDepartment of Sociology and An­thropology, has a contribution on the subj ect of "Eugenics, the Science ofBreeding Men."In the May number of ModernLanguage Notes appears a shortcontribution on the subject of "AGoethe Library," by Dr. A. C. vonNoe, of the Department of Ger­manic Languages and Literatures."Some Aspects of Modern Educa­tion" was the subject of an address,May 12, by Professor NathanielButler, of the School of Education,at the tenth annual meeting of theIllinois Congress of Mothers held atMacomb, Ill.Mr. Samuel MacClintock, whograduated from the University ofChicago in 1896, and received theDoctor's degree for work in politicalscience in 1908, has recently beenappointed to a consulship in thecapital of Honduras.At the banquet of the Cornell Uni­versity alumni, given in honor ofPresident Jacob G. Schurman at theUniversity Club, Chicago, on May3, Dean James Parker Hall, of theUniversity of Chicago Law School,was one of the speakers.At the graduation exercises of theUniversity High School, held in theLeon Mandel Assembly Hall on June16, Professor Theodore G. Soares,Head of the Department of Practi­cal Theology, gave an address en­titled "Knowledge in Relation toLife."At a luncheon given in the ban­quet-hall of the Auditorium Hotel,Chicago, on May IS, by advocatesof the woman suffrage movement,Associate Professor Herbert L. Wil­lett, of the Department of Semitics,discussed the subject of the "Ethicsof Equal Suffrage."At the eighty-seventh commence­ment of Rush Medical College, heldin the Leon Mandel Assembly Hallon June I, President Edmund J.James, of the University of Illinois,gave the doctorate address, entitled"The Governmental Function of theMedical Profession.""Can the States Co-operate forLabor Legislation?" was the subjectof a contribution by ProfessorErnst Freund, of the Law School,THE UNIVERSITY RECORDin The Survey) June I2, I909. Mr.Freund is president of the Illinoisbranch of the American Associationfor Labor Legislation."The Painters of Landscape andMarines" was the subject of a con­tribution in the May (1909) issueof the Chautauquan by AssistantProfessor George B. Zug, of the De­partment of the History of Art.This is the ninth article in a serieson Dutch Art and Artists.At the meeting of the N orth­eastern Ohio Association of Scienceand Mathematics Teachers, held inCleveland, Ohio, on April 24, Asso­ciate Professor Herbert E. SIaught,of the Department of Mathematics,gave an address on "The Humaniz­ing of High-School Mathematics."President Harry Pratt Judson wasone of the speakers at the annualluncheon of the Wellesley CollegeClub of Chicago held on May 8 inthe Auditorium Hotel, the subject ofhis address being "Alice FreemanPalmer." The Chinese minister,Wu Ting Fang, was also one of thespeakers."Symbolistes" was the subject ofa lecture on April 28 before the Ro­mance Club of the University ofWisconsin by Assistant ProfessorHiram P. Williamson, of the De­partment of Romance Languagesand Literatures. Mr. Williamsonalso gives a lecture before the sameclub in 1910.Mr. Samuel N. Harper, Associatein Russian Institutions and Politics,has received a fellowship in politi­cal science at Columbia Universityfor the year 1909-10. Mr. Harperhas a contribution in the ChicagoStandard of April 17 on the subjectof "Religious Conditions in St.Petersburg and Russia."At the Summer School of Ethicsto be held at Madison, Wis., Pro­fessor Albion W. Small, Head of theDepartment of Sociology and An­thropology, gives on July I2 theopening address in a series of lec­tures on Social Education. The sub­j ect of his address is "The SocialFunction of the Family."The degree of Doctor of Lawswas conferred ori Professor Frank 351J. Miller, of the Department ofLatin, by Denison University, at itscommencement on June I7. Asso­ciate Professor George A. Dorsey,of the Department of Sociology andAnthropology, received the same de­gree on the same occasion.At the twenty-sixth conference ofthe National Charities and Correc­tions held in Buffalo, N. Y., June12, Professor George H. Mead, ofthe Department of Philosophy, andProfessor Julian W. Mack, of theLaw School, were among the speak­ers. Miss Jane Addams, head ofHull House, Chicago, was electedpresident of the organization.In a series of addresses at Asso­ciation Building, Chicago, on thechoice of a vocation, Professor N a­thaniel Butler, of the School of Edu­cation, discussed on April 2I the sub­j ect of "Teaching." Among otherspeakers in the series were Dean J.H. Wigmore, of the NorthwesternUniversity Law School, and Dr.George W. Webster, president of theState Board of Health.A new edition of Moody andLovett's First View of English Lit­erature is announced by CharlesScribner's Sons, six chapters onAmerican literature having beenadded to the book by Assistant Pro­fessor Percy H. Boynton, of theDepartment of English. The volumehas recently been adopted by thestate of Kansas for a period of fiveyears for use in all high schools.The Function of Religion in Man' sStruggle for Existence is the title ofa volume recently issued from TheUniversity of Chicago Press, theauthor being Georg-e Burman Foster,Professor of the Philosophy of Re­ligion. The book, of three hundredpages, is an amplified statement ofan address delivered by the authorin I908 before the Philosophic Union� of the State University of California.Vorlesunqen iiber Variationsrech­nung is the title of a recent volumeissued by the B. G. Teubner press,Leipzig and Berlin, the author beingProfessor Oskar BoIza, of the De­partment of Mathematics. The vol­ume, of two hundred and fortypages, has five chapters, withTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEseventy-two figures in the text, andconstitutes Part II of the treatise,Part III will appear near the end ofthe year 1909.Under the general heading of TheAwakened Church Professor ShailerMathews, Dean of the DivinitySchool, discusses in the June issue ofthe World To-Day the question of"The Church and Education." Thisis the third contribution in a seriesof articles. In the Standard ofApril 17 Mr. Mathews also has acontribution on "The Gospel and theModern World"-the fourth in aseries of eight papers.Eighteen students in the courseon the "Development and Organi­zation of the Press," given by Pro­fessor George E. Vincent, of theDepartment of Sociology, were or­ganized' into an editorial staff forthe purpose of getting out the dailyedition of the Aurora, Ill., Beaconon June 7. Mr. Vincent acted asthe managing editor, Mr. PrestonF. Gass was the city editor, andMr. A. L. Fridstein, the news editor.There were also a literary editor, asociety editor, an editorial writer,and sporting and exchange editors,besides copy readers and reporters.The paper was issued on time.On May 19 Dean James P. Hall,of the Law School, delivered thecommencement address at StanfordUniversity, California, upon the sub­j ect of "Business and the Nation."In the evening Dean Hall spoke ata dinner in San Francisco given bythe Unitarian Club of California tothe judges of the state, at which hewas one of the guests of honor.During his stay at Stanford, DeanHall also spoke at the Phi BetaKappa banquet and at the LawSchool Association dinner. On hisreturn he was the guest of thealumni of the University of ChicagoLaw School at a dinner in Salt LakeCity.Among the five members of thenew advisory commission for theimprovement and extension of theChicago Public Library is ProfessorGeorge E. Vincent, Dean of theFaculties of Arts, Literature, andScience. Other appointments from Cook County are those of DeanThomas F. Holgate, of Northwes­tern University, and Mr. Harry A.Wheeler, secretary of the ChicagoAssociation of Commerce and presi­dent of the Industrial Club. Thenominations were made to the Pub­lic Library Board by PresidentAbram W. Harris, of North­western University, and PresidentHarry Pratt Judson, of the Uni­versity of Chicago.Eructavit, an Old French metricalparaphrase of Psalm XLIV, pub­lished from all the known manu­scripts and attributed to Adam dePerseigne, was recently published inDresden by the Gesellschaft fur Ro­manische Literature. The volume, ofabout 170 pages, represents the criti­cal work of Associate Professor T.Atkinson Jenkins, of the Departmentof Romance Languages and Liter­atures, Forty-three pages are givento the critical introduction, ninety­five pages to the paraphrase, andeleven pages to notes. A vocabularyof twenty pages completes the vol­ume. The dedication of the book isas follows: U niversitati Chicagin­iensi, non parva facienti, [acturaemajora. 'A number of prominent teachersfrom other schools are assisting inthe Summer Quarter instruction inthe Law School. Professor FrancisM. Burdick, of Columbia University,is offering a course in Partnership;Judge Emlin McClain, of the Su­preme Court of Iowa and formerlychancellor of the College of Law ofthe University of Iowa, is offeringCriminal Law; Professor William R.Vance, dean of the George Wash­ington University Law School, isgiving a course on Property; Pr�­fessor Walter W. Cook, of the Unt­versity of Wisconsin Law School, acourse on Mortgages and Quasi­Contracts; Professor George L.Clark, of the University of Illi­nois Law School, a course in Sales;and Professor Edwin R. Keedy,of Northwestern University LawSchool, lectures on Persons. Con­stitutional Law II, and Administra­tive Law are given during the sum­mer by Dean James P. Hall and Pro-THE UNIVERSITY RECORDfessor Ernst Freund, of the regularstaff of the Law School.The University of Chicago Presshas recently published a large volumeentitled The Teaching of Jesus aboutthe Future, by Dr. Henry BurtonSharman, of the Department of NewTestament History and Literature.The book, of nearly four hundredpages, contains eight chapters, an ex­cursus, and an index of biblical refer­ences. The chapter headings are asfollows: "The Sources and TheirHistory," "The Destruction of J eru­salem," "The Rise of MessianicClaimants and the Day of the Son ofMan," "The Final Discourse of Jesuson the Future," "The Day of Judg­ment," "The Kingdom of God," and"The Church and Its Institutions."In the preliminary statement theauthor says that in the first form ofhis manuscript there was no commit­tal to any proposed solution of theSynoptic Problem other than therecognition of the Gospel of Markas one of the main documents usedin the production of the First andThird Gospels, but that upon the ap­pearance of Professor Ernest D. Bur­ton's volume on Some Principles ofLiterary Criticism and Their Appli­cation to the Synoptic Problem theauthor of the present volume de­cided to use the results of ProfessorBurton's work as the critical basisfor his own, a decision which neces­sitated a 'Complete' revision of Dr.Sharman's material.The fourth series of lectures onthe Barrows Foundation, deliveredin the East during the year 1906-7 byCharles Cuthbert Hall, late presidentof Union Theological Seminary, NewYork, has recently appeared in bookform from the University of ChicagoPress, under the title of Christ andthe Eastern Soul. The volume is in­troduced by an account of the Bar­rows Lectureship Foundation, includ­ing the letters from Mrs. Caroline E.Haskell, proposing the establishmentof the lectureship, and a statementof the principles and regulations gov­erning it; the preface is by PresidentHarry Pratt Judson; and the intro­ductory note by Charles H. Brent,Bishop of the Philippine Islands.Twenty-five pages are given to' a 353syllabus of the lectures, the subjectsof which are the following: "Ele­ments of Sublimity in the OrientalConsciousness," "The Mystical Ele­ment in the Christian Religion,""The Witness of God in the Soul,""The Witness of the Soul to God,""The Distinctive Moral Grandeur ofthe Christian Religion," and "TheMinistry of the Oriental Conscious­ness in a World-wide Kingdom ofChrist." The series of lectures infull was delivered in Lahore, Alla­habad, Calcutta, Madras, Bombay,and Bangalore ; and individual lec­tures of the course were given inSimla, Lucknow, Benares, Dharmar,and several other cities of India.Some were also given in Ceylon andManila, and a few in Japan. In theAutumn Quarter of 1907 the lectureswere repeated at the University ofChicago, in accordance with the planof the donor. President Hall alsogave the third course of Barrows lec­tures, which were published by theUniversity of Chicago Press underthe title of Christian Belief Inter­preted by Christian Experience.A historical sketch of the Beta ofIllinois chapter of Phi Beta Kappa,together with a list of members toApril I, 1909, was recently issuedfrom the University of ChicagoPress under the editorship of FrancisWayland Shepardson, secretary ofthe chapter. The chapter has 'Com­pleted ten years of life, and nowappropriately makes a permanentrecord of its activities. The sketchcontains accounts of the foundingof the Phi Beta Kappa society, thesociety and its early members, itsdevelopment and growth, the badgeand colors, and the admission ofwomen, officers of the fraternitysince reorganization, a list of lifesenators, and meetings of the nationalcouncil are given, as well as theconstitution and by-laws of thesociety. The charter, and officers ofthe local 'chapter from 1899 to 1909,are also given, the first president ofthe Beta chapter being Harry PrattJudson, and the last Theodore GeraldSoares. The list of orators includesthe names of Professor Paul Shorey;Mr. Bliss Perry, editor of theAtlantic Monthly; Mr. Walter H.354 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEPage editor of the World' s Work;Prof�ssor John Franklin Jameson,formerly head of the Department ofHistory; Dean Albion WoodburySmall; and Professor TheodoreGerald Soares. In the summary ofmembers there are sixty-seven mem­bers of the Faculties, three honorarymembers, seventeen affiliating grad­uate students, fifteen from the OldUniversity of Chicago alumni, thirty­one Doctors of Philosophy (summacum laude), and 348 undergraduateelections, making a total of 476.The booklet is appropriately illus­trated and attractively printed.LIBRARIAN'S ACCESSION REPORTFOR THE SPRING Q..UARTER, 1909During the Spring Quarter, April­June, 1909, there has been added tothe library of the University a totalnumber of 5,859 volumes from thefollowing sources:BOOKS ADDED BY PURCHASEBooks added by purchase, 4,001 vol­umes distributed as follows: Anatomy,61; 'Anthropology, 34; Astronomy(Ryerson), 2; Astronomy (Yerkes),16; Bacteriology, 13; Biology. 35;Botany, 7; Chemistry, 27 ; ChurchHistory, 26; Commerce and Adminis­tration, 65; Comparative Religion, 56;Dano-N orwezian Theological Semi­nary 6 ; Embryology, 18; English,160 ; , English and German, I; English,German, and Romance, 17; GeneralLibrary, 96; Geography, 50; Geology,24; German, 60; Greek, 120; Haskell,�6; History. 281; History of Art, 24;Household Administration, 4; Latin,295 ; Latin and Greek, 76; Law School,1,093; Lexington Hall, 7; Mathematics,72; Music, 2; New Testament, 51;Pathology. 5; Pathology, Anatomy, andPhysiology, I; Philosophy, 38; Physi­cal Culture, 12; Physics, 45; Physio­logical Chemistry, 11; Physiology, 23;Political Economy, 105 ; PoliticalScience, I I I; Practical Theology, 68;Psychology. 15; Romance, 80; Russian(Political Science), 12; Sanskrit andComparative Philology, 60; School ofEducation, 323; Semitics, 51; Soci­ology, 121; Sociology (Divinity), 23;Systematic Theology, 5 I; Zoology, I I.BY GIFTBooks added by gift, 1,263 volumes;distributed as follows: Anatomy, 2;Anthropology, 2; Astronomy (Ryer­son), 2; Astronomy (Yerkes), II;Bacteriology, I; Biology, 18; Botany,4; Chemistry, 2; Church History, 2; Commerce and Administration, 3;English, 10 ; General Library, 874 ;Geography, 17; Geology, 36; German,I; Haskell, 39; History, 9; HouseholdAdministration, 1; Latin, 4 ; LawSchool, 13; Lexington Hall, 3; Mathe­matics, I I; New Testament, 3; Path­ology, 2; Philosophy, 2; Physical Cul­ture, 3; Physics, 3; Political Economy,48; Political Science. 10; PracticalTheology, 23; Romance, 2; Sanskritand Comparative Philology, 2; Schoolof Education, 84; Semitics, 4; Soci­ology, 7 ; Systematic Theology, 2 ;Zoology, 3.BY EXCHANGEBooks added by exchange for uni­versity publications, 595 volumes. dis­tributed as follows: Anatomy, 1;Anthropology, 3; Astronomy (Ryer­son'), 1; Astronomy (Yerkes), 15;Biology, 13; Botany, 4; Chemistry, 2;Church History, 3; English. 8; Eng­lish, German, and Romance, 2; Gen­eral Library, 160; Geology, 16; Ger­man, 2; Greek, 60; Haskell, 5 ; History.3; History of Art. 50; Latin, 1 17;Latin and Greek, 8; Mathematics, 2;Philosophy, 5; Physics, 8; PoliticalEconomy, 67 ; Political Science, 6 ;Practical Theology, 2; Psychology, 6;Romance I; Sanskrit and ComparativePhilology, I; School of Education, 8;Sociology, 9; Systematic Theology, 7.SPECIAL GIFTSEdmund Buckley, miscellaneous-c-advolumes,Canada-Department of Railways andCanals, reports-c-o volumes.F. B. Carpenter, D'Urfe, Astrea, aromance written in French, and trans­lated by a person of quality, 1657-1volume.Chicago Board of Trade, reports-5volumes.W. T. Davis, mainly geological works-�8 volumes and 25 pamphlets.F. H. Hall, miscellaneous-s-r zc vol­umes.C. L. Hutchinson, Publications ofthe Carnegie Institution of Washing­ton-5 volumes.International Committee of YoungMen's Christian Association, theologi­cal textbooks-II volumes.A. K. Parker, miscellaneous=-ctivolumes and 47 pamphlets.S. W. Peabody, miscellaneous-s-aovolumes and 27 pamphlets.State of South Carolina, reports andresolutions-e-aj volumes.The Young Churchman Company,theological textbooks-6 volumes and71 pamphlets.United States government, docu­ments-I99 volumes and 393 pam­phlets.THE NEW ALUMNI COUNCILDISCUSSION AND COMMENTorganization of the nineteenthalumni club. This means that inseventeen cities of the United States-and in two abroad-centers of Uni­versity of Chicago interest havebeen formed by loyal graduates whoare anxious that her work shall beknown in their own particular terri­tory. To broaden the sphere of theUniversity's influence; to makeknown what opportunities are offeredthe student and the scholar; to buildup. a nt!cle�s that will support theUniversity In greater undertakingsyet to come, these make up the bestwork that an alumni club can aim todo.To the secretaries who in the lastyear have worked to organize andextend the influence of these clubsthe Association owes a debt of grati­tude. The officers are well awarethat this has not always beenan easy task. I t has required manyhours devoted to visiting alumniarranging for meetings, conductingreco_rds and planning future work.Business men have given their helpgladly; members of the faculties ofother universities have maintainedtheir interest in these clubs in spiteof the fact that they were connectedwith other institutions. of learning;alumnae of the University haveope?ed the!r homes cheerfully forSOCIal reurnons. All this has con­tributed to keeping alumni interestsalive from coast to coast.For the new year the Associationlooks forward to a still wider ex­pansion of alumni interests. At thesame time that the graduates inand about Chicago are being broughtcloser together, alumni centers arebeing formed in large cities of theUnited States. To assist in thiswork the officers of the AssociationIt is tJ'le hope. of those actively will give their help gladly. Alumniengaged In al�mm ?rgamzation that who are confident that they can formthis month WIll bnng to the office a group anywhere should communi-of the secretary the report of the cate at once with the secretary.355On Alumni Day The University ofChicago Alumni Association placeditself on record as favoring the or­ganization of the new AlumniCouncil of the University, and in­structed its president and secretaryto become delegates to the Counciland work hand in hand with thedelegates from the Law School As­sociation, The Divinity Alumni Asso­CIatIOn, and the Association of theDoctors C!f. Philosophy in bringingall alumni Interests under one di­rection.The Alumni Council will be an or­ganization by itself, taking charge ofthose larger interests of the alumnithat are common to all four bodies.The Association has really becomean organization of those holding theBachelor's degree, the specialized in­terests of those graduated fromthe Law School, the Divinity School,and the Graduate Schools drawingthem together 111 groups of theirown. It was felt that more goodcould be accomplished by working!ogether on one line than by cover­m� the same ground separately. The?1110n .of all the organizations wasirnpossible ; hence the AlumniCouncil, made up �f delegates fromeach association, was devised.. P!ans are on foot for early organ­ization. The powers eiven theCouncil will come from the associa­tions. The council idea has thehearty support of President HarryPratt Judson, who realizes that itaffor�s room for growth not possi­ble 111 the present maintenance ofseparate alumni bodies.THE ALUMNI CLUBSTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINETHE ALUMNI PRESIDENTWarren Palmer Behan, the newpresident of the Alumni Associationis well fitted to represent the gradu­ates of the University in this, thehighest office they have to give.Thrice he has received degrees fromthe University; that of A.B. in I 894 ;D.B. in 1897, and Ph.D. in I 899. Hiswork at the summer encampment ofthe Training School of the YoungMen's Christian Association at LakeGeneva, Wis., made it impossible forhim to be present on Alumni Day,but as a member of the executivecommittee he has frequently shownhis desire to serve the best interestsof the alumni and the University.Dr. Behan is director of biblical andsocial studies in the Institute andTraining School of the Young Men'sChristian Association, with offices inthe Central Y. M. C. A. building,153 LaSalle Street, Chicago. He isa member of the Chicago Society ofBiblical Research.COLLEGE MEN AT GARYGary, Ind., where the new $100,-000,000 steel plant of the UnitedStates Steel Corporation is located,is attracting the attention of collegemen because of the opportunities itoffers to young men to grow upwith the city. For a town of 12,000people Gary probably comes nearerbeing the Mecca of college studentsthan any other place in the UnitedStates. There are about five hun­dred college men in the trades andprofessions. From two hundred andfifty to three hundred students areemployed at the steel plant. .Thegraduates of technical colleges in thiscountry and Europe are responsiblefor the wonderful innovations at theIndiana steel works, which will prac­tically revolutionize the manufactureof steel in all its forms. These menare daily carrying out the instruc­tions of a great corporation to buildthe most complete steel-making plantin the world.The fusion of different collegeinterests in Gary makes a mostinteresting study. The college menhave one of the most active organi- zations in Gary, the University Club.Even before the plant was put intooperation-while the town was stillin its "'pioneer" state-universitygraduates formed the club, whichnow has a membership of more thanone hundred. Its members alreadyrepresent more than seventy-five col­leges including the Universities ofVienna, Altenburg, Leipzig, Toronto,Chicago, Yale, Harvard, Rutgers,Cornell, Columbia, Northwestern,Illinois, Indiana, Purdue, Wabash,Ohio State, Pennsylvania, BostonTech, Vanderbilt, Grant, Wisconsin,Michigan, DePauw, Iowa, Missouri,and Texas.In addition to the University Clubsome fifty of the technical men ofthe steel plant have organized theTech Club, which permits only tech­nical workers to become members.The University Club admits profes­sional and business men as well assteel employees.Any number of college graduatesare doing the most menial kinds oflabor in the plant today, because theysee the chance to advance. Theywork in the "soaking pits," the ashand cinder pits, where the dirtiestwork has to be done, surrounded bythe lowest class of Hungarians, Ser­vians, and Slavs. Their pay is figuredby the hour; 18 cents and less everysixty minutes. If they get sick orstay away from work their wagesare just 18 cents less for every hourthat they are absent. These menhave given up better positions in theEast in order to pursue their questfor experience in the new plant, eventhough it be in the midst of grimeand dust.Gary already has a full complementof lawyers, doctors, dentists, and otherprofessional men, but more are com­ing into the town every week, forthe population is expected to reachthe mark in a few years,when there will be room for all.The bar association is composed offifty-five lawyers, the medical societyhas forty members, and the dentalsociety has six members. Phy­sicians know that in a mill townthere is a large percentage of acci­dents. Lawyers know that there willbe much litigation in a new townDISCUSSION AND COMMENTwhere real estate sales are maderapidlv. Inquiries into questionabletitles and the examination of ab- ..stracts means a livelihood for a num­ber of attorneys regardless of thepractice that will come to leach fromother sources. The remark is oftenheard that it will be a matter of onlya few years until the professionalpractice will be in the hands of af.ew competent men. This is doubt­less true. Whether or not a manstays depends upon his own effortsand ability.The view men take of their occu­pations varies. One college man, nota graduate of the University of Chi­cago, said recently: "There is abso­lutely no chance for a man to get upin the world while working for a bigcorporation. There is too much poli­tics. The man ahead of you has moreof a pull and he is jealous and triesto hold you back." In the vernacularof the mills, this is the philosophy ofthe man who "burns out." He givesup before he is fairly started. Amore wholesome attitude is con­tained in the following remark of aworker in the mills: "I would nottake anything for the experience Ihave acquired during my eighteenmonth's employment in the plant. Ifeel now that I can go out into theworld and conquer absolutely anydifficulty in the line of work I havebeen pursuing. I have gotten my ex­perience and the man above me hasbeen responsible for its outcome andhas done the worrying." This is themore representative feeling.MARC N. GOODNOW} ex-'o9[Mr. Goodnow is connected with theGary Tribune, the newspaper editedby Homer J. Carr, '79.]TREASURER'S REPORT FOR 1908Editor of the Magazine:Sir: I wish to use the mediumof your pages to bring to the mem­bers of the class of 1908 and others 357interested my report as treasurer ofthat class.One hundred and seventeen sub­scriptions were the result of my can­vass, which consisted mainly of threecircular letters sent out to the mem­bers of the class at different times;one in April, one in May, and one inJuly. The expense attendant on thesending out of these letters, the ex­penses of class social functions, andthe expense incidental to Class Daymake up the bulk of the money paidout. All the subscriptions were for$4 50 except one for $5.00. Thefigures follow:II 7 subscriptions $527.00Expendi tures I 10.40Balance to Memorial Fund $416.60The balance has been paid to Dr.Goodspeed.I might add that several membersof the class, knowing that the moneywas eventually going to the HarperMemoria! Fund, sent their subscrip­tions direct to Dr. Goodspeed with­out sending it first to me. I knowof two such cases. At the beginningof the year, at my suggestion, Dr.Goodspeed very kindly took uponhimself the work of attempting toget subscriptions from those mem­bers who had not yet paid. I havenot yet heard how successful he hasbeen, but I expect the final totalpaid over by the class to be muchlarger than the amount indicated inmy figures above. It is my hope,and, I am sure, the hope of everymember of the class, that the figuresmay eventually reach $600, whichamount is said to cover the bronzetablet of Dr. Harper, to be placedin the Memorial Library.My books and papers have beenturned over to Dr. Goodspeed, who,I am sure, would be glad to showthem to anyone who wishes to ex­amine them.PAUL BUHLIG, '08Treasurer of the classCorvallis} Moni., April I7} I909SENIOR CLASS DAYUNDERGRADUATE LIFEentirely original rules and the taskof umpire therefore proved some­what hazardous. In spite of this,however, Mr. Raffie was able to callthe game forfeited to the Seniorson account of rain after the finalmelee and as the Seniors, accordingto all tradition, should have won, itwas azreed to let the decision stand.vVhfie the morning programme wasgiven over largely to fun-making theafternoon exercises partook of thenature of a farewell ceremony. Thespeakers were seated on a platformplaced near the bench of the class of'98. The large assembly of peopleunder the oaks made the scene un­usually full of color. The speakerswore the academic caps and gowns.William P. MacCracken, presidentof the class, presided and made theopening address.Those who took part in the pro­gramme were Mary Courtenay, whopresented the historic cap and gownto Elizabeth Fogg, of the class ofI9IO; Dewitt B. Lightner, who .gavethe Senior hammer, used by PresidentRoosevelt at the laying of the corner­stone of the Law School, to RalphM. Cleary, 'IO; Winston P. Henry,who read the class poem; and HarryHansen, who presented the Seniorbench to Harlan O. Page. KatharineSlaught read the history and proph­ecy, and Walter Steffen �ave tpe ora­tion. The event of prime interestto the University public was the an­nouncement by Renslow W. Shererthat the class gift would consist of aclock esnecially constructed to con­form with the architecture of thenew Memorial Library reading room,where it will find a place. ' PresidentHarry Pratt Judson accepted the giftfor the University. The exercisesclosed with the singing of the classsong and the "Alma Mater."Class Day exercises took place onMonday, June 14, on the Quad­rangles, beginning with the flag r�ls­ing at 10: 30 o'clock in the morrnngand closing with the addresses at theSenior bench in the afternoon. Theafternoon programme proved. themost interesting of all the exercises,and the crowd grouped picturesquelyaround the speakers' platform wasthe largest that has attended aClass Day in recent years. From be:­ginning to end the programmemovel without a hitch and theSenior play, with its interesting ta�e­offs on college people, the Seniorball zame and the frolic furnishedenou�h a�usement to keep the Uni­versity public in a good humor forsome time.Dean James R. Angell of. theSenior Colleges spoke at the raisingof the flag, on "Loyalty." The re­sponse was made by Edward L. �c­Bride member of the ExecutiveComdtittee. The "Alma Mater" wassung as the banner of maroon andwhite was drawn to the top of thestaff.The Senior play was the work ofHoward P. Blackford, and en­deavored to settle all Universityproblems for some time to come inits two short acts. Dean Kennedy,Walter Steffen, and Jean Comptonappeared to advantage, while SinoreM uzzafir Raffie created an originalcomedy part. Songs had been fit�edto music borrowed from B1ackfnaroperas, with interesting results.Considerable merriment was causedby the frolic and the ball game. Thesack race was won by WalterSteffen in five jumps. There wassome doubt about the other decisions.The ball game centered chieflyabout the umpire, as it should.Sinore Raffie accepted the honor of THE JUNIOR PROMENADEthis position and was a�le to awardthe game to the Seniors by the A success so unusual that thescore of 9 to�. The intr!cac!,es of finance committee was able not onlythis game required the application of to meet all obligations but also to358UNDERGRADUATE LIFEdonate a sum of money to the Uni­versity Settlement, was the result ofthe carefully laid plans for theJunior Promenade, which was heldon the evening of June I I in Bart­lett Gymnasium. The grand marchwas made up of 132 couples, fortymore than the number taking part inthe promenade of 1908. This eventconcluded the exercises of JuniorDay.The promenade was lied by JoyReichelt Clark and Edith Coonley.Aleck Gordon Whitfield, chairmanof the day, and Edith Hemingwayled the left wing. Charles L. Sulli­van was chairman of the financecommittee, Other chairmen were:Richard E. Myers, reception; Wil­liam H. Kuh, printing; WilliamL. Crow ley, arrangements, andMary J. Carey, decorations. Thegymnasium was decorated with clus­ters of apple and orange blossoms,long strings of Japanese lanterns andgreat Japanese umbrellas. The or­chestra was concealed behind palmsand ferns,Junior Day events on MarshallField were won by the Sophomoresby a score of 65 to 55. The ivyexercises were held at the south endof Bartlett Gymnasium at noon.Aleck G. Whitfield presided and 359Reno Reeve gave the ivy oration.The ivy spade was given by Vir­ginia Freeman to Pliny Munger,representative of the class of 1912.THE ANNUAL INTER-SCHOLASTICInclement weather on Saturday,June I2, marred some of the morn­ing arrangements for the entertain­ment of the University's inter­scholastic guests, but did not inter­fere with the success of the meetitself, which was won by UniversityHigh School with 23 points. Cen­tral High School of Kansas City,Mo., came second with 13! pointsand Milford, Ill., was third with13�. Four former records werebroken. Cowley of Michigan low­ered his mark of last year in themile, making the distance in 4: 33 r·The two-mile record was made byMarks of Beloit in 9 58!. Woodburyof Central High lowered the 220low-hurdle mark to 25�, and Byrdof Milford threw the discus I26 feet,2t inches.The entertainment of the inter­scholastic men included trips to near­by amusement resorts, a musical andsketch programme in Mandel Halland a dance in the Reynolds Clubon Saturday eveningTHE LAW SCHOOL ASSOCIATIONRUDOLPH E. SCHREIBER, J.D., '06, SecretaryTHE ANNUAL DINNERN early forty enthusiastic membersof the Law School Associationgathered at the annual dinner onFriday, June I I, at the WindermereHotel. Professor Roscoe Pound,late of Northwestern University,who is to become a member .of thefaculty of the Law School in Octo­ber was the guest of honor, andmade the principal address on "Lawin Books and Law in Action." DeanJames P. Hall reviewed the work ofthe year and made some interestingforecasts for the growth of theschool.Samuel D. HirschI, '04, presided.The election of officers for the newyear resulted as follows: President-John R. Cochran, '04.Vice-President-David F. Rosenthal,'06.Secretary-Rudolph E. Schreiber, '06.The resolution indorsing thealumni council plan was passed with­out a dissenting voice.The secretary of the Associationhas nearly 'completed his work ofcompiling the new directory of theLaw graduates. The addresses havebeen secured comparatively easily,and there has been little difficultyin locating alumni who have changedresidences, probably because the LawSchool is still young. The directorywill be published this fall.THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OFPHILOSOPHYHERBERT E. SLAUGHT, PH.D., '98, SecretaryTHE ANNUAL MEETINGThe annual meeting of the Asso­ciation was held at the QuadrangleClub on Monday, June I4, at whichtime the members were given thefifth complimentary luncheon by theUniversity. Besides about sixty Doc­tors there were present as guests ofthe Association the President of theUniversity and several members ofthe faculties. Much interest wasshown in the address of ProfessorCharles H. Judd, the new Directorof the School of Education, whospoke on "The Department of Educa­tion in American Universities," withespecial reference to the relation ofthe Doctors to the teaching profes­sion, thus making a fitting culmina­tion of the discussion arising fromthe questionnaire sent out by the As­sociation two years ago.ALUMNI NEWSAt the Spring Convocation onMarch I6, 1909, the following candi­dates received the Doctor's degree:Sister Helen Angela Dorety, A.B.,College of St. Elizabeth, 1904; S.M.,The University of Chicago, 1907.Ph.D. in Plant Morphology, PlantPhysiology and Ecology. Thesis:A natomy of the Seedling of C erato­zamia.Arnold Dresden, University ofAmsterdam, 1903; S.M., The Univer­sity of Chicago, 1906. Ph.D. inMathematics and Astronomy. Thesis:The Second Derivatives of the Ex­tremal Integral.Nielsine Johanna Kildahl, A.B.,University of North Dakota, I898;A.M., Ibid, I900. Ph.D. in PlantMorphology, Plant Physiology andEcology. Thesis: The Morphologyof Phyllocladus.At the Summer Convocation onJune I5, 1909, the following candi­dates received the degree: Edson Sunderland Bastin, A.B.,University of Michigan, I902; S.M.,The University of Chicago, 1903.Ph.D. in Geology and Petrology.Thesis: Chemical Composition as aCriterion in Identifying M etamor­phosed Sediments.Leonard Bloomfield, A.B., HarvardUniversity, I906. Ph.D., in Ger­manic Philology and ComparativeIndo-European Philology. Thesis:A Semasiologic Differentiation ofGermanic Secondary Ablaut.Frank Clyde Brown, A.B., TheUniversity of Nashville, I893; AM.,The University of Chicago, I902.Ph.D. in English, and German Phi­lology. Thesis: Elkanah Settle.Herbert Earle Buchanan, AB., TheUniversity of Arkansas, I902; AM.,The University of Chicago, 1903.Ph.D. in Astronomy and Mathe­matics. Thesis: Periodic Oscilla­tions of Three Finite Masses aboutthe Langrangian Circular Solutions.Thomas Buck, S.B., The Universityof Maine, I90I. Ph.D. in Mathe­matics, Astronomy. Thesis: Oscil­lating Satellites near the LangrangianEquilateral Triangle Points.Joseph Kinmont Hart, A.B., Frank­lin College, I900. Ph.D. in Educa­tion and Ecclesiastical Sociology.Thesis: A Study of Moral Educa­tion from the Standpoint of MentalDevelopment.Ralph Emerson House, L.B., TheUniversity of Missouri, I900; A.M.,Ibid., I900. Ph.D. in Romance andGerman. Thesis: A ugustin OrtizCo-media Radiana; A Text with In­troduction and Notes.Louise Mallinckrodt Kueffner,A.B., Washington University, 1893;A.M., Ibid., I906. Ph.D. in Germanand English. Thesis: A Study ofthe Theory and Practice of the His­toric Drama.Elwood S. Moore, A.B., The Uni­versity of Toronto, 1904. Ph.D. in360THE ASSOCIATION OF DOCTORS OF PHILOSOPHY 36rGeneral Geology and Petrography.Thesis: Geology of the Onaman IronRange District.Harvey Andrew. Peterson, A.B.,The University of Chicago, 1897.Ph.D. in Psychology and Education.Thesis: The Influence of Complex­ity and Dissimilarity in Memory.Marion Lydia Shorey, Ph.B.,Brown University, 1904; A.M., Ibid.,1906. Ph.D., in Zoology and Physi­ological Chemistry. Thesis: TheEffect of the Destruction of Periph­eral Areas on the Differentiation ofthe N euroblasts.Clinton Raymond Stauffer, S.B.,Ohio State University, 1903; A.M.,Ibid., 1906. Ph.D. in General Geol­ogy and Invertebrate Paleontology.Thesis: The Relationship of theMiddle Devonian Faunas of Ohio.Dagny Gunhilda Sunne, A. B., TheUniversity of Minnesota, 1901; S.M.,Ibid., 1905. Ph.D. in Philosophy andPsychology. Thesis: The Develop­ment of the Subjective Standpoint inPost-Aristotelian Philosophy.Harry Lewis Wieman, A.B., TheUniversity of Cincinnati, 1905; A.M.,Ibid., 1906. Ph.D. in Zoology, Phy- siology, and Embryology. Thesis:A Study in the Germ Cells of Lepti­notarsa signsticollis.The total number of Doctors isnow 534; of whom 9 are deceased.Of the recent Doctors, those whoseappointments for next year havebeen reported are as follows:Arnold Dresden, to an instructor­ship in mathematics at the Univer­sity of Wisconsin.Herbert E. Buchanan, to an in­structorship in mathematics at theUniversity of Wisconsin.Thomas Buck, to' an instructorshipin mathematics at the University ofWashington.Edson S. Bastin, assistant geolo­gist, United States Geological Sur­vey.Clinton R. Stauffer, historicalgeology, Western Reserve Univer­sity.Ralph E. House, to an instructor­ship in Romance languages, the Uni­versity of Chicago.Harvey A. Peterson, departmentof education, State Normal. School,Normal, Ill.THE DIVINITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATIONEDGAR J. GOODSPEED# D.B., '97, SecretaryLOCAL ALUMNI SECRETARIESDistrict alumni secretaries, to' r,e­port alumni news for their districts,are as follows:New England, C. M. Gallup, D.B.,, 00, New Bedford, Mass.New York and New Jersey, B. S.Hudson, D.B., '04, Atlantic City, N. J.Ohio, F. I. Beckwith, D.B., '07,Canton, Ohio.Michigan, Orlo J. Price, D.B., '98,Lansing, Mich.Wisconsin, H. C. Miller, D.B., '01,Fond du Lac, Wis.Kansas, J. T. Crowford, D.B., '98,Parsons, Kan.Nebraska, H. B. Foskett, D.B., '8.2,Stromsburg, Neb.California, George E. Burlingame,D.B., '99, San Francisco, Cal. THE ANNUAL MEETINGThe annual meeting and dinner ofThe Divinity Alumni Associationwas held at the Quadrangle Club,Chicago, June 14, at 6 P. M. Morethan forty were present. Dean W.P. McKee, of the Frances ShimerAcademy at Mount Carroll, 111., pre­sided. Letters were read fromPresident Judson, Dean ShailerMathews, Trustees Edward Good­man and John A. Reichelt, and manydistant alumni.The association adopted a resolu­tion approving the proposed organi­zation of the Alumni Council of theUniversity of Chicago.The chairman welcomed the newgraduates and W. R. Good respondedTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEfor the class. Addresses were madeby Arthur F. Purkiss, D.B. '04, ofElgin, Ill.; D. C. Macintosh, assist­ant professor in the Yale DivinitySchool; Charles A. Marsh, presidentof the Board of Trustees of theDivinity School, and Allen T. Burns,secretary of the Pittsburgh CivicCommission. The following officerswere elected for rooo-ro :President-Henry L. Stetson, '78.First Vice-President-KittredgeWheeler, '79.Second Vice-President-F. P. Hag­gard, '89.Third Vice-President-A. F. Pur­kiss, '04.Secretary-Treasurer-Edgar J. Good­speed, '97.Executive Committee: R. L. Kelley,'08, chairman; Frank L. Anderson, '00;F. W. Bateson, '98.ALUMNI NEWSJohn L. Jackson, D.B., '76, aftera most successful pastorate of twelveyears at the Hyde Park BaptistChurch, Chicago, has become pastorof the Baptist church at Sharon, Pa.During Dr. Jackson's pastorate theHyde Park church has completed itsSunday-school room and chapel, anderected its church auditorium, whileits membership has increased from250 to nearly goo. Dr. Jackson willhe greatly missed in Chicago, in Bap­tist circles, and in the UnitedCharities as well. On May 31 afarewell luncheon was given for Dr.Jackson by the Baptist Ministers'conference of Chicago, at the Wel­lington Hotel.Robert B. Davidson, D.B., '97, whohas recently become pastor of theFirst Baptist Church of Rockford,Ill., has received thirty-seven mem­bers into that church since hebegan his work there on March I.Edwin Simpson, D.B., '03, hascompleted his first year in the pastor­ate of the Vermont Street BaptistChurch, Quincy, Ill. His work isproving most successful, more thanone hundred persons having beenreceived into the church, and thework generally reorganized. Mr.Simpson was the third member ofthe Simpson family, of PrinceEdward Island, to receive the D.B. from the Divinity School, and sixothers, brothers and cousins of his,have studied in the Univer sity.C. F. Yoder, D.B., '03, is about tosail for Argentina to open missionwork in the interior.L. R. Hotaling, D.B., '03, has re­ceived 350 members into the chl.1[chat Hoopston, Ill., since beC0n1111gpastor there.The work of Frederick T. Galpin,D.B., '04, pastor of the First BaptistChurch, Detroit, Mich., was discussedat some length in the Detroit Journal,of March 6, Ig09, under the title,"The Type of the Modern Minister."Arthur F. Purkiss, D.B .. '04, whorecently resigned the pastorate of theBaptist church at Sharon, Pa., hasaccepted the pastorate of the FirstBaptist Church of Elgin, Ill.Henry Menke, D.B. '04, has be­come pastor at Aurelia, Iowa.Roy W. Merrifield, D.B., '07, hasbecome pastor of the Baptist churchat St. Cloud, Minn.At the June Convocation the was conferred upon RoyHenry Barrett, Claude EdwardBoyer, Carlos Mills on Dinsmore,.Komataro Katataye, Eugene Neu­bauer, Mark Frank Sanborn, JayLorenzo Taber, and William RufusYard.e. H. Scheick, '08, and Dora MayMacDonald, of Dormont, Pa., weremarried at Dormont, March 24, I909.Mr. Scheick is pastor of the Mt.Lebanon Baptist Church. Mr. andMrs. Scheick will reside on PioneerAve., Dormont, Pa.Vernon S. Phillips, a member ofthe Divinity School in Ig01-3, andI 907, has resigned the pastorate ofthe First Baptist Church of CedarRapids, Ia., and accepted that ofthe First Baptist Church of Madi­son, Wis., beginning his work atMadison, March I. Mr. Phillipshas been elected a trustee of Way­land Academy.R. H. Barrett, D.B., '09, is pastorof the First Baptist Church of Clin­ton, Ill.Mark F. Sanborn, D.B., 'oo, is,pastor of the Baptist church atWauwatosa, Wis.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOALUMNI ASSOCIATIONALUMNI DAYHARRY A. HANSEN, PH.B., '09, SecretaryAlumni who have been there be­fore-and they, surely, ought toknow-will tell you that AlumniDay, 1909, was the most successfulin the history of the Association.The large numbers of "Old-Timers"attending the track meet, the inter­est shown in the women's indoorbaseball game, out-of-doors, and theenthusiasm displayed at the fast andfurious ball game between the PastCentury stars on the one hand andAl Hopkins' swift bunch of Twen­tieth-Century-ites on the other, andlastly, the attendance at the alumnidinner in Hutchinson Hall in theevening, at which 232 plates wereserved, all go to prove that this is noidle assertion. As the closing eventson Convocation Day the alumniactivities formed a fitting comple­ment to an auspicious series of exer­cises, and demonstrated that the de­cision of the executive committee,changing the day from Saturday toTuesday, was most wise.If resolutions of thanks are inorder, they should go, first of all, tothe elusive weather god who dis­pelled the cool, damp atmosphere ofthe previous day and opened thefloodgates of sunshine and warmth.This was responsible for many extrareservations for the dinner late inthe afternoon. Without the beauti­ful day the track meet on MarshallField would have been impossible.Secondly, the resolutions should callattention to the work of an efficientcommittee of the day from the classof 1904, composed of Theodore B.Hinckley, chairman; Edward Eicher,Arthur Lord, Edward Ferris, LeoWormser, Arthur Young, and OliverWyman, and assisted by the com­mittees in charge of track athletics,the baseball game, and the women'sevents on the field. All classes, from 1893 down, wererepresented at the annual dinner at7 o'clock in Hutchinson Hall. Grad­uates of the old University of Chi­cago, from as far back as the classof 1865, mingled with the younger. men and helped swell this enthusi-astic demonstration of Chicago goodcheer. At the speaker's table satPresident John F. Hagey, '98; at hisright, the guests of the evening,President Harry Pratt Judson, As­sistant Professor J ames Weber Linn,'97, and Major Edgar B. Tolman,'80; at his left William P. Mac­Cracken, '09, speaker for the newestclass to join the ranks of thealumni; Theodore B. Hinckley, '04�,chairman of the day, and the com­mittee of the day.The committee was most fortu­nate in the make-up of its pro­gramme for the dinner. The talks'followed each other with rapidity;the speakers presented their subj ectsin bright, interesting phraseology thatkept the audience eagerly attentive.For the second time that day Presi­dent Judson spoke in HutchinsonHall. His address was welcomedwith enthusiasm by old and younggraduates. Dean Linn, speaking forthe younger alumni, recalled the factthat twelve years before he had per­formed the same office at the alumnimeeting. His address sparkledwith brilliant wit and good-humoredsatire. Maj or Tolman, representingthe older graduates, chose for histheme the duty of the American citi­zen in politics, while William P. Mac­Cracken, president of the class of1909, presented the viewpoint of thenewest members in the Alumni As­sociation.Under the new programme theplace for the business meeting hadbeen left largely to chance, so thatit came directly after the dinner, and363THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINEbefore the toasts. President John F.Hagey, '98, read the report of thecommittee which canvassed the votescast in the annual election, announc­ing that Warren Palmer Behan,'94, d '97, Ph.D. '99, had been chosenpresident for the new year. This re­port is printed in full elsewhere.Burt Brown Barker, '97, presentedthe report of the committee appointedtwo years ago to. revise the consti­tution, and moved its adoption. Themotion was carried. The chiefchanges eliminate the dues, andmake the name of the Associationread "The University of ChicagoCollege Alumni Association," itsmembership to be composed of allwho have received a degree from theColleges of Arts, Philosophy, andScience. By this plan the Associa­tion is placed on a par with the asso­ciations formed by the law anddivinity graduates, and the Doctorsof Philosophy, and will be a part ofthe central alumni council to beformed by these co-operating bodies.By resolution the president and sec­retary of the Association were in­structed to represent its interests inthe formation of the council.A merry throng enjoyed the alumnidance on the second floor of theReynolds Club from 9 o'clock tillmidnight. Older graduates gatheredabout the landings and discussed theappearance of the campus "when Icame here." The alumni room inMitchell Tower was thrown open tothe men who wished to smoke, butthe smoker was notable chiefly forthe attendance of alumni like A. L.Hopkins, 'oS, Theodore B. Hinckley,'04, and Edward Eicher, '04, who in­sisted that they were abstainers.The alumni track meet was thefirst of its kind. It brought backnumbers of old stars, who competedto establish what will be known here­after as the alumni records. Thereis still 'considerable difference ofopinion among those competing inregard to the number of world'srecords broken, but all agree that theevent was the most interesting inyears, and that they will come backnext June to win new honors beforea still larger crowd of cheering spec­tators. The track meet was won by the class of 1905. Principal partici­pants were Ernie Quantrell, winnerof the mile run; Hugo Friend, '06,who took the dash and the hurdlesbut lost the broad jump to GeorgeSchobinger, '05; Fred Speik, 'cs, whoput the shot an incredible distance,so far that it has not yet been meas­ured; Edwin Ferris, '04, who. cap­tured the high jump and the stand­ing broad jump, and Leo Wilkins,who outdistanced all competitors bytaking the pole vault at 16 feet, 6inches, according to the officialrecords.The Twentieth-Century baseballteam, under Al L. Hopkins, 'as, wonfrom the Nineteenth-Century men bya score of 9 to 5 only after aspirited battle in which the game wasnot decided until the final inning.Hopkins' opponents under Chas.Winston, '96, included such fast baserunners as A. A. Stagg, AbrahamBowers, and James Weber Linn, '97.Fred Walker, Dan Dougherty, andHenneberry, came out for theyounger alumni and gave a good ac­count of themselves.The Varsity women won the dayagainst the Alumnae in the ball gameon the other side of Marshall Fieldby a score of 12 to 4, largely throughthe efforts of Florence Lawson andMargaret Sullivan. Mabel Leepitched for the Alumnae. Marie Ort­mayer, '06, was chairman of thecommittee in charge of alumnaeathletics, assisted by KatharineSlaught, '09, Ethel Preston, '09, andHelen Freeman, 'as. The Alumnaecommittee. on publicity was composedof Marie Thompson, '04, Mrs.George Howells, Dorothy Duncan,'04, Lauretta Octagon, and GraceReddy, '04.ADDRESS TO THE SENIOR CLASSThe conduct of the Senior chapelexercises on Tuesday, June 8, wasgiven the Alumni Association. BurtBrown Barker, '97, made the annualaddress to the graduates, settingforth the aims of the Associationand emphasizing the fact that theUniversity needs the active help ofevery man and woman who holdsher degree. He declared that, asthey had received so liberally all theTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 365best that the University could givethem, it was fitting that they shouldreturn her interest in as liberal ameasure as they could. Mr. Barkerexplained how the Alumni Associa­tion is cementing this interest of thegraduates and becoming a great in­fluence for the good of the Uni­versity and asked their support asactive members.Leo Wormser, '04, a member ofthe Alumni Day committee, spoke tothe Seniors in Haskell Assembly Hallon June I, outlining the work of theAssociation, and asking that the Sen­iors display their interest by a largeattendance at the alumni dinner. Hisrequest was promptly responded to,all those present making reservationsfor seats at the dinner.WITH THE ALUMNI CLUBSTHE OREGON ALUMNI CLUBNinety-four University of Chicagoalumni and former students met ata banquet at the Perkins Hotel inPortland, Ore., on the evening ofJuly I to organize the OregonAlumni Club. President BarryPratt Judson presided. Roy Merri­field, d'06, was chosen cheerleader.Between college songs and yells, theexchange of good fellowship andthe delicacies of the banquet a mostenj oyable evening was spent. Themotto, suggested by President J ud­son, was "Quiet, then diet, thenriot." Short talks were made byAndrew McLeish, F. C. VV. Parker,J. S. Dickerson, C. B. Elliott, d'06,who was the bridegroom of theoccasion; Dr. R. H. Wellington, W.D. Fuller, d'07, Frank H. Levering,'72,' the oldest alumnus present, andMr. Eubank.On motion of Dr. George E. Bur-1ingame, d'99, the Oregon AlumniClub was organized. The followingwere chosen officers:President__;_F. C. W. Parker, 514Marquam Building, Portland.Vice-President-Dr. R. H. Welling­ton, Portland.Secretary-Treasurer-Mrs. W. J.Weber, '99, Canby, Ore.Oregon alumni present at the ban-quet and business meeting includedA. E. Patch, '01, d'03; R. R. Per­kins, d'05; Mrs. Eloise Perkins, '03; John M. Linden, d'03; Mrs. W. J.Weber, '99; W. D. Fuller, d'9I;Alexander Blackburn; R. H. Well­ington; R. W. Pattengill, '02; Mr.and Mrs. S. F. Ball; Helen S. Gray,and Mr. and Mrs. F. C. W. Parker.MRS. W. J. WEBER} '99SecretaryTHE MILWAUKEE ALUMNI CLUBPermanent organization was effect­ed in May by the Milwaukee AlumniClub. The Rev. Raymond G. Pier­son, 500 Scott Street, was chosenpresident; Madge Houghton, '03,3428 Cedar Street, vice-president, andFlora B. Hermann, '04, 133 Twenty­eighth Street, secretary. In order toget the members better acquaintedan informal luncheon was given inGimbel's Grill Room on June 5,which proved most successful. Theo­dore M. Hammond, '85, invited themembers of the club to spend theevening of June 18 at his home inWauwatosa, an invitation that wasaccepted with much pleasure.FLORA B. HERMANN} '04SecretaryTHE JAPAN ALUMNI CLUBThe annual meeting and banquetof the Japan Alumni Club was heldon February 22 in Tokyo. Twenty­eight graduates of the University at­tended, the number exceeding thatof any previous meeting, and the en­thusiasm was proportionate. Thefollowing officers were chosen:President-Elji Asada, Ph.D., '93,School for Foreign Languages, Tokyo.Vice-President-Harry B. Benning­hoff, Ed.B., '06; A.M., '07, Tokyo.Secretaries-Sakae Shioya, Ph.M.,'03. Higher Normal School, Tokyo; H.E. Coleman, Tokyo.Treasurer-Gen-ichiro Yoshioka,Ph.D., '07, Waseda University, Tokyo.Several successful meetings havebeen held. A social was given re­cently at the home of Mr. Benning­hoff.A number of members of the clubare connected with Waseda Uni­versity. Kiichi Tanaka, '95, ToruSato, Ph.M. '06, and Mr. Yoshiokaare in the department of the Englishlanguage; Mr. Ito teaches transpor­tation; Ernest W. Clement, '80, Eng-THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINElish literature; Alfred W. Place,D.B., '02, athletics and sociology, andHarry B. Benninghoff, religion.H. B. BENNINGHOFF} '06-'07SecretaryTHE CHICAGO ALUMNAE CLUBIn place of the regular springmeeting, the University of ChicagoAlumnae Club was entertained onMarch 27 by Miss Mary MacDowellat the University of Chicago Settle­ment at a reception and tea, fol­lowed by an interesting programme.The subj ect for discussion wasthe relation of the Settlement to thewomen graduates of the University.Generally, upon graduation, all con­nection with the University is broken,and then follows a lack of interestin those things which for four yearsdominated the student's life. Itseemed to the alumnae that the Uni­versity of Chicago Settlement shouldbe the connecting bond between thelife of the University and the newlife entered upon leaving college. Inview of this, the club accepted theoffer so kindly tendered by the Uni­versity of Chicago Settlement Boardto have a member from this organi­zation upon its board, electing MissLouise Roth. Speakers for the after­noon were Mrs. W. D. MacClintock,Miss Jane Addams, Dr. Janson San­gille, and Miss Marion Talbot. MissSprague led the children's chorus.It is hoped that all women gradu­ates of the University of Chicagowho are interested in Settlementwork will join the club and becomemembers of a Settlement committee.Those wishing to join such a com­mittee are asked to send their namesand addresses to the secretary at224% Warren Ave.LOUISE ROTH} '00SecretaryTHE NORTHWEST ALUMNI CLUBThe following alumni and formerstudents have recently been added tothe membership of the NorthwestAlumni Club at Seattle: Grace K.McKibben, 'os. and Irene M. Mc­Kibben, 'oS, 924 Thirty-fourth Ave.;George B. Rigg, 4212 Meridian Ave.,instructor, Lincoln High School;Professor Frank Miller, University of Washington; Maud H. Calvert,1301 Thirteenth Ave., teacher, Wash­ington High School; Miss M. A.Calmer, 1763 West Fifty-sixth St.,teacher, Ballard High School; MissFletcher, teacher, Broadway HighSchool; Kathleen Blain, 1727 Bel­mont Ave., teacher, Broadway HighSchool; Rev. C. W. Anderson,Adelphia College, Seattle; E. E. Per­kins and O. L. Sperlin, Tacoma HighSchool; J. S. McCowan, principal,high school, Everett, Wash.RECEPTION AT DENVERA reception for the members' ofthe University of Chicago faculty inattendance at the annual meeting ofthe National Education Associationin Denver was given by Dr. Her­bert Howe, '75, and Ella R. Metsker,'06, as president and secretary of theRocky Mountain Alumni Club, onWednesday afternoon, July 7. U ni­versity alumni and former studentswere present. The guests were Pro­fessor Francis W. Shepardson, Pro­fessor Otis VV. Caldwell, and Mr.James F. Millis, of the College ofEducation.REPORTS OF THE SECRETARYThe following reports have beenmade by the secretary of the Asso­ciation to the president and theexecutive committee:THE ANNUAL ELECTIONPresident of the Alumni Association:Dear Sir: Your committee, com­posed of Theodore B. Hinckley, '04,and Frederick Bramhall, '02, has can­vassed the votes cast in the annualelection and finds the followingresult :President-Warre'n P. Behan, '94, d'97,Ph.D., '99.First Vice-President-George E. N ew­comb, '96.Second Vice-President-Elizabeth Cool­idge, '96.Third Vice-President-Harold Swift,'07.Secretary-Harry A. Hansen, '09.M embers of the Executive C ommittee­Donald Richberg, 'OI; Roy Keehn,'02, and Stacy Mosser, '97.Members of the University Congrega­tion, I909- I9Bachelors-Henry A. Gardner, '68 ;Walter Abbott, '96; Edwin P.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 367Brown, '96; Emily Fogg Meade,'97; Marjorie Benton Cooke, '99;Charlotte Teller Johnson, '99 ;Frank L. Tolman, '99; JosephineT. Allin, '99; Edith Capps Sham­baugh, '97; Herman von Holst,'93.Doctors of Law and Bachelors ofLaws-F.rederick Baird, '08; Wil­liam J. Matthews, '08; Forest G.Smith, '05; George E. Walter,'06; George Perrin, '06.Bachelors of Divinity-Roy W. Merri­field, '06 ; R. S. Walker, '92;Bruce Kinney, '97; Clarence B.Antisdel, '92; Asa Ballard, '88.Masters of Arts, Philosophy, andScience-Mary L. McClintock, '92;Ida Carothers Menriam, '05; Ed­mund K. Broadus, '00; Dudley W.Day, '94; Ernest G. Dodge, '95.June I2, I909THE ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETINGThe annual business meeting ofthe University of Chicago AlumniAssociation was held in HutchinsonHall on June IS, 1909, at 8 o'clock.President John F. Hagey, '98, pre­sided.The president announced that theannual report of th e secretary wouldbe printed in the University of Chi­cago Magazine.The president read the report ofthe committee on the annual election.Burt Brown Barker, '97, presentedthe report of the Committee on Re­vision of the Constitution, composedof Mr. Barker and George O. Fair­weather, '07. and moved its adop­tion. The motion was carried.Mr. Barker moved the adoption ofthe following resolution:'WHEREAS, We understand that theother alumni associations of the Uni­versitv of Chicago, namely the LawAssociation, the Divinity Alumni As­sociation and the Association of theDoctors of Philosophy, are desirous oforganizing an Alumni Council inwhich all the various alumni associa­tions shall have representation, andWHEREAS, 1t is proposed to delegateto said Alumni Council all the powernecessary to organize and carry on anyand all lines of work of interest toall the alumni of the University ofChicago, including the power to raisefund s for said work, andWHEREAS, We believe that the organ­ization of such an Alumni Council isdesirable : now therefore be itResolved, by this Association in itsannual meeting assembled, That the president and secretary of this Asso­ciation be, and the same hereby areinstructed, authorized, and empoweredto co-operate with the representativesfrom the other alumni associations ofthe University of Chicago in the for­mation of an Alumni Council; thatsaid president and secretary be, andhereby are, instructed, authorized, andempowered to delegate to saidAlumni Council such powers of thisAssociation as shall in their discretionseem fit and necessary for the completeorganization and operation of saidAlumni Council; that to these endssaid president and secretary be, andthey hereby are instructed, authorized,and empowered to enter into sucharticles of agreement, confederation,constitution, rules, by-laws or anyother form of organization and opera­tion of such Alumni Council. Be itfurtherResolved, That as an Association wepledge our hearty support and co­operation to the proposed AlumniCouncil and its officers.The motion was carried. Thebusiness meeting adj ourned to giveway to the' programme of toasts.June I6, I909REPORT ON ALUMNI DAYPresident of the Alumni Association:Dear Sir: I present herewith thereport of expenditures and receiptson Alumni Day, June IS, 1909:EXPENDITURESUniversity Press, Printing..... $25.65University Press, 300 CircularLetters .Maroon Press, Printing .W. H. Hole, Refreshments.... 1.00F. R Stapp, Orchestra 12.00Men's Commons, 232 Plates at$.75 174.00Reynolds Club, Rooms and TwoAttendants .Reynolds Club, Cigars and Cig-arets 2.90N. Rubinkam, Ticket Seller 1.50Y. Appel, Ticket Seller 1.50Stationery and Postage........ 1.00Total ..............•.... $233.80RECEIPTS179 Tickets at $1.00 $179.0048 Tickets Sold at InformationOffice 44.50Cash advanced 10.30Total $.233.80Five complimentary dinners wereserved. 1·753·509·00H. A. HANSEN,SecretaryJune I7, I909NEWS FROM THE CLASSES[News items for these columns should be sent tothe class secretary-reporters, whose names aregiven at the head of the news from each class.Death notices and engagements and wedding an­nouncements should be se It direct to the Editors.]1876DR. JOHN E. RHODES100 State StreetLily Gray is librarian of theSpokesman-Review, Spokane, Wash.1881GEORGE WARREN HALL162 Washington StreetJohn H. Higby is a clergyman atLancaster, Pa. His address is 741E. Chestnut St.1882FRANCIS HUMBOLDT CLARKSII-SI4, II2 Clark StreetCharles S. Brown is in the hard­ware business at Oakes, N. D.1886LINCOLN M. COYUnity BuildingFrank J. Walsh is a salesman andlives at 1138 Benson Ave., Evanston,Ill.1894WARREN P. BEHAN153 LaSalle StreetMarion E. Hubbard is on thefaculty at Wellesley College, Welles­ley, Mass.1895JENNIE K. BOOMER6025 Monroe AvenueJohn Le May is manager of theLe May Brothers Co., grocers, withoffices at 707 Lemcke Bldg., Indian­apolis, Ind. languages in the Broadway HighSchool, Seattle, Wash. His addressis 5512 Fifteenth Ave., N. E.Charlotte Cipriani is teachingFrench in Central High School, Kan­sas City, Mo.William L. Mercer is principal ofthe high school at Rochester, Minn.Arthur Minnick is second assistantexaminer of the U. S. patent officeat Washington, D. C.R. Burton Opitz, S.M., '02, hasbeen appointed head of the depart­ment of physiology in the Collegeof Physicians and Surgeons at Co­lumbia University.1898MRS. CHARLOTTE CAPEN ECKHARTKenilworth. Tll.JOHN FRANKLIN HAGEY252 E. Sixty- third PlaceGleason A. Dudley is a lumbermerchant at Walthill, Neb.George S. Pomeroy has beenspending his vacation in the South atAugusta, Ga., and Hot Springs, Va.He is in the manufacturing businessat 230-236 Franklin Ave., in the firmof Pomeroy Bros The South ShoreCountry Club is his city home.William L. Richer is teachingphysics and mathematics in the LosAngeles, Cal., Polytechnic HighSchool.1899JOSEPHINE T. ALLIN4805 Madison AvenuePERCY B. ECKHARTFirst National Bank BuildingFrederick Brown is now in Wash­ington state where he intends to18Q6 locate on a ranch.MRS. AGNES COOK GALE Perry M. Byram is clerk in the U.5646 Kimbark A\ enue S. land office at Camden, Ark.DR. JOSEPH E. RAYCRaFT Charles B. Dirks is living at 5832The University Ingleside Ave.John H ulshart is a banker at Char 1 es Verner Drew has just re-Farmingdale, N. J. turned from London. He is engagedVictor O. Johnson is practicing law as a mining engineer with the Cerroin Pawnee, Okla. He is married and de Paco Mining Co., with offices inhas four children. N ew York City.1897 Lola Marie Harmon is associateEFFIE A. GARDNER supervisor of practice at the State36 Loomis Street Normal School, Oshkosh, Wis.Arthur E. E. Beers is at present Pearl Louise Hunter (Mrs. W. J.occupied as a rancher at Merced, Cal. Weber) has been tendered a positionFrederick E. Beckman is teaching as librarian and instructor in Willa-368NEWS FROM THE CLASSESmette University. Her address isCanby, Ore.W i1liam P. Lovett has recentlygone to Boise City, Idaho, as pastorof the leading Baptist church of thatcity. His address is 410 Tenth St.,Boise City, Idaho.Winifred M. Williams is teachingin the Oregon Agricultural College,Corvallis, Ore.1900MARGARET MARIA CHOATEBartholamew-Clifton School, Cincinnati, O.CHARLES S. EATONI07 Dearborn StreetHelen Van Etten Chase is teach­ing the commercial branches in thehigh school at Urbana, Ill.Joseph c. Ewing was recentlyelected city attorney of Greeley, Colo.He defeated the present incumbentwho has held the office fourteenyears.Prescott S. Heald is pastor of theEast Park Baptist Church at Decatur,III.Richard B. Marshall has recentlymoved from Mt. Carroll to Kanka­kee, Ill.Alice E. Radford will teach nextyear at St. Mary's Hall, Faribault,Minn. Her present address isPrinceton, Ill.Ben] am in Samuels is practicinglaw in Chicago. His address is4112 Indiana Ave.IgorARTHUR EUGENE BESTOR571I Kimbark AvenueMary Judson Averett lives at 410West 148th St., New York City.George Brunson, A.M., is teachinghistory in Mississippi College atClinton, Miss.William F. Eldridge is ranching atOverton, Neb.Vernon T. Ferris is with Ginn &Co., publishers. He is stationed atLafayette, Ind.George W. Kretzinger and wifehave returned from a short trip toCalifornia.Sara Elizabeth N orcross- Joneslives at 1706 North Market, Wichita,Kan.Laura E. O'Brien resides at 4558Prairie Ave.Ralph H. Rice is on the board ofsupervising engineers of the Chicago Traction Co. He lives at 5339 Mad­ison Ave.Abbie L. Simmons is now professorof English at the State AgriculturalCollege of North Dakota.Gerald M. W. Teyen is engagedin farming at Willowbar, Okla.Howard S. Young is practicinglaw in Indianapolis, Ind.Herbert P. Zimmermann's addressis 55 Astor St. He. is with the R. R.Donnelley & Sons Co.1.<)02L. HAZEL BUCK EWINGBloomington, Ill.FRED. D. BRAMHALLThe UniversityWilliam A. Averill is exchangeteacher of English from the Car­negie Foundation for the Advance­ment of Teaching in Cassel, Ger­many.Margaret Baker is head of theEnglish department of the Evanston,Ill., Classical School.Linn Bevan lives at Atlanta, Ill. Atpresent he is engaged in hydraulicengineering and water power workin Colorado and Texas. ILaura E. Bronson is now Mrs.William A. N unlist and resides at347 Frederick St., San Francisco,Cal.Hal A. Childs is practicing medi­cine at Creston, Ia.Samuel N. Harper has beenawarded the political science fellow­ship at Columbia University over along list of competitors for thehonor.Roy D. Keehn has been appointedby William Randolph Hearst generalcounsel and attorney for all of hisinterests in Chicago. The appoint­ment took effect June I.Loullyn Rogers is now Mrs.Charles R. Shacketon and lives at320 Forty-first St.Charles H. Scherf, S.M., is teach­ing at Elizabeth, N. J.Harriet Shirk is now Mrs. RodneyWells and lives at Marshaltown, Ia.She recently moved from Mt. Car­roll, Ill.Eugene H. B. Watson, ex, is lo­cated in Philadelphia, Pa. His busi­ness address is 308 Chestnut Street.Philip G. Wrightson, lieutenant inthe United States Army, is stationedat Honolulu, Hawaii.370 THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE1903EARLE B. BABCOCK'1 he U niversi tyCharles M. Barker is an automo­bile dealer at Lansing, Mich.Renee B. Stern is cataloguer of thelibrary 0 f Congress, Washington,D.C.19°"'"MARIE EVELYN THOMPSONSurf Street and Evanston AvenueTHEODORE B. HINCKLEYThe UniversityErnest E. Ball is principal of theJefferson High School at Fresno,Cal.William E. Beardsley holds thechair of modern languages in Whit­worth College, Tacoma, Wash.William H. Bryan is teachingchemistry and geometry in the highschool at Palo Alto, Ill.Joseph S. Caldwell, A.M., is inthe department of biology at Pea­body College, University of N ash­ville, Nashville, Tenn.Milton Sills is under 'contract withBelasco, and is appearing in "TheHappy Marriage."Ethel Jean Luke, ex, may be ad­dressed at 716 West Edwards St.,Springfield, Ill. She is teaching Latinin the high school.Emma Metheny McFarland is mis­sionary to the Kiowa-Apaches, atApache, Okla.Wanda M. Pfeiffer is assistant inthe department of botany at theUniversity.Mary E. Robb, Ph.M., teachesLatin in the high school of Belling­ham, Wash.Elizabeth Ware is dean of womenat 'the Morehead State NormalSchool, Morehead, Minn.1905HELEN A. FREEMAN5760 Woodlawn AvenueCLYDE A. BLAIRClearmont, 'Vyo.Mary H. Curtiss is principal of thehigh school at Crown Point, Indiana.Helen J. Holzheimer is now Mrs.Leo. H. Heimerdinger and lives at4910 Vincennes Ave.George Schobinger is on the boardof supervising engineers of the cityof Chicago.Beverly O. Skinner is superintend­ent of schools at Athens, Ohio. Vivian B. Small, A.M., has beenrecently elected president of LakeErie College, Painesville, Ohio.1906HltLEN RONEYFullerton Place, Waterloo, IowaF. R. BAIRDOmaha, Neb.Martin E. Anderson was recentlyordained to the Presbyterian minis­try at the Second Church, MichiganAve. and Twentieth St. The Rev.John Balcom Shaw conducted theceremonies.Bertha Bain has changed her ad­dress from 4337 Oak St., to 120 E.Forty-third St., Kansas City, Mo.Wade C. Barclay is pastor of theSt. John's M. E. Church, 200 S. St.Louis Ave.Sophia L. Bodler is teaching Ger­man and French in the high schoolat Corsicana, Texas.John N. Davis, A.M., is superin­tendent of schools at Stevens Point,WisRobert S. Denney is a physicianand surgeon at St. Luke's Hospital.Arnold Dresden's address has beenchanged to 40 Scott St.James D. Magee, A.M., is instruc­tor in mathematics at the KansasState Agricultural College, Man­hattan, KanElla R. Metsker has changed heraddress from 834 S. PennsylvaniaAve., to 1439 Gilpin St., Denver,Colo.Mary S. Sanders is teaching in theMission School, Colegio Palmore,Chihuahua, Mexico.Welthy Stephen has moved from1498 E. Ravenswood Park Ave. to1624 Pemberton Ave.Alfred A. Strauss is interne at theMichael Reese Hospital, Chicago.r907EDITH B. TERRY6044 J efferson AvenueW. E. WRATHERCare Gulf PiPf Line, Be umont, Tex.Jacob F. Casebeer is superintend­ent of schools at Mt. Carroll, Ill.Lydia K. Chapman, ex, haschanged her address to 2604 Dun­keld Place, Denver, Colo.Mary Stevens Compton now re­sides at 333 Sixteenth St., Toledo, O.Arthur L. Hooper, ex. is situatedin the Peyton Bldg., Spokane, Wash.NEWS FROM THE CLASSESClarence F. MacN eille now residesat Riverside, IiI. He is employedwith N. W. Halsey &. Co., 102 Mon­roe St.Clarence A. McBride is corre­spondent for the W. C. Kern Co.,21 E. Madison St.1908ELEANOR C. DAY810 Oakwood AvenueWilmette, IIIStella Anderson may be reachedthrough the general delivery at Bir­mingham, Ala.Hamilton C. Badger, ex, is teach­ing physics and chemistry in Poca­tello, Idaho.Charles E. Decker, A.M., is in­structor in geology at N orthwestemUniversity.James H. Gagnier lives at 367Logan Ave., Milwaukee, Wis.Nellie 1. Isbell is teaching at Co­lumbus, Neb.Jacob M. J ohlin is a student at theUniversity of Berlin. His addressis lIO Uhland St., Berlin, Germany.Ruth Porter has accepted a posi­tion in the high school at Piqua, O.Agnes B. Powell lives at 145 PearlSt., Kalamazoo, Mich.Charles C. Staehling is teachingeconomics and commercial geographyat the Oklahoma University Prepara­tory School, Tonkawa, Okla.Earl C. Steffa has changed his ad­dress from Colorado City, Colo., toBox 326, Goldfield, Colo.N ora Stevenson is teaching atThornton, Ill.Helen Sunny has been making anextended visit with friends in theeast.George J. Ulrich, ex, has been inBiscay, Minn., during the winter andspring.ENGAGEMENTS'00. Michael F. Gallagher, ex, ofChicago to Eleanor Collier Garrigue,'oS, of Berkeley, Cal.'10. George A. Funkhouser, Jr.,ex, to Hazel Mearick, of Dayton,Ohio. Mr. Funkhouser is at presentpaying teller of the Winters N a­tional Bank of Dayton.MARRIAGES'98. Angeline Loesch to Dr. Rob­ert Elliott Graves on June 30 at 371Wildwood, Spring Lake, Mich. Athome after November I at 52 HazelAve., Chicago.'99. William Franklin Moncreiff,Ph.D., '00, to Jessie Rutherford, atthe Methodist church in Gallatin,Tenn.'00. Bertha Barnet to Dr. GeorgeW. Beach, on December 3, 1908.Mr. and Mrs. Beach reside at Bing­hamton, N. Y.'00. Ida Theresa Hirschl toCharles Edward Russell,· in Chicago,July 5.'02. Philip Graeme Wrightson toQuanita Hardway, on June 2, atSt. Andrew's Cathedral, Honolulu.'04· Sanford A. Winsor to BessieMarie Carroll on Tuesday, May I I,in Chicago.'04. Edith May Simpkin to EricBattiscombe in September, 1908.Mr. Battiscombe is deputy medicalofficer of His Majesty's prison atManchester, England.'05. Dr. Frederick Adolph Speikto Edith Charlotte Lawton, on June19, in Chicago.'aS. Dr. Ernest W. Miller toDonna Lucille Phillips of Ypsilanti,Mich., on June 21, at Norway, Mich.At home after October I at Norway,Mich.'07. George Owen Fairweather toNellie Dieter at the Woodlawn Pres­byterian Church, June I. HarryHarper, ex-'08, and Robert L. Alli­son, '00, acted as ushers.'08. Tames H. Gagnier to CleoraE. Davis, »s. on June 30 at BayView Church, Milwaukee, Wis.'09. Alva \Al. Henderson, ex, toIrene Sophie Thomas, on June 21, atColorado Springs, Colo.'TO. Frank O'Brien, ex, to TheoLeonard, ex-lr t, on June 29, at theWoodlawn Baptist Church, Chicago.'ro. Dewey Sheldeon Beebe, ex,to Elsie Margaret Thomas, on June30, .at 6500 Ellis Ave, Chicago.'II. Karl Herman Schmidt toLucile Holt on April 5 in Chicago.DEATHS'73. Daniel H. Drake died Feb. 23,1908, at Delevan, Ill.'88. William B. Mathews died re­cently in the east.THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINELITERARY NOTES"THE GLORY OF THE CONQ!!ERED"University of Chicago readers willbe grateful to Susan Glaspell forthese observations, to which shemakes one of her characters in herbook, The Glory of the Conquered,give expression:She was beginning to feel what itwas for which the University of Chi­cago stood. I t was not "college life,"all those things vi tal to the under­graduate heart, which this universitysuggested. She fancied there mightbe things the undergraduate wouldmiss here; she was even a little gladher own college days had been spentat the smaller school. As she stoodlooking about at building upon build­ing she had visions, not of boys andgirls singing their college songs, butof men and women working their waytoward truth. She looked from onered roof to another, and each buildingseemed to her a channel throughwhich men were working ahead to thelight. It was a place for research, forstriving for new knowledge, for clear­ing the way.Furthermore the book must com­mend itself to every college man andwoman for the author's keen appre­ciation of the painstaking, unremit­ting search for new truths that isbeing carried 011 every day in thelaboratories, unheralded and un­known. To all who read it therewill also come the wider appeal ofthe great unselfish love of a girl offinely developed, artistic sympathies,for a physician who goes blind whileat work in the university labora­ter ies. The story of her sacrificesfor him make up the bulk of whatis an exceptionally powerful novelamong spring fiction. Miss GlaspeUat one time took work in Englishat the University. This, her firstbook, is published by Frederick A.Stokes Co.CAPTAIN MAHAN'S BOOKCaptain A. T. Mahan enters a newfield with his most recent book, TheHarvest Within, a series of "thoughtson the life of a Christian." Theauthor of The Influence of SeaP ower and numerous other booksdealing with naval history gives inthis volume the observations that have come to a man who has alwaysacted righteously in the combat oflife, and who records experiences inreligious thought that may benefitothers. I t is a collection of scat­tered thoughts, in orderly arrange­ment, on the mystical relation of theindividual life of the Christian man,and the corporate life of the Chris­tian church, to the life of God inJesus Christ. Captain Mahan'schapter topics are "Power,", "Like­ness," "Intercourse," "Fulfilment,"and "Hope." An address entitled"The Practical in Christianity" isincluded in the volume. Little,Brown & Co. are the publishers.Berthold Louis Ullman, '03, Ph.D.,'08, has published a monograph ofsixty-four pages on The I dentifica­tion of the Manuscripts of Catullus.BOOKS RECEIVEDBel, the Christ of Ancient Times.By Hugo Radau. The Open Court Pub­lishing Co., Chicago.Charles W. Eliot, President of H ar­vard University, May 19, I869-May I9,I909. By Dr. Eugen Kuehnernann,professor of philosophy at the Univer­sity of Berlin, Breslau. Houghton,Mifflin & Co., Boston, Pp. 84. s 1.00net.The Harvest Within; Thoughts onthe Life of a Christian. By A. T.Mahan, D.C.L., LL.D. Little Brown &Co., Boston. Pp, 280. $1.50 net.The Wars of Religion in France:I 559-I 576. By James Westfall Thomp­son, Ph.D., Associate Professor ofEuropean History in the Universityof Chicago. The University of ChicagoPress, Chicago. Pp. 666, 8vo. $4.50net. $4.84 postpaid.The Glory of the Conquered. BySusan Glaspell. Frederick A. StokesCo., New York. Pp. 376. $I.50.The Fragments of Empedocles. ByWilliam Ellery Leonard, Ph.D., of theUniversity of Wisconsin. The OpenCourt Publishing C:o., Chicago.MAGAZINE ARTICLESThe Biblical World (June, 1909)."Exploration and Discovery; TheTeima Stone," by Professor Edgar J.Goodspeed, d'97, Ph.D., '98.The Journal of Political Economy(June, 1909). Book review by VictorJ. West, '05.The Classical Journal (June, I909)."The Mutual Intelligibility of GreekDialects," by Robert J. Bonner, Ph.D •.'04.PATRONIZE THESE ESTABLISHMENTSCLASSIFIED INDEX TO OUR ADVERTISERSAuto LiveriesCoey Auto Livery Co., 1710 Indiana Ave.,p. 38BanksIllinois Trust and Savings Bank, 237 LaSalle St.,p. 30Woodlawn Trust and Savings Bank, 451 E.63rd St., p. 30Western Trust and Savings Bank, La Salle andAdams Sts., inside back coverHibernian Bank, 122 Monroe St., p. 3 IBaths and Barber ShopsR. P. Adams, 480 E. 63rd St., p. 40The Saratoga Barber Shop, 161 Dearborn St.,p. 40Books and PublishersCallaghan & Company, 114 Monroe St., p. 14A. Kroch & Company, 26 Monroe St., front iThe System Co., 151 Wabash Ave., p. 26Samuel A. Bloch, 679 N. Oakley Ave., front iIllinois Book Exchange, 214 S. Clark St. and518� East 55th Street, p. 15Laird & Lee, 263 Wabash Avenue, p. 15Business OpportunitiesMag azme Circulation Co., 269 Dearborn St.,front viCarpenters and MasonsS. M. Hunter & Co., 5643 Jefferson Ave., p. 25Cement Roofing and Steam Pipe CoveringsThe PhIlip Carey Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, p. 7Cleaners and DyersThe Woolry, 393 Ogden Ave., p. 12Clothiers (Men's)Brooks Clothes Shop, 138 E. Madison St., p. 27Frank W. Baker, 334 East 63rd St., p. 5Clothiers (Women's)Hellesoe-Streit Co., 181 Michigan Ave., front vChas. A. Stevens & Bros., 109- I 15 State St.p.2.CoalDow, Carpenter Coal Co., 446 E. 63rd St., p. 39Commission MerchantsGaribald i & Cuneo, S. Water and Slate Sts., p. 4CorsetsThe Wade Co., 34 Washington St., p. 37DairiesThe Bowman Dairy Co., 422 I State St., p. 34Delicatessen and BakeryHolmes, 404 E. 61rd St., p. 37Desks and Office FurnitureMatlock Co., 33 I Wabash Ave., p. 40The Weis Manufacturing Company, Monroe,Mich, p." 41Drawing MaterialsKeuffel & Esser Co., I I I E. Madison St.,front ivDrugsCentral Drug Co., 100 State St., p. 10L. V. Aehle, cor. 57th St. and Cottage GroveAve., p. 40Alex Calder, 61st and Ellis Ave. p. 10 Dry GoodsCarson, Pirie, Scott & Co., inside front coverMason & Co., 536 E. 63rd St., p. 7EngravingThe Levytype Company, 96 Fifth Ave., p. 40Filing CabinetsSimmons Agency, 206 Cable Bldg., p. 42Floor DressingStandard 011 Company, Chicago, p. 41FloristsA. McAdams, 53d St. and Kimbark Ave., p. 7E. C. Moore, 272 E. 55th St., p. 7FoodsPostum Cereal Company, Battle Creek, Mich.,p. IFursC. Henning, 88 State St., p. 12P. Frenkel, 95 East Washington St., p. 21GlovesThe Fownes Glove, front iThe Perrin Glove, front iHardwareGilbert Wilson & Co., 338 E. 55th St., frontivHattersCharles W. Barnes Co., 161 Wabash Ave.,front vHay & GrainJoseph Fahndrich & Son, 5426 Lake Ave., p. 22Heating ApparatusL. H. Prentice Co., 24 Sherman St., p. 6Heat RegulationThe Johnson Service Co., 93 Lake St., p. 6HotelsBrevoort Hotel Company, Chicago, p. 32Cumberland Hotel, New York, p. 42Grand Pacific Hotel, Chicago, p. 33The Union Hotel, I 17 Randolph St., p. 23The Vendome Hotel, 62d St. and Monroe Ave.,p. 33Welhnzton Hotel, W abash Ave. and "] acksonBlvd:, p. 32 ...Avenue House, Evanston, Illinois, p. 8Ice CreamThompson-Reid Ice Cream Co., roth andIndiana Ave., p. 4Frozen Arts, 286 East 43d sr., p. 8InksCharles M. HiggIns & Co., 271 Ninth St.,Brooklyn, N. Y., p. 39InsuranceMarsh & Me Lennan, 159 LaSalle St ,p. 26North American Life of Toronto, TribuneBldg., Chicago, p. 8 ::�17?�::JEtna Life Insurance Co., 134 Monroe St.,p. 30Laboratory SuppliesWilliam Gaertner & Co., 5347 Lake Ave.,front viiiLadies' TailorsUnity Skirt Company, 209 State St., p. 8joseph Weisbaum, 24 E. Adams St., p. I ICLASSIFIED INDEX TO OUR ADVERTISERS-ContinuedLaundriesFidelity Laundry Co., 684 E. 63d St., p. 37Madison Ave. Laundry, 6018 Madison Ave.,p. IIMachineryPlatt Iron Works Co., Dayton, O,! and 3 I IDearborn St., front vEmpire Candy Flo�s Machine Co., Fisher Bldg.,p. 24Machinists' Supplies and Tools. Samuel Harris & Co., 23 S. Clinton St., p. 24Mechanical and Furniture RepairsUniversal Repair Company, 5509 CottageGrove Ave. and 5623 Jefferson Ave., p. 34MillineryHowieson, 14J Michigan Ave., p. 5MiscellaneousSylvester I. Simon, 14 Quincy St., p. 36Imperial Brass Mfg. Co., 269 S. Jefferson St.,front iiStolz Electrophone Co., 1299 Stewart Bldg.p. 6PhotographyThe University Photograph Shop, 397 E. 57thSt., p. 22Melvin H. Sykes, 70 State St., p. 40PianosStarck Piano Co., 204 Wabash Ave., p. 35PlumbingHulbert & Dorsey, 21 I Randolph St., p. 37Symms Brothers, 1713 Marquette Bldg., p. 16Pool and BilliardsThe Adams Billiard Parlor, 478 E. 63rd St.,P·40State's Billiard Parlor, 213 State St., p. 37PressclippingsArgus Pressclipping Co., 352 Third Ave., NewYork, p. 22Printing PressesMiehle Printing Press Mfg. Co., 14th andRobey Sts, p. 12Provisions and GroceriesMadison Avenue Packing Company, 6309Madison Ave., p. 39Carroll's Packing Hou�e Market, 396 E. 63dSt.,p.6Ackerman Market House, 277 E. 57th St., p. 39O. T. Wall &. Co., 407 East 63d St., p. 36Quarries .The Bedford Quarries Co., 204 Dearborn St.,p. 20Real Estate, Bitter Root Valley Irrigation Co., 100 Wash­ington St., outside back coverRestaurantsKing Yen Lo, 275 Clark St., p. 28The Capitol Tea Room, 209 State St., p. 23The Roma, 146 State St., p. 39Vogelsang's Restaurant, 178 Madison St., p. 23Union Hotel and Restaurant, I 17 RandolphSt., p. 23Clover Lunch Club, 185 Wabash Ave., p., IIR. V. Braiden, 52� E. 55th St., p. 23 St. Hubert English Grill Room, 22 Quincy St.,p. 13Mrs. Clark Co., 185 Wabash Ave., p. I IEllis Cafe, o r st and Ellis Ave., p. 13The Tavern, 163 Washington St., p. 28Loraine Cafe, State and Monroe Sts. p. 29Philip Henrici Co., 108 Randolph St., p .. 29Rubber StampsP. A. Salisbury-Schulz Co., 164 Randolph St.,p.IOSanitariumsBattle Creek Sanitarium, Battle Creek, Mich.,P·3SchoolsIllinois College of Dentistry, Harrison andHonore Sts., p. 9Chicago College of Dental Surgery, 765 W.Harrison St., p. 14Northwestern University Dental School, p. 9Wayland Academy, Beaver Dam, Wis., p. 9The Sheldon School, 209 State St., p. 14U. of C. Summer School, p. 26College of Physicians and Surgeons, Honoreand Congress Sts., p. 34Columbia College of Expression, 700 SteinwayBldg., p. 21College of Education, U. of C., p. 2 IChicago Kindergarten College, 1200 MichiganBlvd., p. 31Frances Shimer Academy, Mt. Carroll, Illinois,pp: 17, 18, 19ShoesDaemicke Brothers, 500 E. 63d St., front viiiKuehl & Buckman, 183 Dearborn St., p. 4Sporting GoodsStall & Dean Mfg. Co., 30 Elston Ave., Chicago,and Brockton, Mass., p. 25Stationers 11$Frank W. Black Co., 332 :5earborn St., p. 27Dunwell & Ford, 171 Wabash Ave., p. 16Steamship LinesFrench Line, 71 Dearborn St., P: 26Goodrich Transit Co., Foot of Michigan Ave,p. 38Surgical InstrumentsW.]. Boehm, 171 E. Randolph St., front ivTailorsMilian Engh, 163 State St., p. 27D. H. Sachen & Co., 134 Monroe St., p. I IIerrems, 131 La Salle St., p. 5Teachers' AgenciesB. F. Clark, Steinway Hall, p. 7Fisk Teachers' Agency, 203 Michigan Ave.,p. 7TelephonesChicago Telephone Co., 203 Washington St.,front 3TobaccoE. Hoffman Company, Chicago, p. 10TypewritersThe Typewriter Exchange, 319 Dearborn St.,p. 13Davies' Typewriter Exchange, 185 DearbornSt., p� 13ITKnow and appreciatethe brain-food strength of Grape-Nuts"There's a Reason"Postum Cereal ce., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A.Men of BrainsC�As·A·STEVE�S & B�os.IWOMEN'S OUTFITTERS.109-115 STATE STREET.TH ROUGH TO WABASH AVE_THE gown and hatsketched hereshow an adaptation ofthe modes of a famoushistoric period, andare even more beauti ...ful and artistic thanthe fashions that in ...spired them,In every departmentof this store, whichhas for its sole -objectthe ideal outfitting ofwomen and children,the same results areachieved in combiningthe practical and beau .:tiful in apparel.'Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-2-A SYSTEM OF HEALTH TRAININGOne great secret of the success of the Battle CreekSanitarium is the ideal -way in -which a thoroughly scieu-• tific and systematic health regime is combined -with -whole­some entertainment and personal attention to the needs ofeach individual.Health and not disease is contagious at the Battle CreekSanitarium. Visitors td this great health university learnho-w to live in harmony-with Nature'sla-ws - ho-w to get -welland keep -well- ho-w to live an efficient, healthful life. Lessonsare absorbed rather than studied, and the cheery atmosphere andfascinating environment make health education a constant delight.At the Sanitarium there is abundant opportunity to rest or to be entertained. Itsfacilities for caring for the sick or for toning up the tired body are unequalled- baths of all kinds, skilled attend­ants, trained nurses, appetizing foods, the caloric diet system, swimming pools with trained instr-uctors, gymna­sium, open-air sleeping arrangements, massage, vibration and Swedish exercises, thirty attending phvsiciane.Write for the handsome illustrated SOUVENIR PORTFOLIO. Contains 60 photographic view ••Will be mailed FREE ON REQUEST. Address Box 20,THE. SANITARIUM. BATTLEYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentst\Custom Made ShoesFor Men"Your feet are your best friends"The above strictly college design is ourhit of the season, and is made in Tan,Dull Calf and Patent, at $4.00For exclusive dress we submit the abovein Dull Calf and Patent, at $4.00WE make shoes to fit your feet thatare exclusive in design at pricesfrom $5 up.Kuehl & BuckmanSecond Floor .182-184 Dearborn StreetMail orders promptly filled.M Thompson-ReidIce . Cream. CompanyMakes moreGood Ice Creamthan any other the world+++Sixte�nth Street Boulevardand Indiana AvenueGaribaldi& CuneoFRUITSANDNUTSTelephone Central 2330South Water and State Sts.CHICAGOSay "UNIVERSITY OF, CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers MM7The Largest Stock in MEN'S FURNISHINGS South of the Loop :STETSON HATS MEN'S SHOES and PANTS FOWNES GLOVESFRANK W. BAKERFURNISHER and HATTER.ALL AROUND THE CORNER 63rd STREET AND MADISON AVENUE334 EAST 63rd ST. 6306 MADISON AVE.CHICAGOJEWELRY OEPAR TMENT Phone Hyde Park 3196 OPEN. UNTIL 9 P. M.M7STREET AND DRESSHATS141 Michigan AvenueNear Monroe AT ATTRACTIVE 'PRICES DURINGJULY AND AUGUSTHo� About Your ...... . . . Vacation Clothes?We 'Carry Full Lines of Everything for Summer WearFlannels, Homespuns,Tropical Worsteds, and SergesPrices, $30 and $35TW'o Stores:131 LaSalle Street44 Jackson Boulevard JerreDlSTailor for College MenYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments-5- MM,Heat Regu�ationTHE JOHNSON PNEUMATIC SYSTEMTHE RECOGNIZED STANDARDINSTALLED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BUILDINGSCOMPLETE SYSTEMS FOR ALL METHODS OF HEATINGHot Water,Tank RegulatorsReducing Valves for air, water, steamControl of HumidityJOHNSON SERVICE COMPANYH. W. ELLIS, Mgr.Chicago Office, 93 LAKE STREETESTABLISHED 1877L. H. Prentice Co.Engineers and Steam andContractors Hot Waterfor HeatingHot BlastHeating and and. Mechanical VentilatingVentilation ApparatusPower Plants and Power Piping24-26 SHERMAN STREETNear Board of TradeCHICAGOProbably the largest firm of this kind in the world,viz.: exclusively Heating Apparatus, Steamand Hot Water that Heats. MM5 Do You HearWelliThe Stol� Electropholle- A. New,, SclentlBa alld.P'_ctlcalIDventlon fop thOle who are Deaf or PartiallyDeaf-IUT NOW BE TESTED IN TOUR OWN' HOME. 'Deaf or partially deaf people ml\Y now make a month's trial ofthe Stolz Electrophone at home. This personal practical teste.erves to prove that t�e device satisfies, 'With east, every.requirement of a perfect hearing device. Write for particularsat once, before the ofter is withdrawn. for bt" thispt.rsonal testplan th� ftnal selection of the one completely satisfactory hear­'Ina aid is made easy and 'inexpensive for everyone.This new Invention, the Stotz,Electr�phone (U. S. Patent No. 163,57$) renders(�:�:��ti�rh:r��!t11�:vi��U:I�tl�r���horns, tubes, ear drums, fans, etc. It Is a__".."..- tiny electric telephone that fits on the earand which, theinstantltls applied, mag·niflts the sound waves in such manner as tocause an astonishing i1:.crease tn the clear­ness ofallsounda. It overcomes the buzz.Ing and roaring ear noises and, also, so con.stantly and electrically exercises the vital partsof the ear that, usually, the natural unlJ.,lded"heaaing itself IS'gradually restored.What Three Bu.IDesa M .... Say.n. Electropb.1DelJ n'1' _UBlaetorl. Being .mall III lis.and great III hrarlD' quanti •• makes It preferableto anI 1 ha,·. tried and, I belleve,l have .trled aUL1!II:t:!Sl� ,,'tbem.. )I. W. HOYT, Wbol ... le GI'OCW. Mlcb·..... ,...�---, � "7 :o:� �1I!f�::�t;:::�:':;th ml �IDrtube and 1fU .. I\-Iled to ttl Ibe Eleetropbon ..After fifteen ,. ..... <of deafa .... dl.Oomfort aDd.. orr, I _. hear perfectll at obUNh and at oon­cert.. W.n.. UTLEY,S&1 .. Mcr.,8. A. Hu, •• llA Co., Chlo*co.1 bave DOw .Ied jou Eleotrophoue 0 .... a,. .... auc11uiow tb&t It I •• ft1'lt-cl .... ,IOleDtUlo bearlq device. Wltbout 1 I ,people bave to .bout ,"_11 In ml OU' to Wltb It,.! O&D heM dl.Unctll wben IpOken to in an ordldUy ton e, Be.t ofall,.'1' flAIl no�Bn)lY BUD 110111."., .blob ",en. tenlbl.IIQI&n.Uollo aWlS W. MAY,CUluel',l00WublDcton8L,Cblcaco. ,Write to. or call (callff you can) at our Chfcago offices for particulars otour oersonal test.offer and list of other prominent endorsers' who willanswer Inquiries. Physlcians·cordlally. invited to Investigate aurists'qpinlons. .Stolz Electrophone CO •• 1299 Stewart Bldg., ChicagoBranch Offices: Philadelphia. Cincinnati. Seattle, Indianapolis, DesMoines. Toronto. Foreign Office: 82.85 Fleet St., London, En�.RESTAURANTS ANDHOTELS SUPPUEDCarroll'sPacking HouseMarketsSuccessor to J. J. HANRAHAN. Wholesaleand Retail Market396 East Sixty-Third StreetTelephone Hyde Park 1091757 West Forty-Seventh StreetTelephone Yards 1673CHICAGOM7I 'Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-6-We manufacture our garments ourselves. Will make from your selection.Bath Robes Kimonos' 50 cts. Pajamas - -(Ladies' and Gentlemen's) 50 cts. Bed Comforters· 50 cts. Tailored Waists •Shirts $1.00 (Hand-stitched edge) 75 cts. (With buttonholes) -Always beautiful assortment of materials. High-class private work.Mason ®. Co,; Dry Goods �3�!t���:flui1ding $1.0050 cts.75 cts,The University of Chicago MagazineCarries more Advertising than any otherpublication of its kind in the United StatesAGENCYTHE FI S K TEACHERSOver 27,000 positions filled203 MICHIGAN AVENUECHICAGOTwenty-sixth yearManagers: HERBERT F. FISK, ERNEST E. OLP, GEORGE T. PALMER, MARION HOLMES, KATE JORDAN HEWETTCircular and membership form sent on application,21st Year'Ohe Clark Teachers'Agency B. F. ClarkChicago Stein'W'a7 HallSpokane, Wash., 225 Peyton Blk Good September vacancies are comingII to us and are being filled every day.Early application secures the maxi-mum benefit. "Do it now."MAGNESIACOVERINGSTHE dividend-earning capacity of a steamplant is greatly increased through theuse of Carey's Coverings on steam pipes,boilers and connections.Carey's Coverings will keep the heat in thepipes-none is lost through radiation and con­densation. They greatly reduce the amountof coal necessary to run the plant, becauseexcessive firing is obviated.Carey's Coverings are not harmed by theexpansion or contraction of pipes or byvibration. They last longer than other cov­erings. They will increase the capacity of theplant by delivering dry steam to the engines.Endorsed and used by the United StatesNavy, War and State Departments. Recom­mended and specified by architects and en­gineers. Recommended by technical institu­tions.Write for catalogue a1zd fu'rther particulars.THE PHILIP CAREY COMPANY6eneral Offices: Sta. R, CINCINNATI, 0., U. S. A.BRANCHESIn all large cities through­out the 'United StatesCanada and Mexicc fActORIESLO(ikland" OhioHamilton, OntoPlymouth Meeting, Pa.1\15 OrchidsSweet Peas'R_osesPhoneHyde Park 18 cA. 8VIccAdam53d Street and KimberkAsienue FloristE. C. MOORE� FLORIST ��Telephone Hyde Park 38272 E. 55th St. ChicagoM5You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-7-Unity Skirt and Suit Company, Advance Styles, 1909One of our Creations, Special to U. of C.,Students and Graduatesonly. We will make to your measure a suit tailored to yourparticular figure at the extraordinary low price of $30'We make you the" most remarkable offer ever given bya high class Ladies' Tailoring Establishment. We havethe best and most skilful tailors for making Ladies' TailoredSuits. We have never made suits of such high class ma­terials for less than $50.00 and you may order your newSpring Suit, of almost any kind of material and save just$20.00.Unity Skirt CompanyLadies' Tailors '506-508 Republic Building, 209 State StreetTelephone Harrison 1612 CHICAGOM THENORTH AMERICAN LIFE• Of TORONTO, a company operating under direct Federalcontrol!Owing to a careful selection of risks, aMOST economicalmanagement, and ahigh rate of interestearned consistent withgilt-edged securities,the Company's finan­cial position today isunexcelled IOur rates are mo­derate, guaranteeshigh, and dividendsthe best yet IWe make a specialtyof University of Chicago Faculty, Students,and Alumni.If not fully covered by Insurance (?) orwishing an agency, kindly communicatewithOEO. E. GARVIN, State ManagerRoom 91:1, Tribune Bldg. CHICAOOMEvanston, Ill.REALCOMFORTCleanliness,Wholesome Cookingand up-to-dateservice atmoderate pricesThe Avenue HouseNORMAN J. ROSSTelephone Evanston 1110Frozen Arts286 East Forty- Third Street�e AfanufactureIce Cream and Fruit IcesTelephone U. Oakland 290MSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-8-t}{orthwestern UniversityCJ}ental SchoolDID. you ever think of studying dentistry with a view to preparing for yourlife's work ? � The services of this profession are more largely in de­mand than ever before in the world's history. The infant and theoctogenarian, the peasant and the multi-millionaire now call for his help.�To obtain the best and highest results for self and patients in this profession, it isnecessary to have a well-developed mind and steady and skillful hands, as well astrained eyes that may quickly discern the true and correct in outline and color.To young men and women who have had a preliminary education equivalent to that 'Obtained in ahigh school course, Northwestern UniversitY Dental School affords excellent facilities for special educationin the science and art of modern dentistry. It has a large staff of experienced, skilled and distinguishedteachers whose didactic, technical and practical instructions are given in spacious halls, well equippedlaboratories and unequalled clinics.A three years' course, each year comprising thirty-two weeks of six days in each week, of actualteaching, leads to the Degree of D.D.S. The next school year begins October 5, 19o9. If you are interestedand desire our literature, kindly address theSECRETARY� NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY DENTAL SCHOOLUnioersiiy c:Building� 87 Lake Street, ChicagoM7WAYLANDACADEMYAffiliated withThe University of ChicagoBEAVER DAM, WISCONSINA co-educational homeschool, with excellentequipment, high stand­ards of work and moder-ate ratesSend for Catalogue toPrincipal EDWIN P. BROWNM5 THEUNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS'OFFERS THROUGH ITSCOLLEGE OF DENTISTRYa splendid opportunity to young men and womento pursue a three years' course of instructionleading to the Doctors' Degree.The college building is modern and com­modiously equipped. Large and well appointedclinic rooms, also Technical, Physical and Chemi­cal Laboratories, complete in every detail.Dentistry presents one of the best opportunitiesfor the practfce of a remunerative vocarlon, be­cause of the relati vely few dentists in comparisonto the num bers engaged in the practice of otherprofessions. The followin1l statistics from thenational COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION willshow:NUMBER OF PERSONS TO EACH MEMBEROF THE PROFESSIONS:Population to one Physician and Surgeon • 576Population to one Lawyer .••••• 665Population to one Dentist •.•••• 2,565For particulars relative to the entrance require­ments and to the next course of instruction, whichopens Oct. 5th, 1909, addressG. W. COOK, B. S., D. D. S., DEANCORNER HARRISON AND HONORE STREETS, CHICAGOM7You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-9-IF YOUR DEALER WILL NOT SUPPLY YOUSend Us 40 cts !��.ne���z�f• Sp i Irna n MIx­ture-the best tobacco you ever smoked. Absolutely pure,:�i�:� fl�;Z;;dd*ound at�<,7,=::=:�I�oBACCOWithout a bite or a regretContains no artificial flavor or glycerine. Most tobaccos do.1% oz., 4oC.; 331 oz., 75C.; %lb., $1.65; 1 Ib.,$3.30prepaidAt most first-class tobacco storesFREE' Interesting booklet "'How to• Smoke a Pipe." Ask for itE. HOFFMAN COMPANY, MFRS. CHICAGOM7VICTOR mORSCH CO.��f.i:ttt, 5��®�FOR SALE EVERYWHERECentral DrugCompanySTATE AND WASHINGTON STREETSDiagonally across from Marshall Field & CompanyVVe car� the largestand best assortmentof Drug Merchandisein the city. Our pricesare the lowest. VVeinvite your inspectionCentral Drug Company M5 Phones' Main 1835. Auto. 6835GENERAL ENGRAVERSAND DIE SINKERSP. A. Salisbury=Schulz CO.Address Dept. A164"166 RANDOLPH ST.CHICAGO, ILL.Rubber and Steel StampsStencils, Burning BrandsBadges, Sea 1 s, BucksPneumatic Rubber StampsMedalsAlex CalderDispensing PharmacistPrescriptions Carefully CompoundedWe can supply every want in thedrug line. We either have it,will get it, or it isn't made. Theplace where drug purity and relia­bility g_o hand in hand with fair prices.Complete line of Stationery. DrugSundries, Candies, Lead Pencils,Pens, Stamps, etc. .'. Ice creamin brick or bulk. Try our fine icecream soda. . . . . . . . .Alex CalderN.E. Cor. G1st St. and Ellis Ave., ChicagoTeleph�ne Hyde Park 283M7Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-10-A TWO PIECE SUITcit $30.00FOR HOTWEATHER IS OUR LEADERFOR THIS MONTHWe produce correct and exclusive styles and cater to individual wantsnot, we invite you to call on us Whether you buy orD. H. SACHEN & CO.Fourth Floor 134 Monroe StreetYOUR LAUNDRYwill receive careful attention and correct workmanship with satis­factory service at Moderate Prices if sent to theMADISON A VENUE LAUNDRYPhone Hyde Park 1009 6018 Madison AvenueLeave Work with Janitor24 East Adams Street Phone Harrison 1772Joseph 'WeisbaumLadies' Tailor(jJ Here you will find at your disposal a select line of Spring andSummer designs. (jJ Special attention is being paid to Universityof Chicago students and alumni.TELEPHONE 2181 CENTRALClover Lunch Club185 Wabash Ave.(North of Adams) The Mrs. Clark Co.LUNCH ROOM7:00 A.M. to 7:30 P.M.Our food is home cooked andwholesome. Our patrons say,"Our bread is especially {\ne."No membership fee to students.Service 11 to 2-5 to 7. Breakfast Dinner SupperSpecial Att�ntion Given to Banquetsand Private PartiesHome Cooking 116 Wabash Ave.and CateringYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-II- M7M7M7M7High ClassFURSc. HENNING86-88 State StreetCHICAGO, ILL.TELEPHONECentral 3S::aS\ 'iNew Life for BLANKETSWE thomuehly clean, revive and renew them andreturn them to you al soft and fteecy a. whennew. q We also make a specialty of Oriental Rup,Carpeta, .steamer RUca, Bath Robea and DownComfortera. q References-any customer who h ..patroni:oedTHE WOOLRV•• Wilt 1795 303 OODEN AVE., CHICAOO"5 Comer 14th and Robey SU.Chicago, Ill.Say "UNIYBRSITY or CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-12- ..TELEPHONE HARRISON 4065The Type�riter ExchangeBRAN,C,H AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE co., INC.Sell, Exchange and Rent New, Rebuilt, and Second-handTypewriting, MachinesALL MAKESA. J. COUSE, MANAGER 319 .. Dearbo_rn Street, ChicagoMsTELEPHONE 2653 CENTRAL AUTOMATIC 7725"Typewriters"ALL MAKES Rented, For Sale and RepairedA FULL LINI;: .,QF TY:P.EWRIT.E.R SUPPLlES AT _Davies Typewriter Exchange3d floor .. 185 Dearborn StreetCJ?.ight c:Across the arIlidcway Watch for Our BulletinsThe Ellis CafeA good, clean, wholesome mealfor Twenty-Five CentsSunday Dinner 35 Cents 6Ist Street near Ellis AvenueOrgan recital during dining hours, Fine view of city and lake-�t. J)ubtrt ctengliub 6rilllL\oom22 Quincy StreetChicagoTop floor Hotel Majestic Tel. Harrison 770, .You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-13-Chicago College of Dental Sur.geryDental Department Valparai80 Univer8ity Is the result of overA Quarter of a Centuryof steady develop­ment.The Regular AnnualCourse of Instruction willbegin about October I.Located in the heart of thegreatest College and HospitalDistrict in the world, with un­limited Clinical facilities, itoffers every needed opportunityto the Dental Student.For Catalogue giving de­tails addressDr. Truman W. Brophy, Dean, 765 W. Harrison St., Chicago, Ill.It Is Worth YourWhileto learn what the Sheldon Schoolcan offer you in training that willhelp you while in college, andenable you to advance rapidly inbusiness when you graduate.Here is what one college man says:"Mr. G. L. Wil.on.Chicago, tu.,Dear Sir: ,"In regard towhat the Sheldon Schoolha. done for me, I can truth"ully .aythat the cour.e and.the .elf-confidenceobtained therefrom linanced my waythroullh collelle laat year, and I amlloinllto return tlti. f�lI with t�e .ame capital.Your. very Iralyl'H. CLIFFORD KIRK,May 27, 1909 Attalla, Ala."A post card will bring you, freeof all obligation, a valuable bookon salesmanship and business.Sheldon School. 1036 RepublicBuilding, Chicago.M7 CALLAGHAN & CO.114 MONROE STREETUsually have For Sale-14,- M5Required inTHEY INVITE YOUto inspect their stockTHE LARGEST generalLAWBOOK SELLERSand PUBLISHERSin AMERICASay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersLAW BOOKS'THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOSTUDENTS are allowed special discountsCALLAGHAN & CO.Law Booksand case books, and miscellaneous books, sets,We carry -the largeststock of students' law, text,and pay best prices for books.etc.:�HAND,.1' • AND NEWSECONDIllinois Book Exchange-Main Office, 214 S. Clark St., Lakeside Bldg. Branch Office: Sl8Yz East 55th St.near Ellis Avenue ..M7LAIRD o LEE'S EDUCATIONAL BOOKS.-r FOR SCHOOLS AND CENERAL USE �The New Standard Speller t�.;::WB;A NEW WORD-BOOK -SOME DISTINGUISHING FEATURESA atmpte system of progressive word-building is observed throughout the enureseries of les80n8.---:-- Beginning with common, easy words of one syllable, the pupili:-\ instructed how to form from these the more dimcnlt words of two, three and foursyllable's appearfng in the more advanced leasonac--e-By this method, the pupil learnst, observe the/orms of words, and as there �re no marks of any kind placed over theIettera, be readily recognizes them as the same when seen in newspapers and books.-The eye is thus trained to note the individual letters that go to make up the words,and to observe the order in wbich they are placed. - The pronunciation is indicatedby marked letters at the top of each group, and by this means is avoided the numer­ous confusing marks that in other spellers so distort the words as to make it diftlcultfor one to recoentee . them M the same words when seen without the marlht-Theprincipal rules of orthography are explained and illustrated in the various Iesaona,and the use of prefixes and suftlxes is 80 clearly shown as to give the �upi1 an elementary, knowledgeor the parts of speech, and prepare the way for an easy eomprehenston and use of the tables of prefixes,suffixes uud stems contained in the supplement.-Wben the pupil is familiar wtf h these, the epelftnga andmeanings of thousands of worde will be readily understood without referring to a dictionary.218 PAGES-BOARDS, ORNAMENTAL COVE&, CLOTH BACK, 25c.LAIRD 8/; LEE'S CREAT SERIES OFNew Standard DictionariesAWARDED HIGHEST HONORS THE WORLD CAN BESTOW. �MEDALS RECEIVEDat all Expositions etcce issued.ADDENDAof about 300 recen t words pertaining tolate dtecovertea in the arts and sciences,makIng the LIBRARY and HIGH SCl;!OOLEditions 840 pages each.LIBRARY EDITION- For Library,HOlne and Ofth.'e. Contains Dfcttonarfes of IMythology t Biography, Geography, Bora­ny.Btblfcaf.Hfstorfca l and cteesteei Names,English Word-BUilding, Rules in Orthog­raphy, Musical. Legal and Medicnl Termsand Symbols, Foreign Phrases, Abbrevia­tions, Metric System, Proofreading' - 13special encyclopcdic features. 900 illus ..2H Jukl-pag'e pta tes , 11 in colors. Btze, 6x8ins. Full flexible lea.ther-, thumb-indexed, !884 pages polished green edges, in a. box, 82.50 .WGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGIATE EDITION - For High Schoqls , Ocllezea and Univer­sities. Conta.ins all epectat departments of Ltbra.ry Edition. 900 Hluatr-at.ions, 24 f'uf l-page plates, six incolors. 840 pa.ges. Size, 6x8 inches. Half leather, thumb-indexed, marbled edges, 81.50STUDENTS' COMMON SCHOOL EDITION - Without Medical, Legal, Mythological andBotanical Dictionaries. 750 pages, H40 Iltueta-attous, 19 .fulf-page plates, two pages colored maps Easternand western Hemtspheres, a fea.ture found in this edition only. 5x7 inches. Black silk cloth, side and backtitles in gold, special rrcntteptece, 75c.INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL EDITION - A new dictionary. Hand composition. New plates.30,000 words. 6.000 Synonyms. Proper nouns indicated by capital initials. Degrees of adjectives, irregularverbs, plura.l of nouns, hundreds of new words. Key to dtecrtttcet marks foot of each page. Signs used inWl'iting- and Typography. Vocabulary words in bold black type. 460 pages. 600 text illustrations. twopages flags of nations in colors. Size, 4�x63:( inches, 1� inches thick. Black silk cloth, title in gold, 50c.ELEMENTARY SCHOOL EDITION - For all Primary Grades. Entirely new plates. Rootwords in bold black type. 450 Hlusta-a.t.iona. Diacritical markings uniform wj�h the other editions. 25,000words and defi.nitions. 384 pages. Black cloth, side and back title in gold, �5c.For�.�s�o:::,t..:������!!��.!.:�You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-15-wqr wnur nf uuy funcnnn uurits. �imtly Utitl1 tl1t quulity nf tnuttattnna uubprngruututts in uae, Dlt furnisl1 tl1t htst tnluutt 'rngrUututtl13JuhituUnUll uu�(!!nlltgt� 1J1ruttrnity� 1!;ulluub 'trl1nuul �tutinutrylIuuUtrll Ult� 1J1nr�171 lIahanq j\ut.f (1!qiraguf lllliuuisSYMMS BROS. INST ALLED THE INGHAM SYSTEM IN LEXING­TON GYMNASIUM, THE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM, ANDTHE PIPING IN THE ZOOLOGY BUILDING.SYMMS BROS.PLUMBINGTELEPHONE CENTRAL 6805J7t3-H MARQUETTE BUILDING CHICAGOSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-16-The Frances Shimer AcademyMount Carroll, Ill.VI0zZ :J0 0iii cr:V'I 0W U.o 00t:C. f-c... cr:w -cc...I-u,-cw 0cr: �:J-c w...J s-ctS ...J«-c cr:'" wZw0. "You willenjoy your-business relations with these establishments'-17-Frances Shimer Academyand Junior College for GirlsCAR R'O L L ,MOUNT ILLINOISREV. WILLIAM P. McKEEDeanCHICAGO TRUSTEES: PRESIDENT HARRY PRATT JUDSON, T. W. GOODSPEED, D. D.;DEAN NATHANIEL BUT.LER, AND W �LLACE H. HECKMANAn ideal home school for girls, three hours west of Chicago;Chicago, Milwaukee, & St. Paul Railway."This institution was founded In I 853.. The old buildings wereburned in 1906 and were reconstructed in the following years. Every­thing now is modern. A campus of twenty-five acres adorned withlawns and great trees and varied landscapes offers exceptional oppor­tunity for outdoor sports.A new college hall is now in process of erection for advancedpupils. This is the fifth large brick and stone building erectedin six years. All buildings have steam heat and electric light.Fourteen different people offered instruction to the one hundredand twenty pupils in the past year.Courses Offered, JUNIOR COLLEGE COURSE, two years. Covering usual freshman and sophomore work, withdiploma.FUL� HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC COURSES, including college preparatory course with Latin,and modern language course with German and French.PHYSICAL CULTURE required of all pupils. Average health is excellent. A competent nurselives with the pupils and teachers.ART, including drawing, painting, and china painting.DOMESTIC SCIENCE, offering a full two-years' course, leading to diploma and fitting pupilsfor teachers.ELOCUTION, including lung gymnastics and scientific breathing.PIANO· under supervision of Emil Liebling, Chicago, who visits the school quarterly and gives arecital and examines the work. �Harmony, Counterpoint, Analysis, History of Music.VOICE, three years course.VIOLIN, three years course.STENOGRAPHY, with typewritin�, fitting pupils for important business positions.The rate is $360.00 for the _year, z'ncluding home and scholastic tuitionBefore you decide that this school is not good enough for your daughter, ask some of the Universitymen and women who have visited it, or, better yet, visit it yourself.For illustrated catalogue, address the Dean, Box 900, Mount Carroll, Illinois. M7Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-18-The Shimer AcademyFrancesMount Carroll, Ill.z�:sILol­e<:sYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentsThe University Buildingsare built of H Old Hoosier tt Stonefrom the celebrated H Hoosier ttQuarry, of the Bedford QuarriesCo., the largest and best quarry ofOolitic limestone in the world.A century hence they will still bea, monument to those under whosedirection they ha ve been erected.The Bedford Quarries CompanyChicago Office: 204 Dearborn Street .New York Office: No.1 Madison AvenueCleveland Office: 818 Euclid AvenueQuarries and Mills: Oolitic,· IndianaSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers>1-20-· The Columbia College of ExpressionSUMMER TERMopens June twenty-secondA thoroughly established College of Expression.Diplomas are issued by authority of the State of Illinois.Pupils are prepared for teaching Reading, Vocal Expression, Oratory, and Literary Interpretation.Professional courses are offered for Public Readers and Public Speakers.Personal training is given which results in the development of the whole man, putting him in pos­session of his personal power, enabling him to find his sphere, and giving him the ability toexpress his highest self.IMPORTANT TO COLLEGE GRADUATESThere is much demand for College graduates who are also graduates of the ColumbiaCollege of Expression, to fill important positions as teachers. To meet this demand specialgroups of courses which can be compassed during a solar year (four terms) are offeredgraduates of universities and of the strongest colleges.,Students entering upon this course at the ope�ing of the summer term, June 22, 1909,can be ready to take a position as teacher of Expressron and English, September, 1910.Classes every day (except Monday) from 9 a. m. to I p. m. Private Instruction afternoons.Visitors welcome.Send at once for bulletin of SUMMER INSTRUCTION.THE COLUMBIA COLLEGE OF EXPRESSION700 Steinway Building CHICAGOStudents Expecting to TeachShould acquaint themselves with the COURSES FOR TEACHERSOffered by THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO1. For the Baccalaureate Degree (Ed.B.)a The General Curriculumb Curricula preparatory to teaching special subjects in secondary and normal schoolsAnyone of the Junior College groups offered in the University may constitute the Junior half of anyoneof these four years curricula. .On completion of one of these cU!rlcula the student wi ll receive the Bachelor's Degree from the College ofEducation. He may arrange hIS work so as to recerve at the same time the degree of A.B., S.B., or Ph.B.e Curricula in Arts and TechnologyOral Reading and Dramatic Art, Music, Drawing and Painting, Textiles,ManualTraining, Modeling SewingEither of the groups in Arts and Technology may lead to the Degree of Bachelor of Education, in whichcase it pre-supposes the completion of one of the] unior College Curricula2. Curricula Leading to Special Certificatesa For Elementary Teachersb For Kindergarten Teachers c For Teachers of Home Economicsd Special Curricula in Arts and TechnologyFull information regarding these courses may be had by applying in person or by letter toTHE DEAN OF THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATIONFifty-ninth St., between Kimbark and Monroe Aves.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments�2I- M7- LA,NTERNMr. Lecturer: SWe make '[HE LBEST lantern slides. Iyery truly yours, DE- SCommercial Dept.UniversityPhotograph Shop397 E. 57th StreetNear KimbarkM5 J OS. Fahndrich& SonHayGrainand Feed5426-28 Lake Ave.Tel. Hyde Park157 CHICAGOM7When in Needof Newspaper information, special articles, or various topics foruse in debates, or research work, consult'Ohe ArgusPressclipping BureauO�to Spengler, Director352 Third Avenue NeW' YorkOur foreign offices will save you trips abroad for researches, andbring all facts to your study.TerDlS$ 3 5 · 00 for 1,000 Clippings$ 20.00 for 500 Clippings$ I 1.00 for 250 Clippings$ 5.00 for 100 Clippings Rates for Debates$ 5 .00 for each topic, unlimitednumber of items, cash withorder.M7Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers--22-R. V. Braiden, Ex: 1 0Commutation Tickets$3'.50 for $3.00Open Until 1 A.M.Short Orders a SpecialtyMEALS AT ALL HOURS522 E. 55th St. Cor. Ellis Ave ..Vogelsang'sRestaurantshows its appreciationof your patronage bythe elegant service itoffers you in return-Banquet Room/or Fraternity DinnersVOGELSANG'S RESTAURANTI78 Madison Street UThe Capitol"TEAROOMFor Ladies and Gentlemen232 REPUBLIC BUILDINGs. E. Cor. State and Adams StreetsLuncheon ;; 1 to 4Table D'Hote Dinner, 5 to 7:30HOME COOKINGA delightful place for ladies unattended to dineMSnion Hotel and RestaurantWill find Restaurants on two floorsWill find a special After-Theatre MenuWill find Splendid ServiceServing Only the Best theMarket AffordsFINEST ORCHESTRA IN THECITYHOLD YOUR FRA TER­NITY AND ALUMNIDINNERS HEREIII-II7 Randolph StreetYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-23- MS�Your#. •Advertisementin. thisPublicationis read by a classof people whoare discriminat­ing; who havemeans to buy;who are open. .to c o nv i ct ro nand can- be ap-pealed to bysound reasoning:who are of acliquenature andtherefore "passa good thingalong;" and whostand for some­thing in the com­munity in whichthey live.M 2000% PROFIT'., _< " •Here's an opportunityy-in a clean legitimatebusiness, to clear 2000% on an investmentof seven cents, dey after day. ..The.EMPIRECANDY FLOSS MACHINEwill do it for you. For fiveyears it- has made this big'money for others at streetfairs, race-tracks, summerresorts or anywhere a crowd,collects. A pound of sugarmakes 30 five-cent packagesof candy floss, which sellslike hot-cakes in a blizzard.If interested ask for cata­log 15.Aak for Special Catalbg forPopcorn, 'Peanut Roasters, IceCream Cone Machines. Allwinners.- EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE CO.Fisher Building Chicago, Ill.. M7SAMUEL.HARRIS & .CO.MACHINISTS' ANDMANUFACTURERS'SUPPLIES23 and 25 S. Clinton St.CHICAGOTOOLSANDM7Say "UNIVERSITY 'OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersAFTER THE FIREwe uiill radjust your loss and doyour repairs completelys. M. HUNTER & CO.5643-45 Jefferson AvenueCarpenters : Plasterers : Masons�Telephones: Office, Hyde Park 1318Hunter, Residence, Hyde Park 2171Holt, Residence, Midway 1761New Work: Alterations: Repairs: Remodelin; I�We make a complete line ofAthletic Goods and we givethe best possible article forthe price upon every numberSTALL & DEAN MFG. CO.CHICAGO, ILL. BROCKTON, MASS.M7You will enj oy your business relations with these establishments-25-Marsh & McLennanINS U R A/N C Ein all its Branches159 La Salle Street, Chicago54 Wili:am Street, New York123 Bishopsgate Street, LondonNEW YORK TO PARIS IN SIX DAYSFRENCH LINESAFETY SPEED :: COMFORTVIA HAVRE TO PARIS, THE CITY BEAUTIFULFast Trains to All Continental PointsCompagnie GeneraleTransatlantiqueGigantic twin screw express steamers sail everyThursday, IO A.M. They are modern wonders; with allconveniences and luxuries of most palatial hotels, oneven grander scale. Passenger elevators, roof cafes,orchestras, famous cuisine, gymnasium, daily news­paper, elegant suites, provide greatest comfort. Navalofficers, man-of-war discipline, wireless telegraphy,submarine bell signal system afford every provision forabsolute safety.La LorraineLa ProvenceLa Savoie . April 8ApriL15April 22 La Touraine April 29La Lorraine" May 6La Province May 13Special On ... el .... Cabin Service (II class)$40 to $60, alternate Saturdays, on new, largetwin screw and express steamers.New Y ork.Bordeaux Service (one class cabin)only $40 and $50.TelephoneCentral 5232 MAURICE W. KOZMINSKIGeneral Western Agent71 Dearborn St.MM The University of ChicagoOffers 425 courses by 200 in­structors for the SummerQuarter inThe Graduate SchoolsOf Arts and Literature,Ogden School of Science:The CollegesUndergraduate Collegesof Arts, Literature andScience.The Professional SchoolsDivinity, Law, Medicine,and Education.The Summer Quarter is one of the regular quartersof University work. The courses are the same incharacter, method, and credit value as in other partsof the year.1st Term June 21.July 28. 2nd Term July 29·Sept.3(Autumn Quarter begins October r)Detailed information on request.The University of ChicagoChicago, lIIinoiaMWill you accep_! thisbusiness book if we............. .....send it free?Sign and mail the coupon below. Send no money!Take no risk.One hundred and twel ve of the world's master busi­ness men have written ten books-e-a.osc pages-I,497vital business secrets. ideas, methods. In them is thebest of all that they know about-e-Purchastng =-Salesmanshlp -Positlon-Gettini'-Credits -Advertisin2' -Position-HoldillC-Collections -Correspondence -SellinR' Plans-Accountln2' -Man· Handlini' -Handlini' Customers-e-Cost-keeptng -Man·Traininir -Business Generalship-e-Organtaatton -Office Systems -Competition Fighting-Retailinsc -c-Short- cuts and and hundreds and hun-- wholesaling Methods for every dreds of other vital bust--1.t:anufacturinlZ' lineanddepartment ness subjects.A 9.059-word booklet has been published describing, explaining,picturing the work. Pages 2 and 3 tell about managtng businessesgreat and small: pages 4 and 5 deal with credits, collections andwith rock-bottom purchasing; pages 6 and 7 with handlmg andtraining men; pages 7 to 12 with salesmanship, with advertising,with the marketing of goods through salesmen, dealers and bymail; pages 12 to 15 with the great problem of securing the highestmarket price for your services-no matter what your line; and thelast page tells how you may get a complete set-cbound in hand­some half murocco, contents in colors-for less than your dailysmoke or shave, almost as little as your daily newspaper.WalJlou I-ead the book if fill send it/1"eelSend no monejl. Simply rim the coupon.The SYltem Co., 151.153 Wabash Ave., ChicaP.If there are, in your books. any new ways to Increase my bus­iness or my salary. I should like to know them. So send onyour 16-palirc free descriptive booklet. l'U read It. 247-6Nam'e_· __Ad�s,� ·1Busm'-�� _PositionSay "UNIVERSITY.OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers--26--..BROOKS CLOTHESTHE STUDENT MAY JU�y BE CALLED" GENTlEMEN'SCLOTHES"ATTRACTIVE AND SEDATE,CLEVER, BUT NOT OFFEN­SIVE, ORIGINAL AND YETIN GOOD FORM. NONEOTHER POSSESS THEIRDIGNITIES.OUR PRICES$20 to $35BROOKS CLOTHES SHOP138 E. MADISON ST. OPPOSITE LA SALLEM7II AM MAKINGSUITS OF �THE BETTERGRADE FORYOUNG MEN. MYPRICES WILL PLEASEYOU. �������Milian Engh(Mentor)Building163 State Street ChicagoM7 "Blac-Ko" Ink Pencils"Blac-Ke" Lead Pencils"Blac-Ko" Loose LeafMemorandum Books"Blac-Ko" Loose LeafLedgers"Blac-Ko" Carbon PaperASK FOR "BLAC-KO" BRANDAt the Pre ..Furs Made to Orderand Storedat very LOWRATES now.Old Furs andSeal Garmentsremodeled tolook like new.We call and De­liver.Wi l l give thebest of Refer­ences.P. FRENKEL :��:ERLYeHAS. A. STEVENS & BROS.Room 43, 95 E. Washington St.PHONE CENTRAL 4051You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments M7M2nd Floor,Entrance277 ClarkStreetN.E.CornerClark &Van BurenStreetsThe first and' only Chinese High-Class Restaurant in the world. Other places copy our ideas.Superior service and cuisine with revised bill of fare at popular prices. A special section of ourdining-room set aside exclusively for ladies.The menu of King Yen Lo now includes Steaks and Chops and all other meats, which areserved in the same high-class character that earned for King Yen Lo its world-wide reputation asa Chinese Chop Sooy Restaurant.Do You Know Joy? He is the only Mandarin Chef in America. His cooking made ourplace famous in the world. Now he is with us again. Kitchen open for inspection. Also delightto show you how to prepare our cooking.Before and After the Play A Special AttentionMr. Ripley's Celebrated Orchestra Every Evening Phone Harrison 4783KingYen Lo COtnpany27S-77-79 Clark St •• ChicagoDine at 163-165 Waahington St.Between LaSalle andFifth AvenueTelephone Main 2644Our Cusiene and Servicesecond to noneSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-28- MM7The Loraine CafeA unique cafeteria catering to people whoenjoy home cooking and who are willing topay a little more for better quality .". . ",Our prices, however, allow you a full mealfor from twenty-five to forty cents ... ·State and Monroe StreetsSecond Floor Entrance on Monroe St.TELEPHONE CENTRAL 821Philip Henrici Co.FANCY BAKERYIDelicacies and Restaurant108-110 Randolph StreetCHICAGOYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-29-IncomeInsuranceprotects you against loss ofincome, doctor's bills, and thelike, if you fall ill or sufferacciden t. Costs li ttle. Claimspromptly paid.Aetna Life InsuranceCompanyof Hartford, ConnecticutGEO. T. FRENCH & SONGENERAL AGENTS134 Monroe Street CHICAGO ILL.Telephone Cent. 3805 DlinoisTrnst&Sa1iIuisBanltCAPITAL AND SURPLUS$l3,200tOOO.OO�_=�x�: ,%,.�La Salle Strpet and Jackson Boulevard, Chicago1 his Bank Loans Exclusively on Collateral,is conservative in its methods and has the larz-est capital and surplus of any savings bank inthe United States.INTEREST-Allowed on Current AccountsCertificates of Deposit, Savings DellositsBond, Foreign Exchange andTrustDepartmentsCORRESPONDENCE INVITEDILLINOIS TRUST SAFETY DEPOSIT Co.SAfE DEPOSIT VAULTSM5Why not get interest on your money?W e pay 3 % on all savings accounts.You do not 'have to spend time intrips to the bank, your account canbe handled equally as well by mail.We also solicit your checking account.Begin today.IInn�lttUtu (Urnst & �ttbtU!lS 1BttUk451 E. 63rd Street (near Woodlawn Ave.)Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-30-Be a Kindergarten TeacherHold a Position of DignityThis is a field that offers more opportunities for the financial,mental, and spiritual advancement of refined young womenthan any other vocation. The work is original, fascinating,womanly, and fits for home or professional life.This college is the largest Kindergarten Training Institu­tion in the United Stales and is furnishing the large majority ofKindergarten Teachers and Supervisors throughoutthe country.A number of our graduates earn from $2.000 to $2,500 annually.Wr ite today for c atalog-ue,We have more calls for graduates than we can supply.The Summer School will open June 21 and con­tinue for ten weeks. Credit will be given whichwill apply on a regular course.MRS. J. N. CROUSE and ELIZABETH HARRISONPrincipalsChicago Kindergarten CollegeChicago1200 Michigan Blvd., Dept. A Overlooking Lake MichiganOLDEST SAVINGS BANK IN CHICAGO ESTABLISHED 1867THE HIBERNIAN BANKS. E. CORNER CLARK AND MONROE STREETSGeneral Banking and Trust BusinessTrust Department .Accepts and executes trusts of all kinds.Real Estate DepartmentBuys and sells real estate on commission; collects rents;manages estates; sells high-grade first mortgages; makesloans on improved real estate.Savings Depositsof One Dollar or more received, on which interest isallowed at the rate of three per cent per annum, com­pounded half-yearly.OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS FROM 6 TO 8 O'CLOCKWE RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YOUR PA TRONAGEYou will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-31- MTheNew Hotel BrevoortChicagoSPECIAL ATTENTION TOAFTER-THEATRE PARTIESThe Twentieth Century Hotel- Absolutely fireproofVISIT THE CJ?.AINBOW ROOMRestaurant Grill Room BuffetUnsurpassed in Appointments and DecorationsMargulie's Orchestra. ARTHUR M. 6RANT , Manager.M5Noted at once for cuisine" service and courtesyTHE WELLINGTON ORCHESTRA.will play from 6:00 to 8:30 and 10:30 to 1:00 o'clockSay "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advert.isers-32-Grand PacificHotel Clark Street andJackson BoulevardChicagoTable UnexcelledPrices ModerateWe lIlake a specialty ofCluh and Fraternity Cj)innersM5THE VENDOME HOTEL===================62d and Monroe Avenue, Chicago, lIIinois---­CONDUCTED ON THE GOOD OLD AMERICAN PLAN-WITH A CUISINE UNEXCELLEDOffers to permanent and transient guestsaccommodations and service such as onlya first-class management can give.Furnishings unsurpassed; 400 rooms, allen suite, and all with private bath.Transportation facilities unsurpassed­Illinois Central Express trains} South SideElevated Express, 6 I st and 63d St. surfacelines-within IS minutes' ride of businessand amusement centers.w. S. SAlTER, PROPRIETORMSYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishmentsThe College ofPhysicians and SurgeonsMedical Department of theU ni versi ty of IllinoisCongress and Honore StreetsChicago, Ill.Collegiate Year-September to JuneCourseThe collegiate year consists of a session of thirty-six weeks. Attendance upon the fullwinter term is required in order to secure credit for a year's work, and attendance uponfour winter terms is required for graduation.Laboratories and EquipD1entA three-story annex to the main building, especially designed and constructed for labora­tory use, is devoted to the departments of biology, pathology, and chemistry; the depart­ments of histology and physiology occupy quarters in the main building. All of theselaboratories have unobstructed outside light.Four YearsInvestigation of advantages cordially invited. Four years' course. Students permitted tospecialize in electives. Completely equipped Laboratories.For Catalogue and Application Blank, addressDR. FRANK B. EARLE, Secretary, Congress and Honore Streets, CHICAGOM7UNIVERSAL REPAIRCOMPANY5509 COTTAGE GROVE AND 5623 JEFFERSON AVE.Sign Painting and Fancy Lettering.Painting and Decorating.House and Room Cleaning and Packing.All mechanical and Furniture Repairs.Nickel Plating. -:- Mirrors resilvered.Skates and Bicycles our specialty.WE REPAIR, RENT. AND SELL THEM We make a Specialty of exterminating insects.FRANK DE GEER, PROP. Drop us a cardM5Call upon us..... Bowman Dairy Company'7:/i1k bottled ,XJ the country:Milk'" Cream · Butter · Buttermilkt Do our wagons serve you?�hy not ��e the best?4221'4229 S"fate Stree-eTelephones at all division offices.�Va1J$to13 .y. Chicago •.• Oak .Park ••.Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers---The--�StarckM5PianoIs considered by all leading artists the BESTUPRIGHT PIANO IN AMERICA, espe­cially noted for its NATURAL SINGINGTONE, GRAND REPEATING ACTIONand GENERAL ENDURANCE.THE ONLY PIANO MADE BEARINGA MANUFACTURER'S GUARANTEE OF25 YEARSTHIS COUPON is valued at $10.00 andaccepted as part of first payment on anew Starck Piano if presented at time ofsale at our warerooms, 204 206 WabashAvenue.P. A. STARCK PIANO CO.Cut this out$IO.OODUE BILLWE WILL SEND YOU A "STARCK"PIANO FREE on IO DAYS TRIALanywhere in the United States, and, if not entirely satis­factory, we agree to take it back at our expense. Cata­logue mailed free upon application.Send us your order to-clayP. A. STARCK PIANO CO.204-206 Wabash Ave. Chicago, U. s. A.You will enjoy your business relations with these establishments-3S_:STAPLE andFANCY GROCERIESCutsChoice of MeatsFish, Poultry, Oystersand Game in SeasonO. T. WALL & COMPANYTelephones Hyde Park 2 and 22Branch Store, 6515-17 Washington Avenue. Telephone Hyde Park 2372.O. T. WALL E. G. LANGFORDUPhysical Perfection"THIS new book, by Sylvester J. Simon, the well-known PhysicalCulturist, gives the key' to the attainment of physical perfection,as the title indicates. It shows how to obtain and maintain themaximum of physical and mental health, strength and vigor. How torid one's self of bodily ailments by rational and scientific methods. Howto acquire "personal magnetism," and poise. It teaches women how tobecome more beautiful in face and figure, more graceful in carriage andrepose. It aids men successward by showing them how to developnerve force and brain power.Natural Treatment olBodily Ailme "5It is not a book of mere generalities. It tells just how to relieve different conditions of ill-health, without the aidof drugs. apparatus, or mechanical means of any kind. There are exhaustive chapters on the cure and avoidance bynatural methods of Obesity. Leanness, Dyspepsia. Constipation. Skin diseases, Rheumatism and other Blood troubles,disorders of Liver. Kidneys and Bladder. Nervous ailments, affections of Head. Throat and Lungs. etc.There are special chapters on the care of the body through all stages of life from infancy to old age-including oneon longevity. A valuable feature is a special index giving a ready key to exercises that develop or reduce variousmuscles, or that affect different organs or parts of the body.By Founder 01 Great Health InstituteThis book is thoroughly practical all the way through. It is the work of a man who has probably treated morepatients by drugless methods than any other person in the world. Professor Simon's nature-cure institute. occupyingan S-story building at 14 Quincy Street, Chicago. is the largest and most successful of it's kind. Thousands, includingmany physicians. have sought PHYSICAL PERPECTION at this famous health home. and have found it. It was inpursuance of persistent requests of enthusiastic graduates that Professor Simon put his methods of instruction intoprint. No one who secures a copy of "Physical Perfection" would part with it for many times its cost.Silk Cloth Edition, 208 paa:es, illustrated with 46 special plates drawn fromphotoa:raphed models, printed on fine paper, $3.00 prepaid. Large illustrateddescriptive pamphlet, with table of contents, free upon application. Send at once.SylvesterJ.Simon, 14-A Quincy Street, Ohicago, III.I Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers MWhen you are in townsay to your friend"Let's go to theState's BilliardParlorIt is so club-like"2 13 State Street Second Floor C.P.HULBERT J. T. DORSEY( Just South of Adams) M5 Hulbert & DorseyPLUMBJNG andDRAINAGECONTRACTORS211 RANDOLPH STREETCHICAGOTelephone Main 1972M7HOLMES'Delicatessen and Home 8akeryPhone Hyde Park 3789The Home of Goodies ProperlyCooked, also Real EnglishPork Pies and Everything forEvening Spreads -:- - : - -:-404 East Slxty-Thlrd StreetCorsetsHigh grade and artistic corsets Made to Order from thebest imported and domestic fabrics. It is the One Corsetthat gives a correct figure.Wade34 Washington St.SPECIALTY - Rubber Goods for Flesh ReducingThe WADE CompanyThe Fidelity Laundry684 East Sixty-third Street Telephone Hyde Park 1252Quality and Service UnexcelledRegulation Price ListYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishmentsTake a Lake Trip toSummer Resort LandGRAND HAVEN, MUSKEGON, AND WHITE LAKEMICHIGAN'S most charming resorts, where there are miles of fine bathing beaches, good fishing,all kinds of outdoor sports and lots of excellent hotels and boarding houses at very reasonablerates. Fare $2.75 to $3.00 round trip. Boats leave Chicago 7 :45 every evening and 9 o'clockSaturday morning.4 Day's Cruise to Mackinac Island and the BeautifulGreen Bay CountryFARE $15 TO $I8, ROUND TRIP, MEALS AND BERTH INCLUDEDA most delightful trip, stopping en route at Fish Creek, Ephraim, Sister Bay and Washington Island, Wis-consin, the pretty resorts situated on the peninsula between Lake Michigan and Green Bay,_iii_iii___ among the pine-clad hills overlooking the Hay. Ideal places for those seeking perfect rest andquiet. Excellent board at $7 to $10 per week. Boats leave Chicago Saturday 8 p m, forV1ackinac Island, and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 2 p.m, for Green Bay Country.For detailed information, addressR. c. DAVIS, General Passenger AgentDocks, Foot of Michigan Avenue, Chicago M7Coey Auto Livery Company1 710 Indiana Avenue, Phone, 1042 CalumetChicago's Great Automobile LiveryStraw-ride Bus seating twenty adultsOpera Busses, Limousines, LaundeletsTouring and Town Cars90 Beautiful Cars Awaiting Your CallC. A. Coey Charles E. GregoryM7Say HUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-38-NATHAN C. DOW, President F. D. CARPENTER, Sec'y and Treas.Dow, Carpenter Coal Co.OFFICE: 446 East Sixty-Third StreetPhone: Hyde Park 219YARDS: 7 I st Street and Illinois Central TracksPhone: Hyde Park 218HIGGINS' 1 INKSANDADHESIVESThe kind you are sure to use with con­tinons satisfaction. Black and coloreddrawing inks, permanent black writinginks (Higgins' Eternal and Engrossinginks). Adhesives for photo-mounting,drafting room, librarv , home, office,school, and manufacturing use.AT DEALERS GENERALLYCHAS. M. HIGGINS & CO.Manufacturers271 Ninth street, Brooklyn, N. Y.Branches: Chicago, LondonTELEPHONE HYDE PARK 1322RESIDENCE 1986 HYDE PARKAOISONAVENUEACKINGCOMPANY6309 MADISON AVENUEH. T. McGUIRE, Prop.CHICAGO PHONE HYDE PACJ?.K 1629c:ACKERMANfMARKET- HOUSECOMPANY277-79 EAST 57TH STREETCHICAGOThe ROMAItalian Table D'HoteSOc i5c $1 00Includilg Win�. Also a la Carte ServiceOPEN DAILY AND SUNDAYS FROMIi A. M.TO 9 P. M.SPAGHETTIsuch as one gets in Italy146 STATE STREETSECOND FLOORYou will enj oy your business relations with these establishments M5M5CENTRAL 6872.rIELVIN H. SYKESPHOTOGRAPHER70 STATE STREET, CHICAGOOPPOSITE MARSHALL FIELD" CO,SPECIAL RATES TO UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO STUDENTS AND ALUMNITHE ADAMS BILLIARD PARLORWE DELIVER ORDERS FORCIGARS AND CIGARETTESSpecial Rates to Students478-480 East Sixty-third StreetTELEPHONE H. P. 278Tonsorial Parlors in connection conducted bythe TWO CHARLIESMS DESKSTABLESCHAIRSSAFESOFFICEAPPLl·ANCESMAT LOC K CO.COMMERCIAL fURNISHERS 331·333 WABASH AVE.MLONG DISTANCEPHONEMAIN 905AUTOMATIC 6952.Say "UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisersPhone Hyde Park 265L. V. AEHLEllJbattnacifjtFine StationeryLeading MagazinesCor. 57th St. and" Cottage Grove Ave.Opposite Washington Park - - CHICAGOMSHygienic Importanceof Dustless floors;�.The hygienic importance of dnstless floors is to-day of as much'·'significance as proper ventilation. Schools, hospitals, sau itarfums,stores, offices, corridors and public buildings all have large floorspaces which collec1 dirt and dust with great rapidity. This dust,with its living millions of micro-organisms, is easily set in circula­tion, th us greatly increasing the dangers of contagion.The simplest and most satisfactory of all methods for eliminatingthe dust evil has been found in"STANDARDFLOOR DRESSINGThis preparation applied to floors several times a year will reducedust nearly one hu.ndred per cent.Tests have proved conclusively that the atmosphere of rooms withuntreated floors contains twelve times more dust aud its accompany­ing germs than the airin rooms hav Ing floors treatedwith Standard Floor Dressing.Moreover, it preserves the floors and improvestheir appearance-prevents them from splinteringand cracking and greatly lessens the labor of caringfor them.Standard Floor Dressing is sold by dealers gener­ally. In barrels, half-barrels, one gallon and fivegallon cans.Not intended for household use.A Free DemonstrationWe will gladly demonstrate the worth of Standard FloorDressing byactua use. On request from proper authoritieswe will treat patt of one floor or corridor in school, hospital,sanitarium, store or public building,-AT OUR OWN EXPENSE.Write for particulars.STANDARD OIL COMPANY(Incorporated)Four-DrawerVertical File(Capacity, 20,000 Letters)This is our famous No. 421 Vertical Let·ter File, a Solid Oak, Four-Drawer File,handsomely finished on all four sides, in Weathered or GoldenOak. It is solid and substantial, perfect in construction, andfirst-class in every detail. This File is now in use in everyState of the Union, and we have in print scores of letters fromsatisfied customers everywhere which we will be glad to sendon request. Every File is sold on our positive guarantee­satisfaction or your money back. Price $12.00 f. o. b. Monroe.Equal To Any Files Madein Capacity-each drawer holds 5,000 letters;in Convenience-every paper quickly accessible;in Durability-built for permanent, hard service.Solid Oak-Dust Proof-Roller Bearings. Patent Follower in EachDrawer-Oxidized Metal Fittings.O h S· No.321 Three-Letter Size Drawers $9.75t er izes: No. 221 Two-Letter Size Drawers $6.75F.O.B. FACTORYTh ��• Mf C 98 Union Street, ·Send for our catalogego M M h and free booklet of. .•• onroe, ic. Vertical Filing. :.. - M5�You will enjoy your business relations with these establishmentsA CABI NET THAT ALMOSTTHINKSA systematic method of filing away valuablematerial collected by you in your research workWE have Inven-ed a wonderful "gray matter store­house; a mental savings bank '0 unique. soversatile, so human-like that we have called itthe "Cabinet that almost Thinks! , ..Into this remarkable device you can deposit fromday to day all the suggestlons-e-all the ideas- all thevaluable pointers and thoughts )0 ou gather from yourwork and experience.Then tomorrow-next day-next year-any lime­these matters are -at your disposal; -o arranged andclassified that you can locate any paper the veryminute you happen to need it.It looks like a handsome bookcase, each compart­ment resembles a book.Instead of containing one man's ideas, each corn­partment contains the ideas of a thousand men - theIdeas you have yourself collected from numberlesshooks and papersI stead of dead. obsolete matter. written years ago,it contains matter you have secured and filed awayyourself during the past year-c-all Jive, useful data.All this data is ac umulated without requiring anywork or sacrifice on :your part. The cabinet s-Imr-stmechanically absorbs Ideas from your dally work; andthe system it c rntains automatically arranges them.Writejor CatalogueSIMMONS AGENCY. 30JAcKaoN BOUL.CHICAGOMKept by a College ManHOTEL CUMBERLANDNEW YORKs. w. Corner Broadway at 54th StreetNear goth St. Subway Station and 53rd St. ElevatedSpecial Terms forCollege Teams Headquarters forCollege MenIdeal Location, Near Theatres, Shops,and Central ParkNew, Modern, and Absolutely FireproofMost Attractive Hotel in New YorkTransient Rates $2.50 with Bath and upTen Minutes' Walk to 20 TheatresSEND FOR. BOOKLETSHARRY P. STlrISON R. J. BINGHAMFormerly with Hotellmpert'al Formerly with Hotel WoodwardM5Say ':UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO MAGAZINE" to the advertisers-42--